The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 11, 1893, Image 3

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A I Drive in Sim Dress Ms.
Continues this Week.
Of All Our Wash Fabrics.
great opportunity for economical people.
Prices "unit please everybody but ourselves.
,'. all Goods Marked ' t.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
! tin- rmtntllrf t Tin' Hutli. Orcci!i,
, s ( "llll I III HM lllllttt't.
I nl ,ilt t'rtMiic.
MCeilt- Kf llii" Mr ti rut tnt'rlu!i, mill 6 C'i'lith
irtliiiciiirnirh viliw iii'-nt Itlii'rtK'li
iyxin rtten lr Iiik imif imtii-cs.
All nntlifi iw-lvwt Inter tliiin 3 o'clock
111 tiiM Do lollnu 1MK (.lit J
Weather r.iriTMkt.
OJttml fotttait i lutntv-Jiiur hnnri rntling at
S p. n. tiMOrTin.
friility and Saturday fiiirund wiii'iiiiir,
Ilarometer, 'M'H.
Maximum temperature, it-1.
3Iiniiiium temperature, h',''.
Kiver. 1U.S feet above zero.
Wind, calm.
AUG. 11. IBM.
Tht Daily and Wrekly ('hroniclr vuiv
k(mdoii tale nl J. Xickthcn'i utore.
Umll fry
Irlt KtjHirttra
"Mi-w in rrtinutioti" Ym Iwt I do. In"
itiUMi j on would like tu tii(. win
i'U(' ".'i !ny XtKl 11,1 bK"""-'1 11 l'
U'lt hllll In n hole when 1 die.
J'olice coiirttt iuW:t.
The uutire force of Hom-cutterH utrtiek
t the Cascadec today . The trouble ih
ivlt wagfH.
TImh is the vacation ceutioii. JCven
noney Iiiih mibmittcd to the general iin-
wise to leave.
Charles Hull caught u channel eatfitdi
Milling six poundH just before clomni:
Got llulf n Kill, Anyxtuy.
A Slid Accident.
.Indue Uradshaw and I'roseiMitmR At- A few days ago an infant child of Mr.
tomey Wilt-on, not lil;in: the law con-1 and Mr?. U-otiard, who live on the liill,
fctituthiK the flr.-t Monday in June and j was; fruitfully hurried. A little two
September the opening of the cesiona i year-old sister f-truck a match, which
of the circuit court tit Hcppnei, on tic- caught the light draperv of the cradle in
count of it interfering with their Sab
bath devotions at The Dalle.-, mutually
agreed that one or the other would en
deavor to have the law changed to Tues
day at the luht fCH.ion of tho legislature.
A few davH after the se-eion closed they
met and both J were fctruek with the
thought at the Fame time.
"Did you introduce a bill to change?"
mid the judge.
"No, I forgot it; 1 suppose you did,
though, r replied the attorney.
"No, 1 forgot it myself."
It now transpires that unwittingly
und without their effort, they lire gain
ers by half the bill, for the last legisla
ture chnnged labor day to be the first
Monday in September, and being a legal
holiday, the law specifies that the day
following shall be the one for the trans
action of business. Consequently the
Sunday preceding the first Monday in
Septemler they may confidently bo
looked for in their accustomed pew.
UungcrlHc fur Information.
dipt, 1-ewis, register of the U. S. land
ofiice, frequently receives letters similar
which the little one was sleeping, be
fore anything could be done it? face was
burned so as to permanently disfigure
it, and the flesh was burned almost cn
liiely oil' its fingers on both hand'-. The
baby clenched both hands, and it is be
lieved they can never be straightened
out. They are stiffened and charred,
and the parents are assured they will
always remain so.
T. L. Masters of Goldendale is in the
Mr. O'Brien of Klickitat came in to
day. Mary and Isabel McDonald of Grants
are in the city.
Mrs. A. V. Morgan left this morning
on the Regulator for Wyeth.
Mr. Geo. Ilibbard of Astoria left for
his home this morning by the Regulator.
Mr. A. II. Jewett of White Salmon
was in the city last night and returned
home this morning.
John I'laser and family leave in tho
morning for a week's camping trip in
the Wind river country.
in import to thefoll!.
ids wheel for the seusou.
Times must, undoubtedly, l rocky in
tmatilln county. A good buggy and set
Harness was sold recently
feu" of that county for $0.50.
A carload of Denver's idle men ..,.
run into Portland. I Kumhuh
Whey would not nil flit- ntit' ,.f 1
"UU OJldiwI ,,,,,1 .....
iv HU'V
TO fQrttf. ..
-iv VII
by the
i'V were compelled
The elialit
'or iTr." l" a..v.l:r-v Vill,"lbl
ui 1 , ,1"!,'aH!,lw'y.'" renews the
Wiof pure tur In u moment.
"it' ruunril .f ( iiiih
, , ' f'."o mr i lie arrest
""ling to the
fonvictionof the man who
r;,l ..
totl ,l'S0UUu,m train,
iv;( Z ' l','wl''PH..y,h1,sb,1e.. equallv
WheUee,,Nlc,in'Nolan,lof J.ane
JJ Sheriff Miller of Dug,UH
'i tho i 'm'"1 H(!,,wl -
' -e districts wero consoli-
CI bttV"KU T-''. driver and
I , ,a pWT.u,C,lwd "H 11 lioi
aKfants nr.. I...1
ayor . """Mil by the
cmiarlv lint , 8 U,U HtruolH- bllt
t h?V S( 7 ''"'u,r in which they
lM ,thrW U
'K'H.iiiaC . ,CVOrwl lllt)i-fondest
'Jtlu tfVl rrVUl,, l'uHtlo,mble
"wrWeoH often u luxury.
yvVffih!t!U,t"' 'or '" KHver
'i"ur ,.
!lrCd'ou'"l'"l,;i lwnyn Jnmore
in V MrBiiul" 'r, uillWewJ,
'Ml An ' ' HuiJoiiKi.E, J'ropr.
'tKl?1" (Sllvt'r Htove I'olibh cuuvuh
little time to give them the considera
I bio amount of attention demanded, is
at a loss for proper means to pursue. It
is evident that Wasco county needs a
little judicious advertising, and the cus
tomary labors of the board of trade
viould be a good investment :
Mi.vni:ai', Minn., Aug", 181).'!.
I' H. l.i.ud Olllci!
Dkak Sue I would like to ask if
theri is any government land to be had
in Wusco county, located within a rea
sonable distance 'of a market, part of it
suitable for orchard. If not, can you
inform me if 1 can purchase 50 or 100
acres at u reasonable price'.' If 1 could
get -It) acres improved it would do. pro
viding the price is reasonable. Is the
wild liititl covered with timber?
Information on the above will greatly
oblige Yoitis Respectfully,
F. Lciiman,
500, Kmerson Ave.
I'. S. want to get a place as soon as
Aliilllti McIioIh I'ikiiiiI.
,. . ii. ft i .i ..t
there has been considerable anxiety, hu
been found at lust. She win out ridlii
after horses and had crossed the Job
Day river into (.illiain county, win
she was thrown violently fiom hi;
hoiso ami sustained severe injtuii
causini; concussion of the brain and tent
porary unconsciousness. She wits
found by some parties, who kept her ffi it'gion
two weeks. When becoming consciotiV
she requested that she be taken to
Wasco, which wits done last Friday.
.She ia now at the Reynolds house, In
Wasco, and her mother, Mrs Sarah
Nichols, of Kahuna, Wash., is with her.
the Regulator from Portland
Miss Stella Masters of Goldendale, on
her return from IlillslKiro, is visiting Miss
Anna Thompson of thia city.
Capt. A. Winans left for Hood River
this morning for the purpose of turning
over his equipments and paraphernalia
belonging to the (). N. G., having re
signed the captaincy of company 15 of
t lie Third Regiment.
Mr. Win. Floyd returned hist night
from a short trip" to Vaquina and New
port. Mr. Floyd says that, compara
tively speaking, the seaside at that
place has not been visited as formerly
by the summer resort hunters, and but
few are in camp.
Mr. Dan French was again summoned
to Portland today on account of the ill-lies-
of his boy". Another surgical op
eration was pronounced iinpeiative and
the presence of Mr. F'lench was ie
quested. The little fellow has suffered
greatlv, and tho entire community, who
have "watched the case, iias earnestly
iioped that he would lecover after his
Mr. and Mrs. Harnett and family,
Mrs. L. Dunham, Misses t.raco Maiden,
Gruce Campell, Ruth Cooper, anil
Messis. Hert Phelps, Kd Wingatc, Roger
Sinnott. were oil' for Collins' landing this
morning, will go into camp at that
well known favored spot for a short sea
son. The vouiiggenliemen are expected
. kiii.iilv the table with game and tt out
which aie in gieut abundance in that
CuuttUi'. I'n 1 1 mill llrlt'f.
if the meat of an ox is not condensed
in a walnut shell in the following com
munication from Tygh, then such a
thing Is impossible. We respectfully
submit it to the New York Suit as u
model for Charles A. Dana ;
"Grain in Winnie and Tygh Valley
mostly cut ami ready for tho thresher.
The quality was never better and the
yield h lonj way above tho average;
coin scarce; times hard ; farm produce
very low. Cause free trade adminis
tration Remedy let ilenjamin and
McKluley i?o back to Washington."
Columbia h l' Sephen, J I latum,
John Mill and wife, Hutterville; George
Johnston, John Campbell, II llamuson,
JI I.ubliug, Wm Martyloll, James Mack,
Pat Dugan, Portland: V Raker, James
Cook, J Dilk, J H Ross, Hood River:
Tom Jones, P Wind, John Howe, T
Mack, Cascade licks.
Tlio Grml I'.ngli'li Itriuedy.
j'riii!tiy ntij jii'rmniirmiy
cure nil fornii of Kcriovs
llYiiAr.Wfim, Sir rue
nlorihetl, iuijHifruvy diul ulj
rjltctso Abuse or l'xtvtttt,
lli'di (ireitorlbcd out !.'0
.voamlii tlioiwuiilijof nuicst
"TT7 . Aft, lntlioiMllytwiuiMtiiinimuii-
t.., v,... Plioiuliudllicl IC lio oltorj
IXHI& wurtUlcin mudlclno lu j.laoo of tliU, lonvo nu
duihuiiMt storo, liicloo irlco la letter, onU
wo will iwmd liy rotura mall. I'rli o, uiio imcUng",
fit tit, 85. One will !'"'' l-ef't'iiic. J'uuipU
lei In jilalu muled untvluiit, centB jioMufi'.
Addrvu Tho Wood CMimulcul Co.,
Ml Woodward nveiiuclxtrwlt, Ulcu.
fluid In Tho J)llc l.y Hnlj cs V U'ik uIj
Ono Umlly rii.nrp..'our of llin Onng
Last night about sundown word
reached Sherid Noland that a tramp
hud been killed by his fellows on the
bank of tho river near town. Tie imme
diately procured assistance and started
to find the body. On the hank of tin
river opposite Midgcly's planing mill
be found a man lying unconscious but
not dead. His head was badly bruised
and cut, apparently with stones and a
knife. The olllcers brought tho nmn to
the city in a wagon and Dr. T. W. Har
ris attended the wounded man, but it
was not until this morning that ho re
gained consciousness. The officer also
, brought the tramp who gave the alarm
I and who claims he is the injured man's
I partner. He tells tho following story
, They, the injured man and himself,
I had joined each other at Oregon City,
and traveled this far together, camp
j ing night helore last in tho brush
I on the river bank at the point men-
loiieii. i csiemay wlulo they wore
spending the time neaceably four
j others came from town down into
the brush where thev were. This
gang brought along a keg of beer and
the six proceeded to indulge in the same
freely. hate in tho afternoon the
drunken revelry developed into a fight
The last gang outnumbering the others
two to one, naturally came out best in
the melee. Stones and knives must
have been used freely if one should judge
from the appearance of the man most
seriously injured. The narrator stated
that after this man had been beaten un
til he became unconscious, the two were
left alone. He brought water from the
river and attempted to revive his com
panion and failing in this he supposed
that life was extinct and started to give
the alarm. When he was nearing the
flouring mills ho came upon the gang
who seized him and threw him off the
bridge into the race just below the mill.
He managed to reacli the bank some
distance below and again proceeded to
give the alarm as above stated. Tho
doctor think the wounds of the in
jured man ate not serious. The
officers have caught two supposed
members of the irang who com
mitted the outrage and now have
them in custody also. Ono was found at
the depot and resisted, but a tap from
the butt of Sheriff Noland's 44-calibre
pistol reconciled him. The other was
found in the brush, near the scene of
yesterday's fracas by Deputy Croner
early this morning.
The Counterfeiter.
The counterfeit game was stopped in
the nick of time. The participants were
about to play for higher stakes. The
limit was first halves, then dollars, and
was to be raided to gold twenties.
From facts gleaned today, it is alleged
that Nordale was the expert, while Mar
shal and Smith were confederates, or
"shovers," except that the latter was
practically out of it for the last few
weeks, as he and Nordale did not agree.
The method of manufacture was as fol
lows: From a silver dollar a steel die
had been made perfect in detail. From
this was made a plaster of paris cast,
which opened in the middle and had
handles. There was also a small cruci
ble. In this was melted bar tin, and
mixed with it was a certain amount of
silver, antimony and glass. Antimony
made it hard and glass gave the ring.
This was poured into tho mold. It was
then carefully inspected, and with special
tools finished oil' in tiny way needed.
Afterward each coin was put in an elec
tric bath, which gave it tho bright ap
pearance of a new dollar. To show what
was oidered in supplies, one of tho men's
notebooks included a list of things to be
secured in Portland. They were bi-chro-mate
potassium, plaster of yaris, sul
phuric acid, copper, iron and brass wire,
crucible and spoons.
The general impression prevails
around United States Marshal Grady's
ollice that they will not recommend this
method of free coinage to congress, but
tather assume the authority to close
such mints to both silver and gold.
wi.i.t Vniii- ; Mt ; i.ii.d in 1 1. n dm,
Shu hotcheh'd tho flax and carded the
wool, and wove the linen, and spun the
tow, and made the clothes for her hus
band and ten children. She mado but-1
tor and cheese, she dipped (allow can
dles to light the house at night, and she
cooked all the food for her household by
an open llrc-pluco and a brick oven.
Yes; and when she was forty years of
age, she was already an old lady whose
best days were over. Her shoulders
were bent and her joints enlarged by
hard labor, and she wore spectacles and
a cap. Her gicat granddaughter, with
all the modern conveniences for com
fort, refinement and luxury, may be as
charming and attractive at forty-live as
at twenty. Kspecially Is this true if she
preserves her health ami beauty by Iho
use of Dr. Piercu's Favorite Prescrip
tion, which wards off all femalo ail
ments and itreguhuities, cures them if
they already exist, keeps tho life cur
rent healthful and vigorous, and ena
ables the woman of middle ago to re
tain tho freshness of girlhood upon
brow and cheek, the light of youth in
her eyes, and its elasticity in her step.
Sold by all druggists.
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish.
An Appeal k
To the People of Wasco County and Vicinity:
Owing to the recent Hank failure In this city,
t wo are compelled to raise a certain amount of
monov within the next
60 DHYS.
Therefore, we will give to all cash
customers a chance to buy goods at
on the P X
Clothing, Gonts' Furnishing Goods,
Dry Goods, . ftj gflp pfylGE. Embroidery
Boots and Shoes and Laces,
The amount required At UST be raised in 6o days.
Cor. court and second Sis.
The Dalles, Oregon.
win n Dry (limit
Fancy Goods and Notions,
(Jests' piiri?i5l?ii72 Qood5,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
Terms Cash. H. Herbrillg.
..Familiar Faces in a jVcto Place
Late Special Agent General J.and Ojlicc.
Jf?e Ieal Instate, loap, Irurapee,
ixr o t -a. aaSrrnb' db jl i o .
Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to He nt, or
Abstract ot Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us.
We shall make a specialty of the prosecution of Claims and Contests
before the Unitep states J.and Olhce.
85 Washington St.
Have You Seen
Fine Millinery Goods
112 Second Street.
At the OKI Stand,
Oor. Si'eond and Tnion Sts.
J-lay, Graii?, peed ai?d plour,
Groceries, Frviits and Seeds.
fill goods delivered pree and Promptly.
A. 'P
The California Winehoyse,
la ntjjv opon, and its proprietor will soil his homo
producud Wino at prices , in the roach of everybody.
Also, best Peanuts to bo found. Goods guaranteed
to bo Pure and First-Class in every respect.
Thompson's Addition.