The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 11, 1893, Image 2

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    Tiie Dalles Daily Chronicle.
for Monster
cxt IVci'k.
arnile for
Entered at the Postofflci- at The Dalte, Orcjton,
as Dccond-clasK matter.
Weekly, 1 year. . ..JIM
" 6 months. 0 75
s 0 JO
Dlly, 1 year. w
" 6 months. :t CO
' per " 0 ftO
Address all communication to "THE CHRON
ICLE." The Dalles, Oregon.
jneral Delivery Window . .S n. ni, to 7 j. m.
Atocey Order " . . .S a. m. to 4 p. m.
Sunday t 1) " .U a. tu. to 10a. m.
Rcilnc East .9 p. m. and 11 a. m.
'J p. in. ana o:;x j. m.
. . 7:S)n. m.
.5:3a. m.
o:S0 a. m.
8tRe for (toldendale
" I'rlnevlllo
nnfnrnltil ilmi Kurlnirs
" tLeaviuc for LyleA Hartland .1:80 a.m.
" " ' JAutdope . 5;S0a. m.
"Except Sunday.
tTri-weekly. Tuesday Thurday and Saturday.
I " Monday Wednesday and Friday.
AUG. 11. 1S93
In a late issue of the North American
Review Representative Thos. J. Geary
defends the law bearing the name. He
contends that there is nothing In the
law in violation of any treaty, and that
all existing troubles have been brought
about by the resistance of the Chinese
themselves and the Sis Companies. He
gives figures to show that there is noth
in the Chinese trade, or rather the loss
of it, to alarm any American. He save :
"We would be better off without any
part of it. For the year 1S92 our im
ports from China amounted to $20,4SS,
291 ; our exports amounted to $5,663,
000, or a balance in favor of the Chinese
of nearly 15,000,000 for the last year.
In the last twenty-five years we have
Bhipped to China more than ?134,000,
000 in coin. The loss of this trade would
not be injurious, and there is no possi
bility of China ceasing to trade with us.
eo long as we are always a customer for j
more than $14,000,000 of her products j
over and above wnat she takes irom
us." Mr. Geary also shows that Amer
icans have no such rights in China as
are accorded the Chinese here, and con
cludes: "Nine-tenths of all the Chi
nese in the United States are found in
the Pacific states, and they have had
opportunities for studying the effect of
their presence not permitted to the
other states. American interests in
the far west, the maintenance of Ameri
can civilization, and the just protection
of American labor from Chinese conipe
titon are of more consequence than the
profits of the Chinese trade or the main
tenance of missionary stations in China.
The law should be enforced."
Nkw Yoi:k, Aug. S. Arrangements
are being made for a parade of the tin
l employed, probably to take place nest
week, and it will form a melancholy
sequel to the magnificent displays illus
trating the progress and wealth which
have llitted along the streets of the
metrojKilis on the recent occasions of
national remembrance and as a melan
choly prelude to labor's yearly celebra
tion. September 4th. The secretary of
the American Federation of Labor esti
mates there are 100,000 men out of work
in this city. The promoters of the
parade argue for a peaceable array of the .
supporters of families who humbly ask
their brother man to give them leave to
toil, but for whom there is no oppurtun
ity. It will Ihj worth pages of statistics
in bringing home to New Yorkers the
terrible conditions existing. There are
7.00U cloakmaKers out of work. Of 0,000
bakers, 4,000 are idle, which shows a
greatly reduced consumption. Of -.i,000
cigarmakers, 10,000 are out of work on ,
, account of the greatly decreased demand.
i It is estimated 50 per cent of the Central
Labor Federation, composed of waiters, t
piano-makers, clothing-worker., etc..'
lack work.
N"Rro MillniRe.
Chicago, Aug. 9. In the suffrage eon
' gress today Fred Douglass was greatly
i wrought up by Stephen 1?. Weeks, pro
fessor of Trinity college, of North Caro
lina, who read a paper on negro suffrage.
; The professor said :
"Negro suffrage is a failure; it must
remain a tailure so long as it is not an
ally to the white vote. The southern
people will not submit to domination.
The white man must rule. No man who
has not lived in negro-lr.nd knows what
negro domination is. It means destruc
tion of property, ruin and bankruptcy."
When the professor finished, Douglass
made an impassioned reply. He said:
"You are not afraid of negro domina
tion. The negro never can rule this
country. He would be outvoted by liO,
l00,000 of whites. There is no opposi
tion to the neero in the south until lie
a-pires to rise. If he aspires to become
a lawyer or doctor he at once become- '
an upstart." '
The session di.-eu-sed paper on gov-,
eminent of cities, female Mitiraie and
law reform. t
William Tell
Your Father Unit we m'l
coanaonr inn
The explosion of a bomh
is not more sudden or unlonkod for
than the attack of some malignant
disease which would not occur were
the hlood in order. To impure
blood is due a great variety of itls
that make lifo a burden.
All the year round, you may rely
upon Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery to purify the Mood and
invigorate the system. It's not t .ke
the sarsupnrilhis, that are said to ho
good for the blood in March, April
and May. The "Diseovory" works
equally well at all times, and in all
cases of blood-taints, or humors, no
matter what their name or nature.
It's the cheapest Mood-purifier, i
sold through druggists, because you j
only pay for the good you get. I
Your money is returned if it i
doesn't benefit or cure yon.
Can vou ask more?
Vest Jumpers,
Pantaloon Overalls,
Iasyfitting Pants
Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip!
We are also Headquarters for ....
Men's, Boys' and Youth s
"Is life worth living?" "That !
depend on the liver." Dr. Pierce's ,
Pellets are ' Lost Liver Fills. ,
the Dalles
Stage -
J. 0. PARISH. Prop.
In every it. style anil print.
Leave Tlif Dalles at 6 1
rive at I'rineviUe lu thirty-six lirmr t.yuvo
1'rlnevlle at 5 it. m. every day, anil arnvw h!
The Dalle in thirty-sis hours
. m. every . unit n
Gentlemen, T am -ubjtct toperinlioulnttack
of sick headache of the worit i-5lble tvp..;, and
conimeucea taKinjr Kmu-e iieudaene Ciip-mln n..i;. . a . r o -i n i n
last Himmcr. They cure it in every instance. ' UMC3 lliC L. a. Mill riSStmri uDU MDfeSJ
YOUR ATTENTION horses horses
and Miiee that time I am enjoying Mdewiid
netuin aim nave trainwi ten pouuu? in tvelqnt.
Yours very trulv.
CUIW til. 1UWS!
A correspondent writes to the Port
land Telegram, praying that the agita
tion against the idle men there using
the city plazae be discontinued. Nurses
with babies object to their uncouth
presence and the gallant representatives
of the law run them in for hobos,
correspondent says truly :
"It is far better for them to remain
on the plaza, where water can be had
for drinking purposes, than to be run in
and fed at the city's expense for loung
ing around some saloon. To call these I best medicine in existence.'
Mr. Thomas Batte, editor of the
Graphic, Texarkana, Arkanr-f, h:t
found what lie believes to be the best A
remedv in existence for the th:x Hi-
(experience is well worth rememberin::.
He says: "Last summer I had a very
! severe attack of flux. I tried alnio-it
, every known remedy, none giving relief,
j Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar-
i rhtt-a Remedy was recommended to nie. ' r
The 1 1 purchased a bottle and received almost
, immediate relief. I continued to use
the medicine and was entirely cured.
I take pleasure in recommending this
remedy to any jerson suffering with
) -:ui.j a uiscuc, ub in ui UJIIIIIUII K is me
25 and.oO
Connect at Prin"llle with
Stages from Eastern and Southern Or
ejron, Northern California and
all Interior Points.
A :k rlo-e ennncstinn nt The Duller with
t'n- from 1'ortlund and Eastern point'.
I'oi'tKas drlTers.
ikM accoamodanoas alonz tue read.
Firs;-:l2ss ccac&es and Horses mi.
Eijress mitsr handled wiii special care.
Slchfl & Cii.'ii Storn.
Umatilla lloim,
The Iullt-N.
Is called to the fact that
Hogb Glenn,
Dealer in Glass, Lime, PluBtor, Cement
and Building Material of all kind.
CHrri th Fliit-nt I.lnr or
Picture Mouldings
Corner Hum, UXIOX STOCK YAJIUS, Cheayo, 1U
The largest and only strictly commission dealer in horse? in
the world, will hold his (5th extensive sale of west
ern branded horses for season 189tf, on
J. F. FORD, Evacplist
Of !): itoinea, Iowa, writes
Jiarch 23. 193'
To De foand Id the City.
LClashington Street.
Entries should be made at once.
1 here is a tide in the affairs of mrn -.ninth tnl- r 0m
.. -, . ' w ' J
leads on to fortune."
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
men hobos and bums who are found cent bottles for sale by Blakoley &
on the plaza block is unfair. Where in Houghton, Druggists. lm.
all this great city of churches is there tT yZZTus.
one whose doors swing open wide and j TllE, Or., Julv L'S, 1S93.
bid these men a hearty welcome? I , Notice is hereby iven that there will
know of onlv one, and that stands at I ,)ea stockholders' meeting of the Wasco
the corner of Third and Stark. Credit 1 dependent . Academy at the Academy
tn wnnm nrpflif ia dnn Will tli Inrliu o r . ' . . -
- . w.wu.t, VMW( M 4 HIV- i.U(. JIT
. B. Mkd. Mfg. Co.,
Dufur, Oregon. j
Gentlemen :
On arriving home last week, 1 found 1
all well and anxioualy awaiting. Our
little girl, eight and one-half years old.
who had wasted away to 38 pounds, it
now well, strong and Vigorous, and well
fleshed up. ri. 15. Cough Cure has done
its work well. Both of the children like
it. l our S. P. Cough Cure has cured
who begrudge these men their summer ' electing seven directors, and trun'actimr kep- awny aU hmnon' fr0,n .nie
resort please bear in mind that winter , -h other business as may properly o$$n&
is approaching with 8,000 unemployed co5 "e, 'e?'Hl' Yours . M i:. A Mas. J. F. Fobb. :
The Dalles
Gigar : Faetory
i FnrnitnrR k M
m our fair city? The plaza or the iail
This is the situation. I prefer to see !
the men about the plaza, and enter my ,
L. Brooks, Sec'y.
A .Sunday at the Semlde.
protest against any more of this bosh
about nurses and babies needing it for
their use."
To use a vulgar, but significant ex.
pression the members of congress are
"chewing the ras.'," over
iney can never nope to agree upon.
What is sauce for Teller, Wolcott and
Jones, et al., is not sauce for the great
I During the summer season the Dalle.-.
' Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. will
make a rate of fi, Dalles to Astoria
and return, and $4, Dalles to Ilwaco
and return.
The above rates will be in effect on
Sundays only. .Steamer Regulator will
leave The Dalles at 7 a. in. Dalles Citv
; will arrive at Portland in time to con
nect with the Lurline for Astoria mid
I Dwaco. The Lurline will leave Www
I .Sunday evening and will connect uitt.
vinj .uuuiiuy morning lor l ne
If you winh to fwl fresh and chcerfttUand rc-adr
1 for the aiiriiis'n work, cleanse your system with
I the Headache and I.lver Cure, by takinc twooi
tartc do?'. '.-acb wvelc.
i'Ail under a j,Oaltivc rnarantee.
Mi cjnt K-r bottle by nil rlrni;srtat-.
O.TCi A Pi of th Bt'fll Brands
orderti from all parts of the country Tilled
on the shortest notice.
Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rate
majority oi congressmen. Tlnv nr
i Dalles.
Postpone the discussion of the question i thdSISe S" S U,whed
. C. A vw
"H.h ,t(,;VT 'OI TIIK
ana ao something to relieve this strin
gency that is breaking the country's
Review: "We must redeem our
pledges," said Crisp lwforo the demo
cratic caucus. If you don't, Mr. Crisp,
you will be damned, and if you do you
will be doubly damned. It looks like u
case of taking to the woods.
Preaident Cleveland: Sorry to leave
you, gents, but I have a private engage
ment whiuh takes precedence over this
minor matter of the country's finances. I
Will tell you later on whether its cham
pagne or beer.
The times ure too hard to indulge in j
BtriKes, aud there aro none nowadav?.
Wages are good enough for awhile and !
wage-earners are sharp enough to see it.
- i i- .
Whatever else may be said about those
counterfoIterB on u lonely isle in the
Columbia they have done their best to
Increase the circulating medium.
Hoard and ltooiu fur 1'ujttls.
Two furnished rooms to lot with
"board or pupils. Inquire ut this oflice.
G. A
Solution fur ;iiliniiol hikI ijnliilim.
Simmons I.iver Regulator, nureiv vp"
etable, is equal to blue mass or calome,.
but without any of their injurious prop
erties. Have tried it in a mo-a satisfac
tory manner. Di:. J. II. liowi.;,, ;
Clinton, Oa. j
'Wood! Wood! Wood!
Best quality fir, oak and slab wood. '
Leave orders at 13." Second street or i
corner Third mid Union. All r.rrh., i
promptly intended to.
M.MKIt A Rextox. i
it rami mm
All Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made to Order
I an hxi.oiiil Ht., Tlif Itttllnx. Or.
The reputation of THE DALLES CI-1
GAP. has Iwcome (irmly established, and
: the demand for the home manufactured
article ih increasing overy day.
The Snug
W, H. BUTTS, Prop.
Ko. 90 Second Sroot, Tho Dalles
r lis well known Htand, kept by Un
well known W. II. Butts, long n resi
dent of Wufco county, has an extraordi
nary line stock of
S hVnlonTl'rK'!.? !ri',!f! l,Illtl,',l f''' V"l,,lll.,,"nI,r""'"' tho TorkH and
Mill of IIihhI Her. with larueiKlitly Ioih, irom Htr. ctMiud hIIi-vm. ikmkI mI1
i. v! '., 'M,u'1 I'ttrm'tlon an a luouutitlu miiiiiiht runort for all OleKou.
Or. Mini;.?. nV no , , " " :: 'ix "
1 Itu'iurKtf Will ( ililrr. Mil r n tii iiflcil I.l- k..t Vu .i... i . . .
1-1 WrJHHH'fJabl0aMt,'re I" NE'tViJ IONIC,
itid 81.00 per package, earn plea rree
m.0 llWtorthoTeothttndllrcatli.aic,
Vor iale by Nitle Klur-lj .
rll..., h m
East End Second St.
Suits Made to Order from
$18.00 up.
Pants from $5.00 up.
rrfrt nt illrillllil.
Art Teacher!
Jloom S, Jhttinyen Huildhuj,
Will Blv i Mwnj Mon;l)H mid Thurduy of ' n
uit'li Hw;k,urolUiierltUMlrca.
niers lie iso ana nsh Murbane
In fact, ad the IoiuIIiik hrauds of tin
U ines, LlqnorH and Ci'i;arH. Give th
I 2" r,m" B (;,dl and vou will come auain
i " '
1 Uliseman & Marders,
aud fw Rooms
The Dalles, - Oregon.
v, n i i 'V.r t,1"",1 ""l with tniirportiition mr.".:
yon vsill find tliln tin- pluiriu iniikt a i;rli.;t lioint' or it piiwiu;
1 niurt
,tii Bt'
address me at Hood River
Wasco County, Oregon
W. RossWinans.
North n ewt corner nf Koomwl u..,l
n r . "
vuuri Mireeis.
Eggs for Hatching
From thoroughbred fowlc.
111 egKH.
Address :
EudurBby, Or,
Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs n
Sltmi nn Tli?wl Zi4 a i r. L'ulll
v" vvivvi, UVXl (K)Ol' W08t ol Yuuni! &
BlucksiniUi shop.