m 1..V '4 - 5 Si5?' 1.11 se rif?? IB: i. & OFFICIAL l'Al'i:!: OK DAIiLt'S CITY. A.Nt) WASCO COT'XTY. Entered t the 1'iMtoBlco Ht The Italic. Oregon, H8 second-class mutter. SUBSCIUITIOS K.VTKS-. The Mes My Chronicle. . market report. - Titt'iiSDAY, August 11,15!)!!. Unusual quietness) hus prevailed in nil branches of trade this far in the season's business. 1 The merchants have bought Hpuringly, 1 and sales have been of the usual hand to ; mouth character among buyers and i Pimumiinra. The lnrire orders made for JLVi lL;irSTAt'K l"'EPA,D' ,N "Ti to i good, to stock up with, have been largely cancelled ami uinv sui-u n-jin-inc. has heen made as was absolutely neces sary to supply the pressing demand from day to day. Prices have not changed.' although there has been a disposition to shade somewhat in certnin dues. The grocery trade, especially in the retail line, has been steady and yet, some com plain of a dullness in that branch. The same is said in provision lines. The produce market is weak and un satisfactory. Vegetables are abundant and prices arc nominal. Potatoes and are in great abundance, and 6 months " 3 Dully, 1 year. " C months per 0 R 111 3 00 0 fO Address nil communication to " THK CIIKOX ICLK." The Dulles, Orcjton. remt-Otner. offick nouns fieiiewl Delivery Window . . . .S a. m. to 7 p. in. " . . . n. m. m -i . in. ' . ... 9a. ui. tolOn. m. Mm William Tell Your Father that we nell itouey Oiler Sunday u I) CLOSING OF MAILS train; colnc Knst .9 l. m. and 11 :4. m 9 1. iu. and Wot Stage for Gnldendalo ITltlCVllK- " "Duftiratid WnrmSjirinps " (Lenvlnp for I.vle t Hartlaud " " " Antelope "Except Miiuliir. fTri-neekiy. Tuc.vlav Tliurday ami ?nturday. j " Monday Wednesday and Friday . 3iSli. m. j 7:30 a. m. I 5:31 n. m. ' 5:fMa. m. I l-.tODflge 5:00 n. ru. TIIUKSDAY. AUG. 10. 1S9:!. i Partisanshij) is wholly irrelevant in this matter of the Sherman bill and what is best to be done in the premises, and only the most bigoted of newspapers will reduce it to a question of the super iority of methods of the one party or the other. It is foreign to the spirit of the world's press, comments of which are universally telegraphed. In the slight reference made to it by the president iiiuiself he denies that it is a party ques tion, stating that it is geographical rather than political. The following comment from the Chicago Uecord is a sample of the numerous sensible com ments made on this score: "The presi dent's message is a remarkable docu ment in no respect, save in its straight forwardness and calm business tone. The question submitted to congress is not of political character and sliould not be used from an angle of partisanship. Instead of endeavoring to lay the blame for enactment of the Sherman law upon republicans, he says mildly that it may be considered to have been a truce be tween the advocates of free coinatre and those intending to be more conservative." sellers realize only 3., cents per pound for them. Fruit is likewise plentiful and price? are down to almost bedrock, as a producer said yesterday. The qual ity of all kinds is above the average. Summer P.ellflower apples weresold yes terday for 50 to GO cents per box with a limited demand and sale. The grain market is very quiet and realy is lifeless. Reports from Eastern j and European markets are weak in tone, and our own Western markets are dull , in consequence. j The wool situation continues decidedly ' dead on the basis of "free wool," and as some one earn a lew uays ago, was "worse aud worse." As congress is in session, hopes are entertained thatlegis- lation will improve the condition of t markets and business in every sphere in the near future. icoe Kept up for years the offer tliatV inado by the "proprietors of Dr. Sage's Ca tarrh Remedy. It's addressed to you, if you have Catarrh. It's n reward of $500, if they can't cure you, no matter how had your case, or of how long standing an offer that's made in good faith by re sponsible men. Think what it means ! Absolute confidence in their Remedy, or they couldn't afford to take the risk. A long record of perfect and perma nent cures of the worst cases or they couldn't have faith in it. It means no more catarrh or $300. If you fail to be cured, you won't fail" to he paid. But perhaps you won't believe it. Then there's another reason for try ing it. Show that you can't fie cured, and you'll get $500. It's a plain business offer. The makers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy will pay you that amount if they" can't cure "you. They know that they can you think that they can't. If they're wrong, you get the cash. If you're wrong, you're rid of catarrh. SWEET, ORR St CO.'S Vest Jumpers, i Pantaloon Overalls, E)asvfitting Pants Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! " . . " We are also Headquarters for .... Men's, Boys' and Youth s & CLOTHING KAKTIIOTAKK SHOCK. I Ttn Severest Felt 111 California .Many Vir. fur The farmer of the west wants no un stable, irredeemable or wildcat currency. iNor uoes lie want one so dear and so scarce that it requires testimonv to establish the fact that it is in existence ouch a currency can be secured by a mintage of the product of our own gold and silver mines, upon an agreed ratio, and by a paper currency based upon the same. Let the country be honest with its farmers and its farmers will be honest with labor. Exchange. The stales of Oregon aud Washington each have over 100,000 milch cows, or 208,000 in all. If this number of cows were even up to the average standard of cows for the whole of the United States they would supply all the butter, cheese and milk required for home consump tion. As it is the greater part of the cheese and a very large amount of the butter consumed in the two states is im ported from other states. The Chicago Record makes this eavage comment on the late electrocution in New York state: "The last execution in New York by the humane method of electricity consumed just fifty-five min utei, during which period the victim was alive and groaning. This is the only instance of recent years in which a civilized commonwealth legally tor tured a culprit before killing him." Santa Rosa, Cub, Aug. 0. Tiie se-1 verest earthquake felt here since lSOS occurred this morning at 1 :12 o'clock. The oscillations were apparently south-, east and northwest. Considerable dam-1 age was done in the wav of falling chim-, ney, broken windows, etc. ! .San Fuaxcisco, Aug. 9. A sharp ' shock of earthquake was felt in this city at 1 :10 a. m. It was also exper- ienced at Oakland and Sacramento. ! National CmiHervntiiry of SI uile. The National Conservatory of Muie, 1 l'-'fi E. 17th St., New York, furnishes' instruction gratis to all persons without means, having remarkable talent and showing aptitude for receiving instruc- tion. The nominal fees demanded !- u others are expended in furtherim: the usefulness of the institution. It i- the desire of the board to gather from u!i parts of the United States pupil- who-e after-labors will advance the cause ' music in their native land. The conservatory places the be?t ob-: tainable musical education within the . reach of all : it is open to those of every race, creed and color upon the condition 1 that they give proof of sufficient natural talent to justify their admission. The full course of instruction covers from three to six years, but varies with the' aptitude and diligence of the students. Following compose the entrance ex aminations : Singing. September L'lst, ISM and , 23d, from 0 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m, and i on tne evening ot the U3d. Chorus. ' from S to 10 p. m. Piano. September 2Gtb and 27th, from 10 to 12 a, m.,2to 5 p. m. lola, violin, contrabass, !THE LALLES AND Prineville Stage Line J.D. PARISH. Prop. I ave. The Dulles nt C ft. m. cverv ilu., nnrt nr nvc nt 1'iineville in thirty-six hours l.euvi , l'rinevlle nt S a. m. every diiy, mill urrivun Ht i The Dulles in thirty-iix hours Cariies (he U. S. Mail, Passengers and Express Connects at l'diiwHlu with- S'-nires from Eastern and Southern Or-! epron, Northern California and all Interior Points. A,-" I'uike.- clo." connection at The Dalles witr. rnix (roni Portland and Kustern voiuu j coonans ilrmrs. i;d 'iicoaimcilatioDs along me read. First-class Cwcties and Horses used. Iw'ji natter handled mh special care STAGE OFFICES; III every size, style and price. iKUHWtHL YOUR ATTENTION horses horses J. S. COOPER, KIuliH & Co.'h Htore. 1'rliievllle. UniHtllla llfiimo, Tiie DallK. J. F. FORD, Evanplist Of There is no sale for eome varieties of perishable truit. Early clingstone peaches are reported rotting on the ground for lack of a market. Some varieties of fruit, aB the foregoing, are too perishable to stand long shipment, and when the local market is supplied, ales are ended. Orchardists should be I Graphic, Tesarkana, judicious as to the varieties they plant harp September 28th, from 10 to 12 a. in., and from 2 to 0 p. m. Hir Moine-!, Iowa, write, muter March 23, 133 S. 1!. Med. Mfo. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Cientlemen : On arriving home last week, I found all well and anxiously awaitini:. Uu little rirl, eight uud one-half years old who had wasted awav to ;js pounds now well, strong and vigorous, and we , fleshed up. K. 15. Cough Cure has done 'cello, ' its work well. Both of the children like Is called to the fact that Jktgh Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, PlaHtor, Cement aud Building Material of all kinds. Uurrlna the FlllfPt I.tiif of Picture Mouldings Comr.r Ilaru. UXIOX STOCK YAJIDS, Chicago, Ills . MMw. 1 4 1 .i.i. 1 the world, will hold his nth extensive sale of west ern branded horses for season 1893, on w " I'll L- - V Entries should be made at once. HORSES f lTditwani 72 To be foand in the City. CUashington Street. "There is a tide in the ajairs oj men which, taken at its leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the The Dalles i Gigar : Faetory it. i our h. B. Cough Cure has cured 1 and Kent awav nil hoarsoneHs irom me. y m,,; .v,, j. f: fo. j CIGARS iS Thomas Batte, editor of the Arkansas, has found what he believes to be the be-f remedy in existence for the flux. Hi- It is true that at present business inexperience is well worth remembering, very much depressed and money is 1 He says ; "Last summer I had a ver. tight. Yet if the railroads would fur- ( severe attack of flux. I tried almost nish really good passenger accommoda- j every known remedy, none giving relief, tions at reduced rates there would be no I Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and IJiar lack of custom. The excursion trains 1 rlnea Uemedy was recommended to hip would be in constant demand and the j I purchased a bottle and received nlm-jf railroads of the country would be reap- immediate relief. I continued u, ne, , the medicine and was entirely cured. J take pleasure in recommending thi" remedy to any person fullering with l such a disease, as in my opinion it If the best medicine in existence." 25 and "(i , cent bottles for salo bj Blakeley a. 'Houghton, Druggists. lm. Orchestra and all wind instruments.- for all wishing yon proapurity. we are cejJiemuyr ;;iu, irum - O ) p. III. Composition fl)r. Dvorak's class j. October 2d, from 8 to 12 a. in., and 2 5 p. m. Mr PIEBT STREET. FACTORY NO. 105. II you with to feel iresh anil cheerlul.ancl rewilv lu the llenilnehu uud Liver Cure, bv Uklnc twont i for the nprimr'n work, cleiuc your cy.item wj :hreu dr-s each week. sold under u jx)sitive RURrnntec. M cent r-er bottle by sll druirijhtU le liest Brands nufactuied. and orderu from all parts of the country filled on the Hhortest notice. ; CJosimr-Ont Sale 01 i Mm k Cm i W. E. GARRETSON, -I i Ai.rvt roil tii k The reputation of THE DALLKS CI GAB has lecome firmly established, and I the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. i Leadls Jeweler w, A. ULRICH & SON. W1HKMA.V. VM. MAK1IKKS, ing very gratifying profits. A year ago the country was terrorized ! over the expected advent of cholera, j Now ull fear of it is ended. It is a good illustration of the extremes to which a1 panic may lead. A year hence people will be wondering what there was to juntify the present financial scare. at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at groatly-reduced rate mCHELKACH 15KICK, - - UKJON 8T MINHNS The busiest congressmen at Washing ton at the present time are the free silver coinage advocates. They have lereats, lor suit petre won't save them. The Spokane Review says the republi can who shall vote for the unconditional repeal of the Sherman law will alsj vote to let down the bars of protection. Mr. J. C. JJoswell, one of the best Jcnown and most resjtected citizens of Brownwood, Texas, Buffered with diar-rha-a for a long time and tried many different remedies without benefit, until Chamberlain 'b Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ICemedy was used; that re lieved liiin atonce. For sale by Wakuluy & Houghton, Druggists. lm. ' Towels galore, See N, Harris' show window, , nrrBR'liiii Bosto Victim fen, and SUOperBottlo' Curc CoudKt IInuruiieM(bore Throat, Croup promptly: rcllovta Wliunpini; Couu-li and ANtmiiu. For Coiiminiptloii fi. hnsno rival: liMcureUtlioiumidivlitronlloilitrf. failed; wl 1 cone Yon If taken in time, fcold uy liruifgUU on Bcriiarantee. Forljirao Jluek or Chest, use Hiiii.oii'h i't.ABTt:u. szcu. IILOH'SACATARRH 'remedy: llftVft Vim i 'xlnt-rli V rfUim ws.r,.. i tocatocuroyou. 1'rleoMictJ!. Jntectirini ror cate by Hnlpei Kluerdlj . All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. U1K k.t.iiii ht.. Ti- l)ll, Or. WESDJ.O, n Tailor. East End Second St. Suits Made to Order from $18.00 up. Pants from $5.00 up. I'irfiit llt (luiirntil. The Snug. W, H. BUTTS, Prop. f No. 00 Second Sreet, The Dalles Or. TIiIh well known stand, kejit by the . well known V. If. iiutts, long a resi dent of Wucco county, has an extraordi-1 nary nne stock of Sheep Herder's Delimit and Irish Ilisturbanc In fact, all the leading brands of fin wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give th old man a call and you will come again Kliseman & Warders, Saloon aud ft Rooms liliittecl mi the old mum crnuml. nt ilm 1'i.rLn nmi Inrirv, filulitly lulu, liroiiitMlrtvlh anil nllev, i:oim1 roll 'oIuMim.iH-rri-i-ttlriiliuiK'MlcilKlitflll intmiititili in. rti tow.n lin licen i l Fiill of lloixl river, with unit litirowiiter.whhfiliiiili.l villi line, wiuceiurm uiiriietloii iih h iiioimtii 111 Milliliter nwnrt for nil rininiii. , .f, i i " '."Vi1 '"W." "! Mt' ,U"."U " "I'Minillelee iih II iilllllllfiM'tlirillK tut ter, ijeiliK the imtnriil center for ISO mpmre inlleN of the hest fiilnr nl 'l ll tinnier, H)eNliit; mllllonx of hore-Miner In it (ImhIiIiik HtremiiK hikI i'-' Hum, vnnliy lmrneMil. Where elirnp motive inmur elMtn, there the . Iii!tori" will leiiter.hiirroiiiiili il In mi: !.. n. ,a , i Id Hiiywhere for fruit iiikI iiurieiiltu're, nmi with triiiiiiorliitlon u'r m' t yon will hull thin the pliite to illlike a nerfi nt limne nr n tm . uu: See mo nr thn jrvnnnd. 0J 0 - A A u. TT js "OnrflT Wasco County, Oregon. The Dalles, CliAlA STORY, Art Teacher! i 20 eggn Uoom S, JUttiwjm Jtuilding, I . . oich wax,orofuiitrHdclrwl. i-l.',lin Oregon. XortllU'CHt eornnr of Kfi nnil nmi Court HtreetH. Eggs for Hatching I'rom t)ioroti;tilirl;il towlB. HitaHxt Bralunaa. TITliE PERFECT ' W. RossWinans. D. BUNNELL, Pipe work. Tin Repairs and Roofing MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. .f L'.OO 11.00 K. M. IIAKKIMAN, Kndemby, Or, u mi. ri . . . ir.iti oiiuij Oil XJUrU Direct. IlOXi f nor wmf f Viumfr (t JVV iiiackBiuitli bhop.