The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 09, 1893, Image 3

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1 1 Dim in SnmiBr Dress
Continues this Week,
Of All Our Wash Fabrics.
';rrt opportunity for economical people.
Prices will please everybody but ourselves.
Vr all Goods Marked
Volunteer l'liiinn of Hut Sliitn
IciOKlfd In Out' Tmmtninrtit.
Hie Dalles Daily Chronicle.
ntrniU tin1 I'mlnlllcr lit Tlin Dulloit, Omjim,
iw mi:i)1iiI rliixh matter.
I.iiriil Ail i'rt Inlnu.
ffll'ent w Uiio (u-1 t HiMTtliili, mnl f Cent
wrllm-lu Mi'lMIIIi- iUi'iit liim'rtlmi rati lor Ikiiu tunc iiotlrvN.
All M' miller" tr'-i-iviM lutr tllilll K o'clock
lit Mrt:ii' nilnwiiii: iln
WlMltln'1' rill'IX'llNl.
VJictil ftrrr.ut r lurnlu-Jnur Amir rnUtuy at
S p. n. foffwrrou.
Heilncsilay unci Thursday fair mid
warmer. ' I'-uiui:.
U.'iromntcr, ).!).'!.
Maximum temperature, 80.
Minimum temperature, (H).
I'.iver. 20.5 feet uliove zero.
Wind, northwest.
AVii. It, 1893
Tht Daily and M VrArr Chronicle may
VWmUm mile at I. ('. A'ickehen' More.
Iry II.MiIdd li y IVralntrnt Citron-
OM Mother Hnhbiiril w.-tit to the .'uplioiml
l K'H liiir liwiinliTS u lunch ;
U is proposed to putUion tint state of
Cnliforuiii for idd for tho Midwinter
Tho 10th of the present mouth closes
the (nliing m-uson ,mlj tl0 10ll, of j.oji-
tiinm-i HllUl.
Ton Chinese were ordered deported
" 1 "'"- cmics ut I'ortlimd ves
Unlay. They wm, u! rucont arf : .
Mr. Mux IHuiik hus finished firing ,H
ktln of hrliflc. and now bus uhr,,,,
W.000 hn line brick us ever was timid in
ny cou ii try.
TlioliirKMiHiiliuou run of tho season
t Astoria was tlio uvuiilni! ..f
it - i.t . . . " "
irauuumfu an ohf.tiinu
on Pleasant liidge, heretofore iundiscov
orcd. It is about tlio dimensions of a
well, i!0 feet deep, in an oblique direc
tion with an opening that will just ad
mit of the J ifiHKili j.: of a man.
Mr. II. Uiddell received bin eoinmis
Hion this morning tin first lieutenant and
adjutant of tho Third Ilogiment for the
company at thin point. A regitnenta
quartermaster's oflico has been litted up I
in the rear of Maier it lienton's grocery '
store, under the charge of Regimental !
Quartermaster .1. M. Patterson. !
Some individual, influenced by ma- !
liciotis mischief, tore in two a number of
Telerauiri left at the dourc of Htort-J, be
tween the hourti of 12 and fi o'clock this
morning. An no boy ih apt to be up at
this time of night, it wan done either by
an inebriated individual or one who
don't like the Telegram, and Heeku in
thiH petty way to injurs it. A man of
mature yearn and pretending to manly
dignity eunnoi Ire imagined who would
do Hiieh u thing for fun.
At tlio flret practice made by the
JackHon Kngine Co. hose team hint even
ing, the remarkably goad time wan
imule of eeeondi, only a half Hocond
leHH than the time nmde at the 4th of
.Inly racoH, 18'JL'. There it) good reason
to hope they will lesiaen this time eon
Hiderably, for the company numbers
among i tH membcrH Home of the fattent
rutinerH of liawtern Oregon, uud with
the oneouragement of the fair nex, which
UMHiitues u very practical form in this1
burg, there i a brilliant possibility of
winning iirnt houorsi and the $lo'i pri.D.
IliiCcr-M I'ni iii Sold.
The Alex. Rogers fruit ranch near this
city on Mill creek, was gold today at
I The ciirptisiiig manner in which the
volnntc'T lire companies of Oregon are
responding lo the invitations pent from
The Dallee, is most encouraging, and
1 assures us one of the most pleasant and
profitable tournaments ever hold in the
J state. Chief Engineer Fish has a pocket
full of friendly letters already, eontain-
i ing assurances of co-operation, making
inquiries as to purses and features of the
i ptoposed program. These were sent out
, last night nijd the result of such definite J
information will ho to engage for us I
hundreds of guests, and the most exclt-1
I ing of sports. A few of tho replies are !
j as follows : Album promises twenty or
itwenty-five men. Oregon City has a
t ball team among her firemen, whiclishe
enthusiastically says is able to play any
j nine in tho state, and if no purse is
offered want to play for gate receipts.
She says nt least fifty men will bo with
us. Portland snys several hundred
I people will leave on Septemlter .'3d for
The l)alle and inquires with much
1 solicitude about our hotel .accommoda
tions. Union inquires for more particu
lars and claims a lively interest in the
i matter. The Veteran Volunteers of
Portland accept the invitation and will
participate in tlie tournament. As re
t pards accommodations The Dalles is
I amply able to care for all. Six or seven
hundred people can easily be entertained
; at tho various hotels, to say nothing of
all other means usually employed in en
, tertaining guests in like cases. Tun
1 Ciiuoxin.i: is glad to note the lively in
I terest manifested in this matter so far,
I and believes that one of the most enjoy
1 able occasions ever held here is in store
on September -1th.
i Itlcli Ore niacovriri-il ity Mo(!rs. Drer
I liukn nnil Drew Nrar ItmlRcr Lake.
Henry Decrhake returned yesterday
from the mountains, where he has been
on a prospecting trip, after silver. He
An Appeal
To the People of Wasco County and Vicinity:
Owing to the recent Hank fuiluio In this city,
we are compelled to raise u certain amount of
monev within the next
60 DHYS,
Therefore, we will give to nil cash
customers a chance to buy goods at
on the
Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Dry Goods, . ftj JlAIip PlJIGE. Embroidery
Boots and Shoes and Laces,
The amount required A U ST be raised in 6o days.
Cor. court and second sts.
Tte Dalles, Oregon
merce, particularly since the age of
electricity. Mr. Decrhake has discov
ered a copper mine, and a rich one, too
administrator e sale and was bid in by j ,ni,se(1 the )it(J meta, bnt ma(,e a
.lodge A S. Hennett for 0,000. This is j (iml of ,)t.rhai)S lnoro worthi a ln;neraI
very valuable property, though it has of sta.,le vane itl lnannfacture an,i com.
ueienorateu somewl.i.t in the last two .. nrt;.inriv .in.-e tl, m-e
years for lack of proper attention. There
is an orchard of 0,000 trees upon it in
full bearing, commodious house, barn, Tllc ocaitv ig in the vldnUv of BndROr
ii uik urjfi, ana inu wnoie piaco oi lo
acres is under fence. The ground is
finely adapted for irrigation, and at one
time plans were made and machinery
furnished for this end. Hut, after the
decease of Mr. Alex. II ogers, the proj
erty has declined rapidly, the irrigation
plans with the rest.
Mr. H. Glenn left fir Portland this
by Itoat to be absent u few
catch in its
J! Astoria., says that there is a total
Si-T,r)UlU 10 Htl for that
IT'' 1,1 'rt.0. male
'"iafotul of riil.Uiu tons.
nil,. .
I ?1-' Mr. AH, sgoino
,,uitt, inslead of Allen.
A ball Ka,e will Ik , pi ayed ut
U gr(mil(lHtIiiH llvun 'Af
I''MTfl a mi i,mii.ul..., ... I ...
givoTl... i. , piesent urn
fc Vo 11,0 "'KlfH nine a game.
M-. I!. I.' Sn!,,.,u ...
arram.,1,., . '" saiiHiactorv
-ml n. m"?,.U' r Horned
Tl ' lvm 111 I'llhmHhurg bank
l"o reofirt i., ...I., i . .
aKricult, .. ; V. 11,0 Hllltu uourd of
J " OlH HltVH tint,. Il.
MiialluHt ., i, ,w 0M" ot tll'
hmv T.!V,,,,d l'"'t tho grain
. cm n In ti.... ...
-'"" Biiuu is one of the
......1!.. . "
for Hour. y' 111111 1101 Hullll,1
1 vur' ior in
peach I,??" lllllt 11 f"'it cur of
to Nou- v i . llw ,u,xt cur
owoll. i-Jc ItucaiiMo IIiIh enrrlud
'"M t I t' ("ltuW (tth, ami it i
s-SUuiW1" wi" rL'",t,mb(,r
'U'dti.u tiHt0 ",u,, t tho up.
dlllWe.f ,!i01,H Tm,Bo,unt of lu,
h. m..p
rt i. i
cWnl. wliiT.i. i . ,,r(,i'Uht in a cave
,w" "u l0iU in u small
Klnjcl'y Ntw .
Some of the Duftir spurts were out on
a hunting trip in the neighborhood of
Mngsloy yesterd ay,
Tho tall grain is well filled. The
yield, both in quantity und quality, will
ho above the average.
Our genial postmaster, Mr. K el ley, is
in Portland this last two or three weeks.
Wo miss his emiling countenance.
Harvesting has commenced in this
neighborhood. There aro several reap
ers running. The headers will rturt
next Mondav.
ICingsley is feeling the ell'ects of the
dull tiim'H. Tho hotel and stables at
thiH place failed to open their doors last
week for want of patronage. So you see
Jvingdley is in the swim.
Tho Hiidden chiintio in tho weather on
Saturday from ninety degrees to sixty
i very beneficial to tho spring grain,
which also promises well. The straw is
short hut very plump heads.
Kiniiii,i:v, Aug. 7, IfilKi.
MunltT Ni'M H,
Peach plums urn being shipped from
hero with good results.
Jt was a little cool yesterday and
threatened to rain hut this was about
all. Tho corn growers would like to
have had a good shower. Wo may be
blessed with it yet.
J wish to announce that theio will ho
a eainpineiitiug at this place, commenc
ing Thursday evening, Aug. JOth. It
will he held on Mr. Lamb's place near
the Mosicr creek bridge, a little over
half a mile from the station. All are
cordially invited to attend. IK.
Ask votir dealer
Stove Polish.
for Mexican Silver
,...,. ......... I u..l.l.,..t t,. ...irh. . I ,tt I, u
Vll.n l l,rjI I It "I nunjv, in ! .'.."'. . "
of sick liuiMlumut u( tlio uiiM 1'i'Hillili' lyi'i't unit
iiuminom.Til tnkliiK Krmii-u'H llcmlmilw ('npMiliw
hist humiuor. Tlicytmio It In every iiiHtaueo.
mill hlncc tluit (lino I urn cnjoyln,; kiiIi'iiiIIiI
iiuimi uitri mivepmii'd icu pu ihu in m-iam.
l iiui n i n ii iiij .
r'. .M. .lANUU.H,
CelW th, limit.
Mr. D. M. French writes that his son
Walter is better and in a fair way for re
covery. Mrs. Hathaway departed for Portland
this morning to visit friend und rela
tives in that city.
The Misses Cashing left for a visit to
the Cascade Locks und will be the guests
of Mrs. (.t. P. Morgan.
Mr. WilhcrG. Kerns of East Portland
arrived in the city last evening and will
remain several day among friends.
Mr. Prinz and family left for Shep
herd's Lauding, near the Cascade", for a
short stay with Mr. and Mrs. Herbriug.
A mariiage license was taken out at
the elerck's ollice today for the union of
Levi Christuun and Miss Edna C.
Mr. Grant Mays. of Antelope, departed
this morning for Herkeley, Ual., where
lie will attend the university during the
coining year.
Mr. Charles Schutz of Goldondalo was
in the city lat evening, and went down
on the Regulator this morning. From
appearances he is out on a surveying
W. W. Wilson, who started for Hot
Spring'8, Ark., Monday, upon teaching
Huntington, concluded he would come
back to The Unites, concluding that it
was. warm enough hero for him.
Clark (i. Craiifhill, of Kdgeitnn, Wis.,
who has been visiting in Poilland, ar
rived on the Regulator last eveninu' and
will visit the Craudalls of The Dalles.
He is a cousin of J. C. Crandall's father.
Mr. A. C. Phelps of Collins Lauding
was in the cil V yesterday. He informs
ii" that the river ha so far receded as In
atl'ord tho use of the hot splines ami
hatlisal that place and that t he camping
is excellent for all those who deriieau
enjiyabIo outing.
MisffH Suhi and Louise Rueh and
Clara Sturv depaited this inoniini; for
thescaside. Jn Puitland Ihev will join
Misses J'Utie and Auburn Story und
Nona Rueh, fiom whence they will go to
Long Reach and will ho iheguestsof Mrs.
J. W. and S. Fiench.
J. M. Huntington recently went to
San Francisco with his little daughter
for medical tieatment of the latter, her
int.Hitincri havim.' become knotted and
imr den th t hereby remlereii precarious.
The medical term for tho trouble is
tvphilitis. The operation was success,
fiillv performed, and in twenty-four
hours she was well on the road to re
covery. norm, auuiv.m.s,
liln -- Aaron Fruitier. Charles
Alherson, Dufur; Albert F.riekson,
II Meiiis, Uoldeudale; .1 W Cartiiuan,
Hood River; 1 Daniel, Nelson; Chailcs
Hook, Lvlo; 0 lleeker, Fred Jlullerby.
C 11 Morrow, Missouri; H Korris, d
Hamilton, Purl land.
Skibbe hotel VT Loehuood, fi-Milo;
O Croval, San FninclstKi; Jtud Lohr,
Jtnku Oven Van Woodruir, Tygh nl
ley; John A James, Dallas, 'lex ; l'cr
ditiaud Mathews, Jienjainin Whilsuu,
IC-Milo; lledry Uigur, Portland.
lake, and a sample shows that it will
yield flOO per ton, there being 200
pounds of copper in 2,000 pounds of the
ore, which is worth 20 cents per pound.
The ore is what ia known as the ruby
variety, and it is believed there is an
immense quantity of it. Uadger lake is
northeast of Mt. Hood, about o0 miles
from The Dalles in a southwesterly di
rection. Mr. Drew, who has also returned, re
ports a find much similar and fully as
good as Mr. Deerhake's, being in tho
aame vicinity. Copper bus been found
before in the Clackamas country, but it
i believed the last discoveries are more
profitable in all ways.
2sT IH3 "W
SpriM anil Snrnmer Dr? Goods,
Fancy Goods and Notions,
(Jests' fury'lstyyq (Jood5,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
'Terms Cash.
H. Herbring.
.. Familiar Faces in a New Place.
Late Special Agent General Land Ojlice.
Jtye Ieal Instate, loap, Ipjurapee,
Nut A 1 inn MllW'r.
invsterv of the two children
found at Eugene, one of whom was be
lieved to he Alma Gladys Miller, has
been cleared up. They belong to a man
named Coniplon, living near Florence.
Lane county. The two, Francis, aged
0. ami Kewton, aaeil 7, were sent from
Hiiiley, Idaho, under charge of a young
man, who was to go only part of the
distance. Ho was provided with a let
ter for Mr. Compton and money to buy
their tickets to their destination. Bnt
he kept both money and letter antl the
rhildren were rent through from Uma
tilla to Eugene through the kindness of
citizens, the little ones telling where
they started to go. Mr. Compton was
in complete ingoranco of the whole
transaction and discovered their present
hcieabonts only through accident.
The above facts are reported by tho Eu
trene Guard, wl ich goes on to state:
"Regarding the resemblance of Fran
ces to Alma Gladys Miller, the lost girl,
it is truly wonderful. The marks given
in the description, as well us tho general
details, weie found to be so nearly alike
ihat one who knew them would need to
I . , I A - A II . I . 1 .
fee tlio cniitireu 10 ten ine (iiuerence.
Such striking lesemblaneo is seldom
i .i . ii. .. . i .. i. . .
i-een, unn ine omciais nere aro to do
commended on their caution and also
for the kindly care given tho children
until their father's arrival."-
Itoy i-(ih I.
On Sunday morning one of the promi
nent bootblack stands in tho city was
presided over by a slender youth of per
haps sixteen years of ago whoso every
appearance indicuted tho feminine sex
and the suspicion aroused that ho was a
girl iu male attire has not yet been al
layed. All day long the stand of tho
boy-girl was patronized by the young
men with their Sunday ulothen on und
there was no end of speculation as to
the identity of the new bootblack. And
it is still a mystery uh far as tho reporter
knows. The "shiner" was dressed
neatly and his 1m own tresses hung down
to his shoulders; hands small and feet
dressed in tun shoes. linker Democrat.
All persons having accounts ami hold
ing certificates of deposit with tho First
iS'atlonal hank of this city, will please
call at the bank on inalteis pertaining
to the foregoing, Also persons who aro
indebted to the bank on over draft notea
which are past due or about to become
due. will please call
Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Rent, or
Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us.
Wo shall make a specialty of tlio prosecution of Claims and Contests
liefore tlio Unitep States Land Oflice.
85 Washington St.
Have Yoijl Seen
: T H E x:
Fine Millinery Goods
112 Second Street.
At tlio Old Stand,
Cor. Second and Union Sis.
flay, Grair?, peed ard plour,
Groceries, Fruits and Seeds.
Oitszla jzctcl for DEJs'S'a rttnei. Ponltry
flll goods delivered Free and Promptly.
a -r
The California Winehouse,
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish. ' National Bank E.vamini:ii Stauou.
Js now opon, find its proprietor will soil his homo
produwd Wino at pricos in tin vcacli of ovorybody.
Also, best Peanuts to bo found. Cioods uuranteod
lo bo I 'uve and Kirst-Clas in every respect.
Thompson's Addition,