The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 09, 1893, Image 2

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The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
t V-rttv WontlKT Hulli'tln.
! Weather: The past week bus been
cooler than the preceding week, the
d.tth.PMt.mN .1 The iHUIcOj to.npor.Uurc boinj : from 04 to AS
as necoitrt-clNs matter. degrees, as against hS to J ilegnen oi
" - - - - - ----- - tliu wt,uk olorii Clomly and cool
SUBSCMITIOS KATES. we.Uher prevailed on the 5th, Oth mill
sTA0": r ! ., wui.1 .Pnki. of mm . ti,0 or.i..
' 6 "nionth 2 i wosturn nortion and rain on the north-
II ! l U SJ ' ...
Daily, 1 year
" 6 mouths.
6 fo ! west coast on the oth and Oth.
o&6 CroDs: Fall wheat and oate harvest
' p. in
. .Sa. in. to-t p. m.
.9 a. m. to 10a. m.
Address nil commtuitcatlou to"THK CHKON
IC1.K," The Dalles, Orccou.
orricr. hours
fimcrai Delivery Window S a. m. to
Ioney Onler "
tundar U I) "
utostso or MAILS
trains roIup Kas: .9 p. tn. ami 11 4. n. m.
" " West and fi:50p. m.
Btace for Goldcndiilu 7S0n. m.
" " ITlnevlllo S:;w a. in.
" "Dufiir and Warm SprinRs ...-:: n. m.
" tl-etwlnc for I.vlo .t Hartland .&:ra a. m.
jAntelopo . ..5:S0n. m.
Kxcept Sunday.
Tri-weekly. Tnesdnv Thurday and .-aturday.
I " Mondar Vctlneday and Friday.
AUG. 0, 1S93.
Grover Cleveland grows more cautious
with the advance of years. The same
message he has just committed to con
gress he would eight years ago have
characterized idle and idealess,if written
by any one else. Whether his wonder
ial individuality has lost from the buffet
ings of political life or whether he has
been chastened by his comparatively
recent domestic relations, the fact re
mains that his last message is not the
Bharp, clear, ringing, incisive document
that of old he was wont to formulate.
Those who have been looking forward to
it in hopes that it would allay apprehen
Bion and in a measure restore confi
dence, will be disappointed, for beyond
a clear exposition of the causes and con
ditions of the present monetarv troub-
continues and the general opinion
i that both are turning out better than
' was expected. The most .eriou? com
plaints in regard to late spring grain
1 which will hardly make more than 00 to
I 70 per cent, oi an average crop; posii-
bly not that much. Excellent report
are rendered concerning the hay crop,
i both as to quality and quantity. The.
i warm weather of ten days ago caused
j the fruit to ripen; and now the apples
peaches and plums are coming into
' market. The codlin moth and hop louse J
! have been developed under the influence i
j of the warm weather, and spraying is.
I lwing generally resorted to. The hops
' have been remarkably clean ;-o far this ,
! year and many growers hoped to secure 1
j their crop without spraying; but 'or
; clean hops spraying will have to be
practiced. Grasshoppers are becoming ,
numerous in Jackson county, and they
are doing some damage. In parts oi
Douglas county some of the fruit is fall- '
ing to the ground without apparent
cause. The crop conditions are not all
discouraging, rather the reverse, and a?
a rule the farmers are pleased with their
Weather: The week opened with
very warm weather; but the tempera
ture fell on the 7th, since when it has
been cooler; the mean for the week var
ied from OS to 72 degrees, as against 70
to 7S degrees, of last week; a sprinkle of
rain fell in the northeastern counties
William Tell
Your Father that we sell
fl ra
les. and the statement of his belief that durjng the week ; no other rain fall is
the Sherman law should be repealed, he ! rt.ported. !
makes no ouggestion of what is advisa-1 Crops: Harvesting the fall wheat,!
hie or expedient, and throws the burden j o;m !UUi barley is in progress in the
entirely upon congress. The sole re-1 Columbia river valley; east and south
maining point of merit is his suggestion j ot- tjie i;ine mountains, haying is being
that whatever is to be done, " 't were j finished, while grain harvest will not
well it were done quickly." He lays j jg-,,, for tWo weeks yet. The warm
epecial stress upon the point, urging Wl.ati,er W!IS injuriou" to the late sown
that that greater portion of the body ! 0lUj: aiuj wne.u ; hut beneficial to the
politic, the wage earner, is the most tin- j nji ruiu. There appears to be r. pro
happily affected by continued delay. . t" for a Kenerai increase in the total
41 Beauty without grac
Is a hook vrlthout a halt." That's what
the French think. Whether it be true
or not, there are many American women
who do not even pos-ess the hook beau
ty and attractiveness are dented them.
VVhv ? Hecause they're lunguid, cross
ami" irritable They know not what
it is to be without pain or discomfort
half the time
That's it; sufl'er in silence misun
derstoodwhen there's a remedy Dr.
Pierce's Favorite 1'rescrlptlon at hand
that ljn't an experiment, but which is
sold, by druggists, under the guarantee
that if" you" arc disappointed in ativ
way with it, you get vour money back
bv'apiilying to its makers.
A siiriial service to weak womeukind
is the 'finding of lot health the build
incr tin of a "run-down" Fvstem. Noth
ing does it so surely as the "Favorite '
I're-erintion." None like it !
For overworked, debilitated women,
teachers, milliners, seamstresses, "shop
girls."' nursing mothers one and all are
the Dalles
, Line
J.D. PARISH. Prop.
Isive-i The Dalles at C a. rn. every daj . and ar
rivo at I'rinevllle in thlrty-slx linnr U-nvf
11.. n .. . ...... .irrlvw 11
Vest Jumpers, .
Pantaloon Overalls,
iDasylitting- rants,
Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip!
We are also Headquarters for ....
Men's, Boys' and Youth s
In every size, style and price.
ii m urn i inmn o. fin
The nation will voice a sincere amen to
this, though there is little hope that the
final measures will be as promptly ar
rived at as could be wished. On a ques
tion of this kind, with so cosmic an as
semblage, perhaps no two can be found
who will have identical views. Nearly
all will want to be heard, and have a
right to be, and the time lost m listen
ing to speeches which will have no prac
tical value, and in motions, in filibus
tering, in adjournments, in committee
work, and the thousand and one annoy
ances which are well known to every
speaker of the house or president of the
aenate, all will conspire to delay the
solution of the important question.
The following comment on methods
employed by large corporations of re
ducing running expene is from the
Shoe and Leather Review: "Why
hould one class of men bear the brunt
of present distress? One railway sys
tem discharges 1,S00 employes; another
reduces the time of its men, works them
in shifts, thereby giving all h chance to
earn a living, if nothing more. Is not
the latter course iar more equitable?
It is more than that; it is yood business
judgment, for it keeps together skilled
employes who are conversant with the
requirements of tiiat employ; and when
business revives which is only u mat
ter of time the cost of breaking in green
hands has not to be borne. Let all
hare alike in reduction, but give every
laborer and mechanic a chance for
It h surprinini; that any sane indi
vidual outside of tho fitlver producing
tates can entertain tho idea that free
coinage would be an advantageous policy .
If such were adopted silver would pour
into the United States from within mid
without, and gold would toon have to
give up the unequal struggle of standing
good for it, on account of itf greatly-increased
quantity. And eithergold wonid
be permanently withdrawn from circula
tion or silver would bring about its own
ruin by falling to its actual value, 55
C'uenli l.ciclis.
grain product, due to the increa-ed j
acreage, though the yield per acre will
not be up to that of 1S01. From special
reports it is estimated that Wasco !
county will ship -NJO.OOO busln'1- n;
wheat, an increase of 100,000 bn-hel-. i
the wheat is averaging 15 bushel.- per .
acre. .Sherman county will ship abotr '
again as much, the average is 1 to 1
bushels per acre. Gilliam county will ,
ship about one-half million bushels ; in j
Morrow county the wheat is averaging I
from 8 to 15 bushels per acre, and there 1
will be for shipment about 800,000'
bushels. In Umatilla county the ee- j
timates are variable; but it cm be naid
that fall wheat will average for tin
county 2'J bushels per ucre and spring
about one-half that much. Tho county
shipped in 1S91, 1.S0O.000 bushels and
this year will ship about two million
bushels. No reliable estimates can be
made for Union, Wallowa, Haker and
the interior counties. The grain in not
in such good condition in Union and
linker counties as it was two weeks ago;
the latter two counties will ship about
S00,0)0 bushels, possibly more. The
hay crop is good throughout all the
counties and the fruit prospects con
tinues to be good.
The following from the Chicago
"Prairie Farmer" of July ,,,2d, is given
to show what the Oregon Weather
Bureau is doing to advertise Oregon's
climate and crops at the world's fair.
"The Exhibit cf Oregon : Quite a
novel, interesting and attractive feature
of the exhibit made by the state of Or
egon in the agricultural building at tin-
world's fair is tho weather-crop bulletin
of Oregon,as it is telegraphed each week
from Oregon, by the weather bureau
and posted on ar. immense blackboard
in the O'egon pavillion. This afFurii-1
the inquirer an admirable opportun:'
to draw his own conclusion!-."
wood's iX2;osxiioiirriu.
'Xlio Great Ungllil: ItemC'ly.
I'rornptly aral permanently
carca oil form of .Wrro-xj
aturrhsa, Jmpcteru y and all
e$i-itof Ali-itc or Lx-ueu
Uc n prccrlbeil over En
,ycarsln t..omaniUof c-jks;
LsforcandAJttr. j utiint .Kn
UrussUt for Wood I'JuhdIioJIiibi if Iio offers
lOrafcworthleMBitUIclH'Jlaplaeoof thU, kavo lib
Ounondt store, Jncltwo prico In letter, ncl
rivet t iTinevnie in unny-six nnurs i.ev
rrinevlle at 5 a. m. every chiy, uml iirrlvet ui
The Dulleh In thirty-six hours
forties the U. S. Mail, Passengers ami Express
Connect ut l'rii)"illc wlth-
Str.ges from Eastern and Southern Or
ofrou, Northern California and
all Interior Points.
Ai-i miikw.clote connection nt The Dalles with
iru. from I'ortlanil and Kastern pointt.
criiteass dniers.
tic-ad acsoranodations alonz He road.
. Firsi-class coaclies and Horses used.
Express matter handled with special C3re.
YOUR ATTENTION horses horses
Is called to tho fact that
.11. SIcIihI & Co.' Htort),
Ilinntilln IIniMt,,
Tim DuIIcn.
J. F. 1RD,
O! I)t Moines, Iowa, writes under iUt- ni
March 21. lb'J:
fr. 15. Med. Mfo. Co.,
Dufur, Oregon.
Gentlemen :
On arriving home last week, 1 found
all well and anxiously awaiting. Our
little girl, eight and one-half yeara old.
who had wasted away to IJ8 poundb, is
now well, strong nnd vigorous, and well
fleshed up. 8. 15. Cough Cure has done
its work well. Both of the children like
it. Your .S. II. Cough Cure has cured
and kept nwav all hoarseness from me.
So give it to every one, witli greeting
for all. Wishing vou prosperity, we are
Yours, Mb. & Mas. J. F. Foan.
If you with toft-el froth nwl cheerful, and ready
furthccpriiiK't. work, cleans-o your nytcm with
the Hemlaehi; and l.Ivcr Cure, bytukiuir twoot
tiireu de uieh weok.
Mild nnrter a positive guarantee.
M emu- p:r hottle by all dnugisls,
Hugh Glenn,
Corner Burn, UNION STOCK YAIUjS, Chicago, III.
iiit ; iimw . : i i 1 1 i i 1 1 i i . m, i ii, iv ruin in ln.itiii iiiwLiiii in iiwiuvh
,...n .... - . .
tlu! world, will hold his oth extensive sale ol west
ern bnuuled horses for season 189!, on
Material of all kinds. ' T7T7" Li ! I -Tv-r"EJ1C3"r A "7" A TTrS-TTT 1
" V W I'll J 1 I ' lfc Jl -J M 1 M S. J X 4 Wmm' '
-Crrie thfi Fititt Illm of-
Picture Mouldings
Entries should be made at onee.
To tie found in the City.
72 CUashington Street.
li There is a tide m the affairs of men which, taken at its
leads on to fortune."
The poet unquestionably had rotoronce to thw
The Dalles
Gigar : Factory
; Fonile U m
VXJTx.XkjO manufactured, and
ordern from all parts of the. country tilled
on the shortest notice.
Leaning - jeweier.
Who nro Helling these goods jut at greatly-reduced rate
131 'NVoolvard aTenuf.Dttroit, Mich. ,
Bold in Tho IMII by Hnix.-! & Klnern'i
Lieutenant Taylor, of the Uuited
States engineers, who is overseeing the
work on the Cascade locks, was in the wowWMna by return mall, l'rtce, ono paoicago,
city yesterday. He savs the contractors, ' 8iiix.ts. Onexnutpita;,iBviuicuTt. i-ampi-Dav
it Co.. have "00 men fmnlnvpd flf I t in pbin tcalol envelope,!; cents iJUse,
uy ix uo., iiuvt -W men CUipiOjeU, OI , Mdtvu TbB WooA Ohmiilcnl Co.,
wnom U4 are stone-cutters, anil that a
large amount of stone, L'3,000 cuhic feet'
or more, is now cut ready to put in. j
The water is slowly receding and will
Lave to fall about live feet before the '
work of pumping out tho lock pit can be
begun. He thinks they will probably
be able to begin work in the lock cham
ber about September 1st. The work
will require 40,000 cubic yards of con
crete. There are 5,000 barrels of cement
on the ground, and 10,000 more will be
on hand iusideof two weeks. Oregoulau.
All Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made to Order.
I .JH her. ,nd Ht.. Tim )uIIh. Or.
4 memorandum book, containing the
name of A. J. Anderson, and receipts
valuable- only to tho owner. Finder
will leave it at this ofllcu or Leslie But
ler's store.
An ajrrMRbU; Laxatlrc and N Kit V 1 UN it'.
Sold Uy DruKRtataor cent by mall Kx:. UK ,
ind 81.00 pr tckae. r-etapfja ttbb
VfiX If A The Favorite litre KVZtt
A.W HwfortuuTMrtliMUllin.-aUj.r.c.
For laleb Hnlpc ii Ktimitlj.
rn.,., n m..
IIIK, h N All lm
East End Second St.
Suits Made to Order from
$18.00 up.
Pants from $5.00 up.
1'erfect Fit iiriitf(t.
The reputation of THK UALLKB CI
GAU has become firmly established, and
the (himaud for the home manufactured
article iH increasing every day.
The Snug.
W. H. BUTTS, Prop.
No. 90 Second Broot, Tho Dalles Or.1
This well known stand, kept by the
well known V. H. Ilutts, long it resi
dent of Wasco county, has an extraordi
nary fine stock of
Sheep Herder's Delight uml Irish Disturhanc
In fact, all the leading brands of fin
Wines, Liquors and Cigars. (Jive th
old man a call and you will come again j
Uliseman & Marders,
Saloon and Wine Rooms
Hi: M:VTOWN lumlyvn iiliittrd on tlic old ruin) irrotitnl, it Hit' I'orfcmmd
1'ulln of Hood rlvi-r, with In rue, niijhtly lot-.b ond htni-lMiiid ullcyN, i;ouil mil
mid iiirewiiti.'r,vltliiiliiidiiii iiiiifuxloii, -rrt-'t ilriiliiiiu.'lullLtlitfiil inuiiiitiilii
clliimti.', thi' i i.'iilrul iittiiivtliin iimi 1 1 1 1 hi it ii 1 1 kiiiiiiiiit ii-urt (or nil (ir'H'ii
U.'iUK the la'uri'Ht town In Mr. Ilnod. It l' iilii'iiinlli'lic ns u miiiiafm'tan'1!!
center. bolUK tin' Hiitum) rt'iibT for l.'i ninnu' mlli'x of the bent i dnrn.i'i
fltiil.r .t.llki. ii.lllt.itiu .if t...t..m.r ! l,w il.iul.lnrr Ltri'iltllt. Illlll Ul(H
fiilla, uinilly linrniid. W liere eheiip inotln miner eklstn, then' h' ""'""j
I., ..I. ..I. '...II I. .1 1 ' ...II '.I I,. .,,.1, mil t CXC' 11
.1.. .'tlii.... f.i.l .i I iiiirlniitlii. I .. 1(1. . .rt.lfllill II 1 t Lit A'fJ
vii l will iiiji llilk tin iiluce lii tiifil..i ii i.i-rli hi liiiini- or it inr i'
! Soq mo on the trround.
- -
aciaress me at xioou. j-"-
I Wasco County, Oregon.
W. RossWinans.
The Dalles,
Northwest wrner of Second and
Court streets.
Art Teacher, .
I rjfg
Jtoom S, tieuinytn Iluilding, Addrt
Vi'JM irlve ljMin Jlondajr nnd Tliurtdart ut o ; ..
tcti or ofk-uw If UwlisU. ,W,.ms
Eggs for Hatching
From thoroughbred fowls.
. :j,oo
tndemby, Or.
Pinp Wnrlr Tin Rp.nflirc anil Rnfl l
Sliop on Third Street, next door wont of Young
ISlaekeimth b'lop,