The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THK IIA1.I.KS OI1KOON IT Vint Wort- KletiV A Tneonia lmner has been siskins: Tn- comii men and women wlmt they would ( do if thev hud a fortune. Some of the ' answers are decidedly naive and enter taining. Two vomit,' women promptly eaid they would give up all idea of mar-' ryinjr, hut a third declared that she eer tainly would wed if the riyht man came along. One w orkini; girl said she would take a trood long nap the next morning , instead of turning out at G o'clock. Half of the answers allowed a longing j for foreign travel, from which it becomes I evident that about the worst thing that j could happen to this country would be the enrichment of everybody. The , other half make airy promises of char ity and philanthropy, promises that would be forgotten in most cases if for tune should he thrust upon the persons making them, for nothing is more cer tain than the certainty that a person who will do nothing for charity and philanthropy when in moderate circum- ln 1r littln if cuilllntltv thrust into the possession of great j wealth. Perhaps the truest answer was em bodied in three words "I'd grow richer" said one man who was either a philosopher or an exceedingly frank per son. That is what nine-tenths of the rich people do or try to do, and that is what nine-tenths of the poor people would do if fortune's wild wheel were suddenly to lift them into affluence. Airy resolutions would wither as Jonah's gourd withered in the sand and the sun of the desert, and the deeper influences of human nature would make of these neonle just such characters as wealth has made of the majority of people when i suddenly thrust upon them. Ciirliith Ship Cminl OjirikmI. Athens, Aug. 0. The Corinth ship canal was opened by the king today in the presence of the royal family, min isters, diplomats, principal military officials and an immense crowd of citizens. The Fifth Annual OK Till". Second Eastern Oregon District H. C. NIELSEN, ( Clothier and Tailor. ral Society . .Decidedlv the Finest Line of wtl.i. ni: Itn-i) at TtfE DAlihES, OtJEGOfl, October 10th, 1893, Continuing five days. A. S. MCALLISTER, rro.-iilent. J. O. MACK, Secretary. ''Gents' Funiisliina' Goods, Trunks and Valises, etc., etc. COR. SKCON'D AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLKS, OK. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE Tlio CiirrngitttMl ltlillilliiE lu'xl Dour In Cimrl Human. A Lender. Since its first introduction, electric bitters has gained rapidly in popular favor, until now it is clearly in the lead among pure medicinal tonics and alter atives containing nothing which per nnits its use as a beverage or intoxicant, jciiin recognized as the best and purest jsaiedicine for all ailments of stomach, t liver or kidneys. It will cure sick head ache, indigestion, constipation ana drive materia from the system. Satisfaction , guaranteed with each bottle or the ODOJjpy will be refunded. Price only 50c. per bottle. So'd by Snipes & Kinersly. The success of Mrs. Annie M. Beam, of MeKeesport, Pennsylvania, in the treatment of diarrhoja in her children will undoubtedly bo of interest to many i-'uabbers. She says: "I spent several -weeks in Johnstown, Pa., after the great Hood, on account of my husband being employed there. We had several chil dren with us, two ot whom took the diavrhcea very badly. I got some of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrluea liemedv from IJov. Mr. Chap man. It cured both of them. I knew of several cases where it was equally successful. I think it cannot be excelled and cheerfully recommend it." 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Iloughton, Druggists. lm. Mr. J. C. Boswell, ono of the best known and most respected citizens of Ihownwood, Texas, suffered with diar rhoea for a long time and tried many different remedies without benefit, until Chamberlaiu'ff Colic, Cholera and Diarrlia-a Keniedv was used: that re lieved himatonce. For salo by Blakeley & Iloughton, Druggists. lm. Karl's Glover Boot, the new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the-complexion and cures constipation. 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by SnipeB & Kinersly, druggists. NOTIOK. Inasmuch as my wife, Georgio Anna Brooks, has, without just cause or prov ocation, left my bed and board, against my wishes and consent, and refuses to return or further live with me, I hereby warn all persons not to give her any credit on my account, as I will not pay any bills of her contracting after this dato. Camus Buqoksi. .Dalles City, Or., July 19, 1893.dS0tS;w4t Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish. This Is the Season Of the Yean ttlhen CM m rr I C7 ! CU ! o Judieioas Advertising Pays. T A THTIf CANDY HEAK 1 1U FACTORY SODA WATER AND I0E 0EEAM. Snnrllnn nnA lln t wholesale VsdllUICd OIIU nUld quotation. TOBACCO CIOAltS AVI) SWEKT m Specialties Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles 2iStr,et J. FOLCO At right side Mrs. Obarr restaurant The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A FAMILY OF 2000 EEADERS. They rejid The Chronicle to get the latest and most reliable i e,ws. And they read every lino that is iu the paper. That is what makes the Chronicle an invaluable ndverti liiK medium. The newspaper that . jrocs to the family firesides if the one f(j) that the advertisers of today patronize ' when they desire to reach the jeople. When they want your trade their announcements will bo found in the paper. Ix)k over our columns and observe the verifica tion of the truth of this assertion. Itemember, u trade of u family of two thousand Is worth asking for through these columns, eapcially so at our very SI?eap dvrti5ii75 18. TUT Dally KvenliiR Chronicle is recotruied 1 (1 L. as essentially tho home paper for the uane.s uny ioiks- u rA r? inn is not a nan reputation. Homo ,'.',000 of our best citizens watch the columns of this nn nrn dallvforthoHDlcicst local news. It r M r L. K succeed! iu gleaning the Held, and hence grows in popularity and importance. Take it awhile, you wuoiiun i: try somu 01 im premium oners See K. IIurri8' hIiow Towels galore. window. Go to N. Harris for fine prints; 20 yards for $1, WOOll, WOOD, WOOD. Best grades of oak, lir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. PcterH & Co. (Ofiico Second and JeHer con streets.) n r. lMiiiiti.u ci!nn ,( u'... i..-.,. V. 4, .,.J.. , Ul fllllf 4. ,,1 ,1 & Co., will on August !Jd, 1893, sell, in j front of the court hnugo tlio hook a i countH uncollected, also all promisory notes voiuaining in his hands. tf i From TERMIHflli op INTERIOR Points -tiie lien Fait RKILROKD Is the line to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. It l tho Dining Car Koute. It mux Through veitlbuled '1 ruins every day in tho yar to fl panI and Chicago (NO (JHANOK OK CAItH.J Composed of Dining Corn unsurpassed, 1'iiH man Drawing Itoom Sleepers of latest equipment. TOUIUST SLEEPING CARS Jlest that can bo constructed, nwl In which accommoclntlmiH are both Freo and Kurniihed for holdersof First and Second-clais Tickets, and ELEGANT BAY COACHES A continuous line, connecting with all linen allordlni; direct ami uninterrupted service. Pullman Hleeper rcscrvutions enn bo secured in advance through uny Kgeut of the rotul. PHOTOGRAPHER First premium at tho Wasco county air for bent portraits and views. THROUGH TIDKETS hiiuhiud und Kuroio can hi To and from aU DOlliUin Ainerlr-H. Iiulaud unu Kurotm can bo iinrphukcl Mt imv ticliet ofllco of tho company hull Information concerning rates, time oi trains, routes and other tletulU furnished on application to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent I). V. & A. Nnv. Co., llegulator olllco, Th Dalles, Or., or . lt A. I). CHAWTON, Asa't, General VaxseoKer Agt., fortlaad, 'Ha. Handsomely FuruisliGd Rooms to Rent by the Day, Week or Month. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. 3Vm.S- 33C. IFVPL-A-SESn., Proprietor. J. O. MACK, I FIpE WlEp and LIQUOR DOMESTIC And KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PABST BEER 171 SECOND STREET, FRENCH'S BLOCK. THE DALLES, Oil. BlJKHAM & Robertson l-'roprLitorn. CityStables Corner of Fourth and Federal Sts., Tin- Dalles, On-jron. These Stables have on hand the finest Li very in Eastern Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with either Single or Double Eigs, closed Hacks or damages day or night. MORE ROOM. Also, can furnish First Class ucconiiiiodations to teamsters with freilw or drivinp teams, huvinj: added to their stables laro feeding and waou room. McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for The Dalles Daily Chronicle for 12 Months at 60 Cents a month. on 51? UeeHly bropiel AT $2.25 PER ANNUM. f -llv SikvI.i1 iirrii!i.r.'mo!its Willi tho pn till thiTH of nm of tin- ht'st Miipuliii's mm- imlilKW v lire iMiiililcii U iniike n mnM uMviilloiml ull'or to m'liil McCLURE'S MAGAZINE OITE YEAB t..ivi'ryoiir wli . till-out tin- fotl-miui! hhi form, mill Konillin; It to lis, tliotoliy hiiIiv.tIIiIiiK The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT TO US. I J'uMi .sh firs C II RON 1 CLU, W . til JllKil, l"' K ll ..; .,, o vnmi tu. ii tt rltlrr.xx T)Jl 77V 8 rj .11)11 I I ( I'll ('I I IW I'l'Ji'ii' ' " ""; - - H S C.1I JWMCL K for 12 mouths from, dale, for which, g in j in i - . . J I . ! I I. .... -v. i i i 7 i .i M fj . to pun ou as. a moii.ui., u uvhil; un,u-vri,uu(v thai now urc'lo luivfi sod to my address for J ijcn.r, without extra okargfi, MoCJAUiK'S MMGA'AME, jl oonimen.filiig with the oiwrcn.t immtwr. J Xante, Date ,'lddress CALL AT OUR OFFICE mid ce the cntortiilnliis mill rtnely illnsttutiHl McCLURE'S MAGAZINE, which h.i unions tt contributors tin- most lummiH mithnrx In stti'h writers ii th" followltn; It. L. StOVIMlPOll, Iktnlyard I-Ci pliup, A. Conan Doyle, Octave Tlianet, William Dean Flomtllh. llrot Ilarte, Clark Itnssell, .loul Chandler Harris, Mrs. Kolit. Lotiis.Stevonsoii, F. Marion Crawford, Marairel Di'lund, Herbert 1). Ward, Elizabeth Stuart l'luiljif, Thninas llardv, .1. T. Trowbridge, .leiome It. .lerome. I'riini'i'S Hudson IUtrnett, Theodore KooHevelt, .T oik nil) Miller, Oilbart I'arker, .lohn llnrronhs, Camile Flamniarion, Lillie Clinse Wymati, Harriet Preceott SpoH'ord, Edward Fverett Hale, Loniso Chandler Motilton, Ainerlrn mill Kughiml, iiivltulliiK Hamlin Garland, l'rof. E. K. Holden, Prof. C. A. YouiiK, 11. II. Itoyeson, Kolmrt llarr, Henry M. Stanley, Archibald ForboH, Androw Liuik, Harah Omn .lowett Dr. .1. S. Itillins, W. K. Henley. Cant. Charles Kini. lilies Verne, Frances Hodirson Hnrnett, Tissandier, the famous French HallooniKt, Alphotise Dandnt, Cainih' Flammarinn, Edward Everett Utile, l'rof. Graham Hell. Commercial Patronage Solicited TheDalles Wasco County, Oregon, Tho Guto City of tho Inland Empire is situated at the head of navigation, on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, pros perous city. ITS TERRITORY. It is tho supply city for nn extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as far south as Summer Lake, u distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of tlio Can aides furnishes pasturo for thousands of sheep, the wool from which finds market hero. The Dalles is tho largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds Iwing shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. Tho salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding tin's year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will be more than doubled in the near future. The products of the beautiful Klickitat valley find market here, and the country south and east has this year filled the warehouses, and ull uvailable storage places to overflowing with their products. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on tho coast und its money is scattered over and is Ixting used to develop more fanning country than is tributary to uny other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on these corner stones she stands. T G I1U DALLES rmnfflipip UlIllUliluiiL, Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHIiOIs'JCLE was ostublirihod for tho ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. Jt. now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part, of Crook, Jdorrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of Tho Dalles, hence It is tho host medium for advertisers in the Jnland Empire. Tho Dailv Cjikoniulk is published every eve ning in tho week Sundays excepted at $(5.00 per annum. Tho 'Weekly- Oiiuonkm.k on Fridays of each week at $1.50 por annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tlxo XtllG, Oregon. Kneli number of McCLURE'S MAGAZINE cimtnliis two lmiulxunuly lllimtruti'il Interrlowt wltn Mii.'h iiniinui )iiipii iin Archdeacon Fnrrnr, Thomas A. F.dison, V. IIopkiiiKou Smith, II. II. Hoveseu, nml niimv others, have fnrninliiil nmtrrliit fur I'UHi'liilly jiri'iinrrtl luturvIuwM which will nrnwnr (ally lllii.itrnti'il In thin niiipuliie. Kuuh number nmtnlim two or three short Morle by fiimiiiix unthors I'nlly UluHtrutetl h tor list will iiiH-iir in enrly nutnberh by Thomas llnrdy, William Dean Ilowells, ILL. Stevonson, Hudyard Ktplini;, liret Hurte, Sarah Orne Jowutt, .Toel Chandlet' HarriH, Harriet I'rvscott Spollbrd, Octave Thntiet, Conan l)oyle, Francos Hodgson Ilurnett, Stanley .1. Woymau. HIiNKY M. STANLEY j will contribute, eiecliilly for yoiniK temlors, u thrllllnl) IntereNtliiK Htoryof Atriean Adventure NATURAL HISTORY AND ADVFNTl'KK. There will be "everill iirtlelei written by Itoymond lilotlminyt, who him been ealleil by Mr. W T Kteml th bett interviewer In lIliKliinil, from iiinterlul luriiliiheil lilm by KcpI lBoantal, u( Hum bun;, theorem imlmiil Imjiorter anil trainer I'hen.' iirtleles ileal with The Capture of Wild IleaHts. The TraiiHportatlon of Wild lienHtH. Tho Training of Wild IleaHtH. The AdventureH and KKeapcH of Ivarl Hnnenheck. Thuhcrlvs will oe Illustrated by mi i;ne;llh nrtlst of aeknimleilKeil Hklll lii ilrawiiiK wild iiiiIiiihIn John lteiMioriiiiH, c I . IIoi.iici:, Hit (' (' Auhott, anil other writer Inmotm for their work In tills Held, will eoittrilmto to the riiMjn.lue. Of IntereHt to both Youiik and Old will he J'ROF. J(. L. GAILVKH'K AFRICAN IvXl'HDITION TO TIIH GORILLAS. ArriuiKvniunlM have been imiile, In conneiitloii with u leadlm; KiikII.sIi review, to imbllHli I'rol Ciirii'T'h letters deseriiitlvo of IiIh present c.TiH'dltlou to Afriea, l'rof. (iiirner lit noted the world over for the eiirlous und Interesting' InvestlKatloii't liu In nuikliiK iu the nik-i-i'Ii of monkeys. He Milleil for Afriea latt h'epternber for the sake of further jmrMiiliiK IiIm ntudleH In the native hiililib of thoorllla. The lllustratloiiH for thcie artlelei will be from photoj-raphH taken by I'rol. (iarner The iiuiKiuliie al.-o eoutain.i moit ItiterextliiK artleles under thu folinwliifr t'omprehennlvu Uvutte " The Kdue of the Future." " Knowledge of Ininusdiate Vitlms." "NewiiHt knowledge." " The I'refiimt Hour." " Stranger than Fiction," etc. We iireoflerlm; thin Npleiulld lnaxnlne with the Daily Oiluo.Ntcj.r. for only IT.'.l) a year, payublr in ailvmiee or in monthly liiMiillini.-ntK as desired. Wo make this exceptional oiler iu order that we may Meiireu Inriru nuinber of new Kiiberll)er, hut all whoareiilready Mib-erllx.-rs may avail themselves of this opportunity to secure, this meat lniiKu.liie, 1'IU up thu blank and neuil It In, to THE DAILY CHRONICLE, The Dalles, Or. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. Thin well-known Ilrowory ifi now turning out tho heat Ileor and Portef e:iHt of the CitHcadeB. The luleat appliancuH for the nmmifiicturo of good health ful lleer lmvn been introduced, mid only tho flrHt-cloHa article will bo placed ob the marlcit. PAUL KREFT & CO., DKALKUS IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And tho Mout Complete and the Latent I'lttteriiH und DuaigiiH in fari'ractical I'aiuterH and Taper liangerH. None but tb bent brunda of tlw Bherwin-WiUimiiH und .1. AY. .Mamiry'H TaititH UHed iu till ,iur work, and nouo but the nioHt Hkilled workmen employed. AgentH for MiiHtiry Liquid I'lilntH. No chemicid combiiiation or coap mixture. A lirHt o!nnH urtitilo in ull colorH. AN ordorn promptly attended to. Paint Shon corner Thirdivud WafllilnRton Stn The Dallos. Orcot This Popular House IIivh lutely been tlioroulily renovated and now'lf furniHhed throiiuhout, and )h now better than ever prepared to furninb tho bent Hotel accomiiiodalloiiH of any Iioiiho iu the city, nml at the very low rate of $1 a day. Tirst-Class Meals, 25c Office of the fitHt and eoiiiiuodioiiH oppoHltion Htug1 t( Diiftir, KliiKHley, Tyli Valley, WnpliiHiUi Warm SpriiigH and I'ri'iievillo iH iu tho Hot"1 tun! porhoim kK t 1'rliievillo can Have H.00 by t'olnj; on MiIh atHge linu. flew Qolumbia Jotel. THE DALLES, OREGON. All trains stop here.