The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 08, 1893, Image 3

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A 1 Dim in Sum Dm Goods.
Continues this Week.
Of All Our Wash Fabrics.
(rreat opportunity for economical people.
Prices will please everybody but ourselves.
all Goods Marked
in Plain Figures.
An Auction Sulo Where thn lildrferM re
Oiitlonrrt Nt to lluy.
A sheriff's sale of fish took place thin
afternoon. At the opening of the sale
and during Hh progress Mr. Everdlng,
gave notice to bidders that they were tiio
property of The Dalles Pucking Co., and
that they purchased them at their peril.
Deputy Jackson announced that he
guessed the bidders would bo eafo
enough and Auctioneer Crosscn re
marked that after they were eaten they
could not well ho replevied. The first
lot of 100 pounds sold for $1.40, and as
Judge A. S. Dennett was the purchaser,
confidenco was restored to tho more
timid, nnd the next two lota brought
1 and $2.50 respectively. Mr. Ever
ding was seen after the sale by a CiutoN
ici.e reporter. He said that Tho Dalles
Packing company had contracted with
Winans liros. for his catch, and in pur
suance of such contractP, had made con
tracts with Chinamen, and others for
materials to handle such catches ; and
that while the Bnckhcit Packing com
pany of Astoria had the right to take
what action they taw fit to defend their
own money, they had no legal right
to pursue measures which would be det
rimental to the interests of a third
party. The case will come up at the
November term of court.
One or tlm l'lraiantent and Mont Suc
ceful SrMlniiK Ever Held.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Iilemls tlu rmtiilllei' nt Tim IIiiUc. OruRon.
Ftt'iiiHl i'Iiikh mutter.
I.nciil Ailvurt InIiic
10 Cent' t!r Hut' (or llrnt liim-rUnti, mill r. Clint
irllifarttidi mii nit'ilt IiimtIIiiii
apll rte (hi limit tlmi' nntlriwi.
All nutlet" ntHvimI liitor tlniii 3 o'clock
tlt lplar tlu (cillmniK liny.
Wi'iitlmr rori'riiHt.
Vfieui Jortcait in (uciitiiiiir Amir rndtiip nt
S p. n. oiMrnm .
TiiwiJay ami 'dnenday, fair nnd
warmer. ' lc.t.'i:.
Jlanmictur, U'i.KO.
Maximum temperature, HV.
Mininiiini temperature, fill.
Kiver, "0.7 feet alovo zero.
Wind, northwest.
AUC. 8, 18M
The Daily ami Weekly Chronicle may
Wound on tlc nt I. C, tfickrheu') More.
t-llt l"rj lloolii-it li l'.TMUli'iit (Mirim- j
li'li. Kt'iHirltirN.
t'tm illpH iinil iiwnvi tin' liiilrn until),
Tim Imvniekii (lot thv mi-mi,
Iliru li'iifyHlmilrnHKiililen ruin
hiriH fi-tn nml llmnm' nvil
tMii'inmvjr I'Wmil.Ul.iMTJnliiu run,
I'lmiU i iiliuly oVr tin
W ill., yet t. Wk ,.'ital.,.l.iiK
Until lirnwuc on j.uiU Ktwn.
Three cases of diphtheria are reported
in The Dal let.
w l . ..
'imcimuiuiiu lire III l It) murk..! ut.i
oil "t gootl prices.
A rattli-Htiake :i fwit, Jt inches lone watt
killed leeuntly near Mosier.
Messrs. S. it N. Harris )1UV sHt
fetvud a lure invoieoof merchandise.
Mr..I. FulcoiH uniiaekiiiL'iin , u
fornlmttlinir workH, which he will con
dad in connection with his confecl ionorv
Mr. Frank C. Hakor, state printer ut
iem. has placed us under obligations,
niliuil ne Will
accept our iiiunv
has mailed
bound, for
e Hermann
J2Pyof the Executive
'w-OO, very haudsoinolv
"'"ch wii I'vti.nii ii.,,i.u
.... vii)iiir;,
or liinohurt, who is llHultrKiiif
''Orecorder'H duties MH lliH ll(mill.
H uhsittll'l. il
Ill c.,11.... . -.".l. w v.i u
, """'mucous Imlch
nn VIHI itr.l.i t. II... ..... .
taiy treasury
inMr. I)flu
of live hoboes and
.vesu'n uv.
Willing fin,
W'" 1-l.iyi.iK around a lish
" '-ShiikVtunel, in Cntltnv
J," T1"' '!Iwo.,.w,r.0l,l n f
; ... vliniH loll in and watt dr,
' ,, """ h was
ai"-IIurmiy Times.
pond at,
viti my a
past all
row ned.
A ut .
hi . TW. of vry little nierit ex
' ini "''it at tho
n and w.Zu: ' nw2
eoriHu- of Set;
of Ah Gum, and has been quite active in
her ellbrts to secure a minister who
would unite her to her almoned-eyed
heathen, but has been unable to find one
who wan willing to do the job.
A. P. Anderson and wife, the faith
cure fanters of Albina, are keeping fat
on their unlimited supply of bread and
wine. It they do not over eat them
selves by one week from Thursday they
will have proven to the citizens of Al
bina, that n person cannot starve to
death in forty days on claret and biscuit,
with or without faith. Dispatch.
I'ri'iiurut lull.. Cmt Imif for tlx. llurct.
ht'itriulr 4tli Mini Mil.
A meeting of Jackson Engine Com
pany will be belli tomorrow night for
the initiation of new members, many of
whom will run in the coming tourna
ment. Practice begins tonight and will
continue three evenings each week, the
course being two blocks long and ex
tending from the Columbia Meat Co.'s
corner to Maier Denton's grocery
store, on Third street.
Invitations have been sent out to all
voltfnteer companies in Oregon to be
prof-nt. Two laces will be run for
purser, the Ilrst for $ lf0, and the se.-ond
for f 100. Following are the conditions :
1'lrnt t'.uci' will In? (.Initlnr to the Nnv urU
ti'UUiititl tun WO lit't. Itiin aw lift, uttiifli t't
lilliK, lny :ttHi (fft Kitllliitloii lire Iiiim', uiiriiiiilc
Iiiimi IIOIII flirt, ntllini lltMZir, llinnv iwiitf
thtouch Ikmi! unit tioz.ti'. I'lU'iiiipli' liist li'iiKth
nt lioio (No. li), tuko Imt'k tott'i'iuai li'iiKlh Iriiin
lilliK ami ('lull''' l'li'li Sim t mid ::, tttUt No
'.' to cud ul No. (. coujitc. iitliii'ti unit set
w ntcr tliroiiuli lii'M- nml niuzlc nil how unci iniiimclioiiK to luivc nt trust three (all
tnriiH of tlireml wliea eonnceliil. Time to lie
tiiU-ti (iiiiii htnrt by u iilstul hol. nml rititxli
when ntcr iiiHV oat oi iiorlc. Three IikIucd
t.i liu ut li.iz.Ie unit three ut turt, the time to
lio tiikea tiy the Juilne.- lioe wMi-hiw cum
lmrc the iirntCHt ( urti tociir y (eet of lioc
NtixUi to ho ciirrhi! on curt No nuiie thiin
tiM'lvo men nllowed to rim lth any to m. All
twelve men me to run uith emt. All men uir
tlcliiiithii! In thi'M- runes uilHt h ne lieen imin
lierHiif their icdiHCttic Icuihk ilujx tirlor to
fcojitemlicM, 1MW, Any two wheel hose curt ma)
Ii.mim U In then' nice. It .rUe. flUO W cush,
hironil intiie, JV'ttl cunli.
Kecoml liiK'ii itotul run IVK) feet), llun :u tiet,
nttiich to illiK. tityUiU feet iei;i.liitliiu (lie -hat;
nttiicli uo.le, put wiiicr ih:oii!h Iiiim1 nml no
.lc, time to he tiikcn tiy 'lt'il flit't. unrt to nnl'.li
when water yixniv througn Iium' nml uo.Ie. All
counictloiiK to huve ut leuit llireo lull turiih ol
tlucuU. No more thiin twelie nii'ii ullowc'l t"
run. All tiiea to run wltli hoc leiiui. Nelc to
lie ciirrleil on cult. -url to curry ii.Kl feet ot
Iiom'. .Inline.-, will Leu'leetiilliefoictiieex. 1 irt-t
irlc, Iui.imiciihIi; ucoiul, f'.Viieeuh; thud
irl.e, il.'i.lXl cunh.
A Ni'W Nine.
A game of basil ball between The
Dalles nine and Cuniineiclnl nine of this
city was played yestenhiy at tho fair
grounds, resulting in u mnens follows:
I :i I I. e 1 S l
Coinuicichit, 7 I u i n u n :: 1 t:j
uiillce, n . i - i - " '
Tho Coiiiiui'icials ato a nowly oignn
ized nine, and this being their UrM
game shows that with but little practice,
they will bo second to none in the city.
CoiiKrfKH UfrIiik Labor.
Congress convened today at 12 m.
Tho message of President Cleveland was
lead. The document is not a lengthy
one, but very pithy. With little pre
liminary he advises the prompt repeal
of the Sherman act, and after that at
tend to the tarifl" question.
Mr. II. Kellev of Tvgh Kidge is in the
i city today.
i T. T. Nichols came up last night from
j a short trip to Portland.
Mr. Van -Vorden left this morning by
nickels and ill......
tO kcoi. i,. ..... v
triketl ' """" " ",,m
Mr . .
t tho 8 vmiiM 1! report
fttik of tiii! t'l' f Hw "t National
warded to - i' 11,1,1 U ,,MH h)m iw'
the 1 1, . "al'iKton. It Is hoped
ihee ,t i . a:HU,,'u ltH l''trn,tod
" IHIIll 11(11 ilflkfl. A It
Little lt.,1.
,o11 1" from 1, , U,,,on' " 'U',B1''.
n4 rim -" ,uwn '"wr last night,
first " """"'"'MoHing h joint of
and, i.: ' u,u "lf tho
xi. "" "" third.
"tOttChinuma,, the uuinu
illllHl- IIIIII' Ultlt.
.-.A 'ttorrocpoiKit ni ot jiii: t.iii!o.Mi.ii.
who has been Hulling hinibelf drojis into
verse as follows :
A limn miiy work unit n umn nuiy tiilk
Kor the leiuiienincu ciium' nil ilu,
Hut he ciiu t kii u lUlilu'
And oIim'itc iiiolilliilioiii
Ik'Ciiuho heulu'l linilt thut wuy
Ml imi'HoiiH havliiL' accounts mid hold
ing certilleates of duposit with tho First
National bank of this city, will please
call nt tho bank on matters pertaining
to the foregoing. Also persons who nro
Indebted to the bunk on over draft notes
bicli are mint duo or about to lmcomo
no. will please call.
National Dank IC.vaminku .Staiuji:.
j boat for the metropolis.
! Mr. Geo. W. Johnston icturned to
Dallas, his home, this morning.
Mr. Henry Ilepnner of the young city
of Ileppner is in the city today.
Mr. Fred Huntington of Daker City is
in the city and is the guest of hi" brother,
D. S. Huntington, Emj.
Mrs. 1!. F. (..ibons and Mr. John
Marden returned from a short stay at
the sea side last evening.
Mr. H. Herbring left this morning to
join his family at Shepherd's binding to
be absent a few days, outing.
Mr. V. II. French left for Long Deaeh
this morning by steamer to be absent a
few weeks outing at the sea side.
Mrs, Wallace Dradford returned from
the world's fair thif morning, and is
visiting her sister, Mis. K. C. Pease.
Mr. Harry Clough accompanied by his
step-father," .Mr. A'len, of Liverpool,
England, left this morning for Portland.
Tlie lutes! news received from Walter
French is that he is much improved,
and thete are strong hopes of his re
covery. Arthur Phelps of Sulphur Springs is
in the city to make arrangements for
constructing some additional summer
bath houses.
Mr. Iutrl Cottfried tet timed from
Shepheid's landing near the Cascade
Locks last evening, where he lus been
caiii ing with the llertirings.
Mr. Dartell of Okanogan is in the city
for the purpose of looking mound with a
view of engaging in business of a manu
facturing churacler. He is very favor
ably impiesred with the situation as a
manufacturing point, and should he Hud
a favorable location, will undoubtedly
make himself ami friends permanent
residents of our fair city.
Columbia John ! Dailies, L C llil
Icarv, Seattle; Win Dulles. John Diva I
burs', T L Draplov, A J liichauN.ui, Port
land; J W Donning and wife, Mrs.
Mceks, Welbiidge. Cal ; Mrs Nolan,
Diil'ur; U Portell, Uiegon t:ity.
Skibbe hotel Albert J Hililerbrandt,
Spokane; (ieorge Voehl, Walla Walla;
U F Wiikhain, Lone Well; Mis M (iib
bou, I'leatuivville, Kentucky; V F
llardllka, Poinllcton; Wenzel (icsch
wendncr. Dufur; tieorge Wilton, Pen
dleton; (- A Arvendiell, I-iiae Darnicl,
I'.aketJven; 15 E Cleaves, Pluck House,
iIiicKnoii KubIiio '.. No. 1.
Wednesday, the Uth
Desincss of import-
liculth unit luivi'Kiilneil ten imiuuiIh la wcltfht,
VtutiM vory truly.
JVM. .'ANit:i.s,
i;onv tli, Iowa.
Special meeting
inst.. at 7:110 p. .
aiice. The meiubers aie sincerely re
liue.stcd to attend. An Kui.i.ku,
Solution for t iiloiiu'l "l oulnliie.
Simmons Liver Degulator, purely veg
etable, is equal to blue mass or calomel, j
i. .., out nnv f their injurious mop-1
Will .Ml""' 1
ertics. Have tried it In a most satisfac-
torv manner. Da. J. 11. Dowi:.v,
Clinton, Ca.
Hoon Riveu, Aug. 7, 1893.
Nothing occurred to mar the excursion
plan last Saturday. Nine o'clock and
I the Regulator found a large number of
j people assembled at the Hood River
landing ready for a ride to the much-talked-of
locks. A stiff, cold wind was
blowing up stream, making it somewhat
disagreeable to sit in the bow of the
steamer. One jolly maiden braved it
till a large wave broke over the bow and
drenched her. Owing to the high wind
and the numerous landings it was nearly
noon when the excursionists and their
lunch basket? as'embled in the pleasant
grove back of the school house at Cas
cade Locks. The committee-of recep
tion, A. G. Hall, A. M. Barrett, .7. F.
Atwell, Mis. D. L. Gates, Miss Ida Ever
heart and Miss Millie Parkins, showed
us every needed courtesy ; the thanks so
richly due them, were not tendered
owing to the crinfiHion incident to a
hurried departure. After doing justice
to a bountiful lunch prepared by the
ladies all but two of the party proceeded
to view the canal and the work of handl
ing and dressing stones. The time was
altogether too limited for gathering a
large amount of accurate information re
garding the work yet to be done, and
since many with ample opportunities for
gathering news will write up the subject,
I shall desist.
The return trip wae commenced at -o'clock,
and was without any unpleasant
incident with one exception. As the
boat swung around to a landing a sudden'
gust of w ind caught oil Mr. Haylock's
hat and deposited it in the river. A few
moments later, a gentleman hastening
on board met a like loss. Some of the
excursionists whilcd away the time in
dancing, while others enjoyed them
selves in singing and joking. Prof.
Frazicr, in behalf of certain parties, pre
sented Prof. Gavin with an elegant (?)
cane. Prof. G. received it with graceful
ease and eloquently expressed his appre
ciation ol such a valuable and useful
gift. It was 4 o'clock when we again
landed at Hood Diver.
The absence of more than one-half
the teacher' enrolled, mado the insti
tute seem dull ; yet the work went on
with undiminished zeal on the part of
thoc remaining. The total number en
rolled has icached sixty-one, Miss
Maggie Fllnn and Miss Mellie Parkins
having been added today. It is thought
that every teacher who is now teaching
or who intends to in Wasco county has
been in attendance. Superintendent
Shelley feels greatly encouraged by the
earnest and sometimes enthusiastic in
terest manifested. During an experi-
. i A - 1
iMiiv extending over twenty, :
never before attended an institute where
, ; .1 -l.l..
so miicii downrigiii wioioiigniy iiuiiiin
woik was dune. Too much time is
I usually consumed in discussing methods
of doubtliil utility, and in advocating
some method ; tho discussions generally
leaving all parties believing as they did
lU'foie'closing the day's sessions, Mr.
Shelley whispered to the teachers that
the ladies of Hood Kiver would give
them a reception at Hon. K. L. Smith's
i't the close of the entertainment in tho
IT, u, church. Think of a bevy of
teachers eating ice cream and cako away
along towards tho wee sum' hours of tho
night, and you may well think that it is
time our stay in this placo should draw
to a close, or wo aro in danger of becom
ing sadly demoralized. As nearly as 1
can learn, this last courtesy is duo to
the kindness of Madams K. L. Smith,
L. Gilbert turn C. J. Hunt; though J
have no doubt, that many others will
contribute to its successful ending.
Tho nearness of tho quarterly exami-
An Appeal
To the People of Wasco County and Vicinity:
Owing to tho recent Dank failure In this city,
we are compelled to raise a certain amount of
money within the next .. .. ..
Therefore, wo will give to nil cash
customers a chance to buy goods at
on the
Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Dry Goods, flflp ptylGE. Embroidery
Boots and Shoes and Laces,
77i' amount required AfUST be raised in 6o days.
Cor. court and second sis.
The Dalles, Oregon.
ail Su Dn H,
Fancy Goods and Notions,
(Jerks' furr!; Qood$,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
H. Herbring-.
Terms Cash.
..Familiar Faces in a Neiv Place
Late Special Agent (ienernl J,and,Ot)ice
Jtye Ieal Instate, loap, Iuraiee,
Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Rent, or
Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us.
We shall make a specialty of the prosecution of Claims and Contests
Ixifore tho Unitep States Land OHice.
85 Washington St.
Have You Seen
Fine Millinery Goods
V.mm1I Wo..,ii woimii Ination is casting a slight shadow over
Host unality Hr, ouk and slab wooti. m) or tj,u te.tchers, about twenty of
I'avo oniers at im necunu
All orders
I .Kiivn rm
corner Third and Union
promptly attended to.
whom will havo to uudergo the trying
This has beou tho warmest day of the
. . f... m-i...... stiver i Institute slnco lust Monday.
ask your iieiiiur iui i'"'""'' '- m
Stove J'olish.
Two Peas.
112 Second Street.
A1 tho Old Stand,
Cor. Second and Union Sis.
flay, Graii?, peed ar?d ploiir,
Groceries, Fruits and Seeds,
fill gocds delivered Free and Promptly.
A 'V
The California Winehouse,
Is now open, and its proprietor will still his homo
A produced Wine at prices in the reach of everybody .
Also, best Peanuts to bo found. Goods guaranteed
f to bo Puro and First-Class in every respect.
Thompson's Addition,