A' E1 3. it The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Tin: 1M1.I.KS im:i:uo.s A FEW OBSERVATIONS. PowiJtt nf laiifjunpre is indicated fullness beneath the eyes. Each salmon, it U I'stiumtod, pro duces aiiout an, ooo. noo ops. M.vnb finder iiiiil.s prtv about mi inch and a half every year. Tun nickname of Austin, Tex., seems unfortunate. They call it the dam oity. Tnnr.i: is a sea on 1 ho t'aliforniau coast which is colored vermilion by the presence of vatit quantities of minute shell llsh and zoophytes.. Tin: negroes in Virginia are becom ing thrifty. They pay taxes on real estate valued at S'.i.l'J.V'?"', and on pur lonal property worth f?.',:54'J,U5l). Most vegetarians believe that it is cruel to hill animals for the sake of using their ilesh as food; hence thoy abstain from meat. Some of them re fuse to wear leather shoes for the Kime reason, and have their feet-covering made of felt. Mr. Thomas Matte, editor of the Graphic, Tcxarkana, Arkansas, has found what he believes to he the best remedy in existence- for the ilux. His experience i" well worth remembering. He says: "Last summer 1 had a very severe attack of (lux. I tried almost every known remedy, none giving relief. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diur jluea Remedy was recommended to me. 1 purchased a bottle and received almost immediate relief. I continued to use the medicine and was entirely cured. 3 take pleasure in recommending this jemedy to any peison sufl'ering with inch a disease, as in my opinion it is .the test medicine in existence." 2o and oO tent bottle-! for sale bv IMakelcy & Houghton, Druggists. lm. Ilonuiltcts vs. Bachelors. It is stated that among every 1,000 bachelors there nre thirty-eight crim iuals; among married men the ratio is only eighteen ier 1.000. Mr. J. C. He-swell, one of the best inowii and most respected citizens of Urownwood, Texas, suffered witii diar rhoea for a long time and tried many different remedies without benefit, until Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrluea Remedy was used; that re lieved him at once. For sale by Rlakeley & Houghton, Druggists. lm. Towels galore. See X. Harris' show .window. Go to N. Harris for tine prints ; 20 yards for $1. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Itemedy i the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50 cts. Sold by Snipes& Kinersly. ' " ,vtici:. Inasmuch as my wife, Georgie Anna Urooks, has, without just cause or prov ocation, left my bed and board, against my wishes and consent, and refuses to return or further live with me, I hereby warn all persons not to give her any credit on my account, as I will not pay any bills of her contracting after this date. C.u.i:i! Uiiooks. Dalles City, Or., July 19, ISfW.dooutwit AVOOl), WOOD. WOOD. Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. Peters & Co. (Office Second and Jeffer son streets.) C. L. Phillips, assignee of Wm. Farre & Co., will on August 3d, 1893, sell, in iront of the court house the book ac counts uncollected, also all promisory notes remaining in his hands. tf dinger & Rone's stages en route to Cloud Cap Inn will locate campers at the best fishing point in Hood River valley, where one can reach Mt. Hood in a few hours and get their mail and provisions daily. 2tewd Nutlet). All city warrants registered prior to July 2d, 1891 , will be paid on presenta tion of the same at my office. Interest ceases after this date. 1. 1. RuituKT, Treasurer. The Dalles, Or., July 5th, 1893. To Duliii(iieut Taiuyi;r. All proaperty upon which taxes are not paiu by the let oi August, will be levieu upon and sold according to law. T. A. W'aud, Sheriff. Omul .lull J'rlntllig. If you have your job printing done at Tin: Ciikoniclk you will have the ad rantago of having it done with the moat modern and approved type, with which ire keep continually supplied. All jobs tinder the direct supervision of ono of the most successful and artistic printers in the Northwest. The Fifth Annual FKIR OF THIS Second Eastern Oregon District Agricultural Society, WIM, UK HUM) AT T,'lE DflkliES, OtJEGOfl, October 10th, 1893, Continuing livo days. A. 8. MCALLISTER, l'rialJeiit. J, U. MACK, Secretary, This Is the Season Of the Year XXlhen CM -"5 X) 5 o o Judicious Advertising Pays. H. C. NIELSEN, Clothier and Tailor. Decidedlv the Finest Line of Gents' Fiiniisliino; Goods, Trunks and Valises, etc., etc. COM. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLKS, OK." THE EUROPEAN HOUSE Th CiimiBiili'il I'.iiltillnp; next lloor In tinurl lluiMe. Handsomely Furnished Rooms to Rent by the Day, Week or Month, Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRON AG-E SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Coinmercinl Men MHS. 33C. IFO-A. SEIZE., Proprietor. PHOTOGRAPHER First premium sit tho Vasco county air for bent portraits ami views. I J. O. MACK, ! FIJIlE WIHE0 and Lip$ T H E ARTIC FACTORY SODA WATEE AND I0E 0EEAM. Candies and Nuts "i-ffl.' SMlSpcialties Finest Poanut Roastor in The Dalles DOMESTIC And KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PADST BEER FRENCH'S BLOCK. 171 SECOND STUEET, THE DALLES, OH. " 2 3 8 2d Street J.FOLCO At tlKht side Mr. Obarr' lestiuinmt The Dalles Daily Chronicle. HAS A PAMILT OF 2000 HEADERS. They read Hie Chronicle to get the latest and most reliable i cw. And they read every hue that Is in the paper. That Is what m.ike- the Chronicle an invaluable advcrtl-ins medium. Tho newspaper that goes to the family 11 resides in the one fi) t,1!lt "'tvertisers of today patronize when they desire to reach tho jeople. When they want your trade their announcements will bo found in the paper. Ixiok over our columns and observe the verifica tion of the truth of this assertion. Itemember, a trade of a family of two thousand -v U worth usklnsr for through these (()) columns, espclally so at our very JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor 76 Count Stncet, Nest door to Wasco Sun Office. Has just received a fine line of Samples for sprint: and summer Snitinifs. Come andJSee Je Jew Fashions. Cleaning and Repairing to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dally EvenliiK Chronicle Is recoirnUed as ewiitlally the home paper for the Dalles City f olkt' I J r 1 1 77 This 1 not n bad reputation. Some rlU VlLSJW) of our best citlens watch the columns of this nnnrn daily for the spiciest local news. It rM LA succeed! in sleanint; the Held, ami hence jrrows m iwpularity and imiortance. Take It awhile, you who uon t ; try Mirnu ot us premium oilers. From TERlWIHfllt op INTERIOR Points THE In mm RKILROKD Ib the line to Utko TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. It is tho Dining Car Koute. It runs TbrouRh vettlbulel Trains every day in the yar to $i paul and Chicago (NO OHANOK OK OAK8.J l'ull Composol of Dlnlutf Cam unaurDasted man Drawing Koom Hfcepern ot latent ejiilpmeu t. TOUIUST SLEEPING CABS Heat that can be cuiutructcd, aud In which accommodations are both Free and Kiirnlihed for holdersof First and Becoml-clus TlckcU, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES A continuous line, connectliiK with all Hues aflordluf,' Ulrit and uniiilerruptcil terrlco i'lillmnu Hlcepcr rehcrvatlons can be Mxured In ailvunce Ihrousjh any agent of the road. Kuxlaud and Kurouu uan i ticket ofllco of tho company To and from all IolntMln America, purchased ut any Full Information concerning rattis, tlmu oi train, ronton aud other detail furnished on application to W. C. ALLAWAY, Agent I). 1. ds A. Nar. Co., Koulator office, The Dalles, Or., or A. D. CHAKLTON, Am t Gcntral Vuteugat Agt., Fortlaud, Ofn. lril IKHAM & Roi-;ertson I 'raprlotorH Corner of Fourth and Federal Sta., Tin; Dalle.-i, Oregon. These Stables have on hand the finest Jiivery in Eastern Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with either Single or Double Rigs, closed Hacks or Carriages day or night. MORE ROOM. Also, can furnish First Class accommodations to teamsters with freighi or driving teams, having milled to their stables lari?u fecdinc and wajjou room. Commercial Fatronap Solicited. TheDmlles Wasco County, Oregon, T Tho Gate City of tho Inland Empiro is situated at tins head of navigation on tho Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, pros perous city. ITS TERRITORY. It is tho supply oity for an oxtensivo and rich agricultural ant! grazing country, its trade reaching as far south as Summer Lake, a distanco of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. Tho rich grazing country along the eastern slope of tho Can cades furnishes pasturo for thousands of sheep, tho wool from which finds market here. The Dalles is tho largest original wool shipping point in America, almut 5,000,000 pounds being shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries nro tho linest on the Columbia, yielding this year a vovonuo of thousands of dollars, which will bo moro than doubled hi tho near future. The products of tho Ixxuitiful Klickitat valley find market here, and tho country soutli and east lias tin's year filled tho warehouses, and all available storago places to overflowing with their products. ITS WEALTH. It is tho richest city of its size on tho coast and its money ia scattered over and is lifting used to dnvelop more funning country tlian is tributary to any other oily in Ivistorn Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. tsilimato delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on these eornor stones she stands. HH 11U DALLES u.".l..I. jLj, Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHRONICLE was established for tho ex press purpose of faithfully representing Tho Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is evorywhoro apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Shor man, Gilliam, a largo part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of Tho Dalles, hence it is tho host medium for advortisors in the Inland Empire. Tho Da.ua' Cuhoniolk is published every eve ning in tho weok Sundays oxcopted at $0.00 por annum. Tho VVkkkly Cukoniolg on Fridays of each weok at 1.50 por annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for The Dalles Daily Chronicle for 12 Months at GO Cents a inonili. on 5 UeekJy roriel AT $2.25 PER ANNUM. if ap-r.v Siurl.il jirr,mK',"U'iils with Hit.' imlilMiorM nf (inn of tlic I'O.st Mhi;h.1ikvs umv imlilliiliiyi we nit' riml'iUil to iiiiikv u m.i-t f ,i .'ptlonnl ollur to m-iiiI McCLURE'S MAGAZINE ONE Y" IB .A. DR l.icverymu'wh .inbuilt !!,. in'.lcmi ir lilnnk form, mill miuIIiik It to us tlioroby Miliwrllilng The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT TO UB. VuMishcrs Oil KO.'YCL , The Dalles, Or.: ) on, null please send lo imj address the 'DJlTLY CIIUONJCL for 12 moiht lis front, dale, for which I J agree lo jkuj (SO els. a nionlh, it being luulerstood, thai una, a.rc'lo have senl lo nuj address for . ijea,r, nnihoal extra charge, McCL LUCK'S M.HG.fJZJNE, commencing with the en.rrenl number. j ..-'Id duress CALL AT OUR OFFICE mill hoc the uiitortnlnliiK unit lluely lllustnitiil McCLUlE'S MAGAZINE, wlitch litis anions tturonttllmtor.s the lmwt fninous mttlinry in Amutlca unit Kiicliiint, t ltd ttil I tic nirli writers ti.s the fnllowliii; II. 1,. SteviillHOli, Uiulyari! Kipling, A. Coiinti Doyle, Oiitiivi! Tlmnut, Williiini Dean llowolle, liret Ilurto, Chirk' ItnsM'll, .foul Clianillur IlarriH, Tlioiiian Ilanlv, Ilaiulin Ciuriiuitl. .J. T. Tri)vliri(f-i, 1'rof. H. H. Iliilduii, .luionui It. .IiMoini!, l'rof. (!. A. Yoiiiii;, I-ruiuicH Ililpoii litirniitt, 11. II. Hovchuh, 'l'litioilnri! IioohiivdU, .1oai uin Miller, ()itlurt I'arkur, John IliirrouliH, Itoliiirt Miirr. Ilisnrv .M. Ktauk'y, Arciiilmlil IwirliuH, Amlrisw I.uiiKi Harali Orm .hnvott Dr. ,1. S. liilliiiK, V. i:. Ilmiloy. . C5ait. (Iliarli.'H Kin. MrK. liolit. I.oiiiHHtuveiisoii.Cainilo I'liiiiiiiiarion, F. Marion Crawford, l.illio CIiiiho Wyiiian, Marpirut Dclauil, Harriot Proncott Sport'onl, Ilcrlmrt I). Ward, Iklwanl Kvcrctt Mali!, Klizalmth Httiart IMicIih, I.ouiHO Chaiidlur Motilton, Kncli iiumlnirof McCLURE'S MAGAZINE rontnlns two Immbomoly lllnstniteil Interrlew with Mieh (iiiiioni ieoili ns .Ittk'H Vcrnu, An:lidi.'acon Farrur, Alplioiifi' Datidnt. Fruiu'i!H lloiluson liurntnt, 'I'liomiiH A. KdiHou, Cauiilo I'liiiiiuiiirioh, TiHaandier, tin fainotiH F. IIopkiiiHott .Smith, Mdward F.vemtt Halo, French HallooniHt, II. 11. UoyuHon, Prof. Graham Hull, mill ninny others, lnvvo lurnlahcil mntorhil for oiiKflully preii.mil lnlervlw which will njnet (ully llluitriiteil In thlx nmKuziiie Knch number uontnliiH two or three Hhort Htorleji hy fmnims mithora. Pully tllu.itrateil Atnrlu4 will nppenr in early iiumlierN hy ThomnH Hardy, Williaui Dean HowuIIh, K. 1.. StcvoiiHon, Hudyard Kijilinn, Unit Hartcs, Sarah Ormi .Juwtitt, JourClmiidler Harris, Harriut I'ruNt'ott SpolVunl, Oittiivi Thanut, Coiian Doyle, FraneeH IIikI'.hoii Burnett, Stanley .1. Weyman. HliNKY M. STANLIJY will contribute, e.fliilly (or youiiK renilera, u thrilling Intereslliii; nloryof Afriunu Ailventitrv NATPRAL IlISTOUY AND ADVKNTlMtK. Thcro will bo cevernl nrtleles written by fioymonil ninthmnyt, who Iiiih been o illeil hy Mr. W T. Kte.ul the best Interviewer In KtiKhmil, Iroiu imiterlnl (iirnlslnil him by Karl iuanbak, of 1 1 inn bun; i thuRrent miimiil ImjMirter mill trainer l'hei-o iirtiele.i deal with The Capture of Wild lleaHtH. The TraiiHportiition of Wild HenHtH. Tho Traiiiint' of Wild JieantH. The AdventureH and KneapeH of Karl HiiKonbeck. ThoBerie.s will oe lllustnitiil hy mi Kiicllsh nrtht of nekiiowleilKcil 1:II1 In ilruwliiK wild milinnlM. .Ioiik liuuitomms, (.'. 1". lloi.iii:it, Kn. ( ('. AiinoTT, mill other wrltern Iiuiioiik for their work In till lielil, will eoutrlbuti' to the iiiii,',m1ik Of Interest to botli Youni; and Old will ho TKOF. Jt. L. GAUNKIi'S AFRICAN KXJ'KDITION TO TIIH GORILLAS. ArrmiKenientM hnvo been made, In eonnei'llon with n lenillUK KiiKlhih review, to publish l'rol (iiinii'r'h letter iloerlptlve of hl present expedition to Afrien, l'rof. (inruer In noted the world over for tho curious mid IntereMlUK InveitlKatloiiM ho Is iiiakliiK In the iwwli of inoukeyw. Ill' snlleit for Africa Inst Heptember for thesakoof further laimuliiK his studies hi the native hiiunls of the Korllla. Hie lliusirauons lor ineo amines win no nom pumojrriipiiN lanen oy i roi. uarin'r The liuiKuzlne aUo contains most InterestliiK articles under the following ('Oiiiirehenlve heud. " Tiie Kdire of the Future." " ICnowledno of Immediate Value." "Nowt'Ht Iviiowledtjo." "The Present flour." " Strungor than Fiction," utc We nre ollerini; this splendid mntrnziiic with tint Daily C'lliioNli.'l.R for only fT.'J) a enr, paynbU' luudvnucoor in monthly Installments as desired. We mnko this exceptional oiler In order that wo may H'cnre a law number of new subwrlliers, but all who are already siibn:rlbrs may avail thcmelvc of this opportunity to securo this i;ret iniiKiulue. Fill up the blank and send It in, to THE DAILY CHRONICLE, The Dalles, Or. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, PropV. TIiIb well-known Browory in now turning out tho lieHt Jleor und Porter cant of the CaHcaden. The latent ap)liancuH for the manufacture of good honltli ful Iteur have leoii introduced, and only tho Unit-class article will Imj placed oa tho market. PAUL KREFT & CO., DKALERS IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And tho Most Complete nnd the Latent Patterna and DonigiiH in , T" 'nictical I'ainterH and Paper I!aiiKrn. Nono hut tlio IjohI hrandfi of the hhorwm-N illiamH and J. V. Mamiry'H PaintH itHotl In nil our work, mid nonolmt the moHt Hkllled workinon umployed. Akuiuh lor MaHtiry Liquid Palntfl. No chemical combination or eoap mixture. A IlrHt claH article in all colors. All ordorH promptly attended to. Paint 8I10D oornor Thinland WaBbinRton Sta.. The DalleH. 0r"0D JNfeu; Qolumbia J4otel. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Has latoly boon thoroughly renovated and newly fiiriiiHhed throughout, and in now bettor than ever prepared to furnlnh tho boHt Hotel accomniodatloiiH of any Iiuuho in tho ilty, nnd at the very low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25o. Oflico of the fiwt and comniodioiiH oppoHltion Biafo to Dufiir, KingHley, Tygh Valley, WplnHli Warm Springa aud Prinevllle in in the Hotel and persona going to Prinevllle can nave .00 hy going on thin Btage lino, All trains stop here.