The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 07, 1893, Image 3

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I Bis lie i Sib Dm Ms.
Continues this Week.
Of All Our Wash Fabrics.
great opportunity for economical people,
'rices will please, everybody but ourselves.
.i." all Goods marked .
Oi-nnriptloTi nf Alum .Miller' Cniilorn
1 nml Tlirlr MimIii ir l.lvhtR.
j Tliu hand (il gypsies who lmv Imd
Alma Miller in tlioir jioHHCPidon for ho
long a timo :uc. known as tho Smith,
' Stewart mul .Sherlock iawj of frypsk's,
who have hwn known to bo in Scuttle,
, Onto City, Tacomn, Clmliali", Ccntni!i;i,
1 1'ortlnncl, Tho D.illo, JVndlotoii, Mil
; ton, Walla Walla, Dayton, Moscow,
City, all through Oregon in faut, us well !
as WiiHliinfjton, and this larger cities of!
! Colorado, Utah and Northern Caliior-;
nia. They vary their pursuit with tho 1
I name earns they do their habitation.'
; 'i'wo year- n'u they had a. show, and
i had Kaily-paintcd carts, hacks ami buck- (
i boards, and a few animal". The fchow,
j however, has since broken up. Tn sonic !
I places they tell fortune, in other places '
: win piay Hand cleans and sing; some
times they will bej;: sometimes grind
i scissor- and knives; mend tinware,
peddle or trade horses.
James Smith, the leader, was in the
j city last winter, and picked lip b'od
j many dimes g.inding scissors. Many
i will remember him. He is about -10
years old, square-faced, has brown eyes,
heavy nose and chin, eyes deep set,
massive high forehead, heavy black hair,
Kcnerally cut short, and b ft.. 10 inches
tall, wei'dit 17o to 200. He has a ma-
jlitious look, and his countenance once !
I seen, will never be forgotten. In talk
; ing he has a peculiar side jerk of the
! jaw. He was the man in question when
j living here with the little girl.
, Smith is about 35, has tho same
j general description, barring the vicious
look and peculiarity of jaw, but like the
j elder Finith, is dark and heavy set.
Stewart is probably oO, slender, nie-
diii iii complexion, dark hair, and 5 ft.,
10 m. high.
An Appeal
To tho People of YVufco County and Vicinity:
Owinit to the recent Hank failure In this city,
wu are compelled to raise a certain amount of
monev within the next
60 DRYS.
Therefore, we will givo to all cash
customers a chalice to buy goods at
on the
Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Dry Goods, . flj fl pft . Embroidery
Boots and Shoes and Laces,
The amount required MUST be raised in 6o days.
Cor. court and tecoafl sis.
118 Dalles, Oregon
(lmilll A nTI (lnMM All "IT! vitr H n a Jm
ii !! ii ii iiiiii ii in ii 1 1 u iimi i ii n ii ii
oiiiiiii m mm mi m,
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
lltemU llif I'oiti.flii'i' kI Th" !iiII;h, OreKcm,
1 I ' llil I'lllHH lllllltlT.
I,tii':il l r 1 1 - I n p: .
10 1'ti' fT ilrst liiHi'rtinii, anil 6 ContH
K'tllllC ' 'II ' 'll"llt lllPXTtltm
jtwui ri! I' '! tliim imtli'in
A" ' .. IMl..
Ill tt'Kj't'l'
-i i i h wi lutr tlinn 11 o'clock
inr iliiy.
O.flUiil fvmtt fm tiornlyiiur hours rntUng
i p. ti. (i)jrriiii,
.VoniJjyand Tucmlay fair and idightly
warmer.' ' I'.ui.'i:.
liarometor, II0.0-1.
Maximum temperature, HO.
Minimum temperature, fl.
Iliver. -M feet iiIkivc zero.
Wind, calm.
A I'd. 7, 1893
Tht Diuli and Wekhj Vhrtmlc.U nitty
Wound on .tiic (ii . ('. Xkkehni't More.
full I ry llni.Unl liy l'rrUtint C.uiill
It'tn KiportirK.
In rnriil iitl,nt with nrlmii nuliir
...'"! 11111 "ltl1 '" 'V 'nimtry mli,
w lm In lintel ilcmiitur tlnin cl,.v, r ijuter
Itul iiuvct Iwlli'v.. Ii..r. Ihh iirimt'.l. rolvcr,
mum. .uaWs this vtt nl .r , rt. '
miinu-rul iiiuiv I.IlM, In ii. tl,i...
' tTf you ili-imrt.
Unit vim lni-
Wln-ii im llinililiili'
Vll freights will now curry puBm!iiKer
U. I'. Alt
v "niuii riivu more ih
not as much travel over the road now m
mure was before the fair.
HaltmaiNhe A Co. sLippd lust Sutur
hikiii irom iju.,r Htock yanH ,H0
I , ,wl "'. One of them w
lor lortland, and the other for Port
lownsend, Wash.
The two threHhimr inachiiieH mei.
Honed the other day in the.s,, ,.,.! u
mo take., out to the grain sectionn to!
IherHhing will commence the
ui nrxi week.
A (,,u i..
- -n , , -,., , lluriiru 1)()r(mliH
a-K.en .,. the northern hrnvem. last
- ' "Ml o'clock. TheHtreiuuH
loven.u.toanaieain the Hnnu'.
tliem in .loliet, III., recently lemuiked
in a Sunday inorning sermon, "(lod
inado the earth in six davs and then
rested. He then made man and then j
rested again. Then he made woman,
.since which time neither tiod nor man I
rested," The preacher is now out of a
job, as the female portion of the iionjrre
gation have struck.
Only one passenger train each wuy
and they both puss through in the night.
This renders traveling more or less of a
hardship. It should not escape the ob
servation of the traveling public that
they can now reach Portland sooner by
boat than by the freight train, which,
we understand, will leave this city every
moriiint: with a passenger coach ut
tached. Tim fare is less, and the ride
infinitely more plcaimut.
A KaiiHiiH editor mid a rich widow were
engaged to be married, when the neigh
bors began to talk about it, charging
thut ho was marrying her riches. The
young editor was vexed ut this of course
and in order to show up its untruthful
ness persuaded his allianced to turn all
her worldly pelf over to her grown
daughter thut he could prove to the
world the sincerity of his allcctious
The trusting widow did so, and the first
night after the editor and the girl eloped,
and in the morning the widow pied the
forms of the olliiv and would have pied
the editor could she have found him.
on a three
to Portland this morning
it iT ,'",rl"H",,, t..ii.wr
J " o, which is being held ut lloud
U" , au, a holiday 0 Saturday ,,d
,7 l,".m' t0 Km ''t l'v
Sm,',. ( afcUa,," ,,W,:H Ht
' soelety, re.Mtetig ge.,.
ZtT1 'lHfll.tolH,
Milldtv' It U.l'mtH wh0 Uvu "
Columbia i , , "H U hOS of l,m,ul' 0-
toiX, tl?,f t0U,U world'afulr
fruit 'Sf lh 0ru0l,, WWl of
"tier rui H Wt t,,B ',,
amuT "7!k of mx nllH
S, t,,1(lo,-tl10 'Jvor yester-
"'fly in ti... . 10 t,,0HU WHlorH o
-alio 7'! lH hi,I1ohu(I to In, un
U,,'l') ' ,V ,,Ht,W,,(l tl,Ut C001 KltH
' 1 ' yH,lrt,l0,' Jya v
''In'JJfl. U,,,0,H' aH wllMtlu.wa.
diE!!'!f;r ?'!"m,t t oaroful in
K 10 'i t-oiigiegution, Olio uf
Major K. ICvarts, of the First JJegl
ment, O. N. (i., is in the city today and
will inspect the part of the Third that
are subject to duty at this place. J.t
Col. Thompson expects to be able to re
port the formation of u new company in
Ins rce ment. the Third, in tlio near
future. The resignation of Col. Lucas
places Col. Thompson in command, and
The Dalles is the headquarters for the
reiriiimnt for the nrescnt. .Mention is
made that a regimental band is to be
organized. 1 1 is a irood opportunity for
our musical young men to distinguish
thcniMelveH. Thev should accent the
situation and get to work ut once.
lEoul KMlit...
0. V. Alagill to John It. Cunningham,
home and farm in sections III! and ft, tp
liHouth, range II! east, .fJ.OOU.
A. 11. Curtis and wife to W. Liicinda
Whealdon, lot 1, block 0, Meyer and
UiboiiH addition to Dulles city;l and
other valuable coiihldeiatlons.
!ltl'll uf Tlllllll..
Wo heiebv avail ounielves of tho op
portunity of tendering most sincere
and heartfelt thanks lo all who so
cindly assisted In recovering the- body
of our dear sou, Jtuy, from a watery
grave, and to the many menus .or un-
ing expressions of kindly regard to the
faniilv during tho interim of the recov
ery of the body and the last tender and
sad obsequies.
Mi., .ni Mas. J. II. Cause.
Tim DAM.KK, Aug. 7, 181KI.
Ukn u.kiii:n, 1 inn MiliJ''ft to iHirloillciil iit.uckN
e( nick lu'iiilnclitKir the wood ihiIIiIh .vpe, uml
coiaiiiciiciil IiiUIiik Kniiiho'H lU'iulai'lie :iiimi.1i'h
liiHt Hiimtmir. 'riiwmuo It in every tiihtiilii'c,
uml nIiicii Unit .Imu . imi riiJoyliiK hi'lmmul
livnltl. mul ImvenMliutl tun iiiiumlN la wcmlil.
VniirH very truly,
iiiinvlth, lowti.
HiiIiiIIiiii fin OuUimi'l Hill. Uulnllie.
Rlnmions Liver Regulator, purely veg
otitble, is equal to hi no ihuhh or calomel,
but without any of their Injurious prop
erties. Jlavo tried it in a most tiatisfao
tory nmiiner. Jk. J. H. JIowks,
Clinton, Gu.
lien Mexican Silver Stovn J'oIIhIi.
Douglas Dufur lias gone
uays' tnj) in the country.
Mrs. Annie Meyers and son are vis
ing her sister. Mrs". S. L. Young.
Mrs. S. J. Jameson and Mrs. II. Jame
son returned
by steamer.
W. V. Wilson of the Umatilla Iiouec
leaves for Hot Springs, Aik., tonight to
be gone a month.
(leorge Johnston and tlnee children
and sister Lettie arrived on the Regu
lator from Dallas Saturday.
Mrs. David Allen and daughter, I!o-
wena, lormerly ol tins city, are up Irom
Portland visiting Mrs. W.II. Van bibber.
Misse-i Ettio and Auburn Story left
this morning for a short stay in Poit
land, preparatory to a sojourn at the
Mr. Tilzcr of P.lakcley & Houghton
received a letter from Judge IMakeley
this morning, announcing the safe ar
rival of himself and wife and the remain
der of the party at Chicago on tho morn
of the instant, and suvb the trip was
a pleasant one. and as he wrote, the
weather was delightfully cool.
Columbia M A Sheets and son, P
Becker, Portland; John McDonald, Ce
lilo; C Ihiiley, Hood Jtiver; A C Mes
plie, J M linker, E Jordan, Mill Creek ;
F Jones, Grants; CF Heath, Lowell,
E Fair, M li McLaflin. Pendleton ; H M
Wiekerbhuin, Oregon City.
(In Sulcklr Unit.
F.nglishinan and is
He baa a red coin-
John Husgrim, aged 3o years, at
tempted suicide last night, and was con
fined in the city jail. About S o'clock
in the evening he was at the company's
shops, talking in a despondent manner
about his inability to find work and said
he guessed he would end his existence.
Suiting the action to the word he
whipped out a pocket knife and cut him
self slightly on the neck, 'the boys
pacified him temporarily, but in a little
while ho again placed the kni'o behind
his ear with a remark that he would cut
himself from ear to ear. He was dis
suaded again and the individual, still on
suicide bent, went to the creek, followed
by one or two of the shop men, who,
however, kept out of sight. Arrived at
the edge of the water, where the bank is
steep and the water deep, he cast him
self in the water, and had almost dis-
appeaied from sight when he va
. i i . .i , i n...i ,
graoneii ny uie icg aim punen wu. an
ollicer was sent for and he was put in
the city jail.
A AlUKiiiiTUilliij,- Mi'li".
All individual not a thousand miles
fioin The Dalles, particulaily the ele
vated portion of said city, advertised
not a thousand years ago for a wife.
I lundrcds of pietutcs of his fair counte
nance weie demanded, as a result of his
advertisement, and quite recently an
engagement was made to meet a fair
correspondent on the hill. Ho met her
, ... ... . . .i r 1 1 .1, 1 1 mi
on a moonless iuk'u ' uiii.-i""
part of tho eity where tliu darkness is
rendered yet more impenetrable by tall
es ami luxuriant grass. He began
his lover-like attentions, when he was
Htartled by a smothered laugh near uv,
and later by an unquestionably mascu
line snort, and then he discovered he
i,,.,l hitim duned by a youth in female
atti.e. Several witnesses enjoyed his
discomfiture, though such a piaelieal
joke is truly of a low orderof merit.
Wmiil! Woml! WoimII
Host quality lir, oak and
Leave eiders at 1" hceoiid
corner Third ami union.
promptly uttoiideii to.
.Sheilock is an
about iio years old
P.obt. Sherlock, his son, Is aged 03.
has a birth mark over right eye, a red
spot with black specks in it; Koman
nose, rather peaked face; red compk-x-ioned;
about 5 feet, 11 inches; 1C3 or
170 pound; and drinks a great, deal.
John Crougher, age about o2, o feet,
7 inches, heavy set, medium dark, rather
sharp chin, nose perfectly straight, and
high forehead. He is a good looking
The women are all dark and have
black hair and black or brown eyes.
The woman who had the child has a
large quantity of black hair, black eyes,
speaks with a foreign dialect, weighs
about 150 pounds and is strongly built.
The recovered child can doubtless tell
many inteiesting facts concerning her
experience with the gypsies. From all
information at present available, her
captors were not harsh to her, but
her rough mode of life has retarded her
growth, and she is very thin and sun
burned. It is reported she went through
on the train to tier Summerville home,
wheie she will be joyfully received by
her parents, from whom she has been so
long separated.
Fancy Goods and Notions,
debts' pur9i5r)ii? (Joodhj,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
Terms Cash.
H. Herbring.
"The AiihtIciiii Soldier."
The August number of the above mag
azine even exceeds the promises of the
July number. The battle for the old
veterans and pensioners of the civil var,
is waged with tienchant pen.. Copper
heads and traitors are arraigned in no
meek and mild manner.
Cleveland, Hoke Smith and. the "vet
eran hunting" administration are shown
iii with a fearlessness which is refresh
ing. Theabsiiid charges of frauds in
the pensions of tho old heroes, is riddled
and ridiculed. The malice, hatred and
unfairness of the assailants of the old
union soldiers demonstrated. Ai tides
from writeis like Col. John A. Cockerill
and lienjaiuin It. Davenport add to its
literary merit. A magnificent colored
photogiaph of (len. U. S. Grant, 10'yx
lu'j inches, accompanies this August
number, similar to the Lincoln picture
in Julv number, The American Soldier.
One of such pictures will accompany
each issue. For September General
.Sherman's picture will bo given.
Twelve such magnificent pot traits will
be given in one year, mnkinga collection
woith many times the price of the sub
scription for a year, which is only one
The American Soldier is published by
the National l'ublUliin Company, Mail
and Express Duilding, ''03 Uroadway,
New Yoik.
The sociable of Gesang Vereiu Har
monic, announced for Sunday evening
next, will be postponed for a mouth, on
account of absence from the city of a
number of singers. 1. O. Xickui'.m;,
ItnitM. mul JC on in fur rujilU.
Two furnished rooms to let with
boaid for pupils. Inquire at this office.
The Great KuglUli Heiuedy,
JYouijitly ami permanently
curon ull forms of AVrwua
otorrhea, Jmiotenci and all
efftcUvf Abuse or Excesses.
Veen prescribed over 115
yenralu thousand of ccies)
la t lio only ItelUtblo und Hon
est iiii-(tVliii) Jnoini. Aisle u nfwl MlrusCIM or tvooa l-aoipuuuiimi i u uuvn
milU WUUll, ,,,...,.,, ,l..s.l,iin.!l..n. In nlntui of tills. liluVl) hLl
..i.ww.l .... IV..'.." . -
rum 'i
in .....
nu uiih'ib
Familiar -Faces in a Arczo Place
Late Special Agent General Land Ojjicc
Jl?e Ieal Instate, loai), Iiurapee,
Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Rent,
Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us.
We shall make
a specialty of the prosecution of Claims and Contests
before the Unitep States Land OJliee.
85 Washington St.
Have You Seen
the :
Millinery Goods
112 Second Street.
litfirt and Afttr.
Ask vour dealer
Stove f'olish.
Maiki. ti limes".
for Mexican Silver
iliationest Hloru. lueloto lrk'Q Ju letter, oud
wo will wild ly roturu mail. J'rlco, ono imckuEO,
flHU,C5. t)H0tl'lJ'(l'lli,,l'llloUIV, l'UUlI'U'
lei In jilulu rented I'tivulope, 13 ceuU )uutnt;e,
AdilreM) Tito Wood Uliomlonl Go,,
Yi Woixtwr.rd iw eauo.Botrult, Stleli.
S'lld la The JialliM by HnlpcB i; Klncrtily.
Ai tlio Old Stand,
Cor. Second and Union Sis.
Jiay, Graip, peed ai?d plour,
Groceries, Fruits and. Seeds.
Oftrala jzxcl for lEigvs-iss lotxltzyy
fill goods delivered Free and Promptly.
's best literature
A 'P
The California Winehoase,
A now t))(n, and its pvopri
A, produced Wino at prices in
ft Also, best Peanuts to bo ibui
to bo Pure and First-Class ii
proprietor will sell his homo-
the reach ol everybody.
lound. Cioods
in every respect.
Thompson's Addition.