Dalles Chronicle VI. THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 1893. NO. 44. Daily Chroniele. HE 01 .. ttiiiN'fi no. , 4Bd wlimtoM HtM-.t... The 0fHilliirll''"" . . IMPO nj ,.; 6 B,limi- JI.KH. wo. i. jsf, Itupurtii 11 :) J'. iiuimro, n;io . . why. m. ' " ! Tu'ikii nirrv imikm-iikitb Ichvii TVolffi.M .iinl '"' the ,i M I I. L,.'!'- "siic m'"' ll,,ivu """y ll'HVU fcttW. slllfhcl1, ('""y"" ;lly' i-i...lf Walillr. Wittmimn, nnriii ETrlltli..... . i iluv of till! ljr&IifuSiriU.e l....Htllla II.....C. KltorHHMIONAI.. TtmllKI.!-.ArlllllNr.YlXT UW-OttlO) 1. ortStrwt.Tlic iMllci, f.-Km. iii . MV Ml'.MKrKK. I 'AK'".- iiim!VIM'. ATTIIltNKYh AT- IV ."".'.":., Li. over 1'oHl KwKatra-'' U .l.lntoi. Htrcot ........i-tt lTini'MV.Y AT-I.AW. ()! l.tolnuVutull.llMK.ui. MulM. The. kii,imi:on. II. H. WI1.K0N. i r.mil. I.I.HWIINOTON. lAYi. HUNTINGTON A ,WII-MU- ATTO. hnt NitiomllU.il. " Imlli . OicRiiu. lir iviiJ!(j.Y-.ni)RMr.Y T-iA lloum trench. I- Co.' bank ImllitliiK, bcooiid i, loc linnet, liroton. UEiUKUlAN (HOVJtllVATHtCl I'll YHICUN 111 SCMtO.I.-CilllK IIIIHWITtll lrilll,uy. UIIili! mi. .u. niui ijottiliit.clty or country wtl lH.0.1). HOANK I'llYHlCIAN AND HUH- Officii room b nun i. cmuminn l't. KwUtncc h. K corner Court mill ml) itrwU, KV.iiiil ilimr Irum Hie outlier. Mtti9lol2 A. M.. iituti mill. loir. 'itiDlil- Iixntiit (urn i:ivi;ii lor tliu ll hiwm Ktraclhm ill Until Alio teeth lHWMnriiljmliiiiin iilute. IIuiiiiik. HIuii of ItOjltaTootli.Kceimil Htreot. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A (IKNK.ItAI.IIANKINU MIHINKHH I)ttrs of Credit issued available In ho Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on Now York, Chicago, St. IOiiiH, Sun Francisco, I'ortlntiil Oregon, Scuttle WuhIi.. iiml various points in Or DKon mill WitflhitiKton. CollcctioiiH iiuidi) til all H)lntH on fav orahlo torinn. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OH. F'roHldont - - -Vico-I'mmlont, CtiHhior, . F. Moonv OlCAKI.KH IlllKIN M. A. Moody General IinnkiiiR Business Transacted. Siiit Kxi!huiiK8 Sold on nicw yoi:k, san francisco, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. ColloetioriH mttdo on fnvoroliio torniH at all uccoHflihlts iiointK. H. HCIIKtICK, I'rtMliluiit II. M. 11KAU. CUHliltT. first Rational Bank. S-HE DALLES. - OREGON A GniKiral Hiuiklnp BiiHinoNH trutiHiictt'd DojioiiitH ri'coivcd, Hulijcet to Siplit Druft or Chock. GilloctiotiH in iuh and jiroccoda promptly romittod on day of collection. Sl;ht and Toluprapliir Excltanpe Hold on Now York, San FruneiHeo and Portland. DIREOTOKS, I). P. TllDMI'HON. .l.VO. S. SCMENCK. Kn. M. WiiiMAMH, Gko. A. Likiik. II. M. 15KAI.1.. W. H. YOUNG, III BlacKsmiiH & wap Stiop hlK IKTI KS. triHVL0i,, NO 1 ., A 1 iVA.il MirU. Mici t 111 itl Miuiiln; ill o.iiili iiiiiutli it 7 KOYAI. Altl'll (Ml A IT K 1 1 Jll C. MuttMn Miimmlr Hull the thlnl WwtnvMluy uiuillll III i V WIIRUS WOOllMl-.N l)K TllK WUUI.ll - F ail. linoiM 'lUnliMl, W, Mn!tK-llU'llliyt!Vl.Ml ' CHCh wwW In briili-rutty Hull, at7;ai y, ln. Ul.UJIIIlA lAIIHii;, Nt). ), l.O. 0. r-Mwtii mini) uvl'IIIIIKHlVMaiOI'IlM.'k.lll K '. Ililll. corilLT Kl'I'llllll llllll I'nllil .1. IwuIiik liriitliun nru Mok'onit!. IVLOUillt. Sffl') H. A. 1IIM.K.N, (1. IHIESDrfllll- I.01K.K. NO. W., K. ofl'.-Jlivl RUOalllllllllllL' CliriHT III Cullrl .u.,1 H..!.,, it. ci....-..i...: "" sKijuHuuiiK iiaiiiourH urn c urillnlly In Fl. W u t ... . .. .W.VAU,K.f It. HM.IH. (T. ' feU.''X. ''. Vff, K. OK I.. MTOI In K. hi i'.i " "i" K','"n" '"' '"Urtli WmIiim. lUluchluuiitli t7.J.I p. ill. I'Wt.VH I'lllMU'l'l I V .r....... Ili'tWi .i ii.. .... ."" 'i rt ' " "riiiiiiii ivniiiiiKriNiiii, a inim invllwl iii-... ,.. .. ... . C8 -"'.1.0. l. T.-Ikriilar u. I u. ( .-,.,:,.K.K. XUlni.ni. ....... Hi A. O. IT. W. M....1. wiiiwt. tv ll. .11 ....... " ' ' r.n.,k. IIANHKN. mm ... AAiVKjJflTir ..,. Utmsih,,, ',. ?'.'!,-:.. a. it. -MwiH il - 1.0.1 r. m,,iii Hid K. of I' l.i'innil rilaokHinithlTii; und Work done pronijitly, and all work GtuirantH!(l. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street, opp. Licbc's old Stand, House Moving! Ti!?iVvury H,,,,,,,,' ",u- rniMin in T,K !HIIIUIIKH. rtW"',"IJ,MH,tUV' """"" I II .h ti .. "m ''H tlli.rv Kiiii.l,... ... II. A. V. VuHJKIIft nt Kitt4.jijas ""AI'TIHT,,,,,, r. (vittH in niu court hoiiiw t . S !HH(!ii Andrew Velarde LS jirojmrwl to do any and all kinds of work in his lino at roiisonnhlo liurcH. Mas the largt'Ht hoiiKo moving outlit in KuHtorn Orogon. Addrosa P.O.Box 181.The Dalles S. L. YOUNG, : : JBWBLEB : : Wiitolii-H unit Jowi'lry ri'imlrwl to ouler on Kluirt notice, unit mitlHliu'tloii iiuiiriiuuiil AT Til It turr uf I, V.. NliikoUini. l Ht. Tim Hull Chas. Allison, -Dwilcr In- Hoadquartors at Ohas. Lauor's. IIiivIiil' hiul ii lino Inirvoat of Until rill Il'iv tho ni'Ht iii tin, worm, I iiiii irouinHi tu uiriiiKii m iiuy iUiiutlty iiml ut liottom rU:vn. CHAS. ALLISON C. F. STEPHENS, OfcCAltKK IN Dry Goods rj Clothing ttlioU. Mlumii, llllU, Ktti. Fancy Ijood jSoiion Ijtc., Klo,, Ktci Second St., The Dalles. wlmL a comfort it is to havo ready at liand a rorncfly that never fails to relieve Constipation, and that, without pain or discomfort; and almost immediately cures head aches, and dispels every symptom of Dyspepsia. Such a remedy is found in Simmons Liver Regu lator not a sweetened compound to nauato, or an intoxicating Leverage to cultivate an alcoholic appetite, hut a medicine pleasant to tho taste, and perfectly harmless when given to the smallest child. S. L. K. never disappoints. It possesses the virtues and perfec tions of a reliable remedy of tho kind endorsed by eminent phj'sicians. "It iillonlt mi' iilctwurctoadd my testi mony lo thohu joii rccclvo uniiimlly In rcli.Tcnco to jour valuable incdlclni!. I .'oiiBluVr NliiunoiiH Uvor Ilcgulator tho best liirnlly iiicdlcliio on tho market. I liuyo iireNcrlbed It with mrcl lent results." U ! 1'a.uk, M.D.,TrueyClty,Tcnn. W1 i no mmm l lit) The Dalles, Portlanfl ani Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Freipni ana Passenger Line Throuuh dally nurvice (Sundays es eojitod) iKjtwoon Tho Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dulles at 7 a. in. eoniiectiiiK at Cascade IickH witli steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock") at (5 a. in. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dalles. IWNHKNUKi: ItATKS. One way Round trip ..If a .00 . 3.00 Tickets on sale for Long Reach, Ocean Park, Tioga and llwueo. Rajrgugo cheeked through. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at anv time day or night. Shipments for way landings' must he delivered hefore 5 p". in. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, (Ivufritl A f cut. B. F. LAUGHLIN, llenerul Malinger. THE DALLES, OREGON OUT presh Paint I W. C, ilu.MK.BT hereby mmuIh lllh eiiiiiilliiienlN to every Irleml And enemy K ho liu miy- -llu they low or bo they nuiii). Tho tlmo (or imliitlnK iw l'"" v,m And every one denlien n homo Tl "it liKikh tnh nail e ei.ii un.l new, Ah none but ii Kiil l"lllll,'r l',,M rulntlnit, iiiiihtIiib mul tiliilriK. too, Will T.'.iko your old Iioiimi ook quite new. He ivtll tiikn your work either v) , lly tho Job or by thinlny. If vim hiive work kIvu lilm eiill, llii'll take our uuUth, hirno or mimll. Kiiivt(iilly, W. C. GILBERT, 1'. 0. Hex No. S 'J'Jfli PALLKS, OJt. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. Thin old, popular mid reliable house . .'.S.fi ,f....i ulioil. iiiiiI ovorv room itiia been ropaporod and repulntw und newly carpeted throughout, llu? house contuina 170 rooiimaml is mipiWtw with tivory mo4orn eonvoiiUHiee. reasonnble. A good reeUiunuit .attached to tho house. Frer bun to and from U tntiUB. ....... no n-.- C. W. RnOWUDOi rivf HAVE MET IN CAUCUS Democratic, Republican and Populist Members of the House, LAST NAMED DECLARE FOR SILVER Older Parties Devote Their Time to Nominating Tickets and Listening to Crisp anil Reed Speak. WAsmxmo.v, Aug. 5. The hall of tho house of representatives was well filled with democratic memhfcis tonight when Holman, chairman of tho caucus, called it to order. It was known that Crisp's renomination as speaker was assured, and that there would be no contest over tho doorkecpership. After a short speech by Holman, Turner of Georgia nominated Crisp for re-election, after which Crisp was nominated by acclama tion amid applam-.e. Crisp spoke as follows : "An extraordinary condition of aflairs throughout the country has necessitated our meeting in extraordinary session. In so far as that condition is attributed to existing law, wc are in nowise respon sible therefor. Now, for the first time in more than thirty years, we are in full power. We can icpeal bad laws and we can make good ones. The people have entrusted us with that power and ex pect us to exercise it for their behalf. Our financial system should be revised and reformed ; strict economy in public expenditures should be observed, and taxation should be equalized and greatly reduced. To these purposes are we thoroughly committed. We must re deem our pledges. Let us begin work at once. Let us lay aside every other consideration than the public good, and endeavor to so discharge the duties as signed us as to restore confidence, pro mote prosperity and advance the general welfare of all classes of our people. I am sincerely grateful for your confidence and esteem. I pledge myself to devote myself to the discharge of the duties of tho responsible position you have as signed me with all the energy and abil ity 1 possess." The ltfiublk'im G'uucum. Washington, Aug. o. The republi can caucus was held in the rooms of the committee on judiciary tonicht to nom inate candidates for oilicers for tho 53d congress. Henderson of Illinois pre sided, and Hooker of New York acted as secretary. When it came to nominating the ticket that is to be defeated Monday, Cieneral Henderson nominated ex rfpeaker Heed, saying that he would nume a man whose record and whose hold on the popular heart would make a more eloquent appeal than anything he might bo able to say. The nomination was made by acclamation and after pro longed applause Reed responded in one ot his characteristic speeches, his sar castic drawl having lost none of its pun gency during the summer recess. Four months ago, he said, they had left con gress and returned to their homes with the country in a prosperous condition. All mills were running, the spindles playing, the furnaces roaring, labor em ployed every wheie ami thepeople happy, lie continued: "Now we are called back to lind an extraordinary business depression, a distrust in all circles and a general de moralization of the linances of the coun try, a condition, of course, precipitated by tho democratic failure to legislate. In this emergency the democrats call upon the republicans to lay aside all partisanship, forget anything that has been done in tho past and join with the democrats to get them out of their pres ent trouble." There was no attempt on tho part of Reed to outline the party's policy, and ho concluded by saying the republican party would be found discharging its duty in a way to ill, with a broad meas use," its past record when it was in the majority, and if it did this it would be asked to do no more. NKKVK Ol' l.INI! 8INO. Tliu Woleoll ruiilulu' 1'ilrttto Stoivuril 1'roven a SihhrrUt. PohtTownsknd, Wash., Aug. 5. The culmination of one of the most Btartling and sensational allairs in tho history of Pugot sound smuggling occurred hero today when Ling Sing was taken into custody on the charge of smuggling. Tho Celestial is nono other than tho urivnto steward to Captain Roath, com manding the United States roveuuo steamer Woleott, and that vessel 1ub been tho moans by which tho contra il..,,.! ilrin? has been brought over from tho other side und smuggled into tho UnlU'd States without paying the nec ..Uure rm'onuo foes. Sing is Diobably ono of tho best educutcd Chinamen of the northwest, writing, reading and fluently speaking the English language. He has been aboard, in his present ca pacity, for nearly twelve years and never before tho present time came under the eye of suspicion. Just how long Sing has been engaged in the trafllc of opium is not known, and it might have been continued indefinitely had not the discovery of hia crime been made through accident. Today the cutter visited Victoria and was about to pull away from the dock when Sing rushed headlong down the wharf. The plank was in, so ho was forced to climb over the rail. In doing so a package ho carried dropped from his arm and fell on the deck. His breathless haste to recover it somewhat surprised the pilot, who was on watch at the time. The pilot's suspicions were reported to Cap tain Roath, who immediately ordered Sing's quarters searched, with the result of finding IS pounds of unstamped, pre pared opium, neatly hidden away under his bunk. He was immediately placed in irons and brought to this port, where the customs officials were notified. A warrant was sworn out before Commis sioner Swan by Inspector Tucker, and Ling Sing now languishes in the county jail awaiting a hearing on the charge of smuggling. The arrest has created a big sensation tonight, as the Chinaman was very well known among local busi ness men. Til K WOJIEN AT WA It- Lady Manage nt thn Fair Engnge In an Unpleasant Wrangle. Chicago, Aug. o. The board of lady managers indulged in another decidedly unpleasa.it wrangle today. It lasted nearly two hours, and during that time many unpleasant things were said. Mrs. Ball, of Delaware, secretary of the com mittee of awards, made a long complaint against Mrs. Meredith, chairman of the committee. Among other things, she charged that when Mrs. Meredith was unable to attend the sessions of the committee she sent her sister to act a8 overseer, when the sister had no right to a seat in the committee. At frequent intervals during Mrs. Ball's remarks there were exclamations of surprise from tho audience, but the sensation came when in closing she characterized Mrs. Meredith as an "arrogant, malicious, ungenerous, vindictive woman." Be fore she had finished half the women in the house were on their feet, many shrieking wildly. Others hissed and stumped their feet. Mrs. Palmer used her gavel vigorously and called in vain for order, but the excited women paid no attention. "Take that back !" yelled one large woman. "Put her out!" screamed another. Pandemonium reigned supreme. During all the uproar Mrs. Rail stood perfectly calm, smiling serenelv. When, at length, order was restored she repeated tho sentence. Then the uproar was renewed and con tinued for some time. Mrs. Ball finally took her n at, and in an instant Mrs. Meredith was on her feet. Sho said : "So far as any dillereneo that exists between Mrs. Ball and myself is con cerned wo can settle it ourselves, but wlien she says I sent my sister to pre side over tho committee she tells that which is absolutely false." Here Mrs. Meredith broke down and began to sob hysterically. Then camo another scene of wild confusion. Every body wanted to talk at once. Motions were made by the dozen, but nothing was done until Mrs. Palmer, who was pale with excitement, succeeded in res toring order. Then Mrs. Ball got tho tloor again and said sho would retract tho word "malicious." There was loud applause at this, and on motion of ono of the ladies, the entire proceedings were expunged from tho records. The meet ing then adjourned. .V Lender. Since its first introduction, electric bitters has gained rapidly in popular favor, until now it is clearly in tho lead among pure medicinal tonics and alter ativescontaining nothing which per mits its use as a beverage or intoxicant, U is recognized as tho best and purest medicine for all ailments of stomach, liver or kidneys. It will cure sick head- telle, indigestion, constipation ana drive nmloria from tho system. Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle or tho money will bo refunded. Priceonly 50c. per UOt tie. ftOIU ly onipea ix jviuureiy. A KKVKItKNO N V I M I.Kit. Hail Defrauded PcrAoiiM Wlui Thought Tliry Hud ;ittlni In Ktirope. Jackson, Tenn., Aug. News was re ceived hero today of tho arrest of Dr. Frederick Howard, of this city, in Chi cago, where he and his family were at tending tho world's fair. Howard in charged with using tho United States' mails for fraudulent purposes in con nection with his European claims agency business. His reported victims, who had paid fees for fictitious claims across the Atlantic, kicked vigorously when their British possessions were not forth coming, and especially when tho doctor broke off correspondence, und a lively correspondence sprung up between Sec retary Gresham und Premier Gladstone. Hoke Smith's attention was also directed to tho matter, and federal officers were put to work to run the man down. Howard returned from Europe last winter, where he claimed to havo been appointed by n syndicate as president of the proposed Gulf & Shjp Island rail way, extending southward from Jack son, with its southern terminus at Ship island. Tho scheme has been most valuable to him in his collecting busi ness, as he used tho printed stationery of the proposed road, bearing his name us president. Local officials und citi zens have received hundreds of inquiries concerning him from reported victims. Howard is an Englishman and a doctor of divinity, a minister of the Baptist church, and a lawyer. He became widely known in 1889 in his suit for $50,000 against two newspapers and leading members of the First Baptist church of this city who had published un article ventilating his record, and ac cusing him of bearing a false name. The jury awarded him one cent damages. Inspector McLaughlin was put on the case, und after swearing out a warrant for the arrest of the doctor he went to the address given with a deputy marshal. It was the right place, but the doctor was not at home. McLaughlin went again the same night alone for the pur pose of catching the doctor on his re turn to the house. When in sight of the house the inspector met Marshal Hitch cock unexpectedly, who had come on a similar errand. While waiting outside a fine-looking, well dressed man came out of the house and walked slowly up the street. His appearance exactly tallied with tho doctor's description furnished in the telegram. Securing the warrant from Inspector McLaughlin, the marshal stepped up to Dr. Howard ami placed him under arrest. Then the two went back to the doctor's rooms. What happened there is best told in the words of tho marshal : "Ho was a nice-appearing man, and had a very manly way about him. The telegram which I had did not say any thing about tho seriousness of the of fense, so when ho showed mo his rail way passes and letters of introduction to prominent people hero and told mo he was an old acquaintance of Hoke Smith, I did not feel like taking him along. I am sorry now of courso that I trusted him, but he gave mo his word of honor that ho would come to the office in the morning." Inspector McLaughlin, who was with the marshal, appears to havo been per fectly satisfied with tho courso of action taken and both officials retired. As to what the doctor did subsequently, opin ions dillcr. In one instance it is claimed that he loft tho house immediately after tho officers went away. Marshal Hitch cock says he knows that Dr. Howard bought a ticket for somoTonnesseo point and left on tho Illinois Central. The wires between hero and Jackson were kept busy this morning, but no trace of tho doctor was reported. Shlloh's Vitalizer is what you need for SA'ppopsiu, torpid liver, yellow skin or kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to give you satisfaction. Price 7-lc. Sold by Snipes & Kincrsly, druggists. Ktuekliiililiii-h' .Meetini;. Tiik Dai.i.ks, Or., July "8, 1893. Notice is hcioby given that there will boa stockholders' meeting of tho Wasco Independent Academy, ut tho Academy building on Monday, August itfth, 1803, at I! o'clock p. in., for tho purpose n( electing seven directum, ami transacting such other business as may properly come before said meeting. By order of the board. S. L. Bitooics, Sec'y. dawtd, Highest of all In Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder AQSOLUTE1Y PURE i m mm