if t1' if 1 .9 The Dalles Daily Chronicle. tiii: dai.i.kh OUKOON LARGEST, SMALLEST, OLDEST. Tin: hiffhiMt fttlls in tho world tire the Ribbon falls of tlu Yoseniite throe thousand three hundred foot. Tin: MimlL'st bird is tin Wo.-t India liumininp hinl. Its body w less than an inch long and weighs only twenty grains. Tin: oldest statue in the world is of tho shiek of an Egyptian village. It is believed to be not less than six thou sand years old. Tin: largest cut stones in the world are in the temple of the Sun at Jlual bee. Ahmy are more than sixty feet long, twenty feet broad and of un known depth. A sitKiu ranch in the counties of Webb and Dinnnet, Tex., gives pasture to about 1.500.000 sheep. It contains over -100,000 acres, and is considered the largest in the world. ilnnnmt IVel mi thu Slilewnlk. Tho street car hint passed, but to catch it he reckoned, So he ran like a !eer, and shouted and beckoned, Till lie planted his heel On a smooth bit of peel Then he saw half a million of stars In a jecond. He was in too great a hurry ; better have waited for another car. There are cases, however, where haste is necessary. If you have night-sweats, foverishness, weak, sore Iuiibh and a hacking cough, do not lose an hour in obtaining a sup ply of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. Delay in such cases is danger ous; it may he fatal. Before the disease has made too great progress, the "Golden Medical Discovery" is a certain cure. In fact, it's guaranteed to benefit or cure, or money paid for it promptly refunded. J Mr. J. C. Boswell, one of the best known and most respected citizens of Brownvrood, Texas, suffered with diar rhoea for a long time and tried many different remedies without benefit, until Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrluva Remedy was used; that re lieved him at once. For sale by Dlakeley & Houghton, Druggists. lm. A Sumluy at the Seaside. During the summer season the Dalles, Portland ec Astoria Navigation Co. will make a rate of $3, Dalles to Astoria and return, and $4, Dalles to Ilwaco and return. The above rates will be in effect on Sundays only. Steamer Regulator will leave The Dalles at 7 a. m. Dalles City will arrhre at Portland in time to con nect with the Lurline for Astoria and Ilwaco. The Lurline will leave Ilwaco Sunday evening and will connect with the Dalles City Mondav morning for The Dalles. The above tickets will be limited to three day from date of sale. W. C. Allah-ay, G. A. NOTICE. "IiiKKmucli as my wife, Georgie Anna Brooks, hae, without just cause or prov- ocation, left my bed and board, against my wishes and consent, and refuses to return or farther live with me, I hereby Mvarn all persons not to give her any -credit on my account, as I will not pay any bills of her contracting after this date. Caleb Biiooks. Dalles City, Or., July 19, lS93.dsot&wit This Is the Season CM CD Of the Yea GUhen Judicious Advertising Pays. o o H. C. NIELSEN, Clothier and Tailor. . .Decidedly the Finest Line of Gents' Kurni string Trunks and Valises, c., etc. Good: COH. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THH DALLES. OK. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE TIip Corrugated llullilltip nnxt llimr to Court Honor. Handsomely Furnished Rooms to Rent by the Day, Week or Month. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Ciood Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. FHASEH, Proprietor. McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone suuscrimng m The Dalles Daily Chronicle for 12 Months at 60 Cents a month. OR J. O. MACK, PHOTOGRAPHER First premium at the yasco countr air for beHt portraits and views. rARTICpYv SODA WATER AND I0E 0EEAM. Candies and Nuts at wholesale quotation. sESpecialties Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles 2StretJ. FOLCO At right side Mrs. Obarr's restaurant WOOD, WOOl), WOOD. Beat grades of oak, fir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. Peters & Co. (Office Second and Jeffer son streets.) C. L. Phillips, assignee of Wm. Farce & Co., will on August .'hi, 1893, sell, in front of the court house the book ac counts uncollected, also all promisory notes remaining in his hands. tf Oiinger & Bone's stages eu route to Cloud Cap Inn will locate campers at the best fishing point in Hood River valley, where one can reach Mt. Hood in a few hours and get their mail and provisions daily. L'tewd Notice. All city warrants registered prior to July 2d, 1891, will be paid on presenta tion of the same at my office. Interest ceases after this date. 1. 1. ItuuoET, Treasurer. Tho Dalles, Or., July 5th, 1893. To llluiuent Tuxuuyera. All proaperty upon which taxes are not paiu by tne 1st ot August, will bo levied upon and sold according to law. T. A. Wakd, Sheriff. flood Job 1'riutluir. If you have your job printing done at The CmiOMCLE you will have tho ad vantage of having it done with the most modern and approved typo, with which we keep continually supplied. All jobs under the direct supervision of 0110 of the most successful and artistic printers in tho Northwest. The Dalles My Chronicle. HAS A FAMILY OF 2000 HEADERS. They read The Chronicle to get the latest and most reliable i cws. Ami they read every lino that Is in the paper. Thnt Is what makes the Chronicle an invaluable advcrtl-ine; medium. The newspaper that soes to the family firesides is the one fi) "mt "10 advertisers of today patronize ' when they desire to reach the people. When they want your trade their announcements will be found in the paper. J-ook over our columns and observe the verifica tion of the truth of this assertion. Itemembcr, n trade of a family of two thousand is worth asking for through these columns, espcially so at our very FIJlE WIE$ and LIQUOR DOMESTIC And KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PABST BEER 171 FRENCH'S BLOCK. SECOND STREET, : : THE DALLES, OR. IAM & ERTSON tors, JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, 76 Count Street, Next door to Wasco Sun Office. Has just received a line line of Samples for spring and summer Suitings. The Fifth Annual FAIR OK THK Second Eastern Oregon District Agricultural Society, . , WILL HE Hi:i.I) AT uTflE DALtltES, OlJEGOJI, ct6ber 10th, 1893, Continuing five days. A. S. MCALLISTER, I'resldent. Come andSeette Jew Fashions. Cleaning and Repairing to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. TL4 C l,a"" Evening Chronicle is recognized 1 iLw essentially the home paper for the Dalles City folks' 1J r XX C This is not a 1 d reputation. Some n U IV1 C '-',000 of our 1 t citizens watch the columns of this n fl D C? D daily for the spiciest local news. It r HI L.1A succeed I in gleaning the field, and hence grows m popularity and importance. Take it awhile, you who don't; try some of its premium otters, From TEHHIHAI op INTERIOR Points THE lira Pat RHILROKD Ib the lino to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. It Is tho Dining Car Route. It runs Through Yentlbuled Trains every day in the yur to fii paul and Chicago INO CHANOK OK 0AR3.J Composed of Dining Cars unsurpassed. I'ull man Drawing Itoo in Sleepersof latest equipment TOURIST SLEEPING CA11S . Best that can bo constructed, and In which accommodations are both Krco and Furnished for holders of first and Second-clans Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES A continuous line, connecting with all Hues affording direct uud uninterrupted service CityStables,I Corner of Fourth and Federal Sts., The Dalles, Oregon. These Stables have on hand tho finest Livery in Eastern Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with either Single or Double Kigs, closed Hacks or Carnages day or night. MORE ROOM. Also, can furnish First CIush accommodations to teamaters with freight or driving teams, having added to their stables large feeding and wagon room. Commercial Patronage Solicited. TheDrlles Wasco County, Oregon, Tho Gate City of tho Inland Empire is situated at tho head of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, pros perous city. ITS TERRITORY. It is tho supply city for an extensive and ricli agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching us far houth as Summer Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of tho Ca cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, tho wool from which finds market here. The Dalles is tho largest original wool shipping point in America, alxiut 5,000,000 pounds being shipped List year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries arcs tho finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will be more than doubled in the near future. Tho products of the beautiful Klickitat valley find market here, and tho country south and east lias this year filled tho warehouses, and nil available storage places to overflowing with their products. ITS WEALTH. It is tho richest city of its size on tho coast and its money is scattered over and is being used to develop more farming country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on these corner stones she stands. m DALLES CHRONICLE Tollman Bleeier reservations can bo secured In mlvanco through any agent of thu road, THROUGH TICKETS hngland and hiiropu can t ucei onico 01 me company To and from all lK)liiNln America. bopuichasud at any Full Information coneernlnK ratot, time ot trains, route and other detalla fnriiliihw! mi application to W. C. CALLAWAY. Agent I). T. & A. Nay. Co., Kegulator offlco, The vtiin, ur., or A. 1). (IHARI1'OK. Au't. General fwneuger Agt,, Portland, )gn. .Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHRONICLE was established for tho ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and tho surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all othor publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a largo part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and othor ro gions north of Tho Dalles, honco it is tho host medium for advortisors in tho Inland Empiro. The Daily Ghuoniole is published every ovo uing in the week Sundays excepted at 0.00 per annum. Tho Wekklv Ciiuoniom: on Fridays of each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tlx :da11gi, Oregon. 5 UeeKly rorpiel AT $2.25 PER ANNUM. jrr-tiv Hiuvlnl nrraujronionU with tlm iialtlNliuw f one of the l"t MukiuIui-n now iuliiui,ttl uMueenaliUil In maki'it mot exceptional uller to ceilil McCLURE'S MAGAZINE OUSTIE) YEAR looveryoniMvlnllllsoiit the follow Iiir blank form, and hendlim It to iih, tberuby Nuhwrllilng f0 The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. CUT TWO OUT AND SCND IT TO US ll K Publishers CJUlOmCUS, I The Dalles, Or.: Jon will please sen d to my address the JXUL Y 1 CHRONIC L E for 1 2 months from dale, for which P I agree to pay CO els. a mont h, it being u.nderstooil j that uou, are 'to have sent to my address for I year, 9 without extra charge, MeCL UttE'S MAGAZINE, commencing with the eu.rrent number. Name, .Address ' tttf rrr" mt yn' rnjrrsursinrisxTi urcis mrr Dale. . . . .Address J CALL AT OUR OFFICE ami bee the entertaining and i'.nely Illustrated McCLURE'S MAGAZINE, which has among ltn contributors tho niott (unions imthorK In America and Iceland, Including smii'Ii writer an thu bdlowlns It. 1,. StOVlMIHOU, Itutlyiml Kiplint;, A. C'oiiiui Doylu, Octavo Thuiiut, William Dean Howellc, Urct Hartu, Clark Unroll, Tool Chatidlor llarrifi, Thoniaa Ilardv, Iliunliii Garluml, .1. T. TrowhriilKU, l'rof. K. K. lloldon, luiomt) K. Joromu. I'rof. C. A. Ymitij:, FranccH Iliidcmiti lliinuHt, II. II, JIoyoHon, lltfodoro HooHovtMi, Itoliurt llarr, ,l(Ki(iiin iMiliur, Oilbart rurkur, .lolni llurrotiKliH, Ilonrv M. Stanley, Arclubald l'orl)t'H. Andnnv Luiik, Fnnih Onto Jewiitt Dr. .1. S. HilliiiH, Harriot 1'reHcott .Spodord, W. Y), Henley, Kdward Everett I lulu, Citpt. ClmrluH King l.ouiHe (Jhumllur Moulton, TIkiiiiuh Hardy, lUtdyard Kiplint;, JoerCliantller Hrrin, Conan Dovle, SlrH. Uobt. I.oiiiHStovmiHon.CuniiW) I'liunmnrioti, F. Marion Crawford, Lillie CIiuho Wynmn. JIarpiret Deland, HerlMirt I). Ward, Klizalwtli Sttmrt Phelps Each number o( McCLURE'S MAGAZINE rontalni two handsomely Illustrated lutcrrlim with such lamous iK-ople as .InleH Verne, Archdeacon Farrnr, Alphotmo Diutdot, FranceH HodL'Hon Uurnutt, ThointiH A. KdiHon, Cainile Flaininnrion, TiaHandier, the fainotiH F. HopkitiHon Smith, Kdward hvurutt Halo, rrdiich lnuluoniflt, 11. II. lioyoHon, I'rol. (.ruliani Hell, and man-others, have luruished material (or osneclally pruiutnil IntervlowH which will apiMr (ully lllustratoil in this inuRMliie. Kach number contains two or three short stories by lamous authors. Kully Illustrated stories will apjiear in early numner riy William Dean Howollfl, H. L. StovoitHon, Hret Harto, Sarah Onto Jewutt, Ilarriet Prcscott Spoirord, Octavo Thanot, Frances IIodBaon.IHirnett, Ktunley .1. Weyninn. HICN1IY M. STANLEY will contribute, especially (or ynntiK leaders, n thrlllliiKly luterestluK htoryot Alrlean Adventure. NATURAL HISTORY AND ADVKNTITKK. Then; will l several articles written by Raymond niathuunyi, who has been called by Mr. W T. Htoad thu lastt Interviewer in Ilnnlanil, frnin material lurulsliiil him by Karl tliaaiibak, ol Ham burK, thoK'rwit animal linjuirter anil trainer. Thex' articles deal with The Ciipturo t)f Wild HeastH. The TratiHportiUion of Wild lleaatH. The Training of Wild JtuiiHts. The AdventureH and KHUiijieH of Kurl Hairenbeck. Thu series will ne lllustrateil by au CukIHIi nrtlst of iiel;uolidi;i.'d skill In drawtiiK wlhl unlmali. John lluiii'.ocoiis, (', I'. Hoi.ii:n, 1 Mt. ('. ('. Aiiiiott, and other writers lamous (or their work In this Held, will contribute to the miik'a.iue, , Of IntereHt to both Yottng and Old will he PROF. It. L. GAliNKR'S AFRICAN ICXPKDITION TO THK GORILLAS. Arrangement have been made, in connection with a leading Kncllsh review, to liubllsh l'rof (iarncr'a letters doeriptlvo of his present ixH.slitlou to A(rlca, l'rof. (lamer Is noted tho world over for the curious and InterestlliK InvestlKatloiiH ho Is makliiK in tho siiecch of iiioukeyN. Hi Milled for Africa last .September for the sakoof further pursuing his Htudlus In tho native hauut.s of thoKorllla. The Illustrations for these articles will bo from photographs taken by l'rol. (larnci Thu miiKazlue also contain" most liiterestiut; articles under tho followlmr comprehcnslvo heads " Knou'ludpt of Iininedinto Valuo." "Tho Prnaont Hour." : Tlio lCdpe of tho Future." " NoweHt Knowledtre." " StrniiKor tlinn Fiction," etc. Wn nn ollerliiL' this sDleiidld miiL'tiziuo with tho Daii.v CiinoNlL'l.r. for only ST.'JO a year, imyablr in advance or In monthly Installments as deslreil. Womakothls e.Nceptlonal oiler In order that we limy M-ciin b larKu numlier of new subscrlliers, but all who aro already Niili-orlborH may avail theinsolves of this opportunity to secure thlsRtunt magazine. Mil up thu blank and mmiiI It In, to THE DAILY CHRONICLE, The Dalles, Or. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. Thla well-known Browory ia now turning out tlio beat Boor and Portet east of tho Cancadea. Tho latoat appliances for tho inunufuuluro of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and only tho firHt-clasa article will tie placed oi the market. PAUL KREFT & CO., -DEALERS IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Moat Complete and the Latoat PattoriiH and DosIkhh In Practical Pnintora and Pntmr Uniioo. Nmm I vol tin, lw.uf limndH nf tliw Shorwin-Willianis andJ. W. Maaury'a PaintH UBod in all .itir work, and nonolt tlio moat akilled workmen umnlovud. AimntH far MiiHi.rv l.lnuhi l'nlntH. No chemical combination or soap mixture. A llrat daaa Brtiolo in all eolora. All ordora promptly attended to, Paint Shon oorner Thirdand Washington Bta,, The Dallos. Orooii T Columbia otel. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Haa lately been thoroughly renovated and newly furnirihed throughout, and la now belter than over prepared to furuiali the licat Hotel uceommodiitioiiH of any liouao in tho city, and at tho very low rato of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, S5o. OIUco of tho faat uml contiuodiotiH oppoflltion Stag to Diifur, KiiiKHloy, Tygh Valley, Waplnltli Warm Kprlna and Prinevllle in in the Hotel and poraoiiH koIhk to Prlnovlllo can save 14.00 by going on thin BtuKO lino. All trains stop here.