The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 05, 1893, Image 3

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A 1 Me in Sner Dress Cools.
Continues this Week.
Of All .Our Wash Fahrics.
great ojiport 'unity for economical people,
'rices will please everybody but ourselves.
all Goods marked
in plain figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
litniiU It"1 1'mlnllli'i' lit The DuIIi-m, fti:im,
i w mil i snH miittur.
I, urn! Ad viirtlwliii:.
10 toll' .'' Hi" Hf'tl lIHlTtllUl.lllllt ft Ot'lltM
tcrllnndiri'iu.' '"'"' li''lit lm-iTtluii
clii! nUn f'f Ion;' time ntitliT
All lnm nntfi'H iri'.-lvecl lilti'r tluili 'A n'olook
will ippcurLipJi-lii'iMiit; liny
Wmtlmr rori'i'imt.
Jfflol orfoiil or UuiiUj-J,mr hnnr emUuij (It
I p, a, iDnusrrnw,
Saturday nir and stationary tempera
ture; Sunday fair, nearly stationary and
cooler I'akitk,
Barometer, 20.(1(1.
Maximum temperature, 8!!'.
Minimum tomnoruuiro, (10.
Ritcr. 22 feet alK)V zero.
Wind, weal.
8ATUKDAY, - - - AUG. n, 181)3
Tkt Daily and Weekly Chronicle wiai
W found m jkic at . C. Nickebrn's More.
lll Fry lliiukriMiv I'nrxliitmit Clirmi-
lolti KiiiiitrttirK.
Tl'ii iiKllntiir h voice Ik iliunli-
lll xIUitv tlivini; lurunt
Tlmcrimit tlmt liliKikcil tluTiiriiiT
Hun Muililiiil (nun lliuBjiut
Tli(!i:li;rU Iiiih nluil hl I'uiit milt vt'H.
Hut ciimluttciinictli not.
llit tncTt-ury x iibiml to linrnt.
Ami oh, emit Scott' If hot1
--f.'ulu I'ommmtrr,
Till) DlllleS "nine" Will play a gami) of
busoball tomorrow. Tli Goldcndalo
team played Sutimhu.
Messrs. K. Mays and sons will Hliip a
train load of beer cattlo to tho Portland
market tonight, having driven tliuni in
off the range.
Air. Harry Gilpin of Ton Mile Iihh
bought n twelve liormi power threshing
nacliifio from ('. . I1U1) & Son of
this city.
For a Saturday, thin in tlio moot quiet
occof the season. Our fanners are all
ttttorl- in I mi rt'i,i ll ,.1.1 ii
. '"'"in, aim nnvc) 111)
waoioftparo to go to town.
filing run be hoard of Miller, thw
utbetof Alma Gladys, who WHH sent for
'wto Kugeuc. It is probable ho
"""fintliiM'ountry searching for tho
Mr. A. Fields Iiiih shipped !iS crates of
ntcl.,iipB from his ruuol. at Crate's
'" "ttol'ortlund during tho past week,
11 will ship t,vor ir.l) crates from his
"UldillL' IlllXt W :
left at
'Iford .Mail ; a Chicago banker pro-
..i.o, oy ti,,, ,! ()f ()xt U)nth
nkHof u,o dty wm lw imatini;
growers to taku tho nionoy thoy won't
,Cl ""l HOW loruOVIIl lllimnf I.mikIw
A lllld uni, f ....... r .1
.,, 1'iu in oatH iroui mu ruuou
"I. I lavillwim ..I I.M..I.I mil.
llr ofllfO vonlurdiiv. wlui'li in r.
JWwl to yiol.l (Ifty.iivo o'r h!x(,v IjuhIihIh
I ,r ""F0, T" Hiiinplo of Htulk indictttoa
1110',r ,,1('L'zy -'orrcHondout who writes
' t ' lluud Kivur liiHtltute, umlor tho
'Mi uroof Two J'ohh, H furniHhing ..
J7 1 ,laily r(,l'ort' Wm 1,0'" tl,llt lf
"och not eHfitpodotuiition.Hoiuo lucky
wt iiiih limn, will mivu IiIh nculp. IIcIh
"a''K IuIh of fun with tho tonohorH.
dii,"" .chm l'ld u vlHit to Tho DallttH
"K tlio wouk and to hint tho Kimtinol
""imiiuii for a
wan w
tiuiuitiUil UUHOImll toUIJI )
llttlo Innido lilHtorv
"W won't ppour j,, T,,0 ,)tt0H ,rHt
nun tho (lnfi.nii.ii t
J"r"l,l 1)01110 thov
woro mot at tho furry
"win who j.roceedod without
'""y 10 Ko thmugli tho
of liniHhiii tho flioH oil' thorn. Tiiie
curomony ovor thoy vcr! martihiid to
tho Umatilla IIoiiho faucot and troatcd
to a drjiiitrr of cold water. (iolilcutlalo
Our country friendH aro nnxioiiH that
Home of tho piraitorinl fraternity would
miiko an till'ort and have an oli.Htructiou,
which !h Haid to exict, in the Hhapoof a
laro rock, blown out of fi-.Mile, near
tho mouth of that Htreuin, believing if
that wiih done huuiii of the early ruhnon
run would find thetimelveH up lo-'Milo
and I Lh liriuielicH.
A flue toned hell haw been placed in
tho tower of the OltriHtian church which
'ih nearly ready for dedication, which will
take place on .Sunday, the .'Id of Fep
temlMir next. The edifice in an orna
ment to tiiut portion of the city and the
denomination deHorveH much credit for
their energy and determination in the
erection of their new place of worohip.
The Columbia Hoho Company held a
meeting ThurHtlay night to take home
action on the mutter of linanceH and
tuuture plaiiH for their part in t'e fitate
tournament which mcotH here on the
tth of next mouth. It wat decided that
fundM be appropriated to meet neeeHHury
expeiiHCH in decorations and other
iucideutalH. The company will, take
part in tho parade and ftirniuli a team
of twolvo memberH to participate in the
hoHO raceH, with Mr. .lohn HampHliire
uh captain.
WliMt He Known Aliimt HiirM'-ltuldliiK
A few weekH ago Kditor Ciourlay, of
the Sentinel, Hont over to hiw ranch in
WaHco county for Ium driving mare. Tho
mare arrired in due time, and the wuh
Hwelled up like a poiconed pup. Oour
lay aHHtired hio friendn that the animal
wh only "grasn fat" and a lew daya'
drivinir would brintr her down to her
normal nhv. A few dayn after Mr. Don
noil had n longing denire to -ini L hm girl
at The Da oh. and making tho fact
known in the prohonco of Mr. (Jourlay
ho at onco tendered Mr. Donnell Iuh
buggy and graKH fed animal. The oiler
waa accepted, and the next morning tho
Htablo wuh vimtod for the purpimo of
hitching u. when, behold, Home of the
luxuriouflgruHH from Mr. Gouilay'H ranch
had turned into leen, head, eyeu and
eartj. In whort, old Dobbin bad a colt.
Klickitat Leader,
J ii Cuphl'N Nut.
It in reported Hyiuon in to give u eel-
(Miration in the near fntuie. A lino cot
tago wuh ptirolutHod a low day ago, and
tho I'acitlc KxpioM busincHH han in-oiom-cd
wonderfully of late.
I''ucv.i iiIciiMint, but tiliislitiiK, P'lhN iiie,
rioiiivtlnics tun or tlirro III n tin .
A ml I know tlmt wlillo ItMi hoorot,
Tliolr nxpreoH mokiiKo kIvok tlioin invny.
NlHV, WllV Nlllllllll HOIOO flllkN 1)0 IllVllK'll,
Anil tolillhH llnil HOMiny tho key?
I ImiIIovo tlmt the Hume kliiilly Jortnnr
III Miinutlino ImvoliuiulU'h (or mo.
llf W'ur A way Otr.
An iiKiuiry nuido about tho roek
cniHher olioitcd tho reply that "Wo
don't know anything ubout whoroit Ih."
Fllloon huj'h, " have sent out a tracer."
Another party bolioved it had boon un
loaded en route for uao at Home ullvor
mine, but ho waH promptly tdloncod by
a liHtonor with tho remark : "You durn
fool, don't you know thoy alnt goin' to
uho any inoro nllvor after this mouth?"
Mr. .1. II. Cradlebaugh of the Hood
Itiver Glaciei- i in the city today.
Mr. Frank Kincaid of Antelope is a
visitor of the city today.
MrH. Woodf and son of South Dakota
are vifciting Mrs. Chas. Cornon of this
The rejiort on the BtreetH that Walter
French is dead if incorrect at the latest
Mr. D. K. Ordway of Hood Itiver was
in the city hiht night and returned home
lliiB morning.
Sam I'resBler returned from Pendleton
Tty tJro llm l.tH Victim of Urn Oruil
The cruel waters of thoColumbia have
clofvd over another victim. This time
thoy have taken in their chilling em
brace a life which had but just entered
upon itH threshold, liittlo Kay Cross,
12 years old, found death Friday after
noon home time after r:,'50 o'clock, but
tho details of his drowning will remain
a mystery until they are known from
the other shore, which is separated from
us only by a span. No one saw him
drown, and the last person who saw
him alive saw him still in tho bloom of
health, with no thought of tho near ap
proach to the great Change which must
usher us all into the presence of our
Creator and that world where is no
At the hour named Ray was standing
in a boat, moored to tho trestle, on the
west side of Mill creek, near tho mouth
of the stream. On the opposite bank
was Andrew Lnrscn, about 13 years old.
Kay shouted across to Andrew to come
over and both would go in swimming.
"All right," was the answer, "wait un-
til I get across." This consumed about
i five minutes of time, as Andrew had to
climb the hill back of him, walk across
the trestle and descend upon the other
side. Arrived there ho saw nothing of
his playmate, but observed that he had
undressed, as his clothes were piled up
in one end of the boat.
Divesting himself of his clothes An
drew, who can swim quite well, went
J into the water, and thought he saw Ray
, underneath, but diving down to the
object, discovered it was a coal oil can.
I He supposed then that he was hiding
i and shouted if he was hiding to come
1 out or he would go home. He waited a
few minutes and then went home.
; He did not return until about S o'clock,
! and noticing Ray's clothes still in the
boat, asked a number of other boys who
were in swimming if Ray was with them
or if they had seen him. Receiving a
I negative reply it dawned upon him for
I the first time that lie was drowned, and
, the boys, now thoroughly alarmed,
quickly notified his father. Mr. Cross
came down, and instituted a vigorous
search for his lost child, himself rowing
the boat or drawing the drag hooks.
Kdbrts were continued throughout the
night and far into the forenoon today to
find his body by catting about on the
bottom for it.
The body of the drowned boy was re
covered at 10 :4," o'clock this forenoon
odHv.wnero lie lias been workjng on , d t, ieinain8 con vcycd to the house.
Mm t'lhlltwi
Itourd fiutl lltkom for JMiplU
board for pupils.
Inquire at this office,
for Hunt.
Kooiiih to rent nt l!ev. A, Horn's resi
dence on Ninth street. O-L'tfduw.
The friends of Mrs. E. M. Wilson will
be sorry to learn that this estimable
lady is quite ill.
The latest report from the son of Mr.
I). M. French is that he is no better,
aud his life is almopt despaired of.
A child of Mr. Law-tun, who lives
just south of the ne.' school bouse on
the hill, is very sick with diphtheria.
LaHt Wednesday, Miss Delia Brown,
in her eagerness to attend the institute,
walked ten miles, carrying her valise.
Messrs. Geo. Krause, D. Rnnnell and
H. Chrisman left this morning for Long
Prairie, in the mountains, for a week's
We are sorry to learn that the genial
telegrapher, Mr. P.alfe Johnson, is ill.
It ih hoped he will be at tho old stand in
a day or so.
Mr. Arthur Cooper, formerly em
ployed in this office, came down from
La Grande yesterday, where he has
been for the past year.
A large coaching party, consisting of
Messrs. M. A. Moody. R. Green of Port
land. F. Joslvn, Mr.'.ludd, and Mrs. A.
L. Newman! Miss Lang, Miss Heseie
Lang and Miss Newman, left this morn
ing lor Cloud Cap Inn, and will return
tomorrow eve.
Mr. Kd. Patterson returned from an
outing last night at Clear lake and Bad
gprcieek. His companions stopped at
'i'vi'h Vallov en route home. Mr. Pat
teison reports a fine time and as having
feasted on mountain trout, which were
abundant in the mountain streams.
The sport of a short season of camp life
was what they sought, and they had it
in all its varied expcrieucoH.
Mr, llurrv Liebo favored this office
with a call" this afternoon. Mr. Liebo
returned this morning from a four years
sojourn in Aachen, on the Rhine, in
Gorinanv. Kn route homeward betook
in tho great fair in Chicago, and says
tlu "magnificent distances" of the
I 'nlted States seem more than ever up
paling in his journey across the conti
nent. Mr. Liobo is the sou of Judge
Liebo. Ho has considerably changed in
appearance, having grown heavy and
tall, but after all looks a great deal like
his father, the genial Judge.
Mr. Thus. Ward and family and Mrs.
1 J. Noriimn and family, accompanied
bv Mrs. .L 11. Phinnaii and Mrs. Sterl
ing and family, took their departure for
a week's outing on Kckels cieek, m the
Hood river valley. Also Mr. John Fil
loou and family, accompanied by Mrs.
Chas. Stephens, left for a week h camp
life at Little White Salmon. Mr. K ex
pects to till the place of the noted Isaac
Walton, as he was well lilted out with
rod, line, and tho treacherous fly.
IIOTI'I. AltlilV.U.K.
Columbia Frank Lewis, li Tnbin, A
Aurg o. M I), W I' Btdl. H Toranco
,u w e Portla'nd; S McAUan, Oregon
Cltv A Aliii, A S Anderson, Arling
ton; Wn. Cantrell, Wapinitiaj Charle?
Marho, Cottage Grove; 1; J'. Clark,
Grass Valley; Frank Teal, Onmlm, Neb.
KruiiH''H Ih'iMluolie CuiwiiN'n.
, ronu'ily un'il with uniiyliiKHHmsnHu
oiiio (or I " ' ",, : ,
!! .CV., i . "ft 'imH hron ummI for
,v.T.Y. .. ' ,i i . iiis,hit on. la I'orion nit
lllllliioiii' it.,., t, :, . . . .....n.,,1 in-
Il.....l.n ,,, in no I IMrill'P rminit, fj
tn tho mm. unit In nil riww with tho WM '
IliK uwiltM. Wolmvo.n or a ,'""
, llfMIIIIirV 111 UIIHh ...",.
to tho Mill,
........ ...... , . r. i , i. , , j... i, i imliiii?
mm, nun in liven,,,, j . . ....i ..., i.,,,wil.
(or UiIh ollootho loiitooy. nun wuiiuium"v
recommend It toour l"ttroii. ,,,,.
iwi'l'ii-uo"; i
The body was found next to the ferry
boat, about forty feet distant from where
his clothes lay. The funeral will occur
at 4 p. m. tomorrow from the Methodist
The bereaved parents have had more
than their share of eorrow. The grim
reaper has entered their household Fix
timeB aad taken away their children, of
ages varying from the tender blossom of
infancy to mature manhood. The first
was an infant girl two months old.
In 1S80 Harry Clifford, aged 11 years,
was killed in Cereas, Cal. While seek
ing his father for supper he slipped and
fell orfthe railroad track and was run
over by the cars.
Paul Ross, aged 14, died in The Dalles
in 1SS9 of sciatic rheumatism.
Fred DeWitt, aged 23, was killed in a
railroad accident in 1800 near Hood
Grace Ellinor, aged 10, died August
(ith, 1891, in The Dalles of acute con
sumption. Ruy Oscar, who was drowned yesterday,
would have been 12 years old the 25th
of December.
Two children aro left, Willie, aged 9,
and Mabel aged IS.
The sympathy of the community will
be extended to the parents, under the
weight of a burden the severest known
to mortality the loss by death of those
preeiou" lives bouud by the heart strings
of parental ntlection. Consolation at
such a time, though tho heart may be
aching to give it, falls inert from its own
helplessness. May the pareuts be
boot hod and comforted from the promises
found in the Word, of which they are
both devout believers.
Klder J. W. Jenkins will preach at
Ilartlaud, Wash., Sunday morning aud
Owing to the absence of their pastor
the Christian church services will be
postponed tomorrow.
First Congregational church, corner
Court and Fifth streets, Row W. C.
Curt'ls, piihtor. Services as follows on
Sunday: At- U a. m. worship and
a sermon. Sunday school immediately
after the morning service. Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavor at
OiliOp. m. Topic, "Tho Blessedness of
Giving," Acts xx, !J3; Luko vi, H3-3S.
All not worshipping olsowhero aro cor
dially invited. Tho regular evening
servi'co will be discontinued for tho
Methodist Episcopal church, corner of
Washington aud Fifth streets, Row J.
Whisler, pastor. Sermon at 11 a. ni
and S p. m by tho pastor. Sunday
school after morning service; Junior
League at 5 :30 p. in. ; Epworth League
!at7l. in.i e.lass meeting Sunday at 10
a, in. and Tuesday ut 8 p. in, ; prayer
meeting Thursday at 8 p. m. A cordial
welcome to all.
l.'so Mexican Silver Stove Polish,
An Appeal
To the People of Wasco County and Vicinity :
Owing to tho recent Rank failure In this city,
wo aro compelled to raise a certain amount of
monov within the next
60 DAYS.
Therefore, wo will give to all cash
customers a chance to buy goods at
on the
Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Dry Goods, . flj JlAIlp PtylGE. Embroidery
Boots and. Shoes and Laces,
The amount required MUST be. raised in 6o days.
Cor, Conn and second sis, o U. M U ADDIC
Tne Dalles, Oregon. O. 00 IN. nMnnlOi
Soil ii ner Dry Ms,
Fancy Goods and Notions,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold nt greatly reduced prices.
rm caSl, H. Her bring.
Familiar Faces in a Ncio Place.
Late Special Agent General Land Office.
J. E. B
Jt?e leal Instate, loai), Ipsurapee,
Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Kent, or
Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us.
We shall make a specialty of tho prosecution of Claims and Contests
before the Unitep States Land Ollice.
85 Washington St.
Have You Seen
r. t h e -
Fine Millinery Goods
112 Socond Street.
At tho Old Stand,
Cor. Second and Union Sts.
Jnay, Grair;, peed ai?d flour,
Groceries, Fruits: and Seeds.
Cental! 5?ticJ. BSS'S 3T-OT.xlts3r.
All goods delivered Free and Promptly.
A- T
The California Winehoase,
4 Is now opon, and its proprietor will fcCH his homo- 4
X produced Wine tit prices in the reach of everyhody. X
Also, bust Peanuts to be found. Goods guaranteed
4 to bo Pure and First-Class in every respect.
Thompson's Addition.