The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 05, 1893, Image 2

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l i ill.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered at the l'ostofllcc at The l)nlle, Orcjfon,
ns BCContl-cUs matter.
sunsanii'TioN k.vtku.
Weekly, 1 year - A 9
" 0 months U ;
" 3 " . . ..ON)
Dlly, 1 yem. j
" 0 month wj
0 fl
AAlrons all communication to "THE CI1KOX
tCLK." Tho Dalles, Oregon.
orncK liottRj
Acneral Delivery Wlmlow. . . .s n. hi. to 7 1. m.
Money Outer " S". m. tiM p. m.
Sunday il I) " . ..y n. m. tolOu. m.
trains KOtng Kast 9 p. m. ami llllin.m,
" " West. . Up. m. ami Slfflum,
BUiec for tloMenilrtlo 7!)n. in.
" l'rinevlllc
" "Dufuraiiil WarmSprltiRsi . .fi::wn. in.
" flawing for l.vlo it Hurtlimil. 5:3) a. m.
" " J Antelope .. .5::u. m.
Kxeept ?imlny.
tTrl-weekly. TucmIbv Thurnlay anil Saturday.
1 " Monday Wcilnenlay and Friday.
AUG. 5,1893
Tho Washington Star says : It would
not 1)0 at all surprising if within a few
years the United States should wrest
from Great Britain the greatest of that
nation's manufacturing privileges the
building of ships for Powers that must
have them hut cannot construct for
themselves. From the day when iron
clads became governmental necessities
the smaller countries have purchased
their ships of war and their armament
from England, but it is only reasonable
to suppose that the monopoly will soon
be broken. Again and again has it been
demonstrated that American material,
shaped by American ingenuity, has no
superior when it appears as the finished
product, and to this gratifying fact the
eyes of intending purchasers cannot long
bo closed. Kvery ship in our navy testi
fies to the excellence of American handi
craft, and such solid evidence will surely
not be disregarded. Xo nation can pro
duce better guns than ours. In the im
portant matter of armor plate we are far
in advance of all competition, while
American engines have outsped the be?t
foreign mechanism over put in any
cruiser. With these conditions un
shakenly established but little time is
likely to elapse before the Clyde, the
Tyne, the Thames, the Mersey, the
Seven and Milford Haven will occupy
minor positions in the marts of shipping,
while the Delaware, the Chesapeake
and a score of other waters within our
national boundaries will become su
premely conspicuous.
From our UoRular Correspondent.
Next week there will have assemhled j
in the capltol a congress which promises
to he one memorable in history, whether
with good reputo or bad, time will tell.
Heaven knows when it will adjourn
I bv the Ith ot iUarcit, iwo, ceriamiy, nun
possibly not sooner. The meeting of
congress at this early date is accepted as
one of the most natural things in the
world, and there is undoubtedly need
'enough for the session, but one who
j traces back tho causes which led to it
! will lie somewhat puzzled. There ap
pears to have been a demand "in the TIlC coming woman
I air" for an extra session. It was talked can jjC healthy. SllC will be,
I about oven before the old congress had Jf wji canj(j fon As
tunournea. nut u i una mm: mun. ur i , , - , , j-.
no thought, of a silver session. Tho s he enters womanhood, Dr.
reason why tho new congress should be i Pierce S ravorite Prescription
brought together promptly, which wasibllilcls U and Strengthens tlC
urged on every hand, was that the re-, system and regulates and pro
vision of the tariff might be begun at i t the functions It's a
supporting tonic, and a quiet
ing, strengthening nervine. It
corrects and cures all those
delicate derangements and
weaknesses peculiar to the
sex. In every case for which
it's recommended, the " Favor
ite Prescription" is guaranteed
to give satisfaction. If there's
no help, there's no pay. It
does all that's claimed for it,
mien. Tina reason mil not seem to im
press Mr. Cleveland, and the much de-.
sired extra session appeared to be un
attainable until the new reason was
found in the financial situation. Now
wo have congress about to meet to face ,
a question they were running from all
last congress. There has been an al- j
most complete revolution in a few j
months, and congress comes together al-
most 'without a thought of what they
had expected to he a cause for their as-ncmbling.
inni with :i m'piit. ileal of reassuriin; or the money is refunded.
testimony as to financial conditions
Minieter Blount's special mission to
Hawaii is practically completed and his
final report is said to be now on its way
to Washington. The voluminous re
ports already received have been trans
mitted to the president at Buzzard's
bay, so that he is in full possession of
information amply sufficient for the for
mation of a policy on the general ques
tion of annexation. It is not at all im
probable that the executive will send a
special message to congress at the extra
session. The knowing ones assert it as
a fact that Mr. Cleveland is opposed to
the annexation of the islands, hut is
willing to exercise a guardianship over
them sufficient to prevent interference
on tho part of any other foreign government.
The Great Northern has placed on sale
at its principal ticket offices 3,000-mile
tickets at the rate of 2)j cents per mile,
or $75 each. They will be good for the
personal use of the original purchaser,
will be limited to one year from date of
issue, and will contain the same gen
eral conditions as are found in the con
tract of the present l.UOO-mile ticket.
They will bo valid for passage not only
over tho Great Northern system, but
also on its immediate connections be
tween St. Paul, Puget Sound, and San
Francisco, and cover about 0,000 miles
of railway and steamer lines in the
comes an official statement from Mr.
Eckels, controller of the currency, in
which are shown plain unvarnished
facts as to bank suspensions. Foolish
efforts to alarm the public mind have
alleged that two hundred or more banks i
had failed and those same mis-statements
naturally resulted in exaggerated
ideas which in turn did damage where
there was no good reason for any dis
turbance. Hut an extension of the
scare is hardly possible, in the face of j
the information presented by the con-1
trotlei 's figures. There are !1,7S." na-1
tiona! banks in the United States. Of
these 105 have suspended since January 1
1 1st. Fourteen have reopened their ;
doors, while fifty-eight have made ap
plication to reopen and will doubtie-s
soon receive the necessary permission.
Tho calamity howler has been trying to
convince the thoughtless that most of
the banks were either gone or going;
the controller's exact statement shows
that less than three per cent have been
affected and of these a respectable pro
portion is once more engaged in the
transaction of business.
When Mrs. Cleveland return" to the
white house in September, it. will be to
find the place in thorough order for the
winter's social campaign. Within doors
the most extensive change will be ap
parent in the red room. Thi apart
ment has always been used by the fam
ilies of the various presidents quite hb
much in the capacity of a private recep
tion room as for public occasions. Tho
stiffness of the other parlors here gives
place to an air of coziness that is home
like and attractive. Upstairs, the email
room opening out of the president's
room has been transformed. This, as
during the former years of her oc
cupancy, Mrs. Cleveland will use as her
boudoir, the charming little apartments
in which she will receive the most inti-
It's a risky way to sell it
but it isn't your risk.
the Dalles
J.D. PARISH, Prop.
Leaves The Dalles at 6 n. m. every day, anil ar
rives at I'rlnevllle In thirty-six hours, l-cave
I'rinovlle at 5 a. m. every day, and arrives at
Tho Dalles in thirty-six hours.
Carties the U. S. Mail, Passengers and Express
Connects at Prin'ille vtith-
Stdges from Eastern and Southern Or
egon, Northern California and
all Interior Points.
,li. .nukes close connection at The Dalles with
trius from Portland and Eastern ixiints
co'Jiiecus timers,
i . Good accommodations along tbe road.
First-class coacties anil Horses nsed.
' Enress matter handled with special care.
William Tell
Your Father that we ull
Vest Jumpers, .
Pantaloon Overalls,
FCasvfittinor Pants
Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip!
We are also Headquarters for . . . .
Men's, Boys' and Youth s
In every size, style and price.
n m urn i inmn o nn
Sicliel & Co.'m Htore,
Umntllla Ituuiu,
fliM allen.
Of De MoineB, Iowa, writes under datf ol
March 23, 1MW:
S. B. Mi:d. Mko. Co.,
Dufur, Oreuon.
Oeutlemen :
On arriving homo hist week, 1 found
all well ami anxiously awaiting. Our
little uirl, eight and one-half years old,
who had wasted awny to 38 pounds, it
mate of her friends-and serve a cup of now well, strong and vigorous, and well
tea prepared by her own hands from the poshed up. S. B. Cough Cure lias done
daintiPHt of tihlps at nn siilo nf H,n ,,1,1 ,ts work wel1- ,5oth of 11,0 """en like
daintiest of tables at one side of the old- it Your S. B. Cough Cum has cured
fashioned fireplace. The walls are and kept away all hoarseness from me.
papered in light blue, and carpets and f-'o ive it to "every one, with greetings
furnishings correspond in tone with this ! for M' Wkhinjr you prosperity, we ar.'
T :., i , 1 i ours, .u. -uho. .j. i. . i'ljuii.
YOUR ATTENTION horses horses
Is called to the fact that i J . S. COOPER,
Hugh Glenn,
Corn?,- Hum, US I OS STOCK YAlUhS, Chicago, 111
Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement
and Building Material of all kinds.
!arrl the fluent if
lilt: liLi-'CMi, mill i v niiiii;Liv cimiiiii inniiju uuiiiui in uwim.n il
tho world, will hold his (lh oxlonsive kuIo ot west
ern branded horses for season 1893, on
m. m m a m m
I TTT7 L. I I -Tv-l mct-l A TTT" A TTt TTjl I 1 d
IITfi iVl A 11 I n 1 l) fH1 Entries should be made at onee.
To be found in the City.
72 LUashington Street.
The Dalles
Gigaf : Factory
!n t i a rnom tint tlir nrnci.h.nt'a ...if... " 'ou to leQl'Ireih ninl ciiceriuj.niiu rciun
in tins room mat tue president s wife forthi.HnrinL'', work, clounto your hyatwi w td
inc iitMiiachu mm Liver unrc, ry uiuiiik iniim
Whenever Hawaii is ofieied to Great
.Britain upon the same terms as to the
United States up will go her flag, and
no British Blount will haul it down
either. Americans who want United
Btates people to live on shore, "and
never go to Eea," won't care; but peo
pie who are looking to the future of
American commerce feel as if tho pres
ent attitude of the United States toward
Hawaii is perpendicularly asinine.
Hero is a bright streak in the general
depression. Tho grain leceipts at Buf
falo during July and during the season
to tho end of July, break the record a
record which runs back more than
half a century. The July receipts ex
ceed 21,000,000 bushels; tho season's
receipts are over 78,000,000 bushels.
These are big figures and there is no
gloom in them.
Believing that an effort wan being
made to make the government pay nioro
for tho silver bullion it purchuses than
tho same bullion was worth in market,
tho secretary of tho treasury lias not
bought for tho month of July even one
half of tho 4,500,000 ounces which the
law vails upon him to purchase every
When General Greaham and Colonel
Lamont get through with tho message
Cleveland will have to be introduced to
Ask your dealer for
Stove Polish.
Mexican Silver
background. It is on the writing desk
attends to her private correspondence
The president's room adjoining has a '
rich appearance of .'olid comfort. The I
walls have been prepared in light faun ,
color, flowered over with large bouquets
of red roses. Tho large, sunny apart-',
inent, used by President ami Mrs. liar-1
nson as their bedroom, will bo used as I
a guest chamber, and the adjoining'
room usually spoken of a the Prince of
Wales room will becomu tho future'
nursery for the national infant, Bahv I
three don's fiicli wit'5:.
riold under u positive Kimruiitce.
W cents ier bottle by all dri!irvii j.
riTrj. PQ of the Best Brands
VJxvJTxjLXLO manufactured, and
orderu from all parts of the country filled
on the shortest notice.
The reputation of THK DALLKS CI
GAU has become (irmly established, and
the demand for the home manufactured
article! in increasing enery day.
If some enterprising newspaper re
porter will Hag Hon. Hiehard P. Bland's'
tr.iin of tl., .!.?. 1.,. ...Ill , I
I,..,., ui mwnjiHS iiu r, III KH'JK" 11 riCil
Pension purging, like charity, should
begin at homo.
Go to N. Harris for fine prints; 20 1
yurus lor Jfi.
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., ,S
Diego, Cal., says: "Sliiloh's Catarrh
Bemedy is the first medicine I have'
ever found that would do mo any good."
Price 50 cts. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly. I
All Watch Work Warranted.
j Jewelry Made to Order.
' IIIH h .nil tit., Hit- IhII. Mr.
An hit rwublo IKiitl vo and N KltV H TONIC.
Sow hy l)ru(fjrllii or nent by mail. 85c, , Wo.,
ind 31.00 per packtwe. Sum plea free
Wd MAoFuvoritelMTS rOTOM
Aw HwforttioToctiindl!roatli,Sx:,
Fur iale by Huljiei Si Klucrtly.
Ttas Boston Tailor,
East End Seeond St.
Suits Made to Order from
$18.00 up.
Pants from $5.00 up.
rorfcet fH (liiuninleetl.
Art Teacher
Uoum S, JttUirujen UuilJiinj,
Will ijlvo UuiMinii ilomlKyn mul TliurMlavK of
v icli wewk, or uJtvutr li detlad.
The Snug.
W, H. BUTTS, Prop.
' No. 00 Socond Sroot, The Dallos Or.
Tliis well known stand, kept by the
wen Known w. 11. isutta, long a rem
dent of Wasco county, ban an extraordi
nary line stock oi
Sheep Herder's Delight and Irish Dislurbanc
In fact, all the loading brands of lin
Wines. LiuuorH and Uiuai-H. Oivo th
, old man n call and you will come again
Uliseman & MaFders,
Saloon and Wine Rooms
it rr j t . r r t t t . t . , i
J . LL Lltlt: III Lilt: ILIIILII III IILt.IL HJILll.lL. LlLhlt.tL ILL LLS li
leads on to fortune"
The poet unquentionably had reference to the
Who are soiling? these goods out at greatly-reduced rates.
The Dallos,
Northwest corner of Second mul
Court streets.
Eggs for Hatching
From thoroughbred fowls.
BJ Cgg8.
20 tggs,
Knduraby, Or.
, f;l,W I'OW N Iihh Ikhjii plntUil (ill tlmolil ctiiaiiKroiiiiil, nt Urn I'orltM mul
allHof HikmI river, with iMwshiKlitlv lotB.lirnuil Mm.'lNiin! uIIuvh, kimhI mil
uni l.iiriiwnlur.wltliiiliiiildlM i.rofinsioii, 'rfwtilriiliiiiinvl.,lltlilfiil iihhiiiIiiIii
(.'llniiitc, tliucviitiiil itUim.'lloii us it j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tii 1 1 1 niiiuiicr riort fur all (lit'iton,
Lh'Iiik tlm iK'tirtwt town to Mt. Iloml. It Is iiiiiiiiiIIi'1i-c us n niiiiiiifiioliMliiK
veil tor, IwiliK thn luiliirnl ci'iit;r fur I.V) miiiic iiiIIcm of tlic (lent cciluriiliil fir
tinilH'r, mih-miIih millions of liorw-iivi.T in lis iIimIUiik hIh-iiiiih iiiiiI wntcr
ftllU. ..Ilkll llllP.i..b...l Vl'l...... l... II - .1...... IIMlllll
fiieloili-N will center, MirrouniKil by Mill mul clliniito tluit ciuiiiot jxcchc
rillVWlllTO for fruit hi ii I i.Milf.iilltir., .mil ttrltl it,..tli.ti.iti uln ullv AmUl1'
. . ' " VH'l 'Hill lIlllirillflllltKIM "M.
oii win iiiiii huh mi- piui'i' to iiiii,oii ;tliit lioim1 urn iiiyiiir ni'""
I See me on the ground.
I address me at Hood Biy
Wasco County, Oregon.
W. RossWinans,
ipe Work. Tin Repairs n
r.i . i ... ... i- Ii li
OIIOU Oil Xlliru Oll'GOL. 110Y1, inir want, nt Yim Lr iv.
BlackBiniUi sShop.