The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 05, 1893, Image 1

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    &I)C Dallco
PT L&At).t.H ttSlM
csIk" BIcHhW i'aHv
NO. 43.
iieslaily Chronicle.
, wwihliiKtim Htrwi. The
..ic no
if j i ....
Iih.MW"1" 6
.. . Knit-?!
' v. t;if'-
Impart n:wi I', u.
impart !t: 10 a. m.
r1iifJr. ' I1"k,; vu"' k'ttVC ,,lll,J'
Ultcl,,:l1, (;""y"" (;ll'' u'"vv
Cll!1'i;in..tnv Winnie. Wnplnltln. Warm
fffffl' IS filler. l'vo tlally (en-opt
2l;WM!.tflwv'Vry d..yol the
fltfl' 'E." I,?, Pmi.llll.i II..U.C.
.i E RII)I)I!1.I" A-nrottHKY
Jtfin Ji MKKKKKK attounbyh - at-
ftSttlilMlns, Kntrnc- ii vmsiuim.mi m.
. ...... ..L-r itTMUMKV.AT.IjAW. Of-
.1 .ii.,,'. , ,1 Iiib. m. .tulr. The
j ItlV IU
wid'uw-Oniri-, Prcucli'n Mini over
rintiUUcailBiak. " llnllei.. Oregon.
W II WII:OS-Att()RNHY -HiMimij
. French 4 bunk hulldlw;, becoud
strwt, lnelMlli Oregon.
DK. KMIM-MAN (HoMJtorATiuc, I'iivhician
ind b'uwiON.-CalU answered promptly.
tiTorntoM.clty orcoimtry Wlti! No. IK. mid
BClapuAtibloc. wtI
rvB.u. n. noANK ricvnicuw and rtuit-
1 hm. Ufflca, rooms f nud G Chapman
Slock. KetMeucc H K. corner Court biiiI
hcRh ilrwU, we mil door Irmn the corner.
0ttcbwritol2 A. M to & nm! 7 to H I. M.
ndliUAU,- Iixktikt. - (in. given lor me
11 ..I-!-.. I f I....II. Ali... tiuitli
ui iwjuii.a UAiiiiiimiii 11 iv ji. i.,' . . ...
loaLwol aluminum plate. lUMims: Hlgn "1
ttt Wica Tooth, Second H trust.
rifco wiku:. no, i&, a. k t a. m.- Mwu
Cnlul tlitnl Mummy til inch ul
JLU. IIVAI Al I'll I IIAI'I I.I'. nil I,
JUiXtnili Mitmiitti. (lull tin. llilril Wiitmuiiliiv
amomn 1117 r M.
run ftti vermim ul ii'tti ii'Mi tk
".ll. 1lIWIJlli1 VII I 111 11 W 111. II.
1 .1 MU A 1 jTII ira ii- vm r. 1 t t L- it......
uvury hrlilitr liVciiliiL- iitLijOiri'lm-L- in 1-
II'. hull i.nrii..r W......I, I I i Z... I
itrui iimir iiriiiiii.rM urn wi.if.jiitut
I.Ui.OlMIM,ho! y. 11 A. HU.M.N.0.
li "'omii ..limn., mj. v., n. 01 v. -Jlwtis
1 RVITV .llllllllllV Jill. It! I lit. ..I T 'HI I..
b. W.Viimit. ir nf 1) iu j .
......... ..... akf v,, ij, --j)i.;iji ill Ix .
vii.iinu uiu Kii-oim huh iimriii WixlMtj,
' ' ...1FI.I.I 111 I ..Ml 11, 111,
l'UJl...h I'll HTIAV MI.-lll.l-l. .....
j!...!JN'.l,,?'.J,rl '" uvi-ry KrliliiyiilttTUmiii
,v .v. ih iiniiil. illlliri' 1I1V1IVO.
Ilumoii IxhIko No. Ml, I. 0. ((. T.-liYirulnr
1 .7'-i ".. nil ill 11 v u' I.
vIIllliAN. I... I . I' i' I.-. ...... i!..
HllULI .
lW Tl. , . - ..vnixini wii DWMllll
'. u II. IIA.NHK.V.
"iu, Klnntldiirr 11. W. k.ii.
H. ' " ' .lll lilt) K. o 1'.
"? t'. Ml'UtHIIViiri-Hlii.jl,... ..Ii ...
r Hall.
KSAVn 1,.
In Mio K. tif l" H..U. wjr m""1KV
IittorH of Orwlit iHHUCfl avallixhlo in he
Eimtern BtRtCH.
Bight ExchuiiKO and TolcRratihic
rranufnrHHoldoii Now York, Chicago, St.
IjOuIh, Han FrimciHco, Portland Orc-flon,
8attlo WaHh.. and varioiiH points in Or
egon and Waniiinpton.
Collcctionn iriadt) at all pointp on fav
orable tumm.
Rational Bank,
K. F. Mooov
M. A. Moody
General Hanking Business Transacted.
Sight Exchange! Sold on
Collection!, iiiado on favorehhi torniH
at nil iiccchhUiIo pointn.
H. M. illALL
Caa tiler.
First National Bank.
A Gunoral Hanking HuHineHR tratiHactfd
Dujiohuh rownved, Hiniject to bight
Draft or Chock.
CollectioiiR made and proceedn promptly
riiiiiitlou on out ot collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange Hold on
New x ork, ban rranciHco and Portland.
If you wako up in tho
morning with a bitter or
hud tasto in your mouth,
Languor, Dull Headache,
Despondency, Constipa
tion, take Simmons Liver
Regulator. It corrects
tho bilious stomach,
sweetens tho breath and
cleanses the furred tongue.
Children as well as adults
sometimes eat something
that does not digest wel),
producing Sour Stomaclj,
Heartburn, llo3tlessnesa,
or Sleeplessness a good
dose of Regulator will
give relief. So perfectly
harmless is this remedy
that it can lie taken by
the youngest infant or
tho most delicate person
without injury, no matter
what the condition of tho
system may be. It can
do no harm if it docs no
good, but its reputation
for 40 years proves it
never fails in doing good.
El). M. WlI.l.IAMU, Gxo. A. LlKHE.
H. M. IiKAU..
Biacksmitti & wagon SDop
'The Regulator Line"
Tie Dalles, Portlaefl anil Astoria
Navigation Co.
0.uV'!,'n .V'HUK(!II Itm-. Kntlmr IIu.imu.
1 j' ..""lor u,w m.,..m u..; .- , .v.
T I. . .
Villi. . '"'KC1I Ininii .At.wkU(l.
0 . hvunliiK Pmyor 011 Krlilay at
1 .-" ...... v. ......
... I'Myt,. u: -iiui. i, II. 1AI-
.. t 1111. ........ . n iiivin uimi nnu.
iiiiinii 1.. . . . A wi . niniiiiiiii
hi '""vl UL' I'rl.r.... , '""iiiiiih bui vitia,
v' n 1 ri ?. "vuiihiK iitl'iiNlorV rtl.
,M, ttvlioN in tho court holme lit
FfeS!?,?'11,!, OII-er." w a
BtmntutK.. '! ,iM.V.Ku.l"K'.1 .,,u'- I'litrnliiK
....mi, y mvimi. noil in Iri'.
I m '
&n&WvJov! ' WhihiiKk. piiNtor.
? " ' wwiiii . 7i !,,,,K!k' A corilli.l lii-r5ll&AN.IU)(!ll-lB
, v.- "
lis. I.lltl -I -
WiWii.mVltilMt..11'' m. Hum
"' A corulul woluoiou to ovory
General HlackHinithing and Work done
promptly, and all work
Horse Shoeing a Speciality
Tbirt Street opji. UgIib's olA Stand.
Andrew Velarde
IS prepared to do any and all
kimlH of work in his line tit
rouKonable figures. Has the
lurget honse moving outfit
in KiiHtern Oregon.
Address P.O.Box 181, The Dalles
WmIoIh'k and Jewelry rcmlrwl to oritur on
aoori ounce, mm hhiihiuciiuu kihiih""-
Hturo ufl.i:, Nloknlanu, Uil Ht. Tim lliiltx
Frelont and Passenger Line
Tlirough daily service fSundayB ex
cepted Tietween The Dalles and Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. in. connecting at Cascade
LoekH with steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill street dock) at G a. in. con
necting with steamer Regulator for The
One way
Round trip.
Chas. Allison,
-Denier lu-
Tickets on eule for Long Beach, Ocean
Park, Tioga and llwaco. Haggage
checked th rough.
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
Shipments for Portland received at
anv time day or night. Shipments for
way landings must lw delivered before
0 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted.
Cull on or address,
Oeneral Age lit.
(Iruural Manaicer.
Headquartora at Ohas. Lauor's.
IlllVillir lllld ll llllll luirv.'Ml .if llnlnrnl Int. .lint
IK'nt 111 liltl wonil. I mil litvi.iiri'il tn film h l 111
my nuiiuniy mm m imuuiu jirici'H.
Dry Goods
Hoota, Hlioim, llutH, Ktc.
Fancy Ejoodj3, piotion?,
Ktu., Ktc, Xt.
Seoond St., The Dalles.
pfesh Paint!
W C (UMiKiiT liercby henrts
Ills iimiillinenU to every friend
And enemy -If lu lw )'
lto tliey lew or bo tliey nmny.
The time for jmlnttiiK now lui com,
And everv one di'Hlres n homo
Tlutt Iin't-i- froMi unit eleiin and now,
Ad nuno hut a KJd 1'iilnter enn do.
t'lilntlnKi l'Kl'Ci U'K ' Klii'-lliKi tii
Will miike Sour old lioiibo look unite now.
llu will tako your iork either wiiy,
liy tho Job or by tho dny.
If you Imvo work kIm' him n call.
He'll tnke your otdotK, lurge or Mimll.
I'. O. Hox No. 8,
The St. Charles Hotel,
Thin old, popular and reliable house
in.... oi.tii-iiiv rofui'iiislied.and every
room has been re)iUHu tl una repaintw
...wl ii... 1 thrniiL'liOUt. J lie
linn un li niiw. ...-.-r", ., ,
liouao oontniiiB 170 rooms and in bu jiplioo
with every modern convenience. an"
roasonnblo. A good restaurnnt attachef
to the house. Frer bus to and from all
C. W. KNOWttSi rrop.
Seven People Drowned by a Steamer
Colored Man Convicted of Two Murders
and Sentenced for Life Twice Par
doned Out Hoth Times.
Ai.hanv, X. Y., Aug. 4. A Times
Union special i-ays the namo of the
steamer which struck a rock and Bank
thifl morning at Pearl Point landing,
Lake George, was the Kachcl Sherman.
She had an excursion party of 29 per
sons aboard from Fourteen Mile island.
The names of those drowned are as fol
lows: Miss Ovitt, Mies Burke, Misa
Hall, Miss Worden, Mrs. Mitchell and
son and an unknown lady. All tho
above named were from Troy, Brooklyn
and Iloboken. It is said the party was
composed mostly of New York and
Brooklyn excursionists.
A Murilrrrr Tulce I'ardnned.
Poi-GHKl.Kl'slK, X. Y., Aug. 4. I.
Freeman, the colored man who has been
pardoned from Sing Sing prison, where
he wks serving a life sentence, will not
come to Poughkeepsie, having been
ordered to leave the state at once. He
was charged on March 14, 18G0, with
having poisoned his wife, and was tried
twice, the jury having failed to agree on
the first trial. When convicted on the
second trial, a year later, Judge Emott
sentenced him for life. It was proven
at the trial that several days before the
death of his wife Freeman purchased
arsenic, but the defense showed that
during her illness his wife frequently
spoke of his kindness and said he was
the best narse she could have. The
jury after a long delay found him guilty.
This is the second life sentence Free
man has been rescued from by pardon.
Freeman came here in 1859 from Sing
Sing prison, where he was serving a life
sentence for killing a sailor at sea. He
was convicted in a UnitedStates court.
So ArrungiMurtit hi Yet for Suymour'l
Kurliil In Kockford.
Kockkokd, 111., Aug. 3. No arrange
ments have as yet been made for Sey
mour's burial. Threats were made here
a week ago to get out an injunction and
prevent the test if tried in this country.
Seymour also fears that he will be dug
up or disturbed by persons suspecting
that ho is not in the grave, and that the
test will thus be spoiled. He has been
looking for a place in Chicago. Dr.
Dunn thinks the test will be made hera
during the nest few weeks. He says if
there are prospects of trouble he will
secretly secure a house near here and the
burial will be performed in the cellar in
the presence of a few select scientists,
all pledged to secrecy until after the
ltriieitl tbe Sliomiau Law and Substi
tute Free Coinage.
Washington-. Aug. 4. As soon after
congress meets as it become practicable,
Representative Bland, the leader of the
silver forces in the house, will introduce
a bill embodying the views of tho silver
men. It will provide for the repeal of
the Sherman purchasing act nud sub-
litute therefor the free coinage of sil
ver, at the present ratio of 16 to 1.
"That," said Mr. Bland today, "will be
the ground upon which we will make
the Unlit, although there has been no
definite plans agreed upon." He recog
nized that the men could honestly dlller
as to the ratio, but that was a matter
that should be settled in thopartv itself.
Uimn the use of both gold and silver as
money, ut a parity, the democratic
party, according to his way of thinking,
COUltl HOI UlIICl . 11 euuijiiuiuiro uicuo-
uru increasing the ratio was reached, he
said, ho saw no mison why the present
dollar hliouUl not be kept in circulation
as it was now. Ho proposed, however,
with all his power, to resist any increase
in the ratio.
DroMiuil in Snake Itlver.
l.KWihiiN. Idaho. Aug. 4. Jack Ken-
vnn was drowned in Snake river this
afternoon. Ho hud been working, and
complained of a bad headache j said ho
would l'o down to the river and tako a
a bath. About 12 o'clock someone pass
ing saw him jump into tho river. It la
thought that plunging into the cold
water iu his heated condition brought
on crainps. A few minutes later ho was
seen to sink and rise twice. Assistance
voiih nrociircd and the river dragged for
his body, which was found soon after 4
o'clock. Kenyon'H legs and arms were
twisted, showing ho hud suffered great
pain. Kenyon was one of the deckhands
on the Annie Faxon, lie was about .'!0
years of age. His family live at Camas
Traclicm' liiKtltut.
Hoot) Hivkii, Aug. 1, 1891!.
In tho absence of any public gathering
the teachers separated last evening and
sought enjoyment in various ways
Most of tho gentlemen wero either in
the water or on it. Some of tho ladies
took a boat ride, and afterwards a buggy
or coach ride. The most notable being
that of twelve school ma'ams In tho ele
gant, commodious and easy four-in-hand
Mt. Hood stage coach, furnished for the
occasion by F. M. Broadbent, a very
clever, gentlemanly commercial traveller.
On their return, they reported having
seen a hundred-thousand-dollar man,
also the house once occupied by tho
author of "The Bridge of the Gods."
The account of the many interesting
sights to he had, so aroused the curiosity
of one of the gentlemen that long before
others were astir he started afoot this
morning to explore the country nlong
the road to Mt. Hood. He returned
shortly before seven o'clock with greatly
enlarged views of the possibility of this
to-be-famous Hood River country.
The attendance of teachers is an agree
able surprise to Supt. Shelley and many
I should have mentioned in Tuesday's
letter that Miss Annie Roberts, of The
Dalles, had been appointed critic. She
is doing good, fearless work, and all are
in an alarmed and suffering condition,
from Supt. Shelley to the humblest one
on the programme (which we are trying
to learn to pronounce progrum.)
Before adjourning for the day, the
teachers were informed that they could
secure conveyance to and from the boat
tomorrow for twenty-five cents each, but
with sturdy independence they decided
to walk, being told that the distance
was only three-fourths of a mile and
the road free from mud holes. Ar
rangements have been made to have
our lunch baskets conveyed to the land
ing free of charge.
Many of the teachers appear to have
fallen in love with this charming town
and valley. One observed that in all
his travels he had never seen so pretty a
place before.
There will be another entertainment
Monday night. We will send programme
Programme for evening entertain
ment of county institute, Monday, at 8
o'clock p. in. :
Solo. "If the Waters Could Piuk us They
Flow." Jln-i Irene Ciilllson
The Object of the Count) Initltute."
l'rof. John (lnvln
Duet, . . MIfj-eh Ile.-s Ienbfrg nml idii 1-oss
KecitHtii.ii, "How ltublu rjuvtd."
. . Mha Kiln Cooper
Solo, "Anchored." Dr. Hrolus
HcadliiK Mln Mnry K. Krnzler
Jubilee soiiBi "Come nil of God's Children."
I'trcytitiu ruuiiue Mieney
Kssay, . Miss Anna M. Huberts
Koiik Little Uhildien
KecitHtlon, . . . Miss Jennie uun.ieii
Solo, "The Uttle fisher Midden."
.... ... H. lj. liirtmes
Closinjf Addrei-i-, . .Sum. Troy Shelley
The new names are: Minnie Michell,
Margarita Shelley, Hattle Hill, Grace
Hill, Ida Omeg. Two Pkab.
AdrertUed l.titturs.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing iu the postoflice at The Dalles un
called for, Saturday, August 5th, 18911.
Persons calling for same will give date
on which they were advertised:
Adanison Klmer Bennette Misa L
Berclof Hans Bins J C
Green A Clark Clarke Nellie L
Coats F L Davidson Win
Garon Wm Howard W T
Kclwy I) A Looney Mock
Marlette Steve May C I
Munger W I) Ogle Dick
Shaw John Smille C E
Walker John Ware J S
M.T. Nolan, r. M.
A recent discovery by an old
jmyslolan. tsucc(stfuiiu
fiionthlu li thounvulM of
LaiUa. li tho only perfectly
tnfonnd rtil.-.blo meillcllio dis
covered. Downro of unprincipled drugjUU vjo
offer Inferior medicines In place of this. Ask for
Cook'i Cotton Hoot Compound, take no substi
tute, or Inclose tl and 0 cents in postago In letter
nud wo will send, scnloil, by return mall. Full sealed
partlcularj In plain envelope, to nines oni),
litainlis. Address l'o ll d lull V tl o m p a n V,
Jin. ill isticrmocK, ucirou, '"fn.
Sold In The Dulles by Snies .V Klnersdy.
It'oO.Mri Tt) KKNT.
J. lit lllollt i uwiihj iv iviivi l't'J v
thoresidenco of Mrs. C. N. Thornbury,
Second street, The Dulles, Or. tt
"iflr tlin Hull."
The following parody on "After tho
Ball'' being picked up on the Regulator
wharf, it is thought tho talented writer
must have finished the task and imme
diately committed suicide. However,
bo it said, with all duo respect, that for
the good of the community it is hoped
such is tho case. The base ball boya
may find some consolation in it at least:
Nine handsome Dalles bovn, In u wagonette,
('roslnjr the mountain after sunset.
Where arc they (rolne? why look bo Rind?
They thniiKbt they'd beat them, It wiih too barf.
They had u chnl!eni;e; (loldcndale they'd show.
How they could piny ball you will soon know.
Listen thoKtory, I'll tell it all:
They were badly bentcn atter the ball.
After tho ball Isovcr: after the came was played;
.fter tho boys were benleii : alter the i-corc wiih
Mnny a shin Is nchlnir, If they would tell you nil;
Mnny a pocket was empty after the ball.
The sun whs shining on the diamond bright;
The boys were looking quito"out of sight."
Hut they were beaten by it bud score;
Such a poor record they'll have no more.
Tho crowd was yelling for Goldeudnlc,
Max tried to beat them, but had to lull.
Art, Hal and Ireland really were all
Cheering tho Dalles boys after the ball.
Brleht lights were Hashing In the grnnd ball
Softly the muMo playing sweet tunes..
There came the Dalles boys, ready for fun.
That's where thev each one got In a run.
inoy iook me noor mere, while the rest stood
Notn fair partner did thev all lack.
That's why they're happy, not sad at nil.
They were fairly "m It" at the grand ball.
After the ball Is over: after the boys returned, .....o .1... 11. in I 1 I .. .
ijii.1 nua uiu iiiiiu lunmii int.-; null r-u iiuui
They would hnvc gotten the game sure; never
been beaten at nil,
if they had taken the Dalles girls when they
played ball.
The success of Mrs. Annie M. Beam,
of McKeesport, Pennsylvania, in the
treatment of diarrhcea in her children
will undoubtedly be of interest to many
mothers. Sho says: "I spent several
weeks in Johnstown, Pa., after the great
flood, on account of my husband being
employed there. We had several chil
dren with us, two ot whom took the
diarrhiea very badly. I got some of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and
Diarrhoea Remedv from Rev. Mr. Chap
man, it cured both of them. 1 knew
of several cases where it was equally
successful. I think it cannot be excelled
and cheerfully recommend it." 25 and
50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley &
Houghton, Druggists. ltn.
Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for
s.fppepsia, torpid liver, yellow skin or
kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to
give you satisfaction. Price 74c. Sold
by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists.
Chronic r.ooNennss of the Itoweln
Results from imperfect digestion. The
cause lies in the torpidity of the liver,
and the cure is, take Simmons Liver
Regulator to stimulate the dull and slug
gish liver.
A Lender.
Since its first introduction, electric
bitters has gained rapidly in popular
favor, until now it is clearly in the lead
among pure medic'nal tonics and alter
atives containing nothing which per
mits its use tiB a beverage or intoxicant,
it is recognized as the best and purest
medicine for all ailments of stomach,
liver or kidneys. It will cure sick head
ache, indigestion, constipation una drive
nialeriu from the system. Satisfaction
guaranteed with each bottle or the
money will be reiumleil. Price only 50c.
per bottle. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly.
Mr. Thomas Batte, editor of the
Graphic, TeN-nrkana, Arkansas, has
found what he believes to be the beat
remedy in existence for tho flux, His
experience is well worth remembering.
He says: "Last summer Iliad a very
severe attack of tlux. I tried almost
every known remedy, nono giving rolief.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rliica Remedy was recommended to ine.
I purchased u bottloand received almost
immediate relief. I continued to use
tho medicliio and wns entirolv cured.
1 take pleasure in recommending thin
remedy to any person sufloring with
such a disease, as in my opinion it is the
best inedicino in existence." So and 50
cent bottles for ealo by Blnkoloy it
Houghton, Druggists, ltn,
Uooil! Wood! Wood!
Best finality fir, oak and slab wood.
Leave ordern at Kill Second street or
corner Third and Union. All orders
promptly attended to.
Towels galore, Sou N. Harris' show
See Harris' corner window, oh, my!
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.