The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 04, 1893, Image 3

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1 1 Drive in tar Dress Goods.
Continues this Week.
Of All Our Wash Fabrics.
rreat opportunity for economical ficohlc.
Prices will please everybody but ourselves.
all Goods Marked
j.n Plain figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
(alrmln Hip I'mlnHIci ill Till' KiiIU-m, Ori'Cim,
,11 ni'iiiiil cIom) mutter.
I.iirill Ail i urt Inlne.
1.1 1 ..ti t ... ii'if firt lliKt.rl mi. .mil I. f .intu
wrllii ! r. ir i '(')' 'IlK III lliniTtlim.
f iii rati" tin- nv titui' iiotli'ns
.til loi'.ti nntci ni'i'l vi-tl .tutor tlnili :t o'l.'Iin'k t:ii' nIliiHlilKlii)'-
Wriitlmr Fiirnrmt.
i)Jii! farrntil In turnty-fnur liaum rnillny
I p. in toniormu,
Friday mill Saturday, fair, arid con
tiniii'il warm. ' P.uum:.
Uitrometur, liii.70 .
Maximum temperature, !)!!.
Minim inn temperature, ol".
River, L'l'.-l feet aliovti zero.
Wind, northwest.
AUG. .J, 18911
Tk Daily and Weekly Chronicle mini
ht found on mle at I. V. NicMnrn't More.
nii fry MiMiki il l.v I'ttrNlMtmit Oliriui-
lulc ltiiiortirK.
Id' mill "Kiioil nlKlit," hi faintly, tun,
Hint Itrimlit M-iirri-ly In- livnrit;
Hilt liHirtlwaly nlu tlu-i-tl thy ilmir
Ami took him ut liln uuril.
Irritation, not irrigation, iH Wuhco
Mnnrrfiltiin ..l,..,.......!.. ..... . .
1'i.i.xniiiiin ill 11 jiroieoieu till
tin) year round east of tin; UtmnuleH.
Wo noticed u Hhipmont of cantoloupcH
hi roruanci ty oxproHH tliiH afternoon.
TIik steamer Regulator took down
firm lflrii nml if . .i
...... v...h.. imDnuiigur IIHI tlllH inorii
ti ll t
iy me leakaeo of tho Oreimn
(.Mum,., I .....1 .it
Tl... r
iiio .nnro uhservor huvh iu tidinKH ol
U'tlll mi, ut.. t.
...... ifiiwiui uiutliv mill! lilt liH ii fim- hu
'.lIUS IlL'lill lmd.
CM,.l i.
l.'ll(l 1'IHllllllH ICCO Vl!ll .1 I..!!..
iii'iii . . ....
"HI! UlliL' tho invitation l,i I,.,
"wiiauiiD toiiriuummt to be hold in
f.w i. ,
""I'l. MKUiiH V mil .itlw.Hu l. ......
i AiayH iV Uiowo it llm. t.,.i
nrcin. ....
-v 1HH'I' I h tH illiir ,,,ll.l, In,, f II...
, i"vuti pattern, and will
nindo on tho HtreutH thiH morning. The
way it happened wuh tiiut they were ut-
tniilmd by tlit llnckhoit hiking Co.,
AHtorin, tho IIkIi btiiiif; tho projierty of
tliu "WinuiiH Hioh. Ah hooii iih they ar
rived from ae.roHH tho river they were
tukun into custody and cold. A. S. I'.en
nett wiim tho luuky inircluiHcr and tlie
(IhIi were retailed, tho attorney coming
out nicely on bin little hjicc.
Tho Htory of the kidnapping and re
covering of Alma (ilady.M Miller, which
occttpicH the major part of our firm pt;e
today, will be found of thrilling interest.
It wan thirty dtivH after her diHappeur
tiuce before her father found that Hho
hud been actually kidnapped. The lirpt
night tho little one was reported mins
itiK, oibt men hunted all nijjht Ioiik for
her. The next night theto witBfiOO men
looking tbroiich lielda and wmulH, with
the moHt puiiiHtukini: precinion. They
inrew out. wiiil'h u nine or more in
length, ingitiK around from one end
and then Hwincint? on till another mile
wuh covered. In thin. Hyutemutic way
the whole country wuh explored. The
hint wortln known to have been miid by
the child in the bonne were: "Now
maninut, J am going out to pluy with
WilliH (u jilayinate a little while."
MilcuiilkM iiiiii Sfivirt. riultriil Siilijccth
Kiffl ThriiwH a ltomli.
Tliey wr repaired
put it
UUH Hliil'lniwl u'WIi ii lln..
"Mr 'H nun Mi, l.Vnn . t:..,,c.-.
'I ...i. it.iii. .IMIIIllb.
iifllCKitlH tint look the fori
'"in any HkiriiiiHliinir. Aii.SHrH. st.m
. - "IB, mi-,, u'liu.,,. ...... ..I..'.,
mil i. ...........
,v '"""iu'cih and deiilotH.
,r- lllH, l'OHH. who wiih wnrkltiir
iiv i,... .....
' i'--n.i on ii. mill ii iiiiiiifiil
I'.;.!,.... . . ' "
. i. loimy wbllo baliiur buv. Soiuo-
I 111' MI.. '
mil IIII I. Ml'ln tut
lin 1 ' ----
, rnillger Ullll WUH hmlmn lnut In. Inu.
. "imiW. lh- Il IhIiii- uiim
-v.i.rcu ilu, fiaetnro,
J.ll( board of dlrectm-u nf tin. w..,..
I'UIIUUI L A,.n, .,, I I
rot i ci i ...... ............
''".hlnnloy ilrown iih nrlncitml for
, . y-Ur, 1 1 ui nrnrnuii. In n viii-u
... u"" loulnr educator, und with
t'liritu ..i
ill HHH HtlintH uMil..l. 1..III ......
- """'IH.tair, thiH liiHMdiHni. u.111
ihb now your with ronowod
. . iw iii i, ..-., ,lu
ii ini.-i.
Tho full
I... , B'n. ilHl 1UII lorill
"'Kill on Mmwinu ii... .i.i. ..i c ....
I')(j. I (3l'
"Vt'JI llliiwl I , .
i mil it,, w .,P uniiiiwn
' i lilt. linl.,. ....
oval ni . l"uy unonp ior the
Ul.hiook, yet Miuh u Bftlo watt
MhiIi. t'lmiirutloUH.
The Oregon Tolephono and Telegraph
Company inudo connectiotiH on the east
of thiH city with Wulla Walla and Spo
kane ycHterday uftornoon about
o'clock, and the linu workH beautifully
I he Simkano end councctH with the
J'oHtal Telegraph coinpunv, we under
Htund. The conHtruction force will be
put on thu Portland end of the line and
will ptiHh to completion the unlinialied
part, which !h that Hcction between
'it... .1 . . .... . .
nooo itiver unil Troutilale. Ah hooii iih
the entire line Ih completed telegraphic
mtrvice will bo given where telephone !h
tiot dcHired. It i underHtood this com
puny will fumiHh the Inland Associated
Preen diHputchoH to tltoce who donire
KruilHi-'n IIi.hiIhoIiii !iiihu1iii.
A rmiii'ilv Ubi'iI with nnviirvliiL-hiii-rrs!. iik ii
(illio fur llt'iiiliii'hi'H uf ill' Mniln. Tlif ii-Mltth
Hive Iii'i'il mi iiiihrifiim Kiiuit thill it s mi
liiiiKisr mi I'NiHirliiuint ft hum Imimi u-id (or
lli'iilliicllii ii'niiltihL' fmiM lllsxlii.itliin. In IVrinil-
Irnl hluk llfiiilni' if. In iliiiiliii'hi'N 1'iiiisril In'
M'viire Inhor (nii'iitul nr ilitnil), nr hy iwiuimiii'
to tlm Mini, ami In nil run Ith tho i:nitl
fyuiir ii'.iulth, We luiM', uftiM-a .honniKh Iiivcn
tlltiitlnil, hull no lit'iiltuiiev tit tnklni; thu tiKeiii'V
tor tlllN I'lti'llllM. UMiH'ily, unit I'llllhl'lolltlolisl.v
recommend It tonur )uitiiiiiu.
Mr. ThoiniiH ltatte, editor of the
Graphic, Texarkiina, Arkaiibafl, ban
found what ho boliovoH to bo the bent
remedy in twiHloneo for the (lux. 1 1 in
xporienco iH well worth remembering.
JloHiiyn: "haul mtminor J had u very
Hovoro atlitck of llux. J tried alnioHt
every known remedy, none giving relief.
Uhiunborlnin'H Colic, Cholera and J)iar-
litcii Keiuedy wiih tocomtnended to me.
J pmohuHcdu bottlonnd received alntoHt
Iminedinto relief. 1 continued to hho
tho medicine nml wiih entirely tuned.
J take pleiiHtiro In recoininondlng this
remedy to any iioihoii HutVoring with
Hitch a diHOiiHo, uh in my opinion it Ih the
boHt medieino hi exiHtenco." 25 and GO
out bottleH for Halo by iUakoley &
Houghton, DruggiHtH. lm.
Tho Houitihle of Gohuuk Varolii Hnr-
nionlo, annoiincod tor Mtnttay evening
next, will ho tioHtnoned for n inontb. on
account of abHoneo from tho city of a
number of HingoiH. J, C. Niukki.hkn,
Ollnger it Jlono'a Htiigon en route to
Cloud Cup Inn will locate campers ut the
hunt IlHhiug point In Hood Ktver vulley,
hero one can readi Mt. Hood in a fov
liourH mid get their until und proviHloiiH
dully. atuwd i
At the regular meeting ol tho city
council litHt night thero were present
Mayor Kinehart, and Councilmen Joles,
I.uuer, J'.uttH, Kreft, Hudaon and Eah
elinan, the full board.
A petition wuh presented for an arc
light at the corner of Third and Liberty
Hireeih, signed hy many lnlluential cit
izetiH; referred to committee on HcrcetH
and jmblic property.
The committee on flues asked for fur
iner tune. .mi. .loies tiKKcu it it was
meant to enforce all houaeowners having
terra cotta flucfi to repluce them with
unci:, ami was mionueu by the mavor
that it was merely the intention to pre
vent new residences from having terra
cottu flues put up.
Street Commissioner Maddron then
read hiH report, specifying several side
walks that were dangerous. In this
connection Aid. J.auer said that many
of these Hiune sidewalks have been thus
reported for a year, but all efforts to
have them rebuilt or repaired have been
fruitless. He wanted now to make a
business of it and have these walks at
tended to at once if there wuh any ordi
dinanco for It, and if there was not to
draft one that would cover it. The
council had dilly-dallied long enough,
and he wanted to Htop referring it to
committees and gel down to good, solid
btthinesH. The discussion got to be gen
eral on this Hiibject, and there seemed
to be a unanimous desire to dispense
with Home of our disgraceful sidewalks
in the shortest possible time. Aid.
Joles gave an instance of where a Port-!
land man named McKay bad got out of
rebuilding a good sidewalk on Second j
street bv Cross' grocery by promising to !
erect a brick building thereon fall.
Aid. Kreft said that a certain citizen
who has a large, now tootiiy hotiso said
he would not lix up bis sidewalk nor
lear away the rubbish in the street bo-
cause "ho was nuiKting, ' ami the coun-
ilman wanted to know if this excuse
would he good for two years, it was
finally agreed to notify all parties re
ported to have dangerous sidewalks to
ebuild them within tho Hunt of time
spceilied by law, and that tho sheet
commissioner should enter upon tins
pleasant duty at once.
Tho mayor brought up again tho sub
ject ot sewers, and specuied several
places whore I hero woto troughs empty
ing their wlops and pollution in tho open
. . I ! - t . I. .. ..! 1 .. ...
air III populous portions "i uiu eiiy, in
short distances from tho oU'oiided noses
nf ni'imlo sleeniiii: and living. Ho men
tioned sevoi al cases of sickness which
ho found attributable to theso foul
odors, and especially desired tho coun
cil to frame legiHlation that would
remedy these things at once. "It is a
little short of murder," said tho mayor,
"to permit the further existence of these
open sowers, and much sickness is duo
to nothing else but inhalations of this
rotten dirty water." HoHpokoof tho
Chinese gulden next to the European
house; that tho Chinamen used tilth to
nourish their vegetables, and then sold
it out to the ignorant whites. ThM
while the vegetable itself was not af
fected from growing out of the filth, its
exterior wuh coated with the gas arising
from it, pititiculurly lettuce and cab-
Imce. und was dangerous to eat. Also
that he whh informed, on account of the
fearfully loud mnell one warm night
from the end of the Union street sower
buck of Mra. Urittaiu'H lodging house, the
cccnpantB thereof woio compelled to
desort thohouso. A motion was accord
ingly mndo to have these sowers length
oncd out ut once to tho present stage of
the water and to follow the water as it
recedes until the ends of the scwcth are
all under low water mark.
The following communication was
then read, signed by V. K. Kinchart,
Orion Kincrsly and K. H. Dufur:
We, the undersigned citizens and
property owners, having at an expcns.o
of $l.",0, constructed an incline under tho
edge of tho blnfTon a lino of Fifth street
and extending from tho head of Lnmrh
I n street adjacent to the rock wall of
V. Vj. Kinchart to the head of Federal,
hereby donate tho same to Dalles City.
On motion it was referred to commit
tee on streets and public property.
lho property in the recorder's office
belonging to Frank Menefco and con
jniauiiK in uilllOS, siieiving, etc., WUH
onered tor sale for $47.r0. It appearing
that tho hrst cost wai considerably
more and that tho city needed the prop
mi, u. was purchased at the price
At this point Aid. Kreft exploded the
bomb of the evening by announcing
that he had a report with him showing
that the city, under the administration
of Mayor Mays, consisting of Haight,
Williams, Wood,.loles, Kreft and Laucr,
had not received the credit due them
That instead, as was popularly supposed,
that they had run behind, they had
really cut down tho old debt of the city
over $3,800, but that the loss incurred
by the tire had directly and indirectly
footed up to over $11,000. Mr. Kreft
made the foregoing statement with a
triumphant air and a flourish of the re
port, and his face was pitiless as he
noticed the look of consternation on the
faces of all present. It was a knock eut
blow, and so befuddled were the council
! as a whole that thev didn't know what
to do with it. A motion finally carried
to offer it to The Dalles press for publi-
tion. See full statement in another
Aid. Hudson moved that the marshal
and street commissioner commence to
morrow, August -1th, upon the duties of
notifying parties against whom com
plaints bad been made for defective
sidewalks and sewers.
The committee on impounding stock
presented their leport in the manner of
an ordinance of 17 sections. On motion
it was laid on the table.
Aid. Hudson spoke of tho indefinite
and imperfect reports of various officers
and Eaid that for his part, he wanted to
know definitely just what had been done
and when it was done by the parties
submitting such reports. He was sus
tained by the other councilmen in short
speeches, but no motion was made.
Mayor Ilinehart then spoke of a mat
ter of charity, where he had furnished
the family of a worthless husband and
father with a bill of groceries, amount
ing to about $10. No action was taken,
as such cases come before the county
Aid. Lauer spoke of the importance of
at once securing the patent nozzle and
holder, which had been voted a long
time since, but never procured. The
pioper committee was instructed to pro
cure it.
Aid. Kreft made a motion to appro
priate the sum of $00 for the firemen's
tournament. It was seconded, but Aid.
Hudson made such a ringing speech
against it that not even the mover of the
motion found courage to say "aye"
when the vote was called. The howlers
for economy, hud they heard him, would
have hidden their diminished heads,
but as they were not present, they will
have, as usual, the benefit of ignorance
to make just whatever kind of a story
they choose to weave for the delectation
of readers of certain papers, the repre
sentatives of whom are likewise as In
different about witnessing city legisla
tion. Apropos, an italicised bon mot ap
appeared in the Sun this week about
Hinehart, Kinetsly and Dufur's private
sidewalk, and the ghastly joke was
sprung about some mythical person sup
posing It to bo a city improvement. Jt
was very funny to all those people ig-j
noraut enough to habitually rend the
Sun, but falls very Hat upon all those
who know tho facts. It was considered
that $C0 would bo but a bagatelle to
donate for such a purpose, and that tho
city finances would not justify the ap
propriation of a sutiablo sum. Again,
500 or more had been already subscribed
by various citizens and to strike them
for moio even in an indirect manner
would bo unfair. Kreft thought tho
kick made under a cowardly jioi tie
illume was very small potatoes. The
councilmen do not get a cent for their
labors, and they frequently neglect
their business to attend to committee
work or scrutinize something in a dis
tant part of the city, chase information
or hunt statistics. Considering all this
who but a chronic kicker would ever
think of objecting to a trifle of $50 for a
slight courtesy to our nation's distin
guished defenders. VVoi pudor! Such
a mini's soul must bo of microscopic di
mensions. Compare this pftiful sum
with what other cities do. The motfon
lost unanimously to appropriate money
for the touriuuiient.
An Appeal
To the People of Wasco County and Vicinity:
Owing to the recent Hank failure In this city,
wo are compelled to raise u certain amount of
monev within the next
60 DAYS.
Therefore, wo will give to all cash
customers a chance to buy goods at
on the
Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Dry Goods, . flj j4AItp PIGE. Embroidery
Boots and Shoes and Laces,
The amount rcqtdrcd MUST be raised in 6o days.
Cor. Court and second sts.
Tlie Dalles, Oregon.
lm iiml Sib Dry Goods,
Fancy Goods and Notions,
depts' puri?i5bir;(2 (jood5,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
H. Herbring.
Terms Cash.
Familiar Faces in a iVezu Place.
Late Special Agent General Land Office.
J. 13. BARN ETT,
Jf?e Ieal Estate, loap, Iurapee,
Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Rent, or
Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us.
We shall make
a specialty of the prosecution of Claims and Contests,
before the Unitep States Land Oilicc.
85 Washington St.
Have You Seen
-3-: T H E r
Millinery Goods
112 Secoad Street.
At the Old Stand,
Cor. Second and Union Sts.
ay, Grair;, peed arjd plour,
Groceries, Fruits and Seeds.
OaaaJlx sprvlcl for 2I!ss,-3 rvtxcl IlPoi-xXta.- y
fill goods delivered Free and Promptly.
Wood! VVonil! Wand!
Jiost quality tlr, oak and slab wood,
heave orders at 1!I!J Second street or
corner Third and Union. All orders
promptly intended to.
Maikii & lh:.sro.N.
J'ur l!)iit.
HooniB to rent at Uev. A. Horn's resi
dence on Ninth street. tl-L'aduw.
A 'V
The California Winehoase,
la now open, and its proprietor will fell his home
produced Wine at prices in the reach oi everybody.
Also, best Peanuts to be found. Goods guaranteed
to bo Pure and First-Class in every respect.
Thompson's Addition.