The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL l'Al'KK OF DA1XK8 CITY. AND WASCO COUNTY. Kntered t the l'ostofttco nt The Dalle, Oregon, us second-class matter. SUHSCUIl'TIOK UAT1CS. BY MA!I.(rOSTAOK TRRfAll)) IN ADVANCK. Weekly, 1 year. " 0 months " 'f' 3 ON) I)lly, 1 year J' t inouinM per " 0 60 Address all communication to" T1IK CHUON- j I no uniies, mi'mm. fost-Otllrr. OFFICE HOURS flcneral Delivery Window S a. m. to 7 . m. Money Order " s a. m. to -j p. m. Sunday i " y a. in. tolOa. m. CLOSING OK MAILS trains colng Kast . .! p. in. ami ii vot ..".I p. ni. ami fiiMip. m. Stace for (ioldendale 7:n. ni. " l'rineville . !:mia. m. " "Dufurand Warm Spring r,::a.m. ' tlxnvinirfnr I-ylo.t Hartland. .Ii :u. m. " " jAntelope 5:30 n. m. Except Sunday. , Trl-weeklv. Tucsdav Thursday and Saturday, t " 'Monday Wednesday and Friday. FRIDAY, AUG. 4. ISM THE UNION PACIFIC. In conformity to an editorial appear ing in Tin: Ciiuoxiclk yesterday relative- to the condition of the Union Paci ilc, wo subjoin today the following dis patch from Omaha : An extraordinary meeting of the board of directors of the Union Pacific has been called for next Tuesday at Boston. Comptroller Oliver V. Mink has been on the ground for several days here doing everything in his power to cut expenses to the lowest limit. Ow ing to the sickness of President S. II. II. Clark, Mr. Mink is the executive head of the committee. Speaking of the sit uation today, he said : "Physically, the Union Pacific is in excellent condition, but financially we are compelled to retrench in every de partment. We have met our August interest and tho other obligations falling due on that data and have money to spare, but so gloomy is the outlook that our attention is wholly directed toward cutting down our expenses. When 1 was in Omaha several weeks ago, things looked more hopeful than they do now. Nebraska and portions of Kansas promiso magnificent returns, but the enormous trackage of the Union Pacific west of North Platte gives little hope of yielding satisfactory returns' for 90 and perhaps 120 days. The western Htction of this continent is in a condi tion that absolutely requires from us the most aggressive attempts at re trenchment. The movement of the commodities from these western sec tions has completely stopped, and our yards are full of empty freight cars and our engines are lying idle in the round houses." "Then you have reached bedrock?" "Bedrock has been reached, but we must have something more than bed rock at this time to counteract the in fluences at work. We will be compelled to reduce our forces still further and may possibly have to cut salaries to meet the present exigencies. This last is a step which we will discuss very con eervatively before taking action, but it will probably have to be considered. Mr. Clarke's well-known sentiments re garding the men in his employ will post pone this action to trie last moment, but when other sources fail to meet the re quirements then the last resort must be accepted as inevitable. "As to a receivership, it has not even been thought of. We are meeting obli gations as they fall due. Our credit is first-class, and physically we are in good condition." Following up the order for tetreneh ment, some 1,000 miles of passenger ser vice will bo discontinued Sunday next, trains between Ogden ana Portland be ing taken off. This will give only a day eervice, the night service being aband oned As an example of tho somberness that exists in railroad circles, it is stated by a gentleman who knows that 150 telegraph operators have been discharged from the service of the Union Pacific. Gov. Altgeld to Gor. Waite "My frendt, the only time you vill efer ride in blood is when you are in a cable car and it runs over a dawg." W.OlNT'S ItKI'OKT. Ill htuteinenl nt Allah in Il.uvall lias Keen Itecitlveil. Washington, August :. Minister Blount's report on tho Hawaiian (situa tion has been received. It is long and very comprehensive. Tho annexation plan is discussed in all details, and tho conclusion drawn that Hawaiians do not want annexation. Minister Stevens' act in raising the American flag and lauding tho marines is referred to at length, and the report puts that individual in any thing but an enviable light. The idea of an annexation is shown to have been the desire, not of the people, who, according to the principles of this government, have tho right to govern, but of the few. Tho report will probably not bo made public until sent to congrese. When published the popular feeling bere in favor of annexation will, it is be lieved, bo allayed. The result of tho report, so those who have seen it say, will be that tho government will permit the Hawaiians to govern themselves, and no other government will bo al lowed to interfere. I'lro Dimmer Over 1 0,000. rnmmnitivo statement for the years 1S91 and 1SH2, showing the sources of I expenditures, cause of tho increase of j indebtedness, and the financial condi tion of Dalles City at the close of the I fiscal year ending July II, 181):: lull. Julv 7. warrants outstanding $i",W- !' Julv7,ittl. to July 4, warrants jsMuii... . !::!''., Total, July A,KK. ... .?l.'.'.H's ."'J Warrants redeemed July 7, lM'I, to Jul 1, lMr.,. 1 lUlaneeoutstandliiK July 1, 1M V'f'.1 - July 7, IS'Jl, to July A, 1S92, warrants issued to the following amounts and for the following purposes : Oltv ofllcers' fund Oifrente.xionvo(und Street lamp lund Fire department fund. . Sewer ami street improvement fund l'olico fund (leneral fund lilnek I, sewer fund 1880 If l',,7f.l 1X1 l.l'.Ki 01 '.MV.'7 U) II l.ol'i in v.'.w. m 1,2 1 1 M. 70 : Total MM"'-' 6' ,2J," W " li.l.. I ivtit u-ni-rantu mils ,1111V I. IS'.r.', IO Jill) o, i..'-- ' . . issued ' Total. Julys. ls'.H. . W0 ' July l. is!).', to July 8, Is;).;, warrants , redeemed U'"L" ltalanee outstanding, Jul . .M7,lt W ! July -1, 1SS2, to July V,, 1SU3. warrants' isstied to the following amounts and for tho following purposes: , Cltv oRleers' fund ? f j Current expense fund. . . . 1 '.' r. , Street lamp fund . fi!: V' Fire department fund. Sewer and street impiovement fund .; - 1 l'olico fund Total '. ' Loss to city on account of fire of Sep-, teuiber 2, 1S91, and amount paid for j repairs on engine, special policemen, i etc., etc.: 1 Ixiss on account of tiro of Sept. .'. 1S01 . I I.07S M , Improvements foi fire department as follows : t Jos T I'eters. lumber, etc, tor engine house and bell tower. . . .. A Velarde, underpinniiiK engine houe KepairliiR cistern, Second and .Madison streets , MM ft hose from ltowers ltubber Co., and frclffhtou same . 100 ft ;:-plv hoe and eoupU:n;s . K Ivicj;, work on hose hou-e Construction of brick heater for engine !: H Smart, work on hoe house . Muicr.V. Kenton, materials for hosehoue 12 rubber buckets, liowers ltubber Co . 2.1 tire hydrants. (ieo W ltunvon, labor on hydrants W It Ilrown", placiuj; hydrants. . K Morton, labor on '' V M Kim.-, " " John Hawthorne, labor on hydrants Freight and enrtase on Ts for " J 1. Morgan, labor on hulrants John liliiser, lire hook ixle. ladders, etc 11 II ( amiibell, hauling hydrant- . . 1 hose hoiiiu 12 -in Ts, Oregon Iron it Steel Co. rrt. fr White Anchor tiro lio-e 1 hand hoso part complete . Ho-e apparat s ... . . Ildlonn, labor, materials, etc, engine house W II Young, blacksmith work and ma terials for engine notice 1'aulKreftiV Co, labor, materials, etc, Mt Hood hose house . i: Kiggs, labor on bell tower CM Fonts, " " " It Morton, work on " " . . . . WltlJrown, " " A S Cathcart, moving bell tower . . 1! II Thurston, foundation for bell tower W II Young, 1 acksmithithlng " " Jos T I'eters i- Co. materials " " A M Williams ,: Co, rope for " " Siaier A Kenton, materials ' " " Ihillns I.umh Co. " " " " C I. I'hlllips, property for engine house 107 Is K :m j 1.71 00 iM) 2 ." 171 Is 1 10 l.'i lb lo 2,.'p(.) 41 00 oo I o;. 00 oo lL I 00 2. 00 2."i Oo CO c no ;w 00 ,'r) .V) 0.1 10 oo 0) i'J 50 (i 7.-; o ii m 00 (fi 7 IV.I , 2.1 lis ' (M ! The coming woman can be healthy. She will be, if she's wisely cared for. As she enters womanhood, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription builds up and strengthens the system and regulates and pro motes the functions. It's a supporting tonic, and a quiet ing, strengthening nervine. It corrects and cures all those delicate derangements and weaknesses peculiar to the sex. In every case for which it's recommended, the " Favor ite Prescription " is guaranteed to give satisfaction. If there's no help, there's no pay. It does all that's claimed for it, or the money is refunded. It's a risky way to sell it but it isn't your risk. the Dalles AND Prineville Stage Line William Tell Your Knther Hint we noil SWEET, ORR St CO.'S Vest Jumpers, -s Pantaloon Overalls, Kasyfitting Pants. Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! We are also Headquarters for .... Men's, Boys' and Youth s & CLOTHING 1 In every size, style and price. QMILLWS&CO. ..US2 17 Sil 1.1 . . D22 : J 1,7 12 -i'J Total for improvement J ,TC"2 'J! Improvements for streets, betni for labor, materials, hauling, etc. ; Cost of labor on streets J lO.i Ci I Cost ot matctials tor streets ... . 'M 02 Street commissioner's sulary f2s 00 , Total iyj2 Cost of labor on streets . . Cost of materials for streets . . . (street commissioner's salury Total . Other improvements, for IS'JL', as fol lows : Material for constructing pound corral, t 11 ro jbot in building louml corral . 12 uo I'lans and estimates for city hull 2.", (J Construction of Laushlili St steps .. !ij 00 l'alntiniiund pajwriiiK' council chamber and recorder' b olllce. II ShiiiKlinKclty ball and laying lloor in recorder's olliee J. D. PARISH. Prop. , YOUR ATTENTION Is oalloil to tlu fact that Hogb Glenn, J)lcr in Glass, l.iniu, l'lastcr, Coinunt ami liiiildinc Material of all kinds. Ciirri thf l'lnt I.liifi of PictureMouldinss Leaser Tho Dalles at C a. tn. every da, and ar rives at l'riuovillo in thirty-tix hours Leaves l'rinevlle at .1 a. m. every day, and arrives at The Dalles in thirty-six hours. Carries Hie U. S. Mail, Passeogers ami Express -Connects at Prin-'-'lIle with- St.ies from Eastern and Southern Or on, Northern Oalifornia and all Interior Points. ,m. n Kes close conne;tlon at Tho Dulles with trio from Portland and Einteru ijintH . Coarteoas driTers. Gocil accommodations along tie road. : First-class coacbes and Hoises used, ' Express matter handled with special care. STAOK OKl-IOEHi .M. Sichf 1 & Cii.'h Htore, UmntlllH lloiuo, I'rltinvllle. Tin IHille. J. F. FORD, ist, To Ds foand in the City. 72 LUashington Street. HORSES HORSES J. S. COOPER, , Corner llarn, UNION STOCK VAIUlS, Cltirwjo, III Tho Impost: iind only stritilly. coiiunisslun ck;:ilor in horses in Wv. world, will hold hi.s ;lh oxlonsivo sulo oi wchi oni hnuuhid hornos for Hduson lHOJi, on WEiDisrEsiD.irr, AuausT 2. Entries should be made at once. 1 HORSES HORSES if l Mil. 11 .1111 The Dalles Cigar : Total improvements. 5'J VJ FACTORY NO. 105. City revenues received from all sources as follows: Collected for team licemes " for bjr licences . . . " for show licenses.. " for hawkers' licenses . . " for iHKldlerh llccnsm . . " for billiard lieenses . . " lines in recorder's court " for doK licenses . . . " for Kround rent " for road tax . " for Kiimu lieenses " for imixjundliiK fees " fordeliniiuent ta.xus . . Insurance on eimlne houtu Collected for city taxes Total received for the year IS'Jl C'olIi'CtC'd for team licemes " for bar licenses " for thow licences " for pLiWlers' licenses . . . " for billiard licenses. ' fur Hum In recorder' court " for roa'l tux " forKround rent. " for HhootiiiK Kallcry licenses. " for imittuudliu; fees . " for city taxes ' for iroivrty salon and inarhu' stock HIllUS ? 170 (0 1,7(10 W W wj .7) 0") . vi m 70 UO i . 'Jl:ir)l 13 .71 1 i.' m i . 1I7(I0 i" i til (IO KM .V. I i!,()(K) no i 0,'JU.i 70 II,M.r. II Of Des Moines, Iowa, writes under date ol March 'J3. 1M3- .S. 15. Mkd. Mkg. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen : On arriving homo last week, 1 found all well ami anxiously awaiting Our little trirl, eight and one-half yearn old, who had wasted away to !58 pounds, h now well, strong and vigorous, and well Meshed up. h. is. Uougli uuro lias done ' its work well. Both of the children like j - T. rn nt tlm it..Rt Hrinl l ar -fw,; '.ffirS fcu.s cigars iv,;rfSn'!dfr.Si So,u1triveJy,,oSewUh StlnS j ft for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are j on Uiv sl,orU-st "otne. Yours, Mit.' & Mus. J. F. Foiti). i if voinvish to feel fresh and cheerful, and read for tho fforiuK'n work, cleaiiso your system with the Headache and I.lver Clin.', hy takllic toot three dotes each week. sold under u positive Kuaranteo. Wj cents per bottle by all druwisls 1 III. I I. I S LA. LULL, LIL LILL IV 1 1 LCI I .1 Lll IILL.IL L U IL L C IL . L.LLl.LIL- LI.L fit, I'WV leads on to fortune." Tho poet unquestionably had reference to the faetory Plflsinir-nnl Sill fil PIESTOTBHIT. UlUUlIIl" UUl UI11U Ul W. E. GARRETSON, The reputation of TUB IUU,B8 OI GAIi has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article in increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. W. V. V 1 8 10 .MAN. WM. MAKIiKKH. It iie k M at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are soiling those goods out at groatly-roducod rates. MICIIBIiHAOII lUtlCK, UNION ST. ;tvi .n lo s: 11.' i . mm Jeweler MOI.K AIIKNT 1'OH Til V. I. ( Total collected for fiscal year IWJ, (in,vii, . i Taxable jiroperty, for ISill, as follows: .fl.r.i,.'.. oo Total value of taxable property i mm uix on aooye Total valuoof taxable property TotuI tax on utovo 7,J..'. J . .l,170,ll (4) ' JtKC'AIMTUI.ATIo.V. 1W.U, outstaudlns city lndebtoliiess. . :i7,ls". (H WJ, " " 7.' Increasoin indebteilness, vj . 7,f.:i(i s Ih'Jl, wiirrttiits ismel to pay claims .1 is.rr, i;t " " '' pi,.-i.vs 7,i Decreusoin warrants he ueil,lS'J.', j,t7ii y Total valuo of taxnblo proiierty, lhOI, J,lJ,a,i (fl Depreciation of iroperty values .1 'jmj,:i:ij w Total tax on proix.'rty, ih'ji. . , ;vi m " " " Jhw r,,K' :, Deciwiso In taxeB.lbW j,tOI W City revenues collected IS'Jl t,KX 11 " " " HsW lo.Wi; nccreae lu city revenue, Wri. . .( j.'iiy n JtepalrH to llro cub, on acctof flro 1W1 J.07S r,j liiiirovementoi ttrecta WJ'i 1,71J 4'l l,rW 17 Ih'Jl IncrcaHQ ttrcct Improvement IhWf iivi ,' Imiiroveiiientu llrodept lhU2 5,7.V 01 Miscellaneous iuiptovcuitiltn 18W.,,. at', j Total loes ImproveineiitH eta Wt U.i?."; Jnctcaso lu inaebtediUHs in JhW. . 7,cifi is Actual K'liu on Indehttsinen! of lbWoerlt'Jl . ,f 3,S10(J All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. t:iK Sxciinil Ht., T)i llHll. dr. A. WESOLO, Ti Boston Tailor, East End Second St. Suits Made to Order from $18.00 up. Pants from $5.00 up. I'orfeot Fit (liiituinteml. CLtAlA STORY, Art Teacher lioom S, Ilettinijen JluiUllwj, Will iclve Luskoiih Mondayii and TlitirMluyn of oich week, or ofu-uer If detlred, The Snug. I W. H. BUTTS, Prop. No. 90 Second Sroot, The Dallen Or. i Thin well known Htand, kept by the well known II. Huttw, lone; a rewi- dent of Wasco county, has an extraordi nary line Htock of Sheep Herder's Delii'M ami Irish Dislurbaiic ' In fact, all the leading braiulH of fin Wines, LiiiiorH and CI,'arH. (iivo th old man a call and you will coiuo aain Uliseman & Marders, Saloon and Wine Rooms Tho Dalles, Oregon. Northwest corner of Hecond and Court HtreetH. Eggs for Hatching From thoroughbred fowls, MINHNS II K NKW TOWN liaa lievn lilatlnl on the old ramp Kround. at tho Korku mid v Kails of 1 1 noil rler, with liin;e,sli;lilly lots, broad ntieelHiuiil alli-yN, kihxI roll Hint iiiiowaI'.T,witli.shadoiii profuhloii, perfe(itdralii.i!e,delltlitful mountain I i I n it t thoceiltriil iillriietliiii iihii ninillitiilii Miiniiior rc.-urt for nil Oreitoil, be I in: tin; neaieitt Iowa to Mt. Ilood, it Is iinpaiallclii! n.s n maiiufncliliini: center, beliiK the natural center for IMI Hriiaii' imIIch of the l ent ceihiriinil hr tlmlx-r, nism-k)iik mlllloiih of horM' povwr In Us ilaMliliiir Mreninit nnd water fallH, easily liurncM.ei. W here ehuip live power I'Sltli. theio the inaiiii' fn.'lni l. u will l,.r .,1 l. t,.l I I ',11.. ...I.. il.., , lu. i. ti e 111 imywheio fur fnillainl iiKricillttiii, nnd with tinuiporliitloli illreaily ""llr" you will find tliiH the place lo make it perfect homo or n payiui,' Iiimiw" TITLE PERFECT I See mo on the ground, oi I address me at Hood River- ! Wasco County, Oregon. W. RossWinans. 13 C'KKS Addretib; 0.2,1m ..$2.0(1 .. if.OU E. M. IIAKKIMAN, Kndvraby, Or. D. BUNNELL, Pipe wort, Tin Repairs and Hoofing MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Stroot, noxt door wust of Young & Iul BItujkKmitli iSMop.