I 1 ECI SALE. A I DriTe in Sour Dress Cools. Continues this Week. A. GENUINE Of All Our Wash 'Fabrics. A great opportunity for economical people. Prices will please everybody but ourselves. all Goods "Mark ed r. 7 in Plain Fgures. l PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. tavtol thi i'mtiiltliv nt Tin- KiiIIl-h, Ori'Kiiu, II l l't mill rmnn iiimwi- I.m'iil .l .'rtlNlnc. imw Hit .fur lint tinurlMHl. mill fi (VlltH ;!t.i mt I"r ioiu- mm' iiiiiiruh. All c .1. nntiivs n-elvrii tutor tluill II ii'i.'lm'k lllnpit.t tVfiill'iwlliBiluv . Wi'iitlii'f I'lin'riml. OJKI'il lortratt dt il'viiiir Vnmr.t nullity ill 5 p n l norma. Tliiir-il.iy anil Iriday fitir, iiml Mlinhtly wiirnu'r. ' " I'aciim:. vi:atiii:i( Ha remoter. Maximum temperature, 05. Uiniiiiiuii temperature, r5". Kiver, feet above zuro. U'inil, northwcHl. THl'UKDAY, aug. :t. iBo:t Tht Iktili and Weekly Chronicle may wfoundoii .mile at 1. ('. Ntr.kelxen x ttre. AUGUST ANGLINGS. Icli ltii)tiirtim Hlir Ik nmrllnc fur a IniKlmnil With a run' mill ilutnty tnuuli , llllt lllllh' Hill' HCIIK'K tllO llllll'fl, l'nr thu umUii'ii tulkK ton much. City council meeting tonight. "Arts you going to Chieairo?" in a fuir lU(!Htioil. litiHiut'HH mcotiiiy f tilt! Ktiworth League tonight. ine gold reserve Iiiih reuchod the hundred million mark again. T I . . .... r. it'll r inn inn in im ir i leruiiv Kir inn mm ii vt..i... i r. MMIIU II .I...... ....... ..I.: i . i "l""" iimm nun nilllilimt IIHIUV. The crops in Grantlu Hondo vallev ur reK)rk'il by a correHpondont uh tlfcbeHt m me nortliwuHt except tlio Wullu Walla tuuntry alone. VostiiniHtiiiH fnrOreicon tvuraimimiiititri ytsterilay iih follown: W. II. Silverli.i.tl. WoM', Wiihco con n ty, and O. Kon at olex, Gilliam county. r'miWliim,..,! f. .,u,,i niiiu HID I'.Iin ''"lit Co. la liiln.h.,1 ' At ...!.. 1. . ,IM tllWIIIIlUUI f""' Tlio doHiirnalion li IIH ll cnin. 'ncrc.il inn.,...! i i i i i ... i . I" iiwniltlHl, which win ""'ILTL'a.xl'l in I ,. , v iaiiiik iu niiuruvur introduced. J. A. U'm.iu... ,,r it; ii. ii ... t i . " tlii' oII'ilv tl,iH morning a vet Hinullor "I'll H I"',. I.,, ,, l. , 1 ....... .iiii will) I iiimi nil WtllUI " 'lav. It .... , , -iiniin-n lllll IIICIICH 111 yrmiinfcinn, ami wuIIih only out). f,,fl'.U o.u,,..,,. ,lHl ''It'vulor Coui)ituy at GrautH, Iiiih ri'coivcd iiiNti'iii'ihinu i.. i.....:.. i, ".'t next wuolcat GrantH. TIiih coiuuh "'tliiMcliuf of my fannorn who liavo w"i':t ulrwidy tliit'Hlii'd. I '1 4 I I I 1 lU0 ()W a(l f()I. f ju) tHlrIut ,lllr' TIiIh liiHtltiition Iiiih iiuvcr Iidoii "P 10 Wlllll. It ulw..,l.l 1... ...!.... I.. .. I....!. . " """HIM III', IHYIHK IU 11 IIIIIK " llilllllir on... .1.1 Lt .1 ... buiiniuuriirioil III' ( 1L I IIH. iH not nH itHhould he at all. Our "'""ml fai,H ro ono o th(1 U0Ht ,ilJ0r "t of ftiattiruK, and 0,,0,'j.y ,i niooy """'t lon thom ulwuyH brini?H a fulr rctrn ad moro. Fred C. Ilakor, editor uml jmbliHhur of J 0 ' routdulo Chanion, wuh out on thu jw In a boat with hoiiio ludit'H u fuw 1,. "t K? m wl,,,n U,H "PnmK k and i!KUI, (Jilinjf with wator. by nt oxortloii thu party iiumiiKod to rcuoh e H!,Mro1" tl,m, 10 hmw bolnit drown iuIp a ,U ),8l,Htul "" that undor thu a!?'! lluk01, nurry tho Kirl lie Vod or nil of ta,Ut A FiirtilKiicr'n KiMtrcj'. Martin MortotiHun Iiiih juirchiiHud thu uikIh of Hovoral lots-: which lie on Mill creel: bottoin juht ahovi! the Fourth Htriiot bridge, which aro diHconnected from the main jiortion of Hitid lota by u precipice about thirty feet high. The land, to lup."ii into li inh, in not land, but rockn and gravel, and very uiifveu. MortoiiHen, who i un old countryman, Iiiih been engaged for Heveral weekb in building a rock wall along the creek i couliueH and propone to fill with dirt from thence to the blull'. Jt. is u hercu lean tiiHk, with only a pick, t-hovcl and wheelbarrow, and he iH making ncarcely appreciable headway, but he HtickH to It with Htirprinitig energy, and in the face of much ridicule from bin ac(iuaintituceH. Land !h land to Norwegians, and thene indtiHtriotiH people have tiiipplunted nature often in reclaiming tractn that would never rectiive u Hecond thought by an American. In. a year, or perhaps two yeurs, thin energetic individual will Hhow how fine a patch of HtruwberrieH can bo ramed on this same worthless stretch of rocks. Tlir Knur Cut ml In. Js'ewH Iiiih just come to the city of an accident at Martin loader's Wind river spring, down the Columbia, where there is a hath house for summer tourists. This bath house is simply a log cabin. Mrs. lsador and Mrs. liergnian were itr the tubs, when a party of young ladies, out of HjKirt, clambered up on the roof, and were distorting themselves in guile less play, when the roof caved in on the bathers lieniiath. Luckily no one was seriously hurt. Mrs. lsador had a gash eut in her forehead, while Mrs. lierg nian and her year-old baby escaped without a scratch. Maggie lsador was badly bruised and hud to be carried hoinu by her brother F.li and a young man named Sam Woodward. Huay Greer, cook on the scow .liiliu, sustained severe bruises and was compelled to re main. Young Woodward went to the Cascades for a doctor. AiulurHoii'h ('oiiilltlim. A. 1'. Anderson and his wife, who started to fast forty days, several weeks ago, are still holding out. Anderson is said to bo growing very thin and can scarcely walk, while Mm. Anderson con tinues to thrive on nothing. Then are some doubts about her fasting as strictly as her husband. There are sixteen days remaining of the forty, mid doubts are entertained about Amleison lasting that long. If they lose the contest it is hardly probable that Flaxbrake Willi'ims will appear for them in the upper court. IJisjmteh. Ki'Ml Kfitutit, Mruco I(. Can to J. G. I'otrie. lot -II. block 8, Hood ltivor, $1. Notice, The sociable of GcaaiiK Verein Har inonie, uniiounced for Suuduy evening next, will bo postponed for a month, on account of ahHoneo from tho city of a number of Hingers. J. C. Niokelkkn, hecrotury. Go to N. JlarriH for tlno prints; 20 yards for if I. Ki'Miihh' lleiuluuli" t'uiiMiilvn, A iimitily UM'il with unvarying muivmi in mur fur llt'iMliiiilii'.s til' nil kliulN. Thu ruHiiltn hitvu Imhmi mi iiiilvt'lNlllv Kooil tlmt It In an luiiKor mi i'Hirliiiiiit. ft Iiiih Invu UM'il fur lliitilMCliu ii'hiiltlni; (itim lUhluitl(iii, In I'orluil leal Hluk IIi'iiiIihiIii', In lleiiiliuitii'N 1'iiiui'il iy mi vine lain u- (nioiiliil ur iiy,sciilj, or hy cxiiusuri' tu tho miii, unit in nil ciiM with thu must Krntl fyliiK rcniiltH, We hiivc, niter u tliuroiiKh Iiivim tlK'tlloi i , Inn! un litMitiiiiny III IhU'Iiik thu iiifiiiicy lot thlH clliiithu mindly, mill ciMibnU'iitluiiHly tvcoiniiinul it liimir imlruiifi. i Heni'iHiKuUy, I PERSONAL MENTION. Miuh Ida Iiradley of Portland is visit ing Miss Grace Hi'ddell. A. G. Thomas, u White Salmon mer chant, is in tlio city today. II. I.. Talkington, of the Weston state normal school, is in the city today. Mr. L. A. Edwards and family left on the steamer Hegulator for Corviillis. Judge r.radshaw and wife and Clara Davis returned last night from Lafayette. Col. li. W. Nevins is at present in Dallas, looking for a Folk county school. W. H. Congdon and family left today for rmatilla, where they will perma nently reside. Mrs. 0. Kinersley and family and Mrs. .Ioh. Sherar left this morning for un outing at Clatsop JJeach. Mr. II. C. Neileen and family, to gether with Mrs. Henry Klindt, Albert and Walter Klindt left "this mornim: by Regulator for Zealand, one of Washing ton's coast Hummer resorts. Chae. Dugan arrived today from Mosier, where he lias been on un ex tended visit with relativee. He is en route to California, and if not satisfied with the unexcelled oranges and bananas of that clime, will return to the land of the big, red apple. iioti:i. auiuvals. Columbia W J Lee, .1 M Vanhiy, Goldendale; J Crocker, Centerville; Fred Wilcox, S Culver, C Pchneder, L C Corson, John Cannon, li A Cook, Portland; Charles Miller, San Fran cisco; W II Stout, Hartland; A J Fre iiiiiii, A Johnson, Linton; D Hoss, Pen. dleton; W J Odell, Mill Creek; Mr and Mrs Johnson, Grass Valley; Mrs Ix-tta SHattman, Vancouver. Moro XM'N. Mono, Or., Aug. '2, 1893. Harvest is at hand and every ono ex pects a bountiful crop. Sunday and Monday it was very warm with an east wind. The thermometer stood 100 in the shade. Mooie Hros.' new waiehouse ih nearly completed and will add another nice business house to Moro. We shall expect, a number of families to move into Moro this fall to receive the benefit of our school which we an ticipate will be first-class, us the directors have employed Mr. W.J. Peddicord as principal and Miss Nannie Morrison to teach the primary department. We are sure our school board could not have done better in their choice of teachers, A tire company was oiganlzed last week with u huge force of men Mid plenty of water. There will not be much danger of any large llres at Moro. There was a line musical entertain ment given at the school hall Saturday evening which was pronounced u success. Mi. J.J. Shaed'cr will electa new barn on his ranch near Moro soon. Car penters will be kept very busy around Moro for some lime to come, to judge from the lumber that is brought to our town. J. 15. Mowry eamo in town with six wagon loads today. Ho bus been to Goldendale to get the balance of tho lumber for his new residence which is soon to be erected. Mr. H. M. Leslie's house is framed, uud will ho reaily for occupancy early in the fall, we presume. Don. ItOltN. August 2d, 180:t, to tho wife of Henry y, Hanna, on Chenoweth creek, n ten iwund Hon. Mother and child doing well. Jiugene papers please copy. LOST. A bundle of l;evs, two of them brass. Fle8o leave at this oflice. Aflk your dealer for Mexican Silver Stove Polish, Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish. ' Trniclinrn' Tnntltuto. Moon Kivku, Aug. 2, 180.1. Last evening found the male portion of the institute so exhausted by their arduous f?) labors, Hint they weio con tent to sit around the hotel and make a feeble attempt to diRcusH the text book question. There wai one notable exception one was to be seen alone and contloss in u row-boat, lie pulled man fully and inti on to a sand bar; pulled and pushed till free, and then boldly rowed up Hood river. After a long nbsence he was seen slowly pulling back to the wharf. Diligent inquiry has failed to learn whether or not he found any orchards unguarded by gun or dog. Today lie has not been able to attend all the time, and scums to prefer to be of!' by hiinelf, like a boy with a big apple which he la unwilling to share with his mates. Several of the lady teachers took a drive out into the country to Dr. 15ar rett's, one of the number anting as Jehu. In reply to the question "Did you get into any mischief?" the answer was "No, there was a young man along." F.ut .ih Deputy Jackson was seen prowl ing around here this afternoon, we are keeping our ears on tho alert for a re port from the citizens. They seem to be remarkably patient and trusting. President Campbell of Monmouth put in an appearance in the afternoon and entertained and instructed the institute for three-fourths of an hour. Although suffering from hoarseness, ho held the close attention of all. Tho regular work of the instutute seems to grow in interest and efficiency. The following new names were added to the roll : Itcrtha Johnson, Katie Cooper, Melissa Hill. Two Yeas. "A lilc Iti-il Cat." A large panther was killed five miles southwest of Sununerville last week by John Murchardson, the first in many years. The doirs treed it, end Mrs. Murchardson sent some small children to see what was the matter, and they said they had "a great big red cat" up in the tree. It measured 9 feet, G inches from tip to tip. Ilanunu l'ccl on tho SIilr.it al k. Tho street oar luid lmtH'd, but to catch it he reckoned. .So he run lil' a (Wr, and shouted n1111 beckoned, 'J ill he planted his heel Un a t-nionth hit of peel Then he s.uv half a million of slurs in a f-eeond, He way in too great a hurry; better have waited for another car. There are cases, however, where haste is necessary. If you have night-sweats, feverishness, weak, sore luiiL'S and a hacking cough, do not lose an hour in obtaining a sup ply of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. Delay in such cases is danger ous ; it may be fatal. Before the disease has made too great progress, the "Golden Medical Discovery" is a certain cure. In fact, it's guaranteed to benefit or cure, or money paid for it promptly refunded. A Leader. Since its first introduction, electric bitters has gained rapidly in popular favor, until now it is clearly in the lead among pure mediciual tonics and alter atives containing nothing which per mits its use as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recognized as the best and purest medicine for all ailments of stomach, liver or kidneys. It will cure sick head ache, indigestion, constipation ann drive maleria from the system. Satisfaction guaranteed witli each bottle or the money will be refunded. Price only 50c. per bottle. Sold by Snipes it Kinersly. See Harris' corner window, oh, my! Notice. Notice is lieieby given that the under signed has been duly appointed by the Honorable County Court of the state of Oregon for Wasco Co.,guardian of the per son and estate of Kdward Evans, insane. All persons having claims against said Kdward Jivans are hereby notified to present the same duly verified to mo at my residence, The Dalles, Wasco county, Oregon. Gko. A. Lii:uk. Guardian of the person and estate of Edward Evans. Dated Dalles City, July .'list, 1S03. 3 ooksColtoiilioot COMPOUND. .1 ri-iv nt d!sooery by an old Jill;, tu ..ill. Succe tfulbj iwii titl'j 1'J lUottsa uls of Xc fd'f. li tho only juTfcctly cifilnml rr!l..hln lllfiifrlO ll!.1 i iwi ., of iiiiDnnelnled drucslsti who oUYr Inferior me items in pl-woof this. Ask tor Cooh'k Coltun Itool Comiiomid, take no substi tute, or lni'lcio $1 ami 0 ceuu In postage in letter and wo will M'lid. sealed, hy return nia'.l. Full sealed rurtl.'ulari la philn envelope, to ladles only, !i itouilD. Addieifi l'o lid Lily do hi pa li v, Jin. 11 1'Mier llloek, Detroit, Mien. .Sold in The Dulles hy hiiipes A: Kinersl. Tlio Fifth Annual FMi'R1 01'' T11K Second Eastern Orcpii District Agricultural Society, WILL II K IIKLD AT THE DAlihES, 0t?EG0, October 10th, 1893, Continuing iivo days. A. S. MCALLISTER, 1'icsiduiit, J. O. MACK, Beoretiiry, An Appeal To tho People of Wasco County atid Vicinity: Owing to the recent IJank failure In this city, we are compelled to raise a certain amount of moncv within the next 60 DAYS. Therefore, we will give to all cash customers a chanco to buy goods at 50 Cents on the $1. Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Dry Goods, ftj ptyGE, Embroidery Boots and Shoes and Laces, The amount required Af LIST be raised in 60 days. S. & N. HARRIS. Cor. Court and Second sis. Tie Dalles, Oregon. IsTEW oil i ser Dry mi Fancy Goods and Notions, Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc. now complete in every department. All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices. Tscask. H. Herbring. . . ..Familiar Faces in a Ncto Place C. E. BAYARD, Late Special Agent General Land Office. J. E. BARNETT. Jf?e Ieal Instate, ioai?, Iiurapee, tP COLLECTION ACENCY. NOTARY Parties having Property they -wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Rent, or Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us. We shall make a specialty of tlio prosecution of Claims arid Contests before tho Unitep States Land OHice. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR, Have You Seen H EX- Fine Millinery Goods AT 112 Second Street. ANNA PETER SCO. J. H. CROSS. At tlio Old Stand, Cor. Second and Union St?. iay, Graip, peed ai?d flour, Groceries, Fruits and Seeds. CDzxtrilx jptlcl foi' HESs'S's and Poxiltry. All goods delivered Free and Promptly. THE WORLD'S BEST LITERATURE IN B-OO-K-S. a r I. C. NICKELSEN'S. The California Winehoase, i Is now opon, and its proprietor will soli his home produced Wine at prices in tho reach of everybody. Also, best I'eanuts to be found, (loods guaranteed to 1)0 l'ure and Kirsit-Glass in every respect. Thompson's Addition. c. BECHT,