The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 03, 1893, Image 2

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The Dalles My Chronicle.
Entered nt tho Postoffloe nt Tho Dalles, Oregon,
nx nccond-claes mutter.
BUBsciurrioN uatks.
Weekly, 1 year ?
" r month 0
II ;j l OW)
Daily, 1 year f'vjj'
" f. months
M pCf II 0 UU
Address nil cnmmtintcntton to " T1IK CIIUON
1CLK," Tho Dalles, Oregon.
General Delivery Window 8 a. m. to 7 v.
Money Order " m. tit 4 v.
nnday 4 " '' to 10a. in.
trains eolng Knst.. . .9v. in. and 11:45 a.m.
" " West . . .9 1. jii. nmi fi:sv- in.
Staec for (loldendale 7:) a. m.
" " l'rlnevillo ::. m.
" "Dnfuraiid WnrmPprlnRs .8:: a.m.
" i Leaving for Lylo .t llartland. fl:;!0 n. m.
" JAntOlovo . . .0:80 a. in.
Kxcept Sunday. ,
Tri-wcekly. TucmIuv Thurwlay and Sitnrdny.
I Mondny WeilncMlay and Friday.
At tiie eloventh hour in the history of
tho Union Pacific it has begun practic
ing those business methods which
might have elevated it to first rank
among the raonoy-making railroads of
the United States, had they commenced
sooner. AVe refer to their dealings with
the Earl Fruit Company. In order to
strike up a now and profitable trade
they have made a low special rate on
fruit, and will see to it that each car is
properly replenished with ice whenever
necessary en route. They have offered
free transportation to Mr. McDonald to
any point lie may wish to go when
working up the business, and have been
courteous, considerate and gentlemanly
in their dealings throughout. A friend
ship has naturally sprung up from such
treatment which will be mutually profit
able. It is to be regretted that they have
waited till this late day before adopting
such a policy. Many a stockman can
be found in this country whose experi
ence has been exactlv the opposite.
The stock en route were allowed to
suffer for food and water, through an
unwillingness on the part of tho railroad
managers to spare the tune tor uiuoau
ing them in the stock yards en route
No favors were extended fur transporta
tibn other than those customarily ac
corded, ana indifference and arrogance
has been the rule. Now that the com
nanv's stock has declined to about 17
when offices are being closed, train
crews cut down, section hands reduced
in number, and retrenchment made
alone all nossible lines, they have be
gun a different practice with tho Earl
Fruit company. If the grace of the
neoDle is like that of God, there may
yet be hope for that rapidly-declining
The vice-president is proving an adroit
speaker. At Salem Governor Pennoyer
tried to entice him into range of a silver
.lariat, but the distinguished visitor
cleverly threw out some glittering gen
eralities about striving to advance the
best interests of the people, and forth
with turned the conversation. At Ta-
coma he pleased the crowd mightily by
saying: "I have no shadow of doubt in
my mind as to the proper name for
your splendid mountain." Some hours
later, when the Tacoma people read the
remark in cold type, it dawned upon
them that the vice-president might
safely have repeated the remark at Se
attle. Now they say ho is foxy, but
they like him just the same. Spokane
Among various other ingredients the
human body contains three pounds and
thirteen ounces of calcium. Now, when
it is considered that $300 an ounce is the
market price of calcium, making the
quantity stated worth some $18,000, it
will be seen that alive, at least, we are
worth a great amount intrinsically.
Don't waste all your sympathy on
congress. Tiie legislators havo hot
work before them, but so have the men
who bind wheat, rake hay, etc., and for
that matter so havo the men who toil
all week in order that tho people may
have the news every day.
Even at the frivolous bummer resort,
the great subject of matchmaking is
over present. .Summer or winter, miii
ehino and storm, all times and places
are seasonable for Cupid's labors.
Ituoklen' A rm cit Hulvo.
The best ealvo in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
ores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price L'5 cents
per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin
rsly. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San
Diego, Cal says: "Sliiloh's Catarrh
liemedy is the first medicine I have
ever found that would do mo any good."
Price 50 cts. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly.
Chronic I.ooiim of the ItuweU
Results from imperfect digestion. Tho
causa lies in tho torpidity of tho liver,
and tho euro is, take Simmons Llvor
Regulator to stimulate the dull and slug
gish liver,
Towels uiilore. fjco $t narrjH 8j,0H.
Tim raelllc HimU 'if I'miirUco
llotl'l.v Wrrokoil.
San Fkancisi-o, Aug. '2. Tho Chroni
clu charges that the failure of tho Pa
cific bank, the only commercial bank
in San Francisco which has closed its
doors, wan not due to tho present finan
cial stringency, but to reckless manage
ment. Tho bank, it says, is hopelessly
wrecked. Millions of dollars were
itemed out into all sorts of Utopian
I schemes, and the most questionable
I methods resorted to by visionary mana
I gers to cover their operations. It is
1 doubtful if the bank will liquidate at
j cents on tho dollar. The assets ate
largely worthless, ami in many instances
absolutely fictitious. The California
Illustrated Magazine absorbed nearly
$200,1)00 of tho bank's money, ami it is
unsecured. The overdrafts amount to
nearly $000,000, for which it is thought
2ii percent would bo a high price. At-tornoy-Generni
Hart, besides five notes
for aii aggregate of $24,000, had an over
draft of $8,000. A few days ago the attorney-general
gave a decision stating
that the bank was solvent and recom
mending that it resume business.
Among those who secured loan from
tho bank on unsecured notes were doc
tors, lawyers, judges, newspaper men,
politicians, merchants and others. Al
together about $2,000,000 has gone. The
Chronicle closes its article by saying:
"The condition of the bank shows con
clusively that the financial stress had
nothing to do with its failure. The
great wonder is it did not fail long ago.
It would have been a blessing to the
city if it had collapsed when it had
used up its resources, instead of contin
uing in its course of recklessness, and
eating up the funds with which it had
been entrusted. Many of tho stock
holders of the bank are very wealthy
men, and it is contended that if the de
preciation of the bank's assets, as al
leged, be true, an assessment on their
stock will tend largely to make good
any deticieiicy."
i)i:a;-ni:t or .iustich.
All tlm Alleir.'il SiniiKRlcrt Jluvn lt?on
fct'noiu'il 111.
The drag-net of the United States
marshals has few holes in it. That K
they are not of the kind throuirh which
indicted individuals for alleged smug
gling readily escape.
Its scooping qualities are attested by
arrests all over the coast from Puget
sound to the bay of San Diego. Poor
mystical John Doe is the only one of tho
crowd that is still roaming at large. Hia
name will remain that until actual ap
prehension suddenly changes it inio otic
that is more specific.
M. Caro was arrested yesterday in San
Francisco, and will be brought here by a
deputy United States marshal of that
district. Captain John Ross arrived in
Portland yesterday, and in the afternoon
Deputy United States Marshal Hum
phrey arrested him while he was arrang
ing his bonds' in anticipation at Com
missioner Deady's office. He had no
trouble in making them out, and then
was discharged to make his appearance
when tho trial comes off later on.
His apprehension hero was somewhat
of a surprise because word had already
been received at United States Marshal
Grady's office that Captain John Uoss,
of the Haytian Republic, was in the
hands of a deputy marshal in California
and would be accompanied 'here by him.
Instead he came alone and practically
presented himself for arrest to the
officials. Telegram.
Guaranteed Cure.
We authorize our advertised druggist
to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for
consumption, coughs and coIiIh upon
this condition. If you are alllicted with
a cough, cold or any lung, throat or
chest trouble, and will use this remedy au
directed, giving it a fair trial, and ex
perience no benefit, you may return the
bottle and havo your money refunded.
We could not make this offer did we not
know that Dr. King's New Discovery
could Ihj relied on. It never disap
points. Trial bottles free at Snipes &
Kinersly's drug store. Large sizo oOc
and .$1.
Ntn:lliiilii;r' .AIimMIiic
Tin: D.w.i,Kh, Or., July 28, 1WW.
Notice is hereby given that there wll'
boa stockholders' meeting of tho W'.ih-o
Independent Academy, at the Acarh'iuv
building on Monday, 'August 28th, Ife'jlj.
at 3 o'clock p. m., for tho purpose of
electing soven directors, and transacting
such other business as may properly
come before said meeting.
P.y order of the board.
S. L. HitooKH, See'y.
dinger & .Bono's stages on route to
Cloud Cap Inn will locate campers at the
best fishing point in Hood River valley,
where ono can reach Mt. Hood in a few
hours and iret their mail and nrovUimiH
daily. L'towd
For limit.
Rooms to rent at Rev. A. Horn's ni.
Hence on Ninth street. iK.'Iidaw
William Tell
Your Father that wo sell
Used Up.
It's the only way to use some
things, but It's a bad condition
for a man or woman. It means
disease. Take Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery.
That means health. It invig
orates the liver and kidneys,
purifies the blood and cleanses
and renews the whole system.
For all scrofulous humors and
blood - taints, and even con
sumption (or lung-scrofula), if
taken in time, it's a positive
remedy. It's a guaranteed one.
In all diseases of the liver,
blood and lungs, it's warranted
to benefit or cure, or the
money is refunded. No other
medicine of its class is sold,
through druggists, on this pe
culiar plan. You can judge
why. You only pay for the
good you get.
the Dalles
- Line
Vest Jumpers,
Pantaloon Overalls,
Easy-fitting Pants.
Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip!
We are also Headquarters for ....
Men's, Boys' and Youth s
In every size, style and price.
J. D. PARISH, Prop. YOUR JlTTEflTIOJl 'horses
I lA'ni" The Itallui ut G u. in. ovcry tin y, unit air
nw- at lTlnovllle in thlrty'slx Jwmr I.viive
rrlnovlK at ft n. ni. every day, anil unlit- nt
j The I)ullth in thlrty-Mx hours.
i Cailies the U. S. .Mail, Passengers ami Express
i Connects at rriii""lllc wlth-
Staes from Eastern and Southern Or
pon, Northern California and
all Interior Points.
A " miikes clo'c connection at Tho Dallot with
Uiiiifrom Portland ami Kastern )int.
: . Coaiteoas JiiTErs.
GcoJ accomodations along me road.
. First-class Coaches and Horses used.
I : Express matter bamlleii with special care.
I M. Slchttl A: Cii.'h Htoro, Unintllln lliium-,
! l'rlnevlllo. Xlio HuIIkh.
In calluil tn tlm fact that
Hagh Glenn,
Dealer in GhiHH, Lime, 1'lnntur, Content
and liuiltlini; Material of till kintln.
cm.. th P.n. u ..r- j WIEIDILTIESID Jl. "2T, AUGUST 2.
IV J 11 IT
r I P T II 1' A ill A II Ml 1 H HH1 Entries should be made at once.
1 1UIU1 J IflUUlUJllgDI
.Cornrr Hum, IhVIOX STOCK VAUDS, Cluanjo, III.
The largest unci only .strictly commission dealer in horses in
the world, will hold his oth extensive sale of west
ern hranded horses for season 180.'), on
, Of Ijch Mollies, Iown, write' under nl
! March 23, 180.1-
i S. 15. Med. Mho. Co.,
Duftir, OreKon,
(iailkmeii :
On arriving homo last week, 1 found
all well and anxiously awaiting. Our
little srirl, eight and ono-lmlf years old.
' who had wasted away to :i8 pound), it
now well, strong and vigorous, and well
: fleshed up. S. JJ. Couh Curo has done
its work well. Both of tho ehildren like
l it. Your .S. 15. Cotifrh Cure has cured
and kept away all hoarsenoHH from me.
i .t'o uive it to every one, with greetings
j for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are
i Yours, Mit." & iMits. J. I. FoitD.
, If you v!h to lw fresh ami cheerful, anil remlv
1 for tin' finririK's work, ck-imse your ny8t':iii with
the HeniiHcho ami l.iver Cure, by taking two or
I three ilo each week.
SoM nailer u oltivo KUitrantec.
I Mi cents tx.-r hottle by all ilrtU'Kislk
To he found in the City.
72 LUashington Street.
The Dalles
- ... - ... M " j j- :
leads on to fortune"
Tho poet unquestionably had reference to the
ilT"1 A DO of the 15est Brands
VAvXxA.XVO manufactured, and
orderi! front all parts of the country filled
on the shortest notice.
urn tnrr, & ml.
Mll.H AOUNT roit Till-:
All Watch Work Warrantocl.
I Jewelry Made to Order.
Ana ifivuMtUlu f .u vul..r. un. Mllnir Li u..ii(i
Solil by ' Dt-uirgUU or eent by moll. !Sc.,C0o.,
tnUSl.OUperpackuKc Ham plus free
W(Tk lIAn"?rlvortoTCOTBrowcu
Vot Mle by Nnli tc Klnurly,
lilH Hi I Nt.. Tlm HuIIbk. Or.
The Boston Tailor,
East End Second St
Suits Made to Order from
$18.00 up.
Pants from $5.00 up.
I'ftrfeut I'll (luaraiituml.
Art Teacher
lluum .1, IkUimjen HuiUUtig,
Will give Ijukona Mouiiuys una Humility of
eich week, or olUuw If UIim1.
The reputation of THK I)A1,LKS OI
GAH has Income firmly estahlislied.and
the demand for the home manufactured
article is increasing every day.
The Snug.
W. H. BUTTS, Prop.
! No. 90 Second Sruot, The Dalles Or.
! Tills well known stand, kept hy the
well known V. 11. liutts, long a resi
dent of Wasco county, has an extraordi
nary line stock of
Shefn Ill'hlfVtc llpliirlif nriil I rich llisfitrlmn-
m I'vii.ut m ' iiiuii irtgiut vuuv
In fact, all the leading hrauds of fin
Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give th
old man a call and you will couiii again
Wiseman & Warders,
Saloon anil Wine Rooms
The Dalles,
Northwest corner of Second and
Court streets.
Eggs for Hatching
From thoroughbred fowls.
Xjl?la.t 33retlxzxxo,a.
Address :
i t t t i
( fjfOO
liudemby, Or,
Who are selling those Roods out at greatly-reduced rates.
MIC NUN TOW N Iiiih Imvii iilnttnl on the olit cntiii Ktimilil, nt tliu I'orkH mid
k rails or lloml river, with Jmuc.HKhUy Jotii.hiiiMlMri-iMhitiiil iilli-yn, i"l cell
mill iiiirinviitur,wlthlmii)iii iitiilimliin, TliM'tilriiliiii(c',ii.'llKlitliii iiiiiiiiitulii
olliiiati!, Ihufviilial iitlriiclliiii a a iiiiiiiiitulii Hiiiiiincr nxirt luriill (lit'Kuii,
Iwlntf tlm iicarcNt hum to Jit. Iloiul. It In iiiipiuallckii hh u iiianiifiicturlti
center, IwInk Hid crnkT Kir 1M) Mpiaif miles uf the n ihiriiiMl In
tliiibiT, imifwiliin iiilllloiiN of biirci' iiiivmt in lis ilaihluK Ktiwnim anil wnh'r
lulls i-ajlly liiiniukciil. Whi rr cluni iiKtlve ikiwit cxlul", IIicii' tin' i"'"!"' ,
fl()t(irllH Wll I..- .ill ..II. ....I.. .1.... ...... 1 . .'VI'L'l 00
iiiiywlivro hir linlt nml iii:ilHiltnn, ami with traiiHuirlatlnii alraid uun'
you M llnil this the pliicoti, niiilii'a n fhet hiimc ur a )myllii: liivrttw"
See me on tiie ground, of
fl.flflTOKS TTA fit.
wasco uounty, uregou.
W. RossWinans.
Pipe Wort, Tit Repairs ana Roofing
l uii jiiuu ovjiutii, iHixi (ioor woflt ol xouiiK w"
lilaokuuuth Shop.