OURD SHLE. A Bis Dri ii Sib Dress Ms. Continues This Week. A GENUINE CLEARANCE SALE Of All Our Wash Fabrics. A great opportunity for economical people. Prices will please everybody but ourselves. r-V all Goods Marked t. 7. in Plain Figures. Iv PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. InteiiiU tin-roHtnlllco lit Tim IIuIIck. Ori'Kon, rf hi mviiMl dint mutter l.lll'lll All ITlldlllC. in Cfii' i 1 i ic i t llrht Ili'iTtlnii, mid fi Cisiitu lr Hut' ' ' ni'' " ilt''ucnt IliM'rtluii Hpffii fiti' ("I! I'iMK tlMii' Ilntli'i'K. ,l 'ii- ii li ' - - 'i-tvft Inter tlnill H o'cliM'k will UM if ' ' "Imiw IIIB iliiv. Uiiillii'i l"iirnrlil. at Oifim dif.in or twenty four hours rmUnp 5 ), m. Itimnrrniu UVilneetliiv and Thursday fnir, and hlfyfiUy c-odlor. I'auci:. wi:athi:ii barometer, 'Jli.lKI. Ma-iiuiiii temperature, 87k. Miniiiiuin temperature, (1'J. Kivur, "II. !l feet above zero. Wind, went. wi:i).vi:si)ay AUG. 2, 1893 Tlx Umli and 'irkll Uhroniclr may It found mi nulr at I. V. Nickehen'n ttorc. AUGUST ANGLINGS. fait; I'ry lliiukt'il trv I'r mlHtriit tlliron I'1 ltiort4rH I tirit her hhnc (ihIii) , urn! thi'ii ()( I'nuri'L', It i'iiiiii' uiiiIiiiii', And now h!u hiivk tin- knot huh Imt A wriik inn) llliiify nno, Tliiit Hiicli illhjiliiy ni i'iiri'lcKiii'i'i Wuiilil hliumi' ini". ntluT nn'ir Ah. If Hliu knew 1 tk'il It u Tlmt iiliu lululit nunc iikiiIii! Liquidation day. Tho umoutit of water rent collected hint month was 1 ,074.1)5. J'reiinan will put in ti Htoek of boot and whoeH nt the CaBcaden. Klinu'n Imnk linn remaned and is pay hie, iI I cliiiniH toduy its fast iih they conic. N. C. Loup exhibits nn vpg tho h!xu of apiireon'H o, which he huvb wuh laid y u full Ktowtt Cochin hen. McHHrtt. SaltnmrHlie it Co. Hhlppod ruai incir Htock ynrdH three earn of mutton Hhccj) toduy to Chicago. I. .1. Norman wuh appointed nimcrin. nilont of the water workn at their ItiHt "WUH;, to nerve three years, and fur nWlfr.,OoO hondfi. J leleiKlluton Tribune Iiiih miHpondod dally publication, teliriumi and all. ' Iroiibl,, with thu Tribune wuh it '0'miu)iiccd taking a telcuraphie Horvice nt tin. very tinin it Hhould have quit if it " taking thorn. Jackfiin ICngino Company held a meet "K liiHt night and appropriated $50 us a Htartur f ir the September tournaiiient. J'!h In ih,( 0f u,0 (iirt,t( fompunJuH I" Tin DulltiM to appropriate iiionov for bo more or Iosh Hhruiiken. The winter and early Hprini; iH nafe and in place? hnrvcHting in well under way. An ationymoiiH letter, au nil civilized jieojile agree, decerve.i no consideration, and no one of any education, or Miiine miniiH education, will indite them. It iH probable that the author of the letter received byTiiu Ciikonhm.i: will glance in our coluintiH today for Homethitigcon ccrning it. The plan proposed by the writer in exactly t-imilar to the one ex ecrated in theHcntcnee preceding. ThtH if) not good pence, and as it in written in pencil, with several wordH inihspolled, the writer lackH also education, which proven the truth of our proposition in the opening Hentenee. TEACHER'S INSTITUTE. Tilt) iQHtrtirtor Vary Tlifilr Work With l.lttlr ltrcreHtlou. Hoot) UtVKti, Aug., ISit.'l. In marked contrHHt with past uaaire, there were no exerciben on the jiro grumine for the ii ret evening of the in Htitnte. Superintendent Shelley turned the entire itiHtitute, hitiiHclf included, looHe upon the unotleuding citizens of tli ik moHt beautiful and picturesque bufg. The ladicH were, of courHc, on their good behavior iih become good Mchool mu'attiH, and contented them hcIvch with walking about and admiring the tiiHty hoiiHfH and yardw and the beuutiful llowers of Hood Kiver: bu tho "boyn" Hlinued oirto the river, and prcHontlv the reconl of iiianv itianyfVlJd Wiugate arrived in town from An- the , A '"ining otitertaininent. t'ouplo of Monii'titea eot into a 'rm argument recently, laftiugovoran " of them claiming ho could bun NI the Uuip f (uy wjth (iarponter'H l,,v'l. No watch wuh available for Itroof, umi n,0 m,rUH of tlu) ,jlUjHti0n W'tio diHcitSHcd from n purely Hclunlitlc "tuntlpolat. J'IiIh Ih collection day und collootorH v lteoti quite well . leaned with the y H rk. Money han boon quite viwy coiiHidoring the flurry of Monday mid out fuw perBona aaked for an extoitHion of time on their bll. h u few duya the cy will Nettle down into itu former con- UUi0M wwo will bo known in all UMrtorp. KrtH from the farming dintrlutH mm thlH city Indicate that the hot wave t ylHlted thin section Iut Suuduy and Ah'iiduy did but little irijury to tho Kni n. The lute Hpt lng Wan all that wuh j l,l,,Kr, und that was ho far along aa 1(1 uu only Hghty Injured, which will yeaio wan broken by taking a bath, dive, or a Bwlm. Then all crowded into ft smull row-boat and ventured out on the "raging deep" the mighty Colum bia. There tho unlofit badnefH of youth Hhowed itHolf by the bolder ones in dulging in Hitch praukH to frighten the more timid iih only boyH arc uppoM'd to practice. Tliis morning all wore the demure fuceH of coiiHcioitH innocence, although one of tho oldent and mom exemplary might have been wen MiBpicIoiiHly near the top of a cherry ttec. Tho cxercihCH of the day have been of intereHt to iih engaged in them, but nothing has occurred that would be of Hpeclal intereHt to the leaders of Tin: CniioNict.i:. H. K. Talkington, vice-picHidcnt of tho State Normal Hchool at Weston, waa among the nutiieioiiH viailorH jnesent, and gave ua an encouraging talk. The following programme ban been prepared for tomorrow evening: .Huiik, "Come Wlicii tho l.lllt't. llliKim. - I'lmir Iti'i'lliitlnii, "What a flirlhtiiiiiH mil Plil." ., .MIm timllo llimmi hniift, HiuitliiK Down t lut lilw-r.". Cliflr Itt'i'lmtliiii, "Tho I'llut'h Ktory." II III I ' l.if t I t HniiKi "A Jlicmii of J,ui'i" ". '. ' '.Clinlr L,mur.,u', .. rri'MUi'iit I', ti. Ciiiiiiilu'll The exoiciaea will be lield in the 1'. JJ. churoh, commencing at K o'clock p. m. i hu following new iiamea havo been added to the Hat of teachers In attend ance : Ualay Allaway, May and Minnie J'.lton, Jumna Ward, Mary E, 1'razier, Anna V. Hafer, Kmlly Jlouae, John A. Jiaylock and Sadie llanna. Two J'KAS. KOUMH XO ltKNT. FurniHhed rooiitH to rent. Apply at the roHidenco of Mru. 0. N. Thornbury, Second Htreet, The JMIIoh, Or. u KruiiHii'it lli'ikiluolix Cuimulva. An r.li-Tiiti'il Slilfiwnlk. Meshrb. Kinersly, Dufur and Dr. IMne bart are putting up an elevated fcide walk along the clitr, running from the Methodist chinch to the doctor's 'resi dence. The walk U a necessity and Withal a highly picturesque adornment. From it a view can be obtained of tho city below, which in the tender twilight evening tnakea a piece d' resistance to all thoce sentimentally inclined. Espec ially valuable will itf rustic beauty be to lovers, and it will doubtless record many a love-vow and be a trysting place for generations yet unlorn. lint it is not to be supposed the builders thought of all that. StHKcr Appointed Kxmnlnr. Mr. Lionel Stagge of Portland received a dispatch from Comptroller of the Currency Eckles, at Washington, which apprined him of his oflicial appointment of bank examiner. In connection with hie apjioiritiucnt Mr. Stagge was o'rdered on Hjecial duty to proceed to The Dalles and assume charge of the First National bank at that place, which has closed. The appointment of Mr. Stagge is an excellent one. He is a courteous, ac commodating gentleman, and well qual ified for the responsible duties of the position. Mrs. Geo laud todav. PERSONAL MENTION. I.tebe returned from t I'ort- ,ipe Saturday night. on. U. 11 . i;artwrigtit ot nay ureetc, A tuimily itM'il with uuviiryliiB MiciThN iih a miitjuir lli'iiiliu'lirH ot all ktntlx, Tho icmiUk liiivo liccu mi aiilviTMilly Kin") tliat It l iih Iuiirit an i'ii'iliiHint, ft Iiiih Ihimi hmmI (or lliiiilni'lio h'miIUih: from )lhHlintIiiii, In I'ortnil luill Kick lli'iiilnulii', In llt'iuliu'lit'8 cuuul'iI iy Hi'vno liilmi' (mental or iliyi-lciil), or by caiiumiiu In tho Mill, ami In all cusc'h ultli tlio iiiom Kratl fyliiK icsiiIIn, We liavc, nttor a tlmroiiKli luvih IlKatlini, liuil mi htltaiicy In titklni; thu iiia'iicy lur thlv I'lU'ittlvo imni'ily, iinil cuiitcluiithniiily uuiiiiiiiiniil It tumir ialr'iiw. lU'aia'iilf ully, Crook county, is in tho city today Misa Emma Vogt went to Mosier and will visit other river points before re turning. Mrs. Windotn and Miss Anna Dens more went to McClure'a by Regulator this morning. Mrs. John Mardcn and Mrs. H. F. (Jibons went to Cascade Ijcks this morning for a abort stay. Miss Anna Wont, came up from Port laud this noon to visit with her friends, Lena Thompson and Grace Glenn. A party, consisting of Hen Wilson, L. Payette and George Munger, left this forenoon for an outing on tho bead waters of 10-Milo creek, to be gone sev eral days. Those who went to llwaco this morn ing tvcroJ. W. French and wife, Smith French and wife, Mis. J, F. Magcu, Mia. G. V. Iiolti n and child, and Ed and Frank French. Mr. Stagge, appointed to supervise the account of the J'irst Tvattonal bank, is in the city, and is today engaged in his work. This gentleman is editor of the Pacitic Hank Investor. 1). M. French received a telegram this morning stating that his son, Walter, who has been ill for some time, is very much worse. Mr. French chartered an engine upon receipt of the news and hastened to tho sick bod. Tho sym pathy of tin) entire community is ex tended during the fearful suppense known to all parents under these cir cumstances, who will vet hope for a restoration of health, despite tho dis couraging reports. MAIC1CIUO, At the Methodist Epiacopal church,' this city, Aug. 1st, by Eev. J. Whlsler, Mr. T. F. Gray and Miss Margaret Jotters, both of Wasco county, Oregon. Mr. .1. 0. HoHwell, one of tho best known and most respected citizens of Hrowmvood, Texas, attlt'ert'd with dlar rhu'tt for a long time and tried many ditto rent remedies without benefit , until Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhuui Eetnody waa UHed; that re lieved him at onco. For sale by Hlakulcy k Houghton, Druggists. 1m, Ubo Mexican Silver Stovo Polish. SHIPMENTS COMMENCED. Tim Km! Coinrmny n it I'nrtor of I'rull triteri'Htpi. Another car of the Earl Fruit com pany was loaded today and will bo shipped to Chicago tonight. A reporter visited ono of the carH, whero ho found jMr. J. A. McDonald, tho affable agent of the company, busily engaged in pack ing the fruit in tho car. Onco inside, j the most notable change was the tent .peratnre, presumably a good deal tho same as the lodge in somo vast wilder ness, ho ob'd for every Biimmer in Tho Dulles for the last twelve years. Mr. McDonald said the temperature was kept uniformly at 55 dectees. Thero I are refrigerators at each end, so ar ' ranged that there is a circulation of cool i air from above and below. The fruit j boxes rest on slats and the aperturea in jtliem readily admit of tills cooled air, : and again tho baskets within tho boxes J have sloping edges, so that every one of thu fruit is accessible to the outer air. 'The capacity of each car ia '24,000 I pounds, and they are generally taxed to tho limit. Another car wiil leave on t Saturday and another Tuesday, which will be tho last of the peach plums. Each car has a refrigerator capacity of l ten or twelve thousand pounds of ice, ! and whenever needed the ice is replen j ished. The cars are attached to the pas senger train until Green River is j reached, when they join the regular California fast fruit train. Tho peach, apple and pear cropsill be successively handled by the Earl I Fruit Company. This company watches the markets closelv and cets better j prices at all times than can be done by I any one individual. They are not con ' lined to a state or the United States, ' and ship apples as far away as Aus J tralia. The business of the Karl Fruit com pany in this section may be said to be missionary work, for their operations this year in this section will be attended with a loss. The output of fruit is too small to justify the expenses. Then there are other minor matters which conspire to render the business unprofitable at this time. For instance the baskets cost? them so much that they are compelled to charge the grow ers .lo per thousand for them, whereas in California they can furnish them for $'.). The fruit boxes are also a little more expensive, owing to the manufac ture of them in lesser quantities here. Another reason is that not all the grow ers are sufiieiently informed as to pack ing the fruit. Too much care cannot be exorcised in this regard, as there is a large percentage of loss in fruit imper fectly packed. Mr. McDonald says, however, that the fruit growers show considerable aptitude as a whole, and he makes but slight criticism on this score. Each year will greatly add to our fruit output. There is no danger of raising teo much. In fact the!;more that is raised the more felicitously it can be handled and the greater the) profits to each grower. With our marvelous adaptibility of soil and climate for fruit growing it is surprising how small an acreage there is in fruit, and Mr. Mc Donald thinks it is tho height of folly on the part of many who raiso wheat in stead of fruit. Tho profits on the one are ten times greater than the other. Wheat can be raised in any country, but it is not so with fruit. Ituiiiinu l't'i'l on the Sliteumlk. The trvot cur ImJ parsed, but to catch It ho rii'koneit, .So he nm like n ilcer, ami shouteilimd beekoiuil, Till lie planted ills heel On a smooth bit of peel Then lie miw half a million of Mu.s in a nvcond. He was in too great a hurry; better have waited for another car. Thero are cases, however, where baste is necessary. If you have night-sweats, feverishness, weak, sore Iuhl'S and a hacking cough, do not lose an hour in obtaining a sup ply of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. Delay in such cases is danger ous; it may he fatal. Hefore tho disease has made too great progress, the "Golden Medical Discovery" is a certain cure. In fact, it's guaranteed to benefit or cure, or money paid for it promptly refunded, A I.ciuUt. Since its Ilist introduction, electric bitters has gained rapidly in popular favor, until now it is clearly in the lead among puio medicinal tonics and alter ativescontaining nothing which per mits its life as a beverage or intoxicant, it is rccognlcd as tho best and purest medicine for all ailments of stomach, liver or kidneys. It will cure sick head ache, indigestion, constipation ana drive maleriu from the system, Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle or tht money will bo refunded. Priceonly fiOc. per bottle. So'd by Snipes & KitiorMy. LOST. A bundle of keys, two of them brass. Please leave at this oillco. t :7 iaii -v w WOOD'S IHOS1IIOIIVU. The Great ISugllsli Ileiaedy, IToiuptly una permanently curca oil forms of Ktnous Wcalnttt.EmUitoni, Sperm' otorrhea, lmixtency ami all tJTMsof Abuse or Excesses. Jlecii prescribed over t!5 yeiirxhi fjounandaof eiues; rt.r.M t Aft. ' uooniyi(tiMvieanauon' JitfirtaniAfttr, f Ak ilruugUt for Wool' l')ioiliodliie If ho (Torn lomi.worttili'iiaiiiodleluoiuplaeoof tUU, louvo hli difhourrt (dure, Jacloto prleo in letter, anl we. will rend by return mall. Trice, imo pneluige, $tPlx,t'i. OiiiiD(.'(i'!i-ns.',(.i!ti'()Icuiv. J'auipli Jet la plnlu ended cm elope, U ccuU pontile. AiUHi'3 Thu Wood Ultoiulual Co., V.il Woodward uremic, Detroit, ilkh. Bul l in 'J'ho Dulles by Hiilies iV KliierMy. Gentlemen JULY AND AUGUST Hot Weather Begins Now WARM See our Stoulc of- SUMMER UNDERWEAR, ELEGANT NEGLIGE SHIRTS, FINE SCARFS AND COLLARS. STRAW AND FELT HATS, BATHING SUITS AND TOWELS. For Ladies r3 We are showing a fine Stock of Collars and Cuffs, Underwear, Gloves, Stainless Hosiery, Embroideries. Laces, Etc., Etc., at Prices Away Below those offered by our would-be competitors. Lace CurtainsAll Pricks. Bargains in livery Department. Cor. Court and second Sts, q St TvT XT A TPTDTC! Tte Dalles, Oregon. o. Oo IN . Xlxl.iXJX10. Siiniii mil mi Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and Notions, (Jepts' mYf)T (jOod5, Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc. now eouipleto in every department. All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices. rem, casn. H. Herbring. ..Familiar Faces in a ATcio Place. C. E. BAYARD, Late Special Agent General Land Office. J. 13. BARN ETT. Jf?e Ieal Instate, tpar), Ii?5uraiee, COLLECTION ACENCY. NOTA Y U BLIO. Parties having Property they -wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Rent, or Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us. We shall make ii specialty of the prosecution of Claims and Contests before the Unitep States Land Oilice. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR. Have You Seen :h;t h e x ; Fine Millinery Goods AT 112 Second Street. ANNA PETER SCO. J. H. CROSS. At tho Old Stand, Cor. Second and Union .Sts. jay, Grair?, peed arjd ploiir, Groceries, Fruits and Seeds. Oaali paid for EJgi'is'S inctcl HP'otaltrcy. All goods delivered Free and Promptly. THE WORLD'S BEST LITERATURE IN - B-OOKS. A Y I. C. NICKELSEN'S. The California Winehouse, Is now open, and its proprietor an i 1 1 soil his homo- A L produced Wine at prices in tho roach of evoryhndy, A, r Also, hest Peanuts to bo found. Ooods guaranteed T to bo Pure and First-Class in evory respect. 4 1 tas w MM Ml MB Thompson's Addition. c BECHT.