The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OKFIUIAli l'Al'KU OK DAI.1.K8 (UTY AND WASCO COUNTY. Entered nt the I'ostnfflcc nt Tho nation, Oregon, h sccond-clM llllUtCT. SUBSCRIPTION HATK8. BY MAtI.(FOSTAOF.rRKPA!D)IS ADVANCK. Weekly, 1 yenr 5g r. months r' ii 3 i ... OH) "iSSSthiv.... ' SS per 11 Address nil communication to " THK OHHON 10LK," The Dulles, Oregon. l'liNt-nillrt'. orncE nouns encml Delivery Window S u. m. to 7 . m. Money Order "... . .8 a. n. tov-m. Sunday tl " 9 n. ni. tolOu. m. CLOSINO OK MAILS tmlm roIiir Kast. .9 1. m. nml 11MS a. m. i "h vvest ..,.) ji. m. mul A:80. m. BUeo for Uolilcndnlu 7:S0n. m. " l'rlmnillc- . B:SOa.m. Dufuriind WnnnKprlncs . .B:m a. tn. " tl-envinrr for l.yle .t llnrtlmid r.:S0 a. m. .i jAntelopo . .6:30 n. in. Except Sunday. . ..,.. TTl-weeklv. Tuesday Thursday mid .ntiirday. j " .Monday Wednesday mid lrldny. Mill HlmttliiB lwn. Vma. Utvnu, Auk. l.The directors of j tho Senconnet mills held u meeting to day and voted to hIuiI down next Saturday until September 1, or until the I dinhmtukotHliowsaiRnsof improvement. The directors of tho Hint millf voted to 'shut down Monday for nn indefinite 1 period. Thedircetorsof thu Wnmpnnontr mills voted to shut down next week and every nlternate week until the market improves. Thu Anuwun, Metueomet, Weetumoe and Kail Uivcr manufactories will shut down next week for an indefi nite period, and it is expected the l.inen Company will close its ' mills next Monday or later in the week. The Troy and llinhard Hordun mills: have declared dividends, payable today, , tho former a dividend of $25 per share, and the latter a dividend of 1 lj per cent. Krki'lx mi WuxliliiRttm. Washington, Auc. 1. Senator Squire Iflfriltflllfo'A mm William Tell Si carmKMitM WEDNESDAY, AUG. 2, iso:? called on Comptroller Eckels today to There are a great many paintings and statues at the world's fair that vrore evidently not desipned to show elaborate displays of clothes and costumes. Tn fact tho artist, in moat cases, has almost ignored the dressmaker and tailor. He has tried to paint the truth, the nnked truth, nnd do all in his power to incul cate a love for the nude in art. Hut has he been earnest in his endeavor? There are those who insist that whenever an artist is true to nature we are bound t admire his vork. We believe that such is not always the case. Supposing an artist should paint a bow-legged, spin dleshank, thin-chested figure, think you the crowd would linger in front of the picture? If the average nude statue or painting was no more beautiful than ahem! well, than we fancy lots and lots of persons we could pick out would be, we fear that the nude in art would Teceive a body blow that would daze it somewhat. The nude in art is deceptive as we should know had not mother Eve eet the fashion of wearing clothing. For many of us it is a matter of congratula tion that we can consistently invoke the aid of the tailor in preparing ourselves j to sit for a nhotosranh. The nude in art does pretty well but it ie mainly be cause the artists show pretty good taste iu the selections of their subjects and models. JJut, as we said, it is deeep tive. Supposing a young lady should evolve her ideal of what her future lord should be. from looking upon a statue of Apollo or Hercules. Astoria Herald It disappears the worst forms of catarrh, with the use of Dr. Sago's Catarrh Rem edy. It's mild, soothing, cleansing anil healing projiertics effect a per fect and permanent euro, no mat ter how bad the ease, or of how long Rtniidimr. It's n, runindv that sue- leave papers sent him recommending cmjs WWY0 everything else lias men for bank receivership. Kckels was nvtt Thousands of siu'h eases asked if Squire said anything about his c;m ,0 pointed out. That's the reference to Washington's having been j reason its proprietors back their over-boomed and replied: " lie couldn't , faith in it with money. They offer do it. He knows that 1 was right, as $,-,oo reward for a case of catarrh everybody does who knows anything which they cannot cure. It's a about the conditionsout there." Eckels article in tin- North American Heviuw ; gives AVashington as one of the states where cities have been laid out far in i excess of demands and banks- asked to j sustain them. Lieut. Peary and party, it is reported, have made a bad start and may be sub ject to delays which will throw them back n year. There are many people besides those of purely scientific mind who are anxious to know what the north polo looks like. Geographers agree that the poles are flattened. A late theory is that they are hollowed out, on the prin ciple that a revolving quantity of liquid sinks in the center. A familiar instance is found in stirring a cup of coffee When the earth was molten tho same rule might well apply to it. Pumuing this theory, its advocates claim for the north pole a tropical magnificence, tin Bpproachetl short of the equator. That the ground, by its position, is struck vertically by the rays of the sun, ho that the conditions are favorable for the most gigantic specimen of the palm and bulb ous plants. Sauriana should thrive in such an atmosphere and the largest rep tiles should be numbered among its in habitants. If this curious theory proves correct, it will be a wonderful day for natural history, as well as botany, when these mythical treasures are explored by Lt. Peary or some future adventurer. The only tangible evidence in support of a hot north polo is that navigators claim that whales swim northward iu those latitudes. Mr. McDonald's statement that fruit baskets cost the growers $10 per thous and ami .' in uaiitornia contains a world of meaning. It shows that Cali fornia goes in for everything on a gigan tic scnlo. It is just as easy to conduct a big business as n little business, and does not require a whit moro qualifica tion. California has narrowed down the margins of expenses toconsistent limits, which gives tho producers the benefits. Tho vast difference in tho item of fruit baskets suggests that it would bo busi ness for some good capable man to start a manufactory for them, making vast quantities, and so gain the profit to be found in numbers alone. When fruit growing becomes what it should be tho leading industry of Wasco county all of these details will havo been at tended to, and tho pioneers in tho Held will bo tho ones who have laid founda tions for colossal fortunes. Hut a few days intervene before tho special session of congress. A great many congressmen have expressed their views and they are widely divergent. But by the time the message of Presi dent Cleveland lias been read there will be more of one mind than before. It is all right for Senator Mitchell to ay ho is a bi-metallist and is satisfied with the present ratio botween gold and silver of 10 to 1, but tho fact is tho real ratio is about U5 to 1 , and is steadily on the decline. Towels galore, See N. UarriH' show window. Why Kilimm Shut llmvn. Ouaxok, N. Y., Aug. 1. The shut down at the Edison phonograph works is only partial. Edison today issued the following statement: "The phonograph works have been shut down because we have nearly com pleted all orders on hand, and the pro urintnr. snoiiif that the country had re solved itself into a national lunatic j asylum, has decided to wait until we have subsided somewhat." j Guaranteed Oure. We authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for . consumption, coughs and colds upon this condition. If you art! afllicted with j a cough, cold or any hni'". throat or chest trouble, and will use this remedy as i directed, giving it a fair trial, and ex- j perience no benelit, you may return sliei bottle and have your money refunded. We could not make this oiler did we not know that Dr. KingV New Discovery could be relied on. It never disap-1 points. Trial bottles free at Snipes iV j Kinersly's drug store. Large size oOc and.l." Kucklon'h Arnica Snlv.i. I 1 lie best salve in the world tot rut'-, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum. iVv.-r sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay requited It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfae- j tion, or money refunded. Price - cents per box. For sale by Snipes A Kin-1 ersly. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San ' Diego, Gal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh! Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50 cts. Sold by Snipes it Kinersly. I medicine that allows them to take such a risk. Doesn't common sense lead you to take such a medicine? "An advertising fake," you say. Funny, isn't it, how some people prefer sickness to health when the remedy is positive and the guaran tee uhiolute. Wise men don't nut mono back of fakes." ) I'akincr " doesn't pay. Your Father that we well SWEET. ORR St CO.'S Vest Jumpers, Pantaloon Overalls, "1 --- -f- -I -4--4- -I "v 1 f t' v -4. Every garment guaranteed NEVER, to rip! We are also Headquarters for .... Men's, Boys' and Youth s ran Dalles AND Prineville Stage Line J.D. PARISH. Prop. Iamvoi Tim Didloi itt 6 ii. ill. every iliiy. nml :it- rlvt - ut rrluurlllu la tlilrty-tix hour.- I-euvi I'rinevlle at A ii. in. every ilny, anil tiTivc- nt The Dalles In thirty-six hours. Carties the U. S. Mail, Passengers and Kxprcss j Conneflts at l'rln"llle with- Staes from Eastern and Southern Or egon, Northern California and 1 all Interior Points. ! 1- CLOTHING m In every size, style and price. n m urn i ifimn o.nn ij in n. ii. ii iLLin i u a uu. m If YOUR ATTENTION horses hoes J. S. COOPER, AI i mukps i:lno connection nt The Dalles witl. t'lti hum Portland and Eastern polnti, I COuftMUS llllT8IS. GKd accommodations along lie roai. - first-class Coaches aid Horses mi. Express matter handled with special care. HTAdK orncKH; M, Nicliul AT'o.'H Htnrn, I'rinnvllle. UmntlllH 1Iiiiih, Tilt llullitN. dinner & Bone's stages en route to , Cloud Cap Inn will locate campers at the 1 of best fishing point in Hood Kiver vullev, ! J. F. FORD, Des da ti- of where one can reach Mt. Hood in a few hours and get their mail and provisions daily. -tewd Notice. Sloinen, Iown, write under March ltW- S. 15. Mkd. Mko. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen : On arriving home last week, 1 found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our If- oalliul to the fact that Hugh Glenn, DtMler in Glass, Lime, Planter, Cement and liuilding Material nf nil klndi. OHrrlH th FlimM Ijlun iif Picture Mouldiiiffs Cinifr Jlimi, UNI OX STOCK YAK US, Chirtitjn, lilt. nit 1 1 in; ii i nun i; tinvi 17111V nil 11,1 i ii u 1 11 iiri iji i iii:.lii;i 111 iiiint;n in tho world, will hold his ;th oxtonsivo h:i1o oi wufit orn hrnndtid horson ' for .season on To be found in the City. 72 CClashington Street. The Dalles Entries should be made at once. .'i i7iiiiw:iin l ILliI I. f tllLl. III. LfLl llllli.II III dllll. II. II I II. A III II. ILII - -- ----- -JJ J Icads on to fortune." Tho poet unquestionably had reference to the Notice is hereby given that the under-1 1""1-' Ri". uitfht nd one-half years old, signed has been duly appointed bv the I who had wasted away .to .'58 j.ounds, ie t, ,, 4 -, . ' , , now well, strong and vigorous, and well Honorable County Court of the state of flefill,d ' . n. Con,.h Cure has done Gl9i Clisii-Ool Sale i FACTORY NO. 105. UI, its work well. Both of the children like it. Your S. 15. Cough Cure has cured ving claims against said I ,ld klt way nil hoarseness from me. h , . h .... . ' S-o give it to every one, with greetings are hereby notified to for Wishing you prosperitv, wu are Yours, & Miih. J. r. I onn. 1 yon wish to eel fresh imdi'hc'.'rdil.nml a-Milv fur tin.-Spring's work, clfiinc your hyitem wild tlid !liii(:iflio nml Mvpr (.'nro. hv taking or Guardian of the person and estate of I thru- don- each ;;. Edward Kvaus. Dated Dalles City, July Hist, 1S0:J. Oregon for Wasco Co., guardian of the per son and estate of Edward Evans, insane All persons ha Edward Evans present the same duly verified to me at my residence, The Dalles, Wasco county, Oregon. Gko. A. Ln:ni:. Bold under n positive cintrnnto.'. 'Ji cent i:r hottla by ll druiirlstf Wanted. A first-class woman cook, once at this oflice. Vv'XvXxxXIjIO manufactured, and orderu from all )artsof the country filled on the shortest notice. Apply at Stoiilcliiildfii-ft' Moi-tiliK. Tim:, Or., July US, lS'J.'i. Notice is herebv given that there will be a stockholders' meeting of the Wasco Independent Academy, at the Academv building on Monday, August 28th, ISOIi, at : o'clock p. in., for the purpose of electing seven directors, and tran'racting such other business as may properly come before said meeting. 5y order of the board. S. I,. Ukookh, f-ec'y. duwtd. I'ur Ituiit. Hooms to rent at JJov. A. Horn's resi dence on Ninth street. li-L'lidaw, t W. E. GARRETSON. St I Jeweler.! VC.KNT FIMS TIIK mm xbwmiM m m .,,1 -jm CkUs., sad 31.00 per rtcttlo. Currnii;IiS IIoarkcni.'iM,Uoro Throat, CriiiiMiroriiHly: relieves WiiuiiplneC'ougli and Antiiimu K'lf Co!uiiiii)itloii it bnsno rival; tiaiouTUUiouBiiudii wiioronllotlion. fiitliid; will cube you it taken In time, liold by UruKirUta on auuaranti-o. For Ijimu lUck or Cum, uso HUlXAiivti I'li Aaxiiu, as cm. CHILCH'SLCATARRH 11 cm IT REMEDY. 'lh la rpmctflii In im tftdtot-isrovou. l'riniWcto. JiiJecWir trm If or le by Nuljie & Klurly. All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. 13 Ntic-iiiid Ht.. Tlir llitllnx. Or. A. WESOLO, The Boston Tailor, East End Second St. Suits Made to Order from $18.00 up. Pants from $5.00 up. i'nrfoct Fit (liiurnutiied. CLtAJfl STORY, Art Teacher Jioom 3, llettiwjen lluildiwj, Will give Uoiw Monday mid Tlinrkdiiyn of eicli week, 01 ofUiic-r If dvulrcd. The reputation of THIC DALLES CI GAR has lxicome lirnily established, and the demand for the homo manufactured artlcb' is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. W. K. VVIHK.VIAN. VM. MAKUUKH. The Snug. W. H. BUTTS, Prop. . No. 00 Second Sroet, The Dallon Or. This well known stand, kept by the well known W. II. Huff u Inm, n p,tu1. dent of Wasco county, Iiiih an extraordi nary line stock of .Sheep Heritor's DelMit ami Irish Disiurbunc In fact, all the leading brands of fin , Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give th oH man a call and you will come again Wiseman & Marders, Saloon and Wioe Rook tmM k urn at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, wno aro soiling tnose roocib out at groatiy-roaucGa rate .miciii:li5Acii muck, union kt Tho Dalles, Oregon. Northwest comer of Second nml Court streets. Eggs for Hatching From thoroughbred fowls. Wt'BKH ..fU.OO c'kbh a.oo AildresD: K. M. IIAHUIMAN, -2,lni EiulerHby, Or. WINHNS " ; :V'W. I1.0. I,M V01'" I'lMttc.-! on tin-did faiiipKniuiid, nt the I'urkhiuid 1 l idlNiif llood rhcr, ivltli litruc. fitrlitly ltitH, linmil Htn iitHimil iillryH, iiimkI hull mid iuri'widiT,wltltHliiidi(lii iirufiiKliiu. iirfi-iidtaliiiiKivlitll!litfiil iiHiiiiitiiln (illiiiiitv, thu I'vntial HttriK'lloii iihii iimuiitidu Mii.iim.-r itmirt lur nil Oti K'lii 1:IIL' till) llt'lirust tllWIl III .Mt. llliull. It in llliliiitiill..i- uu , ininir,;..lnrllll- Hiilur, ImjIiik the imtiirid cuiiIit for 1UI hiiimn- ndli s of thu lnnt ci-ditr mid IU iimiM'r, MPhvi'HNiiiK 111IIII011N of iiorn-pinvi-r in It-i iluHhliii; ntirauiH mid fnllN, iiilly hnriK'.-.nd. Whcm i'ln-ni nmtlvt' lumiir i-xIhIn, llii'ic tin' niniiu , llintlirll.u will I'l.llti.r Mil. r.iniiil...l l.t I. .11 1 I.. ...... ....I I. i.vii11. ' , ; ' 1. tn. . 'J fti,l (Mill rillllllll! limb 1-111111111 '' .,-J miywhoic for fnilt mid iiiirlcnlliir", nml vlth trmii-i'ortulion nhoidy ttil you will Mini tlilh ihr pliicc to iiuiki ii iii-riiid hoiiic or n payim? lnvi" TITliE PERFECT j n . .-t. f n JI J1 . w - T"lfi3f ! Wasco County, Oregon. W. RossWinans. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs and Roofini MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. rtl Mil j) tll wuup uu iiiim anui, J1UXI (JOOr WOBt OI JfOUHB " Jilacksmith yhop.