The Dalles Daily Chronicle OFFICIAL l'Al'KH OK 1U1.1.K8 CITY. AND WAJCO COUNTY. A Foolhardy Kttntltlon. The Detroit Free Trees considers the ' search for the north polo a foolhardy one , nnd Bays : " " i 'i, i.nternrise and determination Bntcrcd t the fostonico Rt The Dllc, Oregon, V , . i ,(,ji , !nll iwv as nccond-ciwis matter. i which hiwe characterized l.tent. i t.trj - - - ---- -- :n inuicrtukini: another Arctic voyage BUnscniPTiON hates. commands onr udinirntion but it is Im-1 we5K0STA,,,!.:,,KrA,,:) ,N A,,v : i..ibi0 to n,. m. jmiB.ct. u is ; y" c month. .; g , hnrdlv within the range of possibilities , iMlly.i vear." ''' tlmt he will be nblo to carry out his de- " ;0!?o!lUlS " I'..:..'.. '.. b w sign of readiing the nortli polo by an Address all eommmilcHtlon' to ''THE cilKON- overland trip and planting the stars and 1 8, William Tell ICLE." The Dalles, Oregon. stripes thereon, lint even if lie eiioum of what service will the exploit bo to humanity? It will not render the trip , nnv euaior lor otnere io uiku ui imnic .8a.m. to4v. m. ' tM iltlt1 timisom V UlOV . ill!) fULW u v . . . . , I i should take it if it is easier. There is ront-onin-. ornci: iiotiKh ieml Delivery Window S n. m. to 7 p. in. Biindnv i! I) " On. m. tolOu.m. trains poltiK Kast . ...9 p. m. andltMS a.m. not the slightest probability that trade W.o;(U,&.eVyV-,a'n"7i;:Il!:!win be opened up with the extrenie " l'rluevillf.. ..... -fiiS?'1' north or that nnv real good come to " ''Mmfiirand WnrmSprlnp" m. , , - .,,., ..,. ...... " flavlnc fur l.vle.t llurtlaud .ft::n. m. I science, to art or to imlustrj lrom nil " JA"utcl0l,u y-M'1, ,u'l results which Lieut. Peary may secure. Tri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday nnd i-aturday. 1 xhia being so the expedition is a fool- I ii f A...t.t tl'.utiincitnv mill KTlllllV. " . J " .UUllUllj II V l w rttj - .- - TUESDAY, AUG. 1. i hardv one and no amount of courage or Igojj daring or enthusiasm on the part of that , j explorer and his estimable wife can pre- ! it lininif en riciinltd 1)V tllOSC wllO I Those who voted for a democratic tm, , president last November who are out ot work and in want are very sorry now i rrnmo nnii.(i security. i thev dirt so. Each generation has to London, July Kl.-Tho Paris cor-, leant the same lesson bv the same ex- respondent of the Central News bureau , pericnee. This is not the lirst time the : says that it has been learned from good ; credit of the country has been exhausted I authority that France demands as se-, the taceicuritv trom fciani tniu tnu terms ui w Your r'ntlicr that we noil and bankruptcy staring us m upon all hnnds under democratic rule. But the same physician will cure us ultimatum becarried out, the temporary j custody of Chataboon, a town on the , again. After the present "four years of . coast of Siatn ; also, that Siam shall es-1 clover" are expiated, and republicans ! tablish no military stations at certain j are installed for another thirty years, places near tne iroimer oi , the armies of idle men will once again j nor within a certain distance of the Me- j be working at good wages, good prices Kong river; ' will follow harvests, and our manufac-1 iiuckien's Arnirn Halve, toriee, banks, railroads, and sundry j 'fhe best salve in the world for cuts, other robber corporations will again, as bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever of old, furnish employment and money ; gores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, for the general circulation. corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi- ' tively cures piles, or no pay required If carried out, says the Astorian, Sena-1 jt ja guaranteed to give perfect satisfac- tor Peffer'a idea to demonetize gold, as a t:on or monev refunded. Price 25 cents ' panacea to the present financial ills, in p0r j)0x. For sale by Snipes & Kin the Sherman act being repealed and free ; ersly. coinage of silver refused would put the I rin country in a queer box. Barter, bank Omaha, July ul. Hereafter Saturday notes and l.O.U's would bo the only re- j w;u l)e n fnjj fiolitlny without pay in the course; and the old story of the shou- j xTniou lacitlc ahups all over the road, maker trying to find a hatter who want-, ihit is done in order not to reduce the ed boots, in order that the butcher , workjn,, on.e. n aflVcts over 0,000 might be induced to trade meat lor a , Eilk tile would find realization. But, ' thank fortune, there is only one Pell'er ! in a million of our people. The sen- i ator's threat, however, shows to what ! extremes insane politics might be made j to run. men. A sentiment expressed by Comp troller Eckels is herewith put on record as an example for other comptrollers in times of monetary stringency to follow. Mr. Eckels telegraphed to Hank Exam iner Adams at Denver: "I wish you would announce to the oflicera of the banks who have failed in Denver that it is my intention to lend them every aid possible looking toward a speedy re sumption on their part, and I shall grant to thorn sufficient time not only to enable them to collect on such assets as are Bpeedily collectable, but to get to gether such amounts of money as may enable them to open on a sound basis." Siam has gracefully accepted France's ultimatum and, yielding to her threate and warlike demonstrations, ceded an important portion of her territory. This coup d'etat will doubtless do much to cover up the recent French scandals, by diverting attention from them, but to a third party the action would seem like bully-ragging a weaker neighbor. Per haps the peaceful ending of the affair is only a surface condition. Nations, like individuals, have a habit of remember ing wrongs, which await only opportun ity to leap forth again into active life. The Coos bay papers assert that the loss of the steamer Emily was foretold by a spiritualist, John Slater. One res ident of Marshlield did not ship his piano on that trip because of this warn ing, and one of tho passengers was told at a spiritualist meeting jn San Fran cisco that tho vessel would bo wrecked. Chronic I.miMMituM of tin) P.iiwi'N llusults from imperfect digestion. The cause lies in the torpidity of the liver, and the cure is, take Simmons Liver Regulator to stimulate the dull and slug gish liver. (iiuraiitf fd Curt. Wo authorize our advertised diujrgi'St to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds upon this condition. If you are afllicted with a cough, cold or any lung, throat or chest trouble, and will use this remedy as directed, giving it a fair trial, and ex perience no benefit, you may return the bottle and have your money refunded. We could not make this ofler did we not know that Dr. King's Now Discovery could be relied on. It never disap points. Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store. Large size oOe nud$l. Notice. M)thin,n likct it Dr. Piuree'6 Fnvorito Prescrip tion. It's U3 peculiar in its oompo tutimi, as in its curativo effoots, in all the diseases and disorders that aflliot womankind. It's a legitimate medicine an invigorating, restora tive tonic, a soothing and strength ening nervine, and a positive rem odv for female weaknesses and ailments. All functional disturb ances, irregularities, and derange ments arc cured by it. There's nothing like it in the way it acts there's nothing like it in tho way it's sold. It's guaranteed to give satisfaction in every ease, or thc money paid for it is promptly re funded. liead the guarantee on the wrap per. You lose nothing if it doesn't help you but it will. The system is invigorated, thc blood enriched, digestion improved, melancholy and nervousness dis pelled. It's a legitimate medicine, the only one that's guaranteed to give satisfaction in thc euro of all female complaints." the Dalles AND Prineville Stage Line J.D. PARISH. Prop. Leaves The Dalles nt C a. m. every day, and ar rlvcs at l'rinovllle In thirty-six liour. I.cve. 1'rlnevlle at 6 a. m. every day, and arrives at The Dalles in thirty-six hours. Carlies the U. S. Mail, Passengers ami Express Connect nt l'rliio-llle with Stages from Eastern and Southern Or egon, Northern California and all Interior Points. AN, makes close connection at The Dalles wltn irin. from 1'ortlamt and Eastern point" . corneals diners. . Gsod accommodations along tie read. ; Fust-class coacnes and Horses used. ; Express matter handled with special care. STAGE OFFICES! ' AI. Sichul & Cii.'ii Store, Umatilla IIiiiiim!, rrlnevllln. 'flu' Iullf. SiAZEET.ORR&CO,' Vest Jumpers, . Pantaloon Overalls, Kasyfitting Pants, Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! We are also Headquarters for .... Mens, Boys' and Youth s CLOTHING and nm win him A " 1 " 11 ' " " YOUR ATTEliTTOfl horses HORSES J. F. FORD, ist, Notice is hereby given that the utiiler eiutied has been duly appointed by the Honorable County Court of the state of Oregon for Wasco Co. guardian of the per son and estate of Edward Evans, insane. All persons having claims against said Edward Evans are hereby notified to present the same duly verified to mo at my residence, The Dalles, Wasco county, Oregon. Guo. A. I.ikuk. Guardian of the person and estate of Edward Evans. Dated Dalles City, July .'list, 1S03. Wanted. A first-class woman cook, once at this oflice. Apply at Of Deo Moines, Iown, writes, under date of March n, 1VJ.T S. 15. Mkd. Mf. Co., i , Dufitr, Orcijon. Gentlemen : On arriving home last week, 1 found all well and anxiotiHly awaiting. Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, who had wasted nway to H8 pounds, it now well, strong and vigorous, and well , fleshed, up. S. H. Cough Curo has done ! its work well. IJoth of the children like it. Your S. 1L Cough Cure has cured and kept awav all hoarseness from me, .So give it to every one, with greetings for all. Wishing von prosperity, we are i Yours, Mk. & Muh. J. . Foitn. 1 If vou wish to feel fresh and cheerful, and ready ' for the .Spring's work, cleanse your nygtuin with I the Headache and I.lvcr (Jure, by tukhiK twnot I three doses each week. Sold under a positive gun ran tee. Mi tenth per hottle by nil dniKjrlsU. Is called to the fact that ,j Hagh Glenn,! Dealer in Glass, Lime, PhiHter, Cement nnd Building Mnturial of all kinds. ;rrl- tlm Klimut I.lim f Picture Mouldings To be found In the City. 72 "LUashington Street. The Dalles Gigar : Factory FIRST 8TBEET. FACTORY NO. 105. J. S. COOPER, 9 .(nrucr Jhtrn, UNION STOCK YAIIDS, Chicago, 111. The largest suul only strictly commission dealer in horses in the world, will hold Ins otli extensive sale ot west ern branded horses for season 1803, on ! WEIDnsrESIDJLY, JLTJO-TJST 2. Entries should be made at once. HORSES HORSES 111 Ul.t1 iMI) ' rTf DO of the Item Urande i vyAVJTxxiLkO iiiaiuifactnrcd, and I orderu from all partB of the country tilled i on the HhorUiHt notiee. Tho reputation of THH DALLK8 OI GAR hiiM heconie firmly cHtahliuhed, and the demand for the home manufactured article !h increasing uvory day. A. ULRICH & SON. J here ts a tide m tnc ay airs oj men wnicn, tanen at 11s jiooa leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the Closimr-Ont Sale i FuiiB k dm at CRANDALL & BURGETS, Who are soiling those goods out at groatly-roduced rotes MICHKLHACH liHICIC, - UNION ST. very man with any money wnat- ever, or iH interested In any property, or has his labor to sell, should Htop Htanding on the street corners and howling hard times, etc. .'lust huch talk is rcsponsihle, to a great extent, for tho troublous times. Take a bright view of the situation, and in u short time all will he well again. If another presidential election could bo held next Tuesday tho democrats wouldn't be in it. Iluuiinn 1'eel tin the Hldnwiilk. hut to catch It lie The, treet cur hud puned reexuneiji Bo tie ran like a deer, and shouted and beckoned, Tilt he planted his heel On a smooth hltof juvl Then ho saw hull u million of iarx in a second. He waH in too great a hurry ; better have waited for nnothor car. There nro cases, however, wliero liasto is necessary. If you have night-sweats, feverishness, weak, sore lungs and a backing cough, do not loeo an hour in obtaining a sup ply of Dr. Pierce'H Golden Medical Dis covery, Delay in such cases is danger ous ; it way be fatal. Before the disease lias made too great progress, tho "Golden Medical DIscovory" is u certain curo. In fact, it's guaranteed to benefit or cure, or money paid for it promptly refunded. Use Mexican Kllver Stovo Polish. Stockholders' Meeting. Tiik, Or., July 28, 1S9.. Notice is hereby given that there will be a stockholders' meeting of the Wasco Independent Academy, at tho Academv building on Monday, August L'Sth, IS'Jli at 3 o'clock i. m'., for tho purpose of electing fccven directors, and transactitip such other business us may properly come before said meeting. By order of the board. iS. L. Buooks, Soc'y. duwtd. Mr. J. C. Boswell, one of the best known and most respected citizens of Brownwood, Texas, suffered with diar rhoea for a Jong time and tried many different remedies without benefit, until Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrlnea lioniedy was used; that re lieved him atonce. Torsaleby Blakelev k Houghton, Druggists. lm. ' I'or Kent, JiooniH to rent nt Itov. A. Horn's refsi dence on Ninth street. O-L'.'idaw. W. E. GARRETSON. V. V. U'lHBMAN. WM. MAKDKItS. I Leadi Jeweler. .SI,K AOKNT VOK TIIK All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. I Second Nt., Tin- DulltiH, Or. f Wn r ft t m. h wmm i k East End Second St, Suits Made to Order from $18.0Q up. Pants from $6.00 up. I'flrfect fit (tuuruuteoil. STORY, ! Art Teacher Jluom 8, llettinyen JIuilditxj, Will kIvu Imiih MonduyH mid Thurfdayg ol each tviek, or oiUntr II delrvd. A. WESOLO, WQ. FOB A CA8E IT WILL HOT CllUC. p Atiaureeablo Laxative und NKItV i: TON IU. Sold by DriiBirUtsoraeut by rami. 2Sc.,60c,, ind $1.00 pur iuc1uiko. Samples freo TO II O Wo Favorite IWT3 POTOM Aw IlwfortUoa'cctUandJlr(rutli,iU, Vttr isle by fiuip tt Klm.rkiy. The Snug. W. H. BUTTS, Prop. No. 90 Second Sruot, Thn DuIIcb Or. This well known Htand, J:ept by the well known W. II. ButtH, long u resi dent of Wahi o county, Ihih an o.xtraordi- nary lino mock ol ' Sheep Herder's Delight and Irish Dislarbanc ' In fact, all the leading brands of tin WiiicH, LimiorH and CigaiH. Give th ol il man n call and you will come ngaiu Wiseman & Warders, Saloon and Wine Rooms Tho Dallos, Orogon. NorthwcHt corner of Kecond und Court HtreetH. Eggs for Hatching From thoroughbred fowlH. ia emcH r-'.oo SflegKH !).00 AddreHs: K. M. IIAUHJMAN, G''i,lu Kudumby, Or. M1NHNS 5 HI". N1HV TOWN has boon iihittcd on the old ramp ground, it the I'orkn nnd 1'iiIIh of lliMid rlvur, with liUk'i:, Mulitlv lidH.lnond kIii'cImiiuI hIIcjh, (;ui,i1 kiiII nnd piirowtitorvithHliiidoln iitodicfou, 'rfi'rtdmliiiii:i',dt'llKhtfiil inoiiiitiiln cliiinili.', Iho ri.'iitnil atlrmdlon iik u iiionntidn kiiiiuiht rcvurt for id! OrvKon, 1t'lntr tho liciiri'tt town to Ml. Hood. It l iinpimillelir iih n iimnufiirtnrliiK eentiT, holnt; tho niituml rontrr for l.V) kiiiiiir ndlc of tho l:t nihir mid Mr tiinhor, iiiIIIIoiih of hortr potM-r in IIh iIkhIiIhk htirmnH mid widr fullH, nrdly liiitiax d. Whi'ir ohnip niotlxr powrr oxlKtH, thrio tin' ""'",1 Iiii;iwi .i n ill i vill.-l , nil! IIMIIIUI II II, Pi, II lllllf I'lllUMIU llllll I I1IIIH'. liriJ iinywhcro for fruit mill i;rinilturr, mid with truiifportutlou nliradv aM!'.ft, you will Unit t Ii In thr plmv to iniilir n porfiot llouir or il puyiliK llnrMi" TITLE PERFECT , See me on the ground, or i address me at Hood Erver i Wasco County, Oregon. W. RossWinans. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, Tit Repairs and Roofing MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Streot, next door wost of Young & IvU8 Blacksmith bhop.