!4B 5 V ' If , ft J- 1 t .! ill II The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Til i: IMl.l.K M1EKUON TO C. A 0;ir. tt m Is the Season Of the Year OUhen Judicious or I'ohUmit null AVItut iUiro to ttaln II. In Europe, si man who begins sib u scullion may remain si scullion forever, 1 for it II his eil'ort. washing potatoes till there is so little sign of earth upon them that they might have fa lion from heaven, and making salad herbs sis free from soil as it they grow in air, unless he pays a liberal tribute in mon ey to the cook just above him. and when he has learned all that man knows, pays another and a larger sum to that man's superior, and so on through the whole round, till nothing remains to learn, and he has spent far more than his wages, and some- j thing like that which si libenil educa tion costs. Hut, ssiys a writer in Har per's llazar. when he has reached that , point he has mastered all points; he ! knows perfectly how to cut, carve, ' truss, lard, roast, boil, bake, fry, broil, i and knows, moreover, all about sauces, soups, pastries, sweets and fancy dish-, cs. He expects to practice no one of these branches himself with his own hands; he has. so to say, understudies in them all, or representatives; he him self is like the reader of the score and the director of a grand orchestra. Nor is this all he must know; usual ly he has made himself able to speak French, German, Spanish and English. He has some knowledge of the arts; he is a chemist, a modeler, a colorist, more or less of an artist, a designer, a man of taste, and necessarily of more or less reading. He must know some thing of natural history, the seasons of game, the products of far countries, the state of the markets, and must be acquainted with the events of the day, ' to which he is often obliged to adapt t the names of his dishes. He must be SODA sin economist, too, allowing no waste by his subordinates, smd in order to do fn ab j ii,, this he must know the exact amounts QshIIQIBS 8110 NUTS required in everything; 'and then ho must know all that can be done with sugar and ice, and the whole story ot wines. i This OS C7 MM - O o Advertising Pays. HAVE YOU TRIED DRUGS AND FAILED TO I'IN'I) A CUIUS KOH RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCEATICA, KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS. DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACK, &e, dr. NANiniN'tf r.i.r.i,Tn if iihi.t with lllei'trii niritiiill('Htil"'R Hiirv mil I'ntn without inotlleliui .. nil of tlioHtiovetronliiiM. 'Uin.ii who XjV. mirtur from Nirvtiu lltlillltv. i.imttrH. urn urn. i.nt i iiittitniiii. , N ! f Vll II M II I! (ill, i(rtll'NNIII'l4M( t'liiir .Tlfiniiry, ill! Fo'i'H I'' '"io. uliiliiln, mill iii'iiinnl til hrnllh. tlm I'tU'Clmif almc, iirrajspn, "vorr or oxiumire, mil tlml relict him Vf r.ii euro In our ninrvilii;i.i 'i 'i i wltirh require tiittn trial I i m.. , ttiiiiniMtshi'ptloil, lulii:irnn(i'i!i'. , recta you may have tumul) limine.? jiiiirytoi!iiiriiotviiforruuiiillliilli , tvlilun Im olrrlrUiliy ami iiu; r.iusoil rotirve.iWiie.isorlac'oi fur ;, . If jrou replnce Into your system llij vIomrntNtliiiH drained, which itru le. , ltilrctl for vlKiiroumtrenuth, you will temovotIioi'aii."ntiillieaItli,Ntreni!th ' mill vUrnr will follow at onen. 'I'lilr i in our plnn unit treatment, ami n. i.iniriititno a rum or rotund mnnnv Our 'inn pngn book "TIIItEK CLASSES OF THEN." should bo rv.ul by very youtu, mlilille.ucml and old mnti. lout soaleil, freo. Ir. Hniiilrn'fl Klrrtrlo licit Is no iixperlmtMit im wo hvro restored thousands to robust health and vlnor, after nil other treatments failed, as en ha I shown by hundreds of cases throughout thlsand other Statp.wlio would iilmlly testify, and Xroui tuauy of whom wo bavo strong letter bearing tcstlruouy to their recovery after Uiliii? our licit. WE HAVE CURED THESE-WE CAN CURE YOU! LAME BACK AND RHEUMATIflM. McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for The Dalles Daily Chronicje for 12 Months at 60 Cents a month. OR Irr. A. T. Ranilsn. Dear Sir : BtorI uwl your twit ji mi irouuo-a vim lami. TiKor. timi woaKnrw, nail aimcwi nconiuiriM kmhqi power. 1 would Rt up with i a Terr tlrwl fea Inc, boni achlna, U.iatnra uln i your blt 1 h iTi had a now laas of lit.. Inoweujoy life bttrthin 1 hT for tan learn najit. 1 linn, ihn ntmot canadence In your traatment. You can imti Juh thln sUtemonLiiUo hamothsr wrltiior call on m iruiy yourf, u.&. nuntn, asandatTurkHt. RHEUMATISM AND LAMCNE8S CURED. Vnrllnntl.iltmc,i,i AnvlTlM lwr . Ur. A. T. Sariilan, DsarHlrr-lRotoneofTourrwIti! wo wriia asn lorrnflumauim.xrom which 1 nufrared forTr.il yean, lor the rt six month Ihndnot dwd aoihio wiira, xour mil nan mum,! rnnin aimnii perfect health in the two week I hate used It. 1 can walM eomtortahlr, and fael Ilka a new man senernllr, miuur.3, i'roprtetor International Hotel. PHOTOGRAPHER First iireruiuui at the yasco countv air for best portrait? and views. T H : e ARTIC CANDY FACTORY NERVOUS OEBILrrV-L08S OF VICOR. . a i ,?coJ9' Wash., October,2l, Ikti. T)r. A.T Sanilen.Dear 8lr-l harw ben udoi; your Xlectrtc belt for ireneral nerrous liability, and to-dar feel better than I hare for tire yean. 1 hare gained In vigor uauj, ana am stranir In orerr part. mi Yours gratefully, THE DR. AS. LtTKTKA, Tr. A.T.RAncifu, learSir-Ytirtiuf Mpowurnf hard work, combined with thw atratn comlnt f rrnn th Mr of nn naine, tn-rtt mn h mtm cam) of lunio tymck from which 1 ulTird for ttTeu ywrn. I wam n Ink! IhAt I coulil nnthiinil myhack. AAalt cloubtoil up with it. 1 bouuht ann of your KU, It hflpd mil fnldnof tw.nUr, Ami Icontlnucil to wntr Itforfntir mouth. Iwlntf itArftH'tlr ciitml, Thrtt wan two TMin tuo.una I am nwli to-ilny n 1 nter wt in my life. I know your Intlt well, and I know lotenf prnplnwtm hare been cured hy It. Alnny othnfn need it, and If they would trv It they would find it thniuintMH I Hid tho bent remedy In tho world. I nm located he rw permanently, and will IxiRUd to Ulk with aaona who wants to Inaulro aJmiu It, imm'itT iiiinun, iTt.t n.iiH..t iiui'iiiis .i.a, 4.iniiirT)i JIUtll UlllllUU. LOST VITALITVAND STRENGTH. . . .entt, hIi, dune W, fittt. Dr. A. T. Ramlen. Dear Hlr Slnrn wmirlnir tir 1 I) 'It 1 haro bwn itreatly tienetlted. J leol my old en. , fat retiirnlaui and altera month'. unenf thn 1 memory Is now nearly perfect, and each day shnwa ! I for the btter. I f 'el much stronitor th' rwforn I mint the twit. Yours truly, HKMtV bOUULTZ. SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT WATER AND IOE CREAM. 1 euro any of tho aboro weaknesses, and toenlariro shrunken limbs, or parts, or Mon' V .v.Mi,i ",v'r,Di i DireoKin in meei an stages ur weasnss in ynuni:. nii(iuieaJieuoroiG icen, aad will euro tho worst cases in two or three mouths. Address for full information. m SANDEN ELECTRIC CO. 02 FlrstSt.. P0RTUNO, 0REG0I. 5 Ueelly ropiel AT $2.25 PER ANNUM. faff Ity Kjiocliil ii rrnttiTL:i Is with tho iiiiIiIIhIuth nt oiin nf 1 1st lirst ltirnlin' now iiilii,e, tti iirooniililfil to niiiKi" ii iiiiki rM'i'illi)inil iiII'it In M'liil McCLURE'S MAGAZINE o :tsr b "X" e j ir, toovcryoiuMvli i IllUotit tin fotl.iwinv; Iduiitv form, and wmhIIiib U In us, thomby Milwerlhlug f0 The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. CUT THIS OUT AND BEND IT TO UB. 11 Publishers CJWOMCIE, The JMles, Or.: You will please send to imi address the DAILY CHRONICLE for lc3 months from date, for which J agree to pay 00 els. a month, it being understood tli at qon, are'to have sent to my address for I near, without extra eharge, j)leC I AIRE'S MAGAZINE, commencing with the current nunibvr. Name, t Imte. Address 1 P Ht wholesale tiot!itltn. H. C. NIELSEN, TOIIACCO CIC1AKS AN SWKKT 1I Specialties! Finest Peanut Roaster In Tho Dalles 2d Street J. FOLCO At tisht side JIr. Obarr't 1 restaurant, i m The aiojavan "Spirit Owls." , une Mojaves believe that all who die 1 and are not cremated are turned into ' owls, and when they hear the dismal j screech of one of the above-named, creatures of the night they tell you that it is the spirit of some dead Mo-' Tt fif -H L'1 jave who has returned to advise his' llKi JLiailGS UaiiY lHP01116le. i:upn; i.u siiumu to ine oraeai oi nre. t 4:i... .a i ... . , ?i ntu vi u- ui tnu uiuc ultra uiii ruiuuves and immediate friends do not eat salt or wash themselves for four days. Their neaven is "White Mountain; they know nothing1 of hell or any place rQf punishment except "Biemia," the place wnere unincinerated warriors -are transformed into owls. Clothier and Tailor. Gents' . . . .Decidedly the Finest Line of Ktirnisliing Goods, KOU3IS TO KENT, Furnixhnd rooms to rent. Apply at - the reaidfnee of Mra. C. N. Thornbury, . Second street, The Dalles, Or. tt WOOD, WOOD, WOOD. "Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. ?eter8&Go. (Office Second and Jefler ' eon streoth. ) 0. L. Phillips, assignee of Win, Farre Sc Co., will on August 3d, ISOosell, in iront of the court house the book ac counts uncollected, also all prouiisory notes remaining in his hands. tf A Lender. Since its first introduction, electric bitters has gained rapidly in popular favor, until now it is clearly in the leud among pure medicinal tonics and alter atives containing nothing which per mits its use as a leverage or intoxicant, it is recognized as the best and purest medicine for all ailments of stomach, liver or kidneys. It will cure sick head ache, indigestion, constipation anu drive materia from the system. Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle or the money will be refunded. Price only 50c. per bottle. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly. HAS A PAMILY OF 2000 READERS. The' rend The Chronicle to set the latest and 1 moU relluble i.ews. And they read every line I that is in the jwper. That is whut muke'i the Chronicle an invaluable HilvcrtUing medium, j The newspaper that sms to the family firesides is the one f(0) that the advertisers of today patronize V-' vrhen they desire to ' reacli the jieople. Whea they want your trade their announcements will be found in the paper, i wok over our columns and oberve the veritica- Trunks and Valises, etc., etc. COP.. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OR. HORSES HORSES J. S. COOPER, . ..Corner Barn, UNION STOCK YA1WS, Chicago, IIU tion of the truth of this assertion. Remember, ;The largest and only strictly commission dealer in horses in a trade of a family of two thousand is worth asking for through tic columns, espcially so at our very Elder S. S. lleaver, of McAllisterville, Juniatta Co., Pa., says his wife is Bubject to cramp in the stomach. Last summer she tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoja Kemedy for it, and waB much pleased with the speedy relief it afforded. She has since used it when ever necessary anu tounu mat it never fails. For sale by Llakeley & Houghton, Druggists. JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, 76 Count Street, Next door to Wasco Bun Offioe. Has just received a fine line of Samples for spring and summer Suitinirs. Coie and See the New Fashions. Cleaning and Repairing to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. TUC Dally Evening Chronicle is recognized 1 fl L. as essentially the home paper for the Dalles City folks' JrtT? ThU is not a bad reputation. Some nUlVlll-.OCO of our best citizens waicn ttiu columns ot this nn nm dully for the spiciest local news. It rrll LK succeed! in gleaning the Held, and hence grows in popularity una importance, 'lake it awhile. you wnouoii't; trj 'somcui lis premium oilers the world, will hold his 5th extensive sale of west ern branded horses for season 1893, on 'EIDIISriESIDJLlrr, AUGUST 2 Entries should be made at once. HORSES L P OFFICE CALL AT OUR mid see the entertaining mid llnely illustrated McCLURE'S MAGAZINE, which lias among its contributor!! the uin.'.t famutiM authorx In America nml Kiiglnml, Including Mich writer us the following 11. L. Stevenson, lludvard Kipling, A. Conan Doyle, Octavo Thanet, William Dean HowuIIh, Unit Harte, Clark KtiHHtill, Joel Chandler Harris, Thomas Ilardv, Hamlin Garland, ,T. T, Trowbridge, Prof. K. S. Holden, .lei onto II. Jerome. Prof. C. A. Young, I'rant'eH IiDtlgHon ilurnett, II. II. Hoyeson, Theodore HooHevtilt, JoiKiuin Miller, Oilbort Parker, John Uurroughs, Ilobort Uarr, Honrv M. Stanley, Arehfbald Forbes", Andrew Lang, Sarah Ornu Jewett, Dr. J. S. Hillings, W. K. Honley. Citjit, Charles King w HORSES .MTd.twlIm J. O. MACK, j FIIE WlEg and LIQUOR Go to N. Harris yards for $1. for fine prints; 20 A Great Convenience. Worlds fair visitors travelling via the Northern Pacific Railroad, and Wiscon sin Central line, are landed at the Paid Central station in Chicago. This magnificent fire-proof building, located in the heart of the city has been fitted up as a hotel, run on the Eurojiean plan, with about L'OO rooms handsomely furnished and each room is supplied with hot and cold water, electric lights, etc. Tho charges for accommodations are reasonable and parties can secure rooms in advance by calling upon agents of tho Northern Pacific railroad. By taking the Northern Pacific through cur line to Chicago, visitors will avoid tho discomfort of all transfer in tlmt city, and can also travel between tho Grand Central station and world's fair grounds by trains which run direct bntweon tho two points. 2tdlwlm-7-12 Good Job Trliiting. If you have your job printing done at Tub Omioxicu: you will have the ad vantage of having it done with tho most modern and approved typo, with which wo iceop continually supplied, All jobs under tho direct supervision of 0110 of tho most successful and artistic printers From TERIMNHIi or INTERIOR Points THK Northern Fuel RRILROHD I the line to uke TO ALL P0IN1S EAST AND SOUTH. It U the Dlnlntr Car Houte. It rutin Through vetlbtiled 'lruiim every day in the year to paul and Chicago (NO CIIANGK OF OAIIB. Composed of Dining Car nniurpaed. I'uII mau Drawing Koora Sleepers of lateUequipmeut. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Best that can be conitructni. anri in whin accommodatlonii are both Free and Kurnlihed iui uuiuvmui rirumuu Decoutl-Clua XICkCU,aud WANT DAT COACHES A continuous Hue, connecting with all line aflordluK direct ami uninterrupted leryloe. I'ullmuii Bleeper renervatiotm can be kocured In wivaiu:e through any agent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS M hliKluud und Kiiroiw can be purchuM iivkvvuuivvui iiiu uouipjiuy from all Amerleu. iircUaioil at any . run iiuoriniiiioii concern iik tralnii, rouloi and other detail furiiiliwl on appIlcUfon to W. C. ALLAWAY, AKettt I). I , & A, Nay. Co., Itegulator oflicc, The Ualle,pror A. II. L.IIAK1IIK4, And 171 DOMESTIC KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PABST BEER. FRENCH'S BLOCK. SECOND STREET, : : THE DALLES, OR. BURHAM & ROBERTSON Proprlatora, CityStables, Corner of Fourth and Federal SU., Tho Dalles, Oregon. These Stables have on hand the finest Livery in Eastern Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with either Single or Double Rigs, closed Hacks or Carriages day or night. MORE ROOM. Also, can furnish First Class accommodations to teamsters with relent or driving teams, having added to their stables large feeding and wngou room. Commercial Patnaie Solicited. THE CHRONICLE was established for tho ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and tho satisfying effect of its mission is ovorywhoro apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Shor man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as . woll as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, honco it is the best medium for advertisers in tho Inland Empire. The Daily Cuuoniole is published overy eve ning in tho week Sundays excepted at $0.00 per annum. Tho Weekly CintoMOLK on Fridays of . each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising ratos, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Mrs. Hoht. Louis Stevenson, Camile Flammarion, F. Marion Crawford, Lillie Chase Wynian, Margaret Deland, Harriet I'rescott Kpoflbrd, Herlmrt 1). Ward, Edward Everett Hale, Elir.alioth Stuart l'liol Ixniiso Chandler Moulton, Kach number of McCLURE'S MAGAZINE rotitainx two hii(linnely llltintrnb-ri luturrlawrc with Mich fiiitinux ir'ojiIi' nn Jules Verne, Archdeacon Farrar, Alphnnst Datidnt, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Thomas A. Edison, Camile Flammarion, Tissaudier, the famous F. Hopkinson Smith, Edward Everett Halo, French llalloonist, II. II. ltoyesen, I'rof. Graham Hell. and many othera, have ftirulnhrd material for enrHTlally iireimred Interviews which will apPr (ully llluntratnl in thin magazine. Kaeh number contains two or three nhort Htorlca by famotm iiutliorn. Fully illtiHtraUd atoriea will apimir in early uumbcru by Thomas Hardy, William Dean Howulla, 11. L. Ktevenson, Kudyaril Kipliut;, Hret Uarte, Sarah Orne Jewett, Joel uhamller liar Conan Dovle, larris, Harriet I'rescott Spotlord, Octave Thanet. Frances Hodgson Durnctt, Stanley J. Weymnn. HKNRY M. aTANLBY wlllcontrlhitte, eupccinlly foryouiiK rendors, u thrillliiKly Intcri'ntliiB utoryor Airlttin Adveuture. NATL'ltAL HISTOKY AND ADVENTURE, There will hi'neveral articles written by Raymond Biathiuayt, who linn liven called by Mr. W T Ktead the bent Interviewer in KiikIiiiiiI, from lnnti'rial ftirulHlird him by Kan Muanbk, nl Hun. burg, thtiKreat animal imiMirter und tuiiiier Then' artinlei ileal with Tho Capture of Wild Beasts. The Transportation of Wild lleasts. The Training of Wild Beasts. Tho Adventures and Escapes of Karl HiiKenheck. I The neric will no llliiHtrated byiiu KiikIIhIi nrtl.it of acknowledged rk 1 1 1 in draw iiic wild atilmali. I John llunnoumiN, C, 1". Hih.dkr, Int. C. t Aiiiuitt, und other wrlter.i lamniiH for their work Id ' ini.i hem, win contribute to tun niaKimnc. Of Interest to both Young und Old will be I'ROF. Ji. L. GARNER'S AFRICAN EXPEDITION TO THE GORILLAS. Arrangement have been innde, In connection with a leading KiiRlbih review, to imlillsh I'rof, rror, unrner m noteu the worm over for tho curious and interentlliR invcxtlKatlous ho in iniikliiK In the niiewh of monkojl. He inn huh; ocranhi The ma(;a2iu nUo contaiua most lutcrestiiiR nrtli.les under the followliiK com)irclieusiVf hl Milled for Africa last Heptemljer for the xiikcof further pitrsuili): bis Ntutlies In tho native liuunUo! uioKoriim. -i ne iiiu.iiriitions lor inrno article will ! iriiin iliuloRriiiilin taken by i'rnl. (iarncr. " The Edge of tho Future." " Newest Knowledge." " Knowledge of Immediate Value." " Tho Present Hour." " Stranger tlian Fiction," etc. We arc oderinir this snleiidld niiieuzliio with the Daily diitrmnu.r: fur iinlt-1? "11 n.r nnvnhi in advance or in monthly installment as desired. ' c make this exceptional oiler in order that we may secure a lurtfo iiutiilxir of now subicrllxf. hut all who nro already niilcrlbcrs may avull themselves of this i.jMrtuulty to suturo tliin sret iiiaaiiziiii;. rui iii 1110 niniiK nuu seuti iv in, to THE DAILY CHRONICLE, The Dalles, Or. THE COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. Thin well-known Urewory is now turning out the best Beer and Fortti i east of the Cascades. The latost appliances for the manufacture of vood healtb ! ful Beer hare been introduced, and only the flrst-class article will be placed o the market. PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS AND, GLASS And the Moat Complete and tho Latost Pattern! and DeuignH in Practical Painters fl Till Pill U r Ifnmrttrfl Knnn Ittit Itat (iiiii la nf th Hherwin-Wi ami and J. W. Masury'H Paints used in all ,iur work, and none bat the niOSt Skilled workmen Mtiinlnvdil Aim.itu f. 1.,o. ... T t...,t,i iul.,ii. ac eheinical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all colore. " orders promptly attended to. Paint Shop oorner Thirdand Waahlnrton 8te The Dalloa. Ote feu Columbia THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Has lately been thoroughly rouovutcd and nfltflJ furnished throughout, mid Is now butter than ever prepared to furnish the best HoU'l iict'omiiiodatlonH of any house- in thu elty, und at the very low ruto of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25o. Oflico of the fast mid founnodlous ppposition Ht to Uufur, Kingiiloy, Tygh Viilley, WnplnHI. Warm Bjirings und Prlnovlllu is in tho Hotel and pumoiiH going to Prlnovlllo can ouve ifl.t'O by (tolug on this Btug Uno. All trains stop here.