)OUR SRLE, A Big Dm hi SDnr Dress Hoofs. Continues This Week. A GENUINE CLEARANCE SALE Of All Our Wash Fabrics. great opportunity for economical people. Prices will please, everybody but ourselves. All goods marked in Plain Figures. PEASE & MAYS. m The Dalles Daily Chronicle. !rU tl' 1'iwtMHIri' t Ttic Dulled, Ort-Kiin, it urmcil lllIKH imittitr. I.iiriil .(lvcrllMliiK- lOC'-nt- ct 1 1 1 if lor llr't uiwrlliin, mill f Out r llu lor wli -'.Wiiuiuit liiMTtlon i'XW tnlw I" 1 "i: tunc iintlcfi All li IIOtlC) riyi-lvisl Inter tllllll II O'clock will tivinr the l.iM 'WlUK liny W.utli.T riiri'i'imt. Uficml l-mmt Jot twenty f,mr hnnr entthuj at 5 p. m, tQMiirrnw Monday anil Tuewlny, fair uml Htn tionnry tfmjRTiitm I'aoci:. vj:,Tiir.ii lliirninctur, 211. 77. Maximum temperature, 100'y. Minimum temperature, (10. Kivor, -4.1! feet utov zero. Wind, wt'Ht. M0N1IAY, UTLY 31, 1893 Tht Daily and Weekly Chronicle ; himion sale at I. ('. Xickeltcn'r utore. JULY JULEPS. Tat tcictt N, h Fltilil In IIiiuuiallilt- 101 In tho Hhiuh'. "ipe pcnclie are very plentiful In thin market ml cheap ut that. Two wiiKon luudH of en-en corn were shipped to Portland hint ni'tit by ex- Jirt!HH. The Goldendale bane hnll dull wan victorioiiH .Saturday, viiikjuIhIiImk Tim DiilluH llillti by u Hcore of Mi to 10. Tlu I'acillc vxprcHH will tak out from thin city about fifty mvkn of freen corn for the Portland provision dealer. This iiiHtitutti incotH thiH aftornoon at .vu uitci nun win continue lor a week. A laruu nuinlmr left The Iallen tliiH Biorninn to attend il. Mi'HHrH. .Haltinaridie .t . win ui.t.. v-. riii); o earn of hoiHt'M from their Htock luniKiii I0l i r. llonrv im. II.. ults thorn to Kiuimih. Antelope Herald IoIIh of a man "iliore" -o.ooo poumiH uf woo, Uli( ",a"' TIid h utarH tin...! 111! t . - -1 " " j'nuwi Mt 7wi iron, tho jmli.it and menftt! Inn D9, teaming between com- thorns two Tl I)ri mU",L"1 U)1" tcrdny. Hi. nlKht tho lowoM point U J (.0,. whith w(iH aboiit fi ' , tl,lH 'n,Ji.K. Mont of tho niKht HaJ'"o "arm to Hl,op comfortably. iunln ''"'" tho con,- g " iniHfortunoof W,. Tallo, ua '1 Saturday nlj-ht Hoar tho U. J', v.wu. ftoiiuim'atwiiMlmld. iitiiuru to crirnto - -:rio today o, tho K lion,, ? """WinUbli.. NohoIu l!lb tior H01 can ,.. . i 1 "unuill or 5,, Uh!,,tt,uru,olhBr lI'Hiitlmt Intro Tt ,l llV 11,1 trttorUIiiry lood 0Ilflt;;'Ut ,m,Ht wtlHmblB quality, oUdate'lh, ' ,"Utlll,l "rut0 "Qe'tlre i"m'' dlHi.onHl.ig with Sdhl!rnm,,u eo,"i"Uy Imve ooiu- dil"-( of . " fro,n li0l!k a ir.-acro HarU. 011 11,0 form of Milton ""w'w,iina Bumll fruit. Tho incorporntorHare H. A. Power, TI.ob. iind Milton Harlan. Tiie cupneity of the fliitiK! Ih (1,()(K) barrolH a day. Indian .litu, an old time chief, died near (iliciin'H ratich, eai-t of town, lnnt Tiiurnday and wiih buried on Walliice'n ranch above town, on Friday. He wih blind and very ned, and had been living for a couple of year.". Antelope Herald. Mo rui.H on the bankH today, nor any tliinf; HUjipeftinj; it. A few depositors thin moriiiiiK drew their fund" from the Firft Matioual, which jiiBtified them in clociiiK to jirotect the balance of deponit- om. They have yet thousands of dol larH in their vaultn. Henry Bland of UlyHH.cc, Grant county, Kan., w ho linn been in thin bection hev eral weekn, will nhip tonight a baud of borne which he purchuned of Kobert MnyH. Mr. Wand is a prominent citi zen of bin KutiHap home, and has leen county treawurer for a loiitf term of yearn. Tlin Mrlioul Kiitiiu. A lurj;e nuinber of people uvailed theu.HelveH of the opportunity presented Saturday of vieitini; the variotiH Hchool room h of the city. A reporter of Tin: CinioMci.i: found them in probably the I bent xlmiie thev lmve. ever been. Kleven rooniH altogether are newly papered with an attractive pattern, the floorH oiled, the dchkw varnit-hed, the ceiling painted, the blacklonrdH freshly coated, and it in Hide to miv that when the pupilH iiHHemble at the fall tern, they will hcarc.ely recotni.e their old hauntH Many i.nrentu exnrensed themselves agreeably nurprifed at the excellent and paiiiHUiking work done by the school director, and Janitor Win. Glasiue eoineH in for a lair share of innise for having ho neatly pain-red all the rooms, as he does not claim to be a professional paper hanjjur. I'ullurr at llufur. M. ,1. Anderfcou is in town from Dufur today. He reportH the fust failuie in that town and Iuvm claim that Dufur is as j.iOK'reHHive as the next. Ho says that owing to tho unprecedented hot weather of the season at Dufur theie was a run on the ice house there by C. P. HrIi'Ii and others and that in conse uencu a notU'n wiih pouted up on the door "Tliis institution closed until col lections can ho made.'' Ho then started oil" in hot luiHto for the Dalles with the news. It is thought that those who precipitated the run thiH morning w ill repent tit leisure, for theie is no other depository of tho kind at Dufur and the aiiiounlH drawn will fade into nothing nous before the shades of evening fall. OUR TURN NOW Th- Pirn NhIIiiiih! Su.'iii1, but Only 'I 'tii.or:irlly. The I'irtit National bank closed its doors this morning a few minutes after they were opened. There were several depositors in waiting, and after all had been paid Mr. Sc.henck quietly and without ostentation locked the front door and pasted up the following notice: "This bank will be temporarily closed j until we can make collections." i The suspension caused no excitement I whatever. It is well known that the First National have ample bccuritie". ; The bank has ever done a fe, legiti ; mate business, and but for a commend able disposition (shared alike by all the THE BALL GAME. Tin, ( lil,'inUt) I'lnyrr Vifi)iilti V Hy An AitiMl)! NniiM). Golden. Inle ;! The Dalles 20 : Such was tho M-oie at Goldendulo on Saturday afieriioon. The Dalles nine, together with three or four invited gucstf, left for Goldcndali! Friday evening. The party filled the large wagonette drawn by a four horse team. Tho hoys reached Goldendulo a little before midnight and were met on the edge of town by quite an assemblage. The reception com mittee had an oyster supper ready for them and every attention possible was show n. The game was lnrL-elv advertised and several people tilled the grand stand and stood alotifc the grounds eager to cheer both sides and make the day one of pleasuie. At half past two the struggle began. The Dalles nine went first to bat and i when the inning dosed had four runs to their credit. When the Goldondales had closed their iiinmus and hnd made 'but three tallies The Dalles adherents ' were loud in cheering and it was well to cheer while they could for there weren't many more opportunities. In the second inning the boys from the banks I of the Klickitat made twelve and got a cinch on the pennant rfhich Anson him self couldn't have broken. Notwith standing our boys played hard and struck at the ball with the vigor of des peration each inning showed their op ponents Still ahead and the lead was in creased to the end. While not excusing our nine from the charge of negligence I in practice and noticeable lack of team work there are some extenuating cir . cumstances. It was a hard ride of thirty miles to Goldendale and not reaching I there until so late the boys felt very I tired Saturday morning. In addition Saunders, the catcher, was taken sick and played only by summoning together ' all his grit of which he has a large amount. Then, too, the day was very ! hot and the Goldendale boys seemed to I take better to hot weather than did The Dalles nine. After the game arrange- incuts were partially completed whereby aieturn game will bo played here next . month. We are confident tho bovs will I - , make a much better showing and win the game providing they practice from now on till then. No team can win without hard preparatory work. This fact was plainly shown by the result at Goldendale. It was impossible for better treatment to be given anyone than tho citizens of Goldendale, one and all, gave their visi tors. The boys are loud in praising the way they weie entertained. A social dance was given then Saturday evening which was a most pleasing event and bankers ol tlie city) to assist una t ! thev were thi rcctpicntE of every possi over various business institutions of l)le' courlfflv iU their visitors' hands. liliiKNiuii In t'ortluiitl. Tho Oregoniau reports, thut J). W IUoshuiii of The Dalles was robbed of a gold watch and chain and lost a diamond pin while iu Portland rocentlj. Tho agent wuh a uieo young man who con ceived a sudden liking for tho old man, or claimed be did. JMohhuui rallied nobly, sought a policeman who rounded up tho robber (M. M, Hallo) and tho latter Ih now hold to appear before tho grand jury under 1 ,000 bouda. Ki-Hiian'M HeuillM'll' C'Mimulea. A remedy Uheil with imviiryli.K kiwcomi mh ii mire fur Hi'iuluelu-i, of all Miulx. 't he ri'MilU Imvu Una mi lUilviiiHiillv uooU tlmt It Ih no lulik'.ir nil e.vimrliaimt. ft, law tioeli hmhI for llfiiilaelie ri-MiltliiK fiuni I.Mimtloii, la Purlin! leal Hint Hcmliiulie, 111 lliwliieluw canoed by hiiveiu liiltor niontal or p!iyliil), or by eM.oi.urf to till) huh, nail In nil i'iihoh with the iiiont Kntll fytiiK riMiiUn. We lmve, iifU-r u Umrtmicli Invux tlKiitliin, Imil mi lioMtimey In Inltlni; 1 10 iiKouey fur tliln eitixitlwi iimicily, am! eouneloatloiisly lecoiaiiieiiil Jt looiir I'litronu. IUf.u'UuU , The Dalles, because of the tightness of the money market, thesuspension would not have been made. A statement, solicited by Tin: Unito.v icix, shows that the First National bank had at the close of business Satur day night resources, with firstclass se curities of ifKtf.lo'J; liabilities 73,3Su'. In this connection the officials assure Tiik CiuioNiCLi: that the closing is only temporary until they can realize on Home securities. Their idea in closing is that they prefer to Huspend rather than to immediately enforce collections. Sheriff Ward was asked if the bank contained county funds, and said that it contained only aliout fl.OOO, but that he had more than that in it belonging to himself. He said that he wished he had known it was going to suspend, for he wanted to draw a couple of hundred to meet his current expenses this month. "They are welcome to the rest of it," lie said characteristically, "I would rather it would be where it is than iu my own pocket and wouldn't have drawn if 1 had known they were to suspend." Many other citizens have expressed a like confidence. One depositor who drew ids money out this morning placed it in a bag behind a bar in a saloon. Another one carried his money around with him, and it soon becoming known, ho had to yield up sundry dollars for "treats." At tho present writing tho utmost confidence prevails, and anyone who should propose the statement that the banks were unsafe, would immediately become the butt of ridicule. INDIAN BULLETS. itfi i SI in cixi Nein' SIiIt, Nun on 1) Kki'iiim'n ll. lnp lillli'il. A tragedy was only averted near Mosierlast week by the bad aim of an Indian, and it was really too close to bo comfortable to the intended victim, licit StuiglH, a boy about M years old, son of Dan Sturgis, was out hunting cows in the afieriioon, when a strange Indian rode by anil, after exchanging a few words, lode away. When alwut 160 feet distant the Indian suddenly diow a l.i.iiw revolver and fired a -H-ealiber bullet at the boy, not waiting to see the ell'ectof his shot, but riding away as if for life. The boy was equally as fleet and ran homeward as fast uh his horse could go. Arrived at his fathor's an ex amination was made, and it was found Whenever the Goldendale nine visits The Dalles they can count on having the best we can give them. Following is the scoie: TIIK HAJ.IXH. l'bvlpf, ."id b Suundcre, c . . HenilerKm, k llinnpnliirc, 1 b UKtiu, r f . Miilimey, i. . . Howell, 'J b Jhiiu'miii, e f Crate, 11 K o 1 'Z 2 1 2 i .3 1 .2 U OOLDtNOAl.K. Similding, c Miller, p . linden, 1 b . llulery,'.' b . More, 3 b . . KUkito, h Jeitkinr-, r 1 Jlroolt-, e f Dttrlunu.l f JO : H o ti 1 . .-1 ..1 SCOIIK BY lN.S'l.NCS. 12 3 4 5 fi ; I)itlk( (ioMeiiiitik' :i I, 8 9 0 7 2 0- ..I 2 ..3 3 32 24 Total 20 Tim KliiKuley School. Kinc;su:y, July 28th, 1893. Kdltor ( iikomi li:: Today dotes a school of four months, during which time Nannio and John Fialey have been present every di.y, and Jeesie Mel.eod, who lives more than two miles from tho tchoolhoiise, has been absent only one day. School will com mence again the Hist Monday in Sep tember next. J. A. Hayi.ociv. liilllllllll I'r. l oil 111.' Slilowillk. Tl.e stii'rt I'm- iim! immil, but to cud hit lie rti'koiuit, ... j , .o lie ma like i .l.ei, mid l.oiile.l mid beckoned, J'lll be jilmiled lil beel on n Miiootli bit of 1'ivl -Then lie mim Imlf a million of ttnrs In n tcrontl. lie wa in too great a hurry; better have waited for another car. Theio aie ca.-cs, however, where haste is necessary. If you have night-sweats, feverishiiess, weak, sore hums and a hacking cough, do not Jiso an hour iu obtaining a sup ply of Dr. l'ieico's Golden Medical Dis covery. Delay iu such cases is danger ous; it may l:e fatal, lleforo the disease has made too great piogiess, the "Golden .Medical Discovery" is a certain cure. In fact, it's guaranteed to benefit or cure, or money paid for it promptly icfuiidfil. WOOli'H XUIOSPHODINK, Ttio Great Bngllili Bemeiy. v rrowptiy oua permanently 'curca oil forma of Xtrvou IWcakntti.lMulom, Spnn otorrhea, Impotency and all effects of Aluse or Extent. licru rracrlbod oier tS6 jyearsla thousands of ciucdi - jft. lluoviilllcnawicui,wiui- 4?eorte"j' , mtdMnc 4.,l0WH, Ab1c that two bullet holes had been iiiudo in tho onoosite sides of a straw Jiat Jio was ; f wooi'a Piioiohodluei If bo Sera wearing ubout an Inch below tho crown. wmcWortbUMiuuiteinojuiiitteoot tun, toavo hu Tho Indian was a tltratlger, IH tho boy is , cluuouent store, luolose prlco tu letter, And IIIO ilUUUU was a uiiiwif,n i , Uwnd bf riturn ,uftu. jrlee, ono packug, familiar with the faees of those living $1.uititi, oMtviiiiiMte,$(wiUcurt. i'unob- nour home. This Ih tho second attempt M , j,lui aua tuvciopc, a ccnta postage. inndo by IndiaiiB to kill H hoy in tho. Aaura The Woo Chemical Co., vicinity of Tho Duller, A third attempt aui Woodward awnue.DutxoU, mica. nuiy be Huccessful. ' B"U In TlieUiilIw mid evitywbmoull Uiug'sU Gentlemen JULY AND AUO-UST Hot "Weather Begins: Now I-SOO QUI' StfJt-'lc ufr-r- SUMMER UNDERWEAR, ELEO-ANT NEGLIGE SHIRTS, FINE SCARPS AND COLLARS, STRAW AND FELT HATS, BATHING- SUITS AND TOWELS. For Ladies We are showing a fine Stock of Collars and Cuffs, Underwear, Gloves, Stainless Hosiery, Embroideries, Laces, Etc., Etc., at Prices Away Below those offered by our would-be competitors. Lace Curtains All Prices. Bargains in livery Department. Cor. court and Second Sis. c o. it XT A D"DTQ! The Dalles, Oregon. o. Oo N . XI AJXJLXlO. 1STBW Siii'iua mfl Siiiidf Dry Cools, Fancy Goods and Notions, (Jests' iKxjvjcjT) (Jood$, Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc. now complete in every department. All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices. H. Herbring. Terms Cash. ..Familiar Faces iu a Are?o Place C. 13. BAYARD, Late Special Agent General Land Ojjice. J. K. BARN ETT, Jtye leal Instate, IjDap, Iiurapee, COLLECTION ACENCY. Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Rent, or Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us. Wo shall make a specialty of the prosecution of Claims and Contests before the Unitep States Land Ollice. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OPC. Have You Seen r T H E Fine Millinery Goods AT 112 Second Street. ANNA PETER SCO. J. H. CROSS. At (ho Old Stand, Cor. Second und lTnion Sts. flay, Graii?, peed arjd plour, Groceries, Fruits and Seeds. Jill goods delivered Free and Promptly. THE WORLD'S BEST LITERATURE B-O O k s. I. C. NICKELSEN'S. The California Winehouse, i Js now open, and its propriotor will soli his home- 4 J, produced Wine ait prices in tho reach of everybody, J, p Also, best Peanuts to bo found. Cioods guaranteed p f to bo Pure and First-Class in oyory respect. f Thompson's Addition. O E