The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFICIAL I'AI'KK OK DAM.K8 OITY. AMD WASCO COUNTY. Entered at the Postoffleo At The Dalles, Oregon, us necotid-clasa mutter. SUBSCRIPTION HATE8. BY MAIL (POSTAGE TRKPAtD) IN ADVANCE. Weeklr.l year 5? " f months 11 3 Dally, 1 year " C months per " Address all communication to " THK (311KON ICLE," The Dalles, Oregon. l'ont-Ofllen. OFF1CK HOURS fitneral DcllTery Window 8 a. in. to " J. m 0 75 0 60 6 00 3 00 0 50 DnsorTltiK nt Ortrnt Orndlt. Orcgonliin. One of the most interesting episodes o tho week was the unlhint nnd suo ecssful light made by Mr. Julius l.oewen berg, president of tho Merchants' Na-1 tlonal. The bank could lutve closed up consistently, and the directors lmd about W decided to do so, but Mr. Loewonborg, by horoic efforts and by pledging bis private fortune, raised the necessary funds to meet demands, between the hour of closing one day and of opening the nest. So that half an hour before tho time for opening, tho coin was carted I in and depositors were greeted Binilinirly. About all the banks did yesterday was H KM I X William Tell Your Father that wo soil Money Order Sunday S 1) .S n. in. to A n. m. 9 a. in. toiuu. in. "ShoV y' live d' co'plexion kitns nftnh 1' liloml what's (lis lie :i liKiu'ful co'plexion yuar'nteed if d' CJ.OMKO OF MAILS trains roIiir Knst . .9 p. in. nnd 11:45 n. ni. 1 1 ii West . m. and .r:fM '. m. Stairc for (lOldcndnle 7:80 ii. in. " ITlnevlllo. S:3)a.iu. " "Dufurand WariiiSiulncs ..Ii:S0n. m. " fl-eavlliK for l.yle A Hartland .S:S0 a. in. "Antelope .5:H)ii. m. Kxeept Sunday. Trl-eekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. I " Monday Wednesday and Friday. MONDAY, JULY 81, 1893 The Illinoisan says : Last winter the Kansas National Guard refused to obey a wholly unlawful order of the populist governor, who commanded them to ex pel the republican speaker and legislators from the representative's chamber in the capitol building. The board of the mil itary affairs of the state is now composed of populists, nnd has ordered the adju tant general to disband the four com panies of infantry at Topeka and to re cruit and organize four companies of cavalry. The latter will be composed of populists exclusively, the idea being that they can be relied upon to carry out any order that is issued to them, no matter how revolutionary. This is the first time in the history of the state that the militia has been prostituted to partisan endB. It is a very good index to the manners and methods of the populist organizations. The business men of Denver, at a nines meeting Saturday, formulated a petition to present to congress, asking for free coinage of silver and to further increase the circulating medium by paying out the $100,000,000 reserve in the treasury. The memorialists call attention to the fact that monometallic England has a per capita of only $1S.42 in circulation, and monometallic Germany only $1S.-15, and the United States $25.15, while bimetallic France has $40.50 circulation per capita, consisting of $S00,000,000 gold and $700,000,000 silver, with the ratio at lu1.. to 1, nnd that it maintains the parity between gold and silver coin putting in $10,000 in a lump. has nil the monev it wants The bank i blood :nn mire! Uofo' d' I.o'd dat to take in money. Mans heavy doposi- am f.!llvation fo' Aunt Sophy." tors opened aci-ounts, a single merchant . , . f . . " mnI.1(1 i remedy to purify the blood and in i vigorate tho liver. All the year round 1 you onn depend on Dr. I'ierce's I Golden Medical Discovery in all' 1 cases of blood-taints or humors, no matter what their name or nature. It's the cheapest lilood-puriiier sold through druggists. No matter how many doses of other mcdieinoH are offered for a dollar. Why? lieeause it's sold on a peculiar plan, and you only pay for the iood you get. Can you ask more? " Golden Medical Discovery " is h concentrated vegetable extract, put up in large bottles ; contains no al cohol to inebriate, no syrup or sugar to derange digestion ; Is pleasant to the taste, and equally good for adults or children. The "Discovery" cures all Skin affections, and kindred ailments. They llnn't Think So. From the. Washlnctou Nous. Lady Colin Campbell says kissing in jures the complexion. The Washington dntni-el, Mich a dear cosmopolite. With a litiish remarks. "The lndy Isn't altogether richt." The Denver dorr delightful Inquires; "Where am I at? Yim hot that Ijidy Colin Is convening through her hat!" The Hoton girl urles Traiifeenilantly eante, And taking oil" her gl.ises Says: "l guess I'll ovulate." The comme 11 taut New Yorker. With a radiant, high-bred .-mile And blush, ay.s: "My complexion's liot to stand It for a while." The l'htladclphiau maiden, With a Quaker quibbling coo, l'repan s htr lips to pucker In u quiet diab "O-o, o-o! ' The regal Haltlmoroan Stoops to conquer with her w it "Just look at my complexion, It isn't spoihd a bit." The fair Pacific angel Twitterc in her fond delight, "I want n good complexion, Hut the price i out of sight." The Richmond girl, in whispers Like some dreamy music, low, States (irmly "My complexion In't everything, you know." And thus in every cit Who will say it isn't o" Complexions are not iu it If the kiscs have to go. An interesting comment made by Em peror William prior to his departure from Kiel for the Isle of Wight is re ported. According to a member of liis majesty's suite a discussion was going on between high officials and the em peror as to the possible outcome of the French dispute with Siam, when his majesty remarked that England was not strong enough to assert herself against any European power or against the United States. He further declared that if eer she were brought into con flict with any of these nations the belief in her formidable strength and reputa tion as queen of the seas would burst like a soap bubble. The Franco-Siam war cloud has been dispelled as quickly as it arose. Just because a cloud is as big as a man's hand is no sign it will develop into ter rifying dimensions. Those newspapers who were congratulating the United States on the assured big prices for pro ducts and manufactures to be supplied the warring factions will have to con coct some other scheme to fill the ach ing void, caused by the villainous Sher man law. ' i The banks which closed iu Portland Saturday did so lelieving that it was the part of discretion and the duty they owed to the stockholders and depositors, of whose money they were the custodi ans, to close their doors until the pres ent excitement about money has quieted down. All of them have been conserva tively managed, have ample assets over liabilities, and will noon be able to ro-mimc. Next to the scheme of paying oil' anxious depositors in smoking hot gold spin, the Trenton, (N. J., savings bank takes the lead. They paid iu silver dol lars, ol which they had a vast quantity on hand. Of course the unwieldy coin will find its way back into some bank vault, perhaps tho same, in a very short time. NEWS OF THE STATE. Linn Phillips, an 8-year-old boy of Union, was killed Saturday in the flour ing mills at that place. C. O. .Scott, shot and killed him-.elf near Nye, about twenty miles from I'on dleton. He ha; been suffering with melancholy for some time, owing to financial troubles and his inability to provide for his family. lie leaves a widow and five children. The 1'ygnileu of Iceland. In "I'nrchas, His Pilgrimage." u rare old-time book, very few copies of which are now in existence, the fol lowing account is given of the "pig mies" of Iceland: "There are also Pig miess or very little men and women here , who represent the most perfect shape of men, but they are hairy to the ut- , most joynts of the lingers, the mayles ! having beards down to the knees; but, ' although they have the shape of a man, j yet they have little sense or under- j standing, nor distinctspeech, but make t n kind of hissing after the manner of ! geese." A New Death Teit. Nervous mortals who imagine that they could stand dying all right enough were it not for the fear of being buried alive may be interested in n recent an nouncement made by a French scien tist. He says that an unfailing test of death may be made by producing a blister on the hand or foot of the corpse, using a candle for that purpose. If the blister, upon being opened with a pin or other instrument, is found to contain lluid of any kind there is still life in the supposed corpse. On the other hand, should it contain hteam only, rest assured that the vital spark has flown. Chronic Looneiioii of th IIiiivcIk Results from imperfect digestion. The cause lies in the torpidity of the liver, and the cure is, take Simmons Liver Regulator to 'stimulate the dull and slug gish liver. roup Cure, is for sale by Snipes k Kin- 'I ' ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-five do;es, only L5e. Children love it. .Sold by Snipes & Kiuersly. the Dalles AND Prineville Line j J.D. PARISH, Prop. ! Leaves The Dalles atC n. in. every day ami nr ! rive at rriiiuvlllu in thirty-six hours Leaves l'rliiovlle at fl a. ni. every day, and arrives at ; The Dullei- lu thirty-sij. hours 1 Cdriies the U. S. Mail, Passengers and Express , Connects at l'rlii""llle with Stages from Eastern and Southern Or egon, Northern California and all Interior Points. SWEET, ORR St CO.'S Vest Jumpers, Pantaloon Overalls, Easyf itting Pants, Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! We are also Headquarters for .... Men's, Boys' and Youth s CLOTHING -te In every size, stj fie and price. VnilP QTTFNTTflltf "'JVtcrc is a tide in I he ajfairs oj men which, taken at 7tslaJ leads on to fortune." Al-i makes close connection at The Dalles with 1 trlns from 1'ortlanil and Kaitcrn toiiit.s. Corneous ilimrs. ! Good accommodations along tie road. .' First-class Ccackes and Horses used. .' Eioress natter handled witb special care. STACK OFflCKH; Slciiel iC'ii.'i Htore, rrinevlllo. UliiKtllln House, The Dalle. W. E. GARRETSON. Ii Leading Is called to tho fact that Hagh Glenn, Dealer in GlaBH, Lime, 1'hiHter, Cement and Building Material of nil kinds. Onrrl the Fluent Linn of Picture Mouldings Tho poot unquestionably had reference to the Closimr-OBt Sale I p- Fimitefi & Cartels HOMC AUKNT rH Jeweler.! i THK To be found in the City. 72 LUashington Street. The Dalles Gigar : Factory FIEST BTBEBT. FACTORY NO. 105. rTJ. ADC f the lHt Hranrle VAvT XxJXO manufactured, and onleru from all partfiof the country filled , on tho Hhortttst notice. All Watch Work Warranted. J Jewelry Made to Order.; LOST. A bundle of kovs, two of thcin braw. Please leave at thit- ofiice. Wmtteii. A firtit-olasH woman cook. once at this ofikc. Apply at Gov. Waite continues to make a Hpec taclo of himself. The other day a re porter entored bin odiue and aeked for newH, when he wai ejected from the "room, choked and otherwise maltreated. 4ltw there will be koiiio few thousand editors to "lick," who will Bay tiling more unkind than thiH reporter did. A dispatch from Jiuz.tirda buy re cently related that Mr. Cleveland "favors his left leg in walking." A cor respondent who will state a mere fact without the accompanying details in all their horrible fascination deserves to bo clubbed to death with n luadpencll. To Delinquent Taxpayer!. All proeperty upon which taxes are not paid by the 1st of August, will be levied upon and sold ftccordlni; to law. T. A. Wahd, Sheriff. l ur Ki-iii, ltooniH to rent at Uev. A. Horn'H rcHi donee on Ninth street. G-L'.'Maw, WLm ftlIf4Tw i f l II I eMM eM I Htiniiiiil St.. Tht lttlle. Or. Fi Boston Tailor, East End Second St. Suits Made to Order from $18.00 up. Pants from $5.00 up. I'nrfeet Kit Oiiurantuiiil. CLtAPA STORY, Art Teacher Jioom .7, ISettimjen JSuildiug, Will k1v! 1'o;im Momluyx untl TliurKliiytt of tMdi ww.'k, or olij.-ner If (lcslitil. Tho reputation of THK DALLES 01 GAU has become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. W. V. WISEMAN. WM. MAKItKKH. J. F. FORD, isl, i oi KcU, Kc-i.,and LOOperBottlo Cunia CnucliM. IIoiiruiit-Ks.Huri 'l Croup promptly: relieves IVJiooiitnc unci AitJimii. tV.r CiniHiiiiiptlun it XUroat, uoiikii UH0 110 Moines, Jowh, ivrlted umlwr diti' ol Mureh Zi. 16H'l! I S. V. Mkd. Mko. Co., uuiur, Oregon. Gentlemen : On urriviiiL' liomn IilhI, week. I found 'all well and anxiously awaiting! Our little girl, eight and one-half years old, wno nan wasted away to UH pounds, is now well, strong and vigorous, und well fleshed up, ,S. Ii. Cough Cure has done its worn wen. iioth of tho children like The Snug. W. H. BUTTS, Prop. Ho. DO Second Sroet, The Dalles Or, This well known Htaud, kept by the woll known W. II. liutts, long a resi dent of Wahco county, has an extraordi nary line stock of Sheep Herder's Delight arid Irish Disturhnc In fact, all the leading brands of lln Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give tli old man a call and yon will come again at CRANDALL & BUR GET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rate. MIOIIELHACH lUtICK, - - UNION KT. Lace Curtains, Have your Lace Curtains, Shirts, Col lars and Cuffs laundried by THE TROY STEAM LAUNDRY, of Portland, Or. Leave your bundles with Thos. McCoy, No. 110 Second St., before Tuesday noon, and get them on Saturday. 5atisfa(;tiOf7 (juarapteed. rival: liiiacurn! tiiouniuicluwhcioiiilotiior.. u, i our n. ii. Cough Cure has cured failed; wljl CTfiin ifot; if taken In time. Bold and kept away all hoarseness from me. I So give' it to every e with Jreetlne JLOH'SILCATARRH REMEDY. toeil to cure you. J'rlce0cu. lulccurtroi fur tale by Walm A Klorly. for all. Wishim: vou nrosneritv. we are Yours, Mn. & Mas, J. F. Foitn, Ilyou wlHlitofct;! (resh niul oIie.rful,fiiii remly lorthoBiirliiK iiworl, cleiume your U!iu ivltfj 1 10 llwcfncho und Uvcr Cure, tytklnc twooi tlireo doiei vhch week. Sold under n r-oidtlvu guurHiitw. 60 centa per buttle by all druKKl'l. Uliseman & Mapders, Saloon and Wine Rooms W1NHNS .,.ows, ,"IHI";'! I'liitlHl on tlixuld fiimpKio I, ut tin' I'orkhMiiil k 1'illlH of Iloud river, with liiruu.nlKlitly lolH.lmmtl .ilieethinid iiIIovh, koimI mil iilii iiiiri'Wiiter.w lthHliiiili-lil iiroliiilmi, iii'rfi-etilmliiiu!r,ilelli;lit(ill miiiiiitiilii I'lliuiite, tint central iittrimtliui uh a inuiiiltiiiii huminer rvxurt lor nil Orwin, 1!iik tin' iiuircM town to Mt.ioil. It In ii ii pjirnl IoIl-o iin u iniiiiiiliieturlnK ceilter, IHiik the liiitnrii center fur 1W) nii.ue nilleN of the licit cednriinil llr timber, hih.h-hIii(,' mlllloiiH of horni uir hi Its iIhhIiIhk Mn-iimit und water full"., eiitilly liariiehiieil. Where eheai inotle iiimcr oxIhIh, then' the nianli fiietorle.s will center. hiiiioiiiiiIi iI Iiv v., II mui ..I i ..... t n...t t i... ..i-i.llwl anywlleri) for fruit und uiirlc itltiirc. anil with triiiitiioriiiilnii nlreiuli' iihiiirt )" "i"i mi" i lie iimi: oi iiniki: u in'ricoi nonie or a I'H.viUK iuvmui TITiiE PERFECT See me on the ground, or address me at Hood River. Wasco County, Oregon. W. RossWinans. The Dalles, Oregon. Northwest corner of Kecond nnd Court streets. Eggs for Hatching From thoroughbred fowls. ILilBlat "Jairckltxxxxtxm. 13 eggs fo.OO S-'fia'KH ;.. .. JI.OO Address: E. M. HAHHIMAN, U-2,lm Eudersby, Or. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs and BoofiD) MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kun' Blacksmith Shop.