l)c HI nltes Chronicle alles Daily ChFonicle. MY rHEOHBOSlOI.KPll.SI"NOOO. ,,! .mt W.-I.I..K1.... BtrrcU. The e"" p-lli. Oregon THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 31, 1893. NO. 38. rrll,..fH-l.-nrl.tlo.. . ,f, (10 ... fill MllNiaiU. Hit noUNi), nam, lenart ll:M I'. , " WHTMOIINII --- ft 1 ft 1 U ,J4'. A. l...r !;.'"- " "ifBUhUtlmt nirry i-waeiiRera leave f iwt at " ." ""e lor the ... r-MtiUt. via. Htl-f Oven, leave dally r,, f.t-loi, MIU-l.cll. Canyon City. iuj-7.i....,.. u-,..ii. vn n tla. warm 'ffl.le.W""1' ' ,p"c ,,Vcry t,"'"' U'U SgfS?ite:tlt.i Cmatilla Hon-. MlOrK.N.tlONAI.. n imiiuki.L- Anonsiv AT-l.AW Omcr , Court Hutft,TlitItllrM, Oregon. 1. 1. so run. fR-M- rmt. nl.rii,. A? ncl U. over -ot OSn UulldiQS. Kutratirc ou Wanhlngtou Htreet TJfilt,0rtim. 7. BKNKKTT. ATI OHNKV-AT-I.A W. 01 A. 8wln8chnno'butlilliiBiU atalra. The iMllw.Ortfon. t t. Hilt. J.I.IICHTISOTOM. M. . WllOK. MAYS. HCNTINOTON .V W1LHON-ATTO-Hir.Ti.-w -orucea, Kreuch't block ocr BntNtton! nk. 'i Hallea. Oresou. ,T U. WII)0S-ATTOlY--T-IW-K-Oa t FreticU A Co. nan uuiiainc, n-ounu K.ThelhUlo,OraKm. DlHHKLiUN (Ho.orTIC; fllTMCUM Mt 80MEOB. Call- auaworal promptly. rlt,-lty orcouutry. Offlc No. Wand Ctt block. wU DE.O. D, DOA N E rHVCJAK AWD - to. UUtoa rooma & and 6 Chapman Blot-, K-i.cm-e H. K. corner Court and hutt itreeti, seoind door troro the corner. MtatoorUtoia A. M 2tI aud7 to r M. DM-MIX-Dentikt. (.an riven lor the t jciltw extraction ot teeth, AUo teeth too frt Aluminum plate, llooma. Rlgn ot t-t-olftnYooth, Second Btreet, r.. HOUIBT!ft. M-CO I.01(iK, NO. 16, A. K. A A. M - Mreli rl nml third Mouday ol ench month at 7 rVAl.l.KU KflVAI. AHf'll CHilTVll MM r AV MecU In Masonic Hull the third YVedmwliv :ti muuth at 7 1', M. If 0DKKN WOODMEN OK T1IK WOlll.l). fll Mt. HihkI C-iiioNn. MLMooUTiietidaycveii Unofeach week In Iraternlty Hall, al7:: p. in pOLUMHIA U)DOK, NO. 6, I. 0. 0. K.-Meeti Y..e:B rrway eeiiuir at 7:w o'clock, In K W r, hall, ciirnur Hecoiid and Court atreeu Wourulnic hrothura are welcome. U.CtouoH. Hec'y. U. a. IllLtf.N. (1. UBIENDKIIH' LODGE, NO. 9., K, of P.-MeeU rj .iiuimay eveiiing at 7,30 o'clock, tu fchnno bulldlnK, c orner of Court and Hecoud nujDurmug ineuinum are corulally In Ital. w. u ( . w .D.W.Vauiik, K. of II, and H. . c. AI8EMIILY NO iK'ir. k' nv i. i.. ft mii i,. ii .i... V .. V ... '."-'.7. " i... , V ' k"y";,"lu auu uiuria tMnea- -JiulOU.il IIIOMlll ttl7JuO p. m. WDVKS'H IMIIMUTl.v n-.,,,....... Biif(ii.V. i ST1 ov,!ry "inuy alU-rnoon 1 -m " iuwii; ruom. Auaru invited. Uaon UmIiiu No. fiOl. I. f). H T A I .. . . ' - H .. . 1 r. -Wl! IIHTllllL-n rrlllav l M v u Lr V7?. "' A" UIVllwl. wMllllA)l B.mii aniiK. II, M. It a A 1.1, 1 First National Bank. WAKE IIP. I n'HE DALLES, OREGON A General Bunking BiiHinons trariHacU-d Draft or Cluv-k. CollnctloiiH mal and proccotln promptly remiiicd on tmy ol mlloction. SlKht and Tolejcraphic Kschungo "old on w lorn, an franciiico and Portland. DIHKOTOKS, 1). 1. TiioxrfioN. Jno. 8. Kchknck. Ed. M. Wii.i.iamh, Gko. A. Liibk. H. M. Hkai.i,. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKANHACT A (IKNKUAI.HANKINO HDHINKHS LotUirn of Crtxllt inHiied availahli in he Eastern StateB. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic TranHferHBoldon Kew York, Chicago. St. Lou'ih, Kan Francico, Portland Oregon, UDMLI-IU IIWIII.i ,1.1 hiud jrwillba ill - egon and Washington. UoUfctionH made at all DointH on lav orable term. THE DALLES Hational Bank. Of DALLES CITY, OK. I'renident - -Vice-President, Cashier, - - Z. F. Moodv Chaiilkk Hilton M. A. Moodv General Banking Business Transacted. , (.'. T. H. V. I'i.ick, Ke tt. ris3r: ' " '' ovv eD'"'. u swond r II If A VUIJ V Klnancler. m. w. .vuT.. . "vr" Jioou every til tttu K. of !. Hall. J Hutiaa) K.o P iliSI,,j,0Ji'' N". i-MeU ll. THK I'lIIUtCHKtt. 'T. ffrirt.r. Sf'TUuiidaV ,.' iVV' 'J"t!'lflo Htwtor. Hurvlcen KvmilitK I'rayor ou Friday at JWr mectii,. KiVvL ,",w. "noniliiK tiorvlooa. 4ffilj1t'Kail-K.r. W. C. ua 7 1 ir o "Vl"'-'' every huudtiv ut n ' ""iwwi neuin irev ft li.8ll, " ivcrVh n, ' .i1 Wiiiklkb. i..tor. ''I ht 'M.l.lL,,,10r,ll,,Kl ' C.'1 , ; r ' Kpworth ilUtlHilnK nt - '.nY", '"wit ub every ' piutior mill peon e tu,fi!,.. -'iUa li1ivl,,-.Mi.u i;M,?i,."?!lf All me h WJIJJ""'. JJI'ith Htrt, Hev. a' CMJ:P.n a?', 11111 " Kundiiy Sight Exchangtm Sold on NEW YORK. SA.N FKANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collection! made on favorable terms at all aocetaible points. W. H. YOUNG, BiaCaSmiiti & wagon Slop General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Tbirt Street opp. Lietie's olil Stand. House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his line at reasonable figure. Has the largest honso moving outfit in fcitztern Oregon. Add reas P.O.Box 18 1. The Dalles S. L. YOUNG, : : JBWBLBB : : Watchc and Jewelry repaired to order nn khort notice, ami aatlnlactlon uiuriitwl AT TM Blur f I. (. Mlckalaasi, X Mt. Tha UalU Chas. Allison, -Doaler In- CE Headquarton at Ohai. Lauer'i. HavliiK hud u line liuruut of nntunil , Hie bt Ht In the world. I am nriMMired to furnlKli in any Humility ana at uotiom pneen. CHAS. ALLISON. C. F. STEPHENS, DISALBR IN Dry Goods CL0TIiIN- Uuuta, HIiiMia, Hut., Kwi. Ui., Ktc, Kto. Second St., The Dalles. If you wako up in the morning with a bitter or bad tasto in your mouth, Languor, Dull llcadacho, Despondency, Constipa tion, take Simmons Liver Regulator. It corrects tho bilious stomach, Bwectens tho breath and cleanses the furred tongue. Children as well as adults Bometimes eat something that docs not digest well, producing Sour Stomach, lleartburn, Restlessness or Sleeplessness a good doso of Regulator will give relief. So perfectly harmless i.s this remedy that it can ho taken by the youngest infant or the most delicate person without injury, no matter what the condition of the system may be. It can do no harm if it does no good, but its reputation for 40 years proves it never fails in doing good. "The Regulator Line" Tie Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH SURRENDER OF SUM She Has Accepted the Full Terms of France's Ultimatam. THE WAR CLOUD DISAPPEARS Much Excitement in the Foreign Of fice in Paris When the Siamese Minister So Reported. Parih, July 29. Prince Vadehana, tho Siamese minister, went to the foreign office this morning to communicate to M. Devellc, minister of foreign affairs, Slant's decision to accept the terms of France's ultimatum. He was received by M. Revoil, chief secretary, who, with out waiting for the prince to speak of his mission, informed him that M. De vellc would be unable to receive him, as with the departure of M. Pavie from Bangkok all diplomatic intercourse be tween France and Siam had stopped. M. Revoil was proceeding to express his regrets, when Prince Vadehana ex claimed : "But I bring a flag of truce ; we accept the ultimatum." M. Revoil did not wait to hear more. He bolted into M. Develle's presence, shouting, "Siam accepts the ultimatum." He then explained that Prince Vade hana had brought the news and was waiting outside. M. Develle at once re ceived the prince with exceptional cor diality. The prince repeated that Siam accepted, and expressed the hope that diplomatic relations would be resumed. Entertain. Stoveniion. Freigm ana Passenger Line Through daily service (Sundays ex cepted) Yetween The DalleB and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade IiOcks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock) at 6 a. m. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dalles. IMHHKM'KK It ATKH. One way. . . Round trip. ..$2.00 3.00 TicketH on sale for Ixmg Reach, Ocean Park, Tioga and Ilwaco. Baggage checked Ihiough. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at anv time day or night. Shipments for wav landings must lie delivered before 5 p'. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, drneral Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, (leneral Manager. THE DALLES. OREGON prcsh Paint I W. V. GlMiKRT hereby Bind )ll coiiiiiilmontx to every friend And enemy- If lie ha any Be they lew or bo they many. The time lor titntliiK ""'W com And every one desire a home That look fresh and clean and new, An none but a good painter t an do. riilntlnn. tnierliiK nud kUwIiik, too, Will ii ale yimr old house look quite n. lie will take your work either way, Ily tho Job or by tho day. If vou have work kIvo him a call, Uu'll take your orders, largo or auiall. Keoctful!y, W. C. GILBERT, V, O, Hox No. 3, THL DALLKS, Oil. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. TI;la old, iKipuInr and reliable house i ..ii-.u, vofuriilMhiHi. and every una uuiu until vij . .. room has been ropnpered and repaint mid newly carpeted throughout. Iho 1.... I Til ... a mill IM HlllllllilMl lioiisu ixjiiuuuo iiw iu- 1-1 with every modern convenience. Jiatet a .1 ..1.. ...... at 1 it 1 1 11 1 1 It iUl ieanonai)ie. a goou rt'Birniinw.j. to tlie houHe, Frer bus to nud from all trains. r-o o.. U. W. rinUVYbbOi riiiKi Seattle, July 29. Special. The event of the past week has been the visit of Vice-President Stevenson and party to this city and the reception ten dered by the citizens. A drive about the city during the day gave the vice president and party an opportunity to see the queen city of the state. The reception was informal, many thous ands participating in it. The hop crop in the Puyallup valley gives assurance of being one of the best crops in the history of the country, and the hop growers are jubilant over the prospect of receiving big prices. ANXIOUS TO ISK ANNKXEI. Canadian Konulne Society With Thin Object In View. New YoitK, July 29. Many prominent Canadian residents of this city met Thursday night and formed themselves into a society for the furtherance of en deavors to bring about the annexation of Canada with the United States. The meeting was unanimously in favor of adoption of the speediest method of ob taining for Canadians tho advantages of American citizenship. The association is to be called the Canadian-American Society. No less than 275 members signed' the roll, and the following officers were elected: President, Dr. George McGanran; first vice-president, Vv". C. Charleroix; treasurer, D. B. Messenger; financial secretary, Dr. James Moran; recording feecretary, Dr. George E. Hayunga. Kx-Premier Mercier, who is lecturing in favor of annexation throughout New England, will lw invited to come to New York to advlfce the new club as to the best methods to be adopted to advance the interests of the movement. Cuiifesieil to Wife Murder. AbToitM, Or., July 21). John Hensen has confessed to the murder of his old and unotreiiding wife. Hanson's man ner and bearing all along, and especi ally his conduct at the funeral of his murdeied wife, stamp him as a man of iron nerve, reckless of means and care less of consequences. No horror was visible in his face when hebeutover the body of his victim at the morgue and kissed tho cold clay; no remorse seemed to move him, except aa a pass ing cloud, when he heard the clods fall upon her coffin in Greenwood. There was scarcely need for him to confess, for Slicrlll'' Smith and his aids arid Prosecuting Attorney Curtis were weav ing an unbreakable web of circum stantial evidence around him. So close and connected is the testimony which those otlicera have secured that convic tion, in case of trial, would have been certain. NOT! UK. Inasmuch as my wife, Georgio Anna Brooks, has, without just cause or prov ocatloii, left my bed and board, against my wifchesand consont, and refuses to return or further llvo wiui mo, i uereuy warn nil persons not to glvo her any credit on my account, aa 1 will not pay any bills of her contracting after this tl,v(0. UALKll J-ltOOKH. Diilleu City, Or., July 10, 1803.asot-w.t Ubo Mexican Silver Stove Polish, MITCHELL NOTES. I.tinnlo I.imirell Klilml Ity a llorun- Other Alnttera. Ono day last week while riding to school, Lonnie Laswcll was thrown from his horse and eo seriously injured that ho died within a few hours. The cause of his horse throwing him is not known, since he was riding in advance of his brother and sisters and out of sight. Ho had fallen on his shoulder, crushing the entire side of tho trunk of tho body, breaking tho collar bone and drivirig it into the lung. Dr. Hank of this place was called in, but nothing could be done only to alleviate the suffering of the little fellow until the mysterious One came to claim his own. Mrs. Laswell is a widow, beloved and respected by all who know hor, and her many friends extend their heartfelt sympathy at her sudden and sad bereavement. Grain crops of this and surrounding places are not eo favorable as last year, the late cold rains of spring retarding growth, causing it to be feeble and stunted. Since the rains, winds have blown cold and bleak, warm and dry. Hail and snow did not fail to visit us, neither did Jack Frost fail to nip the tender blades of cerials slightly, al though enough to keep it from putting forth as lively an outlook as if it had failed in its visit. Mitchell is making some very pleasant improvements. Mr. Sasserof this place, and successful hotel proprietors and merchants, are building hotel and stores combined which is proving to be quite a presentable piece of work. Also Mr. Misner's saloon keeper is building a very neat and comfortable dwelling. Dr. Hank and E. E. Allen contemplate erecting dwellings in the near future. Once more diphtheria has shown itself in the West Branch section. The five-year-old daughter of Mr. Gambol was taken seriously ill, and at last accounts she was not expected to live. Some rigorous disinfectants should be applied to thoroughly cleanse places where the disease is known to be since there is hardly three months passes without one or more cases, and many prove fatal. Weather, yes we have plenty of it. We have all seasons of the year in a week. Just now it is giving us summer in all its inlensity. The thermometer ranging from 84' to 62' in the shade during the day, but generally, nights are cool enough to induce healthful sleep. J. v. Mitchell, July 27th, 1893. Will He Unable to Wed Until December. San Francisco, July 29. The mar riage of Commander Whiting, of the United States ship Alliance, to Miss Etta Ah Fong, of Honolulu, was ex pected to take place next September, but unforeseen circumstances will pre vent the captain from going to the para dise of the Pacific at that time to claim his Chinese bride. He is now in South American waters. Private advices from Honolulu state that the marriage will take place early In December. Com mander Whiting expects to visit Hon olulu at that time, and his friends in the islands say lie will carry through his matrimonial project, even if it should result in his leaving the service. Guaranteed Cure. We authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds upon this condition. If you aro alllicted with a cough, cold or any lung, throat or chest trouble, aud will use this remedy as directed, giving it a fair trial, and ex perience no benefit, you may return the bottle and have your money refunded. We could not make this oiler did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could bo relied on. It never disap points. Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly'a drug store. Large aize oOo and ii. Htoukhulilera' Meeting. The Dalles, Or., July 28, 1893. Notice is hereby given that there will boa stockholders' meeting of the Wasco Independent Academy, at the Academy building on Monday, August 28th, 1803, at 3 o'clock p. m., for the purpose ot electing seven directors, and transacting such other business as may properly come before said meeting. By order of the board. S. I-. BnooKS, Sec'y. dawtd. Towels window. galore. See N. Harris' show PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. Frank La Mott is up from Port land visiting friends. Geo, Abbott, a wool merchant of San Francisco, is in the city. Grant Mays has entered upon a four years' college course at Berkeley, Cal. News from Salem is to the effect that Capt. Hum prey is improving somewhat. Mrs. N. Harris returned from a short trip to the seaside last Saturday evening. Miss Minnie Freiman left on the after noon train for a short visit in Portland. T. P. Crum and party will go to tho Caecades tomorrow for a month's out ing. Miss Lela Peary returned home Sat urday after a visit of Beveral weeks in the valley. Mrs. L. Booth departed for the Cascade Locks this morning for a short sojourn at that delightful place. The Misses Rintoul and Roberts have gone to Hood River to attend the insti tute which will be in session during the week. Miss Lida Johnson of 8-Mile want to Hood River this morning to attend the session of teacher's institute at that place. Conductor Fowler came up today at tired in citizens clothes. He is takinjraf; short vacation and will visit friends. A. J. Borie is also taking in the city. Miss Eva St. Clair Pollard, who has been visiting Mr. W. D. Richards' fam ily on 8-Mile for some weeks, returned to her home In Portland Saturday. Master Walter French, eldest son of Mr. D. M. French, who was taken to Portland for treatment, is a great sufferer. Shortly after arriving in the city his right knee had to be lanced and a' large quantity of matter taken away. Satur day it was found necessary to perform a like operation on his elbow and a re moval of a large quantity of pus was had. The young sufferer is in a precari ous condition, but strong hopes prevail that he will pull through. The present trouble is a result of rheumatic fever. HOTEL AltRlVALS. Skibbe George Davenport,. Mosier; John Buford, Georgo T Person, Cheno weth; B F Bage, Ellensburg; W D Wright, Molalla; A J McHaley, Eight Mile ; F Muker, Chicago. Columbia C Ring, James Foss, E D Fair, Hood River; Julius Parker, C Schraeder, James Smith, H W Wicker sham, Portland; D W Howard, Moro; H J Harvey, Pendleton ; J W Baker, Henry Readel, Mill Creek: John Ste venson, Baker City; S B Doney, San Francisco. " HOKN. Near The Dalles, July 30th, 1893, to the wife of T. A. Wilhelm, a son. In this city, July 31st, 1893, to the wife of F. E. Adams, a daughter.' Karl's Clover Root, the new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the com plexion and cures constipation. 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. Kuckleu'a Arutca Halve. The beat salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, aud posi tively cures piles, or nb pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin ersly. Olinger & Bone'a stages en route tfj Cloud Cap Inn will locate campers at the best fishing point in Hood River valley, where one can reach Mt. Hood in a few hours and get their mail and provisions daily. 2tewd Notice. All city warrants registered prior to July 2d, 1891, will be paid on presenta tion of the same at my office. Interest ceascH after this date. 1. 1. Bukokt, Treasurer. The Dallea, Or., July 5th, 1893. "My littlo boy was very bad off for two months with diarrluua. We used varj ioua medicines, also called in two doc tors, but nothing done him any good un til we used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrho-a Remedy, which gave im mediate rollof and soon cured him. I consider It the ('est medicine made aud can conscientiously recommend it to all who nood a dinrrhcua or collo medicine. J. E. Hare, Trenton, Tex. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley A Houghton, druggists. Tho W.R. 0. No. 17, will meet a their hall Saturdiu evening, July 2044 at:4.ri, Mus. Alice Vau.vey, . President. Ask your dealer Stove Polish. for Mexican Silver Highest of all In Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder AIS-OLUTEIY PURE l