The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Tilt: 1AM.K or.mioN THE GIRL (J.- STRICT IDEAS. She CSi'licnilly licvplop Into 11 l"eitorlou (Mil M'lUiilul-.Moiiper. The extremely well-behaved young girl who hah never boon tempted mid who cannot understand how another could commit a folly is certain to be come the 1110-t censorious of old wom en, says Ella Wheeler Wilcox, in the ICew York Press. If she does not de velop into a cruel, malicious-tongued pcandal-monper it will be a wonder. Nothincr is so easy as the descent from uneharitableness to malice. As a younp pirl she prides herself upon her love of morality and pood behavior: all her friends spoak of her as "such a strict pirl" in her ideas. No one would think of appealing to her for sympathy or advice in an hour of temptation, luit she is respected for her hiph ideas if feared for lier severity. As an old woman she is simply held in abhor rence, and her name becomes a neiph borhood synonym for cruel judpment. Criticism of our frail fellow beinps is a vice which takes possession of us like a stimulant oradrup, once we encourage it. It may bepin in our hiph moral standard and our hatred of sin, but once it becomes a habit we indulge in it for the pleasure it gives us. It is a bad habit in the young; in the old it is intolerable; for nothing renders old age interesting or lovable save sympa thy for the young and charity for the erring. It is strange that we all do not grow charitable as we grow old; as we learn more and more of our frail ties and more and more of the tempta tions and illusions of life we ought to become more and more tender and pitying. One can be sympathetic with out encouraging vice and wrong doing or cloaking sm. SAYINGS OF GARFIELD. A rouxi) of pluck is wortli a ton of luck. lir. fit for more than the one thing you are now doing. I wotU) rather be beaten in right than succeed in wrong. Things don"t turn up in this world j unless somebody turns them up. Lucie is au ignis fatuus. You may follow it to ruiu, but not to success. ( Ir the power to do hard work is not ' a talent,' it is the best possible substi- j tute for it. , If there is one thing upon this earth I that mankind love and admire better I than another, it is a brave man a man who dares to look the devil in the face, and tell him he is a devil. This Is the Season Of the Year CUhen CM C7 O o MM Judicious Advertising Pays. HAVE YOU TRitl) DRUfiS AM) FAILEfc ' TO FtXtl A CtlltK I'Oft RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, KIDNEY, LIVER and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, DYSPEPSIA, LAME-BACiK!:&n Pit. MAMr.x'.' v.i.Ki.Ttrir ltr.i.Tj with I'. Ice I in itlnmiellf :.'.;" mm "ill I'liru m lihnut loeillelNn i iillnf the above trmihir i. " i m"Mi.: j. "tiller from Ki-rvnu. 'bl!(v. i.nxxi'N. limine, i.nsi itjiunimi.i, Jf Ncn nliHlll'sri XeeptC'miM i, l'nor iieinut y, tn; hoio'i"" t:t. i liliilntM, imil n n rill tli iici Id' ! till! (MlllCltl Of nllMV. PTPl'",Vl I orn3c'i'.'uro,villltiuIri'llcl..ii'" cure In our m rvo.' . winch ronnln-.t hutn tn tll IllOtt 9kPltlRll. , feels oil mar have un . .. : otirfirlciii(iniiTVyliiir.'.i:'i .it . which 1h olreirlellv-i. rnti'i'il jrotirtTDjUiicosoi lac If you rcpiaco tut imr .-i I clement thu ilr.ilin'il. vlxrri .- I iltilrt'il fur vUnrnU!5troi:i.-tL, yn- renmvetliecati'iiimillie.illli.stri.1).. i and vltfnr wld follon nl iman. 'Ii l.i our plan ami treatment. Ami I iTimrnntHn n euro iir rulliud m Our 'JOO pntfn book "TnnKK CLASHES OP MEN." .otiWl v;'l every vii t . , nililillriiEctl mill old mRn, sent aealod, frco. llr. Handrn'n Klrrtrlc Ilrlt H no csp.irir.uii , ni wo hnvo restored thomaurtg to robust health and Mlor. lifter hII other tre.itmtMiln railed, ns c i.i i shown tir hundreds of cases tbroushout. thlsnnilotlierHtates.wlio notiltt alnillr testify, andlroiu . at whom wo urto strung letters bearing testimony to their recovery alter uslue our licit. WE HAVE CURED THESE WE CAN CURE YOU! GENERAL DEBILITY CUKEO. , LAME BACK AND RHEUMATISM. WMm. SANDEN'S ELECTRIC BELT 'MM 'A nee mlnif X now eojoy l IlftTO His PHOTOGRAPHER at the asco eountr . l MM k a J Ik ir ii :l,ilnlJ'l,l,1pfc' lr. n. A i.imwuiwpr oir WDnmHij 7Dur utile i irouuirii wim Tisor, tiwi woaxnen. ami almost n comulotn loss ol power. I would set uu with a Terr wri itciiuki uudbi ftcaiDK, RU, Bin . I It t I. . h.J - ' I .Til. . fuyr iw ' 1 " umu . uv IBM ui 111-. ifa better th in 1 liart) faruntHNnut. ntmot cjntl.loucw In jour traatmcnu Yon can pub lish this Mtmoat,lo hamothar writoor cull on mo. Truly Toun. 11. A. BOWtN. aBandfflTurkBt. RHEUMATISM AND LAMENESS CURED Portland. Uramin.AnriTlM 1MI Dr. A T. Banden. Iaar Hln I sot ono nt our Iwlts two wt aeo lor rnxumatltm. Irani wblch 1 Biiflcnsl forMTral yaan. For tha past alz months I had not tmnaoimw rs. aoarDeitnaapiacedmalnolmost t perfect hallh In thstwowka Ihatentad it. lean I watt comtortatijr.nnd feel Ilka n new nan pnrallf . ' M. K. HUOliES, Proprietor lntarnational llotal. NERVOUS DEBILITY Lp8S OF VIGOR. lacoma. nasn., uctoiwr 'Jl. ltu. 1 barn ben ui lou your cy. nnti toiiav 1 ha to gained art. A8. LURTKA. lttrntnA ir...i an(len.lMAralr Klectric twit for general nerroua debility, and toitaT 101 oeuer msa a umttj lor II Tu rears. First nremium air for bent portraits and views irrpart. UUA! . .1 I l . . : 1 SM runinnu iirrKn. r''iiiiii:wr inhj Dr. A.T Banden, lKwr 8lr : Vn.iraof erioiir- unit hard work, comblnl with tha strain rniulue trcm the Jar of an enctne. fiavi, me a sTerwcaHOt lani Lo. from which 1 milfcred for eTen yearn. I wu o bid that 1 could not bend my back. aall do.ihlihl up wltb it, 1 bouiiht ono of your b-ilie. It I fin il hm tnildnof twiidsytf.And Icoutlnuttil toTr Mrltfnrf ur mouths, lieinft perfrtly riiriol. That wn itto yxan ajo.nnd 1 am tuweli ti-day a I nirrwi, in ltiyllie. ! knnwjour htt well, and 1 kn w lotHnf Tviilnnh' hara been cured br It, Many nth ti tiel It. ami if they would try It they would find it thoasinem I did the bet remeily in the world. I tm located l.itnj permanently, and will ImuUd totslV Wltll un, onuvrLo wants to iniiiiire almui i, llOHKKT ll,'HKl.Knlne;rnntnl rcrtlttnl LOST VITALITY AND STRENGTH. . l'.tenit, W.h, .Iuiim l-j, Wi. A. Hande-i. Dear Hlrilnci. weiring Tmir h It I Iiath been ureatlr lienetlte.1. 1 feel mv nld ercr fat returntnui and nftura month i'i, of tun belt 1 tind niT,l( twice a v a brifoiu. My memory le now nearly perfect, and each dy thnen for the better. I f el umcll strnnijer tha t.fnr uslns the belt. Yours truly, 2IRM(Y b&ITiLTZ. McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for The Dalles Daily Chronicle for 12 Months at 60 Cents a month. OR 5f?? UeeKly lropiel AT $2.25 PER ANNUM. 1 rW-llv Spoolil urriiiii;omunt with the iiuIiIIhIutk ii iiiio of tin- bout MtiRiir.litC!. linvv ilibllBhcf to tire I'liiilileil to miikf ii"' f xi'i'l'tlomit ulllsr to koiiiI PiicCLURE'S MAGAZINE OOSTE) YEAR to everyone win fill- out tin- fnllimliiK litunL (orm, nml hoiiiIIiik It to us, tlu-ri'liy HiiliKcrlliliir. The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. r T H E ARTIC CANDY FACTORY SODA WATER AND IOE OEEAM. - in visor dally, and am stronir In Xoura gratefully, THE DR. SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT Is a complete (ralranlc battery, made Intu a b"lt so an to ho easily worn during work or ntrtat, onfl It Swe. Jixjtblni. prdouKcd current which aro Instantly telt tnrouuhout nil weik tiarta. or w f iirtoi: 3,uU0. Itbasan lniprored Klectric rUeppueory, thQirnvttest boon DTorplren woAk inn,,i:iu we warrant it to euro any of thoaboTe weaknufi-cj, and tocnlarui' shrunken limbs, or narti, or .t1hii"v Hctuiuli'il. Thoy nro cradod lustrenuth to meetall stacBi of Trejiknes In ynuii, nih!dltfU!SorLl zien.and ntllcuro tho wurstcajtiln two or three months. Address lor full Infurcsctlnn. 6ANDEN ELECTRIC CO. !?2 First St., PORTLAND, OhESUH. n Candies and Nuts at wholesale qtiatatlorj. H. C. NIELSEN, TOItA CIGA1I SWKK fSpecialtiesi Clothier and Tailor. Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles I. rULbU 2d Street J. At right side I Mrs. Obarr't restaurant. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Gents' . . .Dotiidudly the Finest Line of Goods, '-'My little boy wa9 very bad off for two -months with diarrhoea. We used vnr ious medicines, also called in two doc tors, but nothing done hira any good un til we used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dhirrhcea Remedy, which gave im mediate relief and goon cured him. I consider it the medicine made and can conscientiously recommend it to all who need a diarrhoea or colic medicine. J.E. Hare, Trenton, Tex. 25 and 50 .cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & .Houghton, druggists. C. L. Phillips, assignee of Wni, Farm & Co., will on August 3d, 1893, sell, in front of the court house the book ac counts uncollected, also all notes remaining in his hands. promisorv tf A Leader. Since its first introduction, electric bitters has gained rapidly in popular favor, until now it is clearly in the lead among pure medicinal tonics and alter atives containing nothing which per mits its use as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recognized as the best and purest medicine for all ailments of stomach, liver or kidneys. It will cure sick head ache, indigestion, constipation ana drive maleria from the system. Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle or the money will be refunded. Price only 50c. per bottle. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly. Elder S. S. Beaver, of McAllisterville, Juniatta Co., Pa., says his wife is subject to cramp in the stomach. Last summer she tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for it, and was much pleased with the speedy relief it afforded. She has since used it when ever necessary and found that it never fails. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists. Go COP., Trunks and Valises, etc., etc. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OR. HAS A FAMILY 01 2000 HEADERS. They read The Chronicle to git the latest and most reliable lows. And they read every Hue that is In the paper. That Is what makes the Chronicle an invaluable advertMns medium. The newspaper that goes to the family firesides is the one ( that the advertisers oi today patronize when they desire to ' reach the people. When they want your trade their announcements will be found in the paper, j Look over our columns and observe the verifica- , , . . . . - . . , uon of the truth of this assertion. Remember,, I he largest and only strict!' commission dealer in horses in a trade of a family of two thousand ' he WOrld. Will hold lllS Otll GXtfillSlVfi Sfllft of WfiKt- 1 - - , " ern branded horses for season 1893, on WE3DIsrEISIDj"y, -A.TTG-TTST 2. HORSES HORSES J. S. COOPER, . . . Corner Bam, UNION STOCK Y.UIDS, Chicago, 11U. is worth asking for through these columns, eapclally so nt our very Entries should be made at once. JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, 76 Count Street, Next door to Waaco Sun Office. Has just received a fine line of Samples HORSES HORSES for spring and summer Suitinirs. Come anil See the Mew Mobs. Cleaning and Repairing to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. O. MACK, jllflE WlEg and LHpjjjT Aho DOMESTIC KEY WEST CIGARS. THE C E LEBRATE D PABST BEER. T" Dull.. Pv.Tiirt. PVirntllnlo l ror'ttnrtl icA t as eentially the home naiier for the i Dalles City lolkb' I J f 1 1 T This h not a bad reputation. Home n VJ1V1 f- 2,000 of our be.t citizens watch the columns ol this D fl D IT D daily for the spiciest local newg. It rrtrtK succeedi In cleaning the Held, and Iienie crows m popularity and importance. Take it awhile, you who don't, try some ol IU premium otters. FRENCH'S BLOCK. 171 SECOND STREET, : : THE DALLES, OR. to N. Harris yardB for $1. for fine prints; 20 A Great Convenience. Worlds fair visitors travelling via the Northern Pacific Railroad, and Wiscon sin Central line, are landed at the Paid Central station in Chicago. This magnificent fire-proof building, located in the heart. of the city has been fitted up as a hotel, runon the European plan, with about 200 rooms handsomely furnished and each room is supplied with hot and cold water, electric lifUts, etc. The charges for 'accommodations are rciiHonablo and parties can secure rooms in advance by falling upon agents of the Northern Pacific railroad. By taking the Northern Pacific tin oiitih car line to Chicago, visitors will avoid the discomfort of all transfer in that city, mid can also travel between the Grand Central station and world's fair nroiiiidf by trains which run direct ! Lptviuun tin- two points. Stdlwlm-7-12 OooU Job" I'rlutliie. i if you have your Job printing done at i Tim: Cjihomcu: you will have tho ad- ...fn...i i-.? l.,t..t.w. It ilnnn ...ill. 41... .vw.,.4 I '""'BD u r 11 "" " uiu "lull jn J,r,rmaton inouurn ntiti approved typo, witn winch wnim, iuuu we keep continually supplk-d. All jobs i u",Ito,Mon 10 .iindur- tho direct supervision of ono of thu most successful and artistic printers in tho Northwest. From TERfrtlHflli op INTERIOR Points THE Mm Pb CityStables, BURHAM & ROBERTSON Proprlutore. RHILROKD Ii the line to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. It is the Dining Car l'.oute. It runs Through v'eatibuled '1 rains every day In the yar to p. paul and Chicago NO CHA.VGK OF CARS. Composed of Dining Cant uiMUrpaied. Pull man Drawing itoom Sleepers ol latest equipment TODRIST SLEEPING CAIIS Corner of Fourth and Federal Sta., The Dalles, Oregon. These Stables have on hand the finest Livery in Eastern Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with either Single or Double Rigs, closed Hacks or Carriages day or night. MORE ROOM. Also, can furnish First Class accommodations to teamsters with freight or driving teams, having added to their stables large feeding and wagou room. Commercial Patronage Solicited. Best that can be constructed, and In which HceonirnoilHtloiiB ure both Free and Furnished (or hold'.THOf First and f-ecoud-clauj Ticket, niid ELEGANT DAY COACHES A continuous line, connecting with nil line aflTonllng direct and uninterrupted servic. I'ullmau Weeper reservations fan be secured in advance through any ugemof thu road. THROUGH TICKETS M England uud Kurois can be puit'hu ti'jKct oince ol the cowiny 1 from all in Amell'.'a. jjuicliiuec! ut ituy fOiiceriiltiL' rates, time nt tniiufc, luiitoh imd other detailJi iiiriiUlied oh W, C. ALLAWAY, Agent Ii. I'. A A. .N'nv. Co., itegulator oillce, The HallM, Or., or A. 1). OHAUI.TOU, Ass't. Gtuewl lUuei-Ket At., I'ortlaild, Jnu, THE CHRONICLE was established for tho ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and tho satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in AVaseo, Sher man, Gilliam, a largo part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re- ' gions north of The Dalles, hence it is tho best medium for advertisers in tho Inland Empire. Tho Daily Chronicle is published every eve ning in tho week Sundays excepted at $0.00 per annum. Tho AVkkklv CmtoxicLK on Fridays of each week at $3.50 per annum. For advertising ralos, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tlxo Xalloi9 Oroson. L CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT TO US. Publish ers CHRONICLE, The Miles, Or.: you, will please sci id to imj address the DAILY CHRONICLE for .12 months f row date, for which I agree to pay 60 ots. a month, it being u nderstood that uow a re to ha ve sent to my address for .1 year, without extra charge, MeCIUHE'S MAGAZINE, commencing with the current number. Name, Da.te. Address i CALL AT OUR OFFICE and seo the cntcrlaltiltiR and llnely Illustrated McCLURE'S MAGAZINE, which has amonc Us ciiiitrllmtorN the most famous authors In itch wrltorw " the followlnc It. L. StevoiiKon, Kudynrd Kipling, A. Conan Doyle, Octave Thanet, William Dean IIovvoIIh, Hret Harte, Clark HtiHHt'll, Joel Cliandlor Harrin, ThoniuH llardv, .1. T. Trowbridge, .leiome 11. Jerome. Frances Ilodgwui liurnett, Tlieodore ItooHcvelt, Joa(uin Miller, Gilbert Tarker, John HurrougliH, America and Knclaiid, includlnx Hamlin Garland, I'rof. E. fi. Holden, Prof. C. A. Young, II. H. lloyunun, Kobtirt llarr, Hunrv M. Stanley, Archibald Forben, Andrew Lntic, Sarah Ortie Jwwctt, Dr. J. P. llilliiigH, W. E. Henley. Clint. CharlcH King. AlphotiHe Dattdet, Camile Flammarioii, Edward Everett Hale, I'rof. Graham Boll. MrK. Hobt.LouiHStevonHon,Cnniile Flaminarioii, F. Marion Cruwford, Lilho ChiiHe yiiian, Margaret Delaud, Harriet I'remrott SpoH'ord, Herliert I). Ward, Edward Everett Hale, Elizabeth Stuart I'helpH, Louine Chandler Moulton, F.ach uunibur o( McCLURE'S MAGAZINE cmitaliiH two liand'omuly lllustnitcd liitcrvlcwt wtin aucu lamotis iie an Jules Verne, Archdeacon Farrar, Frances HodKHon liurnett, ThomaH A. EdiHon, Tianandier, the famouH F. Hopkiimon Smith, French Bnlloonitit, H. H. HoyeHen, ami many others, have furulshnl materlHl for esrMTlally lueimnil Interviews which will ppe4i (ully tllii.'trKttil in thin mncazluc. Kach number coutalua two or three nliort stirrlwi Uy famoua authom. Fully Illustrated utorirai will aniM-ar In early mimlx:r hy ThomaH Hardy, William Dean HowcIIh, It. L. StevoiiHon, Itudyard Kiplint;, Ilret Harte, Sarah Omu Jewett, Joel Chandler HarriH, Harriet 1'rencott SpolTord, Octave Thanet, Conan Doyle, Franeea HodgHon liurnett, Stanley J. Wtsymnn. MENKY M. STANLUY will contrlliute, cniieeially lor youiiR readorn, a IhrlllliiRly liitcrentllif; nturyof African Adventure. NATURAL HISTORY AND ADVENTURE. There will bo several articles written by Raymond Ulathuiayt. who has Ih'Cu called by Mr. W T Stead the lest Interviewer In l'liKlmid, from material furnished him by Kwl Hontk, nl Ham burg, thu;rcat animal lturter and trainer 'riiee artlcleh deal with The Capture of Wild ISeantH. Tlie Traimportation of Wild ISenHtH. The Training of Wild BeaHtH. The AdvontureH and lCncapes of Karl Hngeubeck. The scries will no illustrated by au KiiRllsh artist of acfcuolcdKcd MM In drawlnB wild aulmalr., John IIui'.iioikjiih, C. K llotDKR, Dr.. C. C. Amiorr, and other writers lamotis for their work in this Held, will contribute to the magazine Of Interctit to both Young and Old will bo PROF. JL L. GARNER'S AFRICAN EXPEDITION TO THE GORILLAS. ArrauKcments have lieen made, in connection with a IcadiiiK KiiRllsh review, to inibllnh I'rol Garner's IctterhilcHcrlptlve of his liresolit i.'iixtlltloii to Africa, I'rof. (iamer Is noted the world over for the otirlotis and InterestitiR Investigations hu Is loiikiiii; In the siieech of monkeys. He sailed for Africa lust September for the sake of further jmrstiltii: his studies in the native haunts 0 the gorilla. The Illustrations for these articles will Im from photoKraiihs taken by I'rol. (liiruer The uiaKuzlne also contains moat lutoreKtlUK articles under the folloWliiK compruhenslve heads " The Edge of tho Future." " Knowledge of Iiiimediute Value." ".Newest Knowledge." " The Premint Hour." " Stranger than Fiction," etc. Wc are oflerliiR this aplcndld niaKazliie with the Daily CmioNlci.r. for only 7,'.l) n year, payable In advance or In monthly Installments as desired. We make this exceptional offer In order that we may seejire a larRe munlier of new nibn'flls:r, but all who are already subscribers may avail themselves of this opportunity to secure this great magazine. Fill up the blank and send it In, to THE DAILY CHRONICLE, The Dalles, Or. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery in now turning out the best Beer and Porter eaBt of the Cascades. Tho latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and only the lirHt-clasn article will be placed o tho market. PAUL KREFT & CO., -DEALERS IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Moat Complete and the Latent Pattern and Designs in Practical Painters and Paner Hatiirern. None but tint Ik.mI linmrlH of tin nnorwin-wiiiianiH aim j. v, maHiiry'H I'aintu used In nil .itir work, and none tim the most nkilled workmen employed. AgentH for Maeury Linuid J'alntB. No chemical combination or soap mixture. A flrnt clans article in all colors. AH ordore promptly attended to. Paint BhoTi corner Thirdand Wnshincton StH., Tho Uallos. Orcon flew Qolijmbia THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Has lately been thoroughly renovated and innvly furnirjhed throughout, and Ih now bettor Hum ever prepared to furnlHli tho bet HoU'l nccotniiiodationn of any hou&o hi tho city, und at tho very low into of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. Ollico of the fast and coinmoilloiiH oppoHltlon tftfc' to Duftir, Kinsley, Tyh Valley, WuplW Warm Spring ami Pilnovllle Ih in tho Hotel uud porHoiiH koIuk to JViimville can nave 4.00 by golnB on tliiH Ktaun lino. All trains stop here.