The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 29, 1893, Image 3

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    4 OUR
1 61 Me i Sim. Dress Goods.
Saturday, JULY 29, 1893.
Of All Our Wash Fabrics.
W opportunity for economical people.
Prices will please everybody but ourselves.
t'j All Goods Marked' t.
in Plain figures. v"
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
lafcm! n the 1'intnltlrc nt Tim lnllc, Ortiton,
an nvmul ( Iikk mutter
l.iicul AiIitIInIiic.
lOCrntv t i.ur I! rut luvrtloti, Mid t Oat
Ktllni'fiif enc!i Mi!v,iient Insertion
Special rutin I r .hir Win' notice
ill I, . im'w.' ni'civi'il Inter thiin 3 o'clock
HI lifr t!it' Un. 'tt .In)'
Wrutlinr I'orrcuM.
Often', iirfciuf or twenty-four huurt rmtinp
j p m torturrrtiit
.Saturday and Sunday, fair and
warmer. Paciuk.
Hiirmnrtcr, 2lUtl.
Maximum temperature, IW.
Minimum temperature, fill.
River. L'.i.-I feet above zero.
Wind, calm.
.JULY 2tt, 1893
The llatli and Weekly Chronicle may
he found on sale at 1. ('. Nickrltrn't Korr.
I'lrlil III lliimtrpathlr
Oti Crecnliimrit ley moiiiitnlur,
Tltiit'ii lii-rc I wimt tti Ih',
I lil ucutlicr, to lien tin- mercury
Atjiilen nt iiluuty-Uirce
For mini' hwitt ninlilcii r.fllmo
I'd wiii Svr, Nell or Corn,
Anil at licr iliiililv'H IrIoo utile
"vu nvilii) vol llliritril.
JuUuh Wiley picked the first mess of
ripe tomatoes today.
The Union Ranking company, one of
the smallest of Portland bunk, huh
Jionded yesterday.
The Astorian's Mergenthalcr has got
the d. t's, judging from the siorruted ap-
jAurmite 01 ine matter net up by it.
The funeral of the late V. H. Tafre
was well attended luHt evening. The
twilight burial was very imjireHiiivc.
Mr Winans informs us that the suit
iiiiBt thetn in by B former partner of
Jw linn, and Involves questions over a
unai settlement.
A follow who could not spare M for
wwipajw Hent flfly two-cent stamps to
easier,, Yankee to know how to
WHUetH. JJeKot the answer to "take
V'(! top and pull."
The to Hhipu.o,,,. ,,y tho Kttr,e j,rujt
CM ": .'V ." Kht "l 'WlKhtfor
diu.ii 1 ,w carload, i,rJn-
Qpeaand p.ut. M,'mo.
0 "IJ.thM agent of the company, pro
Wt' toKotoMoHlur tomorrow to see to
!uliim.,it there.
tl2WU,,!,k,,lM,,tt nittleHnakeat
tllla i W r,vur J'Wtlflow the Uma-
u c I, b"tl"' II Presence in
t ;1,1V'U" '"y "'punted for
Mityi l:pur,h",,Bby WllUsraH
lrnoon ! ,di8,"lt,!h rweWe thin
tirlVnk. closed
. ... 1 Ullt at emit tl.u ... .
wi noon . BV lwo naiaea
hd til I', V? 18 ' Pit be
merciul SI '! "'ropolla. The Com
Aluorth J Jho,uPou, and the
10 si i 3sr,rv" cb,uhi nonb
J 'r wU,,or of to fail,
-e fcw! U'?'n w, tomorrow reveal
"Nton ln"ry demand which
Our Annual Fnlr.
The uniinal fair ol the cecorid district '-cv. O. D. Tavlor and wife returned
will lw held at this place on the 10th of fr0,n I'rtlnnd loday.
October and continue for five dayn. Our ' Mif-s Anna Uobertfi left for Hood River
people ffhotild leave nothing undone to ! l,-v ,K,at tIli!1 "lornins;.
make thif fair neawjn the best and most j Millard .1. Ia-c, proprietor of the Canbv
profHnWe to them, that has ever Iteen I ""rf-erit-s, is in tlie city,
cant of the mountain!-. The resources Mr. X. Harris returned last night
for that aeeomplifihment are letter than from !l !,,lort triP t0 tMtJ coast,
in any other part of the f-tate. It has J. J., a jirominent horseman of
the blooded stock, agricultural, horti- c'rant county, came up a-.l niRht.
cultural and floral products that are ' W. Iord returned to Ii'ih f-ea fide
alwayn the admiration of all people, and i fU"er residence at Lonj; Reach today,
can be put on exhibit. No one fihould Mip Amy Anpell of Endersbv is
neglect to put their fhoulder lo the ; vifitine her aunt, Mrs. .1. T. Robertson,
wheel that it may be made the plory of C. H. Chandler came up from Pon
tile dictrict. ' un- today, and will be the guest of C.
1 1.. runups.
I AmoB Root and Geort'e Sell inter and
sons of Mosier are in the city today on
fruit intercuts.
Sifter Mary Alberta and friend re
turned to Portland by Pteamer Regula
tor this morning.
Mr. J. It. Warner of White Salmon
was in the city laet night and returned
home tins morning.
Miee Maie Atwater came down from
Sprague Thursday, and expects to again
make Tho Dalles her home.
A. J. Mcllaley returned last night
from Clackamas" county. He left his
family in a mnch improved condition.
C. R. None arrived from Hood River
today. He states that if he can get a
party of live or more to visit Cloud Cap
tomorrow, he will pay all railway and
stage fare, hotel bills, etc., and" take j
what is left of ;f 7.50 for each.
tmrtv will i'n fn flip wnrld'n fair tn.
morrow." as follows: K. Martin, C.
Clark, H. Lonsdale, G. C. Rlakeley and
wife, H. Wilson and wile ol ine
Dalles, and Hon. (.. . Johnson and
wife of Dufur. Thev will leave this af
ternoon for Portland.
d. V. Johnston and daughter Lettie
left yesterday for Dallas to be present at
the dvingledsidcof Mrs. Geo. Johnston.
A tefegram received in this city last
evening states that Mrs. Johnston died
vesterday afternoon. Friends of the
family extend their sincerest sympathy.
Mr. J. K. McCormackof Pleasant Ridge
called on thiH oflico today. He reports
harvesting is lx-ginning and that next
week it will be in full blast. He thinks
while the grain in places is thick on the
ground it will thresh out well, and the
increase of yield per aero will surprise
everyone, the berry is very plump mid
free from blemish.
lioriil. AltltlVAl.S.
Columbia G H Hisbu, i.evemvorth j
H K Putnam, San Francisco; J McCart
lev, Chicago; Joseph Riudcr, John
M'iller, J Huron, Portland; MrsLRien
zie, Spokane; V J Lee, Can by; W 1'
llvltou, Lvlu; John Piatt. Glennwood ;
F Henrv, Kverett; .1 K Warner, w line
Salmon; S Olson, .1 Anderson, Cascade
Ijcks; W Odell, 1i-Mile; Henrv
Hudson, M Nell, Dufur; J M Smith, K
J SM;ncer, I'endleton.
At the Methodist Episcopal church,
July 28th, Mr. Charles JJerry and Miss
U-ttio Putnam, Rev. J. Whisler, offi
ciating. LOST.
i i II.. ..f Liifu Iwinl 1 1 1 1 1 1 brMss.
PIcmhc leave at thin ollice.
A first-class woman cook, Apply at
once at this oflice.
Olinger A Rone'u stagea en route to
Cloud Cap Inn will locate cumpors at the
best fishing point in Hood River valloy,
where one can reach Mt. Hood in a few
houro and got their jnail and provisions
daily. -towa
Karl's Clover Root, the new blood
nuriUer. ifiven freshness and clearness to
the complexion and cures constipation.
26c, f0c. and $1.00. Sold by Sninjs &
Kinerely, druggists.
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish. I
Valiil-Ii Miir.r Klllril.
Mr. James Benson, jr., a prosperous
fanner, met with a misfortune last
evening in the loss of a valuable horse.
Mr. Hanson had driven his team to the
city and unhitched and tied them to his
wagon. In due time, after finishing his
business, lie repaired to his wagon and
begun hitching up his team, when his
large chestnut stepped on a broken
buggy siiaft which broke in two and the
sudden snap sprung it up with such
force as to penetrate the groin so us to
sever a blood vessel, and the How was
ho rapid that the uniuial died in a few
minutes. The loss is severe, the horse
being valued at $150, and a fine animal
in every respect.
Counterfeit Half Dollar.
We were bhown a counterfeit half doW
lar which is so fine a piece of workman
ship timt unless one is on the lookout
is liable to be loaded. The half we eav
was of an 18t2 imprint, and one defect
noticeable is ou the milling edge, which
Is iuierfect in one place. It is also a
trifle light in weight. The ring of the
metal is fair, and would not particu
larly arouse suspicion of its genuine
ness. Look out for the tiueer.
Verdict of 'orou-r'i Jury.
The body of Win, R. Talle showed
slight bruises and cuts, such as might
have been mude by contact with rocks
or drift, but there were no fractures.
Tho verdict of the jury wasjjthat Win.
R. Tulle was accidentally drowned from
u boat on Sunday, tho '2'M hist., while
coming from Grants to Celilo.
Remove the cause by regulating the
bowels, by establishing good digestion
with Simmons Liver Regulator, 'fry it,
and you will soon know tho blcsiiing of
good health and sound sleep.
"Uknti.kmkN l'liust'MMid KruiiMi'x HrwUi'hc
dijiMilt'MiiK followa: Two Ihim'h to r lorn bciiy,
MHVHIillii, N. Dak. Tit o lioxct. to l.llllt' w llccix,
llrooklund. N. link. 1 huvi- nlwiiv Lh-cii a ktiut
Mitt'cmr front headache ami your cuoMilea arc the
otllv tlilnir relti.v.w liu.
vours very trtuy,
Ki.otu H:av,
IIhvuiiiui, N, link.
A Murrolntt Kucapn.
The fiendish Ingenuity of things Inani
mate finds a very good example in the
following, from the Goldondalo Sentinel :
.lame" Hurgen, son of Thomas Rur
gen of Chamberlnin Flat, had a closo
call one day hist week that resulted in a
marvelous cfccnpo from death. Ho was
on top of a load of hay and was unwind
ing the lines from the upright stake in
front of tho rack when tho stake gave
way and he fell forward on to the dou
bletrees, patlof the load of hay falling
I on top of him as tho tram started on n
'dead run. In this position he was
partly dragged and partly carried for
about two hundred yards, when he
I crawled on top of the tongue and from
thence on to one of the horses. Just
i then and while the horse was bucking
' vigorously, one wheel struck a rock and
! the sudden halt threw Mr. Rurgen to
' the ground. One wheel passed diago
nally over his leg a little above tho an
kle and over one arm. Then the rack
in some mysterious way tilted and the
whole load, rack and all, fell on top of
' him. His father anil Mr. Stcdhain had
followed the runaway team as fast as
possible, and as Mr. Stedhatn camo up
1 to the wreck James crawled out and
started to catch the horses, which were
, still running with the wagon attached.
He hud gone only a little way when he
iwas compelled to desist. An exumina-
' tion showed that beyond being bruised
at the places where the wheel passed
over him, Mr. Rurgen was not other- j
wise injured and will soon be as well as
ever. Rut it was a marvelous escape,
and those who saw the accident never
expected to see James come out of it
I alive. The team finally ran up against
a fence, and neither the team nor the
wagon were found injured in the least.
1 Rut the hay rack waa nothing but a
. mass of kindling wood.
Christian church services will be held
in the Congregational church tomorrow
at 3 p. in. Preaching by the pastor, J.
W. Jenkins.
The Baptist church, Rev. O. I). Tay
lor pastor, will hold service tomorrow at
the usual hours, 11 a. in. and 8 p. m.
Sunday school follows morning service.
First Congregational church, comer
Couit and Fifth streets, Rev. W. C.
j Curtis, pastor. Services as follows on
I Sunday: At 11 a. m. worship and
1 a sermon. Sunday school immediately
after the morning service. Young
People's Society of Christian Endeavor at
C:I!0 p. m. Topic, "Danger of Recom-
ing Hardened," Acts xix, 9; Mark xvi,
9-1-1. The regular evening service will
be discontinued for the present.
Methodist Episcopal church, corner of
Washington and Fifth streets, Rev. J.
Whisler, pastor. Sermon at 11 a. m.,
and S p. in by the pastor. Sunday
school after morning service; Junior
League at 5:30 p. in. ; Epworth League
at 7 p. m.; class meeting Sunday at 10
a. m. and Tues'day at S p. m. ; prayer
meeting Thursday at 8 p. in. A cordial
welcome to all.
Ail crt Ikcil Letter.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postolliee at The Dalles un
called for, Saturday, July 29th, 1893.
Persons calling for same will give date
on which they were advertised :
John Arnold Walter Carlisle
Dallie Effie Mrs Dodge P H
Higlev James
Wilson H X
M. T. Nolan, P. M.
Hot Weather Begins Now
Sue our Sttjclc of---"
For Ladies
We are showing a fine Stock of Collars
and Cuffs, Underwear, Gloves, Stainless
Hosiery, Embroideries, Laces, Etc., Etc.,
at Prices Away J3elow those offered by
our would-be competitors.
LActc Curtains All Pricks.
Bargains in Jlvcry Department.
Cor. conn and second sis. c o- "vr XT a tdtdtcj
m Dalles, Oregon. O. X IN . XliJxJxlo.
PI i Slier In Ms,
Fancy Goods and Notions,
(jepts' piirpi5i7ip$ Qood5,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
H. Herbring.
Terms Cash.
Familiar Faces in a ATezv Place
C. 13. BAYARD,
Late Special Agent General Land Office.
Ask your dealer
Stove Polish.
for Mexican Silver
Inasmuch as my wife, Georgie Anna
Urooks, lias, without just cause or prov
ocation, left my bed and board, against
my wishes and consent, and refuses to
return or further live with me, I hereby
warn all persons not to give her any
credit ou my account, at 1 will not pay
any bills of her contracting after this
date, Cai.ku Uhooks.
Dalles City, Or., July 1U, 1898.dsoww
Best tirades of oak. fir. and slab cord
wood, at lowest market rates nt Jos. T.
Peters & Co. (Uttice Bocouu auu Jeuer
Boii rtreets.) ,
Fountain Jeronm
Xeabeack H Win
tiiiiiiuiitet'il Cure.
Wo authorize our advertised druggist
to sell Dr. King's Xew Discovery for
consumption, coughs and colds upon
this condition. If you are alllicted with
a cough, cold or any lung, throat or
chest trouble, and will use this remedy as
directed, giving it a fair trial, and ex
perience no benefit, you may return the
bottle and have your money refunded.
We could not make this oiler did wo not
know that Dr. King's Xew Discovery
could bo relied on. It never disap
points. Trial bottles free at Snipes it
Kineislv's drug store. Large size oOe
The W. R. C. No. 17, will meet at
their hall Saturday evening, July 29th
ut 0 :-!'. Mhs. A i.ictJ Vaum;v,
Furnished looms to rent. Apply at
the residence of Mrs. C. X. Thornbury,
Second street, The Dalles, Or. tt
StocMioltlciV Meeting.
Tin: Dai.i.ks, Or., July 28, ISOIi.
Notice is heiebv given that there will
he a stockholders' meeting of the Wasco
Independent Academy, at the Academy
building on Monday, August 28th, 1891),
at ."i o'clock p. in., for tho purpose of
electing seven directors, and transacting
such other business as may properly
come before said meeting.
JJy order of the board.
S. L. Riiooks, Sec'y.
Jl?e Ieal Estate, loai, Iiurapee,
Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Rent, or
Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us.
We shall make a specialty of the prosecution of Claims and Contests
before the Unitep States Land Oilice.
85 Washington St.
Have You Seen
iT H e :
Fine Millinery Goods
112 Second Street.
At tho Old Stand.
Cor. Second and Union Sts.
Jtey, Graii?, peed ai?d plour,
Groceries, Fruits and Seeds.
Oaali iprvlcl for IDsss txxxcL jFoxxltxy.
fill goods delivered Free and Promptly.
A rooest dUcoverjr tjr aa old
l)BjIcln. Swctttfuliy wrd
piontMy by iftouanJ vf
Laditt, U the only perfectly
Mfeand reliable luodlcluu ill-
oorerod. Bewvo of unprincipled druggist wno
offer inferior medicines la place of tUla. juk for
Cook's Coltoa Root Cowpouaa. fa ia aubif.
uf, or Incloia $i nd 0 cents la pottage la letter
sndwe wlUieud, ealed, ly return malL ruUeeaUd
particular! la plain envelope, to ladle only, 8
unps, Addrat Fob a Lily Oeaiisf,
No. 8 ruber Block. Detroit, Mick.
Bold In 'J'hi'PulUuimdt'VcrywlivroulldruK'M.
The Calif otnia Winehouse,
Is now open, and its proprietor will sell his hoinu
produced Wine at prices in the reach of everybody.
Also, best Veanuls to bo found. Goods guaranteed
to bo Pure and First-Class in every respect.
Thompson's Addition.