1 "If Si. idt .1 The Dalles Daily Chronicle. OFFlUIALrl'Al'KU OF DALLES CITY. AKD wajco county. Batercd at the PostoBlcc nt Tho Dalle, OrtRon, as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. BY MAIL (rOSTAOK MeTAID) IN APVANCK Weekly, 1 year " fi mouths " 3 " Dally, 1 year. .... " C months. " per " Address b11 corumuulcntlon to ' tCLE," The Dulles,, Oregon. Tlie Astorian believes tho probabili ties nrc thnt the salmon industry of tho Columbia is doomed. It seems to lmve been easy enough with traps und wheels, to drive the royal chinook snltnon uwny from the Columbin, as evidenced by the yearly lessinp pucks. Will it be ns easy to lure them by abolishing the destruct ive acencies? Once diverted to other i j spawning grounds it is not likely there n so 6 CO 3 CO 0 60 ition in the. W buck again, j y .!.. .! ..,.1 ' ' THE CHKON- l'of)t-()Rle. orriCK nouns Aencral Delivery Window. Money Order ' . intuitu- ii 1) " is ettner instinct or into riniiv tribe to bring thorn Knlmnn runs mid navigation do not agree, to say nothing of the destructive i agencies which greed of gain has placed in tlie course tne nsn, in tjuiei, civilization aces, have pursued. Oil flii y M i William Tell Your Father that wn well S n. m. to 7 . m. ,Sa. m. to 4 p. m. 9 a. m. tolOa. m. closing or mails ( train? ROlng East .9 p. in. and 11 :45 n. m. i " " West .! p. m. ami 5:30 p. in. I Stage for GoldeniiHle 7:S0n. ni. j rrineviiK. o,iii. , , i i..- " 'Dufnrnnil nrni Siilng . 5:30 n. in. i given O.V trie .CW iotK imiiiiciui 'music ;; t Lmving for 5g;a1 ;nTSlnnd -silo S: Si i Pld nbr0!ul t0 imported is re Exccpt sundny. i carded at the treasurv department as a ITU-weekly. Tuesday Thursday niul Pnturilay. i . . ,,,,,! t " Monday Wednesday and Friday. favorable symptom of returning conn- ZZZZTZTT'mrzrmr7?'mrrTrrr? ' deuce. Much gold now coming here is JULY 29, 189:? , the same exported several months ago. , , The heavy shipment of American cereals 1 . abroad within the past two months lias , materially reduced tho balance of trade , OPYRK.KT IBSO After dinner, I if you have discomfort and puffcr ' imr, take Dr. Picrco'a Pleasant Pellets, or Anti - Uilious Granules. They're made to assist Nature in i.nrcf order for c.uid iicinc s.nt tn I her own way quietly, but thor Kur...... ouglily. What the old - fashioned Washington, July 2S. Large orders ; 'pill d'id forcibly, these do mildly ami tjeiuiv. .iiicv oo more, too, A ItKTTKK I'L'KMNO. SATURDAY A SUGGESTION. Tlie one thing which seems to trouble the farmers of Wallowa county most at present, is where they can get money to pay their harvesting expenses. Tlie banks refuse to loan money ; and the few individuals who have it ask such rninons rotes of interests that the farm ers cannot nflord to borrow from them. 8ome farmers are talking of giving their men time checks payable November let. This will be very unsatisfactory, aud ie almost sure to cause much trouble. more, mm...:.. ,,n'.,,.i.. l.,...:.. . t..... iiiiu Lin uin .tiu laming , im; regulate tiio system, as well as cleanse and renovate it. One little Pellet's a pontic laxative ; three to four act as a cathartic. They're the smallest, cheapest, the easiest to take. Uncqualed as a Liver Pill. Sick Headache, Bilious Head ache, Constipation, Indigestion, Bil ious Attacks, and all derangements of the stomach and bowels, are against us. In such circumstances, it will be natural for the United States tot continue to receive gold trom at.ro: mi. ; )romptly rolieved an(3 permanently Gold in considerable quantities is alto cmo( coming here from the West Indies, j TIlPVro tie cheapest pill vou can This Spanish gold, on reaching our , buV) i;(!cause they're guaranteed to shores, finds its way to the assay oflices, i g-n:e satisfaction, or your money is is melted in bars, and this and the returned. European gold soon find lodgment in the y0u only pay for the good you United States treasury. From the pros-, get. ent indications the gold in the treasury j Can you ask more ? therefore will soon pass $100,000,000. It I SWEET, ORR 5t CO.'S Vest Jumpers, . Pantaloon Overalls, iiasviittins rants Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! We are also Headquarters for .... Men's, Boys' and Youth s These checks would not probably be ;9 today $37,560,000. When the $100,-; worth 50 cents on the dollar to realize upon, and again, harvest does not last until the first of November. The Chief tain makes this suggestion: When m T T T, 000.000 mark is passed the treasury will I again resume the issuance of gold certi- j ficateE, which, under the law, had to be suspended when the treasury gold was you have run one or two days, haul off reduced below $100,000,000. Gold certi- the wheat and sell it. If the local deal ers will not buy it, consign it to Allen & Lewis at Portland or San Francisco with instructions to sell it on arrival. Then you will have the money to meet your expenses and be independent ot the userer. While you might not get as ; much by a few cents on the bushel as you would later on, yet advantage of ! having the ready money would, we be-1 lieve, really be. the cheaper in the end. j Let us say, for illustration, that you cut ' and thrash in a day 'Jo acres of wheat I that will yield 30 bushels per acre ; that ! would give you 750 bushels, which at 40 I cents per bushel would bring you $300. This amount would go far toward paying the expenses. We hope the farmere will consider this question ; and if any one has any better suggestion to offer, we will gladly publish it 'or him. fkates now outstanding aggregate $S9, 000,000, an unusually small quantity for the treasury to have. The department, however, shows little or no interest whether the gold is ?1 00.000,000 or $75, 000,000, as it is the policy of Secretary Carlisle to use the gold on hand the same as he does the currency in meeting the obligations of the treasury, so for several months past the gold reserve has been treated as available. Cash in treas ury today is $122,000,000. hor- At a recent meeting of the state ticultural society at Salem it was pro posed that a state fruit show be held. The secretary read a paper on the sub ject and said : Roughly estimated, there are at the present time 100,000 acres planted to fruit in Oregon, the largest portion of which is in young orchards. Ad estimate of $100 per acre net when the trees are sir years old means an an nual income of $10,000,000. There are many reasons why the society should give such a show. Since the opening of the world'e fair, Oregon's fruit has caused California to make inquiries re garding Oregon's fruit raising. Cali fornia is raising money to give a mid winter exposition in San Francisco. It will be the biggest advertisement the Golden state has ever received. Oregon should not be behind in this matter. Mr. Sargent thinks that each city should subscribe from $10 to $100 towards the scheme and then let it be thoroughly a tate affair. Oregon'B representatives in Chicago could scatter advertising re garding it and boom it all they can. Our Old Fire Company. That was a irav old company that i we belonged to, Joe, away back in 'OS, when you and I 'ran with the machine.' ! Do von remember that big tire in Hotel Row, one freezing night, when hi'-fi: people were pulled out of their lnriiiutr rooms and came down in their niu'ht clothes; and how 'Dick' Green brought down two 'kids' at once one in hi arms, the other slung on hib back? Poor 'Dick !' He got the catarrh dread fully from so much exposure, and suf fered from it five years or more. We thought once he was going in consump tion, sure. But, 'finally, he heard of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, and tried it, and it cured him up as sound as a flint. I tell you, Joe, that catarrh rem edy is a great thing. It saved as good a man and as brave a fireman as ever trod shoe leather." Chicago papers will do well to in dulge in no boasting over cities and communities experiencing failures. The world's fair dosed, we shall proba bly see the financial cyclone dip down and lift a lew roofs in tlie world's fair city. This thing is general and univer sal. Cities bo far escaping the fate of their neighbors will have their turn eoon enough. Chicago will be last, but it may go hard with her when the trouble does set in. Spokane Review. Dalles AND Prineville Stage f f Line ! J.D. PARISH, Prop. ! I ICiive? The Dnllcs nt C n. m. every dn, and iir- ' , rlvv at Prineville In tliirty-Mx Iiniirs U'nvi". i ' ITInovllt? nt 5 n. m. every day, and nrrivet. at The. Dalles In ttilrty-Mx hours Carlits tiie 0. S. Mail, Passengers and Express ! Connects at l'riu"llle with ' Stages from Eastern and Southern Or egon, Northern California and all Interior Points. ii tmi!ii clnxe connection at The Dulles with trim from Portland and Eastern jNiint. canrieons dnrers. Good accommodations along the road, first-class Ccacties aid Horses used. Express matter bandied with special care. STAGE OFFICES; tenafllfl ii m In every size, style and price. j (i m wn i inniQ i mi a, Al .11 Slclicl Jt Cri.'n Store, l'rlncTllle. Tlmatlllit Hiuh, rii I)aUn. YOUR ATTENTION Is called to the fact that Hugh Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement and Jluildiug Material of all kinds. Crrl the Fluent Line of Picture Mouldings To De foand Id the City. LUashington Street. J here is a tide in the affairs of men winch, taken at us ki leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the Bl-OitSiflfil FUnhri k M 72 Uucklen'n Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever1 soree, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price L'5 cents per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin-erslv. W. E. GARRETSON, Leaaing HOLE AO ENT FOlt TICK iDwolor UUIIU1U1 Notice. All city warrants registered prior to July 'u, 18U1, will be paid on preeenta tion oi tne same at my otuce ceases after this date." 1. 1. Buhgkt, Treasurer The Dalles, Or., July 5th, 1893. HSHHsfiiHiilpi The Dalles Gigar : Factory FIRST BTEBBT. FACTORY NO. 105. rJC A DO o! the Best Brands VJAVJTxxXIjC? manufactured, and orderu from all parte of the country filled on the HhnrteHt notice. All Watch Work Warranted interest jewelry Made to Order. 138 HmoiiimI ht.. Tllf llallen. Or. The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAR has become firmly established, and the demand for tiie home manufactured article is increasing every day. Indians for soldiers are not a success. The experimental stage of adapting tlie Indian to military life lias passed. The project has had its run for two years, but it is thought that neither the army nor tlie Indians has been benefited. Col. Lamont has Anally taken the ini tiative toward the complete abandon ment of Mr. Proctor's pet scheme. In 1880 Denver dispersed a mob, sim ilar in numbers and vehemence to the one that lynched Arata, by streams of water, directed by the city firemen. It dofln't take much to quell a lawless mob, given a few cool-headed officers. I'erbaps, in personally welcoming Btevenson, Pennoyer best showed how little lie felt the sting of not being nom inated vice-president. nil TJ i r inn r ,mmz m m c mm WBOTfOW A CASVILL MOT CURc! Anamreeable Laxative and NEKVE 'lU.VIt;. Sold by I)rUKKits or sent bj- mull. 25c. 40c nd 81.00 ir puckaKe. Kiimpies free Vf HA Tbe Favorite TOOTH FS77ttt A.W H.WfortheTeetuondlJreatU.ric. For tale by Knl Klnemly. A. WESOLO, Thr Ronton Tiiiok I A LIU JKJ L U i 1 ilJUUl l) East End Second St. Suits Made to Order from $18.00 up. Pants from $5.00 up. Perfect Fit Ouarnnteeil. CLxARA STORY, Art Teacher lioom S, JJeUinyen Building, Will (,'ive Iusoiin Mnniluyfl and Tluirsduyn of vicU week, or oIK-ner if dehlrcd. A. ULRICH & SON. V. W I HEM AN. WW. MAKUEKH. The Snug. W. H. BUTTS, Prop. No. 90 Second Breet, The DalleB Or. Rheumatism, Lumbago. Sciatica, Kldnay Complaints. Lame Back. Ac . oi J. F. FORD, Mist, The free coinage law is apparently booked for a large spectacular funeral, to begin August 7th. To Delinquent Taxpayer!. All proaperty upon which taxes are not paid by tbe 1st of August, will be levied upon and sold according to law. T. A. Waku. Sheriff. BaHBaBuBsflBtmmmmW arara v liT Jis ?aaa t ELE0MIC inpn WHhl laatro-ISasi LateH PlltiUf Ut IaireTtBMaU I IELT ORV. :ntlo. Will cure witaoot nwdlelM all WmLmm ramus from oreMjiutiou tit brain arra foront bti tr I nH crttloo. m QtrmaM rteUIHr. topliaiaial. Univor, rlwiinuUBn. kldiwr, Ur aol..U4atr eomplZlnu JitttfUi ImmtmnU ertr all Mbit. Cirrat u liiiUniJjr ftltW wwrar or we fortelt i,MaJw, nd will cure all of the alwre dlimtri or no oar. Tbvu. i-ud bare bem cured n tliU marrtlutu Innntiun vf teeUuuMlak to IbU and Ttry other able. Our rmrtal laarmd BUH-TWU SIWUaOST. tlx CMlt Una mr offrd vrak men, ritlE wUktl) lit. MMllk mc tknrH Wtrwta aiAlUrrilU la f J It watis Scad for Jlhu'd rampblvt. roallrO, cildlrtu ANOCN SLCOTRIO OO., ko. ITS lrMtrcet, fiHVliAJ, OK. Molneii. Iowa, write under dl ol I Jlmcli 2:1, 1893: S. B. Meij. Mkg. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Gentlemen : On arriving home lost week, I found i all well and anxiously awaiting. Our ! little girl, eight and one-half years old, mm juu wiiaicu away to do pounun, ie now well, strong and vigorous, und well fleshed tip. 8. U. Cough Cure has done its work well, ltoth of the children like it. Your B. Ii. Cough Cure has cured and kept away all hoarseneHS from me, So give it to every one, with greetings for nil, Wishing you prosperity, wo are Vourc, Mb. & Mum. J. F. Foiti). If you wiyh to feol freah and clieurlul.anil nd I i'r ii J'u " w"rl' slene your yntooi ultti turee doi each week, Bold under ponltlve guarantee. 6b cnU per bottle by all dnunrUlt. ThiB well known stand, kept by the well known W. H. BtittH, long a resi dent of Waweo county, lias nn extraordi nary line stock of Sheep Herder's Delight and Irish Distarbanc In faut, all the leading hrandH of tin Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give th old man a call and you will come again liliseman & Marders, Salooa and Wine Rooms at rDAMHAI I JL DIIDrT'C Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates MICHELHACIl HUICK, - - UNION ST. Lace Curtains, Have your Lace Curtains, Shirts, Col lars and Cuffs laundried by THE TROY STEAM LAUNDRY, of Portland, Or. Leave your bundles with Thos. McCoy, No. 110 Second St., before Tuesday noon, and get them on Saturday. The Dalles, Oregon. Northwest corner of Second and Court streets. Eggs for Hatching From thoroughbred fowls. 13 eggs. 26 eggs Address : 12.00 3.00 E. M. IIAKKIMAN, Under sby, Or. MINHNS II K NKW TOWN" Imx been iilatttil (in the old ciuii ground, nt the Korku it ml k KuIIh of Hood rlvur. with liirKu.hlKhtly l(it,lnoiii Htm tmtnd iilloyi,, kimhI noil oiid iiiri!WiiU:r,vltlinliHilcliii,rofuiiloiil iH-rfcctilriiliiiiucdi'llulitlul inouiitiilii :I I n t it t-, thucviilTiil iittniutlon nun iiioiiiitiiln miiiiiiht remirt lor all Orison, U'lliK the iienruNt town to Mt. IIimmI. It In liiimriilldtc i.k n niiiiiuliKiturlni; ccnti:r, Im.'Iiik th( niituriil (.'untcr for l.'O i,iiiiiri' iiiIIcm of tho iM'Nt fediir iiml Hi tlinbiir, iMMkCHKliii; inlllluiis of horic .OHfr in It dimhlnK utreiuiiH mid Mitef IuIIh, intilly hiiriifj-i.:d. When- !h-ui inotlu- iiohit i;xIhIk, thuiu the ma"?' IJII'liirll'K U'lll f..,il.r Mtt pri.iinil.wl l.i ....II .....I ..11 I... ..vMP nil,' ll i ... .. ,,.p in,,, ...... .ii.Fiii..iiii... ...., . - ., cau ....u.. .1.. (,.., i, Him in, .ii-. nidi njui Lriiiirii,,rijiLitiii iiiiiin.j Vflll U'lll fill, I ftili. fliii ..I...... t.i i.i.., I . l.... I.... (ttl'M ..... ...... ,,iln iii v tu iitimi; ii iviiut;i iiiuut' or ii in IOK See me on the ground, m si hmm. a TT a l aw 1 v ""! Wasco County, Oregon. TITliE PERFECT j W. RossWinans, D. BUNNELL, Pine Wort, Tit Repairs m Booli MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. ShoD on Third Street, next. rWr u-Uf f Vnnnc&u A 1 IIVDV VI w CJ Blacksmith Shop.