The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 28, 1893, Image 3

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A Bil DiiR h SiMr Bra Ms.
Saturday, JULY 29, 189
Of All Our Wash Fabrics.
A great opportunity for economical people.
Prices will please everybody but ourselves.
all Goods marked
in plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
I0( .
A. 'K
win u,ii
lie 1' iiUt8iM' at Tht' Dalle
itt. mi'uih! cIum. mutter.
1 ocnl Ail t nrtUlui:.
'.ir liriit Itiwrtlnti, itnrt f ('Mits
'.'iw.jutut liiki'rlluii
. - 1 time nutlcr
c rivfivcd UU'l tlmti 3 o'clock
, . .u itip iluy-
itemed in tv enty-ti ve narta of forty panes, i
nnd will bo cold at $1 a part. I 'ages are
twelve liy sixteen inched. Weure in re-1 Hev- WlTv returned today,
rciptof part one. The work if finelv .'. W. Johnson left for Portland on the
illustrated. ' ! """iiig lt.
A. .M
Ah Unknown Man Slotting tlltlo
rntnlly Itijurrtt.
Tho coroner va notified lust nlnlit of
n man having been found dead on a car
loaded with lumber at Colllo, nnd ho
j ordered Mr. Crandall, the undertaker,
' to remove citid lwrty and prcpuro it for
j interment. An inquest wni held this
j morning. t
! The body was found in tito eitpt eml of
( u coal ear in a reclining poallion. The
j car was loaded with heavy timbers and
' plank, the short ones heing on the
bottom, and the lone, ones on top, thui
forming a rccosH or cave. Tho man was
i reclining in between tho end guto and
, the timbers, and from all appearnnceH
the timber Mid toward tho end gate,
catching the man's head between a
heavy timber and the end gate, and then
eliding back again about two inches.
Tim only meatiH of determining his
name was from a time book carried in
his pocket, which contained the iinmo of
Frank Anderson, and age about .'10 yearn.
Dr. ljgan'ti testimony was that he
found bin skull crushed, eulliciently to
cause death in a few minutes, and that
no other mark of violence existed about
his person, and that the wound had ap
parently been indicted about L'4 hours.
I The coroner's jury, consisting of
Messrs. K. V. KiUGcrald, W. K. Garrcl
json, .1. K. Paige, C. K. Stephens, L
I Nolan and M. Mclnuis, returned in the
J following verdict :
"We, the jury sworn to inquire into
the cause of deatli of tho man found
dead on the U. P. car No. 0219, find
that he was killed while riding on
freight train So. 22, east-bound, by hav
ing bis head jammed between end gato
of car and some heavy square timbers
with which car was loaded, the timbers
and end gate being thrown together by
the humping of the cars.
, "That his name is unknown to us,
except that a time book found upon his
person contains the name of Frank An
derson, and his aire aboui 150 years.
That no blame attaches to anyone for
his unfortunate death."
Wrutlirr lrorrcat.
(.firm ' ' '' 'wriittl-fottT lourn ending nl
B p J HI urrtU
I ruluv nnJ Saturday fair nnd nearly
htuti iiury teuijeraturo. Paoui:.
Nitrometer, 25.90.
MuxiUiUiu temperature, 8ft.
.Minimum temperature, fli
River, jo.O feet ulwve zero.
Wind, n.irthwest.
JTLY 28,1893
Tht 1'aili and WeeHy Chronicle may
It found i ar at ? ('. Mickthm't rlore.
Tbr I.ucmI I'lrlil In lluuui'pjtllilr
' WCI! Jltttl til'1 JifW llldllf,
"lie hiit rlnlit iifnr ti im
Itnt eolilil lrto: 1 luul no rliunce,
Anil mi I tlroijitil tlint V.
The music of thu thresher will noon
be heard in the land.
Snltumrehu & Co. (shipped u cur of
cuttle west last night from their utock
Harry Parrott, who lost IiIb lej; nome
time ago, ha just recieved an artificial
one which the boy is learning to use.
The grand jury of Multnomuh county
denes Sherill' Kelley roundly for certain
methods of office procedure.
t.enerul Manager W. S. Mullen, of the
Northern Pacillc railroad, died TucMlav
at uiiJnight ut ictoria, of heart trouble,
An Jnshmau gives tho best deUnitu
(if III r.. If !.l , ,
".I'i'v in: ruin it iooiw nun inr e
M:l:s to feel better after he was ent'm v
Btrtm, the Wyeth tramp, was bou: d
"vtr to await tho action of the grni d
JUT unit was remanded to tho coun v
'J'''t'ftlriera)of V. K.Tallo takes phnL
from the i:pifet:o,m dmrch at fi o'cloi
tl'iB afternoon. Mr. Tulle Jius man
Hienu , t,ig ,.ity wj10 cx,, tUtf
J-Vu,y u tH) l,t.n.llve(l pate,,!,,,
A K'jd opportunity is aflbided to
oee who w IsLi to go to tho eatnpmeet
'ng"! White Salmon tomonowand over
Nindaj. The steamboat company have
f'si-d the fare for both ways at f0 cents.
A certain debating hoclety is discussing
"i question us to which is the angrier
711'" '"iHband wlio goes lionui uiid ilnds
1'i't dinner is not ready or tho wifo who
dinner ready and whoso husband
does not come. hnim. n i
tllHt tl,l 'luuutu will end in a drnw.
H is rejK)i ted that one of tlio j.roiui
nwit youg mo of this city has re
tently i.urcliased a beautiful residence
j'roj.crly, and it is miggeated that he
nU-nds occupying It himself in the near
"lure. However, whether that bo the
Me or not, tho buy is suggestive at any
I' 1 If. I X . . I
A suit to recover '.,7o0 has been I, ' i ,or " snorL ir,P w
VJ''I1W1 lUUll j
brought against Winnns Uros. by the
ISuekhect Packing Co., of Astoria. This
sum, it is alleged, was advanced Winans
Bros, for building fish wheels, but owing !
to the light run of salmon this year, not
1". J. Ludwigof Portland is registered
at the Umatilla bouse.
Mr. Coatsworth and family left thi
morning for Trout Lake.
withstanding their efforts and a verv ! .. : "-'crwnsiry, a mrmer partner oi
. ., , .. ! ' Huntington, is now cashier of a
favorable location on the river, a sum-, bank jn Sutherland, Neb.
cient amount w as not earned to pav the : , ,, . c. , . ....
()ii(it'il tu tin
Senator Pefrer, tho people's party
champion, was in Portland yesterday,
leisurely en route to Washington for the
special session of congress. To a Tele
gram reporter he said, among other
tilings :
"As to the policy of the piesent ad
ministration, J understand that two
fllrit ri f t in a ii V nrn tum lacf ivtiniiwi I t ... i ,
. V . ' .v "'". propositions are to oe suomiiteii to con-
0. I). Tavlor. indicted for larcenv bv from California and is visiting his i , . . . T- .
v. w. ijiiui,iMiiK.uu iui milium in ... ., , L'ress as administration measures : First.
of mm, appeared in " nwi. -
nnd by his counsel, General ' Mr. U right ami Mrs Aoung caine up , . ny . 1(erlnaneiltl v a irold
. . iriirii I , ir' ill fill fiT, in ; inr 1 1 ! T rif viifiyiir. . - cj
Williams, !elore Judge Jlunly yu
day morning, and was allowed till the
beginning of the next term of the crim
inal court to plead. His bail was re
duced from $25,000 to tS.000, with K. II.
Mitchell nnd H. Williams as sureties,
and ho was released from the sheriff's
Tbr .M'lltiol Koouik.
Tomorrow is inspection day at the
public schools of the city, and the jani
tors of the several buildings will hold
themselves in readiness to show all visi
tors through the buildings, who may
wish to inform themselves of the looms
in which their children spend so many
hours each day. The board of school
directors feel proud over the present
shape of the buildings and believe that
many will bo pleasantly surprised. They
will find that every room, eleven alto
gether, has been papered, varnished and
cleaned, presenting a neat and attractive
appearance. The hours for insjection
will bo from 9 to 12 a. in. and 1 to -1 p.
in. School will begin on the first Mon
day in -September.
The lluily uf 'luHr 1'iiilUil.
Iho IJancroft Publishing Coinpuny, o
"'eugo and Sim Francisco, are Issuing a
'"plute and perfect reproduction of the
rld a Columbian Imposition in print
"n" pictures, entitled "Hook of tho
,r This is the only publication
'"'ch pretends to covtr the entile
"round in mull w w,,y us to J(J to
"'ogreat world's fair. Tho publication Is
The body of W. . Tulle was found
this morning floating in the river about
three miles above this city by one Han
sen, who wits out bunting for it in a
boat, in which was also a dog. The dog
first noticed it, and attracted his master's
attention by barking. It was then re
covered, the news telegraphed to his
parents, and an inquest held this after
noon. Tho deceased laid vest and pants
upon ids person, in one iocket of which
was found his watch.
A Hull C.iiilrit.
Tho Dalles base ball team will leave
this afternoon after tho arrival of the
Regulator, for (ioldendale, wiieie they
will play a matched game with tin.
(ioldendale nine. Tho Dalles team sel
doin know defeat, and we have no doubt
but they will keep tho honors they enjov,
as chum pious.
Komovo tho cause by regulating the
iiowels, uy establishing good digestion
with Simmons Liver Regulator. Try it,
and you will soon know the bleskin'g of
good health and sound sleep.
"Uknti-icmkn; -I'leiiMihfndKruutiv'Nlli-iiilarlin
rui8uas u loiiuuii: -j'.tii boxen to ! torn Hwiy,
lliiviiiiiiu, .V link. Two boxnit to l.tllle Wilcox,
JlrooMiunI, N. Dak, I lmvo nUiiy btvn n emit
Milt'rrt'r from lu'ttdiu'liuuml yuurt'uimulcx iiru llm
only tltttiK tluit rt'lluM'H mo.''
uum vury inuy,
I'lJIU Hl.'AY,
IIiiviiiiiiu, N, J)k.
F'urnlshed rooms to rent. Apply at
tho residence of Mis. C. S. Tliorn bury,
Kecond street, The Dalles, Or, tl
Rest grades of ouk, lir, and slab cord
wood, at lowest market rates at os. T,
Peters & Co. (OUlce Second and Jeirer
hod streets.)
day, returning this morning. These j basis lor our financial system; and
ladies are great travelers and always , second, to revise the tarifr along strictly
take with them their kodaks. They j reVenue lines. This will include, as I
have inanv hundreds of charming views I , . , , , . t
of natural scenerv throughout Oregon ertr.nd, a repeal of the present
and Washington. " ' sugar bounty law, whrh provides for
the payment of 2 cents a pound on
home-made sugar directly to the inanu-
P.otner.Oscar Strain berg, Cascade Locks; 1 facturer, and to restoie the old duty on
Albert Hirtschi, F'ulda, Wash; J II I foreign sugars. I am directly opposed
Dingman and wife, Goldendale ; T 1 10 holh 0!- ti,CH0 propositions, and be-
W henton, C K Tobey, tieorge Nordal, J ! ,. ,, , ,, , ,, ,. ,,, f
R Duncan, FL .Smith, Portland; Wil- lievu ll' lt adoPtlon of either o
HOTIM. AliltlV.W.S.
ioiumuia j .-s .Mann, s u uisen, -a i
Ham Jackson, Raker City.
I'lit. Coming Tournament.
Invitations are out to all the volunteer
fire departments of Oregon, also those of
Goldendule and Vancouver, Wash., to
participate in our September tourna
ment. The following committees are
named :
Invitation and printing C. C. Cooper,
Ad. Kellar, D. Dufur.
Transportation H. Clongh, H. Kuck,
II. Rills, F. Skibbe.
Reception and accommodation John
Crate, II . Mier, C. L. Phillips, W. II.
Rail Geo. C. Thompson, John Crate,
K. Schut, C. L. Phillips, J. S. Fish,
II. Clough, Joo Worsley.
Parade Geo. C. Thompson, Geo.
Munger, L. Payette, K. C. Pease.
Decoration and meeting rooms U.
Schutz.J. S. Fish, F. Faulkner, W. II.
Races and tournament. J, S. Fish,
J no Crate, Joe Worfloy, Matt .Shoren,
J. Harper.
Kxccutivo 11. J. Maier, K. .chutz,
C. L. I'liillps, A. Ruchlcr, J. Fish.
Music Kd Williams, A. Rettinger, jr.,
.1. Hampshire, F. Lemke.
lTpon healing of the acceptance of tho
companies who will attend and tho en-
tcrtainment which will bo decided upon.
Tin: CiiiiONiei.i: will publish same for
tho information of all who may want to
attend. There is no icasou why the
event should not be tho most enjoyable
of tho kind for many years.
Tho W. R. C. No. 17, will meet at
their hall Suturdav evening, July 29th
nt 0:45. Mits. Vaknuy,
them will wreck the democratic party
, I.flKllT.
Since it-? first introduction, electric
bitters has gamed rapidly in popular
favor, until now it is clearly in the lead
among pure medicinal tonics and alter
ativescontaining nothing which per
mits its use as a beverage or intoxicant,
it is recognized as tho best and purest
medicine for all ailments of stomach,
liver or kidney. It will cure sick head
ache, indigestion, constipation ana drive
mnleria from the system. Satisfaction
guaranteed with each bottle or the
money will be refunded. Price only .0c.
per bottle. So'd by Snipes it Kinersly.
ISucIiIcii'k .Mm It'll fialvc.
The best salve in tho world for cuts,
bruises, soies, ulcers, salt rheum, fover
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all ck in eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money lefuniled. Price 25 cents
per box. For alo by Snipes A Kin
ersly. C. L. Phillips, assignee of Win. Farre.
tc Co., will on August, lid, 189:!, sell, in
front of the couit bouse tho book ac
counts uncollected, also all promlsory
notes remaining in bis hands. tf
SliK'Ulliilili'rt' Mcctlnif.
Tin: Dai.i.cs, Or., July 28, JROIi.
Notice is hereby given that there
be a stockholders' meeting of tho
(ililll Ullll't'll ('lll'tl.
We authorize our advertised
to sell Dr. King'a New Discovery for
consumption, coughs and colds upon
this condition. If you are alllicted witli
a cough, cold or any lung, throat or
chest trouble, and will use this remedy as
directed, giving it a fair trial, and ex
perience no benefit, you may return the ,
bottle and have your money refunded,,
We could not make this oiler did wo not
know that Dr. King's New Discovery
could he relied on. It never disap-
M)intB. Trial bottloH free at finipes & ,
KinerHly'u drug store. Large sizooOo
and 1,
Ask your dealer for Mexican hilver
Stove Polish.
Indenendent Academy, at the Academy
building on Monday, August 2Slh, lS9:t,
at .'! o'clock p. m., for the purpose of
electing seven directors, and transacting
such other biii-iuess as may properly
come befoie said meeting.
Ry onler of the hoard.
S. L, RitooKs, See'y.
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish.
Tbo Great BmlUh Iteraady. n
rrotnptiy and permanently
.cure all forma of Ktrvoui
otorrhea, Jmpottncy and ail
tffecttof Abute or Kxceut.
Veen prcftcribod over Di
cam lit thousand of ciuoit
lilti. mrl A fttr ' tboonllMUableandUun.
druggist fur Wood' Phoapnodlnoi If tio offers
i OIU& worthies wudlcluo la place of tlili, leuvo liU
dishonest store, laclaso prlco la letter, and
wo will send by return mall, l'rlco, ouo package,
$l!i, Oiieulllpteatt,$tavUlcurt, I'auipU.
lei iu plola sealed envelope, 3 oeuts postage,
Aildrt TUo Voo4 (JheHileal Co.,
JS1 Woodward avenue, Detroit, illeiv,
Sold III 'J'Jie Dulles uud every where till druii'tt.
Hot Weather Begins Now
-Sao our Stoulc of
For Ladies
We are showing a Stock of Collars
and Cuffs, Underwear, Gloves, Stainless
Hosiery, Embroideries. Laces, Etc., Etc.,
at Prices Away Below those offered by
our Would-be competitors.
Lace Curtains All Pricks.
Bargains in livery Department.
Cor. Conrt and Second Sis, c or TM XT A "DTDTQ
Tee Dalles, Oregon. o. Oo IN . Jtlii.iX.JKlO.
II I ,., '
Sunn md air Dry Coois,
Fancy Goods and Notions,
Clothing, Hats, Boots. Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
rcrms casi, H. Herbring.
Jut miliar Traces in a jVetu Place.
Late Special Agent General Land Office.
Jl7e leal instate, IoaQ, lurapee,
Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Kent, or
Abstract of Title furnished, will lind it to their advantage to call on us.
Wo shall make a specialty of the prosecution of Claims and Contests
before tho Unitep States Land Ollice.
85 Washington St.
Have You Seen
Fine Millinery Goods
112 Second Street.
At the Old Stand,
Oov. Second nnd 1'nion Sis.
j-lay, Grair?, peed ar;d proor,
Groceries, Fruits tuid Seeds,
fill goods delivered prcs and Promptly.
A "P
The California Winehouse,
Is now open, und ils proprietor will Hell hi.s home- 4
.L j)roduced Wino at priecs in the reach of everybody. L
T AIko, best Peanuts to bo found. Ooods guaranteed 'T-
f to bo Puro and First-Class in ovory rospeot.
Thompson's Addition.