The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 28, 1893, Image 2

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Tiie Dalies Daily unromcie.
Additional particulars of the failure of j
official I'AlT.K of dalles CITV. the Portland hanks are reported in The ,
d wasco eor.vrr. Telegram last evening:
-- - rpjje agses of the Northwest Loan &
Entered .t ;Jt TbcPu, Om-.. - c)mpany are in the neighborhood .
- - of JSO0,000, while the liabilities arc
Bomethinc over H500.000. The assets
srBscRimoK hates.
t HAXttrorrAGC tkxtaM in advanc .,j ex(xed ,laWllc9 about $250,000
" 'emcTnthf. 0T5 or $200,000.
The liabilities of the Oreon
Ikallt- 1 rn, . 6 00
e months 3 W bank are roater in proportion to the
. . aets than those of the Northwest Loan
Address all corainunlwtlo-to "THE CHKO.V ' "
A trust Lompany.
Loan iv
orncr. uocpj
encrI DoliTcry Wlndow
Moncy O-dor "
Sunday i5 I) "
a. m. to 7 i. in. ,
a. :a. lo -l i. m.
S s. m. to 10 n. in.
cosg oj maU-
trains poinj: Eh: .9 p, uj. Mid 11 : n. m. '
" ' Wtst Vp.m. unrt 6:3) p. a.
SUpc for Goldendnle
" ITinevilk- . . VS" m.
" "'liufnrand VNarttSnrino ..ViSa. m.
' (l-ravlns: for l.vle A Unrtlnnd 5:S?. m.
" " " jAnteloj 5.30 r.. m.
Except Hundsv.
(Tri-wetilr. Tuesday Thursday mid ?Aturday.
1 " Mondar Wcdiitwlay and Friday.
JULY 25. 1593
ICLE." The Dalles. Oiccon.
- The officers of the Northwest
Trust Company arc: President, in-orce
B.Markle; vice-president, H. Thielsen .
treasurer, Jl 1- Hartman: secretary, V.
G. Dillingham. The paid-tip capital is
The officers of the Oregon National
bank are: President, George 15. Mar
kle; vice-president. E. P.. McFarland;
cashier, D. F. Sherman. The paid-up
capital is $200,000.
The closing of the doors of these banks
affects the finances of the county in the
most vital point. The Oregon National
bank wa one of the depositories of the
county funds, and the whole collections
of the recent taxes has been placed in
that bank by Sheriff Kelly.
Charles A. Malarkey. county treas
urer, stated that in his opinion there
is over $300,000 of the county money in
the Orecon National.
"Mr. Kelly has paid me $425,000 in
round numbers and turned over some
countv warrants," said Treasurer Mn-
"The total tax roll is $1,243,000,
and I don't think the delinquent list
could exceed $240,000,for last year it was ,
only about $60,000. so I estimate that
the total tax collection for this year
must be fully $1,000,000, if not more.
"I have done my utmost to get this
money out of the sheriffs hands, having
resorted to the courts on two occasions,
met with technical objections
eaca time w men turew me out ot court.
"I suceesttid to Mr. Kelly, when the
mortgage tax law was sustained by the
supreme court, that he pay over a!',
these collections directly to me and take
my receipt as county treasurer. But he
didn't do it, and I suppose the money is
in the closed bank. I feel that I have
have had a strong diplo-' henn Kelly was seen this aaernoon.
matic influence in the affairs of the , but absolutely reinsert to make any
country. So strong has this been that i statement for publication.
many believe that a war with France! sot knough elkctutcitv.
will ultimately result in an English pro
William Tell
Your Father that we eol
The trouble between France and Siam
lias been brewing lor months, and the
active hostilities date back to the early
part of the present year. They grew
out of the disputes over the border line
between Siam and Annam, over which
latter country France has a protectorate.
At one of the border towns in the spring
"a force of Annamites and Frenchmen
vas attacked and routed by Siamese
troons. For this France demanded ren- larky
aration, as well as a settlement of the
boundary difficulties, and sent a gun
boat to Bangkok. The Siamese govern
ment immediately began to act on the
defensive and sunk a number of scows
on the Menam river to prevent the near
approach of French vessels to J?angkok,
the capital of .Siam. Siam has a popu
lation of about 7,000,000, which in Lower , but wa:
Siam is clustered about the rivers and
canals. The Portuguese were the first
Europeans to establish any intercourse j
with Siam. This was in 1511. English
traders were in Siam early in the 17tb ,
century. The treaty of 1S56 with Eng-;
land practically gave Europeans free ad-
mittance to Siam, and the English, ow-,
ing to the nearness of their Indian de-1 done nr.
nendencies. have had a stroncr dinlo-'
2trn to tlic right
medicine, if yon'ru a weak or ailing
woman. It's Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription. If ydu're overworked
or ' run-down," it builds you up ;
if you're afllictca with any of the
distressing derangements and dis
orders peculiar to your sex, it
relieves and cures. It improves
digestion, invigorates the system,
enriches the blood, dispels aches
and pains, melancholy and nervous
ncss, produces refreshing sleep, and
restores flesh and strength. In the
cure of all functional disturbances,
weaknesses, and irregularities, it'H
puarantfed to give satisfaction, or
the money is refunded. It does
all that's claimed for it, or it
couldn't be sold in this way.
It is a legitimate medicine not
a beverage. Contains no alcohol
to inebriate ; no syrup or sugar to
sour or ferment in the stomach and
cause distress. As peculiar iu its
marvelous, lemedial results as in
its composition
the Dalles
Vest Jumpers,
Pantaloon Overalls,
Easy-fitting Pantsi
Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip!
We are also Headquarters for ....
Men's, Boys' and Youth s
In every size, style and price.
Mr. Tteudv, a "Washington horticul
turist, is convinced that the planting j
and caring for the trees which yield nuts i
can be made very profitable. All the
principal nuts of commerce, with proba-
.Murderer In New York
Shucked Twice.
llnd tn lie
Acijces, . l., July 2. A uinist-y
tragedy, the sequel of another tnue .
was enacted in the prison here . 'L
Murderer W. G. Taylor, who eir. the
throat of a fellow-convict, wa :n
J.D. PARISH, Prop.
I-ea-.e? The Dcllfa itt G h. ra. every tin, i.nil bt
r:-. f at I'rinuvillu In thlr:y--.i
I'rlnevlle at 5 h. ra. erery '.b . und arr've !
The iMlle In thir:y-B:i huur--
Parties 'the U. S. Mail, Passengers and Express
ConnccUi at l'riiio-ille with-
Stares from Eastern and Soutberc Or
egon, Northern Oalifornia and
all Interior Points.
a "m: eloe conneitlon Ht The Dalle witr.
r. r- from 1'ortluiid and Eastern jbmiiU
Is callod to the fact that
"There is a tide in the affairs oj men which, taken at its fail
leads on to fortune."
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
flagb Glenn, Cl5I-0ll Sale il m
ccinass timers.
iicrt aKoamsdanaas alose lie icai.
:::si-:la:s ccacts aid Horses ml
Express aattsr bandied w;ti sjeoial care.
rtilHtllla lloui-e.
The lallr.
bly the exception of the Brazilian, cau i the electric execution chair and receive.;
be raised here. One may see In Mr. , a shock ot 1,600 volts. The contact wa
Reudy'e orchard some nut trees seven ; not lonj; enough, and when it
years old. His black walnut and butter-, iDUght to turn on the current acain the
nut trees are in bearing. English fil- dynamo would not work. The man
berte, pecans, hickory, Scillian chestnut, came slowly back toward consciousness.
Japanese hickory and other varieties of to prevent which morphine was admin-1 m. hom-i td.' stor,
nut-bearing trees are included in his ex-! istered while preparations were beini: rriiieviii.
periment. Alluring advantages of nut , made to get u supplv of electricitv :rou. "
culture are held out. It is claimed that ' the city dynamos. Meantime he wa
after the trees are grown they require no ' placed on a cot, and conveyed back '.
plowing, that insects do not trouble ' the corridor, where he continued croan
them and that they harvest themselves, i ing, with his pulse growing stronger
as the wind blows the fruit down. I: is j Finally the electrical machinery wa re
estimated that from ?:!00,000 to $400,000 1 adjusted. Taylor was again placed us
worth of nuts are consumed annually in ! the chair and the current turned on
Washington, says the P.eview, and that i successfullv
it will not be very long when the euhi
expended for nuts will exceed more than
$1,000,000. Here is another home de
mand which can be met by the home
Dealer in GlaEE, Lime, Planter, Cement
mid Building Material of all kinds.
!arrle the Finest Line iT
Picture Mouldin
nmim k Cn
To Dt found in the City.
CUashington Street.
-MI.E AC.KNT rot'. THY.
Cholera is making insidious aud reg
ular advances in the old countries, and
before the summer is over may find lodg
ment on our shores. But the death rate
cannot be so great, conceding that it gets
a start, as it is in some of the larger
cities of the old world. Our largest city,
New York, is so thoroughly in hand by
the health authorities, that cholera wi,I
be deserted by its chief ally, filth. And
there is reason to hope it would be
stamped out entirely, us it was last year.
Americans are more particular about
their surroundings than any other
people, and as a rule exercise more cart;
in a time of danger of contagion.
All city warrants registered prior to
July 2d,"lS01, will be paid on presenta
tion of the same at my office. Interes'
ceases after this date."
1. 1. Bi'ijc et, Treasurer
The Dalles, Or., July "itii, IS93.
The Dalles
Gigar : Factory
prr. A DC of the Beet Brands I
VlvJAItO manufactured, and f
ordert from all parts of tin- country filled I
on the shorteHt notice. ' i
hP aj m s m
XVhen Edison has begun something
new he has no peace until the work is
.either completed or abandoned for good.
In the cafe of success he immediately
conceives a hatred for the invention.
Recently lie sitid: "I haven't used a
telephone in ten years, and J would go
out of my vny any day to mis an in
candescent light."
Drunken Medicine Man.
Goldekualc, July 26. -W. Ji. Dun
bar, an Indian interpreter, gives infor
mation that Pil I.acoost, an Indian and
a homesteader at Tumwater, on the
Columbia river, was in town today neck
ing redress and desiring to place Dr.
Bill, an Indian medicine man, in the
bands of the law. It appears Dr. Bill.
with another medicine man, had otolen I
everal bottles of wine from Joe Gillen-'
water'8 wine cellar at Columbu and'
with that they became uloriously drunk.
w.-is. enc
SUX porlioiJc.
:l -!-..
r ;n . Lo-.lcV., Koarje.-ii ,s i -v Uriimt,
triiun-r- -..ij-.l -tr itVi.jrj..rst k
r.nd A;. mm. i '. i ;,kimii; ti-.n it , i
rlvul: hiii"iuri'Ut!i j .tur.iUT.'.crent! ot;i'
fiillf-l; will ccsc vc. it t-or n lur.f. .v ,rl
by iJrupfiit: p.-. t:-i,r.'.f. F"r!,'.nit IMi.'
or CtcEi, use blli.. A,H t j,A,ixt;tu
iln-reyiu '.uiu -rb 'rhlretri(.f- Istrimran
Uwl to cure you. I'rico ioctc iinccttir (r.
For anl- ly hnljie A- Klntimly.
All Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made to Order.
I .IK und Ht.. Thf llHlIf. Ilr.
The Boston Tailor,;
East End Second St.
Suits Made to Order from
$18.00 up.
Pants from $5.00 up. .
I'Ttffl Kit fliiriiiitf-d.
CIjARA story,
Art Teacher
J.'oohi S, UettingcH Iluihlimj,
The reputation of THJ-, DALLES CI-;
GAIi has Income firmly established, and
the denand for the home manufactured i
article is ixi'treafctng every day.
W. r WlhK.UA. W.M. MAKllEKh.
The Snug.
W. H. BUTTS, Prop.
No. 90 Second Sreet, The Dalles Or.
, This well known etand, kept bv the
well known . II. Uutte, long n'rcHi
dent of Wasco countv, has nu extraordl-
nary nne HtocK ot j
Sheep Herder's Deliglil and Irish Disturhanc
In fact, all the loading brandH of fin '
nines, Liquors and Cigaig. Give tli
old man a call and you will eoinii again
Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates.
Lace Curtains,
Have your Lace Curtains, Shirts, Col
lars and Cuffs laundried by
of Portland, Or. Leave your bundles
with Thos. McCoy, "No. 110 Second St.,
before Tuesday noon, and get them on
5atisfa;tiOi? Cuararteed
1,'lYt.' l.e'ui Monday mid TtinrMluj- of
fieh wcvk, or o(t:iier it dvMrud. 1
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kidney Complaints, I
kame eacK, fee 01 v
Qliseman & Warders,
SalooD and Wine Rooms
?,0W.N, 1,5nl '"' tlKMild iiiniKriunl,nt tin' l orliiiiiid
j lull of IIihmI rtv..T. Willi liiri;e, MkIUIv lotii, lirnnd tr.vtiilid iill-if, i-imkI mI1
uik liinj-witur.wltli kliuilfiii l.fiifiMon, Hirlc,-tdtliiiiKp,(ullKlilluI lnimntidn
clliiiHtc, tliui.'onlrid ittUni'Uoii nhii iiiuiiiitMln Miinmcr ivnurt fur nil Oin:ir,
Ix-liiB tin; mun-M tnun to Mt. Ilmut It i iiii,uriil'lii- in, ttiuiiufiirUir'ni!
euiitor, UiIiik tin- iiutntHl i i'iitiir lor l.'o iuuii; imitM of tliv U-i.1 fiflurn' " ' '
tlinlwr, jMwkUKklni; iiiillioni. of liotM ii,w i m iu dindilni: Mieiimo mid v t'f'
Inll, .-ntl) Imrniwd W liwc rln iit, u.ntHc noucr uxUtx. there flu ' mill
luclorliw will (inner . nirrounilc-d Uy mi mid cliiimtc tl,u ciinitot bt ( xwV.
iiliyvt lierc for fruit nnd iiL'nrnltu'i . ml u lili tr..i,.,.r(i,,.i, owl
ou will Und tlil tl.t iiincv to miike it inTfiot lionif orn 'itllik'
. See me on the ground,
address me at Hood Riri
' Wasco County, Oregon.
Wrth KlMtro-Maenatlo
luteal I'Mtali 1 llrt I
UtlKV Hiej BlirreU Up an Old ieud With rutiouof brala bnre(ocni cxc(Maorliicli
icoosi ana vr. mil fell upon and beat
liim in a frightful manner.
To Ilaliaquent Taxpayer
.All propperty uiwn which taxes are not
by the let of Auguat, will be levied
upon and eold accord! ni? to law.
T. A. Wakii.
cmion. a uerrotu d.WIUj. tltplnuK48, Unituor
SZ1LtTeil "rt"'. compuint.
filIw !"i 1"u1. TiO lnre belt cinulm
W(I UMmMfc ovr til vlhtn. Cumin n
Ji'i'.V'!,1.',r'f,''i''.1"r,r orJJr ,oreit J,00U.U),
vdllcuienllor tha ioe dliwut or Iio icr. lbou
Zft'.l'.u Z al".b7. L'lU 'n"elom (iiTentuii
'ufcll'rriillfiltl.iid Kb Kit liuaet
J??" ucernic HinruHOBi. xs
ffi iu?Ji 2?rr k mm, mw villi til
MufS ikndforJIIiu'U t'-riitJ'lct.iiil!.KakU,fJt3
Jlolnes, Iowh, write under dutc ol
Jlnrc'ti 23, Ifc'J.1:
w n r.... i .... r
Utifur, OreKon. 1 The Dalles,
'jerweirif n .
On arrivliik' home laHt week, I found i v.,i.. ... , v , ,
all well and imxiomdv awaitim.. On,,c'Ht corner of feecoud and
little (iirl. eight and one-half yearn old, , U"ri
who had wanted away to 38 jKiundu, ie
now well, Htront; and vigorotifl, and well ' . .
JieHhed up. S. 15. Cough Cure haH done ,
its work well, lioth of the children like j Tp.tycfC frT TTq;
it. Your B. IJ. Cough Cure ha cured 8 I0 XlatCillllg
ur; llll IIUUI OUHl-nB jrtJin IIIU.
ho g ve it to every one, with greeting ,
for all. WiHhing you prospority, we ure ,
VlllfB 1. f.... 1 l-t-
. w..., , ,ui. a, .nun. o, r . i OII1J. (
,.i.,.?t"iw,th,.','W!l iimlelicofful.HiKl rtuh
l or thohiirlliK work, olcmiM! ynur nyntef.i will I IS !.,
the Hcnrfuche tid Liver Cure, by ivtoo i, .lgK'
t!uej dcMcneuoh week. Jii eggH
Hold under iitiv uuurmitw. AddreaB :
i cintu por bottle by all druxrUt. 6-2, lia
From thoroughbred fowle.
XLilKlt lZTCI.ill.Ct..
W. RossWinans.
Pipe Worn, Tin Repairs m
Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young &W
JilackBinitli Shop.