The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THE DA1.1.KS OKKOON ROUMANIANS KISSING FESTIVAL. A Qnirr Aannal Vnlr at llflnmcrn and tho Strsnsi- Oritrln AHocimI. llclmairtn. a Roumanian country town of txvolve hundred inhabitants, holds it annual fa iron the feat of St. Theodore. On this occasion the place swarms with newly married brides from sixty oroijrhty villages in the dis trict: widow-, who have taken iresh husbands remain at home The younjr women in festive attire, and ceilerally attended by their mothers-in-law. carry jugs of wine enwreathed with flowers In" their hands. The Kumanische Wochensehrift says they kiss everyone they meet, and afterward present the jot: to his lips for a "nip." The indi vidual thu rejraled bestows a small pift on the fair Cybele. "ot to partake of the proffered wine i? rerarded as an insult to the younr wife and her family. She is. therefore, reserved to ward trancers. and only kisses those whom she thinks likely to taste of her wine. The kissinc L- carried on every where in the street, in the taverns and in private houses. The oricrin of this custom is veiled in obscurity. Some say that it date.-back to the time when the Turks made frequent raids into Tran sylvania, and carried away all the younp women they could lay their hands on. uch of them as contrived to escape from captivity, happening to return to llalmacen at the time of the fair, kised their friends and relatives, and even stranpera who congratulated them on their wonderful deliverance. , This Is the Season Of the Year LUhen Judicious Advertising Pays. o MM H. C. NIELSEN, Clothier and Tailor. STATISTICAL ITEMS. Last year 105. vjo immigrants left German ports for the United states. Thuee-fifths of the shoes worn in the United States are made in Massa chusetts. A "Washington correspondent of an Olympiu paper sayr Washington's fruit exhibit is not larpe enough, and believes that visitors are influenced by quantity more quickly than quality. PHOTOGRAPHER First premium at the Wasco count air for best portraits and views. T H E CANDY FACTORY Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cai., says: "Shiloh'r Catarrh Ileinedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any pood." Price 50 cts. Sold by Snipes it Kinersly. ARTIC SODA WATEK AND I0E OEEAM. , Candies and Nuts VuA.ri' ; liily Specialties Finest Peanut Roaster In The Dalles f2S3.?eerJ. FOLCO .Beeidodly the Finest Line of Gents' Ktirnisliing; Goods, Trunks and l'aisrs. etc., etc. COR. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OK. HORSES HORSES J. S. COOPER, Corner Barn, VSJOX STOCK YAIll'S, Chicago. lilt. The largest and only strictly commission dealer in horses in the world, will hold his oth' extensive sale of west ern branded horses for season lS9i, on WIEIDlSriESIDJL, AUG-UST 2. Entries should be made at once. HORSES !;,t HORSES J. O. MACK, I FlflE WlEp and LIQUOR McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for The Dalles Daily Chronicje for 12 Months at 60 Cents a month. OR UeeKly hropiel AT $2.25 PER ANNUM. r-lt s.hvlrtl iirr.mR.-mout-witli tlio )iil.ttilKTKof our of tin- ti-t MnciiMttM now tulilhe(t . iin omiblod to mnk. t uvptlonnl niter to K-nil McCLURE'S MAGAZINE t,('rjoui'wti.iilU..Mi ! , ManV. form, iimt KomtlUK It to h. tlim-hy Mitiicrlt.ltiK n The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. i CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT TO US. :s J'ublishers CJUW.Y1CLE, The J Utiles, Or.: ou will please send to my address the D.'UL V ( 7 U0.Y1CL E for 12 months from dale, for which j agree lo pay 00 vis. a month, it being understood that iou are'to have sent to my address for I year, j iciihbui extra charge; McC LUKE'S MAGAZIXE, commencing with the current number. 8 .Yame, I Address DOMESTIC And KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PA3ST BEER FRENCH'S BLOCK. jECOND STREET, : THE DALLES, OK. Get your bathing pant? from Harris. & N. MuSiEr' ( 1 Vnt?l M ROBERTSON JL C W VLvUlV-O ProprietorH Hie DalleS Daily GhFODiGle. i Corner of Fourth and Federal St-. The Dalle-', Oreeon. n k o t a vtt f rT CO) onrr wkTwvz ' () These Stables have on hand the linest Liverv in Eastern I CALL AT OUR OFFICE nmi tht'cntortnttiliiK ntid jiu-l illntrtiii McCLURE'S MAGAZINE, which lm rtmoiic lt contrilnihir the moi-t Iniitoux Mitlior ,u MmTtr mit! l'.riKliit.fl i n 'udiui mvh writer iih thr foll.-w lue Hamlin (iniliuid, 1'rof. E. S. Holden, I'rof. C. A. YoiitiK. II. 11. noyemi, I'oU'rt 15nrr, Ilunrv M. Stanloy, Archihuld I'm ties', Aiulrow Mr. 1'obt. LomyStoveriKUi.Cntnilu Mniiimurion, Snrnh Orne.lewett V. Murion Crawford, Lillie Chafe Wyinnn, Ir. .1. S. llilHnH, Margaret Oelund, Harriet IVeneott Siollbrd. W. E. Henley. HerlK-rt 0. Wurd, Edward Everett Hale, Cntt. ("linrlen Kim: Elizabeth Stuart Phclp, Louise Chandler Moulton, It. L. Stevenon, Kudyard Kipling, A. Conuii I'oyle. Octave Thanet, Williaui IeHn Howeil.-, Hret II arte, Clark Knsf-ell, Joel Chandler Harris Thouiae Hardv. .1. T. TrowbriuKe, Jut oiuo IL Jerome. France" Hodtrfon Itnrnett, Theodoro lUevelt. Joaquin Miller, Gilbert I'arker, John l'iurroui:hc, HAS A FAMILY 01 m v h.; ni. nni x v.nnn rkatikrs. -yardeforfi. The- ,d The chmnieie to pet the latet and Uregon, and can accommodate i.atrons with either fcmgle ir1PhnnmllllMRnLURPs mahazine,iH. or uouoie igs, closed .Hacks or carriages clay or night. mot reliable t ew. And they rind every line "tice' j that is in the jiajier. That b irhat make the All city warrants registered prior to chronicle an invaluable adveni-ins medium. . July I'd, 1S91, will be paid on presenta- . The newsimjier that ?oc- to the family tion of the same at my office. Interest firesides i the one (Q) that the advertiser .. ceases after this date. of today juitronbe when they desire to 1. I. bfUGKT, lreasurer. reaeh the t-eople. When they want your trade JCbe Dalles, Or., July 5th, 159o. MORE ROOM. Also, can furnish First Chis? accommodations to teamsters with freight ... i : ... .1 . i? j with MK-h iniiioiie jkhijiIc n Jule? Verne, Archdeacon l:arrar, France" Hodgson lUirnett, Thomas A. Ediron, Tisffaudier, the famou;- F. Hopkiitson Smith, French rallooiii!t, H. H. Hoyccen, Alpbonse natidet, Camile Flammariou, lid ward ICverett Halt, I'rof. Graham Hell. und many other, huve !urtiil(,l material for cum-elaHy jirpimrwl iulerUmi which will their ounouneements will be found in the jiajr. or drivins teams, havinc added to their stabler large feedini: and wapou room, j nch numlivr coutoin two ,ir three t-wn torl by famoun nutlirii 1'ully tiluUntfl t mo will I Loot over our eoluinn and oberve the verifies ! tion of the truth of this assertion. Itemember. u trade of a funsily of twr thousand is worth askicp for through these columns, espcially so at our very To Delliuiuent Tuxiiaj-f r. All prosperty upon which taxes are not j paid by the 1st of Aupust, will le levied Tirmn nnrt enld Meifirdin" to law. --k:eapfldrti5i Is. "Mv little bov was verv bad off for two i . months with diarrhoea. Vi'e used var-' ious medicines, also called in two doc-, tors, but nothing done him anyjrood un til we nsea Chamber.atn s Colic, Cholera and Diarrho;a Remedy, which frave im mediate relief and soon cured him. 1 consider it the best medicine made and can conscientiously recommend it to all who need a diarrhcea or colic medicine. J.E. Hare, Trenton. Tex. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Commercial Patronage Solicited. ! Thomas' Hardy, 1 Kudyard Kiplitts, Joel Chandler llarrin. Cunan Doyle, JOHN PASHEK, MnimLnf Toil iucituam laiiui, 76 Court Street, Next door to "Wasco Sun Office. Hap just received a fine line of Samples for sprint; and summer Suiting. Coie and See the New Fashions. 'UTICE. j Inasmuch as my wife, Georgie Anna , Cleaning and RpEUing Brooks, has, without just cause or prov-, to order. Satisfaction pnaranteed. ocation, left my bed and board, against mv wishes and consent, and refuses to TU n Uaiiy Eviinc chronicle i recocnUed Ill ,rPVUHUi VilC U'HUt ,...,'.-1 Ui mc Tfnn ll upranna nnt tr, t.ive liwr nnv rejiutation. some i e" , citizens watch the return or iurtner five witn me, 1 hereby Halle city folks' UAHC This is not a bud 1 1 wmi-.vjuj oi i columns ol tnu credit on mv account, as I will not nav ' dally for the spiciest local new b. It , . ; , ' t. fi . succeed! in cleaniiiR the field, und hence crows our best columns of this n n n C D any bills of her contracting after this ipularity and imiionanee. Take it awhile, (ae Caleb liltOOK11 oon t: try some out iremlu:n oilers, Dalles City, Or., July IP, 1693' From TEOTflli or INTERIOR Points ; THE lien fat i A Oreut CouTeuieuce. Worlds fair visitors travelling via the ' .Northern Pacific Hailroad, and Wiscon sin Central line, are landed at the Paid Central fetation in Chicago. This magnificent fire-proof building, located in the heart of the city has been ' fitted up as a hotel, run on the European i plan, with aliout i'00 rooms handsomely ' furnished and each room is supplied 1 vita hot and cold water, electric lights, etc. '''1 e i;hnrtin fnr flrnnmTunflQltnno n m rL. , m i 4" It lithe PinlnsCar Iloute. It runs Through e'-.3 mable und parties cau secure rooms CeiUbuled 'liaini. every day in the yar to .n auvance by calling upon agents of the Northern Pacific railroad. By taking the Northern Pacific through car line to Chicago, visitors will I avoid tbh disCdmfnrf nf nil t i,f ..u.. .... i it. 1 Compoked of Dintns Cum unsurpabd. full icu citj , ana can aleo travel let ween man Drawing EtKjmaiecpera of latent equipment. t.hfrirjn.T '. Vmlrol E.lnir. 1 .1 ' -tir Kruunu- i y traitt6 which run direct ', bet eun the t wo points. 2tdl wlm-7-lL Oooil Job IVllitlug. Ti you liHvo your jub printing done at Cir Chiiomcle you will have the ad ttgo of having it done with the most JUfKiern and appnued type, with which . . ., W Wop co,uitl.d!y BnppHed. All jol ' M< AtfSflS1 u. Jor the direct Bupcrvision of ono of ' . :.ont sutwes&ful f.tid artistic printers . "J1""111 Blecjier rtn-8tioii can be Muri 1 , W yort j, vt,aU ' , lu advance through tny agent of the road. "'Iuh'6 Vita.izer is wliut you need for TUDnilPU TIOVCTP To and from an -M- psia, liver, vcllow skin or III A J"'in'ia America. "iwiu;- nuiii'iu, a jB guaranteed to ' 114 ;c Ui luv coulJ',l"r S'Vou HatlBtnction. Price 74c. Sold RHILROKD In the line to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. CTuuuieu i rams every aay in the yar to t. paul and Chicago (KO CHANGE OF CAKB.J T0CK1ST SLEEPING CARS Bent that can be conitructcd, and in which aeconimodatloni are both Free and Furnlihed for holders of First and Scond-claa Ticket, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES TheDrlles The Gate City of th- Inland Empire is situated at the hwid af navigation on the JIuMle Columbia, and is n thriviug, prs perous citv. ITS TERRITORY. Jt is the supply city for an exwmive and nch agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as far hnuth as Summer Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country alons the eastern blojw of the Ca cades furnishes pasture for thouvands of shi-ep, the wool frotB which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 jounds Icing shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will be more than doubled in the near future. The products of the beautiful Klickitat valley find market here, and the country south and east has this year filled the warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing witk their products. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on the coast und its money is scattered over and is being used to develop more farming country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on these corner stones she stands. up-'ur lu airly numbers by William Dean Howells, It. L. Stevenson, liret Harte, Sarah Orne Jewett. Harriet Pre-cott Spoflbrd, Octave Thanet, Frances Hodgeon Itnrnett, Stanley. 1. Weyuiau. HENKY JvJ. STANL15Y will contribute, cupevlally lor young render, a llirillliixl) interesting story nf Africa" Adventure. ! NATl'KAh HISTOl'Y AND ADVENTl'ItK. , There wi'.l be scverul artlrlw w ritten l) Raymsnd Dinthumyt, w ho hu Imjvii called tiv Mr XV T. I Ptead the best interviewer in Kligland. from material furnished him b) Kri lianbol, of Hid i burg, the great animal lmorter and trainer These articles ileal with i The Capture of Wild P.eas-ts. The Trail? portnticm of Wild P.eueti'. ! The Training of Wild P.easts. 'The Adventures and Escape" of Karl Hagenliti. i The series w 111 oe Illustrated by an Kuphsh r.rtist ( neLiiile.lgeI skill In drawing w .M in luiii. this field, will contribute lo tin- magazine Of Interest to both Young and Old will be PROF. A'. I.. GAK.VEirs AFRICAN EXPEDITION TO THE GORILLAS. Arrangement have lecu made, in connection with u leading Kuglish review, to publish i'ro! Garner's letters descriptive of hl present exjHilltlori to Africa, I'rof. (inrncr in notod the world over for the curious and Interesting luiestlgulloiis hu is milling lu the iti'h of innukvyi Hi salleil for Africa last isejitemlier for themkeof further pursuing his studies lu the natlic haut tiuf the gorilla. The illustrations for these articles will !. from photoertiphs taken by 1'iof (niriier The magazine also contains most Interesting articles tinder the follow ing comprehensive headi " The Edge of the Future.'' " Knowledge of Immediate Value.' " Newest Knoxvledge." " The Present Hour." " Stranger than Fiction," etc. are ottering this splendid magarine with the iMllr CllituMCLr. lor only IT JO a year puyablt in im aueeor in mommy iiisiHiiuiems as uesireu. XX'c rauke this cxcqitlonnl oiler lu order that we may secure a large nuiutier nf new tcrJM-n, but all who nte ulreiuly subcrilier may avail tbemsehes of this optKirtuulty to w-cure this grtit magaziiie. i lit up me uiuns auu seuu u in, 10 THE DAILY CHRONICLE, The Dalles, Or. TI DALLES r un m purchased at any s iJpeg A; Kinerely, druggists. ItOOMK TO ItKNT. -bed rtKiniH lo rent. t . euce of Mtf. C. . Thtirnburv, ( Teet, The Dn'i. s- Or u' Full Itifonr.atlon concerning rates, time ol train, routai and other detail! furubihtd on application to W. C. ALLtWiV A I'ply at Agent I). P. t A. Xuv. Co., peculator ottlce, The , r. A. I, CHAKLTON, Aej Oeuetal 1'ansetiKer Agt., rortland, Jgn. Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHROMCLE was ostablished for tho ex press jmrpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the .surrounding country, and tho satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions; north of Tho Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the inland Empire. The Daily Chronicle is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0.00 per annum. Tho "Weekly Chronicle on Fridays of each week at 1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., IH3.0 IJ.Xo.3, Oregon. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-kuoxvn Brewery io now turning out the beat ileer and Port! eRHt of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Leer have been introduced, and only the first-elans article will be placed oi the market. " 1 -r PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS Aud the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in A. ... iyualil Painter nnd Pajxsr Hangers. Nouo but the best brands of tb :iiorvi- i. Mtih and j. ii , nanury'H PaiiiU used in all our work, and nonei)?' the tno'.'t M:i:Vd workmen employed chemicai coiii iintion or i-oap mixture uruerti jirompiiy trieti'ie'J to, Agents for Musury Liquid Pi . A first class article In all cx 81'od corner TLirdand Waihineton Sts.. aintfl. ? colors. A" The Dalles. Ore flew Qoliimbia J-lotel. THE DALLES, This Popular House Has lately been thoroughly renovated anil ne'f,f.l.v.. 1 f.. u t....l..H tUlM ever prepared to furnish tho Iwst Hotel accommodations of any Jiouho In tb city, and at the very loxv ruto of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25a Office of the fast and commodious upjwaltioii fW to Dufur, Klngsley, Tygh Valley, Wiijilnltl"' Warm hjirings and Prlneville Is in the lloW nnd perHons going to Prlneville can save fl.OH by going on this Btago llnu. All trains stop here.