OURDo SKLE, A 1 Dii in Snnuner Dress tails. Saturday, JULY 29, 189 1 i A GENUINE CLEARANCE SALE Of All Our Wash Fabrics. A mi opportunity for economical people. Prices will please everybody but ourselves. all Goods Marked in plain figures. PEASE & MAYS. Ttn Inline ftnilo Pfittnniplo I teacher can afford to inins it. Many THE FIRE The Dalies uaiiy unromcie. 1 K00d thinK9 aru tljere (or tho 1 , fc , 1 .1 j . x .., . Katrtmlvtt riniift Made BOYS. for tli Coimni; lal-rt1 ie l'mtofflf at Tlie Dalici, Orcson, nf rla. matter. (.oral .lt .-r 1 1 I n it- 10 if - . ' ' drt IriMTtlon, ntul .' fit m ' .' 'ju'-nt InM-rtlon f'i ' r in tune nollf. A . k n :: tiyv'ivwl later thau 3 o'clock Tournament. IN TROUBLE AGAIN. O. I. Tnylnr ninr..l With tlit Km I'rrrli in. nt f KO.OOO. ToiluyV Orepiniiin mya: Among 1 1 its pusHi'iifTera who arrived in Hit! city lut evening on the Union l'ncllle train wits Kov. 0. 1). Taylor, of The Dulles. .Mr. Taylor had an escort in the person of an olllecr of the law, who had him under arrest on the clnngo of cnihcazleincnt. F"r Borne time Mr. Taylor has given more attention to earthly matteiH than to spiritual nfluirs. In other words, he lias abandoned tho pulpit in order to en gage in real i-stato Hpeeuhttioiip. Tie has been attending to tho business of tho Interstate Investment Company, which had for ialu a largo tract of land at The Dalles. Ho was the manager of the concern, and handled all the cash. Tlio principal oflieu was located in iPoitland, but part of Mr. Taylor's duties was to travel about., tho country I in the interests of the company. Sov J oral week.- ago the stockholders became anxious rrgnnlim; the money they had j invested and made an inquiry into the condition of alFaiis. The result waH that according to their statement Taylor was found to be short about $254,000. Suit was then begun for an accounting and at the same time the investigation proceeded. Matters assumed such a ! serious form that they were taken before , the grand jury. This body spent two weeks quietly examining Taylor's ac counts, and on Tuesday an indictment, charging him with embezzlement of o0,000, was returned. A warrant was immediately issued and placed in the j hands of Deputy Sheriff Morgan. 1 Taylor was at The Dalles and the official went there and arrested him. , The warrant that Deputy Morgan held 1 contained a provision that Taylor could j be released only upon furnishing bonds ' in the sum of if2o,000. This was the or ' der of Judge Munly, of the state circuit j court. Hut the deputy obeyed the in structions of bis superior officer, and Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, accompanied by ' Judge William, were driven in a car riage to the Perkins hotel. The action of the sheriff is criticised in allowing him to go to the hotel instead of the I county jail, but as the sheriff's bond is Wriiltirr rirrt. tfk-ta. ' tuentyfaur Kouti rniltng nl p m ttm(tr-iu Wednesday ami Thursday fair, diphtly cooler. l'.ons. WKATHUIt Hnrcrneter, '.li.OJ. Maximum temperature, KG". Minimum temperature, fS. River, i.Vi1 feet above rero. Wind, wen. THURSDAY JULY 27,1893 fail to embrace this onoortunitv to brighten up for the coming year. The ' HJ)(;cial ,nt.cljng of thu llre ,lepnrt. quarterly examination will be held im-, ient wna held last night, pursuant to mediately after at Hood Hiver this time. pbli-heI notice, and was called to order 'Two notes for $300 each, due Mrs. by the chief engineer, J. S. Fish. Henry Joiin tales, were collected by U. UJ Maier was elected chairman. - i more than suflicient to cover the bond, Taylor or Mr. Wbealdon, recently, ant! j The object of the meeting was to con-. in case of Taylor's disappearance, it is the mouey not being forthcoming, i j shier plans of entertainment for the ! Kelly's risk! It is not probable that settlement was requested yesterday by ! coming state tournament, to be held in j Mr. Taylor will attempt to escape, how Mr. Cates. Some warm words ensued, I the Dalles. A motion was carried that ever, as he claims to be able to clear and the upshot of the matter will probaj- j each fire company should ask its mem- j himself of the charges made against him bly be a suit against O. I. for larceny by j here for a contribution. Another motion and anticipates no dilncultv today in was carried that the chief engineer be i furnishing the bonds required. i TU ity and Wetilti Chronicle may U found jii talc at I. ('. Xickehcn'$ rtorc. bailee Wo learn through private dispatch that the Oregon First National and the Northwestern Ian and Trust Company bank of Portland temjorarily suopendcjl this forenoon. These susjKjneions evi dently will bo of short duration as their facilities for continuing business are ample, and no alarm is manifested any quarter. JULY JULEPS. rir iwui vm l-lrl.l Iloara. In ll!iiu-ttilr r-'poknne is anxious to entertain tl rice.jiresident antl ha ent an urgest imitation to him to v'mit them. A big run of unltnon is reorted to coming up the river, and lias alread reached a point opposite Mosier. -W-Tr. ii . - ... -iir. j . niaueiman snippea a Jiall tot of fine cabbage to tho Day Uros. at Ca- cade locks, for use at the mess Iioubc. The D. P. and A. Nav. Co. will ell round-trip tickets to White .Salmon am return for 00 cents, good for thirty day Ngu jainters liave been decoratit: Itntes and sides of Hore building's. H C'rons store revels in a study of blai k wd white. A tremendoii" volume of water h is ed through the Columbia tbie ye ir Uve the low water mark. Thertt is jeteontiderable snow in the mountain The ntle of the Hogcrs' estate, not" reaching tho appraised value yesterday, MIwjKMieil until next Wednesday. rbenj 1b KWd bargain here waiting eoweluily purchitber. Wakcley A: Houghton have finished ie office designed for the une of the 'Wfj.lione company. It is a model of convenience, and businctH may be trans fcftej with as much privacy as in one'n own :,,t.. I.oroutotl KlrrniMi. At the annual meeting of ttie Urother hcKwi of I)comotive Firemen, held at K. of P. ball Iat night the following otiicere were elected : MuMer W. W. Young. ' Vici-Mttt'r and collector J. II. H Douglas. Iteceiver J. P. Iveiuhard. Hoard of trustees J. W. Ready, J. C McCoy, Jut. Wilson. Medical examiner Dr. O. Hollister. . II. Taylor Arrritad. Hev. (). I). Tavlor was arrested about .'I o'clock yesterday afternoon by Deputy Sheriff Morgan, of Portland, who came up on the 1 o'clock train. There are three, countw against him, all by the Jnter-.Sute Investment Co.. for em bezzlement, one of them in the sum of fltf.OOO. It 1 rumored that B. L. Hkcels has turned Htate's evidence and will be one of the principal prosecuting wit nehses. s, 'Ilia lluumicr. hull. lVtulli'tuM Trlbuni' The prlncijdu tojiic ot conversation on the streets yesterday were the unrequit ed iove of Kinma and iter conservative estimate on tho injury she received by reason of its unrcquitednehB, or her failure to realize on Mr. MoorheadV charms. A conniderablo sjx'culation lias also been indulged in on the really high empowered to call the companies for parade drill. The following committees were ap jointed : Invitation C. C. Cooper, Ad Kellar. Printing I). Dufur. Transportation H. Clough, H. Kuck, II. Hills, F. Skibbe. Quartermaster John Crate, II. Maier. Keception-C. L. Philipe, W. II. iochhead. Parade Geo. Munger, L. Payette, K. C. Peao. Decoration and meeting rooms F. Faulkner, W. H. Hutts. Haces and tournament J. S. Fish, Jno Crate, Joe Worsley. I'xecutive H. J. Maier, K. .Schultz, C. L. Philips, A. Hucbler, J. Fish. Music Kd Williams, A. Hettinger, jr., J. Hami)shire, F. I.emke. i PERSONAL MENTION. of Des Chutes is Mrs. Hobins priced eliaruiH nossesf-ed bv Max. Ho Muhr. Wild llliw illul mf MI.M...I ' HWH tllUt 11 lllll'l .ll lHt i mil ll nhli'i.ll IIIIOII I ' i"' "1 I - I '-I roill H country trill Imu fmiml tin. .ilit. I bin rli:irmu unimi limn m.n l.v liiiiifci'lf " I I .4V ..III- " ... , ...(.. , .. " did not realize anything like .io.OuO. In , "'! tlie following places; Trout Jake 1.740, lee eavo 2,000, White Jialmon '" dO, fjwn of White .Salmon W0, t'IiilH l'ntiii 1 t:it MifH Kquio's riding whip Is Mtortly to fact he found that Mr. Hturgis would not accept them as collateral security at all. One lawyer wisely suggested that the lncaHiiro of damages was not the market be milled oil". Jt is proposed to sell 2.10 ! vul"" o tl,u :ll'"'tns, but what they were t'lmnccs at ifl ,)ei- chance. The whip I'n.l or. . . . . . , ' lc,,lH hj now considerably the WOIH' fnr i....... I i t.l l- l ,r ii uni , nun ut;rtiiiie .in. Jlorbrokeitiiitwo. it.. .. . ""a. J'.velvn Ki'nti .lf. r 1 1,.. I,... . J -wn niiv vi liu "Uliop T. V, scoM t founder of Hishop U' Orammar school at Portland, f'liort time a i.. i iivi III ii:uiKlil. IIKUU -)ears. There are many old Oregon who remember this estimable lady wh much pleasure J or two weeks there has been scarcely y buineH douu at the court house, jnu the county clerk, who depends en- "'-' upon foes forremunei-atlon for Ills t-rvicts, Is consequently somewhat blue. "u nformed a reporter that bucJi times 1,(MJ unprecedented for AVasco eoiii-iy. tcuc-Jjere' county Institute meet 'ou Jtivcr next Monday, mid worth to tho fair plaintiff JIICI). At tho home of his son, Mr. .1. A. Keeley of Dry Hollow, July 2(5th, W. (i. Keeley, (familiarly known as Grandpa reeiuy; iu tiie auvanceti ago oi lu years, lOmontliH and J-JdavH. Funeral ser vices at the home of his son, July 2IUh, at II) o'clock. AH aru cordially Invited to uurnu. Tho W. It. C. No. 17. will meet at their hall .Saturday evening, July 20th ut 0:45. Mum. Alius Vaiinkv, i'n'Biiieiit. '(llS.NTI.KMKH. rii-IIMi Willi KruilbO'Nili'iiilHi'lui ('tijinilU'H tiK (iilliiti: 'J'oii LKixi'k U l''loru hmy, lliivuiinii, N. Duk. 'I'tvu Iioxcb ti) l.lllni Wtleox, HriHiklauil, N. J)uk', J liuo iilunys Mvii a Krint kiltlerer finin lieuiJaelutHlul voiir cnitj tt-a uru thu only tliliiK Hint rellevei. inc." Vuuiii very truly, J'LUIU h.'AV, J I u iu 1 1 1 u , N, )uk. HO Ask your dealer Htove Pollrli. fjr Mexican Silver Mr. Jos. 11. Sherar in the city today. Mis. J. C. I.uckv and have gone to IJiig Heach. '.Mr. Hlossum, of the Obarr hotel, took the Regulator for Portland this mornini;. Mrs. C. I.. Kichmondnnd family went to tho White Salmon campmccting to day. Mr. H. Herbring has gone to Shep herd to epend a few days with his family. Mr. John Cates and Mr. J. A. Crossen and Miss Auburn Story went to Cascade licks today. Prof. Urown, of tho Wasco Academy, left last night for the east to be gone about six weeks. The Chrisman paity have returned from the Ice Cave, after a short rustica ting trip in that vicinity. Mr. Ahio S. Watt, an ollicinl con nected with the U. P. H. li., came uji on the 1 j. m. passenger today. Mrc ('. H. Ilaynes and Mrs. Foster of Hood Hiver were in the city this morn ing and returned home on the 1 :20 pa--senger this afternoon. (ieo, Ireland and Frank Weidner caiiH) nil from Musier ttxlav. Wo ai in formed that there will bo a largo yield of fruit this year, except peaches. Deputy Sheriff J. H. Phirnian and Dcputv '.Mai elml UiboiiH, accompanied by K, li. Dufur, took the rajiist Strou lo tlie Cascades today, where tho prelimi nary examination will bo held. Mr. I.uckv, whoenmu back from Port land this morning, states that ho will ; return to the lescrvation ami ninkoj pieparntions to continue as agent. His: appointed successor evinces no haste to accept the position. 1 IIOTi:i. AllltJVAI.S, Columbia William Hagliuoro,CeIilo; J H Foreman, Hillsboioj James Woods, Grants; George Huckner, Kalem ; Oscar Herrmann, Haxton; George Gillette, Ash and: Thomas Anton, Sacramento, John W Smith and wife, O O Audi isoii, WT Miller. Portland. Hll'flill'tnilflia. Itemovo the cause by regulating the bowels, by establishing good digestion with Simmons Liver Hegulator. 'Iry it, and you will soup know the blesting of good health and sound bleep. TAYI.OI! TALKS. 'It is all a blackmailing scheme,' said Mr. Taylor, "but in obedience to in structions from mv attorney, Judge Williams, I will not say anything about the matter at present further than that I am innocent of the charge. "Oh, yes, I am a member of the com pany,"' remarked the reverend gentle man, as he coolly lighted a fragrant Havana, "and hold the position of man ager. My accounts will be found all right when properly investigated, but outside of pronouncing my arrest to be a vicious, blackmailing scheme, I prefer to say nothing further regarding it." Hev. Mr. Taylor could not be induced to tell whom he suspected of being his persecutors or explain their motives. Judge Williams luia told him to keep quiet and he obeyed the instructions of his counsel. I, nut III till" Mouiitulii. At this season of the year persons who go out huiitint; in tho mountains not infrequently get lost and Buffer great privations and dangers beforo being found again. I.ate news received from Woodland, in Washington, near the Lower Columbia, is to tho effect that there is great anxiety on tho upper river over tin continued absonco of Charles Kmbody and Homer Strait, who went out to explore the north and east sides of Mount St, Helens about the middle of last June, and were to hnvo been homo before the Fourth, but nothing baa been heard of them as yet. Several parties are out searching for them. It N thought by thoso who know the men well that they are dead, having been killed by falling over a cliff or died from stai vatiou. The latter theory Is hardly possible, as both men are good hunters and could kill game enough to live on. Others think that perhaps ono might have been hurt and his compan ion has been Maying with him. They are about 20 days past due, and some thing seiii'iis must hnvo happened to them or they would have been heaid from before now. Telegram. (!. L. Phillips, assignee of Win. Farre. & Co., will on August, .'Id, 181);$, sell, in front of the court Iiouro thu book ac counts ui.eollecled, also all promlsory notes remaining In his hands, If Use Mexican Silver Stovn Polish. "i ooksCottonRofl t Something New.... Wo are determined to make largo sales, therefore we will iniike cuts In prices that will surprise you. Hero are a few prleefl to unit tho hard times for tho present: 20 yards Print Calico, for $1.00 3 pairs Ladies' Full-Finished Hose, for 25 2 36-inch Linen Towels, for " 25 3 Bathing Towels (Turkish), for 25 2 Fancy Tidies, for .25 Parasols, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Laces and Embroideries, Dry Goods, fec, &c, &c. Kverything in proportion. Save money while you have the opportunity. This sale is good for 30 days only. Come and bring your friends. You won't regret t.CM Cor. Conn and Second Sts. q St TST TI a dutCJ Toe Dalles, Oregon. o. Oo IN . xl-JXJX lo. Siiniitt ill air Dn Goods, Fancy Goods and Notions, (jests' purpi$l7ip3 Qood Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc. now complete in every department. All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices. re cash. H. Herbring. .Familiar Faces in a ATexo Place. C. E. BAYARD, Late Special Agent General Land Ojlicc. J. E. BARNETT. Jf?e Ieal Estate, Ipai), li5urai?ee, & COLLECTION ACENCY. PUBLIC. Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Rent, or Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us. "We shall make u specialty of the prosecution of Claims and Contests before tho Unitep States Lund OlHce. 85 Washington St. THE DALLES, OR. Have Yoiji Seen :TH E IC Fine Millinery Goods AT 112 Second Street. ANNA PETER SCO. J. H. CROSS, At tho Old Stand, Cor. Second and lTnion Sis. J-lay, Graii?, peed ai?d plour, Groceries, Fruits and Seeds. OfVBlx ipVlc. for 33sssj txxc"L IPovilt;xy. All goods delivered Ffce and Promptly. THE WORLD'S BEST LITERATI! fl IN BOOKS I. O. NICKELSEN'S. -! ' "1 ' j 1 COMPOUND. 'A recent discovery ty an old 1 Jilijalclan. Succesrfully uttd .'mmfJi (11 thounmli of UuUc. U tho only perfectly I afoaiut rellahlo mrdlcluo 1U ' covered. Bowara of uuurluclplcil drutjUU wlvt utttt Inferior lucilfclnc In lac of tliU, Atlc for Cook' Cotton Hoot Compound, (oka no tuWU ( lute, or luclonu 1 (iml 0 cuuu In patago In letter on'l wo will evud, iculot, ly return mall, Fullscalud I particular In I'lulu cnvilopo, to laJlc only, 'i taunii. Ad drt) V o u d h 1 1 v O o m p n if t Ku. al'lihvrlllock.nulrulLMlak. Kulil lu Tlio IJiilU'Hii i(U'Ycilie u'l tlrui,' ln. The California Winehouse, Ik now upon, and its proprietor will soil his lioiut i w P0"10'! NVino tit pricoH in tho reach of everybody. L p AIko, host l'eanuts to ho found. Clouds uarantood T f to bo Pure and Kirst-Class in oory respeel. f i Thompson's Addition. C- BECH