1 til Hi Is V 1 IS'.1 ft 3 n f if lit w I TIICATV WITH HAWAII Will Mibnlti Tv flallf Dailv Chronicle. if ' irr. llntil Oovernmmt rw I'nr. San Francisco, July 26. The steamer Australian arrived from Honolulu this ntTl t the Potoffirf t The lUc, Orrcon, .,.: ),.;n,l0. advices UP to July tvn(tliu mttlcr. ..... , r- c- ' nun, as lonows: OFFICIAL rAl'EK OF HALLES CITV. AKD WA5CO COPNTT. 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. T MAU.(rORACK rKIPAJDjIS ADVAKCK. Weekly, lyer ' S " 6 month. .... J 3 0 SO " 6 inonihs. S TO pet 0 JO Mnce yesternay n ims i-vm .v- positively what the provisional govern ment's policy and position repardinp future treaty relations with the United States are and will continue to be. In brief, it is as follows : The new treaty drawn, which was a document coyerin? objections which arose in the United States during the visit of the Hawaiian commissioners to Washington, will not be forwarded. The treaty matter ha? leen fully discussed at special sessions of the councils lately, and a draft of the new treaty has within a few days been returned from the committee, which has been indorsed by the government and the councils unofficially. The docu ment contains live articles, which are briefly as follows : Article I cedes from the date of ex change of the ratification of the treaty, u-irrmnr reserve, all the debts of sover- eignty in and over the Hawaiian island: A Washington correspondent believes jd dependencies to the United States that the international arbitration over t0 become an integral part thereof, the Behring sea dispute will not be Article II cedes and transfers the ab- settled peaceably. That in the event solute fee of all government and crow c England is worsted she will rely upon ianiis, public buildings, ports, rivers, the force of arms, and that if the United fortifications, military or naval equip- States is beaten she will not surrender ments, and all other public property, her rights. He says: I am sure that Article 111 provides that the existing many influential people in the United eovernment of the Hawaiian islands. States would advise the administration an(j ne )nWi relating to its internal not to give up American rights in Eeh-' poller are to be continued for five years, ring sea, even if the arbitrators should t0 be executed and carried out under William Tell Your Father that we U AdiKtr all communication to " THE CHRON ICLE," Tbe Pallra, Orcjron. rot-Offlr. orrtCK uovr dencrBi Delivery Window S a. in. o 7 p. n. jjonev OMcr " ! a. m. to 4 p. tn. iundiy (. O " 9s.:n tolOnta. closing or MAIL train poinp Ea? t 9 p. m. end 11 :45 a. m. " West 9 j. ui. and &:X p. m. rstaec lor Goldeadale 7:30 a. zn. ' rrlnevillt- 5 30 a. m. " "DnfuraudWarmSprino 5.S0a.ra. " tLearinp for I.Tle A Hartland S:S0t.m. " ' " jAntelopc 5:50 a. m. F.iccpt Sunday. fTri-wcekly. Tucsdav Thursday and Saturday. 1 ' Monday Wednesday and Friday. THURSDAY, JULY 1S93 decide that there were no such things as ' American rights at that sea. The pres eence of a .Russian fleet of war vessels would remain jermanently on tbe At lantic coast furnishes good presumptive evidence that our government is taking ' the direction of a United States com missioner appointed by the president and senate, said commission to reside in the Hawaiian islands, with power to veto within ten days any act passed by the local government, which shall there- precautions to strengthen its floating Up0n became void unless afterward ap figbting force; for, even ii there were no proved by the president of the United special alliance in existence between the ite:. two governments, Kussia would be our natural ally in case of trouble with Eng-' land over Behring sea matters, and so far as Great Britain is concerned the Russian war vessels in Xew York harbor are so many additions to the American ' navy. Understand me I am not predict ing trouble. Stiil I should not call a man silly who talked of the probabilities ! of trouble growing out of the arbitration. ! The leeal status of lemon extract was involved in the examination before United States Commissioner Kenyon re cently oi Albert Smith, a Spokane clerk, who is charged with selling intoxicating liquor to Indians. It has been dis covered that several wholesale houses in tbe west have made a special effort to cater to the trade of the noble red man. ' The result was & quality of lemon ex tract containing only enough of the es-, eential oil to give it a perceptible flavor and a considerable quantity of alcohol. 1 In this case a chemist found that the ex tract was composed of 5U per cent. a!co- i hoi, 44. To per cent, water, and .25 per j cent, of oil of lemon, he f?aid,ontbej etand. It wae intoxicating, too. The quantitv of oil of lemon was about one- half of the usual amount need in trade. ' The lemon extract phase of the Indian question is one that Secretary Hok Smith ha never had an opportunity to be interviewed on, although it hae long confronted Indian agent and "goTern tnent official. Article IV prohibits the immigration of Chinese laborers- into the Hawaiian islands until such time as congress shall provide further legislation. It u!.-o pro hibits Chinese laborers now here from entering the United States, otherwise the immigration and ir.bor laws are to ' remain as they are where they do u'-t come into conflict with the constitution oi the United States, or such future ' laws as congress may provide. , Article V provides that the pub.ic , debt shall be asinraei i States, but the Hawaiian j shall continue to pay interest thereon. congress to provide the future curr.-. oi the islands. The government ha; ' decided to include the substance o: iL:t new treaty draft in the instra'-;i-:. to ' Commisiioner Alexander and .Minister Thurston, who wil! bring the matter ! before the United States government in the form of suggestions in case Presi dent Cleveland decides to finally with , draw the Harrison treaty of annexation j and determines to Eubmit a new treaty or some modification of the old. Professor "V. D. Alexander will carrv I these instructions with him to Washing ton on the 2oth or 2th. Shut the door acainst disease. Danger comes oft oiiest through impure blood. Keep vour blood in order, and you keep In health. For this, nothing equals Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery. It invigorates the liver, puri fies and enriches the blood, and rouses every organ into healthy ac tion. By this means it cures. Ev- cry part of the system feels its saving influence. Dyspepsia, Indi- . gestion, Biliousness, Scrofulous, ! i?kin and Scalp Diseases even j Consumption (or Lung - scrofula ) j in its earlier stages, all yield to it, ; It's the only liver, Blood and Lung Remedy that's guaranteed to bene- j fit or cure, or the money is re- ; funded. Tryincr terms to sell on , but it's a mediiine that esn carry them out, ' Golden Medical Discovery " contains no alcohol to inebriate, and no symp or sugar to derange digestion. It's a concentrated vegetable ex tract ; put up in large bottles ; picas-ant to the taste, and equally pood for adults or children, the Dalles AND Prineville Stage f Ij1H6 J.D. PARISH, Prop. IjeavoThe Dalit at 6 a. m everj dm . d a rr. at Prineville in thiriy-i-tx h!;s ;!.' lrinevlle at 5 a. rn. every 5nj . tmJ err: ve at The Dalles ia thirty-fcU b"ur- d' by the un-t'ed , forties the D. S. Mail, i'asseors aiid Express government SWEET. ORR St CO.'S Vest Jumpers, Pantaloon Overalls, J;asviitting rants w Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! We are also Headquarters for ... . Men's, Boys' and Youth s mmmmm m m m m m m a -w- V-a j kw x x x x x i ry In every size, style and price. k ii m win in m A Connect at Hrip-ille witt Stages from Eastern and Southern Or egon, Sorthera California arid all Interior Points. .nVcifM? connection Rt The Dalle witb " . from I'ortlmid and Kutertj kj:m 'iiriBcs drtters. jSA ar-oinaiEtiGES aloas ihe real ?irs;-tlan Csactfs n& Hones mi. Eipi33 rcstier iandlei wnt sireizl care. STAGE OFFICES; YOUR ATTENTION Ie called to the fact that Hagh Glenn, Dealer in Glaes, Liine, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of all kinds. Currlr the Kliirnt Line if iPictare Mouldings 'There is a tide m the ajfairs oj men which, taken at its fix leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had roforonco to the i 4 Mr & Cn !. Mchfl & Co.' Starr, I'rinrrill. rmatillk Hiiuir, The 111. 72 To De foand in the City. CClQshington Street. W. E. GARRETSON. We deeire to sny to our citizens, ti.at for years we liave been teiiini: Dr. Kind's1 Kew Discovery or Consumption, , Dr. Km?'e New Life Pills, Buckien's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and , have never handled remedies that te,. as Mark TVain'e story in Tom Sawyer of well, or that have piven inch universal how the boy got the fence whitewashed satisfaction. We do not hesitate to without any expenditure of elbow effort, ' guarantee them every time, as we stand and with a net result of pain in boyish ready to refund the purchase jrie if treasures, was equalled the other day by 1 satisfactory results do not follow their mau in South Denver. He wanted his use. There remedies have won their back yard dug up for future cultivating ?rer.t popularity purely on their merits. purposes, so m a burst of confidence he :?nipes & Kinersly'p druggists. Leading Jeweler Ol.E ACK.M rK Tilt The Dalles Gigar : Factory FISST STBEET. FACTORY NO. 105. -T"4 i DC of the Best Brar.de vyXVjTxvXtO manufactured, and orderc from all jartF of the country filled on the shortest notice. informed his nearest neighbor that he bad drawn his money from the bank and was now quite easy in his mind, as he bad the shiners safely buried in his back yard. He pubsequently had a sudden call from home for a few days, being care ful to tell this tame neighbor of his cer tain absence from home for at least a week, and then made a somewhat orien tations departure. After the lapse of three or four days the gardener returned to his dwellinir, and smiled r. meaning emile when he found that his back yard had been spaded al! over to the depth of two or three feet, and could with trifling labor be planted out as he def!rtd. VfOOli, WOOD, WOOD. Best grades of oak, fir, and slab oord wood, at lowest market rates at .!. T. Peters & Co. Office Second and Jet!"-"-son streets. It has been reported in Washington that the Chinese telegraph system nas been connected with the Bussian systeu,, eo that messages may now be sent over land between any part of China, Kussia, Europe, and by cable to Africa, North nd South America and Australia. The i whole world is now wired and telegraph ically connected. Ti SdfU EMMrtW All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelrv Made to Order. t 3H .?. .ml "I.. I'll- Ill-, Or. A. WESOLO. The Boston Tailor East End Second St. Suits Made to Order from $18.00 up. Pants from $5.00 up. VrrU-vl I'it Ounruntmnl. The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAK has become firmly established, nnd the demand for the home manufactured article increasing every day. A. ULR1CH & SON. W. r. WISEMAN. U'Mi M ViUKKH. The Snug. at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are sollinR these Roods out at Kreatly-reduced rate. MICHELBACH MUCK, - UNION ST Lace Curtains, Have your Lace Curtains, Shirts, Col lars and Cuffs laundried by THE TROY STEAM LAUNDRY, of Portland, Or. Leave your "bundles with Thos. McCoy, No. 110 Second St., "before Tuesday noon, and get them on Saturday. l W. H. BUTTS, Prop. i So. 90 Second Breet, The Dallei Or. An 7 T 1SJ TT TJ CL It is reported that Stevenson did not Tisit the Monterey on account of n fancied slight on the part of her officers. This conduct looks very childish, if the report is true. If Stevenson wanted to ee the Monterey he should have goue and seen it. Annrtfeabis L.-rat.ve or j N FFiVl. Sold by Drupfc-isihf rteut ty iiia 21c. ix . and f l.CO vr pucUue. Eampics i'ru ITA ISr jfti "KM Favorite ZiZTt TZ7ZZI A.W HO1 lurtlifcTivtU 1'itr al iy 'uliit. & Iiliifril Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, Lama Back, &c. CLtAF?fl STORY, Art Teacher Jioom S, Jlctlinycn JJuilding, W:u give lAxvm Mondnys nnd Thursdayt. ni ', i e.ch weli, ur o(t;ner If dt-olrcd. j I f This well known stand, kept by the j well known W. If. Uutts, loiiji a refii-! dent of Wabco eountv, U; an estraordi nary fine stock of Sheep Herder's Delizht aad lrisb Distorb&be ! In fact, all the leading brandH of fin j Winus, Liquors and Ciarn. Give th , old man a :all and you will come aain j Hi N'i:V TOWN ban txx-ii tilattixJ (in tlif .ld ritmii tfroi.nl. ut the i'o'k i nd cliinntu, thiMiiitnil Httruotluii urn mmuiuin u minor rcort lor nil ;r 'it I alls til H(Kd river, uilli hugv, HKlitly luU.tmMiri Hr.-uiaid hIIi'M1. Mill mm jiure wutur.wUlitliiulfin jirulUKioii, iwhil iliHliiiixc.delliclitful lo'iuntnl' I J. F. FORD, Evanplist, ui io Moiiu-fc, i(vt, writer under da Mejeh -js. t-j3 a. JL Mud. Mro. Co.. 1 iJufur, Oregon. On arriving home hmt tveek, 1 found j Uliseman & Warders, u'iug uir iHiur-i vown to v.i. iiimki it m ULjoiriiili li o iu it iiiiii)(ili('t jr i. itinUir, ticlUK Uit tiHturnl iwutt-r for ivo h.iin- it.llen o( the l't titlttrii'i'l ' tlmU r, -Mdit mill!., i, of Wm .iti'r In lu diiMiliii! tfi-ni iKin.d lull', (nihil v lihriiI. l.ctf r hi-Hi ,u,ui.r iIliu. tl.i.rr thi.1 r r.n0 All VU lll'r ffir I rtllt mill lijf, il-ll ln Htiil ulfli tt.n.t, .rlnflntl fl "rlv III'1 3 " "... ..., ,u,r iin iiini i- lj jiiLhi ii iH'rii'ii iitin rur u luij' See me on the crround, aaaress me ai iooa xv Wasco County, Oregon. " '" Saloon and Wm Rooms The Dalles, Oregon. - - i Xorthwefet corner of Second and i i. ...... i 0!!. SANDEN'S ELEGmfi IELT WKh Clectro-Masnetlo SUTFCNSORY. Iitraf Mutralar 11,1 In vlllrurt-wiltjout mwlicliieall ttm rtwlttstf from The relief fund for the wufferere by the ' cold Btorage fire at the world'a fair has reached over one hundred thousand dol-' K laPa : rtrurriituro, kWuty, liter nud. tlddr compUint B . 1 Uiwlttcjr. InmUitfO, iciUUn, all ema cotupiainf America chculd make lmv un ehinea. It ie worth t40pertou in J5u rope. wi-ater or we fortcit $J,0cjC.uu, u: d 19 niMiin niiHiH itr tin t tr t r uU 14.VB vu nirtd It lull marvtluuj jueii WM ...I. ii. .i. , laiuntirreitlv njiiit lilt vllUttivtUtot the nijore iiMtva or iTo i tmttu ortr ell oUiot. CMrnui k Ti.'.. Kaiser Wil helm teems to be thing of an Army Bill himself. trier l!o'.Wfi-iiMilif f ailid. urid cut Luua. v. muuutiMuui in.c ana trj MlKrtul. Our l'..mil Imr4 tlJ.ITI(lt MM-IShdCT tU PrJla!, I1 r tiltrrHl IU1-I1 lui.t i!il eOUie ' "tS Cn4furlliudliiui,fiirt,i!nu,t juui,t: k 3AMDEM ELECTRIC CO.. . c. ItSl'Initbiwt, VirU'l'LAJtU Mill. Z, " .,' . " '" . 1 f 1 . r CrJurt Ktreeth. ..... ., uifm uiiu unu-iiuii vvitrn uiu, I who had wasted away to i jioundfc, h now well, btroin; and vigoroub, and well - , fleaheU up. s. i. Couwh Cure ims done ts m ork well. Uotli of tlm children like , "tVcra a er TTo 4-nln lit. Vour 6. Ji. Coufe'h Cure ban cured ! QQ OY XiatCJllllff I and kept away all houreeiiei-rt from me. ,, ,, , '-u ii m every one, witn irreetlnL't- inuiuujumgu iir, lor all. ifliini; you prosperity, we an ; ouri-. Mk. & Mi.k. J. r. Voud. ' lf).uw.i,t l..i Ifwh mid Hitorf il.nur; . ji, l.Tti.e Mir.-n-i, n.,rj:, tlfui.hf u,f . . .fl. thU'ii" . n,i H e' i"c k I a cc u t ,i ter TITIiE PERFECT W. RovSsWinans. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs and MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSUBE. Kd under i.itl-e ctiurittit-d w.U ),-r litt'B by n 1 druijcUU, 13 et?A Addrcufc .0.8,' m 3.00 k. m. JHhiUMAK lollop on Third Kiidemby, Or. .Street., next floor .Blacksmith ,Vop. went of Young i. i.'n