1) 4 The Dalles My Ctwraielc THK IIAL1K OKEOO A GAUZY TALE, The Onnnlt.c tnld-or Considered to be rtrirtlon. o MM Judicious $ Advertising Pays. Lvle. Ws.h., July 24, iSS. . Enrron Chbonici.k The pood people ! of thi; vicinity have a crievance which they wish, throuch the columns of yoar valuable paper, to ventilate. Knowing of yocr ;edfa?: eod?avor to champion the cause of the people, to vindicate, richt and tedress wrong. I appeal to yonr inarnsniniity that tins community mar be jodvssd arizht before a co'.d. clammy and on?ympathitin? world. The feacefoS valley of the Klickitat and the "inclined plane " within a radin? of many miles from Lyle. have been shaken and 'haltered from crater to circumference. There have been rumors of war with ail its horrible ac companiments. Society has been threat enedboth church and state, and the outcome o: all this commotion is beyond the immediate comprehension of man. Io Tricht r -x rreatncs la Mortality CiB cen-:ire -i;-c. tackwoondin: ralaainv The whitest virtoe strike- What Was strvig Cn tic the ctK a in tbe lande.-ouf toncuc " i The cause of all this flurry is briefly ' stated in a few lines printed in Tiir Cheokicle of '.ast week, and which I will here reproduce : On Wendtdsy evening as Mr. James , Guanine was sroins: up from the boat ' laadiac at Lvle Wash., to the residence of Mrs. M. Spencer, who lives about ftjr ror portraits and views. three-quarters oi a mile distant, he was . - wsvlaid by two armed men and robbed . i-f-TN CANDY of 272 in greenbacks. J200 in f HO bills, T ADT ( FACTORY one fifty-do ar and one twenty-dohar e Mm 1 I 1 l bill and two dollar? in silver. The sup- position is that Mr. Guuninj: was spotted, cqDA VTATE2 AKD ICS CBEAM, as it wa? known tb3t he expected to collect some monev m v ancouver, w here . be had been and was returning and, QgpfjeS 811(1 NlltS q these two outlaws were in waitiac for their victim. 2ow, Mr. Editor, words that ma poesv over commonplace detail and cast new liiht on the alleged robbery atLyle. ' Fines: Peanut Roaster In The Dalle Since the announcement of James Gun nine that he had been held op and This Is the Season Of the Year ttthen CM C7 MM H. C. NIELSEN, Clothier and Tailor. .Decidedly the Finest Line of Gents; Furnisliingr Goods, Tin til's aim' I'aiiscs. fti.. cti. COR. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OR. HORSES IlOKSfc. J. S. COOPER, lorncr Barn, C.VO.Y STOCK YAM'S. Chtcogv, Jlh The larcest and only strictly commission dealer in horse? m the" world, will 'hold his Mh extensive sale of west ern branded horses for season 1893, on WEDNESDAY, .TJOXJST 2. Entries should be made at once. HORSES HORSES McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for The Daljes Daily Chronicle for 12 Months at 60 Cents a month. OR 51?? UeeKty ropiel AT $2.25 PER ANNUM. of tho Kt Mnpailuc Uow publxhM .n. ..f.,n,-ni.i! with the rmi incr oi on rv enahUvl to make it imit cxrrpllonal ner nwim McCLURE'S MAGAZINE O 3ST IE YE-A-jR, m .p blank form, unit M-ndlnc ltton, IhctO? MibscriWnc i0 The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. t. everyone Si f : i ui tSv CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT TO US. J. O. MACK, PHOTOGRAPHER First premium at tne afco countf Fljte Wlffig imd Lip$ DOMESTIC KEY WEST CIGARS. THE ; E L EBR ATE 0 rtBST BEER qnotatlnnr. iter. I want to say a few j :; :: Q TJ Q 0 j 0 1 f j fl C y throw a clamour of j sivekt ini'K U .' t I 1 11 1 1 1 V 0 FRENCH'S BLOCK. 171 SECOND STREET, : : THE DALLES. OR. Publishers C1UWMCLE, The Dulles, Or.: 'Sou will pica so send to my address the, D.'ITLY CH It OX T CLE for 1J months from date, for which j T a ree to pay 00 cts. a month, it being understood that iow are'to have sent to my address for year, without e.rtra charge,. McCL VJi E'S MAGA'AXE, commencing with the current number. c Xamc, Address Date. CALL AT OUR OFFICE mttt ec Ux fnlertuJnia; fialv i:iatrjtcd McCLURE'S MAGAZINE, t..1..i'.r,uiinta'Jir. th- mt-l lmim uthor in AtiicMp mvI r.nRlariJ i- -2 SS Of! Strao? J . robbed at tbe time and place aiort-mea- tsoned. there have beea manr accusa tions iriadt: ai:aiat the orderly aaJ law. yt.- n.Uae. furl., ftif nnir1o . EA3 A PAMILT Or 2000 EEADEES. Tbev read The Chr-.aie'.e : ce: it .:: and j n: reiiabk T ewt. Aai titv rvai werr liz.c that l; ia Ihe Tht: is -aha: aaies Uw ' ( hnnieie aa SaTlcabie advtrti iiitr mefiicai. j The atwna;r th: c-.- to tbe Ualiy j Sreiidtrs the one ( pS) tait tbe drertier? ! 5c ON abiding citizens of this community, best people have not escaped tbe siander allegations and persecutions of nefari tjus pferor., Trho a'.ways esjerly report to questionable methods that may brin? this neizhborbood into disrepute and re flect discredit on our people. Many of i Tuese same people have hten accused of Jholdin cr and robbing Gcnninr. and it ! ff t-ir Ttrt.i.e -TTOS tbese unsavorv reports that led to tbe 5---?le- r, ;b7 vt '- trde -an ineMipaiito w iuv ancieu oarcolaBlaf Bad nb-ers-t tht Te.-iSea-! -up." Gnnning-had toid many diversi-1 toa 0f the truth of this assrrri 'r EinerEttr. Thomas Hardv. Hamlin Gar.and. .1. T. Trowbrkljre. 1'rof. 1". S. H olden, Jeiome II. Jerome. Prof. C. A. Younir, Frances Hodjrson Uunii'tt. II. 11. Ikiresen. Thiwlore Koojevelt. Hobort ISarr. Joaquin Miller. Henry M. Stanley Oilbert Parker, Archibald Fori-. John nurrou-.'hf'. Andrew Ijjne, Mr?. Hobt. Louis Steveni'on.Catmle Flnnimnrion. Sarah Orne Jewctt, F. Marion Crawford, Lillie Chase Wyman. Dr. J. S. Hillings. Margaret Dpland, Harriet Pre-cott Spoirord. W. E. Henley, r . ... i ,.j i ... .. ii. i.. -i., r'l.n.i.u These stables have on hand the lmest Livery in hastern ; .:nzalH.th Stuart pheip?. ixiuise Chandler Mouiton, folco CityStables,S I R. L. Stevencon, Kndvard Kiplinc ! A. Cor.an Doyle, Octavo Thanet. j William Dean Howells, ' Bret Harte. Clark Hus-seil, 'Joel Chandler Harris. Corner of Fourth and Federal t... Tbe Dalle-. Oregon. Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with either Single or Double Kigs, closed Hacks or I. arnages day or night. MORE ROOM. wher izey de-ire u Also, can furnish Fim Clas; ! or driving teams, havinc added ace 'nini'-Riation: to teamsters with freipbi their stabler lanre feeding and wagou room Each nomtr of McCLURE'S MAGAZINE -ontln two htnUwaielv UiuntroHxl n.lcrrlewi lth mri faniouf jwpie b Jules Verne, Archdeacon Farrar. Alphonse Daudet, France-Hodu'son Ilurnett, Thomas A. Edis-on. Candle Flatnmarion, Tissandier, the fanioti" F. Hopkin-an Smith. Edward Everett Hale. French Balloonist, II. H. l'.oveseu, Prof. Graham Bell. ' and raanv other, have furnlhl material (or (-: i-lnlly jirriw.-wl latervle wS.ich m.i ajuar (ully illutlruted in thik inac&niie. I Kurh :iumlK Ku!!y lUtutratC"! tortr a trade ' a faiEil thousand : worth a'iar Jir thr v.;t the-e culiuna-. t5ciai;y so et c -r very fed stattments. mosto: which were very sraczr, -nn5 ome absolutely silly. These geaeraliy conceded here that the robbery tyeSp dlrti$il7 ldtS. of Mr Gnsnin? ths & preraedltated j i tVin lit. .of? nrA Hs-n tfi nn. I 1 " .and that he had not been relieved of any rnioney after his arrival at Lyle. The -story of Gunning that he had received - 271 oro a the bant in bills was cot ac-x-epted as a probable reality, and a gen tleman of this precinct determined to . eatisfv himself on this particular point. I In reply to inquiry, he learned from the i Ha? . . bank at Vancouver, where Gunning j- drew the mocey, that the amount "was paid to him in gold and not in cur rencv," and that "he was given 110 bun drd or fiftv dollar bills," and that tbe conUli: two or three hort torlc by faraou author ajiiar in t-arjy uumiieri oy Commercial Patronate Solicitel ' V,, llovvdls" ?.ihS,a. Joel Chnndlcr Harris, Harriet PrLVCott StKiiFord, Octave Thanet. ' Conan Dovle, F'rances Hodgson Burnett, Stanley J. Weyinan. JOHN PASHEK, j Merchant Tailor.1 76 Cetirt Street, $tn door to "Wasco Stir 05c. received a 5ne line of .Samnles ! for SDrinc and suii.mer .-uitin-js. : Come and See tte New Mmi . v Cleaning and Repairing to order. Satisfaction pnaranteed. Tl! r liailv Ever'r- rhr-rii'-ie is recorriied I fl L " essentially the b-ime ;;jer lor the cashier "further says that he has no re membrance of paying any money to Gun ning at any other time." There is not a man, woman or child in Lyle today who believes that Gunning was heldup. His motive for publicly circulating an "accurate" account of the incident together with a graphic descrip-; rif won oi uis encounter wun ueiperaie you wnf cm. t try tumt ci ; jireauit uan road agents, is not clearly known, but is surmised that be squandered or lost U A IT Thit i not a bad reputation Sunie rl U1V1 L. '- of our l Liall'-a i ity loUs eitlzeTi- watf-h tae column "f this D n D C D daily lor the fjiicjei-t local news. It rnrLH his money befre reaching here, and took this means of shielding himself from the ceuEnre of his family. Mr. Gunning has left this section, and his departure was timely, for his latest caper has so incensed some of bis old neighbors as to render his continued residence here exceedingly "nosious" to them. INVESTIGATOR. From TERIBINJUi or INTERIOR Points THE lilimPaii RHILRORD It the Use to uXt TheDhlles The Gate City Qi the IrJand Einpir- is tituated at the ksad sf navigation oa the Middle Coluu'-ia. arj i is a thrivini;, pros perous citv. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply eity for an fxfnsne and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as far south as Summer Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern sloy of the Ca cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the -wool front which finds market hero. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping joint in America, about 5,000,OUU pounds U.-ing shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will be more than doubled in the near future. The products of the Ixiautifui Klickitat valley find market here, and the country south and east lias this year tilled the warehouses, and all available storage placs to overfiowin with their product. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its sbse on the coast and its money m scattered over and is being used to develop more fanning country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its rhmat delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resource, unlimited. -Vnd on these ;oraer stones she stands. HENRY M. STANLEY ! will contribute. e jfia!ly lor younp reader, u thrllUaclj tntereUair utoryol Afrjcnu Adrrrtarv ! NATUI'.AL HIaTOKY AND ADVENTt'HE. There will te vveral article writteji by Raymond Dlathtuayt. ho h beeti cailed M H 1 ' .-tcad thetK-st latertlewer tti Etidaud. imm t;:nt''rtal furtiUlieil blm by K.sri Hjntk "fllam i burjr. the crvat animal itBorter and trainer. I he- nrtlcle deal ith 1 The Capture of Wild Dean.". The Transportation of Wild Ueast". 1 The Traininu of Wild I5ea?t. The Adventures and Escape? of Karl Hnenbeck. Tbe series will tit iliuftratul by au K:i;h'b artltt l aekuou !olcrl kill! In drawln; nild anant!' John llrcuocoiti', r. F. IImLIii.e. Dr. Auhutt, aud otht-r writer lamout (or their wort Id thli held, v III contribute to the saasazinr PROF. OI Interest to both Young and Old will be L. GAILN'EK? AFRICAN EXPEDITION TO THE GOK1LLAS. Arranpenienti haie b"cn made, iu contiertioii with a leiulliif KncHsh rrrlrn, y h t, Garuer'n letter desvCniiUve of hi jire-eiit eiimlitloii to Alrina, I'rof. Harner 1 tiuti'l t!. .rll over lor the curinui' and iuteretttiic i:netl5ti"ii be 1 inakltic In tbe nt h n ! fci lie i-niU-d for Alrica inkt ."--jiteraly.-r lor the fate l lurtuer purtutnc ni ktiwllei in Ui tlie rurlllii. Tiie luuttratuuit lor iijcm.' arneie uiu i-' iroin ioous:rHiin' taken d The mBRaane aIo contaitm mokt laterentinc artlelen under the lolloping rampreueiiMf e l.eadi k rmtnc f i i ti i.l roai !oousrHiib taken ay l n.t i "Mv little bov was verv bad off for two ' months with diarrba-a.- We used var-.JO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. ions medicines, also called in two doc- tors, but nothing done him any good un-1 bu til we nsed Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera i , ' and Dlarrhon Hemwlv. which ffivp im. iu. unm d in u cd ur J 1 D mrm lllL and Diarrhoea Remedy, which gave im mediate relief and soon cured him. I consider it the lent medicine made and can conscientiously recommend it to ail who need a diarrhoea or colic medicine. J. E. Hare, Trenton, Tex. 2j and 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. Notice.. DALLES 1 Daily and Weekly Editions. s uuu 'I All members of The Dalles fire depart- i rnent are requested to meet at the coun-! cil rooms nest Wednesday evening at j $ :30 o'clock. By order of 2t J. S. Fikh, Chief. Get your bathing pants from S. & N Harris. SO CHANGE Or CAItS. CotnpOKrJ of Malar Cars :r.urjwined. fcU rsan brewing Room oteei6rr of iatut equl jitaent ' TOURIST SLEEPING CA1LS ! Bet that can be conitructed, a'!d in vrhlch ! accommudation are ijoth Free arid Fumikht ' lor holdein of First tad ceco.idUtfcs Ticket, and I ELEGANT DAY COACHES i A continuouH line, coiinectlnc with all line I aflordlng direct and uninterrupted iterrlcc. I'dlmen Eleeper reerTBtlon can be Mored In advance through any agent o! the road. LOST. A black rnorocco combination card ! THROUGH TICKETS & ' ...c .. wnnnui vu uunuuiceuiuiecumjaii; liiu 'luaiuc uuu home smau cuange within. 1 lie finder will please leave it at A. M. Williams & Co.'e store. and from all poinuln America, rcniuea at any Fall Infonnation concemimr ratc, time of tralnr. roatea and dtlier details furnlthed on eppULstloa to KOOIX5 TO BKST. W. C. ALLAWAY. Furnished rooms to rent. Applv at Agent I). 1. & A. I.'av. Co., Kegulttor oScc, The the reildence of Mrs. C. K. Thornborv, , 0t CIIApLTor SJC0iid f trtift, The Dalles, Or. tf I A-t, Granu' J-Mg Agt-'l-ortland, Oga. THE CHJIOMCLE was established for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding countrv, and the satife-fvinu effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. Jt now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man. Gilliam, a large part of "rook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chronicle is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0.00 per annum. The "Weekly Chronicle on Fridays of each Meek at $l.o0 per annum. For advertising rate.-:, sub.-criptions. etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., " The Edjre of the Future." " Knowledge of Immediate Value." "Newest Knowledge." " The Present Hour." .Stranger than Fiction," etc. We arc o3ez1ng thin plendld mnirazlne with the lHitr CHKOMCtE lor only 7 ' a year, jtfiyable in adrauce or in monthly Innalltnents h deired We make thi eiceTtIonal ofJer In order that e mar Krure n large number of new uby?rlbe bat all who are alrtndy ubcritp.'ni may avail tbeu'.wHes of thi npport'iuity t- ki ire thin crest ciegeriue. Kill up fhe blank and iend It in, t. THE DAILY CHRONICLE, The Dalles, Or. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now turning out the beet Beer and Porter east of the Cacadee. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and only the first-dasn article will be placed oi the inarkot. PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALERS IN PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in Practical Painters and Paner Hant?er. NVimc l.ni tt.u i..c t...,,i. .( ti, Kherwin-Williams and J. W. Masurv's Paints uwxl In nil the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Masury Liquid Paints. No chemical combination or wap mixture. A first class article in all colors. All orders promptly attended to. Faiat Shoo corner Tbirdaad Washington StB.. The Dallei. Or"or Columbia j-lotel. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Has lately been thoroughly renovated and newly furnished throughout, and in now better than ever prepared to furnish the best Hotel accommodations of any house in the city, and ut the very low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. OHice of the fast and commodious opposition Ft age to Dufur, Klngsley, Tygh Valley, Wuplnitla, Wtirui Springs and J'rinevJMo is in the Hotel and persons Koing to Prlneville can nave U.OO by j;oing on this litago line, All trains stop here.