The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 26, 1893, Image 3

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Trade at Pease Sf Mays's
if you want the best goods
for the least good money.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
fglfird k 'lir l'otifflro at Thr Dallfn, Ort-coa,
u Mf.iud-cU mutter.
I i. ml , rrtlolnc-
itCca! tr If't ifvrllun, nnd 5 tVnt
ffi !in dir mr' id ituMit In-erUon
8-cla. rate , 'i;c time nutlet
Ail !(. nr'i"f rwrlvwl lntT ttinn S o'cUfk
111 jijir Uir iu.idMitic day
I rate the .Middle Columbia would be sur-
veyed, buoyed and lights placed along
i it as far us this city. lie believes i
should !e done now and will make
' recommendation to that effect to
' general government.
, The Kogers estate it being told at
I auction today at the court house. This
i is h verv valuable piece of property of
?jl"2 acres, partly improved, the ap
praised value of which is $0,000. At 3
o'clock the highest bid was 5,700, but
it will have to reach its appraised value
before it can le Hold.
Moating i'ltrty.
Thl Year' Crop.
j ....... v
5 ji pi lumiirru
Wednesday and Thursday fair,
(lightly cooler. l'AOun.
Maulnum Sirature, SO. i Kt,.Ton C...:omcuc-I hare travelled
Minimum temperature, 3S j over a good deal of country in the hut
Hirer, -'.' feet alove rem. few days on horseback and find that
Wind, west. , whjje wa(jC0 county will generally yield
A merry partv, consisting of Misse
Sula Kuch, Nellie Michel!, Ruth Cooper,
, Minnie Gosser, Myrtle Michel!, Ainiee
Newman, Lora Morris, Caddie Booth,
Florence Lewis, and Messrs. Jno. Booth,
Fred Wilson, Bert Phelps, Malcolm
' Jameson, Hay ward Hiddell, Arthur
, Clark, Gilford Snowden, John Hertz
'anu .Jolin Hampshire, spent a portion!
of last evening on the river. leaving j
the Regulator landing in row boat they
crossed the liver, and repairing to the
large gram platform winch stands at
the brow of the blull', and was nicely
decorated with Chines lanterns, they
i i ...
passeu a pieasani nour. Alter a row
; up the river and a drift down
I dock they journeyed home.
That "Mtclul" Affair.
KniToi; Ciuto.Nin.ic Wo notice in the
columns of thu Tlmee-Mountainccr and
Wasco Hun, that an alleged Tax-payer
and on Plebeian have a small kick coin
ing on account of the manner in which
thu representatives of tho city enter
tnlned the officers of the Monterey.
Allow us to say for the information of
aforesaid persons, and to all others who
may feel aggrieved becauso they wero
not invited to participate in the ban
quet, that wu found the amount sub
scribed entirely inadequate to entertain
the whole city. It is true that tho
council held a special session on Friday
evening for the purpose of devising some
means of entertaining theFe people and
extending to them tho courtesies which
we considered were due to them from the
city, ft was not intended (as the Sun
I man says) "a reclusive affair anyhow"
j but an affair that would place our fair
city in a creditable position and make
her citizens feel that they had done the
j proper thing.
I At the meeting of the council the
, mayor stated that the object of the call
I was to make arrangements for receiving
the officers of the United StateB monitor
'Monterey and to appropriate a small
sum of money to be used only in case it
was needed for the entertainment of the
visitors, but that lie thought it sufficient
amount could be raised without taking
a dollar from the city treasury.
The council thereupon appropriated
the sum of $50 and the mayor raised by
subscription a like amount. But as the
whole entertainment coet only $49, we
found that it would not be necessary to
use the city's money, and the recorder
was instructed not to make any minutes
of the proceedings, as there was some
question as to the legality of the meet
ing, one of the
been notified.
We trust that the above explanation
will be fully satisfactory to "Taxpaver,"
"Plebeian" and all others who have any
interest in the matter.
W. E., Mayor.
G. C.,
CitAf.. F. Laukk,
W. II. Butts,
Paul Kreft,
T. A. Hudson,
members not having
We are determined to miiko huge sales, therefore wo will
makocutw in prices that will surprise you. Here are a
few prices to suit tho hard times for the present:
20yards Print Calico,Jbr ::J::. $1.00
3 pairs Ladies' Full-Finished Hose,Jor .25
2 36-inoh Linen Towels, for 25
3BagJowels (Turkish), for 25
2 Fancy Tidies, for .25
Parasols, Clothing,
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps,
Laces and Embroideries,
Dry Goods, &c, &c, &c.
Everything in proportion. Save money while you have
the opportunity. JplVThiH sale is good for 30 days only.
Come and bring your friends. You won't regret it.Kf
Cor. Court and second Sis.
Toe Dalles, Oregon.
in Souer Dry tails,
Motile Nlclioln' Disappearance.
JULY 26,1893
Tfo Daily and
U found on sale at
Weekly Chronicle via;
1. C. Nickelten't rlore.
Thr Lortl Nr
In llomu-pathlr
Tie . tbinK bench, the mull boy mid.
.. "J it Hie tiluce lor him .
He not u noelnl lirurv, but
Hi luippj m tile Hlin
Cabinet meeting of the Epworth
league tonight.
The cholera is spreading. It is now
reported in Africa, Italy, Greece and
An interesting letter concerning the
donning "robbery" at Lyle finds place
on our fourth page today.
The two principal attractions at the
orld b fair are the Ferris wheel and I
t IT . t . . . I
mbcio nut's "Wild West." At least
are the best patronized. I
Jt ladies of the -Methodist church j
' entertain in the church parloro to-1
c'Flit Ice cream will be served at 15 J
ttaii, aud there is plenty of it. '
The hay crop in the Antelope country
u vy lurt'o this vear. A ihi. tu .i
'IW-k count rv ox.l ........ I!.. I.. ....... . '
. iime grain in
wn, congratulations arc in order.
Mtenrt. aitimirahu-tV: Co. shipjwd a
car r,f llt ... f ,.:. mii. i
Morning l0 iort Townsend. Tiiev
Ht 'aIwthipacarof fat hogs to I'ort
laii'J tonight.
The niii.ut f,... .i ...
,, '"win uio ugnctiiiural li.
"!.( the wheat harvest will be
, a ' ' two. A conservative es
'nati. is that the nverajio yield will be
"7""n near fifteen bushels per
, - wtirn class
i,,or"l' ro selling woll in Chicago,
'"i rnda at Ciwn,..r' l ir.n i.r.r-..u
grain crops, the neighboring re-
glons will not fare so well. Around Ar-)
lington the yield will ayersge about G
buf-hels to the acre. In the country'
known ait the Jordan Buttee, it will do a
little belter, ierhaps 12 or 15 bushels.
1 In the S-Mile section, Morrow county,
I the crops are very poor and not over 8
bushels to the acre will be harveated.
I'etcr i: miner lias u held ot 1,0W acrea,
and he will not cut over 600 acxM of It;
it is being taken by the wild maatard.
In I'.ook creek canyon, from Henry
Moore'a place to lieonard'a bridge, crops
are good on the creek. The Condon and
30-Mile country will yield about
bnebels to the acre. In tha Waaco
Hay creek country down to tkw break of
the hills leading into Qrantf, tha cropu
will be pretty good, and will yield a gen
eral average of l.r. buthfla to the acre.
.Mollie Nichols, living near Rufus, has
. not been seen for a week and fears aro
entertained that she has met a violent
' death in some manner as yet unknown.
She. with her mother, used to operate
I the stock ranch upon which she is now
to the i 'ocate(l Dl,t ner mother marrying, left
the , girl in possession. The latter is
now about forty years old and ac
customed to ride out after stock with all
I the tamj Void of her male associates.
There is one path along the John Day
Regulator I which is verv narrow, where a missten
morning. woi,i plunge horse and rider into the
Mr. and Mr. A'bel 1'rckinf- of Krskine- waters beneath. This path haB often
ville are in the city. been traversed by Miss Nichols, and it
Judge Hradsnaw left yesterday for is thought that possibly she has found
1). C. Herrin N in Portland.
J. . Condon left on the
Fancy Goods and Notions,
Qepts' puri7i5r)i9 (Jocx,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
H. Herbring.
Terms Cash.
Familiar Faces in a Aretu Place.
Late Special Agent General land Office.
Jtye Ieal Estate, loai, Iiurapee,
.4 .New ltl Vaa
A trainload of aiuttoa aheap are to be
scut to Chicago from Peadletea soon.
If the experiment prove ecaaefnl ex-
tensivo future shipuaeata aaay be looked
for. Yakima Republic.
Yes, indeed, neighbor. You can
bank on future shipments every little
while. 15y the way, your Item reads
like it has been resurrected from a 20
years' sleep. Have you been up in the
mountains lately, and did you uotice
any rust on your scissors? Surely you
do not recognize Pendleton. She has
got over tho experimental stage long
ago aud lias shlpjied carloads upon car
loads of sheep for goodness knows how
long. About one hundred and forty
miles from Pendleton is a place called
Lafayette, and will bo gone a week
S. P. M. Briggs has returned from a
short vacation to the Sound country.
C. K. Chnsman left on the Regulator
today for Vancouver. !! took with him
hisruit dryer model.
Fred. V. Wilson, who recentlv grad
uated from John Hopkir.H university,
Baltimore, arrived last night to remain
I in the city.
W. Iord haw just returned from Long
Beach. Tho weather down there is de
lightful and ali are enjoying themselves
In the most agreeable manner.
Win Curtis aud his friend, Ijring
Stewart, started down the Columbia in
a row loat last evening, and will camp
at different places along the river.
M. A. C. Davis, while working at
McMinnvillo laying a barn floor re
cently, had the misfortune to lose an
eye from a spike flying from a hammer
blow. Mr. Davis recently come with a
party from .Mis-iouri. having a view of
settling on land in Warro county. He
is now in Thu Dalles and will utilize 1i!k
time looking at our broad acres
for M'ttJcuieiit.
her death among the rocks and raging
waters that lie below this dangerous
A iliMiil One nn Atllnl.
Aler. McLeod of Kingsley has re
' turned from a ten-days' visit to thu
world's fair besides a MY-wceks' stay in
Canada. Mr. Mcl.eod said his princi
pal sensation while in Chicago was that
! lie had always lived in a cellar. The
i display upon' all hands is bewildering
in its grandeur. Tho electrical display,
the locomotives and the big guns struck
! him as being among the most phenom
enal, if the superlative adjectvo can bo
world ot uouders. Jlo
Judge Burnett told a good story on
Adlai while en route from Salem to
Portland yesterday, according to the
Telegram. He says that when Mr.
Stevenson reached Missouri ho told the
people that if he ever left Illinois he
would come to Missouri j that ho told
tho people of New Mexico the same
thing, and likewise the people of Ari
zona and California. When the party
reached Needles the thermometer regis
tered 120 deg. in the shade, and tho
members of the party were wondering
if the vice-president would tell the peo
ple there that if he ever left Illinois ho
would coino to Needles. "But he
didn't," said the judge. "There were
about 2" Indians ftanding around wear-
waiting i jn, llotiin but blankets, and Mr.
.Stevenson, instead ot telling them if ho
ever left Illinois he would come to
Needles, told them if ho ever changed
his garb he would adopt theirs."
Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to lient, or
Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage! to call on us.
"Ve shall make a specialty of the prosecution of Claims and Contests
before tho Unitep States Land Office.
85 Washington St.
Have Yoti Seen
-t h e ;
Fine Millinery Goods
112 Second Street
plumpness of
ari.. ,
Sin . wl u,llforllv Kood prices,
'nt-ttei, horses sold for $1,800, sis for
Jjw , twenty.fivo ponies for $45 j many
oui brought tioo singly, and up
4rd the figures MIUO.
t .J oY1n..U
fli i it ... . . . . Will MUUU IH
IFIS If 11 II ilU I'llflKllla tfr I. ' . -. . . t
. ..w v-t? VlJJUIfO L nUUIli EUI Ml ICV . Liiilfl fli'lt till Mlirnil ( lUtli'l V U'Mtt I'llPC
j rant iiitiv ni'' t- nun wj
line, tnoiigli small, but was in a com-
you to learn that suven traiu loads have
also boeu shipped from this point within
tho last two months, J. A. Anderson
shipped four, Kargher Bros, two and
Phil Brogan one. The total number of
sheep shipped to Chicago has been
about 23,000, at an average profit of
about $.'1,500 er train load. "Put this
llurlw llufur.
Jlie recorder lined a elieepherder 110
this morning, aud accepted a ailrer
watch for security. Thla, with the pis
to) tho other day, in default of 5, makes
pretty good start for a 3-ball shop.
The recorder will make a pretty fair
the vice-president i"iulu about the time Ida term of office
over the monitor. As . uxpircs. By that time be ought to have
an excellent miscellaneous array of guns,
knives, watches, clocks, hair pine, sua
jMJiidcr buttons, plated jewelry, eafety
pins, overcoats, etc., etc.
Hhiloh'H euro, the Great Ooutrh and
ei irri'iii u...i . . . ' ..... " ...
&ud , - -"I"""' in. me magnitude i roup Cure, is for vale Dy Hnlpee Kin
a nau !l!UMOf tll Ccllul,bI'1 river jersly. Pocket size contains twenty-live
,0"i as !i I htr'um u,", uuld thut aH 1 'to"' oll!' -r0' CM& ware M. Sold
ro completed at any j by Knipes & Klnersly. !
ud.i 11111 ,,urt'' ewuwuled by
terev v f cltlitc,", Ti8lted tho Mon.
tL.. ii . H',cciftl "teamer was placed ut
u ( d stingulshed party's disposal. A
vu.T ,cr',llou wu hold on board the
-"I niter which
nar v i. .ii .i . . .
l(nn,.i . 1 ulu vu'!H,5l the vice-pwui-'"""J
tuh.teof 111 guns was fired.
, mmnuder O. W. Farrenholt, U. K.
r T" ,hm'l hlle coming up
.... u'r w'th tho Montei
t'iutiii.,i , ' -i " -
llcm lilt; I'ritlx'.
We desiro to hay to our citizens, that
for years we have been soiling Dr.
King'H New Discovery for Consumption,
Dr. King's ew i.uo nils, isucklun'N
Arnica .Sdvo and Klectilo Hitters, and !
have never handled remedies, that sell an I
well, or that havo given such universal j
satisfaction. Wo do not liesitato to
guarantee them every time, as wo stand
ready to refund the purchase price, if
satisfactoi v results do not follow their
At tho Old Stand,
Cor. .Soeoiul and Union Sts.
ay, Graii?, peed ai?d plour,
t Groceries, Fruits and Seeds.
Oasb. loctici for rEJ&'&'js txxcL 3Eox.xlt3f y.
fill goods delivered Free and Promptly.
:a do
pact form. The eastern states expended
more of their money on buildings than
exhibits, while with thu western states
the reverse was true.
JIOTJ.I. UlltlV.W.K. i.'n... Kni.u.iM.n. i." 1 uso. There loiiiediijs have won their
(irandey, II Killev, . Mtiltgram, Ii M 'great jmpiiliuity pmely on their merltH.
Shoemaker, Portland ; .lames (Jandryx,
B hack I. W Hackl, Koldo. Wash; ,11)
lliller, Cascudi. Ixicks; L A Williams, ! N..iie.
CJiarles Barge, Nelson : .lameH Koss. 1 All city warrants registered prior to
I duly L'd,'lK!)l, will ho paid on presenta-
"UKSTI.KMKK i'ieMM'niJ KmiiMi-M Hi'uauciio , t ijii of the same at my olllco. Intunist
i censes after this ditto.
I. I. BmtdiiT, Treasurer.
"iiipcHt Kinersly's druggiHts.
I'liiinili'Mih follows Thu Isixes to I'loni Si'iti
lluv.iiiuu, N, 1'nk To boxt'H to l.lllli) WIIi'ox.
llrtMilcluiul, .N. Duk, I lino iilunyn Ixvn it vrcut
eutliTcr from licainii'liiwuiil yum chiimiIch m tint ,
only IIiIhk Unit ii'lii'H'x mi' I
Your vrry truly, i
i'WKA fKA v, I
1 1 ii ii nn , N. puk. I
llurfclvi.'i. Ariiicu rtalia. I
The best salvo ill tho world for cuts,1
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped bunds, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, aud posN '
lively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price L'5 cents
per bo. For sale bv Snipes A- Klu
ersly, Use Mexican Silver Move P 'is!i.
The Dalles, (Jr., .Inly, 189U.
To l-lliiiiiriil TKmj'r.
All prosperty iin which taxes are not
puid by the 1st of August, will ha levied
upon and sold according to law,
T. A. Waud,
(', I,. Phillips, assigneo of Win. Farm
ic Co,, will on August ,'M, 189IJ, sell, in
fiont of tho court house tho book ac
counts uncollected, also all promisory
notes remaining lit his bunds. tf
Ask vour dealer
I Stove PulMi.
for Mexican Silver
-11- . . HILl 1 I.
The California Winehouse,
Is now open, and its nropriotov will soil his honic-
kL )rodiR,(d Viiu at print's in Mm ruach of tu'ttryhodv.
T' Also, liest I'oanuts to lio found, (loods uarantcotl
to bo ruro and p irsM lass in ovory rospoet.
Thompson's Addition.