Tbe Dalles Daily Chftmiete. tTrv-Wat.rr Bulletin. WESTERN OREGON. OFFICIAL VWT.R OF IULLK CITY A?D WACO COCXTT Entered at the Pew to Sec t Thf IUllw. Orrtjon, SrBSCRIITlOS RATES. bt BAii.crofT.40i rrn; is ava. Wcetlr. 1 rear. 1 " 6 month. . ' 5 Dally, 1 rear. e month?. - per " Addrest all ccxnmnnlcation to ICLE," The Dalle, Orepcn. 0 0 50 6 W 0 JO 'T"lT Id) omct Borrj nera! ndlrerT Window . .5 a. c to T p. m. Ictict Order " . .J a. m. to4 p, m. lundiy vi D " . .9 a. m. to 10a. in. ClXJi6 0rKAU5 trains folnc Kas: 9 p. ra. and 11 :45 i. m. ' ' West 9 p.m. and 5.30 p.m. Stase for Goldendale ' :30 a. m. Princrilk- 5:3a.m. " 'I;iiariuidWtvrsi?prir.rj 5.30 a.m. " flTinp for Lvle Hartland 5.30 a. m. " " " :Antelope S X a. m. Except Sunday tTri-weefclv Tuerfav Thursday nud Saturday, j ' Monday Wednesday and Friday. WEDNESDAY. JULY 23, 1S93 The suicide of two or three men out of work in Chicago should be a warning to unemployed mechanics and laborers to keep away from that citv. The Chi cago Herald preaches a short sermon on the subject, in the course of "which it says : "There are too many workmen here. The magnet of the world's fair drew to this city tens of thousands of artisans who expected to find employ ment. Most of them were successful. During the construction of the exposi tion buildings an army of men was em-. ployed. En: the white city is finished. Building is now limited to the ordinary and normal demand; of a growing me tropolis, and there are more mechanics available than can be used. Although thousands of men who buiit the strac- tures at Jackson Park have scattered, ' many of them returning to their homes in other cities, many have remained here. These men constitute a surplus of labor which will no: be absorbed for some time to come. Not all of them can find steady employment and a large ; percentage will find none at all. Any man who has employment outside of, the city should hold oa to it. He will not find work here." The Buffalo Courier tremely sarcastic vein : ble mineral. It is a not. is silver is product. It can be bought and stored ; and will retain its savor for an indefinite ', time. Formerly the salt springs of ' Onondasa, owned bv the s:ate of New , York, supplied almost the whole conn-, try and were a very valuable property, j Then salt sold for several dollars a barrel and the output of Onondaga , amounted to millions. The opening of ' new welle and new mines of salt has so increased the production that the value , of tbe great Onondiigs properry has ' passed away and salt has declined till j today a barrel of choice fine sp.lt can be I bought m the Buffalo market for SO cente probably about half being for the coat of the barrel and half for tbe salt. In view of thefe changes and tbe severe loss to vested interest, ought not the Weather: The past week has been the warmest so far this season, the max imum temperature ranging from 75 to o degrees ; a few morninps were cloudy, with clear weather prevailing the major portion of tbe day. No rain fell during the week. Crops; The clear, warm weather was very beneficial to the ripening of fall sown grain. Fall sown oats and wheat THE CHF.o.v- are being cut in I.inn. Lane, Benton, Douglas, Josephine and Jackson coun. ties; in Marion, Polk and counties to the north harvesting has not yet become general, but will be this week. The ' grain cut so far has been heavy, of good quality and very satisfactory to the farmers. The spring oats and wheat will not yield an average unless rain should fall within the next week. Spring wheat is not over fifteen inches high and it will be hard to safely cut. Clover hay has all been cut and put away; timothy hay wil! be cut this week. In Jackson county, the second crop of alfalfa is being cut. Potatoes are a good crop every where. Fruit continues dropping from tbe peach, pear, apple and plum trees, reducing lAr yield still more than was expected. There is a marked absence of codlin moth and the aphis. Hops are in bloom and a good crop is expected. Some . yards are expected to vield 2,500 pounds to the acre; on low lands the hops are not so good, being more backward and of a yellowish appearance. EASTEKN OKEGON. Weather : The pa: week has ben the warmest so far this season, tbe temperature rose to from SO to 100 de- T"v grees up to the 21st. when general thun- THE JyA.L.LES der showers occurred cooling the at mosphere considerably. Crops : The rain was of irreat benefit to spring sown grain. Fall grain is be ing harvested and cannot now be af fected by the weather. The rains this month, though for the most par: light and pooriy distributed, have been of great benefit to develop tne crain. In Wasco and Sherman counties almost an average wheat crop will be seeured- in Giilhuii and Morrow counties the yield per acre will be reduoed ; but the pro dnc: wii! be increased, dne to the in created acreage. In Umatilla county the prospects are good. Harvestinc is i- progre and -.rood yield' are reported. Sprin i.... no: a perisnable . " the gram crop is s.igntiy damaged ; but a iair yieid will h secured. In Wallowa county considerable wheat ws wipr killed, but the spring sov.n is irood. In Baker county 3n increased acreas;' wili make an increased production. In the counties south and southwest fit Baker, where irrigation is centrally practiced, the croDS are an average. Hay j; very good. Fruit in Grant and Crook coun ties Is good ; but greatly infested with insects. Considering the state, its fail and spring sown grain, tbe conditions are as a whoie not discouraging at all: but rather flattering. Elder William Tell Your Father thnt we sell SWEET. ORR St-CO.'S fc&5.Vest Junipers, eays, in an ex-; Salt is a valus- necessstv, which i wheat will be short: but fall an average. In Union county when von nsc Romedv. It's Catarrh. The worst cases yield to its mild, soothing, cleansing, and healing properties. Xo matter bow bad your case, or of how long hUnding, you can be cured. IncurabFe cases are rarc. It's worth 500 to you, if yon have one. The manufacturers of Dr. Sage's Remedy are looking for them. They'll pay you that amount in cash, if they can't cure you. It's a plain square offer from a responsible business bouse, and they mean it. It seems too one-sided, too much of a risk. It would be with any other medi cine behind it. It only goes to prove what's been said : incurable cases are rare with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Other so-called remedies may pal liate for a time ; this cures for all time. By its mild, soothing, cleans ing and healing properties, it con quers tbe worst cases. It removes offensive breath, loss or impairment of the sense of taste, smell or hear ing, watering or weak eyes, when caused by the violence of Catarrh, as they all frequently are. Remedy sold by druggists, only 50 cents. AND Prineville Stage Line J.O. PARISH, Prop. Ijeiittr. Th? iia".l at 6 a. m. every da uX sr -i". : lr!'..evii:e in thir:y-Ji bour J-uvp It:.-.--. .1- at a a. m. every day. and a-rive at The Iialie ia thlrty-tli hours Carues the I'. S. Mail, PasstDters and Express or.nec:." a; IrlD-n!e w.th Stares from Eastern and Southert Or scou, Northern California and all Interior Points. A.- - '.." connection at The Daiie with 'c. J'ortlacd end Eastern j ir.t '.;:!!tts SriTiii. jc iCMiEJdaticts a! tti icai. 7.::-:i25j coa:s$s aid Horstt is-i. lRi:n EKur milti viti sjKia! car. STAGE OrrJCES; Pantaloon Overalls, Easy-fitting Pants. Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! are also Headquarters for Men's, Boys' and Youth s clothing 4$ In every size, style and price. i j I YOUR ATTENTION is called tr the fact that Hugh Glenn, "There js a ttdt in the affair 7 men which, taken at its fleod leads on to fortune." The poet unquestionably had reference to the Dealer in Gia. and Bnilciii'- l.mie, Plueter. Cement Mf.Jcrisl of all kind!". Crri. tl Klnt t.l if Picture Moulding Cii-Onl Sale ! M. -ichrl Co. StAre, I'rllirrillt. Umatilla Route, Cbr JalU. 72 To ik found in th City. CXJBshington Street. S. Beaver, of McAllistervilie. Jnniatta Co., Pa., (says hi? wife i subject to cramp in the stomach. Lrpt FUiniaer W. E. GARRETSON. government to bur and etore tbe fait j he tried Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera product in order to prevent further re- and Diarrham Remedy for n. and wa' Leading Jeweie r. dnction of the price and ing to salt-boilerF and calt miners? not, why not? Let us hear from ellver etate. farther Buffer-1 mueh rlen?ed with 1 If I the tiiepfly relief it -'IK AiiKNl rOK THK Is this a prophecy? More than fifty yeare ago Carlyie wrote : "The repub lic weft of us will have it trial period, Up darkeet ot all houre. It in travelinc the high rotd to the direful day And this scourfre-will not come amid famine's horrid stride, nor will it come by ordi nary punitive judgments. It win come as a hiatus in statecraft, a murderous bungle in policy. It will be when health is intact, crops abundant and the munificent hand open. Then k called statesmen will cry over production, the people will ijo to the baliot box amid hunger and destitution, but surrounded by the glitter of self rule, and ratify by their ballots the monstrous falsehood, over-production, uttered by misstates men and vindicated by the snme bailot the infamous lie over-production, thrown upon the breeze by ervile editors through a corrupt press. And thus bring rein upon his country, serfdom upon himself and oppression upon his children." afforded, bhe has since c?cd it when ever necessary and found that it never fails, t or -aie by Blakeley ic Houghton Druggists. WOOD, WOOD, WOOll. Brrst grades of oak. Sr. and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. Peters & Co. Office Second and Jeffer son streets. BBi nil The Dalles- Gigaf : faetory FIBST 8T3EET. FACTORY NO. 105. fTCi A P of tlie lU;n Brand J V-XvT-rLJ.tO manufactured, and! orders from a!! parts of the country filled j on me snor-..T i.itic". All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Ivlade to Order. . .IK -riiiirt t.. Tlr l)alla. Itr. A. WESOLO. The repu'.tu.i. of THE DALLES CI GAR has be:oin- Cnaly established, and the demand for tht home manufactured article is inureaciiig everv dav. A. ULR1CH it SON. at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rates. MJCIIELDAUl PRICK, - IWION T, Lace Curtains, HaVe your Lace Curtains. Shirts, Col lars and Cuffs laundried by THE TROY STEAM LAUNDRY, of Portland, Or. Leave your bundles with Thos. McCoy, No. 110 Second St., before Tuesday noon, and get them on Saturday. 5atisfa'or? Oua rat? teed. f 1X0 per Dottle. Cri)Uj- p;."1; r M .jorjp'.ncCoiiKli end AS.m.i. i" r t i.ta tit-u Jt bn ii' ri'-u : hvurcdthuu Aid vr.u- all o jiir., lalid: will ctke vol :..; i Xf. t cif. Sow hy lru;:yisti) -n a D-n' i . f r t ls.--p Uaci orCht,u3c -iiiL(.:i i rri:iu acts. HJLOK'SA CATARRH The Boston Tailor, The Snug. WINHNS East End Second St. w. H. eutts, Prop. Suits Made tO Order from &'o. 80 8eccLd Sreet, The DalleB $13.00 up. Or. Pants from $5.00 IvrfM-i "It fJuaraiitct-d, up. The Telegram contradicts itt-elf in two Consecutive sentences: Two minutes later the pulsing engine came to a stop in the yard of the union depot, and the deafening shouts of the hundreds of people who were assembled there announced that Vice-President Adlai E. Stevenson and partv had ar rived at Portland. There was no osten tatious display or unnecessary ceremonv at the depot. Portland's citizens ar'e nothing if not practical. Now the question agitating The Chuo.vicxe is: Did the deafening' alioute of hundreds of people come Jroni the throats of an ignorant rabble, or are the citizens of Portland graded' QHILGi CbARA STORY, S0Bm Art Teacher,&(S UttUiujen Building, MIL. ' Jit'.li ud to cure vou. J'rict 2 inixtcr lt- Tor alf hy Miljie. Kliierl). Rheumatisnrif Lumbago, Sciatica, Kid nay Complaints, Lame Hack. tc . . . This well i im n stand, kept bv the well knowt W. H. Uutts, long a'refi dent of Wan ? county, ha- an striiordi nary fine sun-V or Sheep Herder's UtiirM aod Irish Distarbanc In fact, all -he lendins? brands of fin OiLar-. Give th on will come ai;ain 5" hi: Jioom M'ii(lo and Thurwlnyti oj uf olMicr U d'.-lrel. J. F. FORD, Evaoielist, 'if 15o::i; U. under inU- til I t !). SAWEI'S With llMtnHrlMMtlo I . LatcM rMtiurilM la KLT our. K crrnial,ou at trnun urr forrjrMt m m i'Ii .) ll"0. m iv-rrwu df Willy. Uneutr, ru majuro. kldur, aw and button oi,Uinii !if?JS? l"to, Kiattr, all faale eufQuuicu The Krag-Jorgensen rifle which ban recently been adopted for tbe United States army and navy, will pierce twenty-nine one-inch pine planks at u distance of L'oO yards. Ab shown by this teat it would certain. r nlow it u-nv . . . . . ' " -ira Uc rrn twnl br Ik through half a dozen men etundhif in utUSSSSTSSJffJSu line. , ,'' ?,"'' ' kuutmc KiaruMOkT. it. rtrrtr)rrKrrra I Vl. .. .r Vt! to" wtatz man. rK aUkltl for fine nrintn- fl tu4 lor Ifiu j e.inpnirt.mili.fil, trvc ior iint pnniB, m sanocn CLCOTNIQ oo.. Iowa, rH Mi: ii. Mio. Co.. JJufur, Oregon. On arriving home last week, J found all well and anxiously awaiting. Our i little girl, eight and one-half vears old, who had wasted nwav to 38 jounds, is now well, stroni; and'vigorous, and well fleshed up. h. 15. Cough Cure has done its work well. Jioth of the children like it. our S. 1J. Cough Cure has cured 1 "nd .kePr away all hoarsene-,8 from me. no g ye it to every one, with greetings istnng you prosperity, we are .'111. CC ,11!H. J. r, i-ouii. Uliseman & Warders, Saloon mid Wm Rooms' l llK . .T ' hah ll" "''1 ' n"'l irr-' UKl. nt the turk niid liili ol Hkm1 rn-r, with Iri.'t', Miititlv l.il, tfn1 tlr-tMiul wlU-vi.. (r.Kl itmliuiewntir,witlii'liuilc!ii iitulifinn. jrfTlt-. I ilfuliiaccfl. ItRhtfti! jniruiiti-l'l ullniatu, tliucvmrttl i.Uim !l,.i, Uf u luuuut'illi un.ii.i-r n.irt tur nil (tntum, the iaitr.M.t tovn t., Mt. It la i,i,.rullfl.r n nuiit.fiictuniii: ciit.:r, tx:lni; the iistiirnl cuiUt f..r .' (("' i"ih of thf lr-it vut uwl fir tlnilMf, j.h1iik iiillltoim l,.rw m.hit Ii, it !iitliii: ttnimi). und water inlta. eittly liMfuwnwl M Ut- uIkdj. u.nh .er exut. theru the imn u Iet.irit will e.iiter.urr..iiiiill b) und elimute that eamiot tit vxrv! if auywhen- lor Inilt ui.d nifri'-iilture, und , uh tiNhiiortt'.oii ulrtidy wv.-w fiiuulli II nd th it. the lt.x t.i ji.i.L.-1; i rlti-t iiun.e r h ii)iiiK liivttr.fa' See me on the ground, or address me at Hood River. Wasco County, Oregon. The Dalles, Oregon. 'Norti f, Court street. ' corner of Second and for al!. Vouri. , Eggs for Hatching Kroia tl.rriii;Mrt.-fl tVKh. TITLE PERFECT W. RossWinans. D. BUNNELL, Pipe Wort, 1 Tit Repairs anil Hooting MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. Go to f Harris 'urd fur f 1. e.'k KoM ii'id-r a jKItjve Kuamiittv 40 cent rr Untie b- til dnnrguu. i 13 eggs So eggi Addrest . 12.00 . 3.fK) h. M. II AJtKIMAN", Kndersby, Or, ?hp on, Third Street, next door west of Young & BlackBinith Sop.