The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 25, 1893, Image 3

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Trade at Pease & Mays' s
if you want the best goods
for the least good money.
Tho Drowning CnnflrniRih
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Vi'urAt. '() I'xtoSlw t Tlie Pullet, Oregon,
m ' :i1 cUi mxtlrr.
I.ikmI .ItIIIii(;.
B'en' r flrt iiiMTllori, bjiJ S t'onth
nf rv .iiftit tiiMrtlun.
5i rti'i ' " k tunc nutlet-..
A na ' "' '-t-mM Inter than S o'clock
Vfllirr rir.-rn.t.
VJiriai ' ' '' 'ii "ifyour Aour nulinp at
Tuenla fair and nearly Ftationary
tfmpi'raturi' W ednetdny fuir and
t.ight'y i 1'ao.iti:.
Barometer, 2'i.sfi. t
Maximum temperature. PI.
Miniruntii temperature, 50".
Kivcr. i'7.0 feet a love zero.
Wind, licht, nortli.
Mrlrkm lllliul.
The following Associated Press din
patch gives tho facts of tho drowning of
V. It.Tnllu and .laincH Hognn, which
arc Hubstantially iu reported In Tin:
CmtoN'ici.r. yostordav
Tho repurt of the douhlo drowning
telegraphed yosterdav from Cascade
Locks is continued. It liappcned ho
twecn OrnntH and Higge. V. It. Tatre,
only eon of 1. II. Talle, tho well-known
salmon fisherman andcannerof Colilo,
and Jim Hogan of Astoria, who was em
ployed by Talle in seining, were the mi
fortnnatcp. .Mr. Talle, n ho was '..'." yenrB
of age, Marted yesterday with Hogan
from Celilo in a sailboat to purchase a
sack of wheat at Higgs. There being
nono there, they continued up tho river
I to (jrants. Returning, they left Grants
about p. m. Later on sotno one at
j Biggs saw an unoccupied boat floating
down the middle of the river, and taking
a skill", brought to the shoro what was
recognized as Talle's boat. Mr. Biggs
' telephoned to Grants a nicssago to be
I sent to Tallo at Celilo, announcing that
I his boat bad been secured. This mcs
sage naturally aroused the people of
Grants who at onee commenced a search
' for TafTu and Hogan. Tho quest has
J been continued today until nil are satis-
j fled that the men must have been
i drowned, although nothing has been
Been of the bodies, which were probably
swept down with the current. The sup
position is that the unfortunate men
t tried to tack down the river, which was
I very rough, as it always is at this stage
J when a strong up-stream wind blows
i against the rapid current, and that a
sudden gust caused the boat to careen
I and throw its occupants overboard.
This is very likely, as the boat when
i found was upright, though full of water,
and the sack of wheat was still aboard.
, Mr. Tafle lost his left arm some years
! ago when in the employ of the Union
J Pacific out of Ogden, and was probably
! unable to help himself. The only child
i of his narent". be was a rnmnrknblv in-
Hasten) Oregon will have a good crop telligent and capable man, and 'was
season, except, peacnes, , extremelv useful at bis father's flab-
I'rult Grower Organized.
A strange case, and one that if excit
ing mucli attention nmong physicians in !of fruit this
Idaho, is thus rejKjrted by the Lewi-ton which are tenet ally short in all sections, i rl. o,i "m- ,i tii:.
George I). Finn, who lives j ithin a very few days large shipments looming advanced in years, will
snouiu ie maue irom uie nalies. ilere-;feei his loss sorely. The news was
tofore, through hick of organization, ' taken t0 niH inother last night bv
but few have received good prices for I Conductor Kice, of the Union Pa
tbeir fruit. This has been due to a lack . cic1C) who founil lier landing on
of organization, which will be remedied the river bank, although her hour for
this year. This season a number of our r(.tiring was long past. She at once be
most prominent fruit raisers have en- feout,nt him to teU her thu worsti M she
tered into a combination whereby the ,nil nil l:iv tJmt anmo n.vJl -na nhnnt.
Jl'LY 2.1, 189.'!
Tribune :
on the rim rock north oi town, was last
Saturday stricken perfectly blind. lie
states that last Saturday inornini:. be-
j tween S and If o'clock, he went out to
' mow some hay for hi? team, and after
I mowing some little time he felt a warm
j sensation across tho middle of hie back
l and soon be bad a vomiting spell. He
i then returned to the house alwut sun
j down. He went to bed and was soon
; asleep. After sleeping some two hours
he woke up and thought he would get
up and light the candle. He found the
matches and struck one, but could not
see, ho he threw it away, thinking that
it was damp or no good. He tried some
more with the same result. He then
Tm JWy and llVfty Chronicle way
U found on naif at 1. ('. Xicldteri'i rturr.
" lrl Xrw.
I'leld In llttiu-iBlhlr
1 )ii...
N"W d ,Ui the limp uixl mry ttninp
n u nir hum Mm ronu
Af 1 r jw id,, lurtucr liuncry cIor
1 '-iar- for an txcltiUK mt-sl.
Tl is year's hop crop will be large.
A scarcity of trout is reported in thu
IKs Chutes river this vear.
The heated term was. long in cominir.
tmt it is now fairly upon us.
Salem lias dedicated a new church
ntl h now building a city hall.
TV. carload) of eattlo went west fmm
I .
H mock yards todav.
Cttieroue harvests are the rule this
Jw in Kastern Oregon. Harvesting
Kin lllti iiu
ladle of tlu -Mithm!Ut Mmr..i.
wve icecream in thu h:i..r..-.r1 t
. ... - v. ... V it iji
- M.unu eunesilay evening. Jce
"tain and cake M cent.
Mat Blank has fired iri,.ir l.ii..
i 2M or 300 thousand brick in it,
'-in for the clouds of black
nesterday in tho eastern part
Karl Fruit Company will
fruit, for which the
handle their 1 10 hc.M tliem
tendency will be to make even
local market than ever before.
a better
felt bis way to the door to see if he could i no matter how small the output. The
wee any stars, and when he opened it he
could not see anything, so he returned
to the bed anil laid there alone from
Saturday night until Monday evening,
when u man that used to work for him
made his apfearance."
When told of her son's
highest market death, ervinir "The cruel river has
prices aie assured. J. A. McDonald, of , daimed him at last." she fell eenseless,
that company, was in the city yester- and.i gtill in a precarious condition,
day making the final arrangements. 1
The fruit is to be nronerlv traded and i a.notiiki
packed in this city and shipped in car
load lots. Everyone who raises fruit
for sale should join this organization,
Wo are determined to make largo sales, therefore wo will
make cuts in prices that will surprise you. Hero are a
few prices to suit tho hard times for the present:
20 yards Print Calico, for $1.00
3jaairs Ladies' Full-Finished Hose, for .25
2 36-inch Linen Towels, for , .25
3 Bathing Towels (Turkish), for 25
2Fancy Tidies, for .25
Parasols, Clothing,
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps,
Laces and Embroideries,
Dry Goods, &c, &c, &c.
Everything in proportion. Save money while you havo
tho opportunity. HFTUia sale is good for .10 dins only.
Come and bring your friends. You won't regret h.jgtj
Cor. court aid Second sis.
Tie Dalles, Oregon.
Snrmo ail in Dry Goons,
Fancy G-oods and Notions,
(jests' furi))( (Jood5,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
H. Herbring.
Terms Cash.
Familiar Faces in a New Place
farmers .)., .,t,i ,.i.
a daily pap"r
hnii' i.i. 1
u""' ineir crops are sold. At
!"'" it pays to watch tho market
furnishes a tollable
f'P"M each week.
( ' lin..Hi it
i, -." i. r jiiirnuii nav
iiir j n i
it in , ..... . .... i
t.t I
... ,,,t,,ting Of till. I,.ir,l f ,.f
- "v IH. I1UIM1 . A, ..! u I.. I...
ll II.. ....... .
. - - "iirnr vi ii h ...
n"..'l III I III! Ifl.tlU ..'ill 1... ...i.ili. '
mnuii I,. 1 1... i i i , .
r. .. uuunilt mi! u-i'ini ifii
v' JllVlfir it it. I tfi.. ...
.. .uira iiu com ). iiN inr
v iLi'iirtti r.t .1.
there , y U'"
a vo
partnerehip to transact a
ii. insurance and collec
ii'Jth aio well known citl
' di.ubtlffis get a good sharo
sio their advertisement in
1'!! I'"'1 ! (jeor -MeCarty and Has
w roubliig the jtosly,, bank w
" Monday, July 2Uli. Itiiiayf Washington, California, Colorado,
MS n .
" IILH M 111 t . 1
Carty u ro tlmt NeIMc
"Quw... . f (ioorL'. tl' "ujiponwl
iUMH ,! 'llMjk I'rt iii the robbery,
'inter tot ho -lff ii.... it i... '
family Kruiilon.
IJy the I'omona yesterday there ar
rived IJ. S. and J. M. Hunlington of The
Dalles, Or,; A. W. Huntington of Maker
City, (Jr., and Dr. T. W. Huntington,
I . K. K. surgeon of Sacramento, to be
present at the 50th andiversary of the
wedding of their jrents, Rev. and Mrs.
U. A. Huntington. .Mre. Clark of Port
land, Or., a daughter, and l.utie and
Kred Huntington of Wooland, Cal.,
children of a son now dead, have been
hero for ome time. These with the
children of Mrs. Clark and those of A.
J. Monroe and wife of this city will
make (juite a family reunion six chil
dren and eight grandchildren, who will
attend the golden wedding to be cele
brated at the Congregational church
next Tuesday evening. Humboldt
Ilr 4'tirrrul of Fire.
The law concerning llres in Oregon
forests reads as follows :
See. I. Any person or persons who
shall willfully j-et firo to any wooded
country, or forest belonging to tho Mate
or tho United States, or to any person
or persons, shall be deemed guilty of
misdemeanor, and upon conviction be
fore a court of competent jurisdiction,
shall be punished by si fine not exceed-
ing one thousand dollars or imprison
ment not exceeding one year, or by both
such line ami imprisonment: provided,
that nothing herein contained shall an
ply to any person who in good faith sets
u back fire to prevent tho extension of a
flro already burning.
'iu)lluif nU Orrffoii,
Comptroller of Currency Kckles un
consciously pays Oregon u high compli
mom in lis statement mado in New
ork. Ho referH to tho disasters which
have fallen ujxhi tho "speculative in
stitutions ami Ixjoiii cities of tho states
Wild .11. .
( I in .7."
It. J'lllMI. I .
C, ... ciKiieu oi wm. rarro
"III on Aii.miui 'j.i icinn i. .
rorit of ti wo"i 111
. "I the court lim...,
re Ik , "lH0 wU Pr'isory
"'"B in ins Junius, tf
Kansas and Missouri." Tukinu tho
states north and south of Oregon us
illustrative frightful examples it is surely
a compliment not to refer to Oregon,
All city warrants registered prior to
Inly '2d, 1891, will bo paid on presenta
tion of tho same ut my office. Interest
ceases after this date.
I. 1. IU'wikt, Treasurer.
Tho Dalles, Or., July 6lh, 1893.
Use .Mexican Hllver Stove I'olinh,
P. A. Clark is in the city on fruit in
terests. Hobt Hard wick is in town today from
Vice-President Stevenson and
are expected in Portland today.
Miss Kmily HusbandH of Mosier is
in the city visiting Mrs. S. L. Young.
Dr. W. K. Rinehart and wife and Mr.
and Mrs. Jos. T. Peters are in Portland.
Attorney W. 15. Presby of Goldendale
was in town yesterday, en route home.
Mrs. Bradford, a sister of Mrs. K. C.
Pease, leaves tonight for Chicago where
she will visit friends and relatives.
J. H. Pushce, grand lecturer of the
A. F. and A. M., has been in the city
since yesterday and will leave tomorrow.
J. W. Jackson returned this morning
from a short trip to the world's fair,
lie states that tho Oregon fruit exhibit
is the best on the grounds. He wit-uest-ed
the fearful holocaust of the cold
storage warehouse.
Mrs. Thomas Angell, Mrs. William
(iilliam and Mrs. Alice Krazer left on
the Regulator this morning for the
White Salmon cainpmeeting. Camp
meetings seem to bo in vogue this season,
this being the third one Mrs. Angell has
Columbia V Snakal and wife, Miss
Snakel, Tvgh Valley;!) Ilridgefarnicr,
(iolilcndale ; J S Slacker, It I' ranks, II
Salter. Poitland; C V Schurder, C .1
Schro der, KIngsley; .1 N Watt, K K
Iloaducik, Mosier; A V IJuflington,
Cascade Ixicks ; J W Ciowder and wife,
In Dnlur, Monday, July -Mth, to the
wife of Wes Harris, a son.
Nut int.
All members of Tho Dalles lire depart
incut are requested to meet at tho coun
cil rooms next Wednesday evening at
8 :.'I0 o'clock. JSy order of
Ut .). S. Kisn, Chief.
Inasmuch as my wife, ("ieorglo Anna
Hrooks, lias, without just cause or prov
ocation, left my bed and board, against
(ii v wishes mid consent, and refuses to
return or further live with mo, I hoioby
.fuller Mori'lnnd Write the Superln-t-ni!ent
of the Asylum.
Yesterday afternoon a well-dressed
lady of middle age called at the police
station to invoke the aid of Chief Hunt's
! department to induce her 18-year-old
I son to relinquish his idea of fasting
forty days. She stated he had attended
the meetings of Mrs. Williams, and had
become imbued with the idea that the
Lord desired him to live forty days on
the "blood and body of Christ," which
took material form in tho shape of claret
and bread.
An afternoon meeting was in progress
at the residence of Mrs. Williams at the
time, at which she stated her son was
present, and she desired that an officer
call there and take him out in hopef ho
would be frightened into abandoning
his fast and faith. Chief Hunt informed
her that there was no ordinance of the
city of Portland which would justify
such a proceeding, and it was not cer
tain that he could he committed to tho
insane asylum even should his family
desire it, which she stated they did not.
Judge Moreland has written u letter
to tho superintendent of tho insane asy
lum at Salem, asking tho views of tho
superintendent of that Institution as to
the advisability of committing these
forty-day fasten to the avium. Ander-
" . . i . .. ., .. t
son, tho man who win arrosieu a low
days ago on this charge, has not heeded
tho warning of tho county judge, so the
ollicers report, but continues to live on
a iiioisol of In cad and u little wino each
day. lie will not be rearrested on tho
charge of insanity until Judge Moreland
receives a reply from the superintendent
of the asylum, leU-gnuu.
"(illNII.H.MKN. ril'IIM'SC'Mcl KrilllMj'K IIl'IIiIiK'III'
Ciiii-iiIck i (uHmta TUiili'iM'K In I'lmii mii ,
lliiviinim, N. link. 'I " l'"M" to l.llhn Wilcox,
ItrtM'k lillliJ, N. I nk , I lime iilwiijh litvii u Kii-iil
sulli'ior from IkwIui Iu'iiiiiI jonrrujiniloH am tlic
mil) tliinu Unit m IIi ws me. '
i.inn cr truly,
1'uuu hi;.v v,
J I it ii mi ti , N'. link.
IIcm i'v hi); I'i iiIm).
. Wo deslio to say to our citizens, that
fur years we havo been soiling Dr.
King's New Diccoory for Consumption,
Dr. King's New J.ifo Pills, llucklen's
Arnica Milvo and Kleetrlo Hitters, and
havo never handled remedies that sell an
well, or that have given such universal
satisfaction. Wo do not hesitate to
guarantee them every time, as wo stand
ready to refund the piiichiiso price, if
satisfactory results do not follow their
use. There remedies have won their
u'nrii till i.iTHiinn not to L'ivn her niiv
.. .....Kit iiritiiilfi fit v ntiriilv fin llwilr nwirltu
credit on inv account, as i win not pay ; -""1 rwr r-v
y bills of her contracting after this Snipes A Mnrly h druggists.
Late Special Agent General Land Office.
Jtye leal Estate, IjDai), Iijsurapee,
Parties having Property they wish to Sell or Trade, Houses to Kent, or
Abstract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage to call on us.
We shall make a specialty of the prosecution of Claims and Contests
before the Unitep States Land OHice.
85 Washington St.
Have You Seen
Fine Millinery Goods
112 Second Street.
At tho Old Stand,
(!oi Second and Union Sis.
(-lay, Grair?, peed ai?d plour,
Groceries, Fruits and Seeds.
Gctmlx lpjevlcl for 33s,s",y mcL IEovi.ltxy.
All goods delivered pree and Promptly.
The California Winehouse,
date. Cai.kii liitooKX.
Dallen City, Or., July 10, 18!W ,i)in
Tit l)iiiiiUi'Hl Tuiiuyrki
All Drodoertv udoii which taxei- iiio not
paid by tho let of August, will be levied
upon una told ucconllng to law. ;
J. A. W aiii, AM your ueaier jor .jexican hiiver,
.Sheilir. 'Stovo I'olhjh.
Cajitain Sweeney, IJ, S, A., Han
Diego, Oal., hhvh: ".SIiIIoIi'h Catarrh
Jtemeily in tho llrtt jiiedlcino I have
over found that would do nio any good."
J'rlco 60 etii. fold by SnipeH A Kiuersly.
Is now open, and its proprietor will hcII his home
produced iik at prices in the reach ol evervhodv
Also, hest I'eannls to ho i'ouinl, CJoods miaranteed
to he I'ure and v irst-ulass in (ivory resjioct.
Thompson's Addition.