The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 25, 1893, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered : the I'cwtofiic t The DUc. Orcpon,
. recoad-clisa matter.
t AiLrorrsi rsiriii' is jlivaxc.
Wceklr. 1 vcr. . I 1 M
6 month.
0 75
0 S
Srattlr Srntlon
Seattle, Wnsh., July .Special"'
Arnin Lake "Washington is the scene of
an accident which calls forth the sym
pathies as well as the indignation of the
citirens of Seattle. Only a few weeks
ago Nellie Holcate caused treat excite
ment and much expense by leaving in a
boat from one of the pleasure resorts and
disappearing from all her friends to let
3 to
telly, 1 year.
" 6 month.
Addrcs alt communication to THE CHF.ON
ICLE," The Dalles, Orccon.
6 w the people of Seattle hear from her only
r w i
William Tell
Your Father that e sell
when she reached her home tn the east.
This time the lake swallows np its vic
tims, and buries them in over five
It isn't done
ve bun- hy others that's why the guarantee
story of of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
6enertl Delivery Window . S a.
jfoner O-der
Snndsy u O
m. to 7 m.
&. m. to 4 p. tn.
9 a. 21. tnlOa. m.
traio point Ea.-t .9 p. m. and 11 -45 a. m.
" ' '! 9 p. ca. and S 50 p. a.
Stage for GoMendale :30 a. a.
' Prlnerlllt 5 3'a. tn.
" "I)alur and Harm ?princ
" tLcsTine for Lyle A Hartiand SO a. m.
" '- " " : Antelope 5.30 a.m.
Except Sunday
tTri-weeklr. Tcedsv Tfcur-iy and Saturday.
1 Monday V'wlneday and Friday.
love and crime is supposed to linger should command attention. It s a
about the lives of the two victims. Last cnarantce that means something,
evening about 6 o'clock in the presence If the medicine doesn't give satis-
of several witnesses and only about a faction, in even' case for which it's
mile from shore, the two parties jumped rreoramraii, ujc money is prorapi-
nrorn! nnr Vwlifw h.lVP not Vet IV rCIUIiaea.
- JULY 2o, 1S93
A young man of IS has joined the -40-day
fasters in Portland, becoming im
bued with that species of religious fer
vor, amounting to insanity, which defies
all physical laws. Anderson and his
wife are still fasting. When some years
ago Dr. Tanner fasted 40 days he did so
for a scientific purpose, and abstained
as well from exercise, late houri and
excitement. Xot so these religious
fanatics. Their misguided faith induces
them to make heavy demands upon
their vital forces, working their usual
number of hours, and sitting up iar into
Remarkable terms
but it's a remarkable medicine. All
the functional irregularities and
weaknesses peculiar to "womankind
are cured by it. For leucorrhea,
periodical pains, -weak back, prolap
sus and other displacements, bearing-
-iTt-n srm.ltiftns. and nil " fnmnln
overt irom ijim assmg.on gw.( complajntS) it's a,, unfailinc rem-
tne lact mat tne ooaies never noa;. a cdv. It is a
been recovered. The boat was no: upset,
nor did it give signs of any struggle at
all between the parties, as there was no
water in the boat whatever. This, it is
presumed, will remain a hidden mystery
as it is seldom that a body is ever re-
is not known who the parties are. yet it
is generally supposed that there i? some
deep hidden mystery connected with
these lives which has made them unite
in blotting out their shame and crimes
by this effort to blot out their existence.
Thus far no one has been missed from
the citv, which fact adds greater mystery
to the entire affair.
The annual Chautauqua meeting of
the Northwest, which is held each year
at Chautauqua, on Vasbon Island, only
If? miies from this city, is now in ses-
a powerful, restora
tive tonic and nervine, impartine
strength and vigor to the whole
" Try it, if you're an ailing -woman.
If it doesn't help you, you have
your money back.
As a regulator and promoter of
functional action, at that critical
period of change from girlhood to
womanhood, " Favorite Prescrip
tion " is a perfectly safe remedial
agent, and can produce only good
Vest Jumpers, .
i Pantaloon Overalls,
v-f itti op Pantsi
Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip!
We are also Headquarters for ....
Men's, Bovs' and Youth s
ion. It has proven this rear, 25 in all
the night, attending their frenzied meet- others, to be one o: the grandest means Ttj T J AT T UC
in. -Rn. ,,nC"nnrv,rt hv vnWr . ot education in the way oi a camp meet-
c - r- "i : - . 1 m
bread and meat, thev are reduced to
skeletons and several of them have died,
and the only reward they get from their
own co-believers is a curse and a
trumped-up excuse that they had eaten
something else in the meantime, for
which they were struck with death for
disobeying. If their safc.t-Iike leader
would only starve herself to death, it
might save a rood manv lives, for per-
1itv3 thpir fvps tronlri thpr lhfnmc nncn 1
j-- -r ,
to the fact that whereas spirit may ex-
ist without material sustenance, the
body must have its natural food and
rest. The age of miracles is past, and
if not the tendency would be not to di-
niinish, but to multiply the loaves and
fishes, as of old. .
ing that has ever been inaugurated.
Chautauqua, on Vasbon Island, is m
one of the most beautiful little coves on
It is a place of pleasure
Pncet sound.
, and of health. The beautiful grounds.
, together with the broad teach from
which the campers and Chautauquans
get clams and oysters, adds interest to
the gathering. Thousands of peopie
gather at this piace during the Chautan-
a srriion irom au parts oi trie j-ounc
and the Northwest. Some o: the most
noted lecturer of the United State; are
secured each year to deliver series f
lectures before ihe assembly,
j The Great Northern Railway Com
pany ha? completed arrangements with
Samuel Samuels & Co., of Lonekn for a
Trans-Pacific steamship line, with its
There is every probability of a war, in , American part at Seattle. There are
which the largest nations of the old ' about twenty-four vessels engaged fnr
world may become involved, if France's the traffic, and which will bring tb
demands upon Siam are not modified, j duce of China and Japan, Australia ai,ri
France will rely for support upon Bus-India to this country and send the::
aia, and the Siamese apon China and i from this port over the Great Nartiierr.
England. Germany of course will not j to the eastern market. Whar.-ave End
be long in showing her hind, with an ; docking have been secured 3t the h han'
ambitious young emperor who has not ,' of the Sackman-PnilJips Investment
yet won his spurs, and spoiling for a j Compan . This, together with the
chance to show his prowess, and as the ( steamship lines to San Francisco,
fight waxes warm there is no guessing ! Alaska and other ports, and together
wher&ii will stop. I Prof. Totten will
y . . -. ...
je iruoi ii me speeuv wma-up oi
thingE terrestrial, and so in truth it
would be for tens of thousands of poor ,
wights who would die in as complete ' jq
ifuumuLT ui me icrriiurv mey are ugni-
ing for as Totten is aE to the day set for
the beginning of the milleninm.
J.D. PARISH. Prop.
I.'.i The Dalles a: 6 a. in eierv (Ik; e- i
r.- t ITmeviHc in thirty-six h"t.r- Leave- ,
iT.: :i? a: 5 a. m. every a-id f.rr,vt. ;
The Dalle in thirry-Mi hour
Cuties lilt C. S. Mail, Passenrers aod Lxpress
fianect at Pria"-HJe with
Stages fron Eastern and Sontherr Or
egon. Northern (Jaulornia asc
all Interior Points.
A. Li"? c!o-e coane?tion at The rslies wi
. s .ri3; I'ortliUid iui(S Eastern pc;i.:
wuH:3U iriisrs.
cxi irsisasfcHOEs slm ite rtai.
:js:-:12s coa:S5s isi Ecrsss iia..
Q?rjss EHiisr lutM wilt sjecul cars.
In every size, style and price.
VflllP flTTFNTIfliN "There is a tide :n the ajfairs of nun which, taken at its flood
leads on to fortune."
Is called to the fact that
flagb Glenn,
, Dealer in Glass, IJme, Placter, Cement
and Building Material of al! kind".
Vmrrif the Fiorot Llnr of
Pictare Moaldinirs
Tho poet unquestionably reforence to tho
11 Side 0! -
Fll'lil'fi k Mi
with the freight trade with various na
tions, give- Seattle a great boon in the
way of trans-oceanic traffic.
IcIipI i On.' Store.
riuatlllm IIiiukc
flit- Kallt--.
0,J AT uriHINUMLL Ot bUnuL 1 .
To fnnmi in th Tirv Who are sellinK these goods out at Rreatly-reduced rates.
. - - j
72 CUashington Street.
Elder S. S. Beaver, of McAll-sterviue.
niatta Co., Pa., savs his wife is subie':
to cramp in the stomach. Last summer
she tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Bemedy for it, and was
The financial situation is undoubtedlv j mnch P!ea' ed with the relief i'
improving from this point of view. She has since used it when-
greatly decreased number of failing 1JSl a .andfo,ca,d that it never
f , ' , . , , fc fails. For sale by Elakelev & Hoazhton
uum asc rejxirieu 10 me comp- DnJi'tfe.
ironer oi tne treasury, ana a number of
those which suspended are applying to
resume orjerations. Mnnpv 5b Wnmino
. and lenders are retraining confi-1 EIGne-v lT0- " " snaranteed v.
t give you satlstaction. Prie 74c. So.d
"I K AI5KXT rli: THK
Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for
Jppepsia, torpid liver, yellow rk.n or
. UtJ .
easier, and lenders are regaining confi
dence. It now lookf- as if the finnnrial
conditions will be vastly better by the ' b-T & Kioerely, druggists.
time congress convenes in ertra session.
The Dalles
Cigar : Factory
CIGAPtS manu
ie iiest Urand!?
tanufactured. and (
orderc from all part of the country filled ,
on the shortest notice.
New York has an infant prodigy of S
years who has been expounding the
gospel for twelve months. Boy preachers j
have been known before, but baby 1
preachers are new. The suctrestion that j
the phenomenon be spanked and put to
bed is thrown out for what it is worth. ,
and it is worth more than the parents
seem to realize.
Best grades of oak, fir, and slab cord
wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T.
Peters &. Co. Office Second and Jeifer
son streets. :
Go to N.
yards for t'l.
Harris for fine rnnts 20
AM Watch Work Warranted.
Je-welry Made to Order.
13 secu.l St.. Tin- llIl-. Or.
The reputation of THE DALLES CI
GAB has Income firmly established, and
tne aeniana lor tne nome manuliuttured ,
article is increasing every day.
Lace Curtains,
Have your Lace Curtains, Shirts, Col
lars and Cuffs laundried by
of Portland, Or. Leave your bundles
with Thos. McCoy, No. 110 Second St..
before Tuesday noon, and get them on
. r.
WliE.M... Wil. MAKDKKS.
5atisfa;tior) (Juarapteed.
The abolition of seed distriba'Jr.n
through members of congress and t;ie
charging of the cost of meat itispet-t.n
upon the packers are likely to le tw of
the leading recommendations :r. t.. 'n
nnal rCrt of .Secretary Mor! r. .f
department of agriculture.
The Telegram is now a foiio Ha' .
times have forced the cut iron, f- s
pages. The Telegram is one of t:4e
brightest papers on the coast, and it Is
to be greatly regretted this action was
necessary. We hope to toon note i
enlargement again.
W&fjg Boot TaIM,The Snug. WINHNS
East End Seeond St.
Suits Made to Order from
$18.00 UT3.
irom so.uu up.
r-rfiet I'lt ISuurautrect.
W. H. BUTTS, Prop
Jio. 90 oecoad greet, The Dalles
I full of oa river, wit!, Wk. , mUV. 1U, burnt it.-.t,uw iif tr.l Miil
. the ' wid iMirewnter.wai, Urtt in jn,.!.,.,,.,, rle t lfBliiip,il. UL'lii(urm.ijl.U'lll
U'lni; the neiirtt tuwu t Mt ll..l It h- ..u-u.Im- , . inauufrturt t
'lliu'iir?'0,? """u';' ''" "' r '" ' ' ta.;,! d viu r
i . . y ,","J,M'- w '' u.-.t: r cxUtu, t! fie the n
fac;w,,Jt'Wt7.","'ult .Ihi.Htf thtliu .t U'VUt -I
. . ."m'V 'r,;lt,B",, Krt-u!ur. , h:,1 .tl, tr.,!i,rtti..: .,!n1v r '
J-iiU will liwJ thl. tin- .une t,, n.uU a-tUvI Ihu or f.inK XM-.k-'
Tl ,
More is expected from the special ses
eion of congress soon to meet than ever
before. There is no dodging the issue '
mnd if it is iiossible for congress to re
store quiet and confidence, no less than
that will bo demanded. ,
Kucklen". Arnica Ukire.
Ihe best salve m the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
ores, tetter, chapped hands, chhblaine,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 5 cents
per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin
eraly. Wanted.
A girl to do general hou.ework.
wngee. Apply at this office.
AnacreibleLuiat.7fc Bt)d:Ei Vtl s, '
Scid by VrustKWt or sect r.j- raa.. toe .
nd $r.CO;.T pactace. f-anpiee free
trn If A Toe Favorite ZKZZ V.TTZZZ
A.W H.WtortbeTet&aadilrvt:U:.2c.
For rhr Sniff i: i;tii.-rlj.
, Rheumatism,
Lumbago, Sciatica,
K-ianey complaints,
Art Teacher
K j'sih 3, liittimjen Jiuihliny,
line ne.i known f-tand, kept by
en wiwn . n. liutts, long a resi-'
dent of Witfcco iunty, han an estraordi-1
nary flue to-k of ,
Sheep !lerde.'s MiM aad Irish Distarbior i
III faRt. .ill thf. lnli' LrrmrU i.l ... '
Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Give th
ild man a ;'.! and you will come asain
iloiMlity and Thurdajr of
or ofu-iier if dextrud.
Lame Back. Slc.
vmrut witamrt lunllrfi ji t,UM. rtmitltj trm
btZJfff,: '.""K?"' e'itar comUno
Jmj JL,fIf,'5j',,.,"Brer crJw 'ort" "1
tt i 'Minwli flll.acd ri tswtucs
rr. JLJ VJ1. " l"C"yC HXurMMJET. tt
Good ' mi-Jramp,t.,,uu..o..,Itu
U o. ITS tlrsltklrcct, J'UaTIi.MJ CitC
. H. Meu. Mro. Co.,
lJufur, Oregon.
On arriving home last week, I found
all well and anxiously awaiting. Our
uttjf girl, eight and ohe-half vears old,
wno had wasted away to 38 pounds, is
now- well, htrong and vigorous, und wel.
needed up. .-. Ji. Cough Cure has done
us work well. Both of the children like
it. l our K. ii. Cough Cure has cured
and kept away all hoarsened from me.
-so give it to every one, with greeting
for ail. ishiiig you proMieriU. we are
ourr, Ma. A Miss. J. F." Forn.
U j(a wrinb tofwi freb undtlKfffiil. biI idr
, W:" ei,n'J" or:, ck-urue yoi.r .t. iii will,
'hT'1 UJtr ' '"iK two or
Ujrtc a .- tut',, wtk.
1 txild under Kltive KUrinee,
Ui ccuu wr bottle If nil drugfUU.
Wiseman & Marders. '
i'n4 I
- Saloon aad Wine ?mm
See me on the ground, or
address rno at Hood River.
Wasco County, Oregon.
The Dalles,
"Xorth Wl!,it. irorniT nf Kwnnfl
Court Htreeth. i
Eggs for Hatching
From thoroughbred fowls.
W. RossWinans.
Pipe Wort, tin Repairs ana Room
13 eggs.
0 etfud
I Address.
. 3.00
M. JIA JtltlMAN, I Shop
F-nderkby, Or.
on Third Street, next door went of Young t' Kuw'
IJJaekHuiith SMop.