Hulks pflwHiSH silKE ckc pHw abPHB Chronicle VOL. VI. THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 25, 18SK-J. NO. 33. 0e Dalles Daily Chronicle. PttMihi' iui'r.buimrKicrpti. rtHtOHBOSin-KPIIIIMBniNGCX). . n. Wwhlnlnu Htrcc.U. The ,)0"1" Dalle, OrcRnn. r.r..f Subcrltliin ' tf tKI "-'"' TIMBTAIILKS. i:ai)i '' IAKT HOUNtl. v wen houkii. ..SMa '. Dej.arta 3:10 A. M. " 'lirtWrtkhUttmi carry p.wcnKfr Uve 25 !! ta i:4. 'VV'AiiteloK MiU-hell. Cnnyon City, Ituvc teV.K::si(-.Vnmlc.ViijilnltU(Wnnn fe&t?. w.h . n-avc every day ot the OCeS lor H ."' liti- V inaUlU IIowk. H ritoi'KnoNAi.. n tttniiK; I atti;KMV-at-Law oaku , court street. The Dallt-i, Orciron. fCKli, A MESKKKK - ATTOHNBYH - AT JJ law !:Jin U l"l . over i'twt Cice Haildmr. l.utuau; on Wa.hlncuin Street rtcPf-lw.Ur-Kou ' i i l.t NSKTT. ATTOKNKY-AT-LAVv. Of .. Sci .-hanao building, tij Ulr. The, Oruron I f VYa B MirNTiSOTOS. M. , WltKOK. MAli- Hf.STINliTON A WILSON - ATTOR ir.Yi. it i.xv -ocittn. Krrnra'a block over firt National Hunk. ' 1 Dalle. Orcson. U H WMMlN-ATTOHNKT-AT-LAvr-Room. n . Krcti"li A C o ' bank buildlnit, rwoud m&. Trt Da lev, Orccon, nE.EeHEl.ilAN f Ho xorATine, 1'iiTMctA to otnlsht, cltv or country. Oflit No. I and EUutymaablock. wU DR 0. 1). 1IOAXE- rTlCUK AND iUB 6eok, omi rootr.a 6 una C Cbapmnn tiMl Kvaldence b. K. corner Onm nnrt fourth itrwu, m-chhI (liwr Irom the ctirntT, 0atmit to 12 A. M . 2 to 6 mid 7 to 4 K M. D'lUlULL Dkntiot. (it. tfivt-n lor the t!a;ra ejtwtloti of Uf th Alw Ut-th v in Curt nlumltiuia )ilnli. t'.oomk bleu o( 1 fiol.VnTootb, nJCOUd Ktro;t. fl ft f.x HOCIKTIKn. 'ARn IX5IOE,NO. lb, A. K. & A. M.-Mt U iimt una tiara Motiany ui vix'tt umuta ia 7 DA' KO AI. AltCH CHAlTKlt NO. f..- MirU In Mnsimlc the third W'tJnwliiy ofuicli montli at 7 1. M. MOUKKK WOODMEN OK THE WOHU). ilt. Hood CnmoNo. W.MiiakTuwdKyi'Vfll lCKOl t-ftcli wiU In l-ratonilty Hall, nt":Su ji. in. pOI.OMHIA UllXJK, NO. 6, I.O. 0. r.-Moiti. V uvcrj Kiiduy uruttluz t 7 : o'clock, In K. l 1 Iill, corner ccnil h:k1 Court ttiwu. onj'jgniiiiK onuiierii lire tleotIU. U Uoi'oh, Hw'y. H. A. IIijxji.N. (5. UKU NDHHIl' I.ODGK, NO. 9., K. of K-Muutx j cvt-ry .-iiiiiiiay fVCIUHK MI 7 W) o'clock, 111 icliiDnu k bulldlnj,', corner ol 0jurt Mid Kjtid nojouiitinK mwabcrii lire cordially In- u va i'he, K. or It. mid K. c. V. vanuAA' no, wji, k. ok i.-.mwi i k. j w I' thu hwoinl end Jourth Wwlnen "Jirtcjich montli t ji. iii. WOMEN'S CHKI8TIAN TKMl'KKKNCK rM0'N vrl" m,)l't BV,irJr Krlduy Kiwriioon lo clen-k t tin- icndhiic room. All ure luvlt'jJ. Harmon L,KU No. 501, 1. O. (i. T.-IUvular iklv mwtiiiKM 1'rlday ut u r. m.. fraternity ft,.ll. All ro luvltk ' t -Hhltl(A.V, (". T. It. VLtCK, Se TKMm; lodok NO. 3, A. O. U. W.-Mtt. "TtRf.Klimnclcr. M. w. JAt:5M.n'H ,'0faT' No' 3i - A- K.-MU Hml ' buluflHy nt 7:!W r. in the K. ol 1'. & the K fwrbunday nlternuiU In GEmiifi VKI'KIN-Mwt uvery Sundnv y m inn In t,u k. of 1. Hull. B. l!' u '"VJKION, No. lC7-Mw.tlii 4yofM.0; 1 H the first mid third Wulne '"P" month, nt 7;3u r. m. H. HCHKNCK, rrcatnent 11. M. IIRAIX Onhlor. First (National Bank. W1KF IIP HE DALLES. - - - OREGON If fl 1 1 L U I I i'HE DALLES, A General Hanking UnaincHa transacted Depoalta received, mibject to Siglit Draft or Check. CollectionH made and proceeds promptly remitted on dny of collection. Siuht'and Telegrariliic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Portland. DIHItCTOKS. 1). P. Thompson. J no. S. iSchknck. Ei. M. Williams. Geo. A. Likhk. II. M. Hball. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A (iKNKUAl.HANKINO B1JHINK8H letters of Crexlit issued available in he Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Iuis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at itll mints on fav orable term. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. If you wako up in tho morning with a. bitter or bad tasto in your mouth, Languor, Dull Headache, Despondency, Constipa tion, take Simmons Liver Regulator. It corrects tho bilious stomach, sweetens the breath and cleanses tho furred tongue. $ Children as well as adults sometimes eat something that does not digest well, producing Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Restlessness, or Sleeplessness a good do3o of Regulator will give relief. So perfectly harmless is this remedy that it can be taken by the youngest infant or tho most delicato person without injury, no matter what the condition of tho system may be. It can do no harm if it doe3 no good, but its reputation for 40 years proves it never fails in doing good. President - -Vice-President, Cashier, - - - Z. F. Moody Ciiaules Hilton M. A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favoreble terms at all accessible points. W. H. YOUNG, Biacksmim & wagon shod "The Regulator Line" He Dalles, Portland ai AMoria Navigation Co. THROUGH General Hlacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street opp. Lietie's old Stand. Freigni and Passenger Line TIIK CIIVltCIIICN. S o.V'ff8 CUKCH -Kov. Ksther 11bok. 7a w i..1 "htor. l.ow Mum every Hunduy ut Jr.' "'KO Maaa t lO.W A. M. Vff t 8TKi!;VlM'?.tl,UK(- -I'lilon Htrcct.oj.iKM.IU) H-rv i, ,, ,i "uv' 1:11 Hutclllle Hector. Hervlce. ch.i? "l 11 "'"I 7::w r. u. Huudny 7:au ,J A- M KvenliiK I'rnyur on l'rlduy Mt House Moving! Through dailv i-ervice 'Sundays e.i ' cepted) In-'tween Tho Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. in. connecting at Cascade Ijcks with fcteamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland Yamhill street dock) at 0 a. m. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dalles. Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kimhj of work ia his line at reasoimblc figures. Has tin; largest house moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181.Tho Dallos &. L. YOUNG, : : JEWELER : : Watchra mid Jewelry rejialred to order on ahort notice, and katlafuctlon Kuurhtccl at tjik Htorn of I.C. Mckflaeii, Xcl Hi. TH I11 1'AH.SKNCiKK KATKh. One way Round trip. . .2.00 3.00 Tickets on sale for Long Reach, Ocean Park, Tioga and llwaco. Baggage checked thiough. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at imv time dav or niuht. Shipments for u:iv landiiiL'M must Ixj delivered before 15 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, (Itionral .K"nt. B. F. LAUGHLIN, (lenorMl MnKBr. Chas. Allison, -Doiiler In- F"L,i )1A,T''I' IIIJltCH-Uev. O. . Tay. Wth rii iuHt'"-, Morning aervKv every Hub fieliiol i l'.". y t 11 A. M. Hiibbuth f'ile i,,..",'! '" mornlnir hervlcea. Oewi 5? ,ns J r,'"y uveliliiu lit I'Uir' rent H m ,1101' ervlcs lu tho court houao ut Cim'lf,i:liA;ri!,-N'AI CIIUlioH-Ker. W. (J. X. lit d i llu 'fvlcen every Hundaynt 11 'rtte Hti,?' humliiy KcIkh.I After inornliiK wtr"L'erticor(llHlly luvlte.1, HeuU f roe. M. .,'!,.u'U('11 -i'v. J. WlllHLKII. jMlltor, "uti'inv h.h. 'f -vrjrHunrliiy iiiornliiKut 11 it. m. Thur ,",.1, !1V '' I'myt-r inwtliiK every Tluitio , u V'.'.InK."S 7::i0 (I'clock. A coidlul In tint, Wit-'"ded by both uuitor slid Wlo Pllltlhi V I'Au '""irtL','!.1'"1?''". ",:V'J W.JMKINH. ir t ,,Kn''MK hi the ContjreKiilloiiiil tin "out, .1; 't,H:r'"' I'l'urch, Ninth Mreet, Uev A. 9a ' t i M ji. m, A curJiui Molt-owc to every -a-ice Headquarters at Ohas. Lauor's. KnvlUK hud H line linrvikt if lintimil lco tint beat III the world, I mn j.ri j.iiri-.J to lurnlali ill any ijuiiiitlty und ut buttom prices. CHAS. ALLISON. C. F. STEPHENS, mSA.L,lCK IN Dry Goods ;i QlOTHING Itoittx, Hlioeh, Hut", I'.Ul- Fancij (joodfloliion. , Ktc, Kto,, Second St., The Dalles, THE DALLES, OREGON LOOK OUT FOR- ptesh Paint! W. (J. (ULliKllT liereby i-elids 1IU compliments to every friend And enemy- if lie Inu uny ilu they few or bo they iniiiiy. Tho time for jmliitliiB now Iihn uoiiid, And every one ilerlnnu home Tht look!, freah mid deiin und new, As nono but it Bixal tinter cun do. I'nliitltiKi puiH-rinf mid KliyliiKi t','. Will make your om Iioum. look quite new He will take your work either wuy, lly the Job or by tho day. if von have work Klve him u cull, llo''ll take your order, latfc'u or biimll. Itoitfully, VV. C. GILBERT. I', o, jiox No. :j, TINi DAMiKS. OH. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. Tl.iH old, jHjpular and reliable house haa been entirely refurnished, and every room hiiH been rejapeied ami repalutei and novvly carpeted throughout. I ho house contains 170 rooms and is wuppliw with uverv modern convenience. Rate reasonable. A good restaurant attache u the house. Frer bin to and from ft 1 1 C. W. KNOWLES, Prop. LOOKS MUCH LIKE WAR FreiiGh Minister Ordored to Leave Bangkok, LONDON NEWSPAPERS ARE BITTER Say France's Action Is Intended Solely for England Sentiment all One Way. P.uiis, July '.M. The government has not yet notified the powers of an inten tion to blockade the Menam river. It is stated the French minister baa been ordered to leave Bangkok in LM hours. The government this afternoon noti fied tho powers of its intention to block ade the Siamese coast without prejudice to other nations, and to secure tho guar antee to which France is entitled. A cabinet council to decide on the addi tional measures will be held tomorrow. Arrangements are being made with other governments for the protection of French subjects during the absence of the French minister from Bangkok. Vrent Comment. London, July 'J.. Commenting on the Franco-Siamese difficulty, the Lon don Globe says : The flagrant French aggression is aimed at England. Siam is merely a pretext. Hence the duty of the British foreign office is one of extraordinary difficulty. England's place in the situ ation is paramount. Firmness is neces sary, for doubtless the French are counting upon the feebleness of British counsel. She is not hunting for war nearer home than the Me-Kong river. The St. James's Gazette says : One thought conveyed by Siam's reply to the French ultimatum is that she has suffered enough humiliation for a small power that has been unfortunate enough to get in the way of a big one, but France has gone forth to grab and ex tort her desires at the cannon's mouth. We can endure the pillage of Siam to the 18th parallel of latitude, but the pil lage of Siam, China and Rurmah to the L'3d parallel is a different matter. Wc are afraid Ixml Rosebery must let the governments at Bangkok and Paris know this is going a trifle too far. Such a check in the present temper of the French may have serious results. The Pall Mall Gazette in an article headed "Blackmail" says: Siam has spoken with dignity and moderation. She gives up too much, but she does not for a moment recognize tho other jneposterous demands made upon her. In regard to these demands France must reckon with England. We must not hesitate to lot our voices be heard. Lord Rosebery and Lord Dufferin must be alert and DoVelle careful. If France cherishes the idea of bombarding Bangkok, let her remember tho English gunboats in Siamese wators could blow the French gunboats oil' the waters in half an hour. Let Franco pocket her blackmail and bo content. No Kxciinc fur Vranro. London, July LM. A dispatch to the Chronicle from Paris says: "The tenor of tho French ultimatum to Siam leaves no doubt as to France's intention. She would prefer not to receive tho money down from Siam. Tho alternative of becoming a taxgatherer in the coveted districts of Angker and Battanibang is far more to her taste." The Times this morning publishes an editorial which it la thought expresses the general English opinion of the merits of the Franco-Siamese dispute. In commenting on Siam'a answer to the French ultimatum, tho Times says: "Siam's icfiif-a! to go beyond tho just and reasonable limits or to concede ter ritory to which France never put in an effective claim until tho other day, is no excuse for the measure of hostility oh tensiblj directed against tho Siamese, but really sti iking at tlio conuuerco of England and oilier countries having commercial relations with Slum." Kiilflihli I'upiiH .Vie Kolliffereut. London, July 'JI. Tho papers gen erally me commenting in a belligerent etrain on tho Ftencli proceedings in i-iain. They declare they are really aimed ut Great Britain, and must bo severely checked. -III.. I'llliiiiililin Itejcctetl. New YoitK, July '-M.Tlio World's Bangkok Hpcclal nays tho French ulti matum ha been injected and diplo matic 1 1 laitoits tin minuted. Tho French citizens have been placed under tho protection of tho Dutch consul, I.IJ.tVKS TOMOKUOW. liljilomutlK Itcliitlona lit I wren Franco Hint liliini hiiapiiiuleil, Hashkok, July 21. M. Pavle, tho Freiuh minister resident, hits Irwcml tho (lag over his office and has notified the Siamese government he will leave tho city to go aboard tho French war ship Inconslanto Wednesday. He has requested the government to provide pilots to conduct the Lutin and Comete down the river. The French subjects in Bangkok will be placed under the pro tection of the Dutch consul. WILL IILOCKADK THE HIAMKHK COAST. Pakis, July 24. Tho government to day notified tho powers that it intended to establish a blockade of the Siamese coast, without prejudice to other meas ures that may be taken, with tho object of securing to France the guarantees to which she is entitled. A council of ministers will be held tomorrow to de cide what additional measures shall be taken to insure obtaining the guarantees from Siam. President Carnot is at Mar ley Leroy, and the cabinet will go there for deliberation. The ministers will meet at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, with President Carnot presiding. Supposed .Miiniomr of SlierllT Pusroe. Nevada City, CaL, July 21. At 2 o'clock this morning a messenger ar rived from Penn valley with a report that Fredericks, tho murderer of Sheriff Pascoe, had attempted to kidnap the 12-year-old daughter of Supervisor Robin son. Robinson's family had been at a neighbor's house, and started home about 10 o'clock. Shortly before arriv ing there the little girl ran ahead and into the house, surprising a rough-looking stranger ransacking the rooms. He seized her, threw a sack over her head and carried her into the adjacent woods. She fought desperately upon first being caught, her clothing being torn to shreds. He said that he was the man accused of killing Pascoe, and would kill her too if she didn't subside. Reaching the forest she renewed her struggles and managed to escape. When the family got to Robinson's house and failed to find the girl there, a Bearch party started out, and, hearing her screaming in the woods, soon dis covered her. The description she gives of her abductor tallies with that of Fred ericks. Sheriff Douglass and a posse left for Penn valley immediately on the arrival of the messenger. The ISimetalllc Convention. Chicago, July 24. General A. J. Warner, member of congress from Ohio, and president of the American Bi metallic League, is hero to arrange for tho bimetallic convention August 1st. Over 1,000 prominent silver men are ex pected from all parts of the country. General Warner said today : Our convention is called to deliberate as to the course to be pursued by those opposed to tho repeal of tho Sherman law without a satisfactory substitute, and to give expression to public senti ment on tho financial question. Steps will be taken to bring influence to bear upon congress, and to prevent tho con summation of what the gold men, acting under tho instigation of foreign influ ence, are attempting to carry out. 1 am confident that the Sherman law cannot be ropealed without a satisfactory sub stitute. Wo believe tho United States alone can maintain tho parity of gold and silver at the present ratio; but, if the government cannot, we would thon agree to a change of ratio. A Million I'rleniU. A friend in need is a friond indeed and not less than one million people liavo found just such a friond in Dr. King'H Now Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds. If you have never used this Great Cough Medicino, one trial will convince you that it has wonderful curative powers in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do it'll that is claimed or money will bo refunded. Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store. Largo bottles f0o and $1.00. "My little boy was very had oil' for two months with diarrhu'ti. We used var ious medicines, also called in two doc tors, but nothing done him any good un til wo used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlarrhcea Remedy, which gayo im mediate relief and soon cured him. I consider it the hett medicine made and can conscientiously recommend it to till who need a diai rluca or colic medicine. .), E. Ihue, Trenton. Tex. 2f and 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakuley & Houghton, druggists. TIIK HII.VKIt ytJKHTION. Tli Itnnnon Frrn rolnngn AVa .Stopped In Imlla. New Youk, July 24. Richard Lacey has received a letter on tho silver ques tion from Richard Lacey Everett, M. P. Cable reports of tho proceedings in par liament have mentioned Everett several times aa interrogating Gladstone. Ever ett's letter ia as follows : Tho feeling of many friends of the free coinage of both metels in England, that both should be ajfull legal lender, ia strong against the action of the gov ernment as to India. First Because it had taken a step of world-wide importance without consult-, ing parliament, though parliament was sitting at the time. Second Because, having in the early part, of the session indignantly de nounced "tampering with currency," it haa now tampered with it in a way that rests upon no principle and that will adversely affect the dumb, helpless mil lions of India. Third Because it did all it could to frustrate coming to an international agreement as to silver and gold at Brus sels, while it now seeks to carry out bas tard blmetalism between India and Eng land by their joint action alone. Fourth Because, having railed at the folly of an idea attempting to fix an artificial value for one metal, it is now aiming at that very thing. Fifth BecaiiEea further new demand for gold will be created by what is pro posed, thus artificially further raising the value of that metal, and by conse quent forcing down of the prices of commodities, to the further depression of industry and adding to the burden of all debts. Sixth Because new difficulties will be cheated between India and China, Japan and other silver-using countries. Seventh Because the new policy tends to restrict the supply of money, instead of leaving it free and automatic. We look anxiously now to see what the United States will do. We earn estly hope free coinage at the same ratio will be America's answer. The supreme aim of the moneyed classes and the London press is to restrict the supply of money so aa to enrich the owners of it at the expenso of the raisers of produce and tho owners of land and other real property. We hope the sharp intelligence of your people, in the main a nation of producers and land owners, will see through this cruel game of the moneyed classes and frus trate it. The miseries of the agricul tural classes here are indescribable, but they do not clearly seo why it is their prices are forced down to their ruin, so that it is difficult to get them moved. With the American farmers sharper, I he pe our salvation will come from you. Our Old l'lre Coinjiuuy. "That was a tray old company that wo belonged to, Joe, away back in '08, when you and I 'ran with tho machine.' Do you remember that big fire in Hotel Row. ono freezing night, when fifteen people wero pulled out of their burning rooms anil came down in their night clothes: and how 'Dick' Green brought down tvo 'kids' at once one in his arms, the othor slung on Ins back? Poor 'Dick!' He got the catarrh dread fully from so much exposure, and suf fered from it live years or more. We thought once lie was going in consump tion, sure. But, finally, ho heard of Dr. Sago's Catarrh Roniedy, anil tried it, and it cured hint up aa sound aa a Hint. 1 toll you, .loo, that catarrh rem edy is a great thing. It saved as good a man and as bravo a fireman aH ever trod shoo leather." Tim llelirliiK Sea Arbltrrtllmi. Ottawa, Out., July 24. Advices from Paris point to the probability of th Behring sea arbitration not reaching an award until iato in August. Tho indica tions are regarded jih not po fuvorablo for tho British case as a few weeks ago. It is feared tho attitude of thu British government in Siam is a question likely to titled French iiilluencu upon thu ar bitration. NlllllUNMIIttntl. Remove tho cause by regulaUng tho bowels, by establishing good digestion with Simmons Liver Regulator. Try it, and you will soon know tho blessing of good health and sound sleep. Highest of all in Lcnvculu Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. m . Ha. ; Powder ABSOLUTE! Y PURE i