II 4'i f it- ft' ; s If '4 ' Si' , ft. Hi- 1 Ili. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. xni; d.vi.i.ks OKEGOS Washington letter. From ocr U urin.r r:ts i-- t ' Washington, .inly 16. The extra session of eoncr?? will take cmt of the impoverished treasury h bit; uai in cash. Tion?Vi many of the exjwnsc if the national irci-latnre run on during its absence from Washington, they jump to a maximum hen it sit?. To snake laws costs Uncle Sum a larpe amount of money annually. Tlie pay alone of member? of the house amounts to $1, $00,000 a vear, and they get J5130.00O extra for tatleace. To help them trans act their business they require a small army of clerks, doorkeepers, pages, etc. The salary !it for this force of assist ants runs tip to $730,000. This does not include the office of the serpeant-at arms, which is a sort of bank thronch which the salaries of the representa tives are paid. To run this financial institution an outlay of $16,000 more is needed. An additional $2t.000 provides for the support of the house postoSiee through which a? much mail matter passes as corner- into and soes out of a good-sized city The number of senators bein:r much Emaller, their annual pay amounts only to $440,000. with an addition or -3,000 for mileage. There is an expense o: $5,460 for employes in the office of the rice president. The office of the secre tary of the upper house, which does the banking and attends to much of tb clerical business of that nucust body. costs $64,oOO in ta'aries. Clerks and messengers to various committees draw $163,500. Thn serceant-at-arms. door keepers and other helpers set an acgre ate of $115,600. It also cosis a great deal of money t: run the bailding which congress occu pies for business purposes. The capi tal is under the charge of Architect Clark, who is allowed $0-3,000 a year for keeping it in order. Four plumbers do nothing bat mend and renew the ar rangemcnt? tor water 'and gas, and twenty-five laborer; are engaged every day of the year in scrubbing the corn dors of the great edifice. All this has nothing to do with the keeping up of ..the two wings, so far as their interior . arrangements are concerned. The care of them devolves upon the senate and hoase respectively. Furniture and re . pairs require an annual outlay of $1S, 000, to which must be added about $, 000 for fuel and fas. The capital and grounds represent a cash outlay of nearly $20,000,000. This estimate would have startled its original project ors. "Wanting a design for the building, they offered $000 and r. building lot for the best one that should be submitted. Until twenty-five years ago the site comprised an area of only twenty-two seres. It was enlarged to its present size of fifty-one and one-half acres at a cost of $055,000. It is not generally takeu for granted that the Sherman law is to be repealed, and speculation as to the construction of the house committees is rife. There is a , great deal of talk Bbout Mr. Bland's not going again at the head of the committee on coinage, weights and measures, but , there appears to be no reason to doubt that Mr. Bland will remain in his old place. It is believed that a majority of the members of the house are now in favor of the repeal of the law, and if this is so a bill for its repeal will pass the house regardless of who may be chair man of the committee on coinage. The rules of the house will in all nrobabilitv be such as to permit a majority to tran sact business, without any arbitrary assumption of authority or filibustering on the part of any one. It is believed also that a bare majority of the senate wjuld vote for the rejeal, but there the mode of procedure is different, and with a determined opposition, such af will be offered by the leading eilver senators, a vote may be delayed. A fair puess is that a bill repealing the law may pass the house promptly, and that it mav then Btick in the senate for some time, the possibility that a measure PHOTOGRAPHER First premium at the Wasco county air for bet iortraits Rnd views. H. C. NIELSEN, Clothier and Tailor. The Dalles Daily Ghroniele. HAS A FAMILY 01 r HAS A FAMILY OF 2000 EEADEES. The;, read The (. t-.mrt ! t p : IN: '::?! a:xl nio?t rcliablt e And tin v rend ever Ire thus is in the j-aror That is wfcat mate tbe t hrwiit'le an li-ratuaMe adve'ti .t-.c medium The ttt'Wsruiiier that . fjoe t. the fa-m. firesides i the one (0) that She dver:ier t tiy itronbe when they det-e t. rewh fne iwtle. V. hi the want your traJe their announcement wtti be found in the rat- ttxti. over our column and observe the verifica tion of the truth of thi abortion Heinember. a trade of a furrily of two thnujnnd x-n i? worth nsfcmi for through tbe?e () Column. epciallr so at our very Decidedly the Finest Line of Ru.riiish.ing; Good: Trunks ami J'aistS, etc.. etc. McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for The Dalles DailyChronicle for 12 Months at 60 Cents a month. OR 5 Ueely ropiel COK. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES, OK. HORSES HORSES J. S. COOPER, f orner liarn. CSJOX STOCK YAIU'S, Chicago. I!L: The lamest and onlv strictly comniission dealer in liorses in -Itv Stuvlni arfiMC" i' are enabled to ii:ki AT $2.25 PER ANNUM. ;s ,th the jmhllshero of one of the let MiiRiiine now ptibliahm i -vti oiler to w.'iid T H E CANDY FACTORY ARTIC SODA WATEE AKD I0E CREAM, Candies and Nuts i-V.sK sgySpecialties Finest Peanut Roaster in The Dalles the world, will hold hi ern branded hor WEDGES; oth extensive sale of west es for season 1S93, on McCLURE'S MAGAZINE OuSTE YEAR - everyone h Ml on: th . -' ''' il Kcndinp it to us thereby Mitwrllilw? f0 The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. HORSES Entries should be made at once. CUT THIS OUT AND SCND IT TO US. 7Uw . HORSES J. O. MACK, 2 3S 2i Stree At right side Mrs. Obarr's restauratit J.FOLCO JOHN PASHEK. Merc-tat Tailor, 76 Court Street, ! ex: door to Wasco Sun 05ce. Ha-J ;nt rt-ctiived a Sne line of Sample; FIJflE WlEg and LipO " And DOMESTIC KEY WES' CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PABST BEER. for ?tirinr ani un.mer Snitim-s. ) and Ses tie New Fashions. FRENCH'S BLOCK. 171 SECOND STREET, : THE PAI.LE; PuMtehent ClflWXTCL K, The Dulles. Or.: )'on will please send to my address ihe DAILY Cll UQXICLE for 12 months from date, for which J' agree to pay 00 ots. a month, it being understood thai you are'fo have sent to my address for I year, without extra charge. McCLVJilt'S MAGAZ I.KK, commencing with the current number. Xame. Address I I CALL AT OUR OFFICE Ad w tbveutertitiiiiliCKiid fiut-ly i;iutrnt.i McCLURE'S MAGAZINE. which h wmmc il rn:rlbtiur tin- iiwt iarriu nuthom in A merles mid 1-iictuinl, ltn'udinj MH h u nwtu hi. the ("How '.nc OK. Cleaning and Repairing to order. Satisfaction pnaranteed. This , Is the so : Season mmm Of the Vear ! Olhen 3 Judieious ! Advertising ' Pays. I THE EUROPEAN HOUSE The Corructfd Kullilln nrit I ,..r to Court IIour. R. L. StevmifOii, Hudvard Kipliny. A. uoniui l'oyie. Octave Thnnet, William Dean HmI1, Rret Hurte, Clark Rus?ell, Joel Chandler Harri-. Thomas llurdv, llaiiilin Garland, J. T. Trowbrhlire. I'rof. K. S. Holden. Jeiotm It. Jerome. I'rof. C. A. Youni;, Francos Hodgson liurnett. H. H. lUiye.-en, Theodore Roosevelt. Joaquin Miller, Oiltwrt Parker, John Ilurrouuhe, HsDQSomely Fmnisliefl Rooms ts Rem by the Day. Week- or Monto. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. Tloln'rt Hurr, llttnrv M. Stanley, Archibald Forbes, Andrew Lin;, Sarah Orne Jewett. Dr. J. S. Rillingf, W. K. Henley. Capt. Charlc" Kim; MRS. 3BC. PHASER, Proprietor. TheDalles Wasco County. Oregon, From TERWWilii or INTERIOR Points ' THE : Men Paw RKILROHD Ik the line to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. It it the DInins Car lioute. It runs Througb catibulwt 'IraJn every day In the your to pauI and Chicago NO CHANGE OK CARS.) Comioed of Dinlnr Cars maa Irawin; Koom feleep.-rs of latent equlpmeut. TOURIST SLEEPING CABS favorable to silver may accompany it as hti amendment when it t'Ovs back to the I learned at the pennon office that 2, "GO pensioner!! have been suspended up to date under the recent ruling requiring beiieficiivriei of the act of Jane 27. 1S!X). to prove total disability where thev are- flt tb5.Sa coptruct!, and iu which t- .-au.mi wuere mey ere accoramudation-i are both Free sua FurnUhed drawing penfeione for total disabilitv. 'or holders of First and Seeond-claaiTicteu.Buc probably result in the dropping of the i ELESAUT DAY COACHES pen-ioner, out may he confined to a re duction of pension according to the actual Htute of disability. The idea, now seriously suggested, of taking the desks away from the members of the lioute may yet result in making conjee loou like a hie rural school ITU Df! IP U TIHICTC To and from au without enough birch rods and conical i &UU&9 ESilnJdSiSa m,' headgear to go around. ! Ucket "ace 01 tUc vttajmuy The gold reserve in the treasury more 1 . . , M:hu kent r.nr rl), tl,ft . ..r."" I"'?."0." ???n!"K f?te, time of ' ai'i'llcuUon to The Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated at the ksad of navigation on the Mid-Jl- Onuinl ia, and is a thriving pros perous city. ITS TERRITORY. Iris the supply eity for an fxt-nshe and rich agricultural and grazing country, its tnul- n-ar hins as far south ns Summer Lake, a distance of over two humln d miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along tlw eastern slojw of tho Cas cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool froir. which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping jioint in America, about 5,000,000 pourrls being sliipKjd last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding tin's year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will Us more than doubled in the near future. The products of the beautiful Klickitat valley find market here, and the country south and east lias this year filled the warehouses, and all available storage (daces to overflowing witL their products. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on the toast and its money is scattered over and is being used to develop more farming country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed, its climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on these .-orner stones she stands. Mr.-. Kobt. Louis tevenon, Catnilc Flnmmariou. F. Marion Crawford, Lillio Chase Wymau. Manraret Deland, Harriet I're-cott Spotlbni, ' Herbert I). Ward. Edward Everett Hale. 1 Elizabeth Muart I'hclp". Louire Chandler Moulton ' Each nuinN-T of McCLURE'S MAGAZINE foututim two Imrtitwtiurlv iliu'tratttl utterilrvi with ucti famoui ivoj.le e i .lule Verne, Archdeacon Furrar, Alphnnse Datidet, ( rance" Hodgson Burnett, Thomas A. Edison, Cumile Elnminnrion, . Tissandier, the famou- F. Hopkin-ou 'fcmith. Edward Everett Hale, ! French Balloonist, H. H. Boyesen, Prof. Orahain Bell. mid many other. have furuihl matvrinl Ut cM"-cial!y jin'iKirrd iutervlt-Ha hlcU will appear (ullj itlUklraUitl in lb.ii. tnacazluK. ' Earh numbtr von'-tlm to or tbnv nhort torit by famoun mitljom. Fnlly lllti'tratcd ktnriea will api.r in early numlK-T by Thomas Hardy, William Dean Howells, li. L. Ptevenwm, , Hudvard Kipiinc, Bret Harte, Sarah Orne Jewett. Joel Chandler Harri'-, Harriet Irecott HpofTord, Octave Thnnet, Conun JJoyle, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Stanley J. Weyman. HENRY M STANLIJY Mil' t-r.tr:bute, taivdallj for younu n udsm, a ibrtUtus'.y lntortliis ftory ot Afr.tnn Ad enturt. NATURAL HISTOHV AND ADVENTURE. Tbiw be Keral urtfrlei. written by Hoymond Dlsthtuayt, wlio lm l.octi eull.il by Mr W T -teud the lt iaterviewer in England. frn mnturlui furnihlml him by HantaW. ol Ham bur?, Ihe preut uuimal imjiort"r and tralni-r. Thnt nrtu-l dual w ltli The Capture of Wild Rea't. The Transportation of Wild Beast". The Training of Wild BeatF. The Adventures and Escapes of Karl Ilagcnbeck. ' The terica wilt r IlliiBtrutcU by i.n Knslifh artlht of nrktioll(;e nkill in drawlriR vi'.l nMntalf , John Jlrw.ocoiic, r. Y. Mnuiitt:, ln. t . . Ahuott, and other writer lamoiu (ir the.r wirfc in ' this fluid, witt contribute to tbe ninazine ! Of Interest to both Young and Old will be I'KOF. 11. L. GAHNEK'S AFRICAN EXPEDITION TO THE GORILLAS. ArraBKemeuth hare lii inude, in rotiiiectton witli a leadins Knclifli review, to liubiiaii I'rof Gamer' lettern detcrlptlve of bin j'reent exMltlou to Africa, I'rof. (jarner U notttl tbe world over for tbe curioun and ititertKtiti): lnvetlKtioii!i be li- mnLinc In tlie nix-ech of intikeyn. He "ailed for Africa lnt S-jiteml-T for tbe hale of further pursuing bin Mud!u4 in the natlvo UaunU of tho coritlu. The HIUHtratlond for th-e artieleit will 1 from i.botoirrHiibi1 taken by I'rof. (.artier The imiuazitie also contains mot lliteretinj; urtlrlei. under tlie following Ov)injirebe,nlve beud T 1 I AL. j. iS Ulll A contiuuoui line, connecting with all lint aCurdlng direct and unlntcrrujited tervice. Imllman gletir rcrration can be wcured in advance through any agent of the road. M.....ltn..., t..t 1. I -1- , . .krtuiua taat wiiCK.iinu cioieu at ninetv eisht (milljons, and over. J. p.. L. 1 TJ'OOll, -VOOU, MOIJI W. C. ALLAWAY, Agent V. Y.& A. Nev. Co., Kegulator office, Tlit Imllea, Or., or a. li. niARi.Tn':. Be?t L-rades of oak. fir. and Kl.-xh or,r,l i AMt-0caCT81 Agt., Portland, Oga. w xkI, at lowest market rates at T - reiers a yjo, (uuice second and Jefler -treetK KOOMS TO liENT. Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHHOMCLE was established for tbe ex press iurpose of faitlifull y representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chronicle is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0.00 per annum. Tho "Weekly Chroniclu on Friday of each week at 1.50 per annum. For advertising rales, subscriptions, etc., address The Ede of the Future." " Know ledge of Immediate Value." "Newest knowledge." " The Present Hour." " Stranger than Fiction," etc. t areotlsritir tht ileridul uingaim1 with tbe IUll.Y ( HBO.su X.C for only IT 'JO a year. taia!,e la advance or in monthly itintalhneiiu na deMrcd We make tbiis exrei.tional offer in order that we nio w.-enre a larjre immtxT of new n-altseraiern but all bo are already ubwriter ihhj uvml tbemrelve of tbj oiiiwrtunlty to Mture this steat magazine. Hll up the blank and fend It In, to THE DAILY CHRONICLE, The Dalles, Or. THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery ia now turning out the bent Ileer and PnrtM i east of the Cascaded. The latent appliances for the manufacture of irood health ful Beer have been introduced, and only tho flrnt-c!a8 articlb will be placed o the market. PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALERS IS PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Mont Complete and the LateBt Patterna and Dutlgm in I raciicai i'mntern snrl f:itwr If.w,.,u v,...,. .1... 1 . x 1 1.. feherwin-W il lam. and J. W. MuHury'H I'ainUi uetnl in all ur work, and none but the lll'JHt (Skilled workmen eiiml.ii-o.1 A.......u ... ....... f...t..i x' . rr?n ?BH0M I0r.fc0tt,, ",lxturtt- A rt article in all color. All oruera promptly attended to. Paint Shop corner Thirdand Waabington Sta.. The Dallea. Oregon TUT "'v Evenlnc fhroiilele Ix recwnlzed .1 IILm MKiit al!y the homo uitper for . ' iTr. 7?. . . . 1 iyinu:,un) ui our bet. (hit1-f.ir thii,ip.i-MP .V J Li U L. J TUP I I f. m. 1 M . . . . . ;L.r idnnceof Mm. C. ThorVmlry . , iJrA'T "- c h , nnUIOLL KUBL SH NG CO 'Istreet, The Dallen, Or. U ' Tlao Ictllo., OroKon. feuy QolijTibia otel. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Hat. lately been thoroughly renovated and newly lurnUihed throughout, and Iu now better than iver prepared to furnleli tho lest Hotel accommodations! of any Jioinso in tho city, and at tho very low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. Office of tho faHt and commodious opinion Sta,! to LMifur, KiiifHloy, Tygh Valley, Waplnitia, Warm Hpringd and Prlnevillo Is in tho Jlotol and erHon Koinjr to Prlnevlllo can Have L00 by Koinf on tbla Btup.0 line. All trains stop here.