SEE THE POINT ? Trade at Pease & Mays' s if you want the best goods for tlie least good money. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. ntiwl it 10 1 ; rrt A i 1' -tnllire Kt Till' Dullft. - ritiM matte:. OREGON'S BIG RED APPLES. ,n Kii.ti-rn Vrlt-r l'nj Trlliutn to tlm ' l.'xlillilt rrmii TliU Stnte. Oregon, - i Apples of the crop of 1RD2, taken from ii. ai ..lU.-riitiiiiB. 1 1 1 t cold-storage ami exhibited in the am t:iicr;ion, i. tent ; liortii'ulturul liiiiltlirtj.', are displaved bv -1 .!iK tiim- nttwi. states and provinces as follows : Maine, n-cv!vi inter than u'cicfk 'New ork. New Jersev. Michigan. Wis consin, Minne-ota, Illinois, Misrouri, Iowa, Colorado, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Ciiliforniu, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Prince Hdward Island and New South Wales tend 10 varieties of the rortlnml's Now Depot. ..I.nt inj day Wrutlixr riitfi'Ht. at Ufcia; for , tr iivutirjour hourr rndliiji 6 p v h'hiwrau Mondav and Tuesday, fair, and warmer. " P.uun:. w i.'ATiiui: Barometer, '".i.!Hi. Maximum temperature, SO", Minimum temperature, f4 Kjvcr. 27.:! feet above zero. Wind, calmer. MONDAY, JULY i!4, 1S93 Ik built and W'ttkUj Chronicle may U found on rate at J. ('. Siclfhen'n rtorr. JULY Tht turut n JULEPS. Kit-Ill Otlftt. Ill lloillll'llittlllC ()( I lie Kruiluiiti' muliW'ii It might well In- hiiIiI That khf'h Iuiik on Iht Lntln Anil uliort on Iht trvU. Finn weather for ripening fruit. The ladies of the Methodist church will nerve ice cream in the basement of tlio church ednesday evening Heinember, if you wunt a good maga zine, eitu with The Daily Ciikonii'lk nee us lUivertiBcment on auotlier col umn. The greatest advantage claimed for the far east these days is that one can travel almost any u hero for 50 eentH. Competition among railroadH !h the l'en.lleton has in their warehouse, alwat 1,.jCK),000 pounds of wool. Only i,m pounds have been Hold, ami M... remainder is being consigned, securing irom lour to At last it looks as if Portland is to have the Grand Central fetation so long wished for. The foundations for the station and annex arc completed, and work has been actually commenced on j do something with him. mo superstructure. J lie lloors ot tlie ; town and give invself up; vou will north wing have been laid, and the giving rne away.' She said: 'If vou steel girders for the next section, as well j are afraid, 1 will do mv share of it.' THE TREACHEROUS COLUMBIA. HfiltKVdl Hint W. .?. Tnir noil .fAinen llociin nrit Drinmrd. A report la current in Tho Dallhs to day that W. .1. TuAis and James Hoaii, an Astoria fisherman, wero drowned yes terdny in the Columbia. They left Celilo early in tho morning for Grants in a small boat, arriving tncro and spending the day. Towards evening they started on their return trip, and that has been tliu last seen of them. Their boat was found bottom side up near Uiggs late In the evening, but no trace ol its occupants. Searching par ties were out all night and today look ing for them, but so far without result. W. .7. Tnffe is the son of 1. II. Taflc, who is well known throughout this country as the owner of large fishing and cannery interests at Celilo. CnlllnV. Stntrmniit. The murderer Gallin left tho following as his final explanation of tho Shaw murder: "When Shaw came homo that evening he called for the lantern and I went out with the lanlcrn. Ilcgavonio tho sad dle horse he was leading and I took it to the barn. When 1 was taking the sad dle oiTof the horse, Mr. and Mrs. Shaw came to the barn leading the black mare. I took the harness off tho marc and fed her. Shaw and her was quarrel ing. In the quarrel she mixed mo in. The quarrel was by the door. Shaw was facing the door. I went by the door and told them to quit quarreling. I was intending to take the lantern in. That time I mixed in a few words in the quarrel, and Shaw pulled a pistol out of his right hand overcoat pocket, and said he would kill 'the nair of vou.' Mrs. Shaw hallowed to rae 'look out, I told you he was going to kill you.' In that I time I grabbed a hammer which was J lying in a little tool box and I hit him j more than once; how many times I ' don't know exactly, ami he dropped the pistol. When he fell he never kicked. I I left him lying and told hor 'I will go j to town and give myself up.' She said ! I shouldn't do that. 'Come back and I will go to be as a lot oi iron pillars ami a large num ber of blocks of sawed sandstone for window sills, etc., are on the ground. soon ine extensive winning, wnicn is went to 1 l ii. r. . . t .-.i ? . . . .. ... . . " current year's crop. The display 0f "uiion wesi oi -"rago, mere. Alter a long talk I agreed on her apples from the northwestern statVa- ! willb' ,0 assumo shape. The sand ' plan to put him in the stall where the na ueen nueu in around ine norm nan Then she took the hammer and hit him several times about the head, how many times I don't know. The pair of u the houe and left him Iving Something New.... We are determined to make large sales,. therefore no will mako nuts in prices that will surprise you. Here urn n few prices to suit the hard times for the" present: 20 yardsj'rint Calico, for uj:- $1.00 3pairs Ladies' Full-Finished Ise,jfor 25 2 30-inch Linen Towels, for ..... j. i 25 ?S?iy2iJ??w5iE (Turkish), for . 25 2JFancy Tidies, for .25 Parasols, Clothing', Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Laces and Embroideries, Dry Goods, &c, &c, &c. Everything in proportion. Save money while you have the opportunity. JWr"fhi3 sale is good for .'JO days only. Como and bring your friends. You won't regret iLJCM S.&N. HARRIS. Cor. Court and second sts. Tlie Dalles, Oregon Siirmu aufl an It wis, Fancy Goods and Notions, Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc. now complete in every department. All goods will be sold at great!)' reduced prices. H. Herbring. Terms Cash. ttdvaiices Thla ih seven eentH. ' " about the condition market all over the northwest. Andunon and wife, who are starving tiit-mselves for forty days, i obedience l io crank church doctrines and faith ciire, wero pronounced sane enough and wiowtd to go on with the fasting. Thev 've W about fourteen davs, and l)r Iiukt ih of the opinion that they both Wl" '"MlcaU before their time is up. l'i the society column of tho Oi t-.o.iliin "Wars the following t Pine Itest cot which for the past three years lias . " 1,10 (riini'H grove headquarters for 0 iWy crowd of handsome vonng ladies, Provided with gallant oscorts.well he oi'omid next week, and tho return of the r K-asiders will be nn occasion for re Jli'iL' among their many friends. . ntroll moro Gnllln less," is the W-boodod way the Grant County h heads the hanging article of tho " murderer. The fatal trap whs ,r'K it 2 :!( o'clock Friday, while lie a uttering R prayer in German. The "rop was a little over six feet, and the F'-ioner's WttH ,,roktn hy Uj)j fM Idho, Oregon and Washington are ! eharterized by fruits of enormous size, high color and remarkable freedom from scab. To an eastern man, says a writer in Garden and Forest, of New York city, the most interesting variety from these states is the yellow Newtown Pippin, which it the leading apple over a great territory there, and which !e t vice as large as the same apple grown in tlie Hudson river valley. I'.lne I'ear- main, which i little known in the Eastern states, ranks Fecond in general importance in the Northwest, and speci mens on exhibition Here measure fourt'-en inches in circumference. The Oregon exhibit of tipples is ie inarkable for its effective arrange ment, the different colors and sizes being alternated and eouijHjaed for the purjKise of giving a general effect. There are "C varieties in the exhibit, although tho number of plates is much greater. Taken as a whole the apple ex hibits do not adequately represent the "pple-growing of the country. Most of them were collected hastily and in re stricted portions of the various states, and some of them were taken wholly from commercial warehouses or cellars. Vet it is apparent thut even an imper fect exhibit is a great advertisement to the state. The exhibits from Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Minneapolis and Wisconsin, or instance, have attracted much attention and have already dis abused the minds of thousands of people of disparaging notions which weie held iu regard to those states. BfWlkl I i." l.kV T'( Iwxch o l.llliu Wilcox Tim .Muutfiry OHWi . The officers of tho Monteioy arrived on tho Regulator Saturday evening about 5 o'clock. They weie attired in civilian's clothes, for which they after wards apologized, saying they had no inkling of tho generous entertainment provided for them after reaching the city. They weio met by carriages and uriven to Ury Jlollow anil Mill creek, aflording them u chance to observe our iruit randies. At 8:1 a substantial lunch with coffeo was terved iu J'ra ternity hall. Their time being limited, ttiey returned home Sunday morning, iu time to meet the vice-presidential party, Kcueuuicu to bo In Portland yesterday. They were much pleased with'the beau tiful Mjouery afforded along tho Colum bin river, and said it would not suffer by ll.llkllll.l1.flH ...t.l. .1.... - . . . ... . i.ui..mi iouii Til HI mm, 0 ll0 Jjtlo OT the Hudson. Not tin. of the foundation nearly to the top, and tho work of filling is proceeding rapidly. The station will, without doubt, be cov vered in before the commencement of the rainy season. Oregonian. I.ramin Di-tlironeil. Capt. II. Humphrey of J'endleton who had his left foot amputated on July Mb, the result, of a railroad accident at Meacliam station in the Blue mountains, was brought to the insane asylum this morning by his brother, Geo. C. Hum phrey, Deputy l. S. Marshal. He lias been suffering intensely since the ampu tation was performed, and for several days paet he was delirious. He was ad judged insane Friday. It appears now that the chances of recovery are against the Captain, although treatment may restore him. Dispatch. PERSONAL MENTION. uiiurm. .: .::.? navu niwuy Hit'iin mtut IWiiKlii Mv ,l,w Yourn very truly, H.OIU hKAV, Jliivituiui, N, Ihik. toHukXhUUUl0r Mex'can 811vcr j. ur lliiiit. de. Tm 1? m,t Ht Kev' A- "Ml ueiiee on Nlnii, ... ..ivct, u-aouaw. All members of The Dalles flro depart ment lire requested to meet at the coun cil rooms next Wednesday evening at 8 ;I10 o'clock, iiy order of '-'t J. 8. Fisu, Chief. Nlr'lllkJIVIIl, . licmovu tho cause by regulating tho bowels, by establishing good digestion with HiininoiiH Liver Heguhttor. Try it, and you will soon know the blmiug of gowl health and sound uleep. J. H. Mosier is in town today. J. A. Strobridgo of Portland was in town this morning. J. II. Wood returned from the Wal lowa county ranch Friday. L. U. Crowe made a trip to Portland yesterday, returning today. Mrs. A. Huchler went to the Cascade I.oeks this morning to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. X. Harris left this city this morning for a short stav in Port land. Mr. and Mrs. John Kmery and Miss Finerv departed for Portland bv steamer this morning. Mrs. l.aughlin left this morning for 1jng P.each, and will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. . l,ord. Ed. Pattorson left for the mountains this morning, where ho will join the Hoiinev-.Tohni-ou party. J. F. Staniels, E. iiiu'es and Mr. llobbs returned Saturday night from a prospecting trip to the neighborhood of the Three Hslors. I hey found the streams mi high, caused fiom tho deep snows, that they wero lorced to abandon their trip, tho object of which was to prospect for gold. Sicter Mary Peter, Sister Mary Inez, Sister Mary (Jilbert, Sister .Mary Am brose, Sister Mary Seraphia and Sister Mary Alberta arrived iu Tho Dalles Sat urda'v. Sister Mary I.aurencia and Sister Mary Inez returped to Portland on tho Heg'ulator this morning. Sister Mary Alberta is visiting hor mother, .Airs. A. IJettingeii, who has been quite ill. Sister Marv (iilbert and Sister Mary Alberta will return to Portland Saturday. norm. AititiVAi.s. Columbia D Hoopman. Hay Creek; Mrs Fradricks, Howena; Jacob Hender ickson. Win Waltz. V Ualley. J K Cran- dull, Portland; John McDonald, Celilo; J F Watson, Win Meakins, S D Trent, Hood Uiver; C A Davis, D Malhy, Mill Creek; J Foss, Cascade Ix'ks; C M J-otniaer imd wile, Mm frauclbeo. C. I., Phillips, assignee of Win. Farre it Co., will on August :id, 18D3, sell, in front of tliu court house fho book ac counts uncollected, also all prom'sory notes remaining iu his hands. tf Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish, stallion was, when we left the barn door open and went to the house. She said everything would be all right, not to say nothing; that -he wouldn't say any thing. Burnt the hammer handle out. After awhile we went to bed. She took the hammer out through the front door in the morning while I dressed myself, and the clothes out of i the east kitchen door. Then I helped her cook our breakfast. We ate breaklast together. Signed : F. W. Gam.i.v. In presence of J. D. Comiis, Sheriff and J. A. Powell, Deputy. .Motliern, H'lvc, Haughtem! Have You Heard the Newn? A wonderful medicine has been placed on the market, called Dr. Grant's Native Discovery, for the cure of diseases and complaints peculiar to the female sex Ask for our medical adviser free) and read our treatise on woman and her dis eases, and if you arealliicted try a bottle and see whether we speak the truth or not. It is for sale at Blakeley & Houghton's. Dhiu'Iiik 1'arty. Saturday evening a very pleasant dancing party was given at the resi dence of Mr. F. Mosplie on Mill creek. A considerable number from Tho Dalles wero present mid a large number of the residents along tho cieek. A delicious luncheon was served during the early part of the evening and then tho merry dance occupied tho attention of the guests until a late hour. Our "Id rim 'tiiiiiniiy. "That was a gay old company that we belonged to, Joe, away back in 'OS, when you and 1 'ran with tho machine.' Do vou remember that big fho iu Hotel How, one freezing night, when fifteen people weie pulled out of their burning rooms and caino down in their night clothes; and how 'Dick' Green brought down two 'kid-' at once ono in his arms, the other slant? on his back? Poor 'Dick !' Ho got tlm catarrh dread fully from so much exposure, and suf fered from it five years or more. Wo thought once ho was going iu consump tion, sure. Hut, finally, ho heard of Dr. Sago's Catarrh Komedy, and tried it, ami it cured him up as sound as it Hint. I tell you, Joo, that catarrh rem edy is a gieat thing. I.t saved as good a man and as bravo a lireman an ever trod shoe leather." NOUCK, " Inasmuch as my wife, Georglo Anna Brooks, has, without just cause or prov ocation, left my bed and board, against my wishes and consent, and refuses to return or further live with me, I hereby warn all peisons not to give her any credit on my account, as I will not pay any bills of her contracting after this date. Caj.lii Dkooks. Dalles City, Or., July 19, 1893 dsouvwit Wanted, A girl to do goiifial housework. Good wages, Apply at this olllce. tf J. H. CROSS. At tlie Old Stand, Cor. Second and Union Sts. flay, Graii?, peed apd flour, Groceries, Fruits and Seeds. Cash paid for JEJs&ti eixxca. Fo-dltxrsr. All goods delivered free and Promptly. The California Winehoase, Is now open, and its proprietor will sell his home produced Wine at prices in the reach of everybody. Also, best Peanuts to be found. Goods guaranteed to be Pure and First-Class in every respect. Thompson's Addition. c- BECHT, CityStables,1! IRHAM & 5ERTSON 'ciprlutoro, Corner of Fourth and Federal Sts., The Dalles, Oregon. Theso Stables have on hand tho finest Livery in Eastern Oregon, and can accommodate natrons with either closed Macks or ( amazes day or won Die Jiigs, Single or itiu'lit. MORE ROOM. Albo, can furnish First Class or driving teams, having added to accommudations ti teamster with freight their stables largo feedinir and wagon room. r- i m , in Ha ve You Seen V. THE Fine Millinery Goods a r 112 Second Btroet. ANNA PETER SCO. THE WORLD'S BEST LITERATURE IN B-O-OK-S. A T I. O. NICKELSEN'S.