1; ft .1 I4 Si r ii i . I . A I liic iiaues jsiiy onromGie. Loxos-,juiy The Bangkok cor-; ----- - I njgpondont of Hie Times says Saturday OFFICIAL . 1'AI'KK OK DAUJJS CITY. Frjnch w(Jre Hxg the5r A"D WASCO tl'lfll It . , , , rv. nt . ..-r , chain armor amulslnps. The Siamese Eateiwl t the PostoBicc t The Dalle, Oregon, vessels were also preparing for action. sttt All have their steam up. The French subscription hates. ' legatian professes to believe the pun- by mail (postage fbifaid) in advance. 1 boats cannot cross t he bar until hiph Weekly, 1 year. ' i 2 1 tide Wednesdav, which would leave 6 mouth. . u o , i i.i 3 . . om time to complete an amicable settle- fifths. . sw ment. The territory Siam offers to sac- " per " oso rifice cover the extreme point of the re- Address all communteation to " THE CHKON- eentlv-attemrtted French aggression. luui, me iiaues, urepon. 'I II I - - V William Tell Your Father Hint wo wjII SWEET, ORR St CO.'S . -w- IT Ik vest umpers, I'lmt-Ofnee. OmCI HO l'R General lcllverr Window . . . a. tn. to 7 p. m. Money Order " . .! a. m. to-1 p. in. Sunday U ) " . .'J a, ni. to 10a. tn. CLCI.VO OF KAILS trains golns Kast . .9 p. tn. and 11 :45 in The cession involves the evacuation of the Siamese ports of Poowadone, Alto pen and Sunning. A r.USStAN NAVAl. STATION. 1 am credibly informed that Russia ' reccntlv sounded Siam as to whether Weit Stage for Goldeudale " " I'rinevillt " "Dufur and Warm Springs .n:SOa. m. " tU-.ivin?: for Lylet llartlaud 5:S0n. tu. ' " " j Antelope S.sOh. ni. Except Sunday. fTri-wecklv. Tuedsv Thursday and Saturday, j " " Monday Wednesday and I'llday. . .9p, tn. ana ii:r.. m. , , ,. , A , j - - . !?p. m. and 5:3p.m. ; the latter was disposed to concede tne ccanses, repairs, and iLTiuinu island of Saland or Junkerilon on the the svstem, and restores MONDAY, JULY 24, 1S9:? eichth desree of north latitude, and west of the Malay peninsula for a Rus sian naval station. The naval authori ties consider Salting as of great strategi cal importance. All AKE"lve rictit. London, July L'3. The corresjHjndent of the Daily Chronicle says : "The Siamese warships are anchored one mile from the French and crowded with men ready for action. Their in- ' tention is, in case the French commence hostilities, to steam down and ram the French gunboats, attempt to board them in force and attack the crews with fixed bayonets. The German gunboat Wolf has arrived.' IVnuoyerN Miot. SHORT OX WHEAT. Enough is now known of the present t wheat crop to make safe and certain the ; statement that the yield this year will ' be exceptionally light in the United States. On the Pacific coast the pros pects indicate an exceptionally heavy i crop, but in the states of Ohio, Indiana, ! Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, I Texas, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Mich- j igan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota the acreage is , light and the yield will be far below j average. The significance of this fact to 1 the wheat growers of the Pacific coast , becomes more apparent when it is stated , that last year these states produced 31H),-1 000,000 bushels of the total crop of 53o,-; 5M9.0CO bushels. These conditions were 1 first brought out bv the last sovernment ' denial or public protest, tliat tne pres croprenort. Xow'thev hove been made dent of the ruited Stotefi if m'm" the more apparent bv detailed reports ,edera patronage to influence congres gathered bv the New York World from ! sional ac:,on favorable to his wisnes or. 700 correspondents reporting by tele-1 nn.uncinI questions, is most unmistnic ao.e evidence oi national ueeauenee. The New York Recorder printed fourth of July patriotic sentiments from the various governors in the Union. Pen noyer gave them this shot : Salem, Or., July 3d. The grave fact , that the newspaper press of the country lias repeatedly stated, without official A new man can be made, ont of one that's i " used-up," bilious and dyspeptic, Jt's done by Dr. Pierce's Golden , Medical Discovery. It starts tho torpid liver into 'healthful action, . purities and enriches tho blood, ! strengtnens 1 health and ' vigor. As an appetizing,, restora-1 tive tonic, it sets at work all tho processes of digestion and nutri-1 tion, and builds up flesh and strength. It's tho only Blood and ! Liver liemedy that's guaranteed, in ' every cay, to benefit or cure. If it 1 doesn't do all that's claimed for it, i the money is promptly refunded. But it keups its promises that's, the reason it cun be Bold in this way. Discovery " strengthens Weak Lungs and cures Spitting of Blood, Shortness of Breath, Bronchitis, Severe Coughs, and kindred affec tions. Don't be fooled into taking something else, said to be "just as good," that the dealer may make a larger profit. There's nothing at all"iketho " Discovery. w the Dalles AND Prineville Pantaloon Overalls, Kasvfitting Pants, Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! We are also Headquarters for Men's, Bovs' and Youth s & CLOTHING In every size, style and price. graph from all parts of the United States and Canada. Noting the facts, the Spo kane Review pithily says : And vet in the face of these reliable reports, the wheat market remains de- ."YLVHsTEn pENNOtET. lervliis I'rulo. We desire to say to our citizens, tha: tor vears we nave been seilui" i'r. pressed, and the prices quoted are the ; Ki J, y Discoverv jor Consumption, i lowest paid within a centurv. Ths n , T ..' .,, ' causes must be sought in the" lack of Dr- kin" LlIe 1 "-- kucklen , : : Stage Line J.D. PARISH, Prop. I liJ.WILLIfl)I18&C0. , Tht- VnMe nt C a. ra. everv d.' . w at Piineville ill thlrtv-Mi nm.;- '. Hitters, and Pri. ri iie at 5 n. m. every Vny, an 1 i.rn int.' imuei) in suiny-si.x niiiir- sufficient money to handle the crop, and Arnica Salve and Electric in the tailing ofl of the European de- j have never handled remedies that sell a- !ndurvTand MTn StfiTSn" ! welKw U'3t n k & tms and growth of the demonetization of silver I satisiaction. iv e ao not Hesitate to , and the consequent appreciation and i guarantee them every time, as we stand scarcity of gold. The repeal oi the Sher-1 read r to refund the nurcha-e pri-e. if man act would uo more to cure these ! c.;t ri! .i use. Tiiere remedies have won thir great popularity purely on their merits. Snipes & Kinersly V druu'gi5!1. evils than a anoonful of water to cure a malignant case of smallpo: THJIOUGH THICK AXD THJX. The following from the Ochoco Re view, is a very valuable object lesson : "I don't expect to make a dollar out of the sheep business in the nest three years, but I intend to go right on in creasing my flocks until prices come up again, then I will sell out at a profit on my three years' work," said one of our most successful voung eheep raisers the other dav, when asked if he was di: ConKcur a'ritio-llle wlth- Staces frora Eastern and Southera Or egon, Northern California ana all Interior Points. u clo-t: oonne?tloii t Tho Dalies witfc ! front I'nrthtnd and Eastern joints Nutic. All city warrants registered prior to July -d,"lSDl, will be paid on presenta tion of the same at my office. Interest ceases after this date." 1. 1. BritGET, Treasurer. The Dalles, Or., July oth, 1S93. aKoaacdanons along tie roai. ;m-:l2ss ccacles aid Mm iu&. Eiiiiss maiter tiUHi will sjwial care. STAGE OmCESi .11. Slchl X- Cii.'n Stor, I'rlnevllH). tlmatlll.i iluuxe, rite Iallf. j Goiicl .tub J ' rl ii t i ri R. If you have your job printing done at 'The Chronicle you will have the ad- ' vantage of having it done with the most conraged on account of the low price of ; mouern ana approved type, with whicn wool. Such a man as this one who is : we ke? ntinnally supplied. All jobs not discouraged bv present depressions under the direct anjien-islon of one of in business, is sure to succeed, and the ' most 6Uccessful ad artie printers country would be better off had it more 1 m tLe yrtbwefit- (i of his kind. If half the young men of shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for Crook county had the courage to devote i SAppepeia, torpid liver, yellow skin or themselves to business as he has, and as kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to he proposes to in the future, even i fe'tve 'ou satisfaction. Pri-e 74c. Sold though the present outlook is not flat-' b-v Snipes & Kinersly, druggiste. tering, the present cry of "hard times" , YOUR ATTENTION Ib called to the fact that Hagh Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of all kinde l.'Mrrln tht Kliitt I. tut- itf Picture Mouldings To bt found in the City. Street. ' ' There is a tide in the affairs of men zvhich, taken at its Jlod leads on to fortune." Tho poot unquestionably had reference to the Cll-OttlSil Finimre k Crt CLtARA STORY, Art Teacher A'oohi 3, Jieltimjen Jiuildtng, V.,. irtve Lesions Jlonilny? and Thurfla of e .ch wwt, ur ol'ner If ittured 1 72 LQashington W. E. GARRETSON. Leaio Jeweler. The Dalles Gigar : faetopy FIEST 3TBEET. FACTORY NO. 105. would not be heard. Hut, unfortunately, too many of them lack stability thev have not the courage to go into business of any kind, give it their undivided at tention, and stick to it through pros perity and adversity until it eventually grows into a valuable investment." An eastern, editor who lost a subscrib er says : The biggest fool on earth is the idiotic imbecile wlu will withdraw Lis eupjwrt from a paper because lie sees something in it that doesn't suit his makeup. This same bigoted cuss should remember that what displeases h!m will please tome one else, and in the very next issue he sees something that will .please him and displease the other,' fellow. Tho withdrawal of the support of one imbecile won't stop this band ! wagon. You may depend on that. The Oregon City Herald is tho latest candidate for popular favor. It an nounces that it is dead het against the "plutes" from the start and won't quit tooting its horn until the rich pav their just taxes, and the poor have a shareof the money manufactured by Uncle Samuel. Go yards to X. Harris for$l. for fine prints 20 -Ml.K tl est roil Tit K pTf A DCol the Best Brands VAvXxXXfcO manufactured, and orderti from all parte of the country filled r on tne shortest notice. OBSESS tuvta cue per lo.ifflcwrv; cn-coiK.: ,ir'ci . WESOLO No. 90 Second Sreet, The Dalles Or Cniupir Tp...:r . . .cj, hj-'.oiij.-.. " ' -l?4,iu?u"il:i I ," "'' "'' n u l" c T 1 11 m ! I'"' well known Htand, kept bv tin r 'i1 fW(V H HP !7" HT" W onP by Druwut, r... s .. , x V i'!.. I I U K I (lont o( Waet: county , haH an extraord or '-'best, iw. htni.'i.,',i;. x i v.. J JJ U LUtJ i Uii 1 III IjUJ l nnry line- stock of All Watch Work Warranted, Jewelry Made to Order. I JH Srroiiil 'it.. Tin- lllai. Or. Tlie reputation of THE DALLES GI GA K has l)ecome firmly establiHhed, and the demand for the ho'me manufactured articl ip increasing every day. A. ULRICH 5i SON. Vt . r WlDEllAN. IV.H. MAKDKKS. at CRANDALL & BURGETS, Who are selling these goods out at greatly-reduced rate. MICIIELBACH BHICK, - UNION ST Lace Curtains, Have your Lace Curtains, Shirts, Col lars and Cuffs laundried by THE TROY STEAM LAUNDRY, of Portland, Or. Leave your bundles with Thos. McCoy, No. 110 Second St.. before Tuesday noon, and get them on Saturday. Satisfaction Cu a ran teed. TheSnuq.! IaZI NZXNS ! No. 90 Second Sreet, The Dalles Or. 7Znh iN,KW, ,T0W. l,UH 'i' I,lnI"i' tliMim'imji:r..uiii,nt r.irksnnil I tiilU ol HixhI rlvur, with liiruu,lKlitlv lolH.l.romli.tr.wl.nn.1 i.lUiyn, kkI mi y the w nut iitm-watiy.wltlisliiiiiuln iimltiloii, iKirfwtilraliiiiKr.ai-'iKliUul mourn 3 I East End Second St. i Hheep Herder's Delisht and Irish Diitarbaac r.. ;.... -ii 1 i! i i.. . i ... ines, Linunrs and Ci . , AF.LLLi.i Ll J V ML LIJA 1 llll t - - - w ...l vuu. ;-nj!.jcti, lliluvUirtrm oXCj.UU UP. Pants from $5.00 up. man a call and you will come again Mill muftlMUlll. 1i4irfflt llrnllini". rl..lf..l.U..I .1.. mute, tliv cciilnil uttnii'tiini IlhH t Mill I tl fill tl tin ra.,..t t..m ...I liiiH .."iV",?.1 ,,,w." "! Jlt-"'l- ,.'' iiiiimmll.'kr.iKiiiniii.nlnciurliie ci ur, Uilint the imtur r.!iil.r for IU, a.iII- of the lt cuhir mid Ft tlinlwr, imhUiik mill onj of lmrM-Hmi-r In it, .iimhlni; Uiiiiik and wnl-r lalK, uislly JmriiGhwil. W lu-ru uliu-.o miti ..,wfr exlnm, tiu-re tlie i n " , fiiiMorltn will ct'liliT. Kiirr'iiiiKli d hv .ii m.ii i.n. ,.(.. i,, . ..,, ilol iiiiytvlmro fur fruit mid msrluultnrc. mid ulth tMiimrtiitain nirv i" niM jou will find thlk tlit- (iliu c to n.ukf i' tuvt Iioiiik ir n imyluj; 'u i-'to" Tor Half liy Siilik ,V ICIiuT.ly. i !?heunMtlcm. Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints ' Lame Back. &c of u S. SAMOEH'S ELE IELT "My little boy was very bad off for two , xnontliH with diarrha-a. We used var- ions mudiclnee, alfio called in two doe-! tore, hut nothing done him any good un- til we used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ' and Diarrhoea Remedy, which (jave 1m-1 mediate relief and soon cured him. I consider it the ltt medicine made and can conscientiously recommend it to ail who need a diarrh:a or colic medicine. J. E. Hare, Trentou, Tex. 25 and r.O nt bottles for tale by Blakeiey i! SIK1 Hoocbtan, druggists. ; SffUSf JlSSjrJSli Captain Sweeney, U. S. A.. San ' SWtt S'fiW: "12 Dieifo. Cal.. savHt "Kliilnti'a r.,. ; tVi!.2 ever found that would do tne anv I'rrfiMit fit r.uuniiitii-d. J. F. FORD, Evaopiist, With Kltotro-Mocnatlo SUlFCNSORY. uiiwt riltiui llt ImproTciaciiU I vnuinu . u"""""iiiiaiiii4naer7i.iitrijl. T t I .i:".' ,?"'4l imtnt kUCTKIC blU'Eooav. tho ' gOOd." 1 0dfwIlijVdHin!7.let.uuo;i.Aj,lus fxice 60 ete. Sold by Sniped Kinersly. fco. WrcJM llolrie-, Iowa, wrltcn under dutt ol March i.3 B. Men. Mro. Co., Uufur, Oregon. 'JtnUtmtn . On arriving home last week, I found all well and '.tuxioudly awaiting. Our little girl, eight and ont-half years old, who had wusted away to IJ8 jiounds, is now well, strong mid vigorous, unci well flenhed up. h. B. Cough Cure has done its work well. Both of the children like it. our ii. JJ. Cough Cure hat) cured and kept away all hoarseucs from me. .o give it to every one, with greeting lor nil. ishbig you prosj.orltv. we are ours, Mh. A MiiH. .1. F.'J'oiu). CUiseman & Warders, Saloon aod Wm Rooms See me on the ground, or address me at Hood River. Wasco County, Oregon. TITLE PERFECT ' W. RossWinans, The Dalles, Oregon. Northwerit corner of K(i-rtiul ntwl Court streets. fr,;',Ucv!?h V''"1 "'"I Plaerfill.nnd r...ly !?, irL.f' i K W."W cltmme your njxliin with 'it on: Sold unrk-r n jioiltlve Kuarniitcv. L0 cent per UmU by nil dtuvli. Eggs for Hatching From thoroughbred fowls. Xjllxt TEtvtxlxxxx.exri. 13 egga. Addref-fc : 6-2,!ui ?2.00 . if.OO 12. M. JJAhKIMAX, Kndereby, Or, H RIINMETI l Pipe Wort, Tin Repairs anil RoofiM MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE. i?nop on imra otroet, next tloor Wost of Young & Ktw