She Dalles Cljranick vol. VI. lilies Daily Chronicle. .hc! HUD'. Hn.MlnylCx'-oi.t itv . CHRONICA I'UHMSIIING CO. b( w irienii. THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAYjuLY 24, 1893. NO. 32. Trrw,nri''-i.ti' scPT IGOO . & wn Hoi-si) ... Ditimrti. 11. Mi I'. V. -I .DI. " i - - - -- nn noi-ND. 1 r. m. IK-iirtH .1:10 a. M. 4 :-i r. x. i(;.WWtUt carry jMiKHMiRcrii leave ggntT'i v., iiinl one for the u.(ai.. TAIr,. WMTille, via HiWt- Oven, leave dully nte!o-. Mltc:.ra. ennyon City, Ifiivt- En HI 1JK " ' r: JltH'.i;' . leave every diir of the tiivpttumittV Mt . m nforall lint t the rmiittlln llmie FIlllKK.SIONAI.. IB. KIDPEI.l. ATTOKSKY AT-1.AW-0111CC COBnDirU'l, I III- J'HHin, v.ii... fourun. FPU. A MK.NKKKK - ATTOIINEYK AT- uw-Roomk U ana 4S, over To-t IllaiuUnn.KuininrcoM nuMiuiKiuu nun.- litlw.OifSun. I. nvWVTT lTTfll!S-KV.A'r-l.AM'. Of' areinfclmiiin nlmlliilaiT, U Hutrh. The i.OMton. IXITI. B.f II.'.MIMITON. H. . WII.kO;i. Y8. Ul'.S'TI.S'CTON A WILSON ATTOR- mn-iT Uw unlet, r runc.n n uiock hvh Swioniil llaui Pullet. uri-ROti. III. WILSON' ATTORSBV-AT-LAW IttlOm much A ( " a liAiit hulldlm;, hcconti . VtK Utiles Ori'Kim. iKjHELilA.N (IIOXXOI-ATIIICJ rilYHlCIAN brwjto.v i.n'.U ntiuwcrcrt iimnititly, InlfhLeitv urt'uuutrr. Otiiu- No. ".(uind Ifoia Mock. t( lO.D. llOANK I-1IVHICIAN AS1 HUH- fcics. OClre, jinnim 6 mid C Cliniiraan KMbtencv i- 1. corner Court una I9MU. nee lid door from the corner, i bnnStOlV A. M., 2 to & mid 7 to S 1. M, , PCDALL IiE.s-TiT. (iiu riven lor the1 VfUSm extraction of teeth. A1m teeth i liwii'.umlnuni plate. Hooni SIkii of I pmcbiwji, ht.TO.i'1 tjtrcul. i'rcldcnl II. M. HKAU. Cnnhler. First Rational Bank. HB DALLES, - - OREGON A General Nanking Business trnneactod DepoHilfi rvctiivud, Hubject to Siglit Draft or Clieck. Collwitions mado and prooccdH nromptly remitted on day of collection. Sijfht and Ttilegrnriliic ExcJiango Hold on Now York, San KranciHco and Portland. UIRKOTOKS. I). 1'. TllOMI'MON. J NO. 8. SCHKNCK. E. M. WiM.iAMh, Gi:o. A. Likmc. II. M. Bkali.. FRENCH & CO, BANKERS. TKANHAn A (iKNKRAl.IIANKI.S'ti HUHINKSc) Iitt'rf of Cnnlit ihaiit'd available in he Knat!rn Stntep. Sivrhi Kxcliance and Tulirtihic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. lxHiin, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made nt all oint? on fav orable terniH. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OH. President - Vice-President, Cashier, - - 'A. F. Moony ClIAKLKS Hlt.TON M. A. Moony General Hanking Business Transacted. Sight Exchange Sold on NEW YOKK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and POHTLAND, OK. Collections made on favoreble terin9 at all accessible pointB. W. H. YOUNG, BiecRsmiifi & wagon soop ftOCI KT1 KM. fCOUOlK K N( lr). A. I . A. M -llwti fciUml tUlnl Monduy of cnch inontti ut T US UOVAI. A Uril CllAI'TKU NO. f,. ri-ln In Mtuionte Hull the thlrJ Wednysduy month ut 7 1'. M. KUK WOODMEN OK TIIK WOUU).- fi noou wiiui.o.w.NwtK 'I uwilny wen ch week In Irutcrnity HhII, tit I M y. in. IMHIA 1X)I)0K. NO.B. 1. O. O. r.-M.,. Wry l-'rldiiy i-vi-nlim nt 7 ::!0 o'clock, In K. niK iiroiiierii ntt nolt'omo. aui;, mt )-, ii. a. Uaut.N. O. I- psIIII' LOIHiK, NO. !., K. of I'.-JIwstk f .'. i iiiK i :uu o eiiK'K, III MtuiWlliB, corner of Court mid Second oj..iii.iiuB nieiuinTk urc corumiiy In- tii:, K of It. nnd h. (;. r. DULY Nil Ar l" ni' i ,.. '.Mil th(!kicond und fourth Wuinvk- atamoiun 1117..W . m. PVO .... V"ioiiAf ih.Mri.KKNCK win m.t eery 1'rldiiy Hftcrnoon ""j"" rt'idliic room. Allure InvIUtl, t'lliall. Allaroliivitwl. IWW(J, T. u. C. Klkck, Hr I P I Atin. . . '" - IfT.w'S"'..''.1.'1 3 O. V. W.-.Meet ViJ-!Liiui'ivcry Hu,lllu' "ftcr"oon ln Ui P ilW$m' 'No K- -Mt-etH in Wmo ii , "l '-'.lrfct ""u tlllr1 Wtxtnu- General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third Street, opp. Liobc's old Staiifi. w House Moving! Andrew Velarde LS projiarcd to do any and all kinds of work in his lino at reasonable figures. Has the largest lionso moving outfit in liiistern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181.Tho Dalles L. YOUNG, I TIIK UIIUKC1IKN. ?S." JM'H Iter. Knther Il.toNS- niVh un? .;,,",M uv,ry Humiay t I'ftuV'pin1.1!, ;l'!ln'i Htnsot.opiKisItu I h uijur on rriuuy in lwto?Ti'"',K,-"''v. 0. 1.TAr Itho . ,',!,.. .'.'.r' ".'if HtTvlow uvcry Hub- loimwii t J1 ; l 11 A- M- HnhbaUi flluii i iiDrviSy-0.'uu,,l,K "tl'iiHtor'H n-Hl- I---.-V. J,, inu court uouhu ui tUUltCIl-Uov. W. 0. u,v.!''''k rnWIkumroni, Si 7 . "ur morillllK - KU"(-'KllHlly Invited. HcHtnlroc. I:luw.i ... . "1ii inorulniriit 11 n. in. It 6;m ' 1 "' r m. Ki.worlh 0f'iiiiKiit . hi1 '."ltr, XwthiK uvery exlim,. 15 s".t I'lwlf. A cor.lhil in- I ""i uy ,JOl ,1Htor m(, iW1J,c rW'nSL". ufiv. J.v.Jr.HKiKH. 1dm, ,l"."niK In tin, i i.i... I.. ....( N'or!'!'''"'''!'. Ninth Mnut, Hev. A. I 1 r"" ' I" In . rv : : JEWELER : : Wntchui und Jewelry lejmlred to order on kliort notice, mid Hiitlafuction Kdurantced AT THE Nturit of I.C. Nli koUrn, d Ht.TliH l)nll Chas. Allison, Denier in PURE Headquarters at Ohas. Lauer's. HhvIiik hml a lino harvekt of iitituriil Ice-the test ill the i world, J inn iirejmrixl to furnUh in nujr huuiiuvji nuu ill ooiioill nnceHy CHAS. ALLISON. C. F. STEPHENS, DliALICK IN Dry Goods I9 Plothing ItootN, Hliium, IIuIh, ICIii. FanciJ JoodfJ, fJotion, Ktc, KUi,, lite. Secoiid St., The Dalles. WAKE IIP. If you wako up in tho morning with a bitter or bad taato in your mouth, Languor, Dull Headache, Despondency, Constipa tion, tako Simmons Liver Regulator. It corrects tho bilious stomach, sweetens tho breath and cleanses the furred tongue. Children as well as adults sometimes eat something that docs not digest well, producing Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Ecstlessnesa. or Sleeplessness a good dose of Regulator will give relief. So perfectly harmless is this remedy that it can bo taken by tho youngest infant or the ino3t delicate person without injury, no matter what the condition of tho system may be. It can do no harm if it does no good, but its reputation for 40 years proves it never fails in doing good, Hie Regulator Line" Tie Dalles, Portland and Aiioria Navigation Co. P THROUGH Freigni anfl passenger Liae Through daily service (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port hind. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade Locks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill Etreet dock') at (i a. m. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dalles. V. fnTrrTrTFTl I'AHSKMI Kit K.MKH. One way . . . Hound trip. . .$2.00 . 3.00 Tickets on tale for Long Peach, Ocean Park, Tingu and Ilwaco. i Baggage checked thiough. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at unv time day or night. Shipments for way bindings must Ixj delivered before b p. m. Live stock shipments solicted. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, Uvtift-Hl AK""t. B. F. LAUGHLIN, Cmioral Muuagur. THE DALLES, - OREGON OUT roK pttesh Paint I IV. (!. (Ui.hkht hciehy heiids lllk coiii)llinentk to every friend And enemy If he hue any Do they few or bo they ninny. The time for uilutliiK now hus come, Ami every one ileslrex a home 'J'hut looks frckh and clean and now, An none hut a koimI jmlwter can do. I'alntlni,', liiiiiorliiB and Khizlni;, toi, Will make our old 1ioum look iiiiito now. He will take your work either way, Jly tho Job or by the day. Jf you havo work ulve him a cull, Ho'tl take your orderc, large or kiiinll. itokinvtfully, W. C. GILBERT, 1'. 0. Uox No. 3, TJIL PALLKS. OIL The St. diaries Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. K..u l,.i -...t;..N. ffitfit!KliiMl. linn ivtrv room lias been repupered and repalnto and newly cai-iietud throughout. Jho 1 . t . ,.,,1 Li iiiiiiii Hid till iiiiiiim tuxit vim fimrtt. Rilfif KMMJimbln. A good reHtiiurant iittacbec to tho house. Frer btiH to and from till trnlns. C. W. KNOWLto, vrop, IffliGuiate Policy of President Cleye land and His Afliniuistratiou. ABSOLUTE, UXQUAMFIEI) REPEAL What Will Follow Will Not be In jected Into the Present Fight if the Executive Has His Way. Nkw Youk, July L'2. Tho World to morrow will print the following: "The World is enabled today to announce au thoritatively that the immediate policy of President Cleveland and his adminis tration in regard to the approaching special congress will be briefly as fol lows : "First Silver reform, by tho absolute And unqualified repeal of the Sherman law. "Second Tariff reform, to be prose cuted in accordance with the pledges of the party, as soon a?, but not before, the finances of the country are again upon a stable basis." Mr. Cleveland is annoyed and exas perated at the unexpected interference with the tariff-reform plans, but he is not discouraged. He proposes to meet the silver question in the Eanie open, straichtforward manner that has charac terized his handling of tarifr matters. President Cleveland's advice to the coming special session of congress will be for the repeal at once of the Sherman silverjaw. He believes that any com plication of this issue with amendments, substitutes or similar propositions' will be detrimental to the purposes of the repealing act, which are not so much for the purpose of working any instant change in the financial system of the country as for the restoration of busi ness confidence throughout the land. From the information at his cDminaud Mr. Cleveland has no doubt that his policy will be adopted by tho house of representatives after seasonable discus sion. It is in the senate that the trouble will come. What will follow tho repeal is a matter that will not be ejected into the present fight if the administration has its way. That further financial leg islation will be needed, the president considers probable, but what its nature shall bo is a matter for future determin ation. The first thing to be done is to clear the ground. When that is done the question of construction can be con sidered upon an intelligent basis. a risKnisioKic city. A Valuable Dikcoiery Lately ilnile In the Colorado Desert. San- Dikgo, Cab, July 22. The ruins of a prehistoric city has just been dis covered by a party of prospectors from Yuma when on the Colorado desert in search of the Peg Leg mine. The wind had laid bare the walls and remains of stone buildings for a distance of 420 feet in length by 2G0 feet in width. Gigantic pillars quaintly carved to represent dragons' heads and rattlesnakes still stood in the sand of the desert, support ing on their tops huge slabs of granite weighing many tons. Tho frieze orna mentation resembled Egyptian sculpture and exhibited a greater degree of Bkill than is possessed by Indian artisans of the present day. Fragments of pottery found underneath the debris, together with a crumbled piece of frieze, were brought by Hank Ferguson, one of the prospectors, to this city. One of his associates came to San Diego nnd tho others returned to Yuma nearly two weeks ago, but tho story of their discov ery was carefully guarded in teho bop that in some way they might profit by it. Ferguson called the matter to the atten tion of II. ('. Cioidou, who interested John II. tiny, '. " wealthy man, of this city, in the discovery, and a week ago yesterday, in company with four others, they went to exploro tho ruins. They wet 0 driven hack by a sand storm, .o.ii.Miiir this citv today, but will malum careful examination of tho ruins later in tho H-ason, when condition aro nioro favorablo for extended exploration. From tho relics exhibited, it In evident that an important archieological dis covery bus been made. .Vow u Sellout Mutler. Nkw Youk, July 22. The Sim's In dian cable says it Is not too much to say that in four capitals, London, Paris, St. Petersburg and Peking, tho situation Is regarded as picsenting greater danger ilmn imv with which diplomacy has had to deal' in several years. Slnco tho terms of tho French ultimatum were mado known tho wiles between London .....I I'i.1;!dl' havo been burdened with diploi little correspondence of tho high est importance. Tho motives and In tentions of tho French government nro by no menus clear to tho other powers, Kven Kngland did not regard the situa tion as serious until vestordav. It is generally believed here that Russia will tako immediate advantage of the oppor tunity, which ensuing complications may olfor, to improve her position in tho Pamir, even if she does not openly assist France, in case of Chinese inter ference. A Mitiiihl Sloli. Mkmpiiis, July 22. The jail of Shelby county, within the city limits of Mem phis, was broken into by several htm dred men at midnight, and Lee Walker, a negro, aged 22 years, was taken out and strung up to a telegraph pole, 100 yards from the jail. Afterward his body was cremated in tho yard of a lumber firm near by. The negro culprit was n native of North Mississippi, and bis cal endar of crimes is tho blackest in his tory. Within the past week he mado four attempts to commit rape, two being successful, one victim being a small girl Sxs years old, who was badly lacerated, and the other a married woman of his own color. He mado a full confession He had just been released from the pen itentiary, where he served a sentence for rape. Wild disorder reigned about the jail as the mob gathered to wreak its vengeance The gates of the south wall of tho mas sive structure were forced with a bar of railroad iron, used as a battering-ram on the shoulders of the men, and after sev eral attempts, squads of men crowded their way within the walls. Sheriff McLendon was struck over the head with a chair within the jail door. He was carried upstairs, placed in bed and received surgical attention. Most of the mob wero masked, and they seemed to bo niidnly railway switchmen. The rail way bar was, after several attempts, gotten inside the jail and two iron doors were battered down, occupying a half hour before they reached the cell where the victim was. The man was inarched out amid yells from the mob, the jail door being thrown wide open, but no other prison ers were interfered with. The man's clothing was torn from his body as bo moved with the mob to Williams' lum ber yard, 200 yards north of the jail, where he was strung up to a telegraph pole. He was naked, the lighted gas lamp near by making him plainly visi ble to the throng. He was lacerated with knives and his throat was cut be fore being finally hanged. His hands not having been tied, ho clutched at tho rope when raised oil' his feet. The sight was a ghastly one. Ho was a man of powerful build, bis head towering above those of tho mob who surrounded him. At 2 o'clock this morning his mortal re mains were only ashes among tho em bars of tho funeral pyre from which ho hud been destroyed. Ordered to Marn Inland. This is the last day that tho general public will bo admitted to the Mon terev. Karly vesteiday morning Cap tain KempfT received a dispatch from tho navy department at Washington, ordering the ship to go at once to Maro Island, and there await further orders. As tho arrangements for tho reception and entertainment of ice-President Stevenson include a visit to tho Mon terey, Captain Kouipii' bus courteously consented to hold tho battleship at its present nnchorago until Wednesday mornimr. when sho will drop down to tho coal bunkers and tako on fuel, pre paratory to an early start on 1 hursday morning. A .Million I'riendN. A friend in need is a friend indeed and not less than one million people havo found just such a friend In Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds. If you have never used this Great Cough Medicine, one trial will convince you that it has wonderful curativo powers in :UI diseases of Throat, Chest nnd Lungs. lmllln in ciniratiteed to to til Mutt Ih claimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottles freo ut Snipes it Kinorsly's drug store. Largo bottles fido and if 1 .00, Knrl'rt Clover Root, the now blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to thu coiuploxlon nnd cures constipation. 25c, fiOe. and l.0(). Sold by SnipeH it Kincrsly, druggists, Got your bathing pants from S. it N. 11 arris. tiii: kki'i.v 1KCKIVIC1). Slum AimwerM tint IMtlnmt inn Hnnt by tin French P.miih, July 2il, I. p. m.--Siam'H reply to Franco's ultimatum has been banded to Pnvie, tho French minister resident in Uangkok, and telegraphed to tho Siam ese legation hero. Its terms have ren dered necessary an exchange of tele grams between tho legation and Uang kok. Therefore tho reply will not be given out for several hours. Hrvereil 1 1 In Arm. ViitciiNiA, Nev., July 22. Len Galla gher, yardmaster of tho Virginia & Truckeo railroad in this city, had his left arm taken off this afternoon by being run over by a locomotive. Gallagher had made tho trip to Brunswick mill with a load of ore from tho Kentuck mino and tho train was returning to this city. W hen leaving Mound house Gallagher took a seat on the pilot in front of tho locomotive. In a few minutes Engineer Thrall heard a cry from behind. Look ing around ho saw Gallagher alongside the track, holding something in the air. The train stopped andGallaghercanieup to tho engine and threw his left arm on the platform, which had been severed near tho shoulder by the train running over it. Thrall immediately returned to Mound house and ran the train to Carson, 11 miles, to secure medical aid for the injured man. At Carson Galla gher jumped off the engine, seeing tho doctor on the depot platform and threw his severed arm in front of him, exclaim ing: "l nave lost an arm, and there it is." Gallagher was taken to a friend's house and tho stump of his arm attended to. Tho bones were splintered up into the shoulder. How Gallagher fell off the engine is not known, He displayed wonderful nerve, but, although a young man it is thought the reaction from the shock will prove too much for his sys tem to withstand. The Fighting an the Me-Kong, P.utis, July 22. A dispatch to Le Temps from Saigon says: "A telegram from Stungtrong announces that Cap tain Villers, commanding the French force at Kbong, reopened fire upon the Siamese the morning of the lUth inst. In the course of the day the French cap tured Forts LongdUjDongoand Donhan, thus confining tho enemy to Fort Don son. The last-named stronghold, though protected by three series of well- onstructed fortifications, was captured the following day without loss to the French, who now occupy tho entire group of islands. Only the town of Khong remains to be captured. It is estimated that 1100 Siamese wero killed and 200 were wounded in the last en counter. Three hundred and fifty men. under tho command of a colonel, have been sent to reinforce tho French garri son on tho Island of Khong, in tho Me- Kong river." Ititckleii'M Arnica, Halve. The best salvo in tho world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bunds, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 23 cents per box. For sale by Snipes it Kin- ersly. Another llevolt In Itriizll. London, July 2.'!. A dispatch from Rio Janeiro says that u revolution has broken out in the state of Santa Catharlnu, which borders Rio Grande du Sol. Government troops 1110 reported to br.vo joined tho revolutionists, whoso purpose is to disposu of tho government of tho state. Tho cruiser Tirndontes has boon dispatched from Rio Janeiro to suppress tho revolutionary movement along the coast. F.ldor S. S. lkutvor, of McAllistervillo, Juniatta Co., Pa., says his wife is subject to cramp in tho stomach. Last sunnnor sho tried Chnmborlniii'H Colic, Cholera and Dinrrhien Remedy for it, and wuh much pleased with tho speedy relief It ulforded. Sho bin since used It when over neccssarv and found that it never fails. For sufo by lllakeley it Houghton, Druggists. Tu llelliiiiueiit Tiinimyorii. All prosperty upon which taxes nro not paid by tho 1st of August, will bo levied upon and sold according lo law. ' T. A. Waiid, Shoriir. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Baking Powder mi m Km mm m 1 1 1 1 mm mi ISJ'IKt I mi m m mm mm mm