'..V, it The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUB IIAl.l.K! OKKOON H. C. NIELSEN, HAS A HARD TIME. Some of the Trial ami Tribulations ol RmMn'i Cznr. His imperial majesty the czar of all the Hussias appear to have more diffi culty in erosinsr h realm by rail than thr nvpracrt traH.h lias in irolnjj from Sau Francisco u 2Tev York. To avoid the watchful nihilist, armed to the teeth and ciiuiupcd with bombs, the I imperial train of shell-proof ears trav-1 els in three see-ions, which has proven as bewilderinfr t the sanguinary sub ject as three-cam monic 10 ineuveruyc rustic. Still, this is not the only pre caution. An army division is spread out nlon the line) and the ground is carefully paced by soldiers stationed Clothier and Tailor. . . Iknjitlodlv the Finest Line of Gents' Furnishing Goods, Trunks and Valises, eti., etc. COB. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE DALLES. OR. HORSES HORSES J. S. COOPER, . . Corner arn, UXIOX STOCK YARDS, Chicago, Ills. The largest and only strictly commission dealer in horses in the world, willhold his 4th extensive sale of 'west ern branded horses for season 1S93, on WBDlsTESDAY, J'TTXTZ' 19. Entries should be made at once. HORSES ... HORSES M7ditw"m J. O. MACK, AT.T.vAvnrn m., eitpebor op Russia. twenty-five icet apart. From the last report we are informed that in spite of shell-proof cars and a viffilant soldiery, the imperial partv narrowly escaped death by falling into a stream, the cars haviwr lumped the track. In view of this, who can say the American tramp, beatimr his wav from ocean to ocean, does not travel with less anxiety of mind than the autocrat of all the Rus- sias? PASTOR AND PEOPLE. There are SiOO.OOO Norwegian Luther ans in the United States. The largest Gothic church in the world is Cologne cathedral. Its foundation stones were laid in 124S, and tho edifice was completed in 1SS0. Tin: emperor of Germany asserts that the court preachers are taking too much of hit. time, aud ordered that no sermon shall last more than six min utes. y. Y. World. Tnx lord bishop of Chichester is the oldest bishop in England. He is over ninety years of age, and yet he attends .to all the duties of his diocese without tthe aid of a coadjutor. Mrs. Sarah li. Cooper, of San Fran- Cisco, has a Sunday-school class of more than three hundred intelligent men and women. She has taught a Bible clsssior more than fortv vears. "Xf "little boy was very bad off for two months with diarrhoea. We nsed var ious medicines, also called in two doe tors, but nothing done him any good un til we naed Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhcea Ilemedy, which gave im mediate relief and soon cured him. I consider it the best medicine made and can conscientiously recommend it to all who need a diarrhaia or colic medicine. J.E. Hare, Trenton, Tex. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. NOTICE. Inasmuch as my wife, Georgie Anna Brooks, has, without just cause or prov ocation, left my bed and board, against my wishes aud consent, and refuses to retnrn or further live with me, I hereby warn all persons not to give Iter any credit on my account, an I will not pay any bills of her contracting alter this date. Caleb Brooks. Dalles City, Or., July 19, 1893 osotiw4t WOOD, WOOD, WOOD. Best grades of "oak, fir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. Peters & Co. (Office Second and Jeffer son streets.) BODMH TO KENT. Furnished rooms to rent. Apply at the residence of Mrs. C. 2J. Thornbury, .Second street, The Dalles, Or. tt All city warrants registered prior to July -'d, 1891, will be paid on presenta tion of the same at my office. Interest ceases after this date. 1. 1. BcncET, Treasurer. The Dalles, Or., July 6th, 1893. Good Job l'riuting. If you have your job printing done at Tint CiiiioxicLF. you will have the ad vantage of having it done with the most modern aud approved type, with which we keep continually supplied. All jobs under the direct supervision of one of the most successful and artistic printers in the Northwest. Fur lteut. liooras to rent at Kev. A. Horn's resi dence on Ninth street. C-23daw. The Dalles Daily Ctotiefe. S HAB A FAMILY OP ZS 2000 KEADEB8. U'hey lend The Chronicle to get the latest and most reliable cw. And the)- read every line tlmt 1 lu the paper. That is what makes the Chronicle uu Invaluable itdvcrtltin;; medium. Thi newkpuper that goes to tho family thfctldw Is the one fQ that tho advertisers ol today pntronlxe when thoy desire to reach the ioplc. V'hen they want your trade IticlrunnounccmenU will be found in the paper. Iiok over tmr column and observe the verifica tion of the troth of this uuortlon. ltemcmbcr, it trade ol n family of tv, o t uoutmid Is worth Hiking fur through these columns, tnjiclolly so ut our very' $i?eap pditrti5ir$ ltys. FlflE WlEg and LIQUOR DOMESTIC Ano KEY WEST CIGARS. THE C E LEBRATE O PABST BEER. FRENCH'S BLOCK. 171 SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, OR. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE The Corrugated Itullding next Door to Court Iloat. Handsomely MM Booms to Bent iiy the Day, Weei or Month. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. McC LURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing fir The Dalles Daily Chronicle for 12 Months at 60 Cents a month. OR 5 UeeKly ?l?ro?ie AT $2.25 PER ANNUM. Ur-Ry Special arrangements with U im.uMiersnf one of the beat Mnciutnes now published vc lire enabled to make a most exceptional niter t s.'iul McCLURE'S MAGAZINE OUSTS YEAB to everyone whD tills out the following blank torn, ami seuriliig It to tia. tlierc.br MibJcrlblilK to The Dalles Daily Ghronicle 12 MONTHS AT GO CENTS A MONTH. CUT THIS OUT AND 3CND IT TO US. FuMish cvs CJiKUJri CJLE, Die Dalles, Or.: You will please send to my address the DAIL Y CHRONICLE for 12 months from date, for which I agree to pay GO cts. a month, it being un derstood that uou a.re o have sent to mil address for 1 near, without extra charge, McCL URE'S MAGAZINE, commencing with the current number. Name, JJate .acMt . Address CALL AT OUR OFFICE nnd sec the entertaining nnd finely illustrated McCLURE'S, MAGAZINE, which hits nmons its tontilbutors the most fumouc mithots In such writers n the following R. L. Stevenson, Itndyard Kipling, A. Connn Doyle, Octnve Tlinnet, William Dean Howells, Eret Harte, Clark Kuseell, Joel Chandler Harrie, Mrs. Kobt. Louis Stevenson F. Marion Crawford, Marparet Peland, HerlK-rt D. Ward. Elizabetli Stuart Phelps, Thomas Hardv, .1. T. Trowbridge, .leiome It. Jerome. Frances Hodgson IJuruett, Theodoro Roosevelt, Joaquin Miller, Oilbert Parker, John Burroughs, ,Camilc Flainmarion, Lime Chase Wymau, Harriet Prescott Spofford, Edward Everett Hale, LouiBe Chandler Moulton, Aiiierlcu und KuRland, lucludliiR Hamlin Garland, Prof. E. S. Holden, -Prof. C. A. Young, II. H. Doycscn, P.obert Barr, Henry M. Stanley, Archibald Fortes, Andrew Lang, Sarah Orne Jewett, Dr. J. S. Billings, W. E. Henley. Capt. Charles King. Alplionse Daudet. Cumile Flarnmarion, Edward Everett Hale, Prof. Graham Bell. FRASSB., prietor. TheDrlles Wasco County, Oregon, The Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated at the ksad of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, pros perous city. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as far south as Summer Lake, n distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of the Cas cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the -wool from which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped laat year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will be more than doubled in the near future. The products of the beautiful Klickitat valley find market here, and the country south and east has this year filled the warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing with their products. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on the coast and its money u scattered over and is being used to develop more farming country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on these :orner stones she stands. Eneh number of McCLURE'S MAGAZINE contain two hnnUonie!y Illustrated iuterrtcwi Vt'ttu bucu ianiou5 eopie a. Jules Verne, Archdeacon Farrar, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Thomas A. Edison, Tisaandier, the famous F. Hopkinson Smith, French Balloonist. H. H. Bovesen. ' I ... 1 V, .. I 1-1, M.n tnm Miuuilnllf MM.noMwl IlltxnAll'. I.tllnll 11-111 ihMwr UUU UUlll. W.ilU.B, ilJ 4U.iiin.lCU iIO.V1.4.. llJl v-0.rci.iuii, pLVk'UIVU ....... i wt a fi.... 11... .j-h. fully illustrated in this magazine. Ench number contains two or three short stories by famous authors. Fully Illustrated stories will appear in early numbers by Thomas Hardy, William Dean Howells, R. L. Stevenson, Rudyard Kipling, Bret Harte, Sarah Orne Jewett, Joel "Chandler Harris, Harriet Prescott Spofford, Octave Thunet, Conan Doyle, Frances Hodgson Burnett, Stanley J. Weyoian. HENRY M. STANLEY will contribute, especially tor younp readers, a thriUingly interesting story of African Adventure. NATURAL HISTORY AND ADVENTURE. There will be several articles written by Hoymond Blottnunyt. who has been called by Sir. V. T. Etead the best Interviewer in England, from material iurnlshed him by kbpI He9ntk, of Ham burg, tho great animal importer und trainer. These urticles deal with The Capture of Wild Beasts. The Transportation of Wild Beasts. The Training of Wild Beasts. The Adventures nnd Escapee of Karl Hagenbeck. The scries will oe illustrated by un English artist of acknoKledged skill lu drawing wild uulmals. John Hukrodchs, C. F. Holbrb, Ik. C. (.'. Abbott, and other writers iuiunns for their work in this field, will contribute to the magazine. Of Interest to both Young nnd Old will be PROF. R. L. GARNER'S AFRICAN EXPEDITION TO THE GORILLAS. Arrangements have been made, in connection with a leading English review, to publish I'rnf. Garner's letters descriptive of his present expedition to Africa, Prof. Garner is noted the world over for the curious and interesting investigations lie is making in the speech of monkeys. He sailed for Africa lust Hcptcrabcr for the sake of further pursuing his studies in the native haunts of the gorilla. The illustrations for these articles will ! from photographs taken by l'rof. Gamer. The mugozlne uUo contains most interesting articles under the following comprehensive heads: " The Ed?e of the Future." " Knowledge of Immediate Value." " Newest Knowledge." " The Present Hour." " Stranger than Fiction," etc. We are ottering this splendid magazine with the Daily ClinoNictE lor only 17.20 a year, payable In advance or In monthly installmentx us desired. We make this exceptional offer In order that wc may secure a large number of new subscribers, but all who are already subscribers may avail themselves of this opportunity to secure this great magazine. Fill up the blank and rend it in, to THE DAILY CHRONICLE, The Dalles, Or. THE DALLE I1LE Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHRONICLE was established for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles and the surrounding countay, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chronicle is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at $6.00 per annum. The Weekly Chronicle on Fridays of each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, otc, address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER. Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now taming oat the beat Beer and Portei east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for the manufacture of good health ful Beer have been introduced, and only the first-class article will be placed oa the marknt. PAUL KREFT & CO., -DEALERS IK- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in r Practical .Painters and Paper Hangers. Kone but the best brands of the Williams and J. W. Masury's Paints used in all mr work, and none bat Sherwin the most nkilled workmen emnloved. AcentB for Masurv Linuid Paints. chemical combination or soap mixture. A first class article in all colors, orders promptly attended to. No All Faint BhoD corner Thirdand Washington Eta., Tho Dalles. Ort'oi ffevu Qolumbia THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Hob lately been thoroughly renovated and twwly furnished throughout, end is now better than ever prepared to furnish the best Hotel accommodations of any house in the city, and at tho very low rate of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. Office of tho fast and commodious opposition Btage to Dufur, Kingsley, Tygh Valley, W'apinitia, Warm Springs and Prlnovllle is in the Hotel and persons, going to Prineville can me 11.00 by going on this Btaga line, f AH trains stop here. This Is the Season Of the Year ttlhen Of C7 o Judicious Advertising Pays. linllv Kvniitne f!hrniilt!lo Is riTotrnlzvd t, li rsseiitlalty tho homo jiiK;r lor the imllomllty InlkH' fjrvHirr Thin Ik not n bad reputation. Some rHJiVlX-'-.0 1,0(10 of our best citix'MK watch the rolumnH of thin n J DETD dnllvfor the cplelest lornl new. It rnr LlV suct'ectll lu cleaning the Held, and lienco riowh in populiirltv and importiineo. Take It iiwhllc, you who iloti't; try noiiie of lt premium oiler. GHAS. ADAWS. Shoemaker No Fit, No Pay. Union St., opp. European House. From TERHWRL or INTERIOR Points -TIIK Niiem Pacific RHILROHD Ii the line to Uke TO ALL mm EAST AND SODTI Jt ! the Dining Car Itoute. It rum Through Vcstlbuled Urulnu every day In the yur to Paul and Chicago NO CHANGE OK CAK8.) Componcd of ftlulnx Caw uusuri'axKed. Full nan Drawing Koom blecpcra of Intent equipment. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Jletit Unit can be cotiKtrnrted, und in which accommodation! are both Free aud KumUhed for holders of First and Hecond-cU Ticket, aud ELEGANT DAT COACHES A contlnuuuM Hue, connecting with all lluea affording direct and unlutcrrnpted ocrrice. l'ullmnii Sleeper rwtervatloiiM can bo necura) lu advance through any agent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS England and Europe can be ticket office of the company To aud from aU point In America, piircuanca at any Full information concernlug rate, titna of tralni, route aud other detail furninbed on application to W. C. ALLAWAY, Agent O. P. it A. Nay. Co., Itegulator office, Tb Dalles, Or., or A. D. CUAULTOH, Aas't General Faweoger AgL, Portland, Ogn. ARTIC FACTORY SODA WATEE AID I0E 01EAM. anal Hii t wkelMate wHHMiea cum nui ji TOBACCO. CIOAKH AND : : 8WKKT UKINKH tjaetattaaa. Specialties Finest Peanut Roaster InTh Dallas 2d2Str3eet J. FOLCO At right aide Mrs. Oban's restaurant JOHN PASHEK. Merchant Tailor, 7 Couft Sttiaat, lext door to Wmoo Inn Ofloc. HaVjnat received a fine line of Bampli for Bprlng and nutamer Buttlnw. Cue ail See tie Hew Cleaning and Rpiing to order. Batiaf action icnaranteed. PHOTOGRAPHER Krttjeremluna at the Waaoo tr lor beat jMtrtraiU and view,