The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 21, 1893, Image 3

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55 A
Saturday, JULY 22, 1893.
hi dren s Washable CMlltS. m.2K
Sailor Suits,
Jersey Suits,
77 balance of our stock of Children's Jersey Suits at greatly reduced
prices for this day only.
all Goods Marked r.
T in plain figures. l
- & -MAYS.
fhe Dalles Daily Chronicle.
torn! u tlio l'otol!lre lit Tlic Dulles Ori-goi),
to hvcouu cIiihh mutter.
I. (iriil Ail vortlxliiK.
Cunt . HT line ( ir first Inwirtioii, mill f Cent"
1 1 ii.t fr nifli hlttihitn llfMI f I tlHI.rt Inn
Bpcclitl rutt'H lor loin; time mitlcux.
$5' - - AU loen iiotlcec received later than :i o'clock
mill Bjijiear the loUtiultij; day.
Weathor l'iirrciit.
tl iircrciil Jar twcnty-Jnur hour ewinij
'' p. m (onuirnm
Friday fair and stationary tempfrii-
re. -atuniav oeeuieuiv cooler.
laximum temperature, 80.
illinium temperature, GO".
tivcr, US.O feet above zero.
rind, Houthwest.
I members of the Gesanp Verein. Ad-
mission 2 cents and children 10 cent?,
including refreshment h.
Street Superintendent Maddron, while
I picking in foiiic rock this afternoon,
, was struck by a small piece of it in the
j right eye, and he in afraid he will lose
j the use of it. The occurrence ih mo?t
j unfortunate.
j Sheriff Ward i after the delinquent
i taxpayers. Ho has been intormed by the
I county court that the taxes have got to
be paid. The sheriff will consequently
make tax collecting a feature for the
next few weeks and givefc an earnest of
uteution elsewhere in this paper.
JULY 21, 1893
Daily and Weekly Chronicle may
und on mle at I. ('. Nickehrn'r ulure.
In lliniiu'tlilr
lovlnir south
lit vnin, in truth,
Fix, Hud li 'irued mid u en retiroved lier:
MpMf llc l.wled a chair.
;:ISri4fe -Ami tlivn at lant he iuoxl-U her.
. v5.l,(jIrrelH in Grantcounty ureeeriouHly
jMMgiug croi)B.
,Jk large party of excurHioniutH left on
i J?Hii Reeulutor for White (salmon today.
locomotive and coach which have
m .on the uahinirton Hide at the
tgo have been fcent to Portland.
dead homo iu the acudemy groundH
proven u nuisance to the neighbor-
by its rapid decomposition and
plaint was made this morning for its
man is Hupposed to breathe twenty
6H a minute, except when he in about
tit the important mieHtion to his
girl. Then he breathcH twenty
a a second.
pt. I'iogh of the schooner Flyer,
mmo in last night with a load of tele
phone poles. Threu more loads will be
jMHilcd by the dauntless vessel for use
on the telephone line.
. -
k. fJ1l... .......4 ....4 .1.;.. r. . .
TfS'ili., .......I. f,... (1... ..!..!. I I 4
pfwiinn u iui iiiu niimi uuu into quail-
i:MH (if It ( hhmlllim luiekritor'u' ,
Mary Aqiila U it Hwrrirllp
With Itruiarkalilr Vigor.
The eeiiHation of the ufteruoon has
been the attempt to horsewhip Kev. O.
I). Taylor on the part of Mists Mary
Aquia, u young ludy of Italian descent,
who with Miss BefiBie Holcomb, lias
been living on a homestead for some
time neur Snipes' ranch. The trouble
arose over a matter of salary, between
Miss Holcomb, as teacher at the Wasco
Independent Academy, of the one part
and the board of directors of the other.
The claim is made that an agreement
wan reached with Mr. Taylor that she
was to teach either six months for $400
or the full year for $700, while Mr. Tay
lor sayB it was $400 for the half year and
$000 for the full year. The latter inter
pretation is the understanding of the
board of directors, backed by the re
ceipts of Miss Holcomb for payment in
full for her services.
It was a matter of considerable sur
prise, therefore, to Mr. Taylor when a
little after noon MisH Aquia, with Hashing
eyes, stepped into the private oflice of
Mr. Taylor, armed with a horsewhip,
and demanded satisfaction. He claimed
ignorance of the nature of the demand
and shut the intruder out, who was also
accompanied at the time by Miss Hol
comb. For the space of about an hour
Miss Aquia walked up and down the
streets, oblivious of the presence of a
hundred men who weie enjoying the
sensation and making all manner of Jte
marks. Shu was apparently waiting for
Mr. Taylor to come out of his ollice.
In the meantime a warrant had been
issued for her arrest, and she was re
quired to keep the peace under bonds.
Tint- btop was taken with her full
knowledge and power to stop the pro
ceeding. She was approached bv Mr.
id it incontinently bolted down the
Ireet toward the Kast Knd. - TDufur, the deputized prosecuting attor-
'.Nohin was puzzled for a minute Ibis
lorniug. A letter camu addressed as
illows: "Don C'u'sar do llizah, for
lerly King of Ppain, now Charles Le
y Phillips, The DalloB, Or.
IC. L, Phillips, assignee of Win. Farro
will on August : lid, 18!);!, sell, in
mt of the court house the book ae-
nits uncollected, also all promisory
Ioh remaining In his hands. tf
Messrs. W. A. Van Hov A (Jo. of
ildendale received this mornim? a
am thresher. It will be takou ucroes
river at once, will be steamed un
. All I lrkfttiwl Jl ivifit, at
Ult '"JKii'it valley.
a. w. Jiratnier was robbed o( $511 in
nnu a check for 05 last night.
lomo one entered his room at the res-
.tirant while he was iih1im ..! ,.
itracled the mouev out of
Don't forget the lawn social to be given
Miss Aquia was bound over to keep the
peace in 2."0 bonds, and the charge of
assault and battery was dismissed.
Mis Aquia and Miss Holcomb are
friends of Ions standing. There lias
been an ardent affection between them
since they were school girls in Wellesley
college. Both aie possessed of fine ac
complishments. The singular infatua
tion between them, it is reported, has
been the cause of Miss Holcomb's almost
total estrangement from her family.
Her father is reputed to be wealthy,
but refused to furnish a homo to Miss
Aquia, at the solicitation of MiES Hol
comb. Since then they have been con
stantly in each other's society, and for
over a year have been in The Dalles.
Recently Miss Holcomb entered a home
stead and the two have been living on
it ever since, and have been much ad
mired for their pluck. It is evident
that iwtli have a good share of that
quality, though the manifestation of it
on the street today cannot be seriously
commended. However, she is a queen
today, and offers of financial backing
are numerous.
it the residence of Mrs. 0. h. Bchmldt bv
the Women's Chrletiuu association, for
Bhurltttble purposes. The nrourmmini
rill be vocal and Instrumental music by
noy, and told that if she would abandon
her threats and promise to keep the
peace she w ould not ho arrested. Other
wiho as an oiliccr of tiio law, he was
compelled to observe the peace ami de
corum of the city. Klio replied that she
had nothing to say to Mr. Dufur, and ho
proceeded with the making out of the
Evidently thu warrant was not served
on her in time, for about 1! o'clock she
met the object of her anger at Win.
Michcll's corner. Hho began plying her
lash, and Mr. Taylor turned and held
her hands, fciho then commenced kick
ing hiui, and the crowd forced Mr. Tay
lor to relinquish her hold. She was
thus master of the situation and rained
blows thick and fast upon his back.
Ho then ran up tho street, his chastiser
following until lost to sight behind Mr.
Jolea' house. Miss Aquiu was then ar
rested by Sheriir Ward. The girl was
accompanied by Mrs. Dr. Rmehart and
MIbh Holcomb, and the party repaired
to the ofllco of Dr. Rlnehnrt.
In Justice Davis' court this afternoon 1
Louis Klinger of Dufur is iu the city
M. C. Nye and lien Allen of Prineville
came in this morning.
Rev. Mr. Aldridge of Walla Walla is
visiting brother clergymen in The Dalles.
Mr. J. Wood Oilman of Fossil is in
the city and the guest of Mr. S. French.
A marriage license was taken out at
the clerk's office for Neil Clark and
Martha Collier.
Evangelist Ford left for White Salmon
today where he will exhort at the camp
meeting to be held there.
Misses Anna Golden of Ooldendale,
Ollie Hartley and Mollie Dunlap of
Wasco, went on tho Regulator this morn
ing for the White Salmon campmeeting.
Walter French was taken to tho hos
pital in Portland this afternoon for fur
ther treatment. Ho was accompanied
by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M.
Mr. Abel ISrskineof Krskinville, Sher
man county, is in the citv. Ho reported
the crop prospects in ln's section as su
perior to former years and tho yield will
bo much above the general average.
Prof. J. M. Fraco of San Francisco ar
rived Tlllirsdav and has been lnnl:in. mi
our fruit ramifies. He unqualifiedly ex-
nrcsscs Ihh onininti Unit Im nm-i.,. wi...
anything in California that, can equal
our fruit-growing capacity.
Misses Jcauette. Annie. Pearl and
Florence Williams, Carl and Rob Will
iams, accompanied bv their miosis. Mm.
I Hilton and daughter and Georgia Samp
! sou, left on tho Regulator this morning
I to spend a summer vacation at the t-ea-I
t-ide cottage at Clatsop bench.
1. C. Lucky was in Thu Dalles yester
day from the Warm Springs ngenev. Ho
states that there is still u largo number
of crickets on the reservation, but they
are not damaging the crops to any ex
tent. They are dying very fast, ami
those that are half-grown are not exempt
from some unfavorable condition that is
destio) ing them.
Skibbe J P Mattinly, Portland; FM
Warren, Nansene; John Column, Kd
Rondeau, Helena; Thos Lyden, John
Cromer, Nelsou, Wis; M Harrigan,
Columbia A L Sturtx, Kansas City;
K L Gillette, John Simpson, L J Oitii
doll', 0 A Hitchead, Charles Duncan, K
11 Ream, Portland; Miss llrown ami
two children, Tygh Ridge; F Gerling,
Salem ; Win Kennedy, Choiiowoth ; AJ
Eisner, Raker City.
Today by Justice .. S. Davie, Mr.
xnoii uiark ami Martini Collier, uotn oi .
this county.
Who Mexican Silver Stove P lifh. '
Mr. :irkrill. MvlnR Nr Wrth,Otit
niReil by a Tramp.
One of thu most brutal crimes in the
calendar was perpetrated on tho person
of Mrs. Cockrell, near Wyeth at 1:05
o clock yesterday (Thnrcdav) morning
She had not locked her outside door,
and, besides herself, there was only in
tho house, iter 9-vcar-old boy. Sho was
awakened from her sleep by violence.
Her assailant was a man of powerful
frame, and a glance sufficed to show that
he was possessed of the lowest instincts
and narrowest intelligence. She divined
his purpose and commenced screaming
and the littlo boy ran out in tho door'
yard and shouted loud and long for help
flic noise finally aroused S. J. Dryden
who lives, with his family, about fiO
yards distant, and seizing a Winchester
hu started for the scene. Before reach
ing tho house ho noticed the man trying
to cflect a second entrance, against whom
on the inside were the old lady and boy,
trying to keep the door from being
forced. As soon as the fellow saw
Dryden coming lie ran, disappearing bo-
mini a steep embankment into some
bushes. He waited for a further sound,
but did not hear any and it is not yet
known where he did go. Dryden was
prevented from further pursuit by tho
tearful exhortations of the old lady to
remain, and Mr. Dryden believed it was
wisest for the piesent to do so.
Mrs. Cockrell is 04 years old, and has
grown up sons, Harpam by name, who
live in the neighborhood. She has been
married three times. The old lady has
been weakly all winter and much appre
hension had been felt that she would not
live. After the assault she was reduced
to superlative weakness, and Mr. Dryden
took her in his arms and carried her to
his own house. She maintained that
the villian had not accomplished his
purpose, but there were evidences that
she waa mistaken in part.
Mr. Dryden came on the next train for
The Dalles, arrivim; here on the noon
train yesterday. He gave tho officers a
minute description of the man, and
when the freight pulled in at G o'clock
this morning Officer Gibons described
him riding between two cars, standing
on the bufl'ers. Mr. Dryden, coming up,
identified him and he was promptly
landed behind the bars. Here a re
porter of The Cnr.o.vici.i: saw him. He
was found non-communicative, saying
only his name wvj Stron. He is
of foreign birth, apparently about 40
years old, and is powerfully built. His
hair, thin on top, is tinged with gray.
His eyes were cast downward, giving
him that sheepish, hang dog expression
peculiar to his class. He has been
hanging around Wyeth for several days,
and the day before had met Mrs. Dry
den and her little girl walking along the
track. He spoke to them, but was not
noticed. Ih the evening lie saw the lit
tle girl carrying a tin pail, and asked
her to go down to his camp and have
some coffee with him. She refused and
doubtless escaped a fate later reserved
for Mrs. Cockrell.
A warrant was sworn out for him at
Cascade Locks and lie will probably be
taken there for trial. The whole coun
try down there is worked up over tho
matter to an alarming extent. Men
have been scouring all over the woods to
find the miscreant, but a telegram sent
there this morning will stop tho search.
We aro determined to make large sales, therefore wo will
innko cuts in prices that will surprise you. Hen- are a
few prices to suit tho hurd times for the" present:
20 yards Print Calico, for . $1.00
3 pairs Ladies' Full-Finished Hose, for .25
2 36-inch Linen Towels, for .25
3ahing Towels (Turkish), for 25
2 Fancy Tidies, for . , .25
Parasols, Clothing1,
Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps,
Laces and Embroideries,
Dry Goods, &c, &c, &c.
Everything in proportion. Save money while you have
tho opportunity. fflT'This sale is good'for IJ0 days only.
Como and bring your friends. You won't regret t.gtM
Cor. Court and second sts.
The Dalles, Oregon.
Tltey txittltlcid her feet and otiltleed her head,
And btl-tered her back till 'twas Miiurtinf; und
Tiled tonie.s elixirs jmln-klllerH and Milves,
(ThotiKh KNindmii decluud it was nothing but
"niirve-.' )
The iitxjr uimun thought htai'iiitibteertnlnly dlo,
Till "tnvorite l'tei:riitiou" nliu happened to
Xtt wonder Its irnies mi loudly they Hpek;
She Krew het'er t onee, mid wits w ell In 11 week.
The torturing pains and distressing
nervousness which acccompany, at
times, certain forms of female weakness,
yield like magic to Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription. It is purely vegetable,
perfectly harmless, and adapted to the
delicate organization of woman. It al
lays and subdues tho nervous symptoms
and iclieves tho pain accompanying
functional and organic troubles. Guar
antee printed on bottle-wrapper, and
faithfully carried out for many years.
,1 (iuiil Con veliioiicn.
Worlds fair visitors travelling via tho
Northern Pacilio Uuilroad, and Wiscon
sin Central lino, aio lauded at tho Paid
Central station in Chicago.
This magnificent lire-proof building,
located in the heait of the city has been
fitted n ji as a hotel, run on tho European
plan, with about 200 rooms handsomely
furnished ami each room is supplied
with hot and cold water, electiie lights,
The chaigcH for accommodations aro
reasonable and parties can secure rooms
iu advance by calling upon agents of tho
Noithern Pacific railioad.
Uy taking tho Northern Pacilio
through car lino to Chicago, visitors will
avoid tho discomfort of all transfer in
that city, and can also travel between
tho Grand Central station and world's
fair grounds by trains which run diiect
between tho two points. ,tdl whn-7-12
To l)iillil(tlent Tun jut) ern,
All prosnerty upon which taxes aro not
paid by tho 1st of August, will bo levied
upon and sold according to law.
T. A. Waki),
Karl's Clover Root, tho new blood
purifier, gives freshness and clearness to
the complexion and cures com-tipatlon.
l'5e 50c. ami $1.00, Sold by Snljies &
Kinersly, druggists,
ug ii mm On nils
Fancy Goods and Notions,
(Jests' purr!? (Jood5,
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, etc.
now complete in every department.
All goods will be sold at greatly reduced prices.
renszca. H. Herbiing.
At the Old Stand,
Cor. Second and Union Sts.
Jiay, Graip, peed apd plotir,
Groceries Fruits and Seeds.
Oftslx pAlcL fox E5&&& grreel Poultry.
All goods delivered Free and Promptly.
The California Winehouse,,
Is now open, and its proprietor Avill sell his home- A-
produced Wine at prices in the reach of everybody. v
Also, best Peanuts to be found. OJoods guaranteed '
to be Pure and First-Class in every respect.
Thompson's Addition.
Corner of Fourth ami Federal Sts., The Dulles, Oregon.
These Stables have on hand tho finest Livery in lOastern
Oregon, and can accommodate patrons with eilhrr Single
or Double liigs, closed Hacks or Carriages day or night.
Alw), can furnish First Clasi accommodations tu teatii.tei with freight
or driving teams, having added to their stables largo foodim: ami wagon room.
Have You Seen
Spring 'Millinery Goods
112 Second Street.
-A. T