The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 21, 1893, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered t the IVwtofllee Ht Thr Dalle. Ortson,
an seoond-cln.s mutter.
" 6 "month".
0 75
0 JO
6 W
3 CO
0 0
Dally, 1 year.
" 6 months.
" por "
Address all communication to " THE CHKON
ICLE." The Dalles, Orepon.
a. m,
..) n. ni.
, lwllrprr WInilow 4 n. Hi
Money Oiler ' "
Sunday ti II "
trains eoinc Eat 9 p. tn. and
,, i. Vet 9 1. ra. mi''
Stare (or Goldendale
" l'rlnevillt
Duluritnd W nrmSprlno
" (Leaving for l.yle A Hartland
" " lAnWlnpc
Except Sunday.
iTrl-weeklv. Tucday Thursday and
t " " Monday VeilneMlay and
to T ii. m.
i. to -t p. in.
to iuu. m.
11-15 a.m.
o :) p. m.
7:3) a. tn.
S:fW a. m.
.,"i:3a. m.
5. SO a. m.
5:S0n. m. 1
JTI.Y 21, 159:5
With all our vaunted enlightenment,
as a result of civilization and Christian
izing influences, such crimes as the one
at "Wyeth occur at regular intervals.
That "the criminal himself has never
come within these influences is certain.
He must have heen as unfamiliar with
the enormity of his crime from u legal
atandpoint as he proved himself to be
with the facilities of our age for captur
ing criminals. Else he would not have
rode into The Dalles in broad daylight
bo soon afterward and only thirty miles
away from the scene. The man is one
of the lowest types of our civilization
one in whom the passions run riot,
whose life is aimless, whose ambition
has long since perished, and who seeks
in perpetual wanderings that spice
which iE the only thing left to him to
make existence bearable. The Nine
teenth century has given us railroads,
and it has also given us an army of
tramps. They become more and more
vicious through the influences of a life
freed from all restraint, and their chief
aim is to dodge officers of the law and
escape work. The longer they persist
in their useless life the more firmly are
they bound to their claims. The time
will come, must come, when to be con
victed of being a tramp is to be a felon,
punishable by imprisonment in the pen
itentiary at hard labor. Tramps have
no right to a liberty by means of which
they prey upon the law-abiding, and
legislation will ultimately have to be
resorted to to stop it.
A. F. Miller, superintendent of Ore
gon's Forestry exhibit at Chicago, is re
sponsible for the statement that he has
located a tree in Oregon which is 1C feet
in diameter 25 feet from the ground and
ten feet in diameter 303 feet from the
ground. Mr. Miller is well posted on
the woods of Washington as well as those
of Oregon. On short notice and with
limited resources he has got a most cred
itable display of Oregon's timber in the
Forestrv buildine.
ln..r...lon That Thrrf Will
Fkesno, Cal., July "O.-Judpe Holmes'
charge to the jury In the Heath case this
morning was- that the verdict might read
guilty of murder in the first degree,
second degree, manslaughter or acquittal.
He instructed that circumstantial evi
dence, when complete and satisfactory,
is to bo given as much weight as direct
evidence, but every circumstance must
be reconcilable with the assumption of
guilt and must conflict with the presump
tion of innocence. If Heath was
on the ground at the time
MeWhirter was killed he must be found
guilty, whether he fired the fatal shot or
not. The motive for the murder need
not be proved, and it takes nothing
from the chain of circumstances going
to prove guilt. Hut if these circum
stances can be accounted for on the
hypothesis of innocence, it is the jury's ,
duty to acquit the defendant. The jury
should give defendant the benefit of a
reasonable doubt, but this doubt should
be real, and not fanciful and taken ad
vantage of onlv to escape an unpleasant
The case was given to ttie jury at !:3lt
o'clock. A large crowd of people re
mained in front of the jury-room all ,
forenoon waiting to hear the result. ,
The sheriff cleared them away once or
twice, but they did not go far. Alter
noon they came back, and the belief be
gan to grow firm that there would be
no verdict.
The .Mojnv.ui "Spirit OwN."
inc Mojave- bflieve that all who die
and are not cremated are turned into
owls, and when they hear the dismal
screech of one of the above-named
creatures of the nirht they tell you
that it is the spirit of some dead Mo
jave who has "returned to ndvi-e his
people to submit to the ordeal of fire.
"When one of the tribe dies hi relatives
and immediate friends do not eat salt
or wash thems-elves for four days.
Their heaven i.- ' White Mountain;"
they know nothing1 of hell or any place ,
of punishment except "15'iemia," the
place where unineinerated warriors
are transformed into owls.
A Xi'W- Death Te-st.
Nervous mortals who imagine that
they could stand dying all rirrht enoutrh !
were it not for the fear of being1 buried
alive may be interested in a recent an
nouncement made by u French scien
tist. He says that an unfailing test of
(iath may tie made by producimr a j
blister on the hand or font of the '
corpse, using' a caudle for that purpo.-e.
If the blister, upon beins opened with
a pin or other instrument, is found to
contain lluid of any kind there is still
life in the supposed corpse. On the
other hand, should it contain bteura
only, rest assured that the vital bpark
has llown.
Ask your dealer for Mexican .-i'wt
Stove Polish.
William Tell
Your Father that we fell
Keep out
disease by keeping in healthy ac
tion the liver, stomach and bowels.
There's a pleasant and a sure way
of doing it. It's with Dr. Tierce's
Pleasant Pellets. They're the best
Liver Till ever made, and a prompt
and effective remedy for Sick
Headache, Bilious Heartache, Con
stipation, Indigestion, Hilious At
tacks, and all derangements of tbe
stomach, liver and bowels. They
cleanse and renovate the system,
quietly but thoroughly. They reg
ulate "the system, oo they don't
upset it, like the old-fashioned pills.
These are purelv vegetable and per
fectly harmless. One "Pellet" a
dose." Thev're the easiest to take,
and the mildest in operation the
smallest in size, but the most effi
cient in their work.
They're the 'cheapest pill you can
huv, because they're guaranteed to
cive satisfaction, or your money is
You only pay for the good you
Can you ask more ?
That's the peculiar plan all Dr.
Pierce's medicines are sold on.
the Dalles
Vest Jumpers,
Pantaloon Overalls,
... .
Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip!
We are also Headquarters for ....
Men's, Boys' and Youth s
lii ever)' size, style and price.
Is called to the fact that
Hugh Glenn,
Dealer in GIuhh, Lime, Planter, Cement
and liuildin". Material of all kinds
a II III mill I llllll M4 I'll X v
If Oregon is to be represented at the
California mid-winter fair, our neighbors
on the eouth must look sharp for their
laurels. AVhileoureshibit at the world's
fair was surprisingly small it was phe-!
nomenally excellent, and left a deeper s
impression upon all observers than any
other Htate. California's gigantic orange i
pyramid did not dwarf our apple, peach
and prune exhibit in the least.
Shiloh's cure, the Ureal Cuui:li and
roup Cure, is for -jale by Snipes & Kin
ersly. Pocket size contains twenty-tive
doses, only '.jc. Children love it. old
by .Snipes & Kinersly. ,
A black morocco combination card
case purse, having a silver bowknot on
the outside and some small change
within. The finder will please leave it '
at A. M. Williams A Co.'s store.
lKce-Thc Iiallft- nt 6 n. ir. every iluj . .iiu w
nv- at l'rinevtlle lu thirty -"Is hour Lvum"
lriti(vHp nt ." u. m. ever- (lay, hiicI iirnve nt
The Dullct- In thirty-six hour-
Ciirties the U. S. Mail, Passengers and Express
--Connects at l,riti""lllf' with-
Stages from Eastern and Southern Or-!
econ, Northern California and
all Interior Points. :
A'.-i i.i.oi c!oe connection at The Dulles with
'mi- 'rom Portland mid Kintern iMiiiit j
uarteous drners.
ticed accflnfficiauons aloaz ill! icai.
Fifsi-class coaclss am Hoisjs used.
Express matter tamlled with special care.
sta;k OFFICE; !
.11. Sii'hfl A' Cn.'s Store, t'luiitllla l!olii-, !
!,.!. T ... Hill... '
leads on to Jortunc
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
-Cirrl" thr Fluent Line of-
Picture Mould
i lip
Plflvinff-flnt n
I L . II
i uimiuiu va uuivw
A man who had $1,400 in one of the
Chicago banks became alarmed the
other day and drew it out. It was 1
handed to him in two parcels, one of
tr)00 and the other of $900. Before he
had walked two blocks from the bank
Homebody relieved him of the $900. i
On discovering his loss he went back
and deposited the $500 again, having
paid $!)00 to learn how to keep $3011,
Has Never l.een IlUapimlnteit.
The above word eat volume una cannot o
"aid of many thins, hut cominc from one h"
ha- bton n .ullfirer (or many ywiri, no iunher
tribute can be added
Ue.vtlkme.v 1 have btn a utlerer from
he.iilache for many year and can cheerfully
recommend Krau-e s Head.iehe Cauie a lu
lus the onls-preparation that ha. slrcu almost
intant relief. Have ii-vii mine them tor nb rut
lx month? anil hae never yettwenfllt appointed
In them Yours with reflect,
Wix.r. II. :i.Ei".
Iufc Altoonu I'u.) JUrmr (
Go to X.Harris for fine prints; 20
yards for $1.
Art Teacher!
liomii 3, Bettimjen Building,
Wi:' five Ijeffoni. Mondays and Thursday of j
e ich week, or offeuer ii ile-ued.
Leaaing Jeweler.
ti.K i t.M i on tii k
To De found in the City.
72 UUashington Street.
The Dalles
Gigar : Factory
AKrt 1 - r cioM nn nnAlc f ft rrtnarlif ran iiDO1 roll
The banke at Denver which were
closed by a lienseleifc run of depositor."'
are opening again, and it is not proba
ble that u single one will fail to rosiime.
Money is tight, but cecurities are ample
in all cases. .Mankind, after u!I, i- a
good deal like a herd of fcheep. If one
niakefi a break, there are plenty of
others to make a panic out of it.
fXf A TC1 of the Jl:fit Urands
VjXvjrxV-tiiO manufactured, and
ordern from all parte of the country filled
on the KhorteHt notit:.
The reputation of THE DALLES CJ
GAK ban liecome firmly eHtablished, and
the (lemuud for the home inanufactnretl
article ifi increaHing every day.
Lace Curtains,
Have your Lace Curtains, Shirts, Col
lars and Cnffs lanndried "by
of Portland, Or. Leave your bundles
with Thos. McCoy, No. 110 Second St.,
before Tuesday nooD, and get them on
. I N -V
It iH rumored that Governor Waite'e
declaration of war is endorsed by Mre.
Lease. We ate a little in daub whether
she is in favor of Wood quite up to the
horseB1 bridles or to send all tiie gold
men of tho country to H alifax. Hut
Mre. Lease and Governor Wuite make a
powerful pair of populist:. Ex.
r ur ft ('mi-.' s, n
Cf jl.J, ,r ,(
UI.'l .' alii t. I
7IV.,. I .'-ll' U .11'
fan-!; w.U i.r :c :
r..i nt ., ,r Tlnoat,
'ii ji'Ur. it t-
'II' .'..t.'-r r.UUCltel'
i'I ' r l:i r.rr.r. (ioi 1
i- it ; I' t I I'l-Usifk
or Cri-.5:,u40 ftiin.n.i'i i-LAt'ii.i side
A 1'Miitx I ' u imamti.
totd M) i uu. 1-riv.i. Intei.Ujr trvix
For oule by Sulji, & Klunrvly.
Siam i showing a warlike front to,
France. FolkB in this country know !
very little of the SiauieHe, that people
being principally nefeoeiated in the com-1
inon mind with a peculiar variety of:
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kidney Complairrts,
Lame Back. &c.
An Arfcanuah editor clainiB to have
ecn a rattlesnake with 150 rattles. It
wae for just Hiich cases that the Keoley
cure was invented.
Elder 8. B. Heaver, of McAlliaterville, 1
Juniatta Co., Pa., sayii hie wife is Hiibject 1
to cramp In the stomach. Last auinuier 1
nho tried Chamberlain'e Colic, Cholera 1
and Diarrha-a Heinedy for it, and wa J
much plenHed with thu speedy relief it :
Horded. She has Hincoiued'lt when-'
ever necessurv and found that it never !
laile. For nalo by Jllakelev & HoiiL'hton.
Druggie te.
With eieetro-Masnetlo JIFENSOnYt
I.ult l'Unll Jlut Improvement I
W lllcuni without mnllcinc all Vtau4 rriiltJnc from
ovtr-luutloti of LnUn nerie (orcrif exempt or liuli -crtlian.
brrrou dobllltr, ilcpl-MBfc, lanioiur
rhninulnin. kdiiry, liver and tudder complainn.
IsmeUtcit. Ijiniliaiio, iCtalW, all female conipialnu
jr-ueral II Jiealth. etc. 7nU electric Jlt cunuiui
tt.,4,rfjl l,Ni,alau over all othtr. furreus n
iMUintiyfeitbr wearer or we forfeU $i,m.ui, ncl
WMcurMollof tlio aUivn rilieato or tio uty. TLou
K"r all uclnr remedial (aflet.n(l wo Klo UuuUk'Ii
fit :tiUmuiiUU III IliMana every other ftnte. "4"4"''
5"'.r KT"1'1 fcimiilt fcl'UPflSOBT tho
tuii'ii" .vtr "'-oW men. txrt. .III. .11
Uiu-s fceiiU lor Illue iJ l'amptilt,uuil'l uuiul.lmu
ho. 17a VU'atbtrvuti M'UtlTUAfiU OttV.
All Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made to Order.
ll'.H S-:ntil HI.. Th lHllf4, Or.
The Boston Tailor,
East End Second St.
Suits Made to Order from
$18.00 up.
Pants from $5.00 up.
I'ttrffiit nt lliiiiraiitt iil.
Of Ij' Miiliie, liiwu, urlU under dt- nl
ilnreh Si, 1W-
S. J5. Mkii. Mwi. Co.,
iJufur, Oregon. .
(Jtnlkmen :
On arriving homo hmt week, 1 found
all well and anxiously awaitinj,'. Our
little prl, el'ht and one-half years old,
who had witHted awav lo .'i8 poiindH, ib
.now well, HtrcjiiB and'viyorotiB, and well
flewhed up. s. 15. Conirh Cure Iuib done
its work well. lioth of the children like
it. our . 15. Couj,'h Cure has cured
and kept away all hoaracneHH from me.
ho jjive it to every one, with Krcctin;f '
ii. ibiiiii ytm prosperity, wo an
i oiirr, Mil A Mm,. .1. F." Foi:n.
fri'll','" wl?h,,.0,t'"1 '" '! .'ll.fful.lHid r.- i.h '
.1 , n " J'Mlf )!. tl Willi l
the Hewnuihe mid IJvcr (.lire, l t(,n,K two i t
I Holdutiilurairttltivi-Rtmrniittu
W t.ut ptr bottle by ull drunijUU,
The Snug. WINHNS
W. H. BUTTS, Prop.
No, 90 Second Sruet, The DalleR Or.
This well known Htaml, kent bv the
well known W. II. J5uttH, Ioiik a rein
j dent of Wimeo county, haa an extraordi-1
nary line stock of
Sheep Herder's Delight and Irish llisturbanc j
In fact, all the lending brands of fin I
1 int'U. l.irinrirM itrirl f:iinru. I.ii'i. ih
old man a call and you uill come auaiu
(Iliseman & Marders,
Saloon and Wine Rooms
II K NKW TOWN lm Imh-i. i.inttrd nn tli- nld I'limj. cruiMid, lit the I'urkd mid
i I-'iillM (if HchmI rior. ltli nrK-,hiKhtl) IntM, liroml ntwl- mid iillv, kimkI Mill
mid iiiirouuliT.ttitli hIiiuIi-hi iiriifuniiii. iM-rfccidrulniiK' ,di !li:hiful iiiiiuiitiini
eliiniiti.', tin i ciitrii! nn 11 liiuiiiititili ,ui iinrr runi.rt fur all Orel! Wi
IjuIiik the m.iiruMt tn ii to Mt. IIihhI. It k uiipiimlli-Kr lit ii miui'ifncti.'-'iir
ruiitiir. Im-Ihk tlif imltirnl !iiti-r for Vt) jitiit ml leei of the Ix-ht rediirii A"
llinlior, (riiMiiniliiK tiilllliiiis of horn- miui r In l' iIiinIiIiik htti'iniiH mid
liilln, I'lihlly iniriiwiM'd, Mlirri' rln-uii u.otnr m.u.t rxialii. tllixc tiu'O"-
Vol Will Unit II), n lliu li iili' to liuiLi' a l,..r(i-,'t In, mi or n Ml 111,""
rM . ert r
tit n i rnrtrXL
W. RcKSsWinans.
Tho Dalles,
Worth west corner of .Second imrl I
Court Htruets. i
Eggs for Hatching
From thoroughbred fowls.
Pipe Wort, Tiq Repairs ami
V. A"
-0 eyijs
. :i.(H)
Jinderiiby, Or
Shop on Tiiird Street, next door west of Young
Blacksmith Shop.