, 1 5Ji i - J , 1 f The Dalles Daily Chronicle, OKKOON J. S. COOFiiK, er Ham, CMOS STOCK VARUS. Chicago, IIU. him, and if the allegations o his j j trictlv commission dealer 111 horses 111 ed one, Yenng?een,nretnc, he drew, lilt lfllceM aim oiu -uli; , , nvfina:VP , f W0?t .volver and threatened to shoot her, the WOl'ld, Will hold 111? 4 th Ct011MM sale Ot V Cst l.mi' nml Wnr. Ah Line is in l.ve. t least he hn? proposed and ltn rejected. This comes hard on Ah I.'.ns. who if n prominent highbinder and uncustomed to having his wishes gratitiinl. It setuna that Linp had berime infatuated with a maiden in WVi Lurk'. Chinese harem on Pine stmi near Pocond. He has frequently endeavored to make love to her, but she has invariably repelled his advances. Last nijrht be decided to make a final demand and did so. It was received with scorn. Then Litis concluded that the life of his beloved was not worth living with out him. nnd if the allegations of his loved n. revolv ufter first attempting to assault her with an iron bar. Yeung Seen ran away from him, and some of the inmates of the harem blew a police whistle, which caused Ah Ling to drop his weapons and run away. These are the allegations of Yeung Seen, Oi Yung, her sister, Wah Luck, her brother-in-law, and others of the harem ; and they further allege that Ah Ling and Ah Que, who is also a highbinder, before leaving robbed Oi Yang of $:?0. Special Officer Mcore re sponded to the police whistle and caught the alleged offenders on Pint street near Fourth. They weie lodged in the police station and were today arraigned before Judge Williams in the municipal court. They both waived examination on the charge of rohliery, and were held to Answer to the grand jury. Tne charge of carrying concealed wrapons preferred against Ah Ling was dismissed by Judge Williams. Telegram. Last fall I was taken with a kind of summer complaint, accompanied with a wonderful diarrhoea. Soon after my wife's sister, who lives with us, was taken in the same way. We used almost every thing without benefit. Then I said, let us try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhcea Itemedy, which we did, and that cured us right away. I think much of it, as it did for me what it was recom mended to do. John Hertzler, Bethel, Berks Co., Pa. "o and 50 cent bottles for sale by .Dlakeley & Houghton, Drug gists. JlakliiR .stnmjM. "Every 'past of p03tage stamps making is done by hand. The designs are en graved on steel, 200 stamps on a single plate. These plates are inked by two .men, and then are printed by a girl and u mau on a large hand press. They are dried as fast as printed, nnd then gummed with a starch paste made from -potatoe-j Ibis paste is dried by placing -the sheets in a steam fanning machine, and then the stumps are subjected to a -pressure of 2,000 tons in a hydraulic press. Next the sheets are cnt so that each one contains 100 stamps, after which the paper between the stamps is jwrforated, and after being pressed the sheets are filed away. If a single stamp is injured the whole sheet is burned. "My little boy was very bad off for two months with diarrhoea. We used var ious medicines, also called in two doc tors, but nothing done him any good un til we used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which gave im mediate relief and soon cured him. I consider it the lest medicine made and can conscientiously recommend it to ail who need a diarrha-a or colic medicine. J. E. Hare, Trenton, Tex. 2j and 50 cent bottles for sale by Wakeley & Houghton, druggists. wood, lroitu, wooii. ilest grades of oak, fir, and slab cord wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T. 1 eters & Co. (Office Second and Jeffer son streets. llOO.UK TO KENT. Furnished rooms to rent. Apply at the residence of Mrs. C. N. Thornburv, teecund street, The Dalles, Or. tt" Nuticu. All city warrants registered prior to July 2d, 1SU1, will be paid on presenta tion of the same at my office. Interest ceases after this date. 1. 1. HuitGET, Treasurer. The Dalles, Or., July 5th, 189:i. Guild .lol 1'rintliic If you have your job printing done at ' The Chhoxiclk you will have the ad vantage of having it done with the moat i modern and approved type, with which wo keep continually supplied. All jobs j under tne direct sujMjrvision of ono of the most successful and artistic printers in the Northwest. for Kent. Room to rent at liov. A. Horn's resi dence on Ninth fitreet. C-23daw. H. C. NIELSEN, ; Clothier and Tailor. ; Decidedly the Finest Lino of Gents' Fuirnisliing: Goods, Trunks and Valises, etc , etc. COK. SF.COND AND WASHINGTON THE DALLES, OK. McCLURE'S MAGAZINE to Everyone Subscribing for The Dalles Daily Chronicle for 12 Months at GO Cents a month. OR 5 UeeKly roijiel AT $2.25 PER ANNUM. . , ,n,I.IMii'll HORSES HORSES The Dalles Daily Chronicle. 1fJJ HAS A PAMILY 01 3J 2000 HEADERS, 'Tauy itud The Clironieiu to get tho lateit and iu t reliable ich,. Ami tie read every lino that in in tho j)ai.T. That ix what ranlcw tho 'liM!iI'le iin inviiliiublo wlvcrtl-Iiiff medium. Tin- tMWkitftpvr that coca to tho family i residua it tho ono fQ) tint the udvertlierii t t'Klay lutnmle when they desires to rvaori thi jwople. When they wmit your trade '. Irmimmur-eini-nS uill be fuiinil In the rtir. Unk over our column and obervo thevorli.eu-' iii'U of tho truth of tills iiKTtIon. KoincmUf, ' a trIi of k ft.;.illy of two thnuiuud Is worth iu:lnt for tl.rouyh thc.e (qS column, esi-cinlly n, t cur very 1 19. n i t i r.,,. 1 sil rti Entries should be made at once. TTOT?T?.R HORSES McCLURE'S MAGAZINE O YSAR toovoryonowh.lilN.mtthe IolUvlnK blank ' - . mh im.. th,r ...Im-ril.lnc lo The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. CUT THIS OUT AND SCND IT TO UP. r J. O. MACK FE WlHEg and LIQUOR And DOMESTIC KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PABST BEER. 171 FRENCH'S BLOCK. SECOND STREET, : : THE DALLES, OR. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE The Corrufrateil Itulliliii); next Door to Court Homo. Hanflsomely Fnraisliefl Rooms to Rent by the Day. Week or Mouth. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. EC. FRASER, Proprietor. Publishers CHHOXICLK, ij The Dulles, Or.: P )'(!( will please send to nnj address the T)AJh Y f CI HOA ICL i: for jf mon ths J rom a a te, or aw ion j 1 agree lo pa ij 00 els. a month, it being n.ndersfood I that nou are'to have sent lo nuj address for I iear, without extra charge, .ilaCLl Mb i .'i.vti.v .' r commencing with the current number. Xa,i)ie, 2 Dale Address .-jmuMMnuraunaul CALL AT OUR OFFICE mid ec thoenlertaluiusaiKl finely llliiatrntwl This Is the Season Of the Year IXlhen I -I O Judieious 4r ft Advertising Pays. McCLURE'S MAGAZINE, which has nmoiiR it Ciintrlhuti)r.s the mn-it dmn'iK HUtlur- In htii'h writer it? tl' Iill inc R. L. Stevunson, Rudyurd Kijilin. A. Coiiitn Dovle, Octave Thumit, William Dean How ells, Rret Ilarte, Clark Russell, Joel Chandler Harris, Mn-. Robt. LouiH Stevoni-on F. Marion Crawford, .Martraret Deland, Ileri.ert D. Ward. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, ThomitH Hurdv, .1. T. Trowhriife. Jemme R. .leroini!. Frances Hod-Bon Unmet t. Theodore Roonevelt, .loaquin Miller, Gilbert Parker, .John IturronnliH, .Cainile Flaniinarion, Iillie Chani! Wyinan, Harriet Presnott Spollbrtl. Kdward Everett Hule, LouiHts Chandler Moulton, Amcrliii mill Knchiiul, liir'.uilttiK 1 Hamlin (.iurland, Prof. E. S. Holden, Prof. C. A. Youim, H. H. Roye.-on, Rolx.'rt Harr, Henry M. Stanley, Archibald Forbes, Andrew Lime, Sarah Orne .lewett. Dr. .1. S. Hillings, V. E. Henley, dipt. Charles1 Kin. liillv llvriitui; Chrmilolp U riTosnlMi! iih iMi'iitlnllv tho Ilium1 imlx'r lor tLt n,.ll.. i:itv fnltk' Jnll r? i ui i iunl v' :. .v. .. .... r n v r .a.iMi i nur i ' I'ltliviih uiiti'h thf I'liliimiihiil tli nn nrn il.illylnr tlK'UlUClrM uu'm iirwu. ii i ril Muri'iiitl In kU-uiiIiic tin- IH-lil nml Iioiiit rimi hi iMppuliirltv mill liaiirtiiii'i' niki' U nwhUt, you who ilou't. try niv ul .t- prt'iiiluiu otliw. GHAS. ADAJWS, Shoemaker 1 Jules Verne. Frances Hodcson Piiirnett, Tirfsandter, tin famoun French I'allooniHt, Alphon.-e Daudet, Catnile Flaminarion, Ehvard Everett Hale, Prof. Gruhum Hell. The Dalles Wasco County. Oregon, The Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated at the head gf navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, pros perous city. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as far south ns Summer Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of the Ca cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool frono which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will be more than doubled in the n'ar future. The products of the U-autiful Klickitat valley find market here, and the country south nnd east has this year filled the warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing with their products. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on the coast and its money is scattered over and is being used to develop more farming country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon.. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on these :orner stones she stands. THE DALLES CHILE, Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHRONICLE was established for the ex press purpose of faithfully representing The Dalles t and the surrounding country, and the satisfying efl'eet of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Crook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re- . gions north of The Dalles, hence it is the best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chiiokiclb is published every eve ning in the weok Sundays excepted at $0.00 per annum. The Weekly Ciikoxiclk on Fridays of eacn weok at $.ou per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., Tla-o Dalles, Oregon. Kuch manlier ii? McCLURE'S MAGAZINE routiiliis two Imnilioincly llliistrntwl llitorrlinv with ntlOll MlllOtB l.nlle in Archdeacon Farrar, ThomaH A. KdiHon, F. HopkiiiHon Smith, II. II. Iioyesen, nnd mum others, lmvu Jiiriilnhtil rniiterlnl for L'stx-cliilly jiriMmrtil liiturvluwn which will niK;iir (ully illiihtruteil In thin muKnzlitc. Kiirh numhiT eontJiins tuoor three churl xtoriiM 1)J' fumonx nuthnrn. Fully illimtrutiil Ntorlw will iM.,nr In early nuiiilwra by Thonia.- Hardy. William Dean IIowolls, K. L. Ktevenuon, Uudyard Kipling, Ilret Ilarte, Sarah Orne . lewett. .loerCiiandler HarriH. Harriet I'rehcott .Snoll'ord, Octave Tiianot, Uonau Ooyle, Frnncee Hodgson Uurnett, Stanley .1. Weyman. HENKY r,I. STAKU1IY v ill contribute, espiviiilly lor young remlcrs, a thrlllliiRly iutcriMtiug story of Alrirmi Ailicuinn- -VATL'IiAL IIISTOKY AXD ADVKNTiriJK. ' Thorp will ht sevcnil iirtlcU" written by Roymond nintriujayt. wlm Inix lnt'ii rnlllil by .Mr. W.T. ! Ht':id the t-.nt iaterviewer in HurIhuiI. from imit'Tm! Inrnixheit litui by Kurt Hugnbok, of Hum bur, thegreat animal iiiijrter nml tniiner. 1'lnvc urtiekn ileal with The Capture of Wild lleasts. The Transportation of Willi IleuHtH. The Training of Wild liearfts. The Adventures and Kucape- of Karl Hanenbeck. I The setbn will rx- llluitratiil by mi KiiRli.ih urtint of nekium liilvil til In draw-lug wllil aliluihli. Joit.T IlL't'.itouoil.s. ('. F IIouiKn. I ik i' f AitBoTT ami other v.rllem liiiiiouii for their work In this fluid, will contribute to the magazine. Of Interest to both Young and Old will he PKOF. A'. L. GAH.VKU'ft AFK1CAX EXIMCDITION TO THE GOHILLAS. AminKumuniK have Ijen miul', in connection with n leailliiK Knullnh review, to juilillih 1'rof (iiirner n letters ile-erlptive of ln jireiunt eii illtlon to Africa, 1'rof. Gamer i noted the world orer for the curious nnd iiitrreitiiiK lnvetlKiitloin ho Ik inalcltiK In the Hiiei-eh of uiuiikeyK. He jailed fur .Urica lat Sejitetnlwr for the mi Up of further liuriutni; IiIm Ktndlen In the native liaunta of the KorilU. The lllui'.riitloii.s for these articles will li Iroin iiliotorii!iliK taken li) 1'rof. (oirner. The miiKalne also contains uio lutcreftliu; urtlcles under the follosviiiK eomjirehenslve heads " The Edire of the Future." " Knowledge of Immediate Value." " Newest Knowledge." " The Preaent Hour." " Strant'er than Fiction," etc. We nrc otl.Tiiif this splcndlil imiiriulne with the Daily CllKUNlci,r. for only tTJ) ii jear, payable In advaiici or ii. monthly initalltncutH ii" deiired. We make tins exceptional oiler In order that we limy secure a Inre number of new sulrtcrlliers, butitllwiioHri'Hlreiiilysubcrlljrs may avail tlieinnelven of this iiiHirtuulty to secure this Kreat iiiu;iiin; Fill up the blank nnd send It in. to THE DAILY CHRONICLE, The Dalles, Or. No Fit, No Pay.l Union St., opp. European House. From TERWINRL or INTERIOR Points TIIK- - Mill Fai RHILROHD Is the Hup to take to all points east and soa It Is the IilnliiK Cur lloutc It runs TlinmC Vestlbuliil 'lralint every ilny In the yuiir to f,l paul and Chicago! INO CIIANUK OF CAHH.J a Composed "1 Dlulnc Cars uniin'l. I'ull Sm. nan Krawluc Koom bleeiHirs of latest eiulpment. tag TOURIST SLEEPING CARS ffl 1 ELEGANT DAY COACHES ! A continuous line, roiiueetliiK with all tluia' jlj aRonllui; direct and uululerrupted service jf, llest that can be constructed, ami In wlilcli J iicconiliitMlntious are both Krci' nml luriilshrt I for holders of First mid Hevouil-i:lnssTlvkuls,uuf a I'ullmau Slei'jHT restirviitlons cmi lai securrt In uilvniice through any iiKeut ol the roiid THROUGH TICKETS Kuclauil mid Kurope can be pure ticket otllcu of the company and from L' jiolutw In Ameria purcnintva at nf THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Brewery is now turning out tho heat Beer nnd I'ortei east of the Cascaded. The luteat applianeeH for tho nmnufuetiiro of good health' ful Beer have leen introduced, and only the Urm-elane article will he placed on the market. Full Information cnncvrnlim' rates, time ol trains, routes and other details furnished ot application to W. C. ALLAWAY, Altent I). 1'. A A Nuv. Co., Itenulator orlite, uanes, ur., or A. 1). CHAItUON, ff Ass't. (iunemt l'usienjer Act., l'ortlnnd, JP- T PAUL KREFT & CO., -DEALER IN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And the MoHt Complete and the Latent PutlernH and DealgiiH in HE A RT I C FACTORY MM SODA WATEE AND I0E 0BEAK. Candies and Nuts "Uiftri'ill toiiacc, : : I1IOAKN AMI : : HWKBT IIKINKN Specialties' Flnout Ponnut RonotorlnTho Dallf J Hill 1.1 1 Mrs. ()!. 28 I mi OA At right.?' 2ci Street J. TULUU SSL' f)...4t.t1 II..I..4 1 r -ww.. ..... ' :'. iurn umi rujier jiant,'orH. ione uut the bent hrandH of the hherwin-W illiaina and J. V. MoHury'a Painta uaed in all jur work, and none hut TOO , lifter tilrillufl 1l',HL..,i..i ..... .ln.....l 4 w w . . . . "v ' ...w .. "viwii 'ihijiiuuu. ii;eui nir .uaKury Liquid j'aiutH. No chemical couihination or soup mixture. A lirat elaaa nrtich. in all colore. All orders promptly attended to. 1 Paiut Shon oorner Thirdaud WaBhinjjtou 8ts., The DuIIob. Oruoi flew Columbia Jotel. THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House Han lately heeu thoroughly renovated nnd newly furuiahed throughout, and ia now hettor than ever prepared to furitlah tho heat Hotel accoinmodatioiiH of any hoiiho in tho city, and at tho very low rato of $1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. Office of the fuat and commodious oppoaltlon Statfc to Dufiir, Kinsley, Tyh Valley, WajiInUla, Warm Spring and Prlnovlllo ia in tho Jlotol ami pcrmina jolii to Prinevlllo can nave fl.OO hy Kolilt? on tliia Ktngo lino. All trains stop here. JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, 76 Court Street, Noxt door to Waaoo Sun Officii. Huh jimt received a line lino of Siiii'l1 for aprlnt; and Hjimmor Huitlnu'H. Come and See the New Fashions. Cleaning end RcpoiS to order. SallHfactlon jiiuruHtt'l' PHOTOGRAPH 6" Flrnt promlum at tho Wiwco couutf ajr for bent portraltH uud vlewe.