I' mm ' 14 J 5 ir, i ' t ... I I . 1 A F V (.rhritulr of EtfiiilUHre.. , AWT' X XM fiw Tiie Dalles Daily Chronicle. hrhnlulp of Kxtirniliturc OFFICIAL l'Al'EK OK DALLES CITY. AND WAJCO COUNTY. Entered at tho Poatofllce nt The Pallen, OrcROti, us sccoml-clAss matter. Showing the names' of all claimants, tho article or claim for which payment i. made, the amount of each bill, the amounts allowed and the claims con tinned or rejected at the July term, isos. of tho eountv court for Wasco SUBSCRIPTION hates. county, Oregon. The following list, by mail (postage TBsrAtD) IN ADVANCE. however, does not contain any claim for forbv law: 3 CO NAME. XATUUK OK CLAIM, Dally, 1 year 6 months per " o 0 Address all communication to "THE CIIKO.N ICLK." The Dalles, Oregon. N G Pownc, M D., examining ' phvBicians inquest ; Jame Weshart, notifying coro ner ' 0 II Rhoadcs, bridge work 1 Farley & Frank, bag for assessor ! Jnhn'Filloon. nlow share ,S n. in. to4 ji. m. ! tv,,.,. T,,i.nn f,f,!iBiinr' nntievs . a. m. ol0. m. , " dulinquent l'iit-Omre. office hours enteral Delivery Window .S n. m. to 7 p. m ioncy unlcr " Sunday i, I) " trains going East 9 p. m. anil 11 :" a. ni. " " West 9 p. ni. and f::w p. m. Stage (or GoUleniiato .7:31 a.m. " ' l'rlnevlllt S:30h. in. " "Hiifiiraiiii Warm Springs .5::n. m. " tl.caving for Lyle A Hartlanil .6:S0 a. m. " " " J Antelope fuSOn. m. Except Sunday. JTri-weoklv. Tueilav Thursday and Saturday. J " 'Monday Wednesday and Friday. THURSDAY, .ITTLY 20. 1S93 A fasting craze has struck religious enthusiasts in Portland. Several have died from lack of nourishment and the Telegram which reached The Dalles this morning tells of A. P. Anderson and wife, an Albina couple, who have just entered upon a forty days' fast, believ ing that they have been commanded to do so. Mrs. Anderson being asked if 1 she had eaten nothing at all sinco she began her fast, replied : "Nothing ex-' cept the body and the blood of the J Savior, which is a morsel of bread and a I tax sales ' Dalles Water Co, water rent May I and June Hugh Logan, M I), medical at tendance paupers Hugh Logan, medical attendance jail ! Mays A Crowe, material for jail i door ! Henry Clough, putting in jail ; door .... 1 Geo A l'hirman,laboron jail door , W II Young. Crandall A Uurget, burying pau pers . Troy Shelley, miscellaneous . . Mnys A Crowe, bridge rod Mos T Peters it Co, lumber for sidewalk Jos T Peters A Co, lumber for road districts F S Gordon, supplies for pauper Maier A Benton, " C E Haight, meals for jurors. . L Korden. lamp wicks, etc. . . I D Francisco, digging grave for pauper Joles . Bros, supplies for paupers Hip of claret wine occasionally. We 1?en c irwin A Co, records . " know that our salvation depends upon i B R Tucker, lumber for roads . our obedience to the word, and there-1 J M Patterson, relief G A R. . . fore suffer not from hunger." Nothing I JfSVXZ' rulief G A R , , . , ,.f . , . J II Blakenev, moving paupers. oat, tn rlrtna fnv rusrt.iln l,L-n tits, tin ,n - 1 Bit ,u uv. vium. ,ut I w i v. j.cvi. .111.7 uiib I VJ let them alone. Opposition would onlv AMT. .10 00 1 50 3 00 J SO 1 00 1 00 0 00 10 00 7 W ', 15 00 42 -1'J 72 ir. 32 00 S 25 10 00 IS 00 7" ' IS 15 10 77 1 20 -15 i 12 53 4 00; 651 4 00 17 00 27 7S 40 00 3G 36 25 10 00 4 00 William Tell Your Kttther that we soil ccpyriout ibsp Like another woman the ono who's used Dr. Viorco's Favorite Prescription. Slio's a stronger and a happier woman and a healthy one. The aches, pains, and weaknesses, that made life miserable are gone1 tho func tional disturbances or irregularities that caused them have been cured. Face and figure show the change, too. Health has restored the charms that rightfully belong to her. For all the weaknesses" and ailments peculiar to womanhood, " Favorite Prescription " is a posi tive remedv. Xo other medicine 1 for women Is yuarantced, as this is, to give satisfaction in every case, or the money is refunded. It's pro prietors are willing to take the risk. 1 What it has done, warrants them 1 in guaranteeing what it will do. It's tho chcujwst medicine you can buy. because it's yuuremteed to i give satisfaction, or your money is returned. You only pay for the good you , s1- I Can you ask moro ? That's the peculiar plan all Dr. Pierce's medicines arc sold on SWEET. ORR & CO.'S Vest Jumpers, . Pantaloon Overalls, Kasyfittlng Pant; i Every garment guaranteed NEVER to rip! X' We are also Headquarters for .... Men's, Boys' and Youth CLOTHING Opposition would strengthen them in their purpose, and argument would be wasted. They will either outgrow their fanaticism or bring up in a lunatic asylum, and there is nothing to be done but await developments. Washington Star: Slowly, but with out in any way damaging the material fact, those who have sharply criticized the character and career of the Emperor of Germany, are forced to admit that he is very much more of a ruler and states man than they supposed he was. From the day when he closed the doors of his palace to Bismarck, there have been prophecies innumerable as to the certainty of imperial defeat whenever the crown should appeal to the people, and for a while, just prior to the recent election, some of their predictions had a reasonable ap pearance. But the prophets are with out honor, and the emperor smiles 40 25 S 00 i 75 60 I 21 40 0 00 I 2 00 10 00 CI.AI.MS CONTINUED KOU TKl'.SI Nickelsen A Luckey, blacksmith- ing for bridges Jos T Peters A Co, lumber .... C F Candiana J P, state cases J F Trang, constable CLAIMS REJECTED. W D Jones witness May, 1S02. Chris Dethman. bridge work . . . Lai Tai, pd for prosecuting at torney .... State of Oregon, ( County of Wasco, t " I, J. 15. Croseen, county clerk, do hereby certify that the above and lore tioinir ii a full and complete statement of the claims presented and action taken j thereon by the county court at the July term, 1S93, thereof, save and except all ' claims, the salary or fees of which are provided for by statute. Witness my" hand and seal of the eountv court, aflised this 14th dav of Julv, 1893. Seal J. B. Ckosskn, By 11. Maktin, County Clerk. Deputy. s? the Dalles AND Prineville Stage Line J. D. PARISH, Prop. Leave The JJiilluMit C a. 111 vrv ila , iiml ur rive at l'riiievllli! In thirty-Mx hours Imi I'rlucvlle nt 5 n. m. every dav, mid arrive at The Dalies in thlrty-tlx hours. Carlies (lie U. S. Mail, Passengers and Express Connect!, nt rrlii""ille with Stares from Eastern and Southern Or-! agon, Northern California and all Interior Points. In every size, style and price. YOUR ATTEUTIOH Ir called to the fact thuj I 4z i 1 J here js a tide in (he ajairs oj mat uhich, taken at iti leads on to fortune " The poet unquestionably had reference to the :H Glenn, Cliiff-flil S3 I.fc Al H;ik Jvr lit;n Illxninliit-. Thonbove words ieiik volume-' kho eunnn: li ,,.-i .. i i - , .,, nim ui mnny iniii!!!i, mil coming inmi one wnn DcruuciV UDOU ft reiCHSiaCr WtllUIl Will Mills hnn nMlfterer fur mult V Vmtrw tin fnfthur tri 'iiio cloe conniption ut The PulleM with it from Portland and Kastern jMilnts support hmi in his military ideas and give him very nearly all he asks for. tribute can be udded: (iENtlkmcn; 1 have been n Millerer irnm ' headache for many years and can cheerfully i recommend KrauseV Heiulache Capsules at be inj: the only preparation that has riven almost instant relief. Have been nslnc them tor about six months and have never yet been disappointed I in them. Yours with reajiect. Witt II. Ktsr, 1 I'ub. Altooim (1'a.j Jlirror. i M. Circular letters have been sent to all government pensioners who are sus pected of having secured their pension ! fraudulently, or who are vet comoetent ! to earn their own living. Absolute laIje Simmons' Liver Regulator to proof is required anew as to the justice! imProve 'he appetite, to strengthen the of their claim and they must be ex- s'8tem, to stimulate the liver, to cleanse amined bv some physician near them. 1 tJlu skin of its yellowness, to remove This course is manifestly right, for it is ,wil6 an(1 PimPlps nd cause new life in 1 iean unquestioned fact that thousands ! tlie hlood. of impecunious beggars, strangers to pride, are receiving pensions who never smelled the powder of battle, and it is equally true that there are many who aeservea pension who have made effort to get one. CMrteoiis drivers. toil aramEOdations along Us road. Fust-Jlass Coacnes and Horses nstd. Express natter nandled with special care. STAGE OFFICES; Dealer in Glash, Lime, Plainer, Cement and Iiuilding Material of all kinds. , Onrrl thn Kltiput I.lnr itT - Picture Mouldinsts; Mtnre & Call m 3f.f Siclml A: Co.'h Htorit, I'rinovillf). I7iiintlllu limine, Die ItnlltiN. I 72 To be found in the City. CUashington Street. at CRANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling these goods out at Rreatly-reduced rti MIC1IKL15ACI1 15HICK, - . UNION ST. Clifllfl STORY, Art Teacher lloom S, Jiettinyen Jluilding, i 111 rive Usoni Mondays and Thimdays of I i-ich week, or oft'iner if desired. Mexican Silver stove polish causes no dust. Go to N. Harris yards for f 1. for fine prints; 20 no W. E. GARRETSON. r II Now that congress is eo soon to meet, I the friends of sound money, without distinction of party, should devote all ' their efforts toward creating a public eentiment which will tolerate no more ' fooling with our financial system.' What is needed is the repeal of the i Sherman act, without u substitution in ' its place of something else nearly as bad in the way of a temporary expedient. The duke of Veragua's father married a descendant of Columbus, but the duke is the son of another wife, the second, and has no claim whatever as a des-) cendant of the discoverer. Kulalie, the ! charming aunt of the baby king of Spain, is much more interesting. mm Jeweler The Dalles Gigar : Factory FIBST STEBET. FACTORY NO. 105. i nuttTTm nii -ifTir 7-nvni RBlHi -m LH A((KN1 Fill: TIIK XA.X4)k3 manufactured, and orderu from all parts of the country filled on the shortcut notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CI I UAH has become firmly eHtahlished, and the demand for the homo manufactured I article i increasing every dav. autsn A CASE IT WILL A. ULRICH & SON. IVISKM AX. 1V.1I. .MAItllKlIH, NOT CUHt. S An nreablo Laxutive r.nil NEUVI. TON IC. ol'l hv Tni(fwtnor teat y mall Ke. 40c . iud $1.00 per paolaiiro. Humpies free IT ( JMfm ,Tho favorite tS3?B FCTTISS fiW HLWfortheTecthundlircath.Ko. For null! Iy NiilpitK & Kln,.rnly. NOTICE. All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. 13K Nki.iiiicI Kt.. Tim lu!lti. Or. ! Americans will have a good opportu imy iu see now sincere . jiuuiiu was alter cong mere is absolutely nothi iiiem. iiiey are in undisputed posfco.-i-sion of the ship. The gold reserve today recovered the Kround it lost Monday and again began Its "cat-in-the-well" climb toward the $100,000,000 mark. Tho rciervo todav amounted to t08,a87,70U, against r'. 67252 yesterday. The strong awakening of general busi ness confidence all over the country is no marked as to leave little doubt that the worst of the "period of depression" is already passed, i . A" V"0" " liorcl.y warned not to pim hun- ti... i.i i lira v o , ; ''"i hhw u- me Kiven , c ' ill. lllflllfin iin Jii.n. 'V, Kiw .. i.i. i .... res meets. ! Mid n.,to wa riveii for ,1 'iK ,!r K to hamper j wafrec'l! :!! M!!? V.Kl. !". !l .""'""': A. WESOLO, Boston Tailor ........ junTieu in ha in note, j will not t..,i more than ?I.Wnd iutereKt the.co ,1,1" ,K exact amount of iny iiidebtwlne to ml'l Tael man, Ualles City, Or.,. Inly 13, jmkj, Hll.l. .'IdAclA Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints, faame uacK, ate. East End Second St. Suits Made to Order from $18.00sxir. Pants from $5.00 up. J'urr!!t Fit (iiiaruntiiiiil. The Snug. W, H. BUTTS, Prop. No. 90 Second Sroet, The Dalles Or. I us well known stand, kept by the . ........ it. M i ... i . i . i Miumi i. ii. mitts, long a resi lient of Wasco comity, has nn extraordi nary fine Htoek of Sheep Herder's Delight and Irish Distorbaoc In fact, all the loading brands of fin N ines, Liquors and Cigars. Give th "Iu man a call and you will come again Lace Curtains, Have your Lace Curtains, Shirts, Col lars and Cuffs laundried "by THE TROY STEAM LAUNDRY, of Portland, Or. Leave your "bundles with Thos. McCoy, No. 110 Second St., before Tuesday noon, and get them on Saturday. J. F. FORD, When $1,000,000 a day are being spent at Chicago for pleasure only, mrd nines wotiiu seem to be complaint. a Hiiperliclal Karl's Clover lioot, liio new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation. 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by BiiIjjcii & Kinersly, druggists. Ask your dealer -fctovo Polish. for Mexican Silver Of He. date of lMM IELT ,... j-aicniai urn InprovcatnU I zMtaorla0iA tmaau, lunifiior. iloiiicii, Iowa, writes iitnlnr ilaroh 'J3, 18'J.t K. H. Mkd. .Mi'd. Co., Dufur, Oregon. 'jentltinen : On arriving home last week, I fill Well anil mi vlnnuli, Ut.,.. little girl, eight and ono-half yearw old, who had wasted away to IJ8 pounds, il ow wen, strong arid vigorous, and woll leshed up. s. li. Cough Cure has done I s work well JJoth of tho children like v. xinir n. li. i;rinrii i:iir.. i...., .. i ..... . " "n uuruu found Our Wiseman & Warders, Saloon aod Wm Kooins Tho Dalles, h raUM.f' H,?(il river" wm! la!'!!. J ,'f,,l"V r""""-" hii.1 Ix'liiK tl u nniVest m ii . Vii i " Miiiiiier roMirt for nil Oieni ii. i' i nter 1, iTu- tl .. ,,Vi , .'i'I'?1- ""I'arallolw. im n inniiiifmi ii'lnir xnl v lll Mi mii. Uw l",rMi' l"'u,'r 1,1 Uh IIiIiib Mn-mi.M anil ' ariiottieil. M lien) c ieai iimtM, nottor "vIk!m thuir Ut.V fa or ( wil .,.,iler,HUrii rleil , ii.nl 7 11 at.VtlmU Jim win linn tills tho plaee to ii a.,. ,i j-irfi:iit lioini. ir n im luK iT" TITIiE PERFECT , W. Ross Wi nans. See me on the erounil address me at Hood $11 "ViTRfinn f.rkii-nr f-nntM&Jfl D.I. SANIEH Vlth tlaetro-MtiBnetle win ,J",t J'aUnurilcrt Im 1MllcurHlthoutir.Mil!iwiii M.. ovrr-uxilioiiof brain nr tortxii, crtllon. as iiervoun .Iz-dilitv f'lf '"1. urn '"VBd" ISSkEr&K3"n I aiitl k.. :. n " '.mn 1 r'?iSXi iimuafw. MUllnt. a II fciuVi. c. ."" IT ""'V iiuurnuili;hB iro n IIKI. ' fcSfr nEPjl"! te3uiHi I ? K y " t0 every one, with greetin Js ' 2 .. ' .'in. a jiwiMi J, f. KOHij. Oregon. Nortli Court HtreetH. m" Eggs for Hatching From thoroughbred ow!n. T.1b-Vi tc- - Ukll.f.VO . Our i-u..7i. Z:V.L" !jr."ie. for tlu, f,,t :. :..V." .nni,niif p,a , AN0EN' ELECTRIO 00.. QUE. Sold under a punitive Kuurnatcv. WcciiU per buttle by nil druWUu. 10 1-ggH L'fl eggs AddreHi: $2.00 !1,00 K. M. HAltHIMAN, hndutBby, Or, D. BUNNELL, PUR Wort, Tin Repairs anfl Hoifli MAINS TAPPED UNDER PRESSURE- Shop on Third Street, next door wet of Young Blacksmith Shop.