n Da 1 1 co V Chronicle i. VI. THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 18913. NO. 29. les Daily Chronicle. btxl Dully, Hunrtiiy Kxcopted, iONlGLE PUBLISHING CO. H. HOIIKNCK, President H.M. HKAM. (,'nniuer. first Rational Bank. VHE DALLES, - OREGON ad unit WaslilnRto'i Streets, Dulles, OrcKon. The Brum irHulin)rlitin by currier ...icoo 50 TIME TAHI.KH. O. 2. At , M. , U. Departs 11:W I'. ' l :!!.' r. UullroBilK KABT IIOUNII :4ft 1 in:, r WKHT iiorjNfi. Ofl a. h, Departs ;j:i a lit tlmt carry passeiiRerK leave tut '.( A M. ,111111 line ir iiiw STAOKS. is, via. Iliiki: Ovuii, leave dally , Mltrhiill) Canyon City, leave Jliieslev. WuiiiIc. Waiilnitbi, Warm TyBli Valley, leave dally (except Juliilo,' Wash., leave every day of the IHimdny at 7 a. m. toll linen at the Umatilla House. FKOFKSJtlONAl. )l)i:i.l-ATTOIlKKYAT-LAW OlllCC Htreet, The Dalles, Oregon. . I'KANK MKNKFKK. Jt MKNKKKK ATTORNKYS - AT- .ooiiih 4'J ami , over rrai K, Kutraneeou wasmuKiou oircci xiii. KIT. ATTORNE Y-AT-LA V. 01 JiTBohiinno'H building, up stairs. The II. 8.IIUKTIN0T0N. H. H. WILSON. STINdTON As W1LBON Attor- M.AW unices, FrUIICll'N DlOCKOVOr I Hank, i lumen. uroRon. NMON ATTOIIHEY-AT-LAW IlOOmS cli A Co.'s bank building, Second FPalleH.OreKuu. H.M AN rtlOUJIOI-ATHICl PHYSICIAN BlidKON.- CullH iiiiHcrcd promptly, .city or country, umce wi. 3ianu uiock. " lu. 1) O A N K l'H YHICIAK AND HOB (IUC. rlHIIIlH 0 1111(1 C CIlHptUHIl udem-o. K. K. corner Court and t. Kill ilmir frnm tin, i.nmt.r. IS to 12 A. M '.! to b and 7 to 8 1. M. Si Dkntirt. Gns given for the l extraction or tuotli. AIho leotn aluminum plate Kooms: HIgnoi Kith.tiecouu Htreci. HOCIKTIKB. NO. 1ft. A. I A A. M.-MeetH Bd third Holiday of each mouth at 7 fcOYAL AUCII (JHAI'TKlt NO. I llasonle Hull the third cdnesday i ut 7 r. 3i. (V'OODMKX OF THE WOULD. I CumpNo.o'J, Meets Tuesdayevon- . in r IlllUI IIIVJ I1JWI, III 4 l, in. texAMAWloiKiK, no. r, i. o. o. k. Meets ) Wfwm JMflny evening ut7:::0o clock, in K. P.iMRt "MTOor Keeoud mid Court streets. IMmmmiiivk are welcome, ,HmbJteo'y 11. A. IllM.H.N. (i. Ill' LOD(K. NO. !).. K. of I'.-Jleeth fondiiv evcmlni? at 7:110 o'clock, in alldlnir. corner of Court and Second DliruiiiR nieiulierH are cordially in W. H. Ckam, lue, K. of It. mid K. C. C. Vi NO, 4S.7, K. OF L. Meets lu K. all thekucoua una lourui wnt i mouth at7::ffl). m. PB CHI'.IBTIAN TEMl'l'ltENCE 3N nil! meet every Friday afternoon ri me reauuiR room. Ail are liiviieu. kIro No. 501, I. O. (i. T. -Ui'RUlar uiectini'H I'ridnv ut 8 1'. M.. u' lull. All aro invited. IAN, 0. T. it. C. Kl.KCK, Se LODGE NO. it. A. O. XT. W. MeetH entity Hall, over Keller.i, n becoud uuy uveningK in 7tau, TAW. K.BKFT , Financier. M. W. BWUITH POST, No. !, (i. A. K.-MeetN itlirdav at 7;:UI v. m . In tlm K' f l hi. aajBB ciMftil V. Mf'ttluiivfirf KiiikIiiv nfln.iiiuiii In k. or r. nun. A Goneral Bunking BtiHlnesH transacted WHpOHllH ri3CUlVU nunj-m Draft or Chock. Collections made and proceeds promptly romittcd on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San urancisco anu i land. VEItEIN McctH everv Hiindm. Ilir III 1 In. K ,11 1' ii l.i lilltllilm, k,. . .... . . iiiimui, at 7:;iu iv M, 'J'HK tilliritVUKH. iiniin, j.uy jiiihh uverv n uniiiiv hi .U 1,111111 ....I i. i '"'"I tilll'Vli Il'llinill1 KUV. 1 I 1). Hllll'llllil l(nnl,.i- n!,r.l...,M nvnl 11 . ....i n.. .. :: a. h Evenliii; I'ruyer on Friday ut A II'MI rt'tt . Mntvti, ni iritiliir cnii' niu iti.xit L?..l.. l liii.ii i hi.. l - . iiiou r-crvii t-H iii hi I,, v.n 'vtiwf i aim 4 nniiir. Miruwi,iu.i,i.ij i i Ht.uHKo.S,,mllaiinuvUed. h ! Zl2& ('III ItHH puv. ., ..,". ..." ri'imiu 'pi .,t . . i . . Hehool ut mi .7 f.;r J : ii- ..,iw . it I' IV ' llli'iitliiir iit'tifw ; . : . mimivt i iiiiriiiiii ill ih exieiuieii .y UitU piiKtor mid people -- IVIMi (I. U . JENKINN. I 1 1 1 1 r. ii i 1 1 I i ... J . . i . i'lMJll UnU JirtV lit i ! W. PA!I ...a UlVUlMl ' ...1 I . .lunuriiu enure I. Muth htroHt. Im-. A. Nior. borvlecH ut 11 ::io a. m. Huiulnv .uv j., in, A cordial we euuie to evurv DIRBCTOKS. D. I'. TitOMI'HON. JNO. K. 8C11KNCK. En. M. "Williams, Gko. A. Likbk. H.M. Bk'ALL. FRENCH & CO. BANKERS. TKANHAOT A OF.NRHALIiANKINti BUSINKSB L!ttor8 of Credit issued available in he Eastern States Sight Exchange and Telegraphic iranslersHoldon isow l orit.unicago, st. Ixtuis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and vanons points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. THE DALLES Rational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President - - -Vice-President, -CaHbier, - - - - Z. F. Moody Chaklks Hilton M. A. Moody General Banking Business Transacted. Sight Exchanges Sold 'on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR. Collections made on favorable terms at all accessible points. W. H. YOUNG, BiacKsmilii & Wagon snop General BlnckBinithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality Third StiMoppiLiBlid'solu Stand, House Moving! Andrew Velarde IS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in ii is line at reasonable figures. Has the largest honso moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181, The Dalles S. L. YOUNG, : : JEWELER : : i WiitoheH and Jewelry repaired to order on tiuori nonce, aim biuiiuuciiou Ruartiiiivuu AT Till! Htore of I. V. MektilNCii, d 8t. The Dalle Chas. Allison, -Dealer lu- Hoadquartors at Ohns. Lauer's, IlavlliR hail a tine harvest of natural ice the ItcHt lu tlie world, 1 inn pieiuuiHl to luruUli In any iiuautlty uud at bottom price. CHAS. ALLISON O. F. STEPHENS, DIJALKK IN Dry Goods Qlothing Uouta, HIioch, IlntM, Kte. Fancy (Jood0, fikion, Kto.i KtVt, Kto Second St., The Dalles. N0V1 what a comfort it is to havo ready at hand a remedy 'that never fails to relievo Constipation, and that, without pain or discomfort; and almost immediately cures head aches, and dispels every symptom of Dyspepsia. Such a remedy is found in Simmons Liver Regu lator not a sweetened compound to nauseate, or an intoxicating beverage to cultivate an alcoholic appetite, but a medicine pleasant to the taste, and perfectly harmless when given to the smallest child. S. L. R. never disappoints. It possesses the virtues ana perfec tions of a reliable remedy of the kind endorsed by eminent physicians. "It affords nio pleasure to add my testi mony to those yon recelvo nnnually In referenco to your valuable medicine. I consider Simmons ldvcr Regulator the Lest J'arnlly medlclno on tho market. I nuve prescribed it with excellent results." W K. I'akk, M. D., Tracy City, Tenn. "Tie Reffulator Line" Tie Dales, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUG-H Fieiglt ana Passenger Line ThroUKh daily service (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port land. Steamer Regulator leaves The Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade Louks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock) at 6 a. in. con necting with Bteamer Regulator for The Dalles. l'AHHKNUKll IIAT1IH. Ouo way Round trip.. .$2.00 . D.OO Tickets on sale for Loner Beach. Ocean Park, Tioga . and llwaco. Baggage checked through. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shinnieiits for Portland received at. any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before o I. in. Live stock shipments solicted. On 1 1 on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent. B. F. LAUGHLIN, Ueueritl Manager. THE DALLES, OREGON fresh Paint! W. 0. OiuiKliT hereby sends His compliments to every friend And enemy if ho hut, liny l)u they few or bo they uiuuy. Tho time for pafntiiiK now lias come, Ami every one dcMies a homo That looks fresh and clean uud now, As none but a Rood painter can do. PalutlliR, pnpeiiuRiiud glazing, too, Will make your old house look quite new. Ho will lake your work either way, lly the Job or by the day, If you hnvo wmk rIvo him u call, He'll tako your orders, lingo or smull. Respectfully, W. C. GILBERT, P. 0. Uox No. 3, TUJj DALLES, OH. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. Tl;is old, popular and reliable house has boon entirely refurnished, and every room has boon repapoied and ropnintoi and newly carpeted throughout. The house contains 170 rooms anil is Hupnlloo with every modern convenience. Rates roitpoiiahlo, A cood restaurant attachec to the house. Fror bus to and from nil trains. C. W. KNOWLES, Prop. iD TO A CRISI The Horrible Death of an Electrical Engineer IN CONTACT WITH A LIVE WIRE Five Female Convicts Escape From a Georgia Prison-Arc Being Tracked by Dogs. Omaha, July 19. Charles Eckman was killed at the electric street railway power-house today. He was working on a boiler that generates the steam and runs the dynamos. As the only open ing in the boiler is the email manhole at the end, it is necessary to use artificial light in making repairs on the inside. This was furnished by an incandescent lamp at the end of several yards of slack wire which was supposed to be thoroughly insulated. As Eckman was crawling inside of the boiler, his as sistant heard him scream. On running around to the opening, he found Eck man lying in the manhole with his head and shoulders inside the boiler and his legs outside. He was dead, and there was a strong smell of burning flesh, several men attempted to extricate the body, but received shocks. The body was burned to a criep by the time the machinery was stopped. Five Female Convicts Kscape. Atlanta, Ga., July 19. Five female convicts have escaped from Madmox prison in the last week, and the rest of the sixty prisoners there are demoral ized. The camp is situated in Talbot county near the Savannah river. All the female convicts are sent to this place. Two of the women ran away while working in the fields. One of them had been serving a life sentence for murder. They were tracked by dogs to the river, where all trace of them was lost. The three other women escaped by prying up some boards in the floor. One of these convicts was an 18-year-old colored girl, sentenced to life im prisonment. Those women were also tracked by dogs as far as the river. All those who escaped have worked at poling flatboats on the river, and it is thought that friends outside of the camp must have aided them by secur ing them boats which the women could easily navigate. The Wreck of the Kmlly. Maiisufield, Or., July IS. The in tense excitement occasioned here yes terday morning has abated in a meas ure, though there is a profound feeling of sympathy for Mrs. Robertson, who lost her husband. A constant patrol has been kept along the beach in hopes that the body might drift ashore. Con siderable blame is laid on Captain Lucas for trying to cross the bar at such a low state of tide. The Emily i3 a total loss and scarcely had tho passengers and crew been taken oil' before she began to break up. Captain Lucas was the last man to leave (he wreck, and when he left the sea was rolling mountains high, and every one was carrying her nearer shore. This afternoon another und larger portion of the wreck was towed up to North Bend. It is tho under sec tion of tho hull, and is bottom up. Tho keel, which can bo plainly seen, is badly sagged, and Chief Engineer Mitchell, of the Emilv, ib of the opinion that her engines are hanging to the wreckage. Himol CoiiiK Into Training. New Yokk. July 1!). Mr. Robert Bonner, owner of the great trotter Sutiol, said yeaterdav in an interview: "I think it is more than probable that Sunol will go into Marvin's hands to bo trained and the-i given a fast mile. You know what a new thing tho bicycle sulky is, und us every one 1 havo talked with savfl that it is at least six seconds fustor than the old-fashioned one, I think 1 am justified in looking for some fust time. I havo three sets of ball bearing, rubber-tired wheels. One set is 18 indies In diameter. Tho set I like best is L'8 inches, and tho other set is 21 inches in diameter. As there will surely bo irroiit Improvements in them 1 am going to wait before buying any others. Sunol today is as sound as ever and nor feet aro perfect. My track at tho homo is a very lino one and slio will there bo put. in condition lor last worK," Yellow 1'inur Aboard. Lkwi. Del.. July 19. Tho American bark Alice Reed, from Cienfuegos, with BUL'ar for orders, arived at Dolawaro breakwater lust night. Both mates had thu yellow fovcr on passage. Ono died and wiw bin led at rea, Tho vessel has boon ijunrantinod and will bo fumigated. MARKET REPORT. Tiiuhsday, July UO. Tho general con ditions governing trade have not changed materially other than some what of an easier tone prevailing. Job bing transactions aro less frequent, but retail continues fair to good, and prices continue steady in all lines. There has been moro activity in harvesting ma chinery during tho past week than in tho former. In produce, tho market is steady. Eggs continuo to be in better demand, but prices have not advanced. Fresh roll butter is not as plentiful, nnd theInquiry is better, with a tendency to advance a shade over former quotations. Tho poultry maWtet has not changed ; the offerings are more frequent and the demand is easily met. Potatoes are lower and the market is well stocked. All other kinds of vegeta bles are in good supply and the custom ary market prices prevail. Green corn is on sale at 23 cents per dozen. Cab bage and squashes are in market and prices nominal. Fruit is plentiful and of excellent quality. Peaches find a ready sale at 90 cents per box, and apples at $1.25 per box. The small fruits are nearly all gone, and prices of such are nominal. The meat market is quiet. Beef cat tle quotations are steady, as is also mut ton. The supply is fully, adequate for the demand. The cereal question is still unsettled. Foreign and domestic markets are dull and lifeless at present. It is difficult to conjecture what there is in the future from the hazy appearance of the finan cial conditions and the unsettled mone tary questions that aro before the peo ple. Should the vexed silver agitation be settled satisfactorily, markets un doubtedly will improve. As it is, the future cannot be relied on as promising anything remunerative for products. The wool market continues featureless and dull. Eastern reports, together with those from Boston of last week indicated a slight tendency for a better feeling ahead, although former quotations are adhered to. The receipt of foreign wools in eastern markets are limited and the preference for domestic fleece is in the ascendancy. The following will give an idea of the condition of stock on hand in Boston on the 14th inst. und the quotation : The total receipts of wool at this port during the past week comprise 23,292 bags und bales domestic and 434 bales foreign, against 30,715 bags and bales domestic, 5,091 bales foreign for the same time last year. The total receipts since January 1st, 1S93, comprise 207, 850 bags and bales domestic and 114,5:io bales foreign, against ;i02,31ti bags and bales domestic and 111,910 bales of for eign for the same time in 1S92. Tne sales for tho week comprise 1, 710,000 pounds of domestic lleeco and pulled, and 172,000 pounds foreign, making tho week's transactions foot up 1,888,000 pounds, against 1,023,000 pounds for thu previous week, and 4, 800,500 pounds domestic and 710,000 pounds foreign for tho corresponding week last week. California wools Spr Northern, 10(ff 18c; middle co spr. 13(3i5; Southern defective, 1012c; freo north fall, 14(? 10c; south do, I0f? 12c; defective, Sr?10c. Oregon wools Eastern, fair, i0(?14e: choice, ICOlOc; valley, nom, 1820c. Australian wools, scoured basis Combing, super, 70(T72c; do good, 070 70c; do average, 03G' 07c; clothing, OOqi 05c; crossbred, fine, nom. J. S. Cooper, commission salesman of horses, Union stock yards, says: "There- is no special feature in tho mar ket this week. The shippers are not anxious to ship hones during tho dull months of tho year, and while there is a fair enlo for good smooth horses from 1,050 to 1,200 lbs, the supply ih sulll cient to till the present demand." Ituol. Itii's Arnii'ii Sulti. The bosc salve in the world for ciUb, bruises, sores, ulcern, salt rheum, fever soies, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes fc Kin orsly. tv nut ml. A girl to do grtiieral housework. Good wages. Apply at this oillco, tf An Improbable Story. A Washington dispatch says: "E. L. Coldwell, of Portland, while in Wash ington told an experience ho had while passing through Canada. Ho went to a bank and presented a silver certificate of $20. Tho cashier held a consultation with the president, and came back and told him they did not want to accept that money anyway, but owing to tho possibility of the United States going to a gold basis and a fall in silver they would take it at a 40 per cent, discount. Mr. Coldwell fished up a different kind of a bill and exchanged it for gold so that he could travel around. He said that it made him feel a little ashamed to think that money bearing the Etanip of the United States was asked to be discounted in times of pro found peace by common Canadians." Now this is a very pretty story, one of the kind for which Jerry Coldwell has become somewhat famous. It is prob able that Jerry had presented his note to the bank in place of a silver certifi cate by mistake, and owing to the un settled condition of affairs the bank thought it was safe on a forty per cent discount. Secretary Gresham for President. New Yokk, July 19. General Joseph T. Torrence, of Chicago, a personal friend of Secretary Gresham, said yes terday at the Holland house that al though a republican he voted for Cleve land last fall. "But," he said, "I shall vote for Walter Q. Gresham for presi dent in 1890. In my judgment he will be nominated bv the democrats then. Do you suppose he would have resigned a life judgeship simply to be secretary of state? Well, I guess not. It is gen erally understood among his friends, and I am one of them, that he is to be a presidential candidate three years hence. I do not believe Mr. Cleveland will be a candidate for a third term. I tell vou that if Gresham is nominated he will sweep the country liko a whirlwind. It will need no campaign to elect him. Tho people will be for him. They have confidence in his integrity and admire him for his statesmanship. The next president of the United States will be Walter Q. Gresham, of Illinois." They poulticed her feet and poulticed her head. And blistered her back till 'twas smartiii: and red, Tiled tonics, elixirs, tmin-killers and salves. (Though Kraudma declared It was nothing but "narves.") Tho poor woman thought sbe must certainly die, i in "rtivonie rreeripnon suo nappeueu 10 trv. No w under its praises so loudly they speak; She p;rew hitler at once, und was well in a week. The torturing pains and distressing nervousness wlncu ncccompany, at times, certain forms of female weakness, yield liko magic to Dr. Pierco's Favorite Prescription. It is purely vegetable, perfectly harmless, and adapted to the delicate organization of woman. It al lays and subdues the nervous symptoms and relieves the pain accompanying functional and organic troubles. Guar antee printed on bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. To Succeed Justice lllntchforil. Washington, July IS. It is learned from inside sources that Attorney General Olney will bo appointed to tho supreme bench, to succeed the lato Jus tice Blntchford. A Million Friends. A friend in need is a friend indeed and not less than one million people havo found just such a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds. If you have never used this Great Cough Medicine, ono trial will convince you tlmt it haH wonderful curative powers in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that Is claimed or money will bo refunded. Trial bottles free at" Snipes & Kinorsly's drug storo. Largo bottles 50c and $1.00. Eldor S. S. Heaver, of MeAllisterville, Juniutta Co., I'a,, says his wifo is subject to cramp in the stomach. Last summer she tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhu'iv Remedy for it, and was much pleased with tho speedy relief it aH'oriled. She has since used it when ever neeessnrv and found that it never fails. For saio by Hlakeley & Houghton, Druggists. Shiloli'a cure, tho Great Cough and roup Cure, is for salu by Hnipes it Kin ersly. Pocket siu contains twenty-live doses, only 25c, Children love it. Fold by Snipos & Klnoraly. Highest of all in Leavening rower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Got your bathing pants from S, Harris. Si N. W 1 A ABSOUilTEIY PURE