The Dalles Daily Chronicle. H. C. NIELSKN, Til K DAIilitlS (KK(H)N i I Twolv Men Urinvncd., .Inly IS Tin- irtmcati's ii Imvit fioitn Iiit. claimed twelve more viutiins today. For some time past op orations have heon carried on with the object of tukins out of tho river rooks that havo jjiven tho name of Iron Gutes to tliis part of tho river. Twelve work mon, who were in a small bout, wore caupht in tho enrrunt, which rune with great violence at this" point, and dashed against a dredger moored in the stream. The boat waf smashed and the men thrown into tho river. Thev were carried down tho stream by the rushing watera before any assistance could be given them and every man of the party drowned. Last fall I wab taken with a kind of summer complaint, accompanied with n wonderful diarrhoea. Soon after my wife's sister, who lives with us, was taken in thosame way. Wousedalmostevery thing without "beneilt. Then I said, let us try Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhiea liemedy, which we did, and that cured us right away. I think much of it, as it did for me what it was recom mended to do. .lohn Ilertzler, Bethel, Berks Co., Pa. 2" and 50 cent bottles for sale by Blnkeley & Houghton. Drug gists. Will Urge lt I'romiu liciiuiil. New Yor.K, July IS. At a special meeting of the board ol directors of the Maritime Exchange today it was unan imously agreed tourge the prompt re peal of the silver purchase clause in the Sherman act. "My little hoy was very bad oft for two mouths with diarrhoja. M'e used var ious medicines, also called in two doc tors, but nothing done him any good un til we used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemed, which gave im mediate relief and soon cured him. I consider it the b?tt medicine made and can conscientiously recommend it to ail who need a diarrhiea or colic medicine. J. E. Hare, Trenton, Tex. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Ulakeley it Houghton, druggists. ltenl Kstati;. Clothier an Tailor. ,l)ivididl the lnnesjTT.inooLlf'r CxefSg vmmm Goods, V.6f .. J 7r,V..r ,' ffr v jf. ) llllKS aIll I cik.'u, i COU. SKCOiVP AJfP WAINO. TEH': 1)A1,LKS, OH. HORSES HORSES - .Comer Jlarn, VXTOX STOCK YAH PS, Chicayo, Jilt. The largest and only strictly commission dealer in horses in tho world, will'hold his 4th extensive sale of west ern branded horses for season 1893, on WBDITESDAY, iTTTZLfST 19. Entries should be made at once. HORSES HORSES J. O. MACK, FE WfflE? and LIQUOR DOMESTIC And KEY WEST CIGARS. THE CELEBRATED PABST BEER. N FRENCH'S BLOCK. 171 SECOND STItEET, THE DALLES, OK. THE EUROPEAN HOUSE The Corrugated llulhllnr; next Door to Oiiurt Hnmu. Chas. Payette and wife to Nicholas Marx, 61 acres in section S, township 3 eolith, range"14 east ; $2,500. MARRIAGE MAXIMS. . JsEVr.'-: hoth be angry at the same 'time, v.-- Nkvtu talk at one another, either aloue or in company. Lkt each one strive to yield of tenest to the wishes of the other. Nevet: find fault, unless it is perfect ly certain that a fault has been com mitted, and always speak lovingly. 2?kveu let any fault you have com mitted go by until you have frankly confessed it and asked forgiveness. 'illrtE very nearest approach to domes tic liappiness on earth is in the cultiva tion on both sides of absolute unselfishness. Elder S. S. Dearer, of McAllisterville, Juniatta Co., Pa., says hie wife is subject to crump in the stomach. Last summer she tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy for it, and was much pleased with the speedy relief it afforded. She has since used it when ever necessary and found that it nerer fails. For sale by Blakeler & Houghton, Druggists. Mexican Silver store polish causes no dust, Notice. All city warrants registered prior to July L'd, 1S91, will bo paid on presonta f )ii of the same at my office. Interest ceases after this date." 1. 1. Huiiokt, Treasurer. The Dalles, Or., July 5th, IS!)!!. Get your bathing payts from S. & N. H.irris. WOOD, WOOD, WOOD. Dost grades of oak, fir, and Blab cord wood, at lowest market rates nt Jos. T. Peters & Co. (Office Second and Jeffer nou streets. ) l'.OO.UK TO IlKNT. Furnished rooms to rent. Apply ut tiie residence of Mrs. C. N. Thornbury, Second stieet, The Dalles, Or. tt Ouott .loll I'rliitlllK. If you havo your job printing done at '1'r.v. CiiKoxicu: you will hare the ad vuiitago of having it clone with the moat modern and approved type, with which e keep continually supplied. All jobs under the direct supervision of one of tho most, successful and artistic printers in tho Northwest. Handsomely FiMiisM Rooms to Rent by the Day, WceK or Mouth. Meals Prepared by a First Class English Cook. TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Good Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. 3MCE-LS. DHI. FB.ASSR, Proprietor. Wasco County, Oregon, The Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated at the head of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, pros perous city. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agricultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as far south us Suiumw Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. The Largest Wool Market. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of tho Ca cades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, tho wool from which finds market here. The Dalles is tho largest original wool shipping point in America, alxjut 5,000,000 pounds Iwing shipped lust year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are tho finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of thousands of dollars, which will ho more than doubled in the near future. The products of the lx-nutiful Klickitat valley find market here, and the country south and east lias this year filled tho warehouses, and al! available storage places to overflowing with their products. ITS WEALTH. It is the richest city of its size on tho coast and its money is scattered over and is lwing used to develop more fanning country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed. Its climate delightful. Its pos sibilities incalculable. Its resources unlimited. And on these :oruer stones she stands. I'ur Hunt. Itonmn to rent at Iter. A. Horn's resi dence on Ninth street. 0-L'3daw. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. N HAS A TAMILY OP V-V 2000 HEADERS. 'j-iioy read The Chronicle to mt dm into,. ,.,i jnM idlaMe i (.,. And tlitry rend uvwy lino thef is In the -.ape. That I what makes the Chronicle iin invnlmihlit utlvcrtl iiif; medium. Tim newsier thut rocs to tho family nruihloi fa tho one (0) that tho advertisers ut today jxitr.mio when they ileilre to uiich the cok'. When they want your trade tl.Hrminoiinceniciifa ho fauna In thojiapcr. Ixjok over our column mid ohiervo (ho vtrlfica Urn of the truth of ti.fa insertion. Jieinunhvr, h u jiii jiiiiiuyoi two thousand I fa worth lining for through thtto voiumiis, I'spciuiiy m nt our very 11 M DC JJJJUU Daily and Weekly Editions. THE CHRONICLE was established for. the ex press purpose of faitli fully representing The Dalles and the surrounding country, and the satisfying effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It now loads all other publications in Wasco, Sher man, Gilliam, a large part of Orook, Morrow and Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and otlior re gions north of The Dalles, honce it is tho best medium for advertisers in the Inland Empire. The Daily Chuonkjlk is published every eve ning in the week Sundays excepted at 0.00 per annum. The Weekly Cjihomolh on Fridays of each week at $1.50 per annum. For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., McCLURE'S MAGAZ I N E to Everyone Subscribing-for The Dalles Daily Chronicle for 12 Months at 60 Cents a month. OR 5 Ueekly ?l?ro9ieI AT $2.21 PER ANNUM. g- "mmm.nts..', .1. nohlMu-rs r on, o( U,- In- Mm,"!..- n.W imhllshod v lire I'liiililed to nmko n m-.t oM'i'ptlmml oh' I" McCLURE'S MAGAZINE ..II 1 .. I.. everyone wlwnihout the followInK - . and M-ndln,: It I.. ..v tl.-n-Lv sui-htummi, ... The Dalles Daily Chronicle 12 MONTHS AT 60 CENTS A MONTH. CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT TO US. IF3iniimBKUMimi3 U -I. IT 7 l1lltflf1I IS The Dalles, Or.: 'n mill nlriv sioil.l 1 In nu i a.ddrass the DAIL Y N . l I' '"" 1 "l ..... .. ... - ClI UO.'iYI C IC for I mon th s from, dale, or wh i oh S I agree lo piuj (10 vis. a month, it belli g tuiderstood thai ioit are'fo hare sen lo mij address for .7 year, with hat extra okanje, MeCL I Ut 'J S MAGAZINE, commencing with the car rent namuer. Xante, to CM r o o Judicious This Is the Season Of the Yea Olhen Advertising I .'Dale. Address ' CALL AT OUR OFFICE nml si'O the I'litertaluins '"id llnely Illustrated McCLURFS MAGAZINE, 9 It I l Pays. p I Moil I which Im.s nmonj,' lt coiitrllmtorh the most famoin ir.ithnis In niiL'h writers us the follnwlnc II. L. Stevonsfon, Iviulyanl Kijiliii;, A. Coiuui Doylu, Octave Tlitiiiot, Williiun Doiin IFowulls, Hrot Ilurto, Chirk HiiHsell, Joel Chandler Ilurriw, Tliointis Ilnrdv, J. T. Trowbridge, .leioiui! Ii. .leroiiK!. rnuiei'P HodfjHon I'.urnott, Tlieodoro IttioHvvult, Joaquin Miller, Oilhort I'nrkur. John I'liirrouliK, Anierleii mid Hlighmd, llieludini: lluniliii (iiirhind, 1'rof. K. S. ilolden, Prof. C. A. YmuiK, II. II. lloyenen, lloliutt Miirr, Henry M. Stuiiley, Archibald Furlit'H, Andrew I.uiik, iiruh Ome .lewett. Dr. .1. S. llilliii(.'s, W. H. Henley." Cii)it. Clnirlcs Kiiij:. A liinuiK) Diuulet, Cuinilc i'huuuiurion, Kdwurd Everett Ilule, Prof, (irahuiii Hull. Mrs. Koht. Louie; Stuvenifon.C'ainile Fhuiunarioii, F. Clarion Crawford, l.illie Chase Wynmn, larKiuet IJeland, Harriet Preneott Spoilord, Herbert I). Ward, Ktlward Everett Hale, Elizabeth tjtuurt Phelpa, Louiae Chandler Motilton, Kiieh number o( McCLUFlE'S MAGAZINE rontnllih two hunilsomel) Illustrated lnter lew wiiu Hueu uininus ieopit' us Jules Verne, Archdeacon Farrar, Frani'tH HoduKun ltitrnott, ThoiiniH A. Edision, Tisnandier, tlit! famouH F. PiopkiiiHon Smith, French Halloonist, II. II. Hoyeson, mill ninny others, have furnished nmteriiil for esiieclillly jirenured Intervluw.s which will iii.'ur (ally illustrated in thin iuurhzIiic. Kuch number contains two or three .sliort stories by famouH nutliors. I'ully Illustrated Htoried will niioar in early by ThoiiniH Hardy, William Dean HowellH, K. L. Stevenwon, Hudyard Kipling, Ilret Harte, Sarah Orne Jewett, Joel 'Chandler Harrit", Harriet Prei-Tott Spoll'ord, Octave Tliunet, Conan Doyle, Francen Ho(1khoii llurnett, Stanley J. Weynian. WliNKY fvl. STANUliY will contribute, e?iK.clally for youut; reader, 11 thrllllugl)' Intcre.stliiK htoryof African Adventure SATl'RAI. HIHTOKV AND A DVENTl'IiE. There will W pvcral artlclei written by Hnymond niothujayt, who has been eitlled bv Mr. V. T. Htead the best Interviewer in lhiKlaud, from material (lirnHlied him by ,arl lloganbaok, ot Ham burg, thuKroat animal lmiKirler anil trainer. The?e articles deal with The Capttne of Wild HeastH. The TranHporlation of Wild HeiiHtH. Tho Training of Wild Jieuntb. The Adventureri and Etioapci; of Karl Haenbeck. The series will r,e lllmtratc-d by uu KiiKliih artUt of nekuouledKCd skill in drawing v. lld unliiiiiln. .foil?.- lluiiuouniis, C I-., ))n. C. C. Aiiikitt, ami other writer lamou for their work in this Held, will contribute to the iiiiiKiultic. Of Interest to both Yount; and Old will be PJiOF. 11. L. GARNER'S AFRICAN EXPEDITION TO TIIE GORILLAS. ArraiiKemeiit.s have been made, In connection with a lending IIiikIInIi review, to luibllsh 1'rol. GarniT K letterMle.erlitiveof his jirescnt exixilltlon to Africa, 1'rof. (iarner Is noted the world over (or tin' curious and InterestiiiK InvestlKatloii.s ho Ii making in the, Niiewdi of monkcyx. He -'ill.-l for Africa last N;ilemhcr for the Mike of further inir.illiui.' hlh Htudles hi the native haiiiiU of the gorilla. The llluatratlou.s for these urtiide.s will be from pliotocraidiN tiiken by 1'rof. (lamer. The inuxuliio also contiilus mini liitere.itlnc urtlclvM under the followiiiK coiiiirehemdvii headM ' " Tim Edu-e of tho Future." " KnowIedKe of Immediate Value." " Newest Knowledge." " The Present Hour." " Stranger than Fiction," etc. We areolleriiiK tills Hpleuilld iniiKiilue with the Daily ClinoHici.r for only 7.'J0 a ear, iiaynblc In advance or in monthly Installments u desired. Wo make this cvceiitlonal oiler in order that we niav ecciirc n hire niimlxir of ncn hiibscrlbcrx, but all who arc already nub'crlbers limy avail tlieniselvci, of this opportunity to ceciiru thin L'reut inat;:LIne. nil up the blank and end it In, to THE DAILY CHRONICLE, The Dalles, Or. PRJNZ & ISTrSCIIJU - VI VI.I.UH Iti Furniture and Carpels; We have added to out diihuicmi! somplete Undertadin,' Establishnicnt, and us wo are in no way oonnectcd with i the Undertakers' Trust, our prices trill I be low aecoriinirly. From TERffllHRli or INTERIOR Polnh- TIU'- NDieiiFa RHILROHD 13 In the line to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SDL It Im the DIuliiR Cur ltmite. It ruiiH Thrast y. N'eHtllmled T rains every day In the ytmrto 3r j3l paul and tJtiicagtp THE CELEBRATED COLUMBIA BREWERY, AUGUST BUCHLER, Prop'r. This well-known Ilruwerv is now turnin out the heat. Iti-er nml Pnnui east of the Cascades. The latest appliances for lliu mauufacturo of ood liculth ful Jk'er have boon introduced, and only the first-oluHH article will be pluced on the market. NO CHANOK Of CAI18.1 Ciuimon'il of lllnlnr- Cits llllHIirimilKtKl. I'llllV man DrawliiK UixnuKleoKirsof latoatequlpmeiil;y PI I.'I.'IIIVI! fi aiiLfi inu ui llext that can bo coiiHtructHl, anil 111 wtild; itccinuuiodatloiiH urn both Free and I'lirnliMi for liohluraof l-'lrxt andecouil chis.i Tlckuti,IiWfl mum UAY MAIM A continuous line, couuectliii; with all Ii iifl'ordltiK direct and iiiiiutorriiited service J'llllmali HksiiHjr reM.'rvatloiiB call be ccil!d in luivuiico inroiiKn any iikciii ol inn road, PAUL KREFT & CO., -DKALKItS rN- PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS And tho Most Complete and the Latest Patterns and Designs in Tiinmimi rinurrn i'., hum (mm d! innUUUn llUCId point la AuiertaFS blUKVL iiiu:v 111 tiiu Loiiipiiuy I'lill liiforiuiitlnii conccruliiK rati, ttae ifaB trains', touted and other detnllN furnlBhcil cil nppiicaiiou lo Af?oiit 1). 1'. it A. Nav. Co., ItiKllhitiir olUce,tw3 Wi III 1 A. 11. C!llAlllrOH, Ann t. (loncral I'luthuiiKer Aet., I'orthunl. JPj CANDY, T A HTirv CANDY HUUA WATER AND ICE OREAJ ih.f&. um ii 1 ttv H",1 1 "Per niiKorH. Nono hut the heHt hraudii of t)i k . ui w n-W 1 laiua and .1. W. MuHiiry'H 1'aintH uh1 in all ,,r work, and nom but the nioHt Hkil ed wotkiuon employed. AieutH for M.iKt.ry Liquid I'al No ord "11XtUrU A rHt "tfiao ii all color.. All Poiut Eliot) oornor Tliinlund WasliiiiKton 8ta., Tho DalleH. 0rerou QoSiimbia THE DALLES, OREGON. This Popular House line lately been thoroughly renovated ami nowly ftirniHlied tlirouliout, and id now hotter than over jiriijiaied to furuiHh tho bewt Iloti'l (iccoiiiniodatluiiH of any Iiouho hi the oily, and at tho very low rate of 1 a day. First-Class Meals, 25c. Onico of tho fimt and commodlouii oppoHltioti Btaice t l)iifur, KhiKHh.y, TvkIi Valloy, Wuplnllln, Witnii 8priiij,H ami IVliiKvilUi in In tho llotul uiid porHoitH uutnu' l I'rinovillo ean huvo l.Ofl hv ffuinu on thin ritituo lino. All trains stop here. Candies and Nuts ".n",:;;;';;: w&Speeialiii! Flnout Pcianut Roaator In Tho DtM 238 2d Strout i r-i At rlKhtl J Kill I. II Mr. U ri'N 'tuurw1 JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor! 76 Count Stfaat, Next door to Waeoo Buii OlBoo. IIbh JtiHt received a line lino of Harol for Hprinir and Hiiiiiiner Biiitiiurt. Come and See tbe New Fail Cleaning and Repoil to order. KutlHfuetlou j'tmraiili'C11' photographC FlrHt nroinhiiii nt tho VtW'O cottfl ulr lor boat porttftltH und vluwBi